Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Aiiesion'Misi Them or People Are
Failing Them Up.
?ilner-eve Tkotuid Dollars
Worth Returned for .Taxation,
kf Onnrn Ont Stone la
Banner Coaatr.
(Frsfit a Staff Correspondent.)
-LINCOLN, NeD., Aug. 4. (Special. )
Either the elecUve precinct assessors have
not, assessed all of the diamonds In Ne
braska or the peopie are not Investing In
them as of yore, for the total value re
turned by the assessors to the State Hoard
of Equalisation Is less this year than last.
In, 11011 the assessed value of all the dia
monds In the staio amounted to $!)7,236 and
HTQ. year, with Gage county mlttsing, tne
tolaO, valuation 4a sh.413. The Oage county
diamonds last year were assessed at U.'iM
Banner ccuaty . still has Its $". worth of
Queer Pranks of
Wind in Custer
Concrete Foundation of Barn Scat
tered Over Lot Another Car
ried to Adioinin? Farm.
BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Aug. 4-(Speclal.)
The long drought was broken In this part
of the county Tuesday night when a sc. ere
rainstorm mingled with plenty of hall
swept over town. The wind nt times
reached the proportions of a small tornado,
breaking off branches of trees, blowing
over telephone poles and creating other
Mnall damage. Out In the country the storm
seemed to be mnro severe, commitlng many
vnKurles along Its path of destruction. At
the farm of Thonms Noonnn, south of town,
the barn was lifted bodily and set on top
of a large corncriu that had previously been
unroofed, while all of the outbuildings were
blown to pieces. Mrs. Robert Br.ndle,
whose place Joins Noonan's, was amazed
to see her stable containing one horse ac-
enmpany the wind across the boundary line
preolous stones. The following table shows I snd deposit Itself on Noonan's property.
the assessed .V'H5 of diamonds last year . The horse was found amid the wreckage on
nd this year by counties:
.'. ..
Adams ..'
Xtnuer ..
blame ...
box tJuite
Ikiyd i'
1akota" .'.'.
'M , .,
Uaw-orT (..,,.,'.
JJixon .;.tnv........iuj...
luugiaa ,,..v...
ln.ady .J
l'Uimoro j.'. ..
frank i tn .Av
Uage 2.2S3
Uosper 65
Grant ....i.i.'..v..' 21ti
Greeley . M
Hail : 2.93
Hamilton 2,(ut)
. t'U
; 164
, ,att
. ,M
. 4,300
, - Mi
, l.Mi
. 1.-.6
. , SH
. l.iai
. 2oJ
. S.IM
. 17.HT
. 3.0
the Interior with hardly a scratch on him
A new barn with concrete foundations on
' a,ttjJ ' the Martin place, four miles south, was
5 ' completely demolished, the foundations
being scattered all over the yard. Over two
l.mS Inches of water fell In-little less than an
li hour. The rain was badly needed here and
it Is now confidently predicted that over
M 70 per cent of tne corn wl" be saved- Some
hoi damage Is reported from the hall, but not
enough to offset the general benefits of the
3itf ! . -
1 047
Hayes ....
Hooker ...
Johnson (.
Kearney ',.,..'
Keitn ...
Key talia..,.,
Kimball .j...,...,,
Knox. .,,....
Lancaster ...,vr
Lokat ................
Madtsort ......... v.
Morrill i..v... '
Nemaha .,'
Nuckolls -
1Uto ...........................
Polk , ;
Bed Willow....' i... .
hour Mill Levy
' Fixed for State
Reduction of One-Half Mill from
Levy Made for Previous
.... 485 .
.... 1
.... 8)8
.... 1,207
, . . . 355
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Aug. 4.-(Speclal.) In the ab
sence of Governor Shallenberger, the State
Board of Equalization this afternoon fixed
the levy for the state general fund at 4
mills, and the university levy of 1 mill
was made. The general fund levy Is reduced
one-half of a mill from the levy of last
v5 year. The university levy is fixed by law.
5K7 1 The grand assesment roll approximately
33 is J410.000.000. consequently the taxes to be
, , .. .u. I,in4 will ho 11.640.000
and the university fund I164.0W. last ytar
h tnxes levied for the general fund
3,? amounted to $1,795,439, and the amount
42 raised by the I mill university levy was
417 I 1398.985.
16,2. 2 ! Treasurer Brian and State Auditor Barton
'io agreed to the levy of 4 mills for the gen
10 eral fund and did not attend the meeting
L8i4 only Secretary of State Junkln and Land
Commissioner Cowlcs being present.
