THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST i . - . M 1 vTTnsnisni tor Clotai s r. . VntU apt. 1 Except 10 r. K. atnr- day Oreat U Woman' Waists at 69o. Worth 1 aad 91.60 D E 0 D TAXmIm QV11TSUT STTXB BOOK of Ladles' t Roma JTonnaal ratteraa. Jan in today. . Too I need it. Trio BOo and a pattern fro. J 10 11, 1010. 1 ;h KMisM ill ti I i V f rr 1 1 hi . ICO J Fine Sample Strips of Laces, Galloons and Beadings These Are the Manufacturer's Trial Strips in the Advanced Styles for the New Season Bought at a Dig Bargain from a New York Importer. An immense assortment of the very finest laces and insertions, bands, appliques, net tops, Orientals, Bilk Point Llerre, filet, baby Irish edges and insertions, black and cream silk laces from one to twelve Inches wide white, cream and ecru the most exquisite patterns and rich quality on large bargain square, Main floor positively worth up to $1 yard Pieces 2i to b yards long, at ill mmn Yard ill Included in this big bargain are many beautiful embroidered galloons, bands and braidings, fine English eyelet and Grecian effects 1Vl worth up to $1 yard, at yard ..I2' All the 27-in. Finest Dress Silks AQr FKOJl THE TEFFT-WELLER STOCK " Two and three-tone Herringbone and satin stripes, 27-inch satin -directoire, 27-inch Cashmere de Soie, 27-inch Jac quard dress silks, 36-inch and 27-inch silks and yard wido natural and colored Lyon's dure dress shan tung, worth $1 to $1.50 yard two large bar gain squares yard. .'. . 49c SUN BONNETS at 9c Women's, Misses' and Children's These Sunbonnets are in all sizes, white and colors many are embroidered and ruffle trimmed. They go on sale Thursday,, on our Main floor and base ment actually worth up to 25c each at. . . . . . . . 9c Specials ia Women's Summer Wear . FROM THE TEIFT'WEULER STUCK House Dresses Neatly made of good quality wash able materials, worth $2 Second floor. ......... .Slightly Mussed Silk, Lace and Net Waists Worths HQ $5 to $7r-Second floor . left! 200 Wpmen's and Misses' Wash Dresses Figured ging , hams, chambrays and lawns a few lingeries in- $ft QO cludedT-.worth up to $7 at fletJO . NOTIbE Greatest Wash Dress and Shirt Waist sale of the season next Saturday. See windows. 1 98 c so BRANDEIS STORES I S H B H M n d New York Dry Goods Exchange Stock KID GLOVES IM&rtfciE Thursday morning 100 dosen Tine - real kid and . French lamb, skin Gloves In two-dasp and twelve-button lengths will be put on sale. Goods are all perfect and imported to retail up to ff fTS $1.76 a pair. We have black, white and all best (W (i M colors. We advise buying liberally for fall for our, , . m t price Thursday Is but VJ W 25c Madras from Dry Goods Ex- change; Thursday Bargain Special Every piece Is light In color, white ground with dainty stripes In col ors. Fine fabrics for house dresses, children's wear, or for men's shirts. Absolutely fast, fadeless colors and soft In finish. A full yard wide. It's 26c quality, fifty pat terns to snow you, ball price G I2c b The y i 4 August Salo of Corsots $1.50 Models 89c NEW LONG HIP MODELS: - Extra special for Thursday. New Long Corsets , at 88c. These models represent some of the best styles In our pop ular corset department, and conform to the newest style ef fects. They are made of summer weight batiste, boned with steel, low bust effect, extra long over the back and hips, prettily trimmed with lace and ribbon beading. Strong garters attached.. A garment you would expect to find In $1.60 grades; Thursday, for 89 Another Day for Comfort Slippers The easiest shoe a woman ever wore; a 1 i A.1 1 ..Li X A . a. m $1.75 to $2.25 values, on sale, at. . . . , .Kjr This is an exceptional offer. The Jennings Shoe-Co, of