7 B TIIE OMAHA, SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 7, 1910. The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of , Nebraska, c REAL ESTATE CITY FHUFKHTV FOR ALB (Continued.) BUY EASY . All Ne;w. Walking Distance. Balance same at building and loan asso elation terms, so much every month, which Includes both principal and Interest. 1530 8. 24th Ht. Thi la a new itrictly modern and up-to-date cottage. Very attrac-. tlve and well built; beet of plumbing, combination gaa and electric fixture. On east front lot, 40 feet wide, paved street, cement walks; on car line. Price $3,200; $320 cash; tM.90 a month. 1636 8. 2th Bt. Has 7 rooms, 5 rooms on first floor, 2 on second floor; built by day's labor out of the very best material and workmanship, strictly modern except fur nace; on 40- foot lot, paved street and a very pretty close-In and cheap hoirte fur $3,400; $340 cash and $33.65 a month, which Includes both principal and Interest. 1524 H. 24th. A swell bungalow, one of the prettiest In Omaha, lias 5 rooms, all large site, oak finish, modern plumbing and strictly up todate, fixtures can be selected by purchaser. Price $3,400, $340 cash, $33.60 a month, which covers Interest and principal. 1326 8. 21st St. 6-room cottage completed this spring. Is all modern except furnace. On 30-foot lot, half block to paved street; only 12 minutes' walk from the City National Bank Bldg. Price $2,500; $260 cash; $24.76 a month covers Interest and principal. Several other houses nearlng completion In these additions; prices on application. Also large list of lots on very easy terms, all within walking distance. HASTINGS 1614 Harney WeMust Sell n The large, 2 'story, modern brick houss at 4fH Douglas Ht., at once, as owner la leaving the city. Has Inlaid oak floors, with, oak and birch finish on first floor. Hanfcuvo mantels ft grates; also good fur na?7 4 bed rooms, and up-to-date bath, large deep porch, and large barn. The house alone connot be built today for $8,000. We offer It now for quick sale for $4,000: part cash. Stop and look it through, and make us an offer. $2,600 For 4014 Nicholas, a good full 2-story, $ room house, mod. ex. heat. This is only block from car, and BVi blocks to new Cathedra). House Is in good repair, and a good home. $1,250 For a good 4-r. cottage, city water, lot 60x120, shade, irult trees, grape and berry bushes, at 182s Van Camp Ave. Part cash, or will trade equity of $&0 as first payment on large nous in umana. F. H. Drake BOLE AGENT, 716 Brandel Theater. Doug. $706. $300 Oash (-room, new house in Albright, half block to oar; price, $1,400. ; 1 $600 Cash 6-room, new house, modern except fur nace, on paved street, lot 44x130, 26th and Patrick Ave.; price, $1,800. $850 Cash t rooms, part modern, S. ZlBt St, near Spring; price, $2,400. $800 Cash , . t rooms, modern except furnace, 26th and fierce; price, $2,360. $800 Cush 8 rooms, modern except furnace, corner tSUh and Ersklne St. ; price $2,300. $900 Cash 6 rooms, 41st and Cass Sts., thoroughly modern, street paved; price, $3,000. $900 Cash One 6-room, new house, one 4-room, both on one lot. will rent for $33 per month, 1231 a. 13th St.; price $2,6u0. $100 Cash S rooms, new house, Ceelghton's 1st addi tion, east front on 34th, near Arbor; price $2,300. $1,000 Cash S rooms, new bungalow, two blocks south Ames Ave.; price $2,3uO. Western Ileal Estate Company, HI Karbach Block. Both Phones. LEAVING CITY W1U . sacrifice modern home, one of the beat corner lota In Dundee. 4S02 Capital Ave, Cheap at $5,000; call and make us an Offer. Have You a Little Ready Cash Would you like to buy. on easy terms. brand new, mouern home, built and priced right and located In a very desirable neighborhood? We have several splendid houses, ranging In else from five rooms up to eight which we are going to sell on a small payment down, balance practi cally like rent This is surely a liberal offer aud should meet with a ready re sponse. Call us up without delay If you want to get started on buying a good new home. SHIMER & CHASE CO., ICS 6. 