Sarpy .!A..........
Saunders ;;......
Scott's Bluff. I 624
Peward 1.218
Sheridan 69!)
Sioux .....,.. 95
Stanton 190
Thayer 4S1
Thurston ...'.). Wi
Valley '. 327
Washington 425
"Wayne-. .v,.. .'. tili
Webster 1,091
York 1.4R4
6 0
4; 2
, 1.0?s
r 2.723
' . 200
,,' 1X4
"' ' ' 3W)
' 210
$97,256 $94,413
, Exciting Time for Bishop.,
, C. pishop. state 'superintendent, had 'a
narrow escape from death by lightning dur
ing tktl racknt electrical storm; and at the
am time saved hta home from, being de
stroyed by fire only by the most strenuous
werlc. iMr. Bishop was at home alone when
he was awakened by fire In his room. With
wet towels he smothered the flames In the
room, only to' discover another blase In the
attlo which' had eaten a hole through the
celling. He climbed Into the attic and put'
out ' that blaze and then discovered that
the : lightning' which had set fire to the
bouse had also melted a gas pipe and gas
was burning".' This 'necessitated the use of
wet blankets- and towels until finally this
bias was extinguished. Then the super
intendent had to grope his "way to tv.s tel
ler and .turn off the gas. He went cut
the front door In his pyjamas and the door
locked behind him. This necessitated break
ing In. tha rear door. It waa past midnight.
however, so: the superintendent was not
Interrupted in his burglarious act. ,.,
; Telephone Company Reports'.
The Nebraska Telephone company today
filed Its retort, showing the business It
has don during tbe fiscal year. The gross
receipts amounted to 2,0;!2,854; total oper
ting "expenses, $1,441,811; Interest paid, $27.
164; taxes paid, $78,641; 6 per cent dividend
on common stock, $278,013; Insurance, $3,925
rights, privileges and use of other property,
$91,628,' net surplus. $U8.SS2.
Tramp Injured by Cars.
FRE4pNT, Neb.. Aug. 4. (Special.)
AJVj naan, who gave his name as Tom
Woore and his residence New York City,
was found this morning on the Burlington
tradka about a .half mile south of the
brewery with both legs nearly severed. He
waa consciou when found and said tnat
he waa walking along the track about 10:30
last night when he was struck by a train.
His .injuries, however, plainly show that
he ..was run, over by car wheels, and it
la, the opinion of the surgeon who exam
ined him hat he must have fallen between
two cara or fallen off a brake beam. He
waa taken to the hospital, but his condi
tion la such that there are no hopes of
his recovery. He says that he Is a tramp
and formerly a book agent.
OH Poured Over New Separator of O,
O. Johason of Central City and
Match Appled.
CENTRAL .qiTY,.Neb... Aug, 4.-Was the
threshing machine .of C, . Johnson, living
Bouth of town destroyed. by gome enemy,
or by some competitor, who waa provoked
because ho would not Increase' his- charge
for threshing grain the same as other oper
ators In the neighborhood had doneT This
Is a question that Is hard to answer, but
there Is an Interesting rtory connected
with the occurrence and several features
of more than common Interest. Tuesday
night he brought his outfit home and left
lt'ln'the back yard. About 1:30 o'clock
Johnson was aroused by hi wife, who had
been awake, and looking out of the window
had discovered the separator on fire. He
hastened out to the burning machine, but
he says that although the fire was Just
started he discovered that It spread with a
sweep over the whole machine, Indicating
that oil or some other highly lnflamable
material had been' spread over It. In a few
minutes the machine waa a mass of ruins.
Johnson was thoroughly convinced from
the manner In which the machine was con
sumed that It was eevered with oil. and the
finding of an empty can near the scene
added to his suspicions. He has not an
enemy that ha knows of In the world, which
adds to the mystery. The only ones he
thinks who could have wished him 111 era
other operators who might be displeased at
his Intention to pull over across the river
and thresh at the old rate for the Hamil
ton county farmers, whjle other operator
have lately raised the price.