Haverhill, Mass., took the loss on a thousand pairs. Now you gain by it. No footwear ever devised gives the supreme comfort you'll find in these. They are soft, flexible, plain toe slippers with rubber heels, one and tyro strap sandals, etc., about 20 different kinds. The ideal shoe for home wear. Try a pair, at $1.10 Barefoot Sandals, sizes 6 to 8, every pair 75c value Misses' Ankle Strap Pumps, tan only, new summer styles, that were $2.60, at, pair . . Women's. Oxfords, tan and black, $2.60 lines, an August clean up bringing remarkable savings, sizes 2, 2V4. 3, 3tt and 4, widths, D and E, at, pair .1. OS Mil mwiiiimwiif n v"-MM This Week the L&st Only Three IVIore Days We have .been having a big Oxford sale, so big, in tact, af ter Saturday . night it will be all. over. We have decided to continue until Saturday night on the deep cut , we made on $3.60 and $4.00 broken lots of men's oxfords, tans and blacks, at HOTELS. a I I W-i .,1., , I.. , 1,11.. , I 35c Pumps, summer 98c in and s, an ringing , sizes 98c Big Close Out Bar gains in Hardware 60c Sleeve Irons, reduced to 89o 20c Wire Carpet Beaters, now To $1.00 Heavy Wood Axes, good grade SSo Any Window Screen, wood or ateel, SBo Screen Doors, any alee, painted 7So Im't Oak Screen Doorsvny size .. ..98o 76c Brans Ring Sprinklers, now ....390 85c Hose-Keels, to close 680 18c Japanned .Whisk Broom. Holder So 25c Granite Salt Boxes, to close ...,16o 49u Oalv. Iron Vt bushel Baskets, 35c Cementlco Kalsomlne, 36c packages, 6 lbs. each, six colors, package , . .lOe HaTJlSBKI IlKlaWIHUil l!IU!lt: III lilllE" Rent an Office in the Heart d f Omaha Dlitrlot. MoO, on , "tttooat ILaa.'' $1.45 t4.25 4.00 .fter Saturday night prices will go back. $0.60 Men'at Oxfords. $5.50 Men's Oxfords. $5.00 Men' Oxfords. $4.50 Men's Oxfords. . $S. 50 Men's Oxrords. . JS.S5 $5.50 Women's Oxfords $3.85 $4.00 Women's Oxfords 2.1)0 $3.60 Women's Oxfords S2.5S $3.00 Women's Oxfords S2.2;i $2.50 Women's Oxfords l.OO Ten lines misses' and children's buckle strap pumps, and all eur boys', youth's and little gent's oxfords, 1C Aff pink, blue, $1.00 ' ' ''Ftl tiffin m 'j'fWI.....T '-1 1 ""J "" r V now Women's white, ' gray oxfords . . Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam SL Hotel Kupper lltb and HeOae Kansas City, Mo, la the Bhovplng sirtrloV Maar all the Tlieatera. 800 Baaatlful Koomi. 100 Private Baths. Hot and cold watar In all rooms. Bpaolous Lobby, rarlora. Velapaon la every room. " BeauUfol Cafe, Farfset Cttlslaa. $1.00 to $2.50 Per Day Xturopeaa Visa , Eupper-Benson Hotel Co. r. A. aBHSOK, Mgr. Beautiful Tooth Tbare are but fa people wiie bate Ibew. Oood ThU, evetjr ml HI U ibay would Ku to Ur. biiatuiy. Xbe ulvkrat. ituiut and leiut Valuful are tbe oaiy areUKKls ainployad by ua aod buodroiis mt our pattaoU, bo I A lo aod ut t tbe city win giauiy ten you aooui ra ana ina aood denial way of aoios tnirsa. murk from It. 04 lr fit Irora It of te fainieas axtrac- wo our up-to-dai Crowna and bridge r tooto. flataa thai tlon ut toath. Narva of ImU removed without burtlos tou. wars warranted ten yaara. -i - , OR. ERADBURY, THE 0EKT1SI OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CUAM6ERLIN HOAXING. BATHIXUFISHINU, bAIUXQ, OltCHKSTRA, 11.MS. u'OU', Unique aea lood Uulslna, fOHTKliaa MUPiHkjc ka( Mili tary tout oa the Atlantio Coast.. UA-UtlOt rtOA-Dd. tit Hsnuaavoua ttt the Xtiauuit a Warablva. peclal Weakly ItUi Jan to Octobti Sookleta at Chicago. Boca Island Sj raoiXio. and Wabaah BaUroada. Or aUdraas UCO, T. iSlUI, atOS, ruitiai. aaoxsbOB. va. Don t rau to Hear the IIUNGARIAfl ORCHESTRA Now Playing at ROME'S VDSEYARD and SUMMER GARDEN J Every Noon and Evening. Bee Build fig Available space for rent at the present time, j v ' ' Room 023 Located on top floor, facing court, with $70 square feet. Including Tsult, which rent for $2S per month. Room month. 