TIIK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 0, 1910. ! GRAIN AHD PRODUCE MARKET "ItWfpts of Last Week Have Been Very Heavy. WXATHIR . nn)ICATI0N3 FINE "I rr' iCe a si "IniV Wheat l'rleea tiM(li tn In- ; d Spring Wheat Mar Be Reduced In Trie ' tern Alan ' Will B Reduced Soea. i - 1 ' r OMAHA. Aug. , WW. Cable were weaker aa expected. Weather tuuiiiiurs una iir Harvesting ana maraei jng. itccetpts (luring tne pant week have been very heavy. News from abroad and It home la .aomaw-hnt ennrirrttna. The NYaslilnitton crop report, due just after the riuna umay, is expected to ahow an Ul rica, in winter -wheat ..over last month whil the spring what, may ahow a possible reduction. ,T Weayier condltlpW for th growing corn Crop could hardly . b better, with cloudy kit's fend ecatWad. ehowers s-nd cooler temperWtur. The official report today shouldshow a reduction -In condition In the In th gtmhwewt states,-but this will be orrnet by aa' Improvement eaat of th Mis ourl river. ' i lx)wr oariea and heavy receipts and the accumulating stocKs i at primary point eased line eiearbr future, while th more distant months held firm. Elevator con cerns 'were best Sellers on good receipts and the I expected movement of apung wneat to the northwest markets. Corn wis soft on' th decline In wheat BP "3 heavy receipt. 'Nachank In th sit u'lon is. expected from th government fsport values being on . fair working oasis, cash cum was active, but 4c lower, . Offerings !blnr liberal.. . Primary whefctc. .receipts were 2,334,Ono bushels arlfj nKfnmrnti- were 716.U00 bushels MUmt J,fi0 b'mriel and shipments of I,141,0ii0 btarnns.V Primary ,rr rrrtlpt were 640,000 bushels and shipment were 278.OO0 buhels against receipt .last ve.r of enUKiO bushels and hlnments f 4X4 nnn hnah.ia Clearances ' were none of corn, none of oats and wHeat arid flour equal to 239.000 Dunnels, ' Liverpool cloned lVsd lower on wheat and 1a lower, on corn. a Local rnhg' of option! . t4rtlcls'. Opn. High. Ldw. Close.l Bat'y. Wheat-..!'- ', I Pept,.', w W 0 cn V tept Dec Oei - - 4 Sept..fl '34H 97VI B J hi .1 5MV41 I WVtl 66 24i 8441 96tt "I ill 7V 59 67 34 3t cash Mil lower: No, t mixed, 634T?4o; No. t mixed. tt.Vii&Ffrc. No. J white. WWc; No. 3, Mu04Vc. BUTTKk . resmery. 2M4c: firsts, 23c: seo- orids, iilo; parkin stock, 20Vc. LtKl Extras, 20c; firsts, l,c; aeoond. 80. Receipts BMP ts &ks.u H.imo JB,IM Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oats, bu. . WEATHER I. THE URAIW BELT ladlcatlona Are for flame Cooler fcy Taesdsy E'ealns. . ' ' ' OMAHA. Aug. 8, 1810. Moderate showers wer fairly well dis tributed over Nebraska within th last twenty-four hours and rains were quite general over the corn and wheat belt within the last forty-eight hours. The only heavy fall In Nebraska, as shown by our reports. waa at Valentine, where 1.K0 Inches oc curred during taut night. Fume hoavy falls occurred In MIhuouM snd Kansas within the lam twenty-four hours, as follows: Mexico, 1 W Inches; Uuonevllle, 1 Inch; Umir. 1.40 Inches: Mcpherson. Kan., 1.80 Inches, Heavy rains again occurred In Ken tucky within the last forty-eight hours, a fall of 140 Inches being recorded at Wil liamsburg, and 1.10 Inches at Beaverdam. Showers continue in the lower MUsourl val ley and generally threatening conditions prevail throughout the central valleys this morning. Moderate tempeiuturea have con tinued general throuuh.uit the central val leys since the last rrpoit and no important change has occurred In any seotlon during th last forty-eight hour. While the weather will probably continue somewhat threatening and unsettled In this vicinity today the indications are for partly cloudy tonlKht and Tuesday, with Slightly cooler tonlKht. murium temperature and precipitation as compared, with last thre years: U1U. ISK 1807. Minimum temperature.. 64 74 60 (9 Precipitation Vi .w ,uu .01 Normal temperature for today, 71 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation sine Marabj 1. 1192 inches. deficiency corresponding period In UOt, ,56 of an Inch. Excess for corresponding period, 1908, ,4J oc an men.. . U A. WEL8H. Local F0recstr. Torsi and Wheat ReBlon Balletla, For Omaha, Neb., for th twenty-four hours ending at a. m., Ttnn meridian time, Monday, August , lwiu: OMAHA DISTRICT. -Temp. Pain Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... 89 65 .03 Pt. Cloudy NEWIORRSrOCKSANDBONDS Grain Crop Eeport and Copper Statis tic! Inflaenco Market. THEY HAVE DEPRESSIVE EnXCT Rally Follow First Drop Copoer Re port Directly Opposite to Predic tions of Contaat laeroaso la arala Stock. NEW TOKK. Aug. I. Th government report of th condition of grain crop on August 1, and th July autistic of th copper producer association were th two Item of news which attracted th greatest amount of attention In th financial district today. Th effect was more of depression than a stimulation on snaculatlv activity, aa th appearance of th two report did not ocour unui tn session oi tu a toe a exchange was well advanced. The first effect or th government crop report waa to depros prior sharply, but rauy louowea. The copper producer report was well re ceived, more from Its contrast with predic tion of it contents thsn from positive bet terment In trad condition to be Inferred from Its showing. Th Impression had got abroad that a substantial Increase In th surplus stocks on hand would b shown by the report. Atl Increase of only l,!54,asl pounds was accepted, therefore, a an agreeable disappointment. Th rise In the copper stocks In response to the report waa belated, following a long Sause after th statistics were first pub shed. The stocks broke again later. In common with th whole market, but Showed Visorou resistance. Th engagement of additional gold In London today wa In accordance with ex pectation. The British foreign trad state ment lor July, with a considerable tan on In values of Imports, doe not promts well tor the July statement of export from this country, which hav been expectea to snow the Jun Improvement in that Item contin ued or extended. Bond were irregular. Total sales, par Value, $9ii6,000. United States bond were unchansrad on call. Number of sale and leading Quotations on stock today war: BtlOS. IllfH- now. VI". Auburn, Neb 90 Broken B w, Neb. 6 88 88 M 87 1 90,' 90 4tmana Cswli Prices. WHEATaNo. I hard, 85980! No. 8 hard W97q; No. 4, hard, HHf3c: rejected hard mi 87c; E No. a spring, 4497c; N'o- i aprin. iwuVsa.' -. ' COH'ffc-NO:. i white. 61H5114e; No. I white, utituo; No. i -white, bvs(alc; No. 8 color, 60Bn4c; No. I . yellow, 60g)tj04oj No. I yellow,. MViMUc;, Ntr. 4 yellow, Mty'S N140i No. -, BSiiMVc; No. 8. IW&9o; No. 4j, 68!tt'fj59c; no grade, 480. . i OATS i. white, s8nitlStci standard, ibtlS&iihc; NO. I' white, 83Vs(it34o, No. I yel low, J-H'-WilMHc; No. 4 yelklw, 32&33c. . BAHLKYrNo. 