TIIK HEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUOUST 1, 1010. Ttir. L7M.MIA DAILY HKE ulmi:I) iiy i;iVAr.r iiofewaticr. WCTOK I'OSEWAlKi, EU1TOH. i., iti i d at Omaha postofttce m secund i . matUr. TEUMS OF HUBSCIUPTION. L..,.y iiee tincltidlng -Sunday), per wk..Jto Uny llee (without Hunriny). pr week...lw! Kuny nee (without buitla). one yia''. -H -W Jjaliy "rice and Sunday, one year 6 " UKLlVUnUM UY CAUHIEn )nliig Bee (without Kunday). per week.Sc Evening iiee (with Kunduy), per "'"J Mumiay Jiee, on year hUuinlay Bee, one year , Address all complaints ; irregularities in delivery to City Circulation Ipartment. OFUCKS. (Jinaha The lieo Building. houth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Blufrs 15 hcott Street. Lincoln Ms Little Building. Chicago 1M8 Marquette Building. New York Rooms 1101-UW4 No. Weat Thirty-third rHnet. . Vaiiltliititon;2ft Fourteenth Street. N. w. CORUESPONfBNCB. Communications relating to newa and ed itorial matter atiould be addressed: Omana Uoe, Editorial I'epartmont. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, exprese or postal order payable to The Bee Publiahlng Company. Only J-cent stamps received In payment 01 null accuiinta. Teraonal checks, except on Omaha and eaitern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT Of" nKCULATlON. , , Stto of Nebraaka, Douglas County, ss: Oeorse B. Tsschurk. treasurer of The Bee Publiahlng Company, beln duly or"i aaya that the actual nuraner of full ana Vnmplete copies of The Dallv. Morning. Evening and Sunday Re printed during the month of. June. 1D10. was aa touowa. 1 . . I. . 4. .43,700 .44,30 .43,780 , .44,190 ,41,690 , .4a.so i .43,700 .43,830 .44,000 . .43,090 .44,420 , .41,400 , .44,400 , .44.840 , .44,410 14 .44,180 .44,810 .44,880 .41,800 .44,800 .44,830 .44,730 .44,770 J7 II II 10 .... ,.... I.... ' ... 10.., 8,030 48.130 41,600 IT 48,410 11..., 48,000 tl 44.840 0 i44,S0 Total Returned 1401.800 Cop lea. 10,880 'Net Total 1,511.180 Dally Average 4U.734 OKORaH B. TZ8CHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed in my preaeno and worn to before me thle 80th day ef June, jtme, iw ' M. P. Wj P. WALKRTR. . . Notary Puhlle Sahsrtt,vrs lenrlnac the cttr tem porarily etannld bit The He mailed to them.' Addree will he At any rate, thoee airships are mak ing ua all 8lt up and take notice. "July Wheat Ie Erratic," aaya the headline. No, it la not. ; It la those bulla and beara. , Thla protest against the Ice cream cone did not, we are gratified to learn, spring from the small boy. According to a New York paper, it is slllr to be drowned. It is, but many silly things come to pass in the silly season. '" ". , I - Mr. Bryan's influence oyer the dem ocratio party may hare gone down, but his price (or chautauqua lectures has gone up. , ' i ' ; '; Mr.' Greedy of New York desires to change his name. . Wall, a man with that name might be expected to ask for anything. St. Louis parsons are conducting campaign against apoonlng in parka. For mercy sake, what next? Where ahould cooing doves goT Let it be understood that John W. Kern made his statement, "I am eur prised at nothing," before the Grand Island convention was held. - Here is a Kansaa City, Kan., woman who drowns in a waahtub. And yet Aurora, 111., is frying to force every body to take a bath once a week. i From the multiplicity of messages flashed' in about Doc Crlppen, one might conclude that Marconi & Com pany were just trying out some new in vention. , ' ; t 1 TT! Fines for auto speeders may help aome, but the requirement of a license for every auto driver and Its forfeiture for reckless scorching would help great deal more. A new high-ball flourishing in New York costs 11.20. Well, it ought to prove aa effective as Christy Mathew eon's "fade away," for Tery few will be able to hit it more than onoe. A capital removal association is be ing formed out in the central part of the state. The good people of Lin coln will take notice that this menace does not lie In Omaha's direction. The Houston Post declares that Maine will go democratic this year. Just to be fair, we will admit that Texas will probably go democratic, but we cannot quite come over for Maine. It has remained for a Brooklyn architect to set our fears at rest with reference to the leaning tower of Pisa. He says it is in no danger of falling, because it was built to lean.' Thanks, awfully. - . There is one question women are perfectly willing to allow the men to help them answer and that Is the one that occurs , to many young school warms at thla season of the year, "To be or not to be a teacher or a house wire?" Those torn-up streets are still wait ing on the paving contractors, and the paving contractors are still waiting on the brick supply. Will we heed the objeot lesson saAd aee to it that Omaha's charter la so changed that the shutting down of one brick factory will not stop all paving work on the Jobs