17th St Both 'Phones. Investment. Two houses and large corner lot, located I at 26th and Davenport Sts.; room for two j wore buildings. Price, $6,7j0. w o :iu e. r I y. rut Limn oiiniu tv vu., 1324 Farnam St. Phones Douglas 1064, Independent A-1064. " 1 1 " 1 r ' ' Boulevard Bargain. Six rooms, fully modern; east front on boulevard; near Rome Miller's fine home; beautiful view ot Carter Park, now being developed; lot 60x1 JU ft. No 4508 N, 2uth. Prioe only $4,000. Can make terms. ,W. Faraam Smith & Co., 1X20 Farnam St. rhones Douglas lost. Independent A-1064. Dean Place. Buy a lot In Omaha's most attractive addition, one block north of Hansnum Perk; all specials. Including paving, sewer, water and gas In and paid; all lots to grade; splendid shade trees; two car lines; safe guarded by a reasonable building restric tion; a number of new houses now building. Call at olflce for plat. Our prices are much lower than adjoining property. Our term are llbeiaL . .W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam SL phone Douglas lm4. Independent A-1064. It too buys 6-room cottsge and 6 lots at trtlb. and Webster Ave. tel. web. bliz. REAL ESTATE CITY PHUPERTY FOR S ALB. (Continued.) ONE OF OUR TERM HOUSES One-Tenth Cash. & HEYDEN Street.' TWO nice lots can be gotten very rea sonable near Deaf and Dumb Institute, t blocks from car line. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. 4,860 ACRES clear land at $10 per acre; want to trade for lnootne-bearlng property and win assume a reasonable amount. NOWATA LAND AND DOT CO.. 658 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red 1999. GREAT BARGAIN NON-RESIDENT OWNLR says sell my 7-room house and 2 lots covered with fruit and maple trees, Immediately; first house south of CUMING on 4Kth; ONE! with limited means can have this borne CHEAP; monthly payments on large portion. IF Interested, don't miss this opportunity. J. H. Johnson, 67S Brandels. Phone Douglas 42SL FOR S AX K Small lot, 23x70. on paved street, close In, at a sacrifice. Address U 4SL fice. .. $S0O cash, balance monthly, T rooms, brand new, full lot, paved street, strictly modern; on Capitol Ave.i close In. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Ki N. Y. Uf Bldg. Phone Red 1988. 2 LARGE LOTS ?700 Two blocks of Harney car. Good money can be made by building on these lots or let them lay. They will double your money In 12 months. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 668 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Ked 1999. 7-ROOM strictly modern house; full lot; hade, fruit; barn, cistern; on paved street; well located. Phone owner, Webster 6407. 2664 Manderson Bt 15 ACRES $1,000. One-half mile of street car Una, Council Bluffs, on hillside and with very pretty building site, about one-half good fruit and garden land, balance pasture. All new land; good road into city, &o cash, balance to suit McOEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 14 Pearl Bt Council Bluffs. 2620 ACRE RANCH NEBRASKA $30.000 Best equipped ranch In the state at the price. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.: Phone Red 1999. 668 New York Life Bldg. WHEN answering advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, please mention The Bee. 8HERMAN AVE. LOTS. East front between Lake and Ohio, on grade, permanent walks, paved street old trees; nothing better. One lot on 18th, west front, between Lake and Ohio. THOMAS F. HALL, Both 'phones. 433 Ramge Bldg. S ROOM, RENT f 14 Three blocks N. 24th St car; $100 cash, balance very easy; good Income payer; cheap home. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 'Phone Red 1999. 658 New York Life Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP-Two-story brick fist on paved street, close la. Address L 490, he. S ACRES FRUIT, CHICKEN Two blocks paved street and 16-room school . house; five-room house, barn, chicken house, cherries, plums, apples, peaches, lot of grapes. Price, $4,000. Terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 'Phone Red 1999. 6WJ New York Life Bldg. $1,100 buys one of the nicest corners In Kountse Place at 20th and Pinkney Sts., 4x80. Tel. Web. 675. $3,200 buys a 6-room bungalow, 20th and Pinkney; all modern and up-to-date. Tel. Web. 676a. TWO HOUSES FOR BALE CHEAP, TO BE REMOVED. 1D08-1MI Cass Street Call Monday morning. NORRIS A MARTIN. 400 Bee Building. Doug. 4270. ABSTRACTS OF TITLB. GUARANTEE Abstract Co., USX Farnam. PETER J ESS EN. JR.. TeL Douglas StM. HEAL ESTATB DKALIBKS. KEED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. IKS; promot servlc; get our price. 2u$ Brandels theater. BENJAMIN R. B. CO.. 477 Brandels Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO., Wl-i City Natl. Bank Building. ENGLEBRHCHT & RAVER, CANADIAN & LOCAL REALTY. 