1 feed, MuCc; rejected. 48 Mo. v .' . KYE No. X, 73(57Jo: No. i."707Jc. Carlo! "Receipts, Columbus. Neh Culbertson, Neb. Falrbury, Neb... Fairmont, Neb... Or. Island, Neb. Hartlngton. Neb IHastlngs, Neb. ..,89 Holdrege, Neb.... 89 Oakdala, Neb .... 87 Omaha. Neb 86 Tekamah, Neb.... 88 Alta. la 85 Carroll, la 84 Clarlnda. la 74 Blblev. Ia. 83 Sioux City, Ia... 84 fNot Included In averages. Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending it I I. in. - DISTRICT AVERAGE M .63 6fi 60 60 U 64 63 . 3 ' 59 68 1 61 62 69 M 61 a 64 .29 .83 .07 .00 .t .oo .22 .23 .44 .24 ,C0 .00 .21 .00 .02 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy CloUriv Cloudy Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cloudy naming Clourl" Cloudy Pt. Cloudy Pt. Cloudy Cloudy Clear ' Clpudy Chicago 471 Minneapolis , 421 On aha 99 DuUUbv 60 ia 213 'zi CHICAGO GRAIN ATVIl PROVISIOXB Keatarea of th Triad lifer Closl Friers on Board ot Trade. bmOAOO.: Aug. 8 Expecting a bearish report from the United States government, I the--wheat ' trade-' today discounted price. Values also,, felt' tli ( depressing Influenc of the bis: movement of the new crop and- clone. 1 e-iHy at a decline of a shade to. $.q. viihVpareiT tfitff' SatlUfdafr nlnht." The" 'e&s- swn Vodn advanced .ocn WtW ana lowered oaU,.rlu;4v . , .. - 't'rovlHion. wet- Irregular, finishing 17Ho doVn d?4c' Up." " : ' ' , f tinInesa today Consisted . largely ot gen' Oral liquidation by longs. Increased short selling and rather poor buying support. exeit from hort."' "' ' 'l)wturKlng to bear was th fact that ex.rprts bids were .ft&7o out of line and that world's shipments were' gfeatly In excess A -estimate, Fluctuation In the Septem ber UtjlUery. touched a limits tl.01'U1.02, witlx .the last sale o net lower, at J1.01H. I.'tii mission' purchases made corn strong oftoje' a weak tstart. September sold from 6W4' finiehlng Wao up, at- 6iM'ic. Tfm.cash niat'kct was, steady. No. Z fel low cloved at 64SifJ64e. ' tats- ranuodi lower on ettlna' by - cash houses..-, Tlie, rng. fur September covered only c. with the close 4c down, at 86, a 'loss rf 'c. compared with th finish of the previous session. - .Western packers- were seller of pro visions, especially lard. Pork Closed 17fte higher to 7Vfco lower. Lard was 6o off- to JHe'up. -iubs -were -unchanged to 6c down, ..The ,)e(Uug futures, raageu aa follows:. District. Columbus, O Louisville. Ky... Indianapolis, Ind Chicago, III Pt. Louis, Mo.... Dea Moines, Ia.. Omaha. Neb.. No. of Station. Temp. Max. Mln. Rain fall 17 , 76 60 . .20 19 80 62 .50 12 . 72 66 . 20 2S 7S 66 .20 13 76 68 ,W 14 . 88 , 60 .00 HO M : 6. . .20 24; ,.84 ",Bg .20 19 8 60 . .80 ArlloWs.f Oprt:1 Hltfh. Low. 1 Close. Bat y. .1 j 101 I 101V4I 102i ,i ; Wheat I 8ept.,. I2" 102 Teo.'..,.il it 1 05 1 04U 1 04Vill 05MiV4 V ol ll I I, . , I . M'4i ' 601, 62 ;62Sr 1WmI. Sept.. .Pept. Deo... . May.. Fork ; Kept.. A Oct.., Jan... Laid- 1 , Kept... UM tci... ' Nov... ' Jan;.'.-Riivu- , yopt., Oct..; "Jan.j -..4V&l4vH41 1 rti i! A Aii j i v 20 76 1 80 SO I 20 60 i i2 jif uuni w 6!4ti3 ifV4 691:60 SiW 61V;61T'U2 S8 38Hi 40Hi 40H 11 62 11 45 11 40 1 11 45 II 374 II 12Vi U 15 11 07Vi wiiijr 10 a Hi N 32i 10 36 10 97Vii 10 10 86 11 SO 10 83 t 42VI 42'i 31l I 87Vi 21 171 20 66 17 2i 11 4.". 11 874 U 074 624 69V4 614 36T4 40S41 21 10 1810 11474 11 40 11 124 1U 70 S 374 So. t, . . rash Quotations 'Were as follows: FLOUR Hidy ' winter patents, 84.60(1$ to-,-, wlruter nirulghts,. Ji.Jo-iiVW; spring etrsiRh1.. o.i',it).'ij;. bakers, , h oo-j. 76. RYE-OJo. 2. fiUiiiTSc. BAULKY Kced "or mixing-, 4SiOKc; fair to trfvK'e malting. wnnc. , ISL.lCLx-ir'tTHx. . No. 1 southwestern, $2.32; No, 1 northwestern, xz.&i. Tiniolliy, M 7i Clover. 88.iJ01H2.23. ,'''' PlUJVISrO.NiS Mess pork, per bbl., 821.7S fi.'-J.UO. Lard, Ifr I'D lbs., 111.474; short ribs, aides (loose), tlLO.mU.374; short clear aides tboxed),' 811.75-U 12.00. Total clesraiicvs of wheat and flour were enil to 2.ouu lu. Primary receipts were 13.0 bu.. comriared with 1.400,oiiii bu. the correspondrns; dsy a .year aao. The visible supply uf wheat In the I'nltcd States In ureanvd i,423.0U) bu. for the week. The amount of bieadaluff un ovuan passage in Creased 2.472.000 bu. . - ,: lihtlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 831 rars; corn, 2:; cars; oats, 6ti7 cars; hogs, U,0(i0 Head. Chicago Caoh Prices Wheat. No. t red, l'0Min.03: N. 8 red, tl.Ou; No. 3 hard. 4U.l4nJ.(; No.- 1 hsid, wtc(dl.03; No. 1 northern .spring. 81.234: No. 2 northern spring,' 31.lUll.14; No. 3 spring. 11.0201.04. iWn? Nb. 2. Wo; No. 8. tU'tiKtWc; Ko. J whit. 44-"-c: No. 8 white. G4tj4'ic No. I yellow, i,fjiMc; No. 3 yellow, ia4t64o. Oats: No. 3 canh. 3435o (new); No. 2 white, tieW', 37i'(j.r,r; old 89c; No. 8 white, new. -84c;. old, 34tl3ic: No. 4 whit, new, I jii'.sc; standard, new, 8"mi37NiC; old. SHihSHq. 'jtl'TTV.'lt Steady; creameries, 23Ytj23o; fjaliies. W-irlWc. ErXIa Firm; i receipts. T.ttSS cases; at rrk.. ca Incbjdfd, lOQHc; . first. 17c; Lrlme firsts,. Inc., CirERSK Steady; daisies. 15tifllS4o; Jwln, 14W514e; young AiherU-a. lianiic; 4on horns. iii.t.16c. POTATOES steady; choice to fancy, 82 fslr to good, "6&30c. rorLTRY-StaAy; turkey, 0c; chlch Vt. 13c;iprln lbc. VEAL steady; 60 to CO lbs.. Kfj84c; 60 to f." lbs.. MCV; 8S to 114) lbs., iHilO'o. Chloago Receipt Wheat: 471 car: corn, 1M cai-; oats, "ii cars. Estimated tomor row; Wheat. Stil cars; corn. IM cars; oats. j cur. i A ansa City tJrala aad rrsvliless. KANSAS CITT. Aug. i. WHKAT-Kep- t.-nii.er, . y.VtfViatr; i.fenioer, H lM; May. It.U)1.. sviiers; rasn w lOMer; jso. 1 fard. ' 97"4'""l W: N 3. 9cJl.l; No. 3 1M pOl.-.No. a 4lic. OAT51 -l'ii''hansed to 4o lower; No. I lit!e. l-vn4c; No. f "mixed, 84C HVF-No. 3. MOKc. II v rnchaiiged; cl'oli-e timothy, 140tf HH.. chmt-e loali ie, 111 tt a 1134. CC"'-"pimlr. UniliS . b d Peeeni. -b4- 4 Vf. aXjA aWWai Moderate temperalure continued through out th corn and wheat region during the last thirty-six hours. Appreciable rains occurred In all. except the fit. Louis and Des Moines districts. Heavy rain again occurred In th Loulrvlll district, a fall of. 2.40 -inches ooourred at Williamsburg, and LIO Indies ai neaveroam, iv. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau, NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotation 'of " the Day' , om Vartoa 'i . , . Commodities. t r"7:V-it)RlC', AuS -FrOWPMar1trt 1 ..... t. . . . - r fcii ru. . ltuI0L;T.eprili p.l.:Hin.l ; m.wu 'J.wi., winter straights, 34,o0i4.66; winter patents, M.itJ 5,10: snrlnK clears. 84.3f4ii4.0: winter extras. No. 1. 83.753.90; winter extras. No. 2. 13.60(9 166: Kansas atralshts. 