The machine which was burned was a
large Oaar-Scott,- which Johnson had taken
from the cars hera only a few days before.
The separator cost $1,300 and was Insured
for $oo.
I Storrn snd lleul.en K 1. cirri. Tney will
bo married at the home of the bride s
grand-parents, Mr. and ..Irs. A. K. Huckins.
NEBRASKA CITT-Mrs. Tordorf snd two
sons we.e cai'eo to Mworeln ad, Kan., last
evening by a tclegiam bii..., me
death of her son-in-law. Charles Uudklrk,
who was killed by liahttiinK near that
CAM nr. I DOE Cnmbridge defeated Rtoek
viiie here yeiiteirtay In a shut-out game,
the best that hiis been piaycd on the
grounds this senson. Score: 1 to 0. On.y
three errors occurred In tno game, whlcn
was fast from mart to finish.
NEBRASKA CITY Pining the storm
WedneKQuy morning conmo.-i able damage
was done by iHtlilnitiK to the system of
the Nebraska Cliy Telephone company, and
aside from burin j; out many phones, a long
strlnK of heavy cable was humeri. The
l.ghtnmg did considerable damage In this
GOUPON-Ollliert Gil'klnson, 7-year-old
son of John Killtlnson, seriouHly, per
son of John Cllik.nsnn. was deiMuisiy, per
haps fatally, Injured hire this afternoon at
the cor.ier of Second uml Pnie streets, wmn
his horoe that he s riding fed with him,
striking his ht ail nn the pavement. He was
unconscious lor some time.
OAKLAND Wednesday at hlch noon, at
the home of Mrs. John Royd In this city,
her daughter Mary was united In marriage
to Mr. Itundeison of Rockford. III., Rev.
A. J. Warne of the Methodist church offi
ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Rinderson left on
the evening train for Rocklord, where they
will make their home.
WAYNE The home of John Gustaveson.
two miles north of Wayne, was struck by
iignining during the storm or Tuesday
evening and entirely destroyed. This Is the
tnira time this man s house has been
struck during six years. No one was In
jured. The property was uninsured, the pol
icy naving lapsed in April.
LKAINu i U. Preparations ore being
made for the seventh annual Chautauqua
to be held In Lexington, Neb., 'commencing
August 9. The talent secured for this year
Is of the best to be had, such as Ralph
Parlette, Ralph Ulngham, Senator Robert
L Taylor, George L. McNutt-Schlldkret
liungaiian orchestra. Cleveland Ladies or
chestra, etc.
HOLDREGE The funeral of F.arl Van
dyke Emple, who died near this cltv Satur
day, was held at the Methodist Episcopal
church In this city yesterday afternoon.
The deceased was a son of tho late Canton
t-rnpie. or Kearney, and was living with
his mother, now Mrs. T. E. Smith, at the
time of his death.
CAMBRIDGE The rhniitaimtin vhii.1, hm
been In progress here since last Saturday Is
a (success in every way and large crowds
present at all the programs and many are
enjoying camping In the park. Father J.
m. bleary, me lainollc divine, lectured
here yesterday. The program closes next
Sunday, which promises to ba the banner
day of the Chautauqua.
YORK Fire destroyed a one-story build
ing, corner Eleventh street and Division
avenue. Wednesday afternoon. The build
ing was occupied by Peter Hesslar as a fire caught in a gasoline
storage tank containing about twenty gal
lons of gasoline. Everything In the build
ing was buined Including a new cleaning
machine. This Is the second time he has
burned out since the first of the year.
BEATRICE F. C. Crocker of Fllley.
president of the State Swine Breeder's
association, arrived home yesterday from
Omaha, where he was present at the be
ginning of an experiment with hog cholera
serum upon a drove of thirty hogs. Mr.
Crocker states that hog breeders and gov
ernment veterinarians are confident of thf
success of the experiment, and they base
their conclusion upon the fact that othei
experiments have been successful.
FONTANELLE Mrs. Anna McDermld,
wife of a prominent physician at Fonta
nels, was found dead in bed Monday morn
ing by members of the family when they
went -to her room. Deceased had been in
poor health for a few months previous from
heart trouble, but was not considered
seriously ill. She spem Sunday afternoon
out driving and seemed In good spirits. She
was- the mother of Dr. Pierle McDermld
of that place and was widely known.
