fS EMPLOYER AMBITIOUS enterprising V 7 Y .11, -T3 ' aav i mm i ff i Ms aaaaaaaaa .-aasajjEa-"A er ammS. i i mi- r-1 ft ,7 m j tin wya "T Y : 1 CL.-.fJJ 1 II. . hill II . . 1 f J N. I A rrrrwi i t fmti nvrr i i -w f y ' ' i , jbsi i.w eaasaaagj" asaaa"a r 1 Want - Ads Want ada received at any time, inaare proper olaaalf Icatlon saaet bo preaented before 12 clock; sn. for the Tlng edition beloro Ti30 o'docU of prelo erealK tor morn I us and Sunday edltloae. Want ada received after even honm will have tbelr flrer Insertion nnder the head lua; "Too Late to Clnealfy." Caah mnat accompany all ordero for want ada, and no adyertlaeme-i vein be accepted for leaa than 20 cent for flrat Inaertlon. Rate applr to either The Dally or Bandar Bee. Always eoant elx rrorda to a. Mae. CASH IIATKS FOR WANT ADS. KEG IX A a CLASSIFICATION One Inaertlon, 1 1-a eenta per worn and 1 eat per word for each aubaeoneat Insertion. Each Inaertlon made on odd days, 1 1-li cents per Word, 1.B0 per llae per month. Want ads for The Dee may 1 ! at any of the following dm atorea one la yoor "coraer dmarBlat" they are all branch offlcea for The Bet and onr ad will bo Inserted Jnat aa promptly and on the same rate as at the main office In The Bee building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets! A loach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, S. A., 102 8. 16th SL Peyton Pharmack, 720 8. 16th St. BeiiBon Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Pemls Park Pharma-, 83d and Cuining. blake-Braillsh, &16 Sherman Ave. CauKhlln, C. R., th and Pierce Bts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 4213 Military Ave. Htnterlong Drug Co., 21st Ave. and ar , nam tit. ... Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 12a S. 16th SL Ormak. Emll, 1264-6 S. 13th St. Ehler, F. H., 202 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl. 213 N. 25th St. Freytag, J. J., 1814 N. 24th St FreRger Drug Co., 1302 N. 16th St w Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Oreenough, O. A., 105 M. 10th St. Qreenough. Q. A., 10th and Hickory. Hay den, William, 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1601 8. 29th Ave. Hold, John, 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. 2924 Leavenworth fit Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. King, H. S., 2m Farnam St. Kounts Place Pharmacy, S304 N. 14th Mures, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St Luthrop, Charles E., i:!24 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and . Leaven worth Sta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amos Are. Schaefer's Cut Pries Drug Store, 16th and Chi. ago Sts. Schaefer,- Aug-,, MSI N. lth. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, th and Cuming. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES KAYSER Mrs. Anna Schmleding Kayser, at tiellevue. Neb., August 4, 1910. - -Funeral from residence at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Friends invited. St Louis, Mo., Paradla, Cal., and Kearney, jbu., papers piease copy. KEDICK Charles R.. son of the late Hon. .John K. Redlck, died Bt t:S0 Thursday morning, August t, at UKianoma city, ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A; GENTLEMAN C0.tder tmbalmers, 1614 Chicago. D. 1659. B-16S9. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and leathers.- ALEXANDER, Third Floor, Paxton Block. COUTANT A BQUIRKa. COAL OFFICHL Edward Johnson, Successor to Barrett-Johnson Tailoring Co. announce that they are ready for business In their new quarters, second floor City xsstionai tiani ttiag. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit 810 Bee Bi'lg. 'Phone Doug. 204. UNION LOAN COMPANY. ILEIi GRAND HOTEL Finest In' the west ' TnrV? ch TntVio Kth and Howard bts. J- UrKlSXl XJaiH3 J. C. NORTHRUP, 'TUB LETTEROLOUIST," Wishes to announce that on August IS, she will locate in her branch office, 927 City iNau tsariK, preparea to ao aii ginas o stenographlo work. Letter factory at 606 Pax ton 111k., Douglas 6665. EAT KOSH-ER HOME COOKING. Arkins, 816 S. ttth, upstairs. D. F. WURN.Optlcian, 443-6 Brandels bldg. DB. J. F. McAVIN Dentist located 434 Brandels Theater Bldg. TJAXTA'hfAS! Cleaned, bleached, blocked. '-"IVAiIijlcR, m bouth ltta at THB HOME FURNITURE CO.. 20 per rent less tnan umiu prices, mw ana bis.. Bouth Omaha. . PICNIC LUNCHES rj home cooking, cakes, pies and cold meats. I Jl'f ,11 'A'l'TISSFIM L,' nehes I to l;3B isng rarnam II. A. RAAPKE. ARCHITECT, . announces that after August first he will be In his new offices. lj:S-:4-25 