0- THE BEE: OMAHA, -WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 3, 1010. 10 I ,tmt xm mir via Si Q 1 GjA! iS FS ;ip -1 wagggl., Wednesday's Big Event AH the Yomen's Auto Coats and Storm Coats From the Tefft-Weiler Stock Hundreds of Cravencttes, Rub berized Storm Coats and Dust Proof Automobile Coats in all sizes various styles no- a big bar gain at. . . Women's Taffeta, Pongee, Shan tung and Linen Automobile Coats and Bain coats, worth up to $8.50 and $10... $3.98 i 5 JSig Bargains fi?T Tefft-Weller vStpck ;:;: :Vwf w0Ej8as Fina Ribbed Union Suits , ... . . . t. Taped ncc&'and arm eye, umbrella knee and lace trimmed regular and extra sizes worth 40 o; . , " at, each' '. . ' Women's Fiae Ribbed Cotton Vests Lace and silk ribbon trimmed regular and extra sizes, 25o quality, at; each, ' ... Yomsn's and Children's fina Lisle and Cotton Kosbr Plain, and allover lace, black, tan and fancy colors, children's fine ribbed, all 11 2i FRY'S SALE Still On Wo will continue for a few days to clean up abort lines and last pairs, and ask no profit. Here's some of the prices: $6.00 Low Cuts . . . $5.00 Low Cuts $4.00 Low Cuts . . . $4.25 $3.83 $2.95 ,3ci?:..............sus $4.00 and $8.50 C short lines, at $1-15 Hi TTTTmTPv'? II H II ill WTOM i0sl!D AT B 0'CX.OCK, EL I " j tf V WW BATTOPAT, AT 10 F. M. j VjfW H1 K Better Quality at Equal rrice, or Equal Quality at Lower it Women's White Canvas I Oth and Douglas Street. FRY Sfl0E C0. il It's Notion Day ' sizes, worth-25c, at. ... . Women's end Men's Ail Purs Linen Handkerchiefs Hand embroidered corner, allever embroidired, escalloped embroidery 'edges, hand embroidered initials, cross-barred linen hemstitched ZzLjO uvruvra, vuvriiib cuw, wv .- A!! Silk Ribbons at 15c Yard Up to 7 inches wide, in all colors, taffeta, moire, Dres den and fancy stripes and oheolcs, floral effects, ion big bargain square, worth up to 35o yard, at, yard. ... lis) CLODY IACE FOR CENTER PIECES MAIN FLOOR ART DEPT. Cluny Lace, in both white and ecru, in a large number of designs, at one-half price.' One day only. . Our ,15c Lace, in white and ecru, for ...i ......... 7 Our Sc Lace, 'In white and ecru, Our 60c Lace, In white and ecru, for .... ..S5 Our 75c Lace, in white aid ecrur tor 37tf BRANDOS STORES JETTER BREWIMG CO., Phone No. 8. 30th ud T Streets Sooth Omaha. ; Nebraska oomtxjvcsaM' siiTinimuMi Omaha i -KTJOO P. BXXJt, 1394 Sooflas trt. r bona I Dontrlaa 1642. ZnO. A-1B4X South Omaha I Wtt JETTER. rhoa Vw 868 Xad. r-x868 Council Bluff it ZiZO. M3CXXX.Ii 1013 Kala St. Both Vhoaaa. 80 i. mm i mm r Take a Rocky Mountain Air Bath TVery Lowiff Rates alt II ISummerjj j - 1 1 t You can't eo on at-this oace for a solid vear: chitree to your investment account a fortmp-hf in the: Rockies, and see. the profits lean from the 'moment vou cetfi and double the amount rf wort 'you can do today. Take one of the luxurious trains Korlr lalrinrl I mo ,'. , diro to both Dw aa4 Colorado Sprfco And liav your vacation start when you start. The is a real tUasurt if you start right Bic, roomy berths and coaches brilliantly liehted and properly ventilated. Superb meals and perfect comfort Only on night on the way and luncheon next day in the shadow of the mighty Rockies among scenic pictures to be hune forever ancr. m your gantry ot mtmorut. I here's only one Colorado; only one Roclc Island to the Rockies,. I will gladly tell you how uicitv ciy me irip can oc maae, ana spare you every , . ; ' , annoyance of making; your plans. . Splendid Fast Trains Every Day lor L.oiorio, Yeuowone Kark and the Pacific Coart. Specially it. iuvhu mp an lummcr to ine ociignuui rnorts of the joioen veu i-et ui tend you Illutlnited literature and iuinrest in muu vi jrwur mo. tjui, pnone or write today. 