NEBRASKA C1TY-H. A. Aldrige, who Is
charged with forcing Constable Dughman
at the point of a gun to give up some prop
erty on which he levied, la hnvhir hla m.
llmlnary hearing this week. The attorneys
are putting In several days arguing the
matter and have asked for a few days
more to prepare a statement of the law
and factH 1 for the court. Aldrige ws cap-
iurea aner a mree-morrtn s chase. His
lather, who Is a farmer in Logan county,
is furnishing the money for the defense.
Solicitor Newton Makes First Move in
Preparing DefeiiiQ.
Officers nt London and Qnehee ny
fit Is jj Rent an Office
Report Arc Without Konnila
llon Wardresses nhri Of
ficers nll.
LONDON, Aug. 4. Solicitor Newton, who
has betn letalnod to defend Dr. Crlppen.
made his first move today when he filed
a forms! application asking tho authorities
to permit an Independent physician to ex
amine the bits of human flesh found In the
C'nppen collar.
It is understood N'ewtoir will contend that
thry cannot be Identified us having be
longed to the body ot Belle Elmore.
Scotland Yard Is kept busy denying all
sorts of rumors concerning Crlppen and
Miss Leneve. the mst recent describing
an" alleged confession by the doctor, eman
ating irom viutoec. .-..ipenr.ienoeni r roesi . . rri, u; vA t
iit;uiu3n.a .1ua.1t in3 iai m
ijj V ZJ ijJL Vi
W To tUe the public ss much lnfor-
ll 111ntk.11 nhout the Eye and Eyei
fj Tii.tilile as ie cun i:i our nncr
9 ti-emont.
P ' Kullv
Pi ' fxjplciari
ft the trouble li you in our examlna-)
H Hon. If tlicio U no trouble we tell;
ynu . ;
That N hnw we hope to build and
.iccu 11 reputation.
U13 So. Kitli Street.
treated the report lightly. Intimating that.
Inspector Dew would not be likely to give
out Information In Quebec, which he had
not first cabled to headquarters here.
Officers Go for Prisoners. a
The superintendent pointed out also that
had Crlppen confessed It would have been
necessary to send Sergont Mitchell to
Quebec with depositions taken In London
In order to gain the extradition of the pris
oners. . '
Sergeant Mitchell accompanied by two
wardresses, who will take charge of Miss
Leneve, sailed this morning on the steamer
Lake Manitoba for Quebec.
The question whether Crlppen and his
companion have been married has been
revived because of Its bearing on the
status of the woman as a possible witness
against Crlppen. .. It Is known that the
police, hoping Miss Leneve will make a
strong witness for the crown, but If It Is
proven that shft Is the wife of'the doctor,
she may refuse absolutely to take the stand
against her husband.
Discussing this feature of the case, Sup
erintendent Froest said an exhaustive offi
cial Investigation had failed to produce any
evidence of such a marriage.
Inspector Devr Disappears.
The Quebeo provincial' authorities were
Insistent today that Dr. Crlppen had not at
tempted a confession. They maintained
this attitude in the face of persistent ru
mors that some aort of a statement had
been obtained from the prisoner.
This much la known: Inspector Dew and
the Canadian detectives have not visited
Crlppen'e cell or had any direct communi
cation with him since yesterday morning
Dew breakfasted early today at his board
ing house and disappeared. Whether he
left town or not could not be determined.
but members of the provincial police ex
pressed the belief that he had sought se
clusion in order to avoid the annoyance
of being obliged to deny frequently erron-
ous statements attributed-to him.
Crlppen has changed much In facial ex
pression since he arrived here Monday. He
Is not allowed to shave and a four-days
growth of beard gives him quite a differ
ent look The Jail governor said the pre
cautions against an attempt at self-destruction
were so strict 'that the prisoner would
neither be allowed' to have a raxor nor be
trusted In the hands of the Jail barber.
in the
Heart of
a . Rnao Oat of Kara.
PAPILLION. Neb., Aug. 1 (Special.)
E. R- Ringo withdrew this morning from
tie .senatorial raoe of this, the Fifth, dis
trict. Thl leaves no contest In the pri
mary, on either side, practically ceanlng
that ex-nenator Lverty, repubBcan, and
Annual Picnic of Old Settlera Held on
Court Hons Uwi.