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO the njost complete architects offices In ins city. MAGGARD Van St Storage or Omaha irons, tai s Biorage Jo. rack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 14t, B-X4A BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 10U FARN-AM ST.. BOTH PHONE Bherwih-Wllliams paint. Sl.tt a sat Yarn littirs from f 1 60 to 14. a gal., all brands of wnua lead, fT.w per no lbs. Low prices In wan paper, glass, giasing ana Taming. LYNCH BROS. REPAIR WORK. 706 plumbing and !i MATING S. lth St D. 1477. CANDY BUSINESS IS PROFITABLE! If you are thinking of starting a oandy store or adding a department, 1 can help you and will mall you a list of niy private recipes and Instructions for a variety of the choicest candles that I have made for many years, consisting of chocolate bon bcitis, nut taffies, caramels, cocoenut can dies, sailing almonds, mint creams, kisses, nouKalines, brittle, wafers and ethers. Mail roe your order with It. and you caa refer to any banker of merchant Kvery young lady ought to know bow to make fine candies, as a source of pleasure axul profit W. 8. Balduff, Omaha. Nee. BERT MEASE, licensed guide; elk. deer, sheep and bear. Write, Metsler. Wye. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. WE wish to acquaint the public with the following facts: There are Imitation sap phires of quality superior to ordinary gl, but having no relation whatsoever to the natural or Mexican white sapphire, which Is appearing In the market To dis tinguish these from our Mexican white sap phires, wa suggest hydrofluoric acid test. This reactHV on glass, but has no effect on Mexican white sapphires. To Introduce this gem wa are selling for 30 days at $3 per carat, guaranteed 100 years. DeLong Jewelry Co., 203 McCague Hldg. ELEVATORS REPAIRED; freight, pss- rerger. J. R. Kennedy, mm . uia. -wu. sari GET your WEDDING RIN03 at FRED BRODEGAARD S. It Insures good luck. lu S. 16th St. at the sign of the Crown. DOUGLAH Piintlng Co. Tel. Douglas 644. SMOKE "THE POSTMAS TER." Fine Havana Cigar. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. 5CTS. A. JETIlS. 1302 Douglas bt. ."T-k On'TUlXr'TJV RchlitS No. 2. Full ju. Xk.WAJLiii.,x n of liquors, and cigars. Cafe In connection, ill a. mu. PHOTOGRAPHIC EUM-LIES. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 11. B-1016. ,S. H. Cola Elga Ccs. D. G8. 1316 Farnam. STORE TOUR FINK FURS IN MOTH- PROOF VAULTS. Nomlnaj cot BHU KERT'S, 16th and Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 7Go a large bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE, S22 N. loth Bt Douglas 4670. , AVr-HflR PSINPE CO.. Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207- N. 17th 6t. Phone, Red 814. EAT KOSHER HOME COOK-NO. Arkins. 816 S. 16th. upstairs. rp rTrr a nr "always the best HARDING'S Ice Cream. Wadgewood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. LA flTONE Refreshing. Medicinal A Bummer Drink. Dally retail delivery. Ask your doctor. Alainito. J OHN NITTLER KoWSr??Ttf iTXTTS THE BEER YOU LIKE uru uniith Mth a Doiglas 1S99, Red K32; Independent A-1420. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Y codings. mSUDctmafili nallln rardi otera as Jbeary Co., lioo Jackson. Douglas I860. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your houBe snd porch screened from ins. uma ri a WINDOW SCREEN CO, A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. 424 N. 16th St Call Doug. 401 FOR CAKES yjrVSSflfp? ua.fi. -iTT nsyan's first It Days. KODAK'S n1 aupplles; largest stock; lV7ruK3 AMATRIJR FINISH INV best work. DEMPSTER. 1218 Farnam Bt Knhftrf.Hfin 'r TlABfnnrorif So - . 1Bth Kt (basement); cool, light, sanitary, oulck service, - popular prices. For ladles and gentlemen.' xaDie d Hots dinner Sunday. THB GROCERY BUSINESS at Mth A Mason Sis., conduoted by M. Newman, has oeen purcoaaea oy v. usuro ana m. Sag' blnl AUTOmOoUES DRUMM.0ND Makes the Best Auto Tops for the price. All kinds auto work. Re pairing in wood work. Iron work. Best painting in the city. Sena in your cars. uin ana narney bis. A RAMBLER automobile In fine condi tion, KioO.OO. H. O. Chapman, 909 South 13th street Auto Repairing . Tires, Ed-nana cars, storags. ins Walton Mitchell Co., 2010-14 Harney. D. 7281; A-20U WRITE for list of automobile baraalns. H. U. FRKDRICKSON AUTO CO.. Omaha. U A Rft A TNS 8Hhuy used ears. Kls- Bargains in Used Cars Bluffs Auto Co., 810 PearU Send for list CO. AUTOMOBIXiE GOGGLES, 260 to 3.i CQLUMnlA UfllUAli CU., H. 11, in. horse feed iml."p:,nr-burn. ChaAe Motor Delivery Waaon. WORKMAN AUTOMOBILE: CO., 807 S. 10th. Tel. D. 3724. autogenous welding All kinds Of BROKEN CYLINDER. CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. aw nuitiv uu akan I e.lA Council Bluffs. la. TITrsTT nT A TTT. Tourlna Car nd AUVJXi. uiu (ess than twn . at hair us original cost, wukkman AU'i'O- MUiJ.LJU wi a. una bl, Tel. V. 1724. Anto Pflintini? "murphy did it- n uei our prices. AN dkjsw Huiu-iii, iui acasooi. 