only half finished t The Stay-at-Homo Vote. Kansaa holds its primaries tomor row for the nomination of candidates to be ballotted on at the fall election sod bo Intense la the interest in the contests that Governor Btubbs has made a personal plea through the newspapers "To 'the Termers" to o to the polls and vote. Ilia appsal lays upon the farmers a large share of the burden of "good government" and Im plies that their stay-at-home vote has often militated against good govern ment Therefore he urgea them not to allow even their crops, which they are busy harvesting, to keep them from performing this civil duty. It la not the finest commentary on good citizenship in a freo country for such an appeal as this to become neces sary, and yet the fact is that too many of our neoDle neglect their duty as electors and Governor Stubba takes the view that this neglect is most com mon among the farmers. - This cer tainly ought not be the case, especially in states like Kansas and Nebraska and other western commonwealths, where farmers constitute 65 per cent of the population. But thla event ahould make an Impression on the farmer's mind, no matter in what state he resides. . It should remind him that he is and has been clamoring for cer tain legislation, national and local, af fecting his interests and complaining when he failed to get It, and yet the governor of this great agricultural state asserts that "the enemies of good government are hoping to control the primaries because of the stay-at-home farmers' vote." The fact is that the stay-at-home on election day is not confined to any one class or any one occupation or any one party. The stay-at-home is determined in part by circumstances and in part by disposition. It is a lamentable truth that whether in city or on farm, the average voter has to be lnduoed to go or dragged to the polls by those who are personally interested. If a primary or an election were to take place with no bombardment of the voters through the newspapers and on the stump and no effort by candidates and workers to get out the vote, there would not .be a corporal's guard ask ing for ballots in most of the voting precincts. Sporti in Politic!. Novel aa it may ' appear, base ball and price fighting are to cut a figure, incidentally, in the republican contest for United States senator in California this year; , The two leading candidates are Al bert G. Spalding, the one-time famous Boston and Chicago pitcher and later the millionaire manufacturer of sport ing goods, ' and Governor Gillett, whose manifesto sent Jeffries and Johnson out of California for their battle. Mr. Spalding's friends are al ready playing aa hard as they can hie old-time popularity on the diamond and with the fans and hope to score a long bit by this, while Governor Gillett will have to face the opposition that arose from his action. , It is difficult. however, to see how the fighting fra ternlty and those who objected to the governor's action are going to make their opposition count for more than the , strength he gained by this order. The non-sporting element of the state certainly must outnumber the other element and it is reasonable to sup pose that this element is with the gov ernor on this proposition. As a mat ter of fact, the governor's final action was based upon business, anyway. He was Influenced by the fact that Call fornla was given to understand that If it countenanced the prise fight it would weaken Its claim for the Pan' ama exposition, so that he ahould, and doubtless will, gain from buainess in forests.- , But quite aside 'from the sporting element Injected into the contest, Spalding, who resides at San Diego, stands as the candidate of the south era end of the state and Gillett, a resi dent of Eureka, of the upper part, and aa southern California is still striving to become a state In Itself this will certainly make the fight intense to the last. .- . Equality Before the Law. There seem to be a strong Intimation in file decision of Judge Frost that under other crrcumstancee and conditions ; he miffht tiave decided otherwise. Perhape a, thoroughly non-partisan judge, who did not feel a eeose of obligation to a pollUoaJ party, might have held to another Inter pretation of the law. Any mere man whe is conscious of a bias or prejudice upon a given question may be swayed by a de termination to be fair Into going too far In an effort to avoid a suspicion of bias, but it must be conceded that In this caae Judge Frost has erred, if at all, in the moat decent and honorable way. Lincoln Star. We have always believed, and still believe, that Nebraska's motto, "Equal ity Before the Law," really meant something and that the law was in tended to be the same for rich and poor, high and low and for democrats, republicana, populists, socialists and prohibitionists alike. We have always believed that the law when once en acted was Intended to be