1710 Farnam (Bee Bldg.) D. 42?.. GROVER REALTY SYNDICATE now In new offices Suite UU-20 City National Bank mag., uoug. sins. VOD fiATH W V fin.. .n.rlm.nl site In Omaha; fronting three streets, within talking distance. Inquire at, once, 64b New York Ufe Bldg ONLY $26.00 CASH. Look at Mat S. lain tit-, a 3-room house on lot 14 fret deep for only $?f0; fl cash, balance $10 per month Including interest, PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ijillr Third floor Ware Block, Telephones Douglas 1781; lnd. A-116a. LOTS west of Fort Omaha, will sell at a bargain at $116 each. Tel. Web. tTbi. When you have anything to sell or trad drerUs It In Tba Be Want Add column REAL ESTATE FARM AN U RANCH LAND FOR SALE tail for nl. FOR BALK Stock ranch: S.S00 acres; fenced; good buildings, corrals, etc.; abund ance creek water for Irrigation; l,0u0 square miles summer and winter range; 700 acres alfalfa; 200 timothy; bulunce grans pasture and gras; one of the best stock proposi tions in California; for price and full parti culars adress Kuck ft Tobias, 340 liyrne Bldg., Dos Angeles, UaU . California , Lands Government lands of tuc ufst soil; good well water, plenty water and cheap water for Irrigation. On these landB you can grow everything. Near Los Angeles. For particulars call on or address John Maresh 42U bouth lulu tot." Colorado. FOR SALE-I HAVE FOR SALE ON reasonable tnrma a hparlnu in me iamous urana valley ol Colorado, within two miles of Palisades, where fail ure is unknown; this trui contains seven teen acres and Is all set to peaches; best varieties; to per cunt Elberta, balance Car men and Sal way; good house, barn, chicken houses and cisterns; all new. For further iniormation auaress j. w. uodron, pali saues, Colo. Florida. FLORIDA homes and lands. Write for our list of Florida lands and Improved property. Large and small tracts, lowest priuss. v-nuaers & juurton, Arcadia, Fla. FL01UDA LANDS CHEAP Would you Invest In a 6, 10, 20 or 4u-acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truca farm in Florida s best agricultural district If you could get It for $7.00 per acre under market price? We are Just opening new tract in coiumpia county, and while con structing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or' easy payments of to per month. We have JuBt Issued a beautiful 20-page book, showing; Dictures of felds and dwellings in our locality, all In artistic col ors. We will mail you this book free and send you such other advertising matter as will etve you a aood Idea of our Drouosltion. Our land Is convenient' to three railroads and we have Lake City, a modern county seat of 6,000 people., in our midst People who know Florida consider our tract one of the very best. It is indorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of trade. Prices very low: easy buying plan; write for books and map giving trutnful de scription. - Coiumbus-Flonda Land Co.. 449 Times . Bldg., Ut Louis, Mo. Iowa. - ..CO ME N O W We want to show you the best bargains In Iowa farms to be found anywhere. We canisuit you on anything from 40 to 6u0 acre farms and the price and terms will suit the most conservative buyers. Come and see us or write for particulars and be convinced that we can please you. Carr & Luke, popejoy, J a. SO ACRES. EASY TERMS All in clover and timothy, improved. close to town. A real bargain at $0 an acre. H. J. Tllla, owner, 526 Fleming Bldg., Des Moines, la. FOR SALE 820 - acres near Hermann. Orant county, Minn., 200 acres well Im proved; price on whole tract $32 per acre, one-fifth cash payment, balance 6 years. ( per cent Interest; will sell off separate tracts; must sell quickly to close an eBtate. a. ttiuu. Britt la. Idaho. YOU have Just got to let your money work for you; the same way you work for your money. Today may be your opportunity. You can't ever tell when It comes. Investigate for yourself by writing Frank Rihlett, Albion, Idaho. He will tell you how to make your money double ana trenie. It costs nothing to learn. Just See Twin Falls There are enough scenic wonders .s. Tiar.. s7l1i THoVtA rt no v k VV. UCOI 4. TT 11A A gat IBS, W f; BODY to come; tons of alfalfa, five tons Clover, a ions umoiny, id ousneis wheat, 120 bushels oats are top yields. Write to me to get Information FREE. J. F. Stoltz. Secretary Commercial Club. Twin Falls, Idaho. Send 10 cents for the big book of views. Cassia County Idaho Wants Yx0U Write Immediately for the hand somest free booklets that we send on request. Pictures fit to frame. F. E. GRISWOLD, secretary, Burley Commercial club, Burley, Idaho. G. A. AXLINE, secretary. Albion Commercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. MITCHELL, secretary, Oak ley Commercial club, Oaley, Idaho. MONEY TALKS Yes, money talks in Idaho. You draw 3 from that mid-west savings hank of vnura' I can euarantna vnn nan or yours, 1 can guarantee you 7 net. YOU get a proved Security. There is no danger of any loss to the people who live