1. R. MoNALLT ' fitvtaloa raaaoncar Asaot I f W m V ; HIS Faraam St. k i Omaha, Keb, V JV v ' ' ' ' ' - . y : .ii w i-ft i j v- . - , . V' '.fX - '-. .-4'.Va,.-i.i''wi" Baltimore and Ohio 1 Railroad' Low Fare Summer Tour Via WASHINGTON TO . . , ATLANTIC CITY AND OTUER SEA SUCRE RESORTS , ' -NEW YORK, BOSTON j AND . NEW ENGLAND POINTS Tlekata on 8al Dally Until Oct. S1L . 1X3NQ RKTUKN LIMIT. Hboral Btop-Orr Prlvllocea . For further particulars addreae f. A. FXE3TOK. B. V. AVBTISf... T. P. Chlcao O. P. A., Cblcago. Pretty Summer Dresses of Vhite Barred Nainsook for $4.95 One of the moat pleasing style we havo had this summer. Made of thin barred nalnBOok with colored dots and ring patterns In colors. Cut low and round at neck with accordeon pleated lace edged ruffle, some trimmed effect for jabot and turn cuffs; edges all piped in col ors. Estimate the' coat Of materials and making and you'll readily see the fine saving. We, have all sizes today. Not a week from the makers, at each. ' $4.03 a P H i j H $2 Batiste Corsets for a Day at $1L9 Long Fashionable Models ' Quantity it Limited Be Prompt No corsets are more strongly endorsed by well gowned women. They are designed to give correct poise and contour of figure, and are cool, comfortable and serviceable. Made of light weight batiste, medium high in bust, but good length hip with long skirt effect, Embroid ery trimmed and two pairs of supporters are attaohed, 4 an $2.00 garments, at H orted widths, t ,.S Tou can pick up innumerable lit tle savings in the NoUons here every Wednesday. To illustrate: Bunch Tape, bunches fur 1 Finishing- Braids, all colors, at, per bolt lo Pearl Buttons, colored, dosen So Darning Cotton, spool lo Hone Supporters, for women and children, all colors, extra stronr, at, per pair laVio Klastto Remnants, fancy and plain, all colors, each Bo Poarl Buttons, large and small, H dosen on card, per card loo Sale Black Silks Our famous "Cleola" brand. The annual mill cleanup ot odd lota at great price concessions: Grocery List for Wednesday and Thursday . Every Item Appeals to Your Sense of Economy Bennett's Capitol Flour, per sack $1.60 . and 60 stamps. Bennett's Breakfast Cof fee, 2 lb. can. special, for 46c Bannett's' Capitol Coffee. lb. package, special, 24c Bennett's Capitol Pepper, 'm. lb. can, for . ...loc and 6 stamps. Bnlder's Salad Dressing, large bottle ......26c and 20 stamps. ' Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder. 6 lb. can $1.00 and 100 stamps. E, C. Flakes, i packages for .' 26c and 10 stamps. Peanut Butter, Jar ...10c and 6 stamps. . B Diamond Crystal Shaker Bait, three for ....26c and 10 stamps. Bnlder's Pork and Beans, large can, for 20c and 20 stamps. Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can for 24c and 20 stamps. Monarch Cut Asparagus, large can 25c and 10 stamps. Pickling Spices, at, per pound 26c and 10 stamps. Gherardolli Chocolate, lb. can for S5c and 10 stamps, armour's "Verlbest" Slic ed Beef ...16c and 10 stamps. Jap Rlre, 7o quality, I pounds for ....... .26c 96c Cleola Peau de Sole, for SSo 11.26 Cleota Peau de Bole, for . ...6o 11.60 Cleola Peau de Sole, for . ...8o 26 In'. Cleola Taffeta, extra heavy 690 S6 In. Cleola Taffeta, l.Si quality, for eso 88 In. Cleola Taffeta, $1.60 quality, for 91.08 69o Cleola Black Silk Surah, for Bo 46 In. Cleola Taffeta, $2.60 quality, Lj for (1.48 64 In. Cloola Taffeta, $8.00 quality, O for 91.98 8 .lua a ir.i.i .... . ...1,1. r.f 1 H Silks. Ask about it. . Ii 1 r i & Crackers, assorted, pack age ioo and 10 stamps. Hartley's pure Fruit Jel ly, Jar ,5o Galllard Olive Oil, bot tle for 240 and 20 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat 2 lb. package loo and 10 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract per bottle ISo and 20 stamps. Underwood's Mustard Sardines, can lOo Table Syrup, can 12 Ho and 10 stamps. Ivory Soap, 6 cakes 26a Fels Naptha Soap, six cakes for 2 So Newport Catsup, bot 10c and 10 stamps. nm'wiwiKniwriMiiiaiM Here's. 7liquid L oy ' J i vr M W m E BEER YOU LIKE HAVTA CASE SENT H0ME UeoNsuMtna DiaTaiauria JOHN NITTLER X2I So. 2ilh SlMl m T7 PENNSYLVANIA .He LINES; ' The Cool Night's to New York , You can sleer) In the Alleghenies refreshed by mountain breeres by takinp; "Tho Pennsylvania Special the eighteen-hour train to New York, where sum ' mer travel is made so comfortable that the trip is a pleasure. V . Leaves Chicago every afternoon a quarter to three p'clock, arrives 9.4S the following: morning. ) Other New York daily trains leave Chicago 8.15 a. m.,' 10.05 a. m., 30.30 a. m., 3.15 p.'m., 5.30 p.1 m., . 9.45 p. m.,' 11.45 p. ra. For reservations and further 99 information telephone or call at ' W. H. ROwi.AND, Tmrellng Passenger Agent, 213 Board ot Trade Building, Omabs Neb. T What the Titanic New York Station Means to Travelers The i $100,000,000 Pf ofnylvinh St(tks toos to be opened Is the very vortex of New York's heart will mike It DOMibie to iles from Tour Ctaicuo-New York train rich! Inia tha ernter of the hoiet. Iheiire nd buahwM iiitricl of Gotham. Traint will run under the Hudtos iVivsr thnxiflh Bammoui umI nioneU tsd Into the world-wonder atatioa. (166) DOUa. 1889 N A-14IO ENGRAVED STATIONERY ' , WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS VISITING CARDS All correct forms in current sociajusage engraved In the best manner and punctually delivered when promised. EMBOSSED MONOGRAM STATIONERY and other, work executed at prices, lower than usually prevail - ' elsewhere. lee Want Ads Boost Your Business WANT AT will rent that vacant bousa, fill tho vacant room, or secure boarders on short cotloa, at a vsry small aoat to yoa. Be oonvlnosd. 1 A. B. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 HOWARD ST. PHONE D. 1604 FOOD FOR NERVES Weak and nervous men who find their ii-.wer t work and youthful vigor Kunn as s result of over. work or mentnl enertioo should take BRAY'S NliHVK FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat aud sleep and, be a man again. II Box. S Boxen Ii 80 by Mntl. -SKEaidAM fc UoCONNXLL SKDO OO. Vet. ltk and Dodge atxeets. OWL VMVQ CO, Cor. lth an Koruer Sts, Omaha, Keb. THE OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASSOCIATION cred ited to its members on July let $89,000 Dividends. It has never paid to its members less than six per cent per annum for 27 years. Saving accounts calling for a monthly payment of $1.00 to $25.00 may be opened any day, or lump sums of not over $5,000 received. Ask for Booklet 'A'' and other information. Assets $3,COO,000. Reserve fund $07,000. Address, S. E.. Corner 16th and Dodgo Streets. Price, Always the Rule Here August Sal Offer Most innstially Great ' Savins; , Opportunities. I All Summer . mil-'I If 514 In IV lrv..ina UUIf-U-U IhyLblUVJy . CV,n,p.c. J v feamnre. , f ISX RELIABLE STORE ieamnre. Your Shoo Bargain Opportunity Now Hayden'a cash secures; the Surplus and Floor Stock of . three prominent eastern manufacturers, at big bar gains, and ALL SHOES WILL BE CLOSED AT GREATLY UNDER 'WORTH OF THE GOODS.' ' 1 All the Women's $1.60 Juliets and Slippers, per pair $1.00 All the Misses' and Child's Pumps, at, pair $1.00 All the Uttle Gents' and Youths' 8hoa. 11.00" and $1.76 values, pair -$1.00 All the Women"! $1.50 to $1 Oxfords, at, pair ....51.00 All the Infants' 60c and 40c Slippers, per pair 39 WATCH DAILY PAPERS FOR THE BIG