84.lf.w5.ia Rye flour. dull', fair- to good. It.10tj4.35; . choice- to tancy, t.4ry4.lMl ' . CORN MEAL Steady; fine whUe ana yel low, 31.56-S1.60; choice, 1.461.D0; kiln dried, t3.6tKfiit.60. " .1 WHEAT spot, market irregular; new ivo red. 31.064 elevator and 21.0744 f. o. b. No. 3 northern. 31.26T4 f. o. b. Wheat closed net lower; September closed, 31.0 Iecemter. II. 10. CORN Market easy; No. 2, '72c nominal elevator, domestic basis to arrive c. I Option market was without . transactions, OATS Spot, market steady; mixed, 24 to 32 pounds, nominal; natural white,. 26 to 32 pounds, 4W48c;. clipped white; 34 . to 43 pounds, 48ift-50o. . .,. ; ' :.'".,' MUi's wuiet: state, common: to cnoioe, 1909. &W3o; 1908, nominal. Pactfi ooat. 11KI9. 9ul6c: 1908. nominal. ' . , . ' LEATHER Steady; hemlock, firsts, 24 26e; seoonds, 24jJc; seoonla. 2123c; thirds. 1Si3To; rejected, 17rlc. -- . PROVISIONS Pork quiet; mess, $26.60; family, 2S.OO26.00; short clears, 824.0O&26.6O; Beef, steady; mess, 31B.0O16.6O; family, 319.00 (o 19.50; beef hams, 822.0024.00. Cut meets, quiet; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., $15.75 18.00; pickled hams, $16.00. Lard, steady; middle west prime, $11.6011.70; refined, easy; continent, 312 36; South America, $1100 Sj 13.25; compound, 10. 25-310.50. TALLOW-Steadv; prim city (hhds.), $7.25; country, 6.75i&)7.374; prima summer yellow, 9.&OrV9.75; October, 87.75W7.78; Nov ember, J7.124i7.13; dressed, $6.90&.96. ' BUTTER Firmer j receipts, 4,(u9 tubs; creamery specials. 29ff?29i4c; extra, 2S9 2S4c; third to first, lfi27c; stata dairy to common tu finest, JWiylihtc; prooesa, second to special, 22&254c; western factory, ai 234c; western Imitation -creamery, 24iec CHEESE Firm; receipts; 6,000 packages; fancy. 144c; average prime, 14'144o; fair to good, 1244fl3ac : common... 94WUo; skims, full to special 24&124c. EOG9 Firmer; receipts, 8.8S9 cases; gathered white, 25Jic; hennery, brown, 24 037c; gathered, brown. 2-'ic; fresh gath ered extra firsts, 2uQ22c; firsts, li'-ac ; seconds, 160174c. - POULTRY All v. dull; nearby broiler, 19t-Jfio; fowls. 164c; turkeys, KiT,14c; dressed, steady; western broilers, 164al8c; fowls, U(iUic; turkeys, 16B20c. to, 700 1,600 f0 10 1,8m) J-K) . WO 6tt 100 I.SU0 ''ioi "'"ioj 13 46 n u 13 16 132 l.U 00 1.400 . two 17 40 l4 SOD 108 1011 wo ioi lot llh', 3IVt "s.m 'nvi "iiii t,8' 75 1,700 187 4 1.300 344 TOO 14J t.ftio in 600 M i.'i'oo iii'i i loo i u ...A. 100 100 SO l.too J00 400 29 70 27 14 3 8,100 134 1114 8,300 1.000 3. WO 100 17 4T 90. 14 300 -, 40 . AllU-Cbalmers pM Amalsanut4 rWpw ,., Amrlo y AfTivultural ,, Amsrlcsn BMt Sugar..... Amstican Can Ameliean C. A ...... Amrln Cotton Oil American H. se L. pro.., Am. Ire Securities. Amsrtoan L,lnMed ( Amsrtcsn Loeoraatlv ... Amaiican 8. R. ....... Am. 8. A R. pm Am. Steel Foun4rls...., Am. Runrr RafinlDg , American T. T American Tobacco pfd. American WooKn Anidonda Mining Co...., Atchison , Atchison pta AlUntlo Cosit Un Baltimore Ohio Bothlehcm Dteel Brooklyn Rapid TT CanadUa rtclflo Central lathr i Central Leather pfd Central ot New Jersey.. Cheatpeaic A Ohio Chloaco Alton Chicago Ureal Western. c o. w. pta Chlcaso N, W C, M. A St. P O.. C, C. A St. L Colorado .F. A I Colorad- A Bnutnemv.. Coneollnaled baa Corn Producta Delaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Orands. .. V. A K. D. pta., PtsUlleT' Securities .... Erie Erie 1st pfd Erie M pld General Electric .., Oreat Northern p'd, Great Northern Ore otls.,.. Illinois Central ' Interboroush Met. int. Met. prd International Harvester ... InL Marine p(d Intcrjiallooal Paper ........ jnUrnetlonal lumf ..i...e loara uenirai ......,., Kanaaa City to K. C Bo. pro. Leolede Oas Leuiavlll A Nae!ille Minn. A BV L M St. P. A 8V. M M., C A T .'... M . K. AT. p(d ' Mlesourl Paclrlo , National Blacuit NaUoual Lead N. It. R. of M. id pfd.... New York Central N. T.. O. A W.t .... Norfolk A Western......... North American Northern Psoitis , Paolllo Mall . Pcnoaylranla People's Oas i C. C. A St. L Pittsburg Coal Pnesed Iteol Cur Pullman Palace Car.-. Railway Steel Spring.. Readtn. ..' " ttouubllu Steel Rspubllo Steal pfd Hock lelaod Co '... Rock lelaaa ce. sto... 8t. L. A 9. F. 3d pfd. 8U Lost . W.. ....... l l. a. w. of.. 81oe-htt!l S. A Southern PaeKlo Southern Kaiiwar .... So. Hallway p(. Tennaaee Copper Texaa A Faolttc T St. U A W T St. LAW. pfd-- Union Psoitis Union Paslllo pld United State realty.. United Bute Rubber. Uulted Beau suei ... U. 8. Steal pfd Utah CoDner Va.-Caro. Chemical .. Wabaeh WabaaS pfd Weatern Maryland .... Weatlnshouae aJectrt Weatern Union wheeling A 1 S.. , Total aalel lor th day, 377,300 shares. 33 4 44 67 27 U 12 14 6 ii" 8 M4 4 4" 41 U 4 5 97 1 13 1 101 43 111 111 4 n ti n vn 107 M 74 1174 "4 tm 40 83 41 m in 11 r n; .114 IDS 34 70 37 31 34 34 1I 1414 Ml 143 131 3 70 37 13 S tlflrafee outstanding, $m.K3M0. Ooaeral Fund Standard silver 1"ll.r,fn general fund, 33.SW1.4K3; current liabilities rA1.6Ql,M9; working balance In treasury offices, 329,- 834,014; In bsnks to credit of treasurer of the I'nlted (Hates. 83S.011.2b8; subsidiary sil ver coin. KK.464.x: minor coin. 8l.l33.3W; total balanc In general fund, 3v2,e9),94. Kw York Moae-F Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 8. MONEY On call. sasy; 141 per cent; ruling rate, 14 per cent; closing bid, 14 per cent; offered at 14 Pr cent; time loan steady and very dull; sixty days, 834 per cent; ninety days, 8'u4 per cent; ! months. 46t per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER Sm per cent. e W.KL1NU jfiXCMAPitiE rirm, witn ac tual business In bankers' bill at 84.80t 8360 for sisty-oay bills and 84.8.t;o for de- rnsnd; commercial bills. H.4KJ. pILVER Bar, .1c; Mexican dollars. 44c; BONDS Oovrrnment, steady; railroad. Ir regular, i. ' Closing quotation un' bonis today war a follows: la, rg....10fi tnt, V. M. ! ..0" Jpn . ,.114 do 44 H4 ..101 K-. W Soi'ist .... tl ..IUU a. deb. 4 1M1... 2 ..114 LIN. unl. ia 7 .. 71 M. K. A,I let 4.. ..101 , do sen, 44. (2u, Am, T. A T. ct. 4., Mo. Pacitl 4 M Am. Tobacco 4 Ti N. R. 'R. ef M. 4 "4 do ti .-..lO.'-HN. T. C: a. rt V. S. ref. do eoupon V. S. 4e. re. do coupon V. g. 4a. re. do ernipon . Alll-Cha. let Am. At. 6a. fl4 da dh, 4 V;K- T..-.H. .M2 H. ,.1H CT. M ..107 N. A W. ev. .. 1 do ev. 4e. ..'....... .. 19 No. PaolfiO 4a .. 94 .- ...; .. It b. S. L rlrlf. tm... .. lpTta. et.'IHa m. ..100 do eon, 4 . . I. Reading gen. 4. .. 3 1914 97 T liw to 3 . 95 im. Armour A Co. 44, Atchison gen. 4e... -o c. 4..m,. do ev. ' IS At. C. U let 4., Bal. A Ohio 4i d 1 ., an S. W. '.... Brk. Tr. ct. 4... 4 en. ot Oa. Ee... Can. Leather tie... C. ot H. J. g. ...