construed and applied the same, irrespective of "circumstances and conditions," and that we had passed beyond . the mediaeval stage of special licenses and dispensations to violate the law. We freely admit that the misbranding of democrats with the populist label is a fraud which can be perpetrated legally in Nebraska by complying with all the requirements of the primary law, but that does not justify the perpetration of this fraud illegally in utter disre gard of the requirements of the prl mary law.1 ' " ' " " ' We venture this prediction, that even if the law remains unchanged, no democrat will again attempt to steal the populist nomination without pay ing the required filing fee. A stiff backed non-partisan judge would have stopped the fraud this time. Preventing- Foreit Tires. It Is estimated that from 25 to 90 per cent of the destructive forest fires have been caused by sparks from coal burning locomotives on railroads run ning through timbered sections, east, west, north' and south. Forest fires have been considered a problem diffi cult of solution. If these intimations as to their origin are correct it would seem to be the simplest sort of prob lem to aolve. If locomotives on rail roads traversing these sections would burn oil Instead of coal or wood the hazard would be vastly lessened if. not entirely removed. This statement may be made on the basis of what has been done by those forest railroads that have changed from coal to oil. On one line in the Adirondacks oil has been used for ten years and not a fire has occurred. Similar instances might be cited in California, where the Southern. Pacific uses oil on all of Its 1,100 locomotives, and In other states and sections. In working out the problem of the conservation of natural resources the government will not have completed its task until it does away with the causes that produce forest fires that in one year burn over an area of 465,- 000 acres, destroying property worth $8,600,000 and in other years pro ducing almost as great losses. The Northern Pacific, which penetrates so much of the forest country of the new west, has undertaken to co-operate with, the Agricultural department to ward preventing forest fires and in va rious states laws on the subject have been enacted, but stll, even this sum mer, we have had devastating fires, showing that the remedy is not yet complete. The country cannot spare these forests, no more than private in dividuals can spare their homes or their lives and immediate action should be taken to safeguard every in terest. The remedy might as well be general as specific. V The Significant Feature. Some critics are endeavoring to take Issue with the assertion of The Bee that the significant feature of the Ne braska republican platform convention is the decisive vote of approval and confidence in President Taft and the work of congress along the line of his recommendations. They would have us believe that the action of the con vention In standing up for one of the staunch supporters of the president for permanent chairman by a vote of more than two to one and later reciting in the platform unanimously adopted the notable achievements of the adminis tration, is of secondary and minor im portance to the declaration in favor of county option. , ' " ; These crltios forget or overlook the fact that the regulation of the liquor traffic is a purely local proposition and tha( republicans outside of Nebraska are not specially ' concerned whether the party in Nebraska Is for one plan of liquor traffic regulation or another, or for its absolute prohibition. Re publicans outside of Nebraska, how ever, are interested in knowing that the republicans in Nebraska acknowl edge and approve the leadership of President Taft The action of the con ventlon is notice that republicana In Nebraska are steadfastly progressive in the same aense that President Taft is progressive, and that they are neither reactionary nor insurrec tionary. Because the democrats kept a county option plank out - of their platform must not be taken to mean that there are no county option democrats. The fact la that outalde of Douglas and Lancaster counties there are. probably as many county option democrats as county option republicans. The liquor question cuts straight across party lines and not along party lines. The census returns for two or three Nebraska counties have been given out, showing rather small population Increases aa compared with ten years ago. When we get the whole state figured up, however, Nebraska'a popu lation growth may be depended on to be at least equal to the average. Our old friend (by permission). Edgar Howard, aaya that the Grand Island convention was run by Shallen- berger and Hitchcock and that they are entitled to whatever credit or dis credit belongs to its action.' That's what Mr. Bryan thinks, with the ac cent on the discredit. What's this w hear? An antl cigarette