817 Court room. 8x14. Henta for $10.00 per Room 848 One of the best suites of office la the city. Id the corner of the building facing 17th and Farnam. This space U divided Into three rooms with tiled partition, giving a total of 670 square . feet, and la fitted with large tsult. Kent, $00.00 per month. Rooms 218 and 220 Nice suite offices located In north west corner of building. The larger room Is partitioned so as to afford two private offices and reception room, and Is provided with vault. This makes a good combination of rooms and has been oceupled by Insurance company; may be rented lor $52.00 per month. The Bee Building Co. R. W. BAKER, Supt. 17th and Farnam ,, i i in in mi ii i BJsaaBBfJBBBFB -sjsjfJIBB"JsSBBw iBBaaagBBgBBV yfneaaaa teSDr-V: That tastes so good that has that peculiarly, y delicious flavor all its own that is rich and pleas ff ing and satisfying and that is truly a delightful beverage. V . We grow the yeast we use for ' U( HIGH LIFE BEER J1 X ourselves and take the proper care and time to malt J VX. our barley. (Order a case today and learn the jr I pleasure of "that bettor beera" jf Js. MILLER BREWING COItl PAN Y C Jy Milwaukee, Wis. m0Z f Lessen liquor co., j;j I I i030 Broadway, OounoU Bluffs, Xowo. Both rhones 705. ill . V ' iwiwan .iiiMii.ii.nmiwuwscJiili i.l i j nii in ' J I I WANTEl- cood waaes. luiuta UM raraaaa Ct. 17 Vboaa XX 17M WaseMna. , Women are the best buyers. The paper that is read by the women pays advertisers best a. .IVWHlsruaraN rlLEiD-FiSTULA All Rectal Dlsaaaae Cnrad without asuriir.l oparsiiea and Gi.r. aatsad to Lit a Lifetime. No chlorfurm. ther, or othar ,rnetalar..fithetlc vud. Eaaminaliea I rau. Write for tree Beak. OR. C R. TARRY it,n mi;. unm, mi. Investments That Please Are those which at the outset are well secured by first mortgages on real estate, and which through a series of years are continually becoming better secured by reason of the building up of a reserve fund back of the investment. Iri addition to this, when such investments have never failed In 18 years to pay at least 6 per cent per annum' dividends, payable semi-annually, it is difficult to find anything more satisfactory. This association offers this sort of Investment to per sons having amounts ranging from $100 to $5,000 to In vest and from which to derive a steady Income. Resources, $3,400,000.00. . v Reserve $125,000.00. Write or call for full information. The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n, 1614 HARNEY 8TRKKT. OMAHA. Geo. F. Gllinore, Pres. Taul W. Kuhns, Sc. and Tress. top WANTED FEMALE i Hsncknatn aad Poaa tlaa Ca'd. f! LOST AND FOUND IjOST SHEPHERD dos: yellow and tn. WANTl;&-wUZr.: ii. : "ri-"V to Pt..Phoo. T,kr thd Tueaday. Apply M r7 tt. K. OFFERED FOR BENT ReataeltaeplBaT Mooa :uUal WANTED- housawork. crt GIRL, for noyse, tin i runt 15. Tel. WASHER amy; young co Webster IMS. A reliable oookinc girl. ia i t GIRL, for larney tOM. wantki ! BUS TO GET It OANGEaTAl FOR 8AL.1 doing a gooc Blutta; reaau naaa requlrln care bee, Co FOR 6A1J stock In sood tamistisd mil 111 N. 30th b KOOMJNO a baraaln, 1 A No. 1 con weu rented. sod lodaa. LA'IH HOUSKKEEPtNO mm en rn inm rooms.' ajncla;ar;a 1 Thursday is Homo Day. ; Look for the bargains. Real j Estate Dealers are offer ing their best today. Don't fail to read what they say. People who pay rent, Just about pay for a good home every ten years. You are paying this rent money to the landlord for tbe privilege of living, in tbe house no more. You can apply the same money on a home of