-.m St. L A S, K. I. 4a. f4 Chea. A Ohio 4..10 do g. ta.w do ret. to t. U I. W. . ... T2 Ctilcco A A. I't. TO ad 1st sold 4a.... M C. B. A Q. J. 4s A 8. A. L. 4a To do gen. 4a t go. Pas. eol. 4 tt C. M. A I P. I4at4 do ct. 4 t4 C. R. 1. A P. a. 4. TI do lit ref. 4 14 do rfg. 4..., tSo. Railway la 106 Colo. ind. ti 70 do fen. 4 "!, Colo. Mid. 4 MVnlon FUla 4s 1004 A 8. r. A . 4 fi . do ct. 4 tH OUAilA LlVl. STOCli MAUivET Cuttle Vfclues Are Steady Despite Lib eral Receipts. PRICES OF IIOQS AEE EIGHXS etst Are Llgskt All Cle of Bayora Need flock sad Make Jif ret of Their Ws a4 Larnba Lowr. ROtTTM OMAITA. Au. t. 1919. Ucelpt werei Csttl. Hogs. Sheep, Estimate Monday 8,33 3,S 34,118 Sam day last week .s6 i.m . 14,44 Sam day I weeka ago... 8.623 4.8'0 16.4x0 caine day 3 weeks ago... .i-u Sam day 4 week ago... .4T 3.4M8 13.461 Bain day last year 7,34 t.i I.U1 Th. fnllnwlnv tahla shows tha receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tn year to oat as comparer wnn iw ear: 1910. 1309. Inc. uec. Cattl 8X1,196 624,444 M.iW ....... Hogs 1.824,714 1.878,776 Xod,m Sheep 8U470 791.833 140,538 Th following table show th average price of hogs at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: uly 38... uly 2... uly 90... uly 11... Aug. 1..., Aug. I.,.. Aug. ..... Aug. Aug .... Aug. 8..,.. Aug. 7.... Aug. I.... D.. A H. or. D. A R. o: 4.., do ref. C Plitlller' U ..... Brl p. I. 4. do gen, 4a...... do ov, 4s, ser. do series U. 4 do 1st A ref. 4s... 6 ... : r. 8. Kubber e ioi ... II V. 8. Steel 2d Se l"i ... (7 "Va.-Caro. t. tiani. u. 8 ... o "Wabaeh 1st I lot ... do let A . 4.... 1 A. 44 WeeUrn Md. 4 13 0 Wt. Btleo. ct. Is., Oen. Rlec. cr. I...1U Wla. Central 4a. III. Cen. lat ref. 4. tt Mo, Pac. ev. 6a. Int. Met. 4a.r 74 . Bid. Oflered. ' ' .., 11 1 London Cloalaar Stoeks. LONnCXN. Aug. 8. American securities were dull and featureless during th early trading today. At noon prices ranged from i above to 4 below Saturday's Mew York closing. - Closing quotations oo bxoks rei 114 Lout.vlll A N. .. 81 tv M , K. A T.i... .... N. V. Central. .i .... 81 Norfolk A W..., HW4 do pfd ,....1114 fnterlo A W..., ,....10 PnnrlTnl .., 101 V Rand Mine 14 Blading 13 Bo. Railway Coneol moiiay an acosunt .... Amal. Cappsr .. Ar.ccorrds Atchison do p(d Bal. A Ohio Canadian Pad tic Chea. A Ohio... Oilcaao Ot. W.. C. . M. A St. P 1204 do pfd .143 . 12 .i; . M . 40 . W4 . . TI . 31 . H4 .111 .1614 . 1 . T0 .1114 . 17 . IF4 . 1 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of llv stock at th Union Stock yard for th twenty four hours ending at 8 p. m., August 8: awCli;il Id. Cattle.Hogs.Bh'p.lI'fs. C., M. A Bt. P........ W Missouri Pacific Union Pacific 62 C. A N. W., east L N. W.. west.Nlll C, Ht. P., M. & O. C, . J., eaat C, B. ct Q west V li.. 1. Ac cast,, .. Illinois Central Chicago Ot West Total racalDts 303 1)18 POSITION. Omaha Packing Co 76T Swift and Company 810) Cudahy Packing Co.7... .1,278 r Keera 14 80. Pacific .., Denrer A R. O 0 Calon Paclfto do ptd 71 do pfd Xrl 14 V. S. Steel... a lt pfd.... 40 do ptd do Id pfd 11 Wabaeh Grand Trunk M do pfd Illlnol Central 131 Bpenleh 4 ... SILVER Bar, steady at 344d per ounce. MONEY lftlW per cent Th rat o discount In th open market for short bill I 34 per oent; for thre month' bill. 3 per cent.. .. , . i ' Boston Stocks and Bond. . BOSTON, Aug. 8. CToslng quotations on stocks wer aa 'follows: - Armour A Co. Murphy, shippers Kohr Packing Co Cudahy, Bt. Paul.,.- w. a. van Bani ec v-o.... Benton. Van 8. at L...... Stephens Bros Hill A Bon P. B. Lwls Huston & Co '. B. Root & Co H. Bulla F. Huaa L. Wolf MoCreary & Carey 8. Werthelmer H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Lee Rothschild Mo. ft Kan.-Calf Co Sol Degan Klin & Christy McLKMineaughey , Other buyer '87 4 11 63 1M4 14 14, 404 44 8 U4 144 144 10 4ft r 89 i 17 ' 84 44 6(4. Alloues Amal, Copper A. Z. U A 8 Arizona Com. ..... Atlaotlo B. A C. C. A S. M Butts Coalition .... Cel. A ArUooa.... Cat. A Heel, Centennial .. 404Mohawk - , 4 Nevada Con . 124 Nlplsatag Mines .. . 1H Nortn Butt , North Lake . 144 Old Dominion .... .-Oaeeela'.;'. . MPanroU S. A, C. . .oat wuiiicr .r .,17- Shannon ', Cooser Ran C. C. 4 Suserlor -.i Bast Butt C. U..... T Superior A B Franklin Olrous Con. .., , Granny Con. ........ Oreene Cananea Ill Royal Copper. Kerr Lak , Lak Copper M. C, 300 loo (.OO. 102 101 101 ! L Sail Capper, 400 18. uh-h. 13 i Miami cor-per ; 3d 14 4 34 ABked. Bid. 100 131 Lou) 31 10 60 '"ioi 'ii 1.000 314 1,400 111 - 400 .404 600 ' ' 100 64 7.100 116 100 34 4 4,(00 1U 4 114 34 111 704 104 106 138 13 4 34 121 1384 31 el 60 60 ..... 106 61 - a 3 37 1114 I" A St. Loot General Market. ' ST. IWIS. Aug. 8.-VHEAT-Futures lower; September, 11.00; December, $1.03iW 1034; cash easy; track. No. 3 red, H.OinjJ 1.04; No. 2 hard, $1.00107. CORN Futures, steady r September, 820; December, Wo cash firm; track, No. 2, 6o4'(t'h'; No. 2 white. 664c. OATS Futures steady; September, Sto; December, 86(U3bHo: cash, firm; track; No, 3, S3tiltS4o; No. 2 white. 860310. FLOUR Market unchanged; red winter patents. 33. HxflS.-lO; extra fancy and straight, $1.304.90; hard winter clears. J3.3Ufc3.iW. Siklr Timothy, $j.3a(S5.75. t'ORNMKAL-83.35. FRAN Market weak; sacked east track, 96iii!7c. HAY-Markct strong, I1400.gl3.50; prairie. $11 oo-cru.oo: ... PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, $2176. Lard, lower; prime steam, $ll.024u 11.324. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extras shorts, 12V; clear ribs. 12Sc; short clear, 12ic. Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts, 13To; clear ribs. 134c; short clear, 14c. POULTRY Weak; chickens, lie; springs, 144c; turkey. lS'tiSlc, ducks. Hilic; gcs. Oil 9c ' BUTTER Steady; creamery, 24iff2Sc. LOGS Steady 1 174c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour .. Wl eat Corn .. Oat .. 16.000 27S.OHO 76.000 324.OU0 11. W 60. 0.O 28.0ii0 48.0U0 . Miaaespolla Grain Market. MINNBAPOUS. Aug 8. WHEAT Sep tember, 311147il-12: December, 31. 12; May, ll.U: rash. No. 1 hard, 31 23; No. 1 north. ern. 31 ISol 22: No." 2 northern, . $1.16tLl: No. 3, 3LUIU1.15. . . FLAX Closed at 32.49. CORN No. 3 yellow, 6KVnlo. OATS-No. 1 whit. SS4lc; No. raw. 71fil74c. . . PltAN-In 100-lb sack. 820OOt30.SO. FLOUR First pstent In wood. f. o. b. Minneapolis. 86.tu-ti6.t0; second patents, 6&0li6.70; first clears, 84.lHitj4.IO; second cieara. $2.83.30. Liverpool Grain and Provlaleaa, LIVERPOOL Aug. I wTHEAT Spot dull; No- 3 red wetern, winter, no stock; futures dull; October, 7s 4d; Deconiber, 7s 74d. CORN Fpot, firm; old American mixed. 6a lid; futures quiet; September, 4a SVi; October, 4s PSd. PEAS Canada, steady; Ts. FI.Ut'R Winter patxnt. steady; 8s. Ht'U'S tin Leadeuj s'awifle ewaat, idyi tt U4U Ia, 1... : 400 M ! '"mj 'to" , 81.e m ,.,100. t4 loo 004 , d,00 80 4 00 824 400 68 , 14,100 113 , 14,100 124 m -61 700 r 800 . K4 400 - W4 )0 U4 4T.70O 164 400 M 334 80 117 4 04 34 tl 44 114 344 127 106 3 14 34. 