SALE of the F. SCHLOSS AND COMPANY, NEW YORK, BANK RUPT STOCK OF EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. Wednesday Specials in tho Domosfic Room , It In. Madras, in food mill lengths, llo qual ity, at. a yard . .18Vo ISo Qlnghama, In food mill lengths, good as sortment stripes, plaids and plains, all at a yard IStte 16 In. Percale, a rood as sortment, at yard TVio 17 In. Poplin, In all (rood colors, rood lengths, regular 26a trade, at, a yard IB Ho Shirting Prints, at, per yard .............. Bo lie Orgftndle. a good as sortment of oolors and patterns, at, yard THo lOo Lawns, at yard . .Bo llo 40 In. Lawns, white, at, a yard ..,... .loo 12Ho H In. Whits Uwn, at, a yard THo FROM 9 TO 10 A. M. .' 1 case of 86 In. fine bleached Muslin "product" worth 8 Ho yard, 10 yards limit, yard 5 FROM a: 80 TO 8 P. M. 1 case of 36 In. Percale, new bordered patterns, reg. price 10 cents yd. 10 yards limit, yd. 5t GROCERY DEPARTMENT Ton will find thai lb following articles will not only glTe you atlsfaA Hon, bat save you from as oents to BO oents o to doliaj. 25 cent jars Pure Fruit Jams, only lOo 2Vi pound cans New York Apples 7V4o 12 Ho cans Table Syrup to 1 pound package On Time Starch 4o 1 pound can Ilex Lye ,6o Burnham'a Jellyron, worth lOo, 7o Laundry Staroh, pound 4o 1 pound cans (Red Salmon, worth 20 cents, for 16o I pounds Hants Clara Prunes for lOo 8 csns Dsrby Club Sardines for 26o Domestlo Sardines, oil or Mustard 4o Orape Nuts, package lOo Corn Flakes. Egg-O-See or Dr. Price's for 7Ho TEOBTABJtS DBVaVRTMSlT Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, home grown, per pound , to 1 heads Cabbage for ........... .10c I large Cucumbers for; 5c VVa or Oreen Beans, pound 6c I Stalks Fresh Celery for to Was or Oreen Beans, pound So t bunches Beets. Carrots or Turnips, t bunches Oreen Onions for 6o 6 bunches Leaf lettuce, for ...... 6c I bunches Parsley for 6c 1 dosen Oreen Corn, f or 13 Uo Full quart Pea Nuts for ,.6o 2 large Oreen Peppers, for ..6a oonn Tny iiAVfurn'e cinoTiT PAYQ Rent an Office a in the ...... Heart of Omaha '''''L.i.i...1 ' r a. j s Bee Building Available space for rent at the present time. ' ". Room 828 Located on top floor, facing court, with 870 1 square feet. Including vault, which-rents for 825 ,er, month.. Room 617 Court room, 8x14. month. ' Rent for 810.00 per Room 048 One ot the best suites of orfleea In the city. In the corner of the building facing 17th and Faroam. - - This space is divided Into three rooms with tiled partition, ' giving a total of 670 square feet, and Is fitted with large vault. Rent. $00.00 per month. . " V . .4 ,. . " v. . , . if, . 4 Rooms 218 and 220 Nice suite offices located In north-'" west corner of building. The larger room Is partitioned so as to afford two private offices and reception room, and is provided with vault. This makes a good combination of rooma and has been occupied by Insurance company; maye rented for 852.00 per month, , The Bee Building Co. : R. W. BAKER, Supt. 17th and Famam l Tyssw-i.?rwj:w-T.-ss.,-B DIVIDEND 6 BAILEY (EL MA C H DENTISTS 'fiest equlpps-l dental offlc. la the middle wast Highest frade deniibiry at r.oiibl prices. Porcelain fillings. )u kks the touth. All tustruiasata carefully siarUlse4 afwr eewa TUUtU FLOOR. I AX TON RLOCli . , Corner 10tb suid Iarnaia Streets. CHICAGO AUD RETUI1H '' f - via ---' ' i ' ' " ' ' " . ; a' i , Account Triennial Conclave Knights Templar the Illinois Central will have cn Bale 5th,' 6th, 7th and 8tb, tickets to Chi cago and return at rate of $15.00. Return limit Aug. 16th 1 with privilege' of extension. , ' " For tickets and reservations call at City Ticket Office, 1507 Farnam Street, Omaha, 'c ; ' ' - ssSeSSSE 4