20 H. P. SCHACT, friction drive auto in excellent condition, at nait price. Cen trai implement co., mi rarnara bt Motorcycles. TV-5f Prt-T.Jct ' ucd motoreyclea. I TklUR parts. . JSEBKABKA 2YCLB CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or ont of-business call oa GANGESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. 'Jet D. J. REAL ESTATE and Insurance business. In a good locality. In a county seat of about 3,000; good paying business; must sell at once. Address X SO. ears Bee, WANT to sell blacksmith shop In Juniata. Neb., or rent; easy terms; two shops In town; pmnty ot work. u. A, Marsh. juniaxa, in so. . HOTEL for sale. It bed rooms, all fur nished, doing good business In German town; will sell very reasonable for cash. Wm. C. Erlon, Alta Vista. Ia. OPENING for state manager with exec utive ability and capital. Beacon airg. (Jo., tsioux Fans, a. d. LET me Incorporate your business; good ones ootain money easily selling tneir shares and keeping others. Why not you. proofs et what has been dona, promoter, sie rax ton Kik. TWELVE-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE good location; walking distance. Vtit Cap- coi Ave. MR BUSINESS MAN: Look here and be wise. About completed a modern two and one-half story brick, tSxTC (with base- menu on Mala street la A Ins worm. Neo. suitable for a good general merchandise er up-to-date restaurant. Here Is a chance tnat may never oome again: have the bes: ot farming country and very large territory to draw from. Our r UrumA r.orlDIi and shipments exoeed any town west of Nor- iota, now, it you want to better yoursei financially and lira In a nice town you aiust aet at once, or I will occupy nun myself. Rent complete, .'& to the light party ror all. . Sam Schneider, AInsworth, Nea, BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FEE me for city and farm Investments. ex Chapman. 130 Neville Blk. u. it FOR RENT about Sept 1; central Iocs- on, one of the best business towns ot ise raska; modern store building, 10,000 feet oor space: now building; suitable lor de partment store. Address T-14& Use. FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery. 1606 N. 24th. FOR SALE or KXCHANGE A lire and prosperous Omaha mfg. concern wishes to ell or exchange It.i plant wun large eimn MARK K 1 A liLU liOUUM, BAllKMiiS, TOOLS, etc. Will tske 1000 canh and IS. In clear city or Interurbsn property. V. H. EILTZ, Room t, jmj itarnev. FOR SALE Dwelling, and blacksmith hop equipped with modern tools and com- nlat. stock. For particulars, write tne Farmers Slate bank ot Altona. Neb. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Hers Is bargain. 10-room rooming bouse, all In No 1 condition: cheap rent; all rooms well rented. Price, 7i,.u0. Location, ztiu and Dodge. LATHROrT TUBlrt, u see. PACATlVCO., Real Estate Loans and UlOADl Insurance. 8. W, Corner 14th nd Douglas Sts., Phone Douglas lo.u DRESSMAKING PARLORS for sale; liv ing rooms in connection. Phone vveo. a. LAUNDRY To sell or rent; Just Installed In good country seat town. Address u. f. u.'. eai Omaha Bes. , I FOR RENT Movlna- nlcture theater (10c), doing large business; reason bad health and overwork. D. 28, Bee. nlVB votr GOT iroo TO invest in a GOOD. GOING BUSINESS? NOW PAY ING 14 PER CENT DIVIDEND. PUR PHAfiKR TO ASSUME THE MANAGER. SHIP AT A GOOD HALAKV. AUUKISS8 C-488, BEE. CHIROPODISTS PR. ROT. IMS Farnam St. Douglas (MOT, C0NIRACT0RS AND BUILDERS THTC ITOT7SR REPAIRING CO. r&rnantar. naDerhanKlns:. brick work. eto low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Pbooe Harney KX; Harney suiu. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. nur . araterDroof concrete blocks are guar anteed. Phone factory, b. not otnoe phone W. 203a r BEAVER BOARD takes plane of lath and plaster. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.. UU Farnam St aFM TT.'WT Blocks. Omaha Concrete Stone -ttLCjiN Co, 2th & Bahler. W. 864. nT,rT?nriFS repaired; , Slate Tile, ' v-., irrn vol Rrnoiilir.Hlim phrey Roofing Co., 627 Paxton Blk. Tel. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective iniun Inc. and bonded. 428-9 Paxton Blk. A-1319. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBAH BLK' DENTISTS BAILEY at MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D. 10U TAFT'8 Dental Rooms. 1K17 Dourlaa st DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School. 20th and Farnam. EDUCATIONAL r THE SUMMER SCHOOL . BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for nrofltabla positions In book keening, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service; sure to be open In the fall and winter. The year book Is ready. Apply tor It (Students admitted any nay. BOYLES COLLEGE Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Both Phone ST. ANDREWS SCHOOL FOR BOYS-41ST AND CHARLES. Rer. F. D. Tyner, 3848 Charles. Har. ISO. Mosher-Lampman roLLEoa Unexcelled courses in Buslnca. Short hand. Penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catatog published In Oman a. bend lor one today. MOSHER LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Neh EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafer make clear, white skin. By mall fita and si .w. snerman at aicconnau Drug Co., umani, G A MTT A T?.V HAIRDRESSINQ parlors. uarinllo oreama uaed ind sold, eui faxton tsiK. Tel. Douglas 4671. VACUUM cleaners, 115 to $26. 1117 Farnam, MISS EMIG, lessons In china and water colors uranaeis aneater uiag. Try Maglo Roach Powder, Douglas 1370. FLORISTS. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs. Ia.. lara- est greenhouses In west: besutlful flowers tor any occasion snipped anywhere In U; & A. DONAHUE, 307 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson. 1618 Farnam. Doug. 1261 HESS at 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur. races. Combination Warm Air and Hoi Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-8 Douglas St Both Pvonea. HELP WANTED FFMALE Ageats sas Balealadlea. REPRESENTATIVES To ladles desir ing, to, make $18 to $30 per week, address Mrs. Clark. 121 N. Central Blvd. WANTED Experienced saleswomen In waist department ' Apply superintendent Brandels Stores. Clerical and Offloa. WANTED A good Tsdy to 'assist book keeper. Address X. Omaha Bee, Co.Bluffs, Factory and Trades. WANTED Waitresses for the Exchange dining room. 'Phone tfbuih IT S. APPRENTICE girls to learn millinery, Apply to M. Sptesberger Son Co., iut Far nam St Ileasekeepere aad Doaseatlee. LADIES WANTED Tske work name; apply transfers; 81 to $4 dos.; work guaran teed. Trla bar's Sli Brandels Theater aUdg. Wanted a girl for general houaewerk tbat can also cook, no washing; salary no object 8X0) Harney. HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaekeepers and Dumeatlc -t'oat'il. WANTED A good cook: no washing or Ironing; also wanted a middle aped woman to take cure of a young baby, Mrs. K. W. Dixon. 117 S. 29th bt WANTED A good xperlenced cook; good wages and good home for right party. Mr. A. F. Jonas, 104 S. Slst Ave. or Tel. Harney 611 WANTED A girl for general housework; family of 3; no washing; wages $5; refer ences required. Apply 4-D6 Dodge. Tel. Har. WANTED Good competent girl to do second work, Mrs. S. F. Wilcox, 1132 E. Plerca, WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences. '1'hone Harney N. va cvonn win GIRL WANTED for general housework. 1426 Pinkney St., Webster 4030. WANTED Chambermaid: no objection to color. 2103 Douglas. WANTED Woman to care for lady in valid. Experience not necessary. 614 S. 28th St. GIRL for general housework, 8027 Chi cago St WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, 1132 East Pierce St. Council Bluff, Ia. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. 714 So. 17th Ave. WANTED Middle-seed lady, family of two, not at home only mornings and even logs and Sundays. 4216 Saratoga. SECOND girl; two In family: $25.00. Mrs. D. O. Clark, 422 N. 21st WANTED Girl for general housework; 8 In family. Mrs. Thomas W. Hazen, 2724 Spauldlng, Phone W. 8203. GIRL for general housework. Call 162$ Wirt St WANTED Respectable woman as house keeper for rattier and son, Kits n. ratn at. Omaha. W. IL Duncan; GIRL for general housework. Good wages, 601 S. 22d St WANTED A srood cook. 201 S. 83d 8t Good wages; referenoes required. GOOD second girl. Apply Mrs. John I. Webster, 618 So. 86th Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. O. B. Wil- iams, 8230 Hamilton St. Phone Web. 2&o"2. WANTED By gentleman and daughter. lady as housekeeper, middle-aged preferred; must be ot good character; no euDjeci oi pope or priest need answer, u. . Hilton,, general delivery, city. 1 WANTED Housekeeper to help in store: am alone. 