BROKEN BOW, Aug. . (Speolal.)-
The Old Settlers' association ef Custer
county held Its annual meeting and picnic
here today. Despite threatening weather
1,000 or $.000 old-timers took part in Uie
reunion. At 11 o'clock the court housa
grounda wera filled with dinner baskets
and diners, free coffee being served by
the local management to all who would
partake. At 1:30 the program opened with
a band concert, followed by an address of
welcome by Mayor Rockwell, Invocation
and response by Rev. Mr. Norwood and
President Cavanee, recitations by the
MIsse Violet Larsen and Vera Eddy, and
the address of the day waa given by
Judge H. M. Grimes of North Platte. The
vocal music for ths occasion, under the
direction of Mlsa Adah Bowen, waa ex
cellent, and consisted of a chorus of
Broken Bow voices and choruses from
other parts of the county. Talks ef five
mmutes were made by D. M. Amsberry,
E. ft. Purceli. J. D. Ream, W. C. Elliott,
H. B. Sohoertngeri L. B. Wamsley, Judge
W. J. Rice, Robert Farley and R. O.
Carr. Prises were distributed to the old
est male and female settlers, first born
male and female children, the oldest per
son on the ground the to the best vocal
chorus outside of Broken Bow.
Championship Series at Happy Hoi
low Clnb Under Way.
The first round for chamnlonshln second
and third flights of the golf tournament
now on at Happy Hollow club have been
piayea orr and the second round will be
done by August 8.
Tne F. o. Hamilton nrlre. the conditions
of which are eighteen holes, handicap
meaai piay, ono club, four to qualify, will
be played for next Saturday. August 8.
The first round results In the Hub
cnampionsnips tourney were as follows:
Championship, First Round
w. E. Shafer beat Thomas Austin, Z-L
A. O. Elhck beat W. J. Creedon. 6-5.
A. A. McClure beat Crosby Wyman, t up.
p. SiDbernsen beat A. W. Clark, 6-5.
James Austin beat George Ross, 1 up.
E. T. Manning beat J. R. Webster. 4-3.
E. E. Kimberly beat W. Buchanan, 8-2.
uuy Liggett beat E. A. Nordstrom, Z-.
Second Flight. First round
R. Sturdevant beat N. E. Leary, 1 up.
IV noies.
E. A. Finley beat J. G. Welch. 8-1.
W. E. Shepard beat E. N. Robertson, 8-1.
w. ti. itno.-des beat A. a. Crelgn, 6-4.
S. H. Ross beat J. T. Bartlett. 6-4.
Joseph Polcar beat A. E. Frederick. 6-5,
E. W. West beat M. W. Graham, t-L
C. Slbbernsen beat R. L. Montgomery, 8-2.
Third Flight, First Round
Hal Buckingham beat R. M. Tanner, 8-1.
K. Elllck beat M. O. Hayward (default)
W. C. Sears beat C. H. Wright (default) '
Arch Murtagh beat J. W. West. 1 up lr
tS holes.
W. C. Lyle beat C. E. Nlswonger, 8 up
.T. W. Longven beat C. H. Marley (de
fault). F. H. Brown beat E. A. Benson, 6-1
Springfield, Rock Island, Peoria and
Waterloo Win.
BLOOMINGTON, 111., Aug. 4. Nunamak
er'a wild throw threw the game away In
the tenth. Score: ll.T.E.
Bloomlngton 6 06000008 02 2
Springfield 0 00000010 46 9 1
Batteries: Humes and Nunamaker; Daly,
Willis, chroeder and Hartley.
DAVENPORT, la., Aug. 4. Rock Island
wnn hv timely batting. Score: R.H.E.
Davenport 0 0003060 03 9 0
Rock Island 0 0103000 06 13 1
Batteries: Smith, Nelson and Walsh;
Cavel, Counehman and O' Leary.
PEORIA, 111.. Aug. 4. Peoria hit Rey
nolds hard and won easily. Score: R.H.E.
Tnrl 1 0 0 5 0 1 0 6 7 1.1 S
Danville 0 0000003 63 8 0
Batteries: cook ana Asmussen; Reynolds
and Wolfe.
WATERLOO. Ia., Aug. 4. Patton held
Dubuque to one hit until the eighth. Si-nre:
Waterloo 1 0110000 3 S
Dubuque 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 3 0
Batteries: Patton and Harrington; Ferris
and Baucher.