on the United State. S3 V IV! UU1CU V ftllliuvan a 1 UJQV vi for my free booklet today. G A. Johnson W me Attorney-at-Law, Burley Idaho. Free Booklet Write to us for this handsome illus trated free booklet; cover In 7 colors and pictures fit to frame, that would sell for bx In any art store. Don't fall to send a post card re questing this booklet, today. IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. Ellis Bros. & Jackman IDAHO FALLS. IDAHO. Idaho Falls is In the heart of the Great Bnake Kiver Valley, the sev enth richest district In the world. REAL ESTATE I FARM AND H ANOI I. A N II FOR SAI.H Idahc -Continued. TWIN FALLS In the next three years will double in popu lation, and property bouglit no wis sure to Increase In value. CITY PROPERTY of nny kind, whether It lie business lots, residence lots, trackuge or additions. WILL ninke you money If you take ntl- vantage of the opportunity and buy at the present prices. MAKE an investment which will net you 60 per cent In the next year and YOIT will thank us tor caning your at tention to the fact that all who have in vested "- -" nlwavs made MONEY. Business lots can bo bought for from $l,0uu up. Residence iuls five or six mocks irom the business center of the city run from $1X10 up. Write us for list. We will glv you the Dtnent or iour yar""pr!:Ven" ,hCrt: TWIN FALLS LAND & ORCHARD CO., F. O. LESSUR. president, Box 283, Twin Falls, Idaho.' WE can actually DOUBLE YOUK MONEY FOIt YOU in Idaho. WE CAN GUARANTEE YOU 7 PER CENT NET for every dollar you can let us have. We can GIVE YOU SECURITY AS SAFE AS THE STRONGEST NA TIONAL BANK THAT WAS EVER CHARTERED. All you need do 1b to write to us. Tell us how much money you have to invest. AND WE CAN GIVE YOU A FARM MORTGAGE SE rTTRwn h th richest most fertile land that lies out of doors. The banks of Idaho; your own bank -will tell you of our responsibility. Write today and get OUR FREE BOOKLET. Address BUHL INVESTMENT COMPANY, BUHL, IDAHO. NOW. Missouri. EVERY ONE WORTH THE MONEY 240 acres, 6 miles Olathe, Johnson Co., Kan., all in tame grass; price $10,500. . 100 acres, wen locatea in jonnson o.. Kan.; most all in cultivation; good Im nrovements; near school; price $T5 tier acre. 80 acres, l nine oi maine; an in tame grass; a beauty tor uw. 240 acres in Clny Co., Mo.; all rich, black soil; good Improvements; this la a high class farm; price $100. ltiO acres. 10 miles rrom Kansas city, in Platte Co.; 2 sets of Improvements; no bet ter soli on earth; the growing crops will convince you what the soil Is; price $100. 80 acres near ienexa; c-etween two eiec- trio car lines; $5,000 worth or Improve ments; a lovely country home; price $140. Beautiful 10-acre tracts on Strang elec tric line, $300 per acre. We know farm land when we see it and will pay all expenses If land Is not as we represent. CHAS. 6 PRAGUE & CO., 320 Ridge Bldg Kansas City. mo. Minnesota. SOUTHWESTERN MINNESOTA LAND. RO-nrr farm, located on main travel road t miles from Traev. Minn., a city of about 2,300 population. Farm, all under cultiva tion, about 40 acres hem a usea ior inmii ffraln th rmlninor nnrflnn ilS tame Rra8S 15 acres of same In pasture; 'two-thirds of rarm renced; three acres in line grove, young bearing apple trees and small fruit, shrubbery; fair buildings and gooa wen f rice 56. 240-acre farm. 41 miles from Tracy. Minn., IH miles from Garvin, Minn.; 190 acres In crop, 25 acres In pasture. line grove, wen and 60-foot windmill tower: nine-room house, furnace heated: one barn 0x32. 14 foot posts, with addition 14x32; one barn end granary combination ikx4u, 14 root pin; chicken house 8x24, 8 feet hlgn. rnce ..i.ou. A snan on easy terms. 160 acres. 6 miles from Tracy, S miles from Amlret, Minn.; all in tame grass and cultivation, living water, crossing corner; a fine level piece of land. Price $43.00 per acre, one-nrtn casn payment, 6 years on haiance at 6 per cent, U. 11. UOODWIN 1-iAiNtJ tJU., THACY, MINN. . Nebraska. FOR SALE 320 acres of agricultural stock farm, 3V4 miles from town. Address Box 872, Milford. Neb. HALF section good land near Arcadia, Neb.; want clear Income property for equity of six thousand. John Patterson, Jr., Central City, Neb. FOR SALE Eltthty seres land, good buildings, good water, windmill, 3'4 miles from good town in saline county. Address Tl.eo. Haden. Crete, Neb. BARGAIN IN FARM For 60 days. Special bargain. Immediate possession If desired. J. T. uampDeii Litchfield, Neb. Oklahoma. 1 -A . . U..IMI-. R fi ;ovn, rrlc, ,3500; part cash, balance 4 years' time, owner, tiox u, uenson, xvieD. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Oregon. ADVANTAGES OP OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties is adapted for; gives amount of government land open to homestead in each county; map at tached 21x28, showing new railroad and towns. Including eastern and cen tral Oregon In different colors; Issued March 1, 1910; latest map In U. S.; gives homestead and desert claim laws, how to secure 320 or 160 acres free; also general description of Oregon. Mailed 25c Nlmmo & Kuney, 313 Hamilton Bldg., Portland, Ore. Soata Dakota. "THE IDEAL HOME" of W0 Acres, Situated In the lilg Sioux valley, four miles south of Castlewood, the county seat of Hamlin county, o. 1 . 440 acres of deeu black loam, under yearly cultivation; 100 acres in pasture anu im in me oeaumui gl)rlng.fe(j Florence, with its sylvan Uoenes and sparkling waters, deep and pure filled with fish and game In season, and -V;" 1 hos house and woven wire pasture, corn ilo, mucnln house, small barn and numer ous small buildings, all In good condition with windmill, three wells and clbtorn, all surrounded by beautiful grove. PrU-e 12."). 01. on Rood terms, by M. J. Russel. Castlewood, ti. D. Kansas. WE HAVE 10 quarter section Cheyenne Co.. Kan., landa. Uikkj wheat and corn lands. These lands run from 40 to 80 per cent tillable and from 7 to 20 miles from railroad point. No two of these quarters lie together . Each quarter Is encumbered for one-fourth of Its value. This Is the customary loan on land In this county. $tO0 on each due in I to 6 years at 7 per cent. Price $1.6u0 per quarter. Axents, any lands are worth lo per acre. We will deal any number of these equities for merchandise. hardware, imolements. liverv stock or uoori city property. Submit all your trades to us. Hetts & Worrell. Norcatur. Kan. Persistent Advertising is the ltoad to Big Returns. REAL ESTATE KAtlM AX1I HACI1 LA.NU ('OH SALE Kansa Con tinned. FOR HA LIS 100 acres well Improved land; $ miles from Llnwood, Leavenworth Co., Kan.; 27 miles of Kalians City; li-ruom house, bain lor 12 horses with mow; other outbuildings; watered by wall, cistern and springs with windmill; M acre farm land, balance timber and pasture; su acres fenced hog tight; half nil In to school; on rural route and telephone: price $& per acre. Cull or address L. K. Kimball, Llnwood, Kan., route 2, Box 83. Miscellaneous. HAVE YOIT A FA KM FOR SALS OR TRADE? Or do you want to buy one? Mass uiir want known through THE DU4 MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium ot Iowa: Rates: 1 cent a word for each inner linn. ten. a ine. .0 cents ail Incn. Cir culation, 41.(?; largest of any Iowa dally. Give us a trial. Address The Capital, Land Dept. Des Moines. Iowa. Isle of Pines Fertile Fruit Lands In the is.u of Pino snow big protlts. Urapcfrult, pineapples and winter vege tables ruisuu tueie are lai superior to any grown oiHcwncre in America ana bung higu et prices in the .nortliern iiiarjtets wnen me Hems at Home are covered wun ice and biiuw. ectiicis at Mctvitney, lsie o: PIiks, soid Ki ape t nut last season at $u a box. wnoienaie, and pineapples at $4 a cr.ue 1 nese prices Jiiean piotits ot oU0 to i,lwu i an acre. - l 1 1 )u . IH ... I- . 1 , 1UA ... I - I. I AW,, A " 1 .UUU, ftw 1 1 1 1 T O ,UU, ol ivey v est, ia., and rougiily is auout uy Jo nUles In extant It Is absolutely oelow trust ueit anu lias never oeeu visited by a ireese. The temperature never goes Oulow im uegrets. 'ine climate Is ideal, tua aiuiaii ainpie and tne soil proauces trults and vegetables of surpassing excellence. A home here on ten or twenty acres as- wi i.iiiu,. save, 1IB T VI Ullli W lISIUi W VI the last six years American colonists have I III! 1st nil a nuur ru unrwm.l l.t.l LiAStl been taking up homes here. At tne present lime over 2.0wJ Americans have nuionaseu land from us in the Mckinley colonies. We can snow you the results ot their la Dors as prooof of tne merit of tne proposition. t-i us send you our illustrated literature. telling ail about McKlnley. Isle of Pines. and showing over too Illustrations of tlie homes of American settlers, located on our proerty, their orange and grapefruit gloves, pineapple tieius, vegetable gardens. etc. our nauusome Cook ut over M pages will be sent free to anyone Interested in Investing In land. Idle curiosity seekers are requested not to answer. Mr. J. Li. Harber, our western representa tive, la himself a land owner, and if you will call on him at his office, he will aladiy show you some recent photographs of our property. He visited McKlnley last spring and tan give complete Information regard ing conditions there, such as will