7Z1 Military Ave., Benson. SECOND girl wanted. Mrs. John L. Ken nedy, 2118 South tza Ave. lei. warney ua. COMPETENT laundress; two days a week. Mrs. H. W. Christie, 1024 Park Ave. a COMPETENT cook and a second girl wanted. 610 S. 23d St. Douglas 4430. COOK and second girl. 624 S. 20th St i- GOOD gin ror general' nouseworg, z in family, good wages. 4918 Webster St Tel, H. 294L UllUj ior general nousewora. eui in. ztm St. YOUNG girl for light housework; good position. D. H. liaroing, Z4 J. lktn. GIRL wanted for general housework; Danish or German preferred. 8150 Daven port GIRL for general family. 1910 Cass St housework; two In 1- WANTED A good cook and second girl, 218 N. S2d Ave. Tel. Harney 63. t- i i ,i - WANTED A good girl for general house work at once. 2011 Charles St WANTED A good girl to assist with gen eral housework; good wages; small family, Tel. web. oooo. uwt ispencer. A GIRL to assist with general housework and care tor children, zis N. !d Ave. GIRL for 'general housework. 2223 Dodge. GIRL for general housework at 2716 Pop- pieton Ave. xei. iiarney iotM. GIRTj for general housework. John Has kell. 1321 S. Sfith Ave. WANTED A girl or woman for general housework. Address 2518 q St. Tel. So. 1206 GOOD girl wanted at once: 4 In family no children; good opportunities. S20 N. 20th, ' WANTED Girl for general housework good wages; no washing. 616 S. 2Sth St Tel, Harney iioi. I j GIRL to assist with housework In small family; no washing; easy place. 8902 Cass St. Tel. Harney 1734. GIRL for general housework. 1911 Chicago, GIRL for general housework. Mrs. a. s Caldwell. 2511 Harney St. Tel. Harney 839a WANTED ?oofl girl for general house work. Apply 33Z4 Myrtle Ave. A COOK wanted. A. L. Reed, on 178. Tel. Ben WANTED Girl to assist with general rouse worn, rnone narney Kiu, Hotels and Reatanraata. 7 chambermaids, $15, $18 and. $25: 11 wait resses, $16, $18. $26 and $30; I linen room gins; man ana wire; cooks, I7U to $0: pantry girls, $25 to $36; $ pastry oooks, $35 to Ha; s cooks, ju to vmi, city ma country I waitresses, Jowa, yta and room; 4 wait resses, west, free fares; cook, waitress. cnamDermaia ana laundress, ail In same hotel, west; cook and waitress, west tiX) waiter and waitress, $45, Hastings: 11 house gins, wnue ana coiorea, iif to va. MARTIN & CO., 1611 Capitol Ave. If leeellaaeoaa. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look ior our travelers aid at union station. HELP WANTED MALE Ageats. Saleaatea aad ullcttara. WANTED First-class lot or stock sales men to sell high gra4a Irrigated vineyards in the famous Pecos Valley of Texas on installment plan. FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED TINaV YARDS CO.. v , HAMLIN. TEX. WANTED A good hustling Subscription solicitor to go on the roea ror in i wm tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man' ger of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. WANT several first class specialty sales men; salary and expenses; men ot Integrity with references. Baekervllle, 601 City Na tionai stank Bldg. WANTED Experienced aaleoroen dress goods department Apply superuv teudect, Brahdei Stores. Clerleal aad offle. STENOGRAPH ER to aet as chief clerk and private secretary, ixta i apply unless you are thoroughly oom patent Muary u 4.4, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Off Ire Continued. OFFICE clerk snd bookkeeper, must op erate typewriter, iil6-IT5. experienced grK-ery cleric, must oe sc ualnted with western part of city, inside position, T15-J20 per week. Experienced bill clerk. r-ifiO. Office clerk, young man, Correspondent and office man, out of town, fso per month. WESTERN REF. BOND AS3N, INC., 762-4 New Life Bldg. tEst. 8 years.) POSITION'S for several good bookkeepers nd stenographers. See s at once. PAR SONS EMPLOYMENT CO.. 613 Bee Bldg. WANTED A good solicitor for life and fire companies. Salary and commission paid. Phone, Doug. lbzo. Factory and Trades. Drug atorea (snaps). Jobs. Rnlest Bee Bldg. WANTED At onoo a lfrst olass ruler, one familiar with an automatio feeder. Ad dress Y 217, Bee. UNION plumbers wanted la St. Louis Plenty of work: lo.SO per day. Arrange to arrive oa 7th. A. H. RORICRT9. reliable, emu. ssenL Successor to Martin & Co., 1T Capitol Ave WANTED A Gordon presjfctedcr. Kaber Printing Co., Bee Bldg., Ground floor. DYEHOUSE helper wanted; one with ex perience preferred Twin City Dye Works 24th and Avenue A, Council Bluffs, la. DRUG clerk of 8 or 4 years' city experi ence. Apply 2402 Cuming. Miscellaneous. WANTED The address ot Charles McCoy and Wheeler McClure, who were employed by J. J. Hurt, bid and L Sts., South Omana, In October, U07. Address N 491. Bee. SEVERAL neat appearing young men to solicit $3 to $6 a day. call at Belmont Hotel, 1618 Dodge st w. w. b warts. I i I a i LiM.'