ArrlTl. lllt
Campania ....
South Omaha Democratic Candidate
t ' : " f or . Senate Makes Street , .' .;
"My name Is Howard-Jeremiah for long
and Jerry for short. I am candidate for
state senat6r and I appeal to your patriot
Ism for support and solicit your vote on
my legislative record."
Thus 'Jeremiah Howard of South Omaha
Introduced himself1 to a street audience In
front of the Merchants hotel last night as
ha perched on a box and delivered his par
ticular brand of democratic doctrine.
His denunciation ' of commercial kings
and a plea for civic righteousness seemed
to tickle the fandy of an old man In the
crowd, but vigorous applauding and sallies
aroused the Ire of-Jerry. "I want your at
tention, not your' cheers," waa all the
recognition the enthusiast got, and meta
phorically brushing the interrupter out of
the way he declaimed In favor of no man
getting support for. political office who was
not like Caesar's- wife, above suspicion,
auggesting thereby, of course, that he was
In that class. - Not only waa he, he said,
for the Initiative and referendum, but the
recall as well, and ha advocated the estab
lishment of a compulsory board of arbitra
tion to settle labor dispute.
Nebraska Jltsi Nates.
WISNER Mrs. H. Mitchell dropped desd
In her home from heart trouble Monday.
. JA, Placek. both of Sanders nouglas wera married here Monday even-
suaiy, win om pmea against each other Ing.
GORDON Mrs. Everett Havener fell on
a rail ator In her home Sunday, breaking
her collarbone and sustaining other Injuries.
She Is In a critical condition.
BEATRICE Homer Folden and Miss
Gertie Killings, both of this city, were mar
ried at Maryvllle. Kan., yesterday. They
will make their home In this city.
BEATRICE Word has been received here
ot the death of Mrs. J. H. Marsh, which
occurred at Eureka Sprlna-s. Ark., last Sat
rnsv. H formerly resided at that place
and was 76 years ef age.
NEBRASKA CITY Invitations have been
issued for the marriage of Mlsa Evelyn B.
, O. Washington
, Majntie
. Oral Waldara
. Lak Mtchlsan
, Teutonic
, W llhemlnia
Word Cornea f ro-nj Washington that
Man Convicted of Land Fraada
May Have Liberty.
Word was received from Washington by
United States District Attornay F. S.
Howell yesterday that Ami Todd, one of
the men convicted of land frauds In Ne
braska, had been granted a commutation
of his sentence, to take effect Thursday.
Todd Is a prisoner in the county Jail at
Fremont, and l aald to be In very precar
ious health.
Rich Stake.
Arrhdnlc Fllly Leads Entry in Each
Heat and Three to One Odds
Rcfore the Ilnce Are
DETROIT. Mich., Aug. 4.-The Merchants
and Manufacturers' $10,000 stake was won
easily in straight heats at the fair grounds
yesterday by the little black mare, Dudle
Archdale, with the veteran Geers In the
sulky. The race was too onesided to be to
any great degree exciting, and the odds of
3 to 1 011 Dudle Archdale over the entire
field minimized the Interest taken In the
Today's feature was the third $10,000
event that the little black trotter has won
In as many weeks, the other two having
been In the Furniture Manufacturers' stake
at Grand Rapids and the Paper mills
$10,000 event at Kalamazoo.
Geers was applauded from the crowded
grandstand each time he hobbled out on a
crutch to take his sulky, not having re
covered entirely from his accident at
Grand Rapids. This week's meeting Is the
second 1 c ribbon Detroit meeting at
which 1 r Geers won both the Mer
chants anu Manufacturers' and the Cham
ber of Commerce stakes, two o the big
gest annual events of the trotting turf.
The 2:20 trot went to Joan after Sable
Maid had captured the first heat. Wataga
led the first heat to the half mile but
then dropped back. Sable Maid won her
heat in a close finish, but In the remaining
heats the time was faster and Joan had
the speed.
May Day took the first heat of the 2:12
pace In 2:064, In the second heat she led
Into the stretch but broke badly and fell
back to ninth position, Peter Pan win
ning the head. May Day won the next
two heats from Peter Pan in slower time,
the third heat affording one of the most
exciting finishes of the afternoon.