be in valuable to lnteudlnK Investors. Jou cannot atforo not to lnvestlkate this proposition thoroughly before investing tn agricultural ianu eisewnere. Call on Mr. Barber or 'phone him and make an appoint mem. When writing for literature, ask for oooitiet a. ISLE OF PINES COMPANY, J. L. BARBER, Manager, 638Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb REAL ESTATE LOANS Good 6 Farm Mortgages always on band and for sale amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. at 4.50O to $6,000 on homes In Omaha, O'Keef Rea Estate Co.. 10U2 N, Y. Life. Douglas or A-Zlbi. bfo to 6 PRIVATE MONEY JNO DELAY. GARVIN BROS., Third Floor, New York Life. Phone Douglas V62. to $100,000 on improved property. No delay. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead' Bldg., lEth and Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. LOANS to home owners and horn build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. SWAPS GOOD quarter section in Kit Carson county, Colorado, to exchange for livery stoc-K. Auuress u. P. Corcoran, Miller, S. D. WANTED To trade. 20 acres Oregon land for good automobile. Address H. H. Ream, Maywood, Neb. Two-story brick business block. $ stores. office on 2d floor, large, light basement; modern; steam heated. Rented $1,600 per GARVIN BROS.. Sd floor N. Y. Life. $600 year. Price $16,000: mortgage $5.0uo at ( per tent, due In five years. Trad fori land. NOWATA- LAND AND LOT CO.. 65$ N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red 19. Eight-room modern house, good barn. paved street, nicely situated and In fine repair. V unt one or two good vacant lots or modern 6 or 6-room cottage or bungalow. S6i Uoard of Trade. TO EXCHANGE I building lots in Pittsburg. Pa., for a lot or as part payment for a home In Omaha, what have you? JiUUfciKf J. M1SNER. 406 Webster-Sunderland Bldg. Doug 4403. FOR EXCHANGE. 3,(o acres, most an flue rice land, near btuttgard, Ark., 640 per acre. Will con sider $IOu,OUO stock of goods or business block. ,V0 acres near Amarlla. Tex.. $26 tier aire, ior stoca or goods or city property. smi acres, near Aioaaie. la., iuo per acre. win coiiHiaer tsi.uou stoca merchandise. It) acres, near Overton, Neb.. $lu0 per acre, w 111 consider aju.uw stock general uierrnanaise. ttio.Oliu business block In north Denver, to trade for eastern Nebraska or. western Iowa farm. , 10.00U acres Irrigated land, eastern Colo rado. t)ia per ai re. Will consider $1W.UJ0 aiai'tment or business block. a acres in Hayes' county, Nebraska. $40 per acre, trade tor apartment. See Me For Bis Deals. O. M. WYCKOFF, 110SO. St., Lincoln, Neb. WANT TO EXCHANGE IOWA FARM FOR MERCHANDISE. 400 ACREii, good dwelling, $ barns, I wind mills, lots ot woven wire fence, about five miles to railroad, plenty good shade, small amount timber, fine lay out for handling stock, excellent pasture, mortgages $11,000, will put In equity and soms cash, either general stock or hardware and Implements, price 676 per acre. BUSUH.HMAN BROS, Murray, la. $10 acre North Dsksta lacd, free of Isr euubrance, fur guoU vuiaua property. raub uarney u?w SWAPS IContlnued ) WANTED OMAHA PROPERTY. For 160 acres of good Irrigated land lo csted about six miles. south of Oieeley, Colo., or will accept good nierchanrtlee. M. R. Snougraas, 316 Good Blk. Des Moines, la.' Suburban Home for Omaha Cottuge Country place of 7' acres, with new Improvements, consisting of a 6-rouin, al! modern houxe, good barn and pump house; 2 acres In grapes, 1 acre orchard, balance plow land. -Due to owner's 111 health, we can trade his equity of $3.7f0 for a modem house or cattage In Omaha. Now Is your opportunity to get a self supporting home. Payne Investment Company. 8. E. Cor. loth and Farnam Sts. 8 TO 10-ROOM HOUSE COTTAGE AND MONEY FOR I-room cottage. In first-class condition and modern, except furnace on Mouth 20th for sale at $2,2&0. Lot 40x1X9. Puved Ht. Owner wants modern house well located and will trade cottage ns part payment. with cash difference. Payne Investment Company. S. E. 'Corner 15th and Farnam Sts." House Wanted. I have a fine 160 acres of irrigated land In Scott's Bluff county, Nebraska, priced ut 1M ir arm for sale Will take an Omaha rMblenra ,,f 14 000 to IS OUI as nart Davment mnit .m ..nh tino an cr within ..... - - two years. Address, 8-7M, care Bee. WE HANDLE exchanges of properties of merit. HARRY H. CULVER, Sutt-IW N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas iB6a GOOD Iowa and Minnesota land to ex- .,... rn .rrh,nu mnA hard. war,tocks; many bargains. The Mercan- Adiustment Co.. Quthiie Center. la. w IF IT 18 ANY KIND OF TRADK, SgU A. B. LATHROP. D. KM. 121 Be, OFFERtO FOR SALE OFFICE FURNITURE FOB SALE Second hand pieces as follows: On flat top walnut desk. One ll-drawer card case. One wast basket. - riv office chairs. On rug. BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam BEST bargain In city, four rooms fur. Inlshed complete; everything In good condl tlon; must be sold Immediately. Call 1620 HALL TREE. SEWING MACHINE. CARPET, gas stove and washing machine, WILL SACRIFICE. 