!.'! iu mane siuu to xnu per ax-tlua' a ajjawo mo learn automobile business; practical Instruction. Nat l Auto Training Ausn. tiis Brandels Theater mag. WANTED A man to drive a route; good i&laryi advancement made according to ability and length ot service. Alamlto bani- taiy Dairy, 1W( Farnam St LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system Is death to aerms and life to you,: protect your family by sending us your laundry. Phone Douglas iuJO. Omaha Steam Laundry, liuo Leaven worth St CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP Is what makes our establishment popular. National Laundry, Z9l Cuming St (Phones ) LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horeea and Vehiclee. WAOfiNS. Buggies, etc Will sell you " -VIWi.lk?, . rada work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam St T?i-,tvnilt Buggies and Wagons, cheap. A. IVCUUUI Unrnh. , Hun lllh .nil Jicliinn 25 PER CENT OFF - on LEATHER HORSE COLLARS. Big bar gains in HARNESS and FLY nets. HAY DEN' B, Harness Dept. BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN'H. The Cut Price fe'eea nan, us a. utn st CARRIAGE and top buggy, good condi tion; almost your own price; go see Jotmson-Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sts, LOST AND FOUND TTi a Tftnnv hear Expert cleaner, and Aiyera. Harney, LOST On Manderson Ave., a ladles' diamond ring. Initials H. W. to N. W. H.-H Oii Inside. Please return to 1504 Mandurson Ave. steward. LOST Masonlo button, white enamel. with gold emblem. Return to Bee office ana receive reward. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CON F.S heat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 50o postpaid; samples free. Sher man it Moconnell Drug Co., Omaha. BEST nerve bracer for man. Grave Nerve Food pills, $1 a box, pom pa M. Sher man as McDonnell Drug Co., Omaha. Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to the treatment of all fortes of chronio and spe cial diseases of men. For 86 years he has been known and trusted by all, 8 years In omana. Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr, Mcurew Co., lis u. 14 td St., omana. Neb. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Daven port bts.: special attention paid to con flnument cases; all treatment supervised by couege proieusoi s. rnone Douglas no, Calls answered, day and night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. $jwwJMMS$M5twi:rtttfttimtifmtttttt 1$ NO MORE HKili HA 1 Ed. ft $$ CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR It ft bUMMt.lt VACATION. ft $$ NEW COMPANY. NEW PLANS. $$ U This Is a new firm organized by the U $$ LEADING BUSINESS MUN OF $1 18 Oil All A 1U LUAN H u iv 10 HJW J It to any honest person owning HOUSE- ij H iiui-u vio, a w o, cu., ur noui- It ing a salaried poaitiun at the rate ot 14 8 iu t,ri -r.it ilak t t JUST THINK YOU PAY it tt 8I.VU interest vn iu iur one year. tt It $2.60 Interest on U& for one year u t$ $i.00 Interest on IU) for one year. tt $$ ALL OTHER SUMS IN PROPORTION $1 t$ EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. tt (6 Reasonable Appraisement Charges. It U INDEPENDENT LOAN CO., if If Room 204 Wlthnell Block. J II N. . OT. win at narney bis., Zd Floor tt tt 'Phone Douglas 6046. ti tutt$tm$mss$t$iits$ $im$$$$m$$$.$$m Cash Quick on Easy Terms, We loan money on household goods. pianos and teams without removal, for long or short time, small and easy pay 160.00 ioan for 60 weeks, other amounts In the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loaning money, Strictly private and reliable. Courteous treatment at all times. Mall or 'phone ap plications receive our prompt attention. State Mortgage Loan Co., Room 12. Arlington Block, lfill Dodge St Phone Douglas ztee. MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPL.K WOMEN XKJPir4U nous! axnai uth vum without security: easy paymanta. Of flree In ts principal cities. Tolman, room 111 New Tork Lit tttag. MONEY TO LOAN. Come in and lt us explain our lo rates to you. 808 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug 1411; A-14ii' DIAMOND LOANS AT 5ft TTT n VT. ATTT Ull Dodga if. v Tel. Red MU. MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattels Continued. , C1I ATTeL" LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO. Room 7, Crounso Block. Corner 16th and Capital Ave. Opposite Postofflce. Both Phones Doug. 1306: A-13t. MONEY! NEED ANY? GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Oo 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Telephone Douglas 229. Rates cheaper than any advertised. w a can prove it. UIOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGB CO. Cleans carpets on your floor. KlectHs acuuin system. K9 s. 17th. let u. l&, KXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Day eiiport Sts., warehouse. 