17 34 134 4 4 M 111 31 61 (3 S14 ZH4 47 100 64.400 1.100 116 114 6.100 464 444 4u 674 6!4 400 17 M 00 34 3 100 too 64 (6 31 to 6 118 81 614 314 84 3d 474 1M 134 "4 an r4 . 114, 464 67 4 1 31 83 41 64 e4 44 6 Local tcnrlttes. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, Jr.. tii Omaha National bank building: . . Bid. Aaked. Beatrice Creamery Co.. 14 4 City N.t, k. Bldg. . 13 0 100 City ot Omaha 6a, 1313 101 lot Cudabr Peaking Co. 6a, IK 4 7 0raa Tlr laauranc 106 Huuaton Waur 6a, 144 106 104 Iowa Portland Cement let Mtg. to.... H 1M International ' Con. Co., bonua 44 66 Kanea Oa and Kle. 7 per cent pfd.. M 100 Llucoln I'raction Co. 3 per cant, 1J.. 16 M Nek. Tel. atock 8 per cent 64 10u Omaha Water Co. 6a, 1644 M Omaha Oae, 117 M a Omaha K. L A P. 6. 113 16 N Omaha A C. B. S. R. pfd, 6 per sent U4 Omaha A C. B. S. It. 6a, 1318 Omaha Electria Light ptd M Pacllio T. A T. aa, INI i Stat Inauranc Co 10 Seattle. City of, 6a, 112 104 Trl-Clty R. A L. O. 6a, 121 6 I'nien Stack Yard atock. South Omaha 16 Rocky Mountain Fuel..., ad Weatern 1'aclflo 6a M M M 160 1-H4 64 New York Cnrb Market. The following quotations are furnished by 1ojcan ft Bryan, members New York Stock Exchange, 315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha. , 47 Ooldfleld Delay ... . 114 Green (knajiea . . 1 inspiration , . 13 I-aroe . 14 NeTada Con. . 61 Newborn 1 6-14 Oh 1 Copper . 31 Swift Pkg. Co . 13 Sear-Roebuck C . 17 Superior A P . tTonopah Mlnlag , . 1 North Lak . 3 Buhemla Bay Stat Oa Butte Coalltloa ... Oartu (tin tiller Con. Fraction PaTt-laly Ely Central Kir Con Kranklln Olroux Ooldfleld Con Goidtleld Klorence. . 4 . T . T4 41-14 . 304 . 67 1 S-14 .10t Ul , 13 . 1 . 4 . 64 Beak of Germany- Statement. BERLIN. Aug. 8. Th weekly statement of th Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: Cash In hand decreased 4,328,000 mark, loan decreased 17,381.000 mark, discount docraed 61.481.000 marks, treasury bill in creased 23,133,000 marks, notes In circulation dect eased 47,436.000 marks, deposits de creased 30.82ti.000 marks, gold in hand de creased 6,111,000 mark. 11 Superior A P, ( Taautntcir ti...... 33 V. .,p, AO.... 74 u. s? Tr. a m, i doJpra 4 UtlCnva....... 39l't4en,r?ter Co.. 11 Winona MlWwlTrin" t: . t t',- f.t . 46 30 . . 37 .110 . 14 . 71 . 10 .4 . . IS . 67 . 44 . IS . 47 . 24 . 46 . 8 .114 New York Mlulng Stocks NT3W TORK. Aug. J. Closing quotations on mining stocks warcr Alice 176 . LcedTlll Ooa. Brunawlck con. ..... f . Little Chief Com. Tunnel atock... 33 Mexican do bond .......... 1 Ontario Con. Cat. A V. 106 , OpbJr Horn Silver 40 Standard ....... Iron BtlTer 166 TMlow Jacket . Offered. ... . ... ( .;.14 ...176 ...116 ...100 ... 66 London Board of Trad Statement. LONION, Aug. 8. Th July statement of the board ot trade shows a decreaa of 84.6eO.00 In Imporanta and an Increase of 314. 600.500 in exports- The principal changes In imports were a deoreaaa of $10.000.0) hi foodstuffs and a Increase of 86.0tw.Ouo in rubber. In th export, manufactured goods showed th largest gains. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Aug. l-Th condition of th treasury at th beginning of buslnees today waa as follows; Trust Funds tild c.ln. ir,i Ml 110; allver dollars, $taS.62.OUO; sllvat AsUtas ft lw4t a,i.o9t alive ex- American Bar Gold. LONDON, Aug'. 8. American purchased 82.000.000 out of 3. 000,000 available gold sup. ply on the- London market- at a price fee below the last transaction. The rest of tha gold went to India and the continent. Bank Clearing;. OMAHA, Aug. 8. Bank clearings for to day were $2,774,766.68 and for the corre sponding dat last year 83,017,002.71, OMAHA GENERAL MARKETS-. Staple and Fancy Prodne Price For- nlshed by Bnyers and Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery No. 1, delivered to the retail trade In 1-lb cartons. 81c: No. in 30-lb tubs. 80c: No. 2. in 1-lb cartons, 38c; No. 2, in so-lb. tubs, 37 Ho: packing stock, solid pack, 364c; dairy, in hu-id. iuds, 2Hc. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. 17Vc; Young Americas, lc: dalsv. 18c: triplats. 18c: Umber ger. lsot No. 1, brick, 17c; Imported Swiss, 80c; do mestic Swiss, 24o ; block Swiss, 22c. POULTRY Dressed broilers, 22c; bns. 16c: cocks. 10c: ducks, lsc: geese. 15c: tur keys, 26c; pigeons, pep dos., $1.20; homer squabs, per dos., $4-00; fancy . aquabs. par dos., $3.50; No. 1 per dos., $3 00. Alive: Broilers, 16c; hens, 12c; bid roosters. 7c; old ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, fun leath ered, loc: turkey. 18: guinea fowl. 80o each; pigeon, per dos., 80c; homer, per dos., $3.00; squabs, no. 3. per dos.. 11.60; No. 2, per dos., 81.26. FISH tall frosen) Pickerel. 12c: whit fish. 14c; pike. 15c; trout. 15c; large cran nies. 20c: SDanlsh mackerel, iso: we!. 18c haddock, 13c; flounder, 13c; grn catfish, 18c; buffalo, sc; halibut, iuo; wnit perch 3c: bullheads, 14c; roe snaa. si.oo each shad roes, par pair, 60c; frog lags, par dos, 30c; salmon, 16a. reef CUTS Rib: No. I, IfTUc! No. I 14c; No. 8, c. Loin: No. L 18e; No. 1 144c No. 2, 104a. Chuck: No. 1, 84c; No. 2, 64c no. 8. 6o. Round: No. i 114c: No. I. o No. 2. 7c Plate: No. U 6V:; No. f, 64c No. 8 4VMJ. - - , rRUITS Oranges: California Cam el! a brand Redland Valencia, all sties, per box. 15.00: Havana Neoiterraneaa sweets. 216 size, per box. $4 00;, 250 sis. $3.86; tki size. 83.00 ; 824 else, 82.60. Lemons: Lltno ntera. extra fancy, 800 slse. per box. 88.00 MO sixe, per box, 18.50; choice, 300 slse. per box. 37.60: ebv sue. per dox, w.w; iki else. Mc per box less; Sunset brand, per box. 87.60. Bananas: ranoy weiacx, per bunch, $2.2',p2.o0; Jumbo, per bunch, $2.753.75. Cantaloupes: tjaiirornia. m site, 8460; M fanrlards. 86.00. Plums: California, red per 4-bsket ciste, 31.65. P.lua prunes: Per erate. 31. FO. Peaches: California, ner 30-lh. box. Softs."!. Pears: ' California Bartlett, per box, 32.60; In lots. per . box, n.40. Ap ples: Horn grown. In bbl., $f OOitt.fiO: new Orearon. In noxe. 8l.7. watermelon Texas. lft per lb. Dates: Anchor brand new, 80 1-lb. package In bog, per box on - . VEQETAB'-FS-Now potatoes: In sacks, per 1 CU., . socvu-w. .inions: Yellow. I sacks, per lb.. 4c; Iowa, email, per lb, 84c: Spanish, per crate, $1.75. Garlic: Ex finv whtla. tier lh.. 1 Sr ' mH m. iw lto. Kg plant: Fancy Florida, per dos! 31.50tt2.0u. Celery: Miohlgan. per dus. bunches. 3Sc. HOMF1-GROWN VEGETABLES Cab baxe: New, per lb., 24c. Tomatoes: Per baket. 75c. String snd wax beans: Per market basket, 76c. cuoumoers, per do., 60c. Kadlahra: Extra fancy home-grown per dos. bunches, 20c. Lottuoet. I-xtr fancy leaf, per dos., u.. rarsleyi Fancy home-grown, per oo. ouncne. sue. Rhu barb: Per dos. bunch, 46a. . Green onion per dos bunrhes, 25o. Turnips: Per mar ket basket. 