2244 Landon Court. TWO MACEY SECTIONAL BOOKCA8ES complete; solid mahogany. WILL SACRI FICE if taken soon. 410 Lafayette Ave. SOLID MAHOGANY DAVENPORT Upholstered In leather, also Turkish rocker. 4108 .Latayett avs. Mnsleal Inatr amenta, FOR SALE Piano nearly new. bars-sin. Room 7, Crounsa block, 16th and Capitol Ave. Trpowrttara, BUY an L. C. Smith A Bros. Tytxwrirar B. V. Bwansoa Co., Distributers, uu I srnam M. Typewriters for Rental- 131$ Farnam St., Omaha. ' DENSMORB TYPEWRITER for 110 eaah Harney 44tis. 277S Burt St. BECOND-hand typewriter sold, renalrsd. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam, REMEMBER it takes but a few strokes I of the pen to state that you saw the "ad." in in aet. 1 ne advertiser wants to know. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New ana sacona-hand billiard and pool-table. We lead the world In cbiap oar nxtures; easy payments, urunswi;.. aii.- nieniier 4UJ . jot El "n. FOR SALE Two hlsh pressure Kewanee steam boilers, OS-horse capacity each, size 60 inches by 16 feet. We can show a Boiler Liability company's Inspection of these boilers as late as July 12, showing them to oe in lirst-ciass condition, and the com pany approves a steam pressure of 13$ pounds per square Inch. Boilers can be seen in commission and will lie ready to de liver about September 16 to October L Of fered for sale on account of nuttlnir In larger power plant. John G. Woodward 4 Co., "The candy Men," Council Bluffs, Ia. HIGH SCHOOL CADET UNIFORM tailor made. In good condition. . Age 14 or 10. UUUUUAS 3161. FILTERS; filter repairs. 1310 Howard street; Douglus $913. HE HAVE on hand a number of ink lrrels which we will sell for 60 cents each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call ai press room, nee i-uoijaning Co. FOR SALE 6,000 shares Unci Sara oil stock, transferable on company book for I'joo casn. a. u. uemei, fierce Bldg., bt LOUlS. MO. ONE LETTER PRESS, on typewriter tenia can uougiat iwi. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand sates, an rises ana niaaes; bargaioa HALL'S safes, nsw. Id-hand. Dill Farnam. DRUGS at cut prices; frelsht csld on ii $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherroaa A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Nb. AJout 40 feet of 29 Inch dlamatap Nn ta gauge, galvanised pipe, with four 4o-lnch elbow and T. This was used for ventilat ing purposes, and pipe Is In good condition. Tb Be Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam. 16 H. P. OAS ENGINE for sale. Web, 4924. Call at FLORENCE BRICK YARD. FOR SALE Rooming house, best loca tion; will sell furniture and stovsa Address A W, Bee. STENOGRAPHER'S roll top desk, also two other roll tops; all oak and good as new. W01 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST CO. FOR SALE 0x12 Wilton rug, practically new price cheap. 068 S. 26th Ave. VACUUM cleaners, $16 to $25. 1U7 Farnam. OSTEOPATHY Kathryn Nikolas, Ki t Brandel Theater. Alice Johnson. SW-I Brandel Theater Bldg JOHN DB FOX 120 Brandels Tbsatar. WHEN yon answer these advertisements, plesse mention The Bee; PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL, Pa it ton Elk. Tl. Red 7117. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner in U. S. PaL Office. (It l axtun Blk., R. tL WHEN answering advertisements found In the Waul Ad columns, pleas mention The Be. PERSONAL M ECU ANO THERAPY. Mssssks treatment stomach trouble. Dr. Margarita Ilalloran, in Neville Blk.. D. 7761. v2T.Ws.Vine from combings, $1.80. Mra It ftWl tCneS tutbewa. 