Alcyfras and Walter Hal each took a heat
In the 2:07 race, which was not finished.
Trotting ,2:20 class, best three, In five,
purse $1,000:
Joan, br. f., by Directum Spier-
t " "f "ai oraaon irac-
Dermott) . j j 1 j
Sable Maid, blk. m by Ruby
Margaret Mills, by Waltz (Mur
phy) . 12 8 2
Robert A, br. g. (Andrews).. 9 3 3 7
Billy Palohun, blk. g. (Gray).:.....-3 '7 7 6
Castle Dome, b. s. (Chandler) 7 6 6 3
Wataga, b. m. (Rathburn) 8 4 6 4
Butler Brook, rn. g. (Burch and
Gaghan) 4 10 8 9
Oakland Flebar, br. s. (Lasalle).... 6(96
Guadlninl, blk. m. (Packer) 10 8 10 8
Orlena, br. m. (Shafer) 6 6 4 ds
Audran, br. rn. (Burch) ds
Time: 2:12. 2:10. 2:11, 2:114
Trotting, 2:24 class, best thre In five,
purse $10,000. Merchants' and Manufietnr.
ers' stake:
Dudle Archdale, blk. m.. by Archdale
Dudie Egmont, by Egmont Chief
(Geers) 1 1 1
Arlo Leyburn, br. s. (Rosemlre) 2 2 2
Henry H, br. g. (Dean) 4 3 3
Crelghton, b. g. (LaSalle) ..T 4 4
Myrtle Grannett, br. m. (Andrews). ...5 9 5
Captain George, b. c. (Murphy) 8 T 6
Electric Todd, br. s. (Gahagan) 10 6 7
Baron Penn, br. s. (Shuler) 9 8 8
Areo, b-g. (Merrlfleld) 3 t ds
Remorseful, blk. g. (McMahon) 6 ds
Time: 2:09. 2:02, 2:08.
Pacing, 8:12 class, best three In five,
purse $1,000:-May Day won, Peter Pan sec
ond, uerman Boy third. Best time: 2:05H-
Pacing, 2:07 class, best two in three, purse
$1,000 (unfinished): Alcyfras won, Walter
Hal second, Ella Ambulster third. Best
time: 2:04..
When the digestion is all rignt, the action
of the bowels regular, there Is a natural
craving and relish for food. When this Is
lacking you may know that you need a dose
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab-i
lets They strengthen the digestive organs.
Improve the appetite and regulate tbs
bowels. Sold by all dealers.
Bee Building
Available space for rent nt the present time.
Room U2:i Located on top floor, facing court, with 37o
square feel, Including vault, which reuts for fU3 per month.
Room 817 Court room, 8x14.
r.cnts for $10.00 per
Room 649 One of the best suites of offices In tbe city.
In tbe corner of the building facing 17th and Farnain.
This space is divided iiito three rooms with tflud partition,
giving a total ot u?U square feet, and is fitted with large
vault. Rent, $00.00 per month.
Rooms 218 and 220 Nice suite offices located In north
west corner of building. The larger room Is partitioned se
as to afford two private offices and reception room, and is
provided with vault This makes a good combination of room
and has been occupied by Insurance company; may be routed
for $52.00 per month.
The Bee Building Co.
JR. W. BAKER, Supt. 17th and Farnam
Electric Lighted Trains
To Chicago
Every day carry you quickly and comfort
ably into La Salle Station in the heart of
the city and only station on the elevated
railway loop.) Excellent connections aro
maintained at Engl ewood , Union and La
Salle Stations with fast limited trains for
the Atlantic Seaboard.'
Rock Island Service
provides electric lighted drawing-room
and observation sleeping cars and free re
clining chair cars. Every detail carefully
looked after.
$15.00 to Chicago and Return, on
Sale August 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Full information about any trip any
where, on request.
Division Passenger Agent,
14th and Farnam Streets.
Omaha, Neb.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
I.oals Trees.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Aug. 4. Louis
Trees, grand scribe of the Kansas en
campment of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, died here today of apoplexy.
He waa 60 years eld.
A Dangerous Weand
rendered antlseptle by Bucklen'a Arnica
Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burns.
piles, ecsema and salt rheum. 25c. For
sale by Beaton Drug Ce.
Brsslag Loses In Fourteenth.