40c. carrot: l r market bus ket, btic. Beets: Per markeS basket. 50c MISCELLANEOUS Walnut: Black, per Th., 2c; caurortii no. 1, pr ir.. 17c; Call fornla No. 2. per lb., 14c. .'lilckorynuta T - - nAa IK ' L rr. .11 Ik , - Cocoanuts: Per aack. 86 00; per dos., tio. Honey: rw, g irimaa, ... Mllwanko tiralat Market.' MILWAl'KKE. Aug. 3-FLOrR-erteady V UK AT No. I northern. $1 17ftl.ll; No. f northern. 81.151.16; eepteruber. $lit 1!"- OATS XJar. SAJUJtIw0, Iat. 1810. IliKW. 11906. 1W7. 180. 1906.UK)4. I 2J4I I 321 7 IW4,! 27 I t) 7 6 T 6 7 744 7 t 7 67?. 7 70V 7 89 7 401 74 7(40 7 64 7 62 7 64 7 W 7 tol 6 071 6 15 04 24 00 41 44 S3; 8 8 h 5 Si i 8. 80 6 01 ( 82 I 81 8 183 5 8u 5 7 451 271 3: 6 11 t 22 8 20 21 6 74 6 11 I 51 5 60 5 58 I B 173 6 62 8 6. 75 5 7 6 84 6 13 6 U 6 0 89 43 44 5 04 04 6 07 511 11EKP Almost vry pocket In th main part of the sheep farm was filled with rang stock this rrurnlng. Th run waa th heaviest thus for this year. Ovar ninety double of sheep and lambs were received, almost mree-rouris oi total ar- tvals com In 0 in feeder fleeh. Character of offering was highly mixed a might be expected, quality ranging from th poorest cannar ewes to choic fat classes. csriy hour aia not prouuc many sales owing to th delay cauaed In sorting tops and separating fat and feeder quality, so mat tne market waa not rainy opened until well along toward midday. When trading finally started, more or less . weakness Wa apuarent in the acala of prices on fat stock. Fat lambs had to sen around louo lower s a rule, good ones solng at 30.60. Lxtra prim grades were not quotable over 3.7rvb.60, at most. Good sheep did not suffer as much, a few selected brands going at prices no wors thsn barely steady to a dime lower. Most of th business wa don on a l(V(ilro lower basin, however, and closing round wer aecmeniy weak at tne tun decline. ChQlc wether sold t 34.0rvu4.80 and it took toppy w quality to bring 33.60 or better. Handy weight yearlings had to be eraekerjacks to mov at 35.28.- Feeder cinsscs did not share In the de cline, aa was generally expected. Plenty of buyer were found In almost every alley and generally firm prices wer paid as a rule. Feeder yearlings sold aa high a 8V05, with feeder wethers around $160. Feeder lambs jot the right kind sold readily at 3S.7S-7j5.W, little different -from quotation t last week' close. jttotations on grass stoca: tiood to choice lambs, SR.3Bm6.7S; fair to good lambs. $.10r,.36t feeding lamb. 35 60ffl6 00; handy weisrnt yearlings, m.uwco.-; heavy year lings. 86M4.M: feeder yearlings. 34.Krh5.10: good to enole wethers, 8.1. 75 T 4 25; fair to goon wether. 83.4oH3.75: feedlnar wetner. $3.40fJ3.!6: breeding ewes, $4 OO-fft .M; fat wea, J.)3..a; feeding ewes, ie.Aon-d.ia. CIIICACO LIVE STOCK MARKET :: -i 13 60 1 IS 23 1 .. 1 1 17 1 .. .. 1 .. 4 .. 47 W $ 171 126 878 628 87 158 29 . 120 167 300 640 407 91 68 83 7 89 6 972 844 680 646 644 2o 2Vi 1.402 1.347 1.8.-6 804 7.293 Totals 2,128 2.8W 13,591 CAT TLB Receipts of Cattl this morning numbered 308 car. While this Is a very liberal run it was smaller than on Monday of on, two or three week ago. A usual of late A very large percentage ef the cat- lie couaiaicu, vi iaviiv puiwe, w... . small sprinkling of natives. In spit of the larga run th market wa in vry iair con dition taking every thing Into consideration. A noted last wk a good many ot the cat tl coming show good llesn. in tact too much to make them desirable a feeders and a large proportion -of the receipt in consequence goe to th killer. ' When th trade- wa once unaer way desirable kinds of. beef steers sold quit freely at good steady to strong price. Considering th large receipts the trad was fairly active, and th bulk of the offerings changed hand In fair, season in th morning. . Cows and heifers were also In fair d- mand, and th market on that kind did not show very much change, but prices wer generally steady, and, on some of th mor rteslraM kinus, possioiy strong as com- tiared with last week. f eeding oatll wer in gooo. aemana tne same a last week, ana tney, too, com manded firm prices. Stocker sold in about th same notches as at th close of last week, and th trad a a whola was in a good, heaitny condition. Ouotauuna on native cattle: Good to ehoica beef steers. 27.0007.65: fair to good beef steers. $6.1O7.00; common to fair beet steers. H-t0.lu; good to cnoic cow ana heifers. 34. 606 5. 50; fair to goo" - cow and bifera, $8.50-4.50; common to talr cows and heifers. $2.50-3.60; good to choice stockers and feeders. 64.6005.65: fair to good stock- stockers and feeder. 23.6tKS4.60: common to fair stocker and feeders, 83.00i33.e0; stock heifer, 62.8594.00; veal calves, 33.00(.50; bulls, stags, sic. H.Kie.ou, Quotation on rang cattle: uooa to ehoic beeves, $5.40ft6.00; fair to good beeves, 34.50B6.26; "mmoo fair beeves, 13.60(34.40: good i chol'.t cows. 34.0U434.H0: fair to good grade; $3 2&S3.75; canuers and cutters, .ovu-a,o; gooii iu -:nuii;e leeaers, 4.765.40; fair to good feetrer. 34.OOil4.sO; common to iair teeaers, aa.wtK6Va.am Representative sales: BEKk' STEERS. a. At. Pt ate . Pf .301 49 U ..1487 7 68 .1163 7 I U.'. , 141 , 781 . T7 , .. 650 2 steer 88 cows.... t cows.... cow.... 2 cow.... t heifer., 13 steers... 8 cs. & hs. 25 cows.... 7 steer.,. 7 steers... 25 Cows.... 78 calves.. t bulls.... 11 steers... 10 corns.... 7 cows.... 10 heifers., 11 steers... cows. $ 4 11 823 3 46 3 U ' 1...... Ma 1 u 3 as ' l. ........ ...is- 4 oo ,11. 1 1280 4 76 30' 3 1114 6 00 HEIFERS. - 8 9 11 667 8 6 S0 8 40 . Ml 4 00 708 3 i) " BULLS. - ....... 0 3 60 108 6 0 , 1044 3 86 , 8... 1M 6 60 BlTuCKERa A NO wEEOKHS. Ill ID i. m 8 8 7 8 10 10....; a7 1 ; tt 3 60 . ,. 401 8 10 726 3 46 10..'...; til 1 80 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 801 1W3 . 88o . 841 . 766 . 490 . 70S 69 . 924 . 890 . 620 , 9Xt . 212 .1360 . 627 . 911 . 493 4 BS S 60 150 8 40 2 80 k 26 4 00 2 85 (50 4 00 5 85 2 30 I 50 t 48 8 66 $ 80 I 66 6 steers.. ., 26 cow 6 cow cow cow. t7 825 te3 838 G41 1 60 a o 2 50 1 50 a 80 ..1(0 ..1M ..V .1.4 ..; t si M 7 an kd in ... 1 M K IN 31 IN 11 11 1 )M 6 lot 4 3 38 ... 6 8 40 6 40 8 86 ,74c; February. 13.7c: Msrth. U-TSc; May. US"t; June. 13 63; July. U.18. ST. Lot IS. Aug. 1-WlTli-tJuiPl. iddllng, loo. Bales, none. Cattle and nd Host Ar Strongs keen Steady. OHICAaO. Aur. 8.-CATTLE Receipts 2.1.0110 head: market trn: beevea. 34.90 8.36: Texas steers. 33.50fr6.6fi: western steer. 