your own In a short time the home is yours. The easy term plan gives you this opportunity. JJy this plan you can buy a home sucbt as are advertised In today's Bee for a few hundrel tfollrs down -balance monthly like rent. ' Be your own landlord you'll never get a better one. HOTi moaern;. goo4 eRaeplnc , ! rooms. MM roams, mod- rolshed. , tttt oeusekeeomg floor rooms l reot, unit,; uit as jr. j fur- Mta. 7 SALE Wlll seH vou of work and lad In Omaha nam St. W.r;bear.ij is., cbaao. ana jaoKjcrn. nti. Ble bar NETS. 3askua;nt. . ma tit i with TuAber iild less, than MsameBaBwasMaaaaasaHMaiajiiv URUUIIUUii linn uuiiiiiiibbsuii. - ' a I 1'RAVi.lJNU , ealeaman. preier expert-1 i"r wurwi. A1,0 ,wo aela h4rno.,. .rn HrjB-i. moaav-maker. An old eiiced olaar man, acquainted witn Nbrii ' ;. wi trade fpr rood two-hum. rwstabliahed barseaa anop m ttiawauia, a. a. trade, iimi, arm 7... .T.- lit axle" rtur hTT. ,v? wagon.-i Kan.: amuloye four men; doing an annual TRAVELING salesman, leather foods, bualnaaa of W6,K; a full Una Of bulss. $1(10 and eapensea. i etc in conneouon; good reason for aemng. nOOKKEKPSH for branob offloe, Urge Come and aee ui or write for further In- Mf yppaffP Worn. Call m.,hi;.rr" no' "ir worth and fti rkA veaTT Omaha T-. i ' Roliablo Dentistry Al Taft's Dental Rooms SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Are You Looking for a Good College? . Toe will k slciMd with lbs . Woman's College at Jacksonville 111. , Why i tut to s Collet for Wmmb I tore Sfs rail Cll.i sn Pre iraiam Co.iki, sal las sa Ytntim ia Mmic, Ait, Doomuic Sci.iic, a Bi.tcfiloo. Expcntes SurroanSlsc ke.liblul. Ham Ills Ueal. Location c.nli.l is Mi.dl. W'.lt. Vciy coa.inl.Dt lo .i fttt of lb. Mluiiiipoi Valler. Iiultnti liommoio th.n twm laid. Catalog. It... Aiittf Prealdenl Harker.Bo. 2S. Jar ktonrin., III. Bee Want Ads Boost h Business Twenty -Fifth Season 1 a KiwhaDHan. American gwfr Conservatory THI tEADliC SCHOOL af MUSIC la AMERICA Kinlimiil lacultr ol 70. Superior Tssi'br'i Traluliigflrbool. Public School II ulc. 8i:bool ol Eprealon, Pbyaical Cullura. Vmvptttti td-VMttw. Thlrtj IreeRfbnlanbli'.award ed. Fsll term bein ThiiT.1r, Sept. atu. CtUlo, JOHN J. HATTiTAEDT. Pns't. Hart Conway School of Acting directed br Hart Ooowst. America's ratat educator tot tbe state Seorf eroswaotua. PENNSYLmMM I la i n-e-s-t-. A Sound, Restful, Slfce$ in the. Mountains S When you go to New York aboard "The Manhattan' r Limited," leaving; Chicago 10.30 a. m. daily, you anive'' in Gotham 9.30 next morning, physically fit, perfectly ' refreshed. Yon note the entire absence of the "tired- ; V ' from-traveling" feeling. - For you sleep the night in the bracing, delightfuf,,' invigorating mountain air when your train is " 'i ; "The Manhattan Limited" In your berth this matchless train's motion Is im"perceptib!tv-" no necessity for high speed it runs over the shortest, direct " line to New York. The. roadbed is rock ballast every mile . I Other New York trains leave Chicago 8.15 a. m., 10 03 a. mi, "The Pennsylvania Special" (the 18-hour train) a quarter to three p, m., 3.15 p. m., 5.30 p. m., 9.45 p. tn., 11.45 p." mi For further details, reservations, tickets, berths, etc., kindly call at or phone . . . W. H. ROWLAND. Traveling Passenger Agent, 213 Board of Trade Building, Omaha Neb. . 1 I Under the Hudson Into business New York - . The New $IM.M Mt Pennsylvania Station whii h will soon ooen in the v.rv .m ol New York's business heart will nuke it fK.ible to atop Irora iur 7hi?ZL. New York train rlsht into the center of thehotei" theate 'andb?sintli diritt of Gotham. Trains will run under the Hudson River through mi. ? .'.' 'u end Into the world-womi.r atotion. 1'