crusade proposed? We thought there was a law on the Ne braska statute books absolutely pro hlblting the sale of clgarettea in this state. What a fine chance for Gov ernor Shallenberger to start some ouster proceedings. It's an old trick to hold back a reso lution or motion until the tall-end of a convention and then declare it car ried after two-thirds of the delegates have left the hall. It was by this trick that a lot of delegates to both recent state platform conventions were instructed. Nebraska, according to the internal revenue returns, has the smallest num ber of liquor sellers compared to pop ulation of any state. That does not quite comport with some of the charges of the antt-saloon agitators, does it? Strange how those Nebraska demo crats who were so loudly proclaiming fealty to the idea of nonpartlsanshlp last year are now just as loudly lung ing it for the straight party ticket. Cni'l Lose II I m. Chit-ago Trlburie. Colonel Bryan aaya he does not Intend to quit the democratic party. That party never did have any luck. Obi Folate Way. New York Tribune. The president's own state, with great propriety, has pointed the way to all others by giving Mr. Taffs administration Ita moat cordial approval. Fool Killer la Actio. New York Tribune. When per eon through sheer upeed mad ness race their automobile with a railroad train, and then, getting a trifle ahead, try to out across the tracks Just In front of tho locomotive, and are killed In the at- tempt, it may sound harsh, but It Is the truth to say that the fool killer has done hls work. Scatlmeatallsm and Crime. Baltimore American. A New York magistrate has lifted his voice against the extreme to which care and consideration for the criminal are be ing carried, and the consequent difficulties for law-abiding people to obtain justice. The law of the present time In Ita mis placed sympathies seema to be trying to abrogate the eternal dictum that the way of the transgressor Is hard. The aim of the sen.nentallsm of the day Is to turn It Into a path of roses apparently, according to this sane and sensible magistrate, whose protest Is timely. . Mlxap la Political Colore. New York Post In Wisconsin political parties are new compelled to choose colors for their pri mary ballots. The secretary of state de cided the question by lot, and the results are not In all respects satisfactory. There seems to be agreement that the prohibition ists, who drew pink, have no reason to com plain, but it Is felt that the democrats, who drew red, ought to trade with the socialists, who were awarded Blue. The only . color left was green, and the republicans drew that They deny that It has symbolic appropriateness, Insargreaoy In Caba. Philadelphia Ledger. General Mlniet, , distinguished Cuban patriot, with ten armed followers, has or ganised a revolution at El Caney. It was reported that General Jane, a gallant veteran, and General Rabl, hero of many wars, had also joined the revolution. This accounts for the difference In the esti mates of the Insurgent strength, one dis patch crediting General Mlniet with twelve fotlowers. At the last accounts, however, General Rabl waa at home and General Jane had gone fishing, so that the official figures remain at ten, neither of these heroes having contributed any recruits. There are, however,, so many generals in Cuba In a chronic state of Insurgency that It Is necessary to keep the police always mobilised. PATENT T1BUP FOR TRUSTS, Significance of Proceedings A grains t i Bathtab Combine. New York Journal of Commerce. We. shall have to .'wait for more evi- denoe before judging of the merit of the government proceeding at Baltimore against a comWnatlori of manufacturers of enameled Ironware, known as the "Bathiub ZL JTVL Srlrr -tt. inqu.: tne lasts before brjngtng suit In the federal court against the defendants ae parties to an unlawful combination In restraint , of trade. In their "bill (A equity" they oharge that such Is the case (iiid say that the com bination' controls' 85 per cent' of the 'out put of eanltary"enanrwfled ware In the coun try, has advanced prices, divides the coun try Into sones for the distribution of the business, makes oontraot with jobbers to ell only at fixed prices and refuses to sell to any one who does 'not sign suoh a con tract It Is said that1, the defendants have attempted to conceal heir unlawful purpose under the guise of a licensing arrangement under a patent assigned to one person. The chief allegations In the bill are promptly denied by officers of the most prominent companies In the alleged com bination, and If the suit Is ever brought to trial something will have to be proved. These men admit that the concerns and persons who are made defendants control 85 per cent of the business and have formed an association, but they deny that his Is an unlawful combination, that prices have been advanoed or the field of traffic ap portioned, or that there la any exclusive contract with dealers.