4.00itJ.7Tf; stcrkera and feeder, 64.w fixi.w, cow and heifer, 82.7uU'.w; catvvs, 30.50ft.50. HCX1S Receipts, ' $4,000 tiead; market strong; llsrht, 38.4Or9.00; mixed. $7.80r(t8.0; heavy, $7.45S.35: rough, r .et; good to choice heavy, , $7.5fil.85; . plg, $o. 40(4 9.06; bulk or sale. r7KT,r,iH SHBaCP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 28,fn0 head; rnaciet ntefcdy; natives, 22fVrt4.t; western, 83.7ndT-4.60; yearllnc. $4.5037.60; lamb. $4.EUU7.15; western, f4.75S7.15. Kansas City Llv Stock Mat-ket KANSAS CITY, Aug. I. CATTLE Re ceipt. 18,000 head, including 4,000 southern. Top. 2S.10: dressed and beef export steers. in MKffS.IO! fhlr ta rood. 84.75fii4,2S: western steers, 84.38r8)7.2o; atockers ana teeaer. o. ffl 80; southern tr, $3.50jo i iuthrn cow. $2.6U1S4.96: native cow, $2.5fVfT4.50; nsUv heifers, $3.604r4.50; bulls, $3.00t4-60; eMlvaa t:7Bn,7firt HrMlft RacelDt. 4.000 Mia. Mtritri, ivo to 15c blghr. Bulk of sales, 3S.2OfJ3.50; heavy. $7.16i.35: packers and butchers, eTT0 ftA llffHT S Wrk 66. RHEFP ANTD LAMBH Jteceipis, r.vw head. Market, steady. Lambs, $JJfWi ewes, $3.50O44&; stockers and feeders, 32.76 64.00. , St. Lenta. Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. 8. CATTLE Receipts, e i.w ha.A VTrke4. strnne- to ion p7tier Native shipping ana export aterrj v. tin. Lr.nA hnt.r steers. 38.4Otf07.7o stockers and feeders, 83 .25o .60; cows and heifers, $3.607.00; canners, )2.7o(T3.00; bull. $3.2586.76; calves. 86.O0ig.5O; Texas and In ., , ........ ei ntfA RA uikii ewoo, r . ... ... ... HOOB Receipts, ,sw neaa. ware-di, to 250 higher. Pig and light. $i-Mo-i packers, $8.40(88.70; butchers and best "SHEE?80! LAMBS Receipts, 2.3 and bucks, $8.00(&4.76; stockers, a.ovwo.oo. . J..enk Live Stock Mnrket. ST. . JOSEPH. Aug. CATTLE Re- ..i.i. luin heeA- market ateaay; aicc". $4.60iS7.2i; cows and hslfers.- $2.50&4.60 HOa'V-Rrl'pts, -4.O0O head: nirkt W 15c higher top. $8.50; bulk ot ale. 87 90(3) ) ue HTCKf - AND ' LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 head; market slow; lamb. $4.u-90. '' Stock In Sight. Receipts of Jive stock at the tiv principal wr.et.rn tnarkata vaaterdsv: . Cattl. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 8.300 St. Joseph 2.500 Kansas City wooo St. Louis e. 7.400 Chicago Elgin Hotter Mnrket. KLOIN. 111.. Aug. 8. BUTTER Firm at 29c; output, V13.0U0 pounds. Tailor Kidnaps Daughter from Orphan Home dward Lirereta, Wlto Alleges Wife'i F&ther it Btl.ttd to Taft, Takes Girl. Edward Llbervta. a Flerenc tailor, went to the Benson orphanage Sunday afternoon and took possession of his 8-year-old daugh ter. Rose, saying h waa abl to tak car uf his own business and charging tha Jur enlle court with spite work In taking hi child from him, Th law doesn't bother ilm, he say a - Judge Sutton Issued a bench warrant aa soon as th matter earn up Monday morn ing and Sheriff Brailey was sent out t bring Llbereta befor th court and return i girl to th orphanage. Although Sunday wns not th regular visiting day Llbereta went out to se his daughter anyway. After vlittng la th parlor for a short tm he took her out to the porch, going from (her to th street car. Th girl wa scantily clad when she waa taken from th orphanage but her father did not wait for her to secure clothing and she was compelled to go as She wa. Rose was taken from her father on May 22, as th court officer charged that ah wa neglected and . otherwise cruelly treated. Her father ftllegea that th girl's mother's father is a second cousin to Presi dent Taft. Total ...... 23.000 .60.100 2.800 4.000 4.000 4.300 23.000 24.100 4,000 8.SU0 3,300 28,000 38.100 68,700 heifers.- 6MI S 25 4 cows (42 3 00 12 c. ft hs. 773 946 Ml 87 6 cows 10 steer. 80 cows... 85 oows... 10 heifer heifers calve. 1 bull 1450 12 heifer... 68 22 c. A hs. 767 2 85 2 85 1 S 2 76 3 00 2 90 870 IS 80 173 4 25 630 3 10 818 4 00 W. Hering-Neb. U steers. ...11 4 70 17 steers.. ..1163 1 bull 1450 1 50 8 steers.. ..1.T3 HOOS Hog prices advanced a notches on a very light supply this morn lug. All classes of buyers needed hog and mad no secret of their went, chipper wer th only one who viewed th market with doubt, only 500 or u0 head going on outside orders. Advances ef 154 precalled in both divisions after move ment was one started, bulk of receipt sailing on this basis. Some early basin wa don at figure lOQl&o higher, but ton to trad improved coslderably after first round. Competition wss keen throughout and trading brisk, everything gong to the rale before 10 o'clock. Heavy hogs' sold at 37.7667.80, and good mixed moved around the IS-00 mark. Lights were favorites, a usual, and brought th high prices, selected light selling as high ss 88.35, This flgur Is 20c higher than outsld sale Saturday. Bulk ranged from 87.75 to 38 00 as com pared with Saturday bulk of $76067.80. 860 3 10 I 20 4 70 5 23 few Ke. at. an. Pr. No. at. k. rr. 11 rw 10 T 40 60 Kt ... T 16 4....i..irr SO 1 6 10 141 M 1 N H 1)7 U III 3 Ill 110 11 4 ii .1M 1 N M 111. ... 1 SO 61. 13 K 7 W SI M7 ... In 4 T 1417 U Urn ... TM 14 l 7 70 11 Ill 14 8 06 6 34 14 T 71 TT Ill SO 7 H 44 Vi ... 1 71 41 !1 40 1 00 t tut 4 1 II 11 113 H IN 14 nt ... 7 ' 74 244 40 1 00 ti a tn it in ... in 1 171 0 T 16 14 M 40 1 00 ti 214 11) 1 76 11 141 1M I (ft U 176 ... 7 It 4 t'l l'0 00 11 tt 4 7 TI II 114 S III t til ... 1 0 a Ill Ml I 04 ft -4 10 IS 17 i 40 I U i at lo 1 o M ti ... u N i ai IN 86 lul 40 I U ' Metal Market. icirW v-orttf: ' An. 8. METALS Stand ard copper firm; spot and future. $18,109 12.80; Aonoon auu; apo soo; '"VfJT'iTTciiTr: 1.A.1IIV 1 u . ennner was 812.7&312-87V6; electrolytic. $12 50B12.2H; casting. I12.2M 12.37. Tin asy; spot and futures, $32.90-3 83.20. Londdn, dull; spot fl52; futures, tlSl 12s 6d. Lesd. dulh spot, 34.4OS4.50, New Tn.lr. titKilLV V.Knt Rt. Louis: London, spot,. 1 108. epelter, dull; spot, 85.85&ir.40, Kew York, ntf 14.9055.00. East St. Louis; rnAnn iiuit fl 16a. Cleveland warrants. 49 6d, London. Locally iron was quiet; No 1 northern. $l.25Q18.oO; No. 2, 15.o04j'16.no; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft. 15.76iSW.25.. ; ; Increase In Copper Stock. NEW TORK, Aug. 8-COPPEK-Copper stocks on hand In th United Stat August 1 were 170.540.678 pound, an Increase of iinj a nnunds. aa comDared with July according to the monthly report ot th Conner Producer' association, made pub- 11 today. The report how: Copper stocks on hand August 1 wore 170,640,078 oounds. as aeatnst 168.386.017 pounds on July 1. an increase of 1,255,661 pound July Production vi-as 118.370,003 pound, as compared with 127,319,188 pounds In June a dcrs .01 8, 849,166 pouna. Metal Market. NEW YORK,' Aug. 8. METALS Stand, ard eonner. firm: rxt. 212.10tS12.30; Scptem ber, $12.17V5U.20, Tin. easy; not, $33,009 til 40: Rentember. 832.9033.20:. Lead, dull I4.40ta4.o0r Nw -Tork; $4.254.35, East St Ixiin. Hrielter. -dull: 35.35155.40. New York 14.iuafi.00. East tit. Louis. Iron. dull, with slightly steadier tone; northern grade, $15.50 KII.VKR Bar. 63c. ST. LOUId, Mo.. Aug. . -METALS-Lead ll.fci'.; spelur, quiet at 35.06. Visible Snpply of Grain. NEW YORK. Aug. g.