i r V - ' THK OMAHA SUNDAY TiKK: .iTLT .31. 1010. k rurt nrzz rFl -J n tar- ' '-. .. . m ! -' . fig - "" " - -Is -.'9 r ?,. ' --;.!. 1 i V I t.- ti li i mm -, : j ; i 1 & M a. 4 1 ! ' i; ', at.. HELP WANTED MALE 1 I A !. leant m a ail SALESMEN, WANTKD Our msf. make three to eight thousand a year; a specially, all retailers. Where can our sales manager see you? Write age, experience, present Une and send photograph . quick. Frankel, 1831 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. CHEWINIl HUM Soil to dalcra In yotir towo; clan,. profitable buslnesN built up quickly with our hrands; lour flavors; novel packages. Write today. Helmet Co., Cincinnati, -. WE WANT a responsible man In this county and .vicinity to . aell Farnsworth drained and Improved Florida KVKH UljADIt Farms; 12.000 acres dyked, ditched. Hurveyed. staked and platted. READY for cropping. . Six miles from railroad; fine coral roads. One crop pays for land.- LOW PRICE!,-, very easy, terms. Bold by a firm that is Investing lame sums of Its money In permanent Improvements and the up building of Fort l.auderdal and com munity. .Write quick for particulars and territory. Don Farnsworlh and Associates, L75 Monro St., Chicago, 111. O. K. hustling agent wanted; each sec tion; good motiey and premiums. (I. .K. Household Specialty Co., Yonkers, N." Y. O. K. stands for all-right goods. . KREEJ 8AMPLEH Agents, both sexes, can easily earn $1&-M5 weekly. Write today for proof and sample. V. S. Hoed, $4 Heads, 'ew York. IT COHT8 3c, sells for For further particulars addrexs N. M. Friedman A Co., Manufacturers. . liox 970, Marllnsburg, Mo. ' ' WANTED AOENT8 Lesrltimate substl- luie lor Hint macnines, patented; sells on y f' sight for $1. Particulars, Olsha Company, Tti fi fc Anderson, Ind. II l'l " LIVE agents make $IS dally selling the I 1 ! -s.' wonderful ,,OLAIV' self-heating gas Iron; 5 ' ill " something new, every woman buys; 100 per cent profit. Dick Mfg. Co., Dept. 28. Chi- cago.' AGENTS, LISTEN! Our "substitute for slot machines" sells like wild fire; no capital required;- exclusive territory. An ilerson Game Co., AndeiBon, Ind. A T rr 11,1 M . -. r . , . , wifiio nanihu x on can mK qutcK sales and big profits with our new seU llghtlng. wlndproof pocket cigar lighter; every smoker buys on sight; sells Itself. Rathburi Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. mW,A.ToM,CJ?-llBle f "00d real estate sales- j men In our new offices. Customers waiting to be shown. Good commission , contract. I JT" oe head salesman. -Address at once' N-i3 