2207-09 Isard St Whitewashing JSSSSS Wm. McRea, lilt Half Web. St. Har. M. OFFERED FOR RENT sioard aad Kooma. CHOICE rooms with board. 'The Tarn. plars." 18 capltol Are. ELEGANT rooms and board. 2539 Calk fornla St. Tel. Doug. 6151. NICE furnished rooms, with 316 a 26th St board. Harney 2634, A 8634. CLEAN furnished rooms snd board, with German (Christian) family. liU Capitol Are. STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wait table for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 432 8. 24 th fit Douglas 6428. BOARD and room. $4.60 nor week, zoo r catur St Tel. B-66SL TABLE) board and rooms for two. 171$ Chicago. ROOM and board In nrlvata family! hon eooking. 416 N. 23d. LARGE room, with board; suitable for two; private. U4 & 19th. BOARD ana room. 2007 St Mary Are. SOUTH front parlor: also one other for 2 gentlemen or married couple, with board. 2616 Dodge. v " LARGE, cool, beautiful front room, two large closets and lavatory; .also another smaller room, with excellent board. Near car lino or walking distance. 70 Georgia Ave. . , -J- LARGE south front room on first floor: running water; private entrance on the summer lawn; also other rooms. . 122 S. 26th Ave. Fnratshed Kooma. MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney Bt Rod 0426. NICELY furnished room; all conveni ences, gentleman preferred. can 2&12 St Mary's. O. M. E. hauls trunks. Phones D. 611 A-atu. FRONT room with private family. 701 a 17th Ave. WHY pay fancy prices for poor rooms when you can get finely furnished ones cheap. 214 North 25th St Douglas 6468. AMONG the ntoest In the city. 62 S3. 17th Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly mod rn, close In, private family. 820 N. 17th. PLEASANT front room to rent August 1 to gentleman, xum jjougiaa tit. FURNISHED rooms. $4 and $6 per month. for gentlemen; also first flocf parlor for young ladies at $7 per week; gas, running water, teiepnone, launary ana pressing privileges. . ei, Harney 2488. 2t7 Harney. LARGE furnished room, strictly modsrn. walking distance, private family, electric fan. all No. Win. Tyler U. 1724 Davenport: newly furnished, all mod ern outside rooms; large !awn; no sign. COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. J8Ui. ONE large nicely furnished room, suit able for two. Phone D. mi. 824 N. 19th St TWO large front rooms; private family: reterencea. oio xno. sum. iau alter a SUITES of 8 rooms for housekeeping: all modern; also steeping rooms; no children. 629 s. mn bt. WANTED Roomer. gentleman: no booser; beautiful furnished room In nice part of city. Address 2019 E. St. South Omaha, Neb. MODERN, $6 per month, breakfast If pre ferred. 1432 N. 20th St. TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS. ENSIIina OR SINGLE, tor gentlemen, in the West Farnam home, every convenience; must be seen to ue appreciatea. o-u. ueo. NEWLY furnished front room with al cove; also single room, newly furnished: prices reasonable, tu rar ve. Phone Harney 6017. FURNISHED room, modern. Phone Dr, Griffith, 138 Farnam. NICELY furnished single room, modern. KtiZ Hartley. TWO modern rooms. 219 S. 26th St. FURNISHED rooms with board. 1001 N. 29th. NICE, clean beds, cool rooms. 891 Mill tary Ave., Benson, Neb. H. Zeller. WELL furnished, modern rooms 614 N 19th. ROOMS, $3 a week and up. 210 N. 17th. SOUTHEAST ROOMS, new furnished. Red m. NICELY furnlsned. lare-e. front room. suitable for two. 201 So. fcth Ave. LARGE airy room. eSDeclally daairahla $10 to $20. 2324 Harney bt 'Phone Douglas NICE, clean, strictly modern rooms In beautiful location: also suite of these rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. Douglaa 7614 ziu t ass bt. I FURNISHED rooms, 111 8. 16th St. flat 1 DOUBLE front room, suitable for two or four persons. 701 8. 16th St NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, close in. IU t. Z2Q. uougias 06t. 8411 Capltol Ave., strtctiy modern rooms; reasonable, rnone uougias sux, Read the auto snaps Tho many nw automobllei, now being gold by Omabs dealers, has placed oa tog market some exceptional snaDS In gllghtly used machines. v On today's want ad pages, under the claasiricaltlon "Au tomobiles", are special bargains. The pick ot them alL Everybody reads Be want ads. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Room a Continued. NEATLY furnished rooms. 214 N. 23d. FURNISHED rooms with or without light housekeeping privileges. 1920 Dodge St. NICE, Isrge rooms; large, private front porch; modern. 2008 Harney. FRONT room. well furnished, modern. 1707 Dodge. MODERN conveniences; rooms for house keeping. 811 8. 20th. NICE furnished sleeping rooms. 2013 Leavenworth. THREE furnished rooms. 2018 N. 22d St ONE housekeeping room and on bedroom at 127 S. 2UU St TWO nicely furnished rooms complete light housekeeping. All modern, $12 per month. 2019 Webster. FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms. Will allow use of kitchen for light house keeping. 911 N 17th St DOUBLE room: $12. 2215 California. Douglas 4472. THREE modern rooms at 2618 Davenport FIVE nicely furnished rooms for house keeping; no children; strictly modern, with gas range. u .Davenport FURNISHED room and breakfast for I Catbollo gentlemen In private family, aui Charles. TWO cool sleeping rooms. 82 a week: board if desired. 2671 St. Mary's Ave. Red 4432. NICE, cool, furnished room. modsrn; walking distance. 109 8. 24th St MODERN furnished rooms: nrlvata fam ily; walking distance: 82.60 week. 218 H 29th Ave. 'Phone Harney 6111. ONE front oearoom. ' 830 S. 23d. CLEAN furnished room for housakaaDlna. $6 per month. 612 N. 19th. FINK large rooms; reasonable: m ziu f arnam a. TWO front rooms. $6 per Week. 2202 Far- nam St FOR RENT Cheap, a furnished 4-room cottags on 16th St, 6 blocks from P. O.; win rent an or in suites for light house keeping. 81T N. 16th St BEAUTIFUL rooms: will furnish to suit: $10; new houss. 2219 Central boulevard. Convenient to car. Doug. 4846. VERY large. well-TuralShed. south front: permanent parties. 2226 Farnam. SINGLE room, all modern, suitable fog gentleman, $1.60 per week. 2001 Burt FURNISHED rooms, 624 N. 90th; Red 77)2. NICELY furnished modern rooms. 17th Ave. 714 S. 2966 Woolworth Ave., opposite Hanscom Park, a nice bedroom, 25 per mnth. VERY modern, pleasant rooms. Call ev enings. 2110 Chicago St MODERN rooms. 2210 Harney. Red 6426. ROOMS for light housekeeping, gaa, tele phone, etc. 818 N. 17th. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large lawn, will furnish tor housekeeping for desirable party. 'Phono B-2202. '1624 N. Kth St ' CLEAN furnished rooms snd board with German Christian family. l&U Capitol Ave. FURNISHED rooms, modern. 212 N. 26th. NICELY furnished east room for gen tlemen only. Call In forenoon, lgoili Mary's. FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, fill Poppleton Ave. TWO furnished rooms, 84 week. UJ s. 20th St FURNISHED rooma, all modem. 20th St. 606 S. TWO cool clean rooms; referenoes. N. 19th St 814 NEAT, close In; N. 20th. modern roam, private family, reasonable: hot water heat 209 NICELY n furnished front parlor, first class, close In. 2427 Dodge St Red T782. TWO furnished rooms. 2104 California St ROOM on ground floor, modern house; rent n a ween. Ma a. Mtn Ave. NICE and cool; ten minutes' ride from postofflce; take Dodge car. 2006 Ohio St FURNISHED rooms tor rent 1711 N. 16th. if youj ace, J I COME AND SEE MO If yoii want a re spectable, permanent place, JUST LIKE HOME; choicest neighborhood, large, oool corner rooms; well rurnlshed, with or with out piano; furnace heat, gas, nice bath, hot and Ice water, both telephones, walking distanoe; Leavenworth car one block. M St Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished rooms In modern house, private family, gentlemen preferred, toi William St 'Phone Douglaa fu64- FOR RENT--Nlcely furnished front room, 217 South 26th St Very convenient to busi ness. NICELY furnished modern front house keeping rooms: ether rooms; olose In. 647 B, 24th Ave. LARGE room ana alcove, well furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. 2671 Dodge. MODERN, furnished double rooms, good location, walking distance. 1919 Cass St NICE, cool room. 1818 Capltol Ave. FURNISHED room. 2226 Dodgcv Red 6662. 'Phone FRONT room; private family. 2401 Har ney. IDEAL summer rooms In a nice private home; one large alcove room; all conven iences. 2607 St. Mary's. 725 8. 18TH St., modern furnished rooms for gentlemen, very reasonable. Hotels aad Aaartaaeata. THE BACHELORS MTH AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN PLAN. BRUNSWICK HOTEL-1210 Douglas. All outside rooms. DODGE IIOTEL-13th and Dodgs. All out side cool rooms; special rates by the week. -THE COMUB-NICE MMER ROOMS; rates reasonable. D. 7i5 $474 Harney St. h is