BRUNINO, Nob., Aug. i. (Special.) The
Brunlng base ball team played with Hebron
yesterday at Hebron and lost tho game
by the score of 6 to 4 in fourteen innings
Batteries: Brunlng, Hawks and Bailey
Hebron, Newman anl Isponsler. '
Defeat for Plymouth.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 4.-(Speclai.) Tele-gram.)-The
Oewitt ball team defeated
Plymouth today at Dewltt, by the score of
9 to 7.
Hay Fcycr and Asthma
Free Advlco From Skilled Physicians
Who Have Cured Thousands
at .
I yeu have anyth ng to sell or trade
advertise It In ne Bee Want Ad colli-
is and get auien results.
Prima Faelo Evidence.
Magistrate Who is tho prisoner?
Policeman He says he's a foreign noble
man, youpr honor.
Magistrate Did you search him.
Polleeman Yes, and all I found was a
pawn ticket and S cents.
Magistrate Then he evidently told the
truth. Chicago News.
li! , tha elusion proper. .
-' A Heard Wife Murderer Held.
WATNK. Neb.. Aug. 4-8peclal.)-Henry
Hogra;' Charged with the murder-of hla
wpewaa bound over to the district court
It ia llCd . that Hograve poisoned his
wife with strychnin that he might marry
another, wojnan. At tho preliminary trial
the woman whom It Is said he wasted to
nv.rry, testified that Hograve several times
told her he was going to poison his wife.-
Roosevelt's Race Suicide
Ideas Still Remembered
AVOIfDALE, Pa., Aug. 4 -At Avondale,
through which he passed today on the
kutomoblle trip which he la making, f olonul
Roosevelt spent the happiest moments of
the day. The population consists chiefly
of children, and they gathered about him
In clusters. Little Annie McLaughlin
rushed up breathlessly. "My mamma
wants you to eome right In and see her,"
she erled. "Fha has got twelve children."
The distinguished foe to race suicide
grasped hla hat and hastened to the little
hotfe. Mrs. McLaughlin was ready for
him and in proof ef her kfsrrtlon sh -produced
seven children ef Various ages.
The other five were not Vt home, snd she
begged the colonel's pardon.'"
As the party had climbed into the auto
mobile a breaker boy cam up at fu 1 1
tpeed. "Stoa, step," h cried breathlrsslv.
"Ther Is a wman dews , the street h
has get elghteea children and she wants
to sea yeu." But it was getting lata and
Colonel Roosevelt bad to proceed without
seeing her. ,
This summer, don't go to the mountains
or tho seashore for relief from your hay
fever. Get an absolute cure at home. 1,.
dorsed by physicians, lawyers and minis
ter, business men and people of lilgt,
standing all over the world stay at home
In comfort and get well.
Let us send you free advice as te ..on
you can be cured to stay cured of hay
fever and asthma; let u send you testi
monials that pi o beyond a snadow ot
doubt that our methods absolutely drive
tho hay fever from your system so that
you will never again have to tear the re
currence of the hay fever season.
And best of all while following eur ad
vice, you will not lose time from youi
work, you will not have to seek change of
climate, for by our method you can be
cured In the privacy and comfort ef your
own home.
Ask for bulletin 1082 B and with It we
will send a symptom blank free, fiend nn
monev, JuMt your name and ad'lress.- P.
HAROLD IIAV1-:S, Hutfulo, Y.
South End 1611) St
"Homo of fha
long Ton"
up ft "it:
t'ilWilfssissisiissiltsysi" til)'
Have you tried a
Minnesota Vacation?
Better do It this summer.
I It will be an agreeable and refreshing change from the dry,
' burning sun of the prairie states.
Minnesota has shady streams.
Minnesota has large wooded lakes, and all these lakes
and streams are full of gamey fish of all varieties.
Moderate-priced hotels and cottages at any of the lakes.
If you like "roughing It" rent a camp outfit and pitch your
tent where you like.
The way to go is via the
IrV.'V" VI. "."?.
ITn" ' .t . -'flsrassssj
;"-; ' 5V v, .
Greatly reduced excursion fares
make a Minnesota outing Inexpen
sive. Ask about them and send for
1512 Farnam Street.
Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 260
All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised.
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
A. I. ROOT. Incorporated
1210-1212 HOWARD ST. PHONE D. 1604
Base Ball
League am