804 Neville Bk, D. CHI 1?nllint Onrtilo Lrge line of Rubber ItUUUer UOOUS O0oA Bredal Mall ,C. A. Mclcher DRUG CO.. 17th A Farnam. MRS. ROGERS' private confinement borne. IMS Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas 6230. HINDOO TAPLETsJ will build, brae. etrengtben tOu HELL DRUG CO. V'l?Irrmr54 Rubber goods by mail; eut alogue. MYERS-Dillon Drug Co. Omaha, MAHOGANY upright piano for sale; coal new $.TJ5 (CASH); NEED MONET; leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. Address U. M. H.. Qeneral Delivery. Omaha. CANDY BUSINESS IS PROFITABLE! If you are thinking of starting a oandv store or adding a department, 1 can help you and will mall you a list of my private recipes and Instructions for a variety oi the choicest candles that I have mad for many years, consisting ot chocolate bon bons, nut taffies, caramels, cocoanut can dies, salting almonds, mint creams, kisses. I'oviKStlnes. brlttles, wafers and others. Mall me your order with $2, and you oan refer to any banker or merchant Every young lady ought to know how to makt fine candles, as a source or pleasure and profit. W. S. Ualduff, Omaha. Neb- YOUNG WOMKN eomlns to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and Bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler aia at w union siauou. EXPERIENCED shopper of taste often her experience to out of town customtra will save you botlt time ana money. P. iVi, Bet.' persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Return. SWITCHES Webster 3604. from combings, $1. Tel. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits east-oft clothing, la fact, anything you do not need. W collect, repair and sell at 124 N. 11th fit., for cost of collection, to the worthy pour. Call 'phone Douglas iUft and wagons will calL MAGNETIC treatment. Mme. Smith, m &. tfth. Third Floor. GROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer's A delight Hair Food. Mogeath Stationer Co. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. WTflS od loupes for man. Griffith. "JUOU aod 14 FRENZK'.H BLOCK. PRIVATE HOME during confinements babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sank tarlum. 74 1st Ava. Council Bluffs. Ia KILL THOSE ROACHES NOT POISON! NO ODOR1 We auarantee to rid your place, larca or small of those pest In twelve days. Day when satisfied. Maslo Roach Powder Co., 7$ Brandel Bldg. Dou. 1370, Omaha. DR. RITTENHOUSE RHEUMATISM, CONSTIPATION. PARALYSIS, LUMBAGO. All Chronlo Disease. $00 Boston Store. U0 8. 16th. JOSI9 WASHBURN'S book. Tn Under. norld newer. ' at aU book stores; prio UK f AfWFTTf! TREATMENTS. E. Brotl, TS69. WANTED By young married coupl, a child, 10 or more year, to board. 4701 Davenport SL TJTT fa cured without operation or pain, Dr. Maxwell, 624 Be Bldg. D. 14J4. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. 1606 Dodge St., oppo site postotfice. 6d floor. Tel. Doug. 76ti6. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing machines. Ind. A-lti43. Doug. IstiS. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Uth and Harney St. STRICTLY private horn for confine merits; excellent car; babies for adopVton. $518 Davsnport St. ' MASSAGE AND BATHS Dr. Rlttenhouse, room 30$ Old Boston Stors Bldg., 4th floor, elevator entrance, 120 S, 16th. ' SHAMPOO, massage. Ada Steele, 160 Howard St. 2d floor front R, west flat. 10 a. m. to S p. m. Persistent Advertising 1 the Road to Big Return. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real astat transfers for August 6, 1910, furnished by th Midland Ouarantee ami Trust Co., 1714 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. X6a. L. Welhlhausen to J. H. McGulre, part lot 1, block F, Saunders 4s Hlms baugh' . $ 1 South Omaha Land Co. to th First Baptist church of South Omaha, lot 14, block 365, South Omaha 1 J. H. McGulre to N. McQuire, part lot 1, block F, Saunders & Hlmebaugh's. 1 Ralston Townslto Co. to th Brown Truck Mfg. Co., lot I, block 66, Ral ston t J. E. Morton and wife to G. E. God frey, lots 19 and 20, block , Collier Place 1,000 G. W. Medlock and wife to M. Runey, lot 4. block , Omaha Height 1.600 C. P. Wesln to A. Hoagland, lot I, replat block 7. Bemls Park 1,004 County treasurer to A. J. Moflhan and J. A. McShan, jr., lot 26, block $, Hawthorne H. P. Gulou and' husband to P. Harm, part lota 7 and (, Honsel's sub I F. W. Carmlchael to L, Wentworth, lot 19, block U7, Dundee Place LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BIDS WILL ne received until 4 o clock on Thursday, August IX, 1K10 at the office of th secretary of th Board of Regents, Administration building, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, for the construction of a cattle feeding building, to cost approximately $6,000; to b built on the University Farm, near Lincoln, according to plans and specifications now on file In the office of th superintendent of construction, room 2o8, ot th said Ad ministration building. Bids must be sealed, and marked with the bidder's nam, and th word "Bid for Feeding Building" writ ten plainly on th outside. J. S. DALES, Secretary. A7-U-12-14. WA.NT AD will reat that vacant hew, Q1 thee vacant rvenea, r soar bBarSse shert noUea, at a very oat U y. B warlaG4,