-The visible supply of grain In the United mate eaiuraay, Au gust t, a complied by the New York Prod- tic exenange was aa miiiiwi; n 11, 7s 000 bu.: Inoreas. 2.423,000 bu. Corn, 3, 708.000 bu. ; decrease, 62.000 bu. Oats, 2.204.000 bu.; decrease, llo.uuu du. nye, mi.to ou. ; ae- ereas. 12.000 bu.l parley, I4i,vuv ou.; as, ereaa 1,4 OliO bu. Th Produce XChngi estlmst of the visible aupply of wheat in Canada will not b luea until tomorrow, . Dry tloode Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8.-DRT OOODS-A fairly good business wa don In som part of th primary cotton gooas nuirKei aurin the dav and lobbers who are making al tractive offera oroducad a satisfactory vol urn ef bslness. Mor aotivlty i noted on the are good market, th demand for spring good from th west being of sub stantial slse. Raw silk Js quiet on th local market, but price ar pointing upward on Japan rotrll. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. I. COFFEE Future closed steaay at s to 10 poms aeenne. August, 195c: .September. 7.00c: October, 7.10c; November, 7i6c; December, 7.25c, 8not market firm; Rio. No. 7. 8c; Santos, No. 4. 8c Mild, market steady; Cordova, l03ivo. ... , , . . Sngrar and Molaase. NEW - YORK. Aug. 8-SUQAR-Raw, firm: muscovado, 88- test, 880c; centrifugal, 9d tin, 43dc; molasses, 89 test. 1.61c; re fined, quiet; crushed. (.Hoc; granulated, 6.151 powaerea, t lx. Omaha Haw Market. OMAHA. Aug. 8-HAY-No. 1 upland 111 80; No. 2 upland. 211.00; packing, 89. (-0. Straw: Wheat, Id. 00; ry and oat, $4.60. N nay, iis.w. . wVnel Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. I WOOL Steady ; ter ritory end western mediums, leja'rc; fin nediums, ntjjuc; tin, j-moiio. rotten Market. .NEW YORK, Aug. 8-COTTOV-pot cloied quiet, 16 point higher; middling up land, lduoc: middling sulf. ld.8uc. Hales. 13.144 bales. Futures closed firm; Aua-ust. 16.o,c; fcrptember, 14.74c; October. 13 910 Novembtr, 17.3jc; DoCmbr, 13,79c; January SENATOR ERICSON'S FUNERAL Servleea WIll Re Held at Late Real. dence tn Veen Tttwiednr Morntaa. ' BOONE, la,. Aug. 8.-8polaJ Telegram ) Th funeral of Senator Erlcson will tak plac Thursday morning' from th house. Th casket will be pjacad tinder on, of th large tree on th beautiful lawn. Th funeral will be her. Dr. Mason will com from Long Beach to offlolat. Senator Charles John Alfred Erlcson, leg ialatlv philanthropist, donr of tha Krlo- son library, president of the. city bank. died Sunday morning at Hi aa a result of an operation for appendicitis. He had been horn on week from four months' trip around ths world, on which he enjoyed ths bast of health. Th operation was performed Wednesday. Hs leaves on daughter, Rona, who wa called from a sanitarium at Bt. Louis to th bedside. Charles J. A. Erlcson was born in th provlnc of Calmer, Sweden, March 8, 1840. His father, Erlo Nelson,, brought his fam ily to this country in 1652, settling on a farm near Molina, 111. In 1805 Mr. Nelson moved to Webster county, Iowa, settling upon a farm in th then unbrakan west. Th early education of his son Charlg, who took the nam of Erlcson, acoordlng to th Swedish custom, was obtained In th common schools of his natlv land and In th public schools of Illinois. At 12 years ot age his schooling was finished and b wa employed in various oooupatlong until. In the spring of 1859. when h opened a mall store in Mineral Rldg'ln Boon county. After several ytars h cam (o Boone, purchased a stor her and after five years becam on of the erganlxars of th First National bank of Boon, and was elected Its first vie president. Many years afterward that bank wa reorgan ised aa th City bank, and h wa, during the last fw years of his life, president of the institution. ' ' - In political lit he took a great interest. even In hi early manhood, holding various township and, later, city office aa tlm passed. " ' ' . , In 1871 he wa elected a member of th Fourteenth general assembly on th re publican ticket, and twenty-flv yrs later. in 1895, he was elected stat senator, when he helped to put through two Important bills. , ". ' '''.'- Mr. Erlcson was twice married, th first Urn in 185$, when ha wedded Miss Matilda Nelson, by whom he bad two daughters. Alice and Lorena, and th second tlm h was married, in 1373, to Miss Nlll Under blood, who died In 1899, '";. He ha been . an active member of ths Masonic order, several branches of which ha is a member. Th Erlcson Memorisl Library building was presented by him' to this City at a cost of $10,700, and because of hi promi nence in the early life ' ot the state a Carara marble bust of him, cut by an Italian sculptor, stands in th Iowa hall ot history in De Moines. Augustana college in Rock - Island, a Swedish theological seminary,, has . been the recipient of generous donations from. Senator Erlcson. one gift of 280 acres of valuable coal lands, worth $30,000, 1 the most noteworthy. Thl waa made for th purpose of endowing a Swedish chair In th institution. The sum of $12,000 wa also given the Institution by hlra and, with a like amount raised tay ths faculty, a tract of land waa purchased and named Erlceon park In his honor. . Nels Ope nh lm In Trenbl. . DECORAH, Ia., Aug. I -(Special. )-Nl Openhelm of Decorah u in serious trouble, charged with attempted murder of hi wife and son. Openhelm is a farmer and h and Ms wife have lately been having con siderable troubl. and finally agreed to separate. They wer , going Into town to consult an attorney and Openhelm want or) ahead, his wlf following with their son, 22 ysar old. Openhelm. upon reach ing Decorah. purchased a revolver at a hardware store and started back toward home, meeting the wife and son, and, strpplng tliem. they became Involved tn a quarrel. Openhelm ran to his buggy and picked up th revolver and fired three times at thm. On bullet went through the boy's hat ind the powder burnt hi face. Th mother started and ran down the road, while the father and son grappled. When assistance arrived the boy had hi father down and wa disarming Mat, Open helm has been bound over to th September term of court in $1,000 bonds, which h furnished. - tlorae Dragr Bey. LOGAN, . la.. Aug. 8apclal.-01en Good, son or J, Good, living southeast of Logan, was thrown from th ssddl by a bucking horse - snd with on foot In th stirrup waa dragged and killed. Though medical help waa summoned at once, yet th boy was past all help when picked up. The funeral services were held at th horn at f:S0 thl afternoon. Interment in Logan cemetery. Herbert EaGooGh Go -Broker and Dealer oaatst a-atorisiosra arocas Canaii Off l , 11 atoturd ef Stla, nu . Deng. Sell Is. a-a wbSIiSY 4V340 UABIkl atOOa Ut VMS B.'ATaV l