- The arrangement is not worked under any patent, but is formed for the purpose of "pooling", as It were, the several patents wbloh are beld by different members, but are used under royalty agree ments by others than the holders, For convenience these have been assigned to one man who leases them to the different manufacturers according to their require ments. ' ,' But that looks on the face of it like quite a convenient and. effective way of maintaining a combination that would have all the potanoy of monopoly and restraint of trade. A number of concerns control different patented devices and processes of use in a oommon business, be It making sanitary enameled ware or shoe machinery. Instead of forming one company to own ail Uie patents and . do the whole business, they concentrate the patenta In the hands ef One agent for all concerned and fix the terms upon which the devloes and pro cesses may be used, which will neoessariiy confine their use to the combination and may to a large extent unify the coat and the price of their products. The chief source of monopoly power in this country is In patent rights scoured absolutely to the person to whom the patent is granted or assigned. The only way to prevent the abuse of that power Is to open the use of patented ar tides to competition for a just and reasonable royalty to be paid to the patentee, instead of letting him keep It to himself or say just how much It shall be and on what terms it may be shared by others. Our Birthday Book Angwat 1. 110. Francis Goott Key, author of "The Star Spangled Banner," waa born in Frederick county, Maryland. August t 1778. He was a lawyer and a poet, and wrote his famous song while a prisoner on the British fleet during the bombardment of Fort iMcHenry during the war of loll He died in Balti more In 1841 Robert T. Lincoln, son ef'the martyred president and now bead of the Pullman company. Is just VI years eld today. He was born la Springfield, 111 and haa served aa minister to Great Britain and also as secretary of war. , . Ralph W. Moody, sales manager for the Cudahy Packing company at South Omaha, was born August 1, U74, right her In Omaha. Ue worked first for the W. V. Mors company end was then over five years in the Union Paolflo auditor office. and with his present employers sine U9S. Frank J. Fltsgerald, Investment broker In the Board of Trad building. 1 cele brating his th birthday. He was born la New Haven, Conn., and used to live in Cuming county, coming to Omaha first with It f Peters company. kAround New York Btyplea ea the Oarreat ef X.lfe aa Seta ta tae area! Amerloaa UetreyeUa treat Bay te Pay. Automobile drlvere In New York City are being subjected to a midsummer "third degree" of unlooked for aeverljy. They are required under the hew law to pass an examination Into their ability to handle cars, their knowledge of car mechlnlrm and. Incidentally, their general Intelligence. Examinations, both practical and oral, have been going on for ten days and will be com pleted by August I., when the law penalise a driver without a license. It speaks well both for the efficiency of the chauffeurs and the leniency of the law that out of 80S applicants but fifteen were rejeoted, while five others were held under advisement After the driver has passed his examlna- "on by question, a road test comes, tnat ma skill, coolness and practical knowledge In handling a machine may be discovered. An Inspector will sit beside the driver and watch him operate under difficult condi tions, In the most congested sections of the city. The dyspeptic who gives prayerful thought to every bite he eats sat down at a restaur ant table and glanced dubiously over the Fronch monu card on which a dosen items were marked with a cross In red Ink. "To my untutored mind," said he, "those tilings sound all right. Some other fellow with a stomach has been here ahead of me and has marked off the few things that a Christian can eat without Inviting sudden death." In his dollght at 'finding the dinner prob lem thus providentially solved the dys peptic ordered six of the red cross dishes. They were unpronounceable and unrecog nisable, but they tasted good and the man liked them. When the last crumb of the last course had disappeared the dyspeptic said genially to the waiter: "Rum old chap that must have been that ate at this table ahead of me." 'Yes, sir," assented the waiter. "He was one of them diet cranks that drive restaur ant people craxy by marking up the bill of fare wtth red danger signals before the dishes that nobody that ain't got a sound digestion darea to trifle with." 'Good Lord!" said the dyspeptio and belied for the nearest dootor. Herman Gross, driver and understudy for a street singer and peddler of popular music, was a prisoner in the Tombs court. accused of having murdered "Annie Laurie" in the public streets. Patrolman Ward of the Fulton street police station waa his accuser. He asked that the singer be pun ished for disorderly conduct "I like muslo as well as anyone," Ward said, "but the line must be drawn some where. This fellow was down In Cortlandt street on Saturday afternoon and the way he murdered 'Annie Laurie' was scanda lous. He Is a regular musical 'Jack the Ripper. "' Magistrate Murphy looked at the prisoner savagely and then reminded the policeman that, the charge agalqst Gross waa dis orderly conduct and not murder. "Oh, he didn't kill anyone, but the way he murdered the tune of that touching ballad was shameful!" Ward explained. "When he sang "For Annie Laurie I'd lay me down and dee' I almost wished he would do It." 'What hav you got to say for yourself, 'The regular singer was ill from over work, and I had to do a double 'turn " the prisoner said. "You aee, judge. It's not my business to sing, I drive the horse that hauls' the piano, but I did the best I could. I'm ho Caruso" "Well, as you're not Caruso. I'll fine you $1 for peddling 'Annie Laurie' with out a license," the magistrate retorted. The crusade against Impure food and short weights has aroused the public to a careful Inspection of the shops they trade In. "Even the glass In the skylight comes in for crltlolsm," said one disgruntled grocer. "There was a crack running aoross three of the panes. It had .been there for six months and nobody any the worse for It but the other day one of those amateur Sherlock Holmeses happened to tilt his head back far enough to see it, and that set 'htm going. He hadn't found anything to complain about before, so he made that crack In the glass compensate for lack of other material. He called In the neighbors and they disjointed their necks staring up at that crack. " This Is very dangerous,' " they said. 'Splinters of glass might fall Into the salt and sugar and lard and butter you weigh under th skylight. If you don't get a new skylight we will report you.' "And, by crlcky," added the grooer, "that I what they did. I now have a new sky light" Bamuei Lltchensteen, ohauffeur, waa ar raigned before Magistrate Fitch on charge of speeding his automobile at the rate of thirty-five miles an hour along the Hoffman boulevard. He pleaded not guilty to th oharg and said he merely wanted to as "th colonel," "What colonel T" asked the magistrate. "Colonel Roosevelt, your honor. He was In a maohlne ahead of me." "Well, did you sea hlmr asked th court "No; I only got a glimpse of htm," was the reply. "All right, 130 for the glimpse," said th magistrate, and the prisoner paid th fin, fin. No matter what th subject that pre cipitates an argument In New York, some one la pretty sure to oome along who know nough to settle It Illegibility of th flat on a dim caused a dispute be tween two men standing In front of a liquor store. Presently another man came along. The figures defied! his keen eye also, but he was a man of resources. Laborer were asphalting th street In front of th store. The man stepped out and laid th coin on a shovel that had been heated by contact with boiling tar. In a few seconds th dato became visible. "18$," ld th man, and handed the money back. Curing th first six months of Mayor Gaynors administration more business In th way of taking over property under the Catsklll water commission has been doL than In all the year 1909. Yet ex penditure for special coursel fees ha been reduced from $208,000 In 1908, to $31,000 In the last half year; expenditure for advertising haa been reduced from $169,000 to I Ono, and for witness fee from $197,000 to $-13,000 Her is a saving te the olty at th yearly rat of over $400,000 on this work alone. Frlotlan ef Adjustment. Harper's Weekly. Divorce Is Increasing, insanity I increas ing, parental authority la dftdarad to b prostrate, th boy I not what he waa! Surely w must b heading for th bow wows, and progressing fast Not at all W are merely getting adjusted te the greatest changes la th conditions of hu nian existence that any en generation of men ha seen In centuries. And possibly It Is true that high prices of food are help ing our adjustment by driving some city dwellers back inte the country. I strnKMK rot nT (iianof.. Marked Contrasts of the Old lay and t! I'rfM-nt. Boston Transcript. John Jay and Hughes, the first aild thn last for the time being chief justice of the supreme court of the United State, should the president make the designation for the present vacancy which everybody seema to expeot But how queer 11 would be! Jay resigned that office, after serv ing only a few years, to become governor of New York. Hughes would be. reign ing the office of governor of New York. after serving a few years, to become chief justice of th United States. What does this contrast mannT Mainly, that while New York has grown beyond the wildest dreams of Its founders our great court haa grown In prestige and honor still faster. Imagine a man Maying down a place on that tribunal today to become a chief justice of the supreme court of South Carolina, and yet that Is what Rut ledge, Jay's successor, did. and he only came back to the supreme court when Washington offered to make htm Its chief. Ellsworth, the next man In line, resigned after four years of service. In fine, nobody seemed to rea'lt that It was a great . court until John Marshall, mightiest of tho chief justices, mad It so. "Th seat of Marshall" Is a wholly proper characterization of th office for which Governor Hughes I presumably under consideration. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. There are severat germs of truth In the claim that automobiles are within th reach of everybody especially those hiking In the road. The passing of the middle-of-the-road populist has been influenced more by the automobile fever than any known political cataclysm. , ? . As King George Is well on the sunny side of 60, It is believed he can put up a lively fight against the high cost of living with $2,350,000 a year. Miss Alice Longfellow, a daughter of the poet, has been elected vice president for the Preservation of New England An tiquities. The object of the organisation la preservation of buildings and sites of his torical Interest A blackboard artist in a local broker's shop contemplates starting a society of descendants of th banqueters of Belshaz ser's feast Those who put their handwrit ing on the wall and a select number of those who see It first are eligible for mem bership. Conari Doyle has been "speaking out In meeting" and revealing one of the secrets of the craft. In a recent brief speech he quoted his friend J. M. Barrte as saying that be did not often use a dictionary, but he liked to hav one on the table, a It gave him a feeling of confidence. William J. Calhoun, minister to China, has no valet. He is a man who, beginning life as a farmer boy, always has "washed his own fact; and put on his own clothes," and he has no Intention of changing his habits now to make a personal Impression on Chinese dignitaries. His wife has no maid. Mrs. Calhoun married a strong, simple American because she liked that kind, and her habits have continued to conform to his. ' Last winter a woman customer of a certain house bought a cloak for 920. After a few,- weeks' wear the satin cuffs frayed; the lining dropped below the hem the binding of the button holes wore out She happened to be a regular customer of this store, but that doesn't matter. She took the cloak back, thinking the store would be willing to do something about it. The proprietor sent her to the man ager, the manager sent her to the buyer, the buyer laid it all to the man ufacturer, and there it rested. Nothing was done to give this woman, this cus tomer, $20 worth of value for her $20. Gentlemen, the proprietor of this store shifted his responsibility, he set the example, manager and buyer coulu but follow blm. He practically told this woman that he did not guarantee his goods, that his manufacturera were were not reliable, that she took a chance of losing her money when she bought goods In his store. It is Just such practices as this that drives trade away from home mer chants, that makes mall order depart ments profitable to large retail stores in other cities. They say; "It's good or we make it good;'; and they do. Can the merchants of Omaha afford this? Contemporaneous with this Chicago cam paign of th United Cigar Stores, Mr. H. E. Lesan of the Lesan Advertising agency, Is buying spao in New York newspapers, printing some advertising "nuggets" that bear directly on such a plan as has been adopted by th United people. Mr. Lenan makes a very good point when : i Talks for people who sell things PENNSYLVANIA . rChieago-T , INE S-NewY..rk When Starting for New York ask for Pennsylvania Lines tickets. They may be purchased at offices of Western railroads selling tickets through Chicago. - Fast through trains Eight from Chicago to New York every day form convenient connections with those from the West and Northwest. All are complete in travel comforts nothing overlooked, nothing commonplace. You will enjoy riding on any of them. . . . New York Trains Leave Chicago "The New York Special" 8.15 a.m. ihe Keystone express". "The Manhattan Limited" "The Pennsylvania Special" 2.45 p.m. 1 "The Atlantic Express" 3.15 p. ra. "The Pennsylvania Limited; 5.30 p. m. "The Eastern Express" .45 p. m. - " "The New York Express".,..., 11.45 p.m. "The Pennsylvania Special," 18-hour train to New York; "The Pennsylvania Limited," and other trains, typify the highest standard of comfort and luxury attained in American railroad equipment. Booklets and time tables giviDg details are obtainable at hotels, city and railroad ticket office; or a postal will bring full information. Address W. H. ROWLAND, Traveling Psssenger Agent. lli Board ol Trad Building, Oioab Neb. Ask lor booklet the heart ol New Yei let describing bow tb way, at a cost ol over One Hundred Million Dollars said u nm.: "You ran tiil from the extraordinary IIUriKfs that the pretty woman yonder .t 1. t.l'.t'a mnlh,1P ' "Vs, there Is something about the cas thnt is evidently a parent." Baltimore. American. , ( luile Oh. If tho Lord had only made m a innn. Nellie Prrhnp He has. dear, but dear, but ". levfland Lead JJl t with any Ie!' haven't found him yet Clevfla "poos she play the tiorne Ing?" "Al.solutelv none. If she had any feel ing she wouldn't play It In the presence ol her friends." Cleveland Plain Dealer. I Prospective Customer But you told m the house was only a stone s throw rroin the station. ' Agent (coolly) Merely a profrpslonal fig ure, sir. You must be aware that a stone can't throw. Boston Transcr.pt. "Ever use an automcblle for a getawayf Inquired the flret burglar. MX, answerea the secona mirgiar. "We tollers run rks enough without talc ing chances on being pinched for speed ing." Louisville Courier-Journal. "City people don't buy gold bricks, you know," said the summer young man.. Vrt .H4 V.rir,, ri rntilRKfl: "thV Jos' keep plkln' along, buyln" melons an' sucn mat iook gooo. on uie quwuv. Washington Star, . . Mrs. A. How's your new cook? I heard that she was 111. - - Mrs. B. she's Improving. She waa able to s t up today and give notice. Boston Transcript. Mrs. X The flat above ua Is unoccupied right now why don't you come and llv there? Mis. Y Oh, my diari We've been such good friends, and I hate to start quarreling with you.-Clsveland Leader. w "Have you any aerlou troubles with your new automobile?" "Not a bit. So far I haven't hit a single man without being able to get away be fore he got my number." Cleveland Leader. "John, I understand that you hav been saylnx mean things about me to your, ac quaintance!!." "Why. dearest! Everybody knows that isn't so! Why, I tell everybody that It la you that have made me what I am." 1 "That's what I mean." Houston Post WAT'SA "NORAYSTJICIDEr , T. A. Daly In Catholic Standard.' Irish Padre Tommeeckbrlde Laugh so mooch an' hold hees side, I no muk' hem ondraatan'. Dough I talk so good's I can, . Wen today I go for see Eef he pleaasa marry me. Don ho call me soooha nam -f Ret ees make me ashame'. . . , ;. "Pleaasa, Padre" so I speak ' "I want marry nrxta week." .. "So?" he look at me nn' say, "You be bapatlza, eh? "No," I say, "you are vneestak', Weddln's what I want you mak'.'" Steell how mooch I am explain . I no gat eet een hees brain. , Alia time he justa cries: "Where an' w'en you baoatUaT' : Den my Rosa's brothra Joe . . He ees weetha me, you knt-w, An' ees smart as he can b He ees wheespeia to me, "Oh I" I say, for now ees plain, Meebe so w'at Padre mean. "First we want da weddin' her; Bapatlsma nexta year!" Den da Padre laugh an' say: "Noraysulclda, eh?" ,, , Why you laugha? Dat'sa shame, Callln' poor man soocha name' Why ees Padre Tommeeekbrid v Call me "Noraysuicld?" he says that If corporations had advertised only facts about themselves during the last ten years, theywould have avoided a lot of trouble. r .-t- r: -it - A great .many big Interest hav been lambasted good and hard for a great .many years, perhaps unjustly so. Th publle forms Its impressions of them from th new columns, and their Indifference about telling anything about themselves In publlo print in th shape of legitimate paid ad vertising, i .1 Th United Cigar Stores company ar the first to com out In public print. In a man ner to convince the publlo by educational advertising. 1 If the Standard oil people should talt pages In the newspapers and magaslnes, using the space to tell facts about them selves, they would make a favorable Im pression on th public's mind so would every other corporate Interest I hope the Chicago campaign will prove ao resultful for th United Cigar Stores company that they will Inaugurate similar campaigns In New York newspapers and In newspapers generally throughout th country. Th United Cigar Stores company is try ing out a speolal advertising campaign In Chicago. Th copy Is th "stralght-from-the-shoulder" kind the frank, direct. In structive talk kind. -.' ''. Advertising Manager Sherlock says that the result of th experiment will b watched with great interest, not Only by the officers of the United Cigar Store company, but by th officials of all other big oompanle. Th series of advertisements to be run In Chicago newspapers covering a period of several weeks will place before th people facts with which 1 they have not been familiar. Th advertisements ar well written, straightforward and convincing. People gen erally will form a better Impression of th purpose of th United Cigar Stores com pany after reading these advertisements, W. A. Freeman In New York Mall and Ex Press. .. ' 10.05 a. m. 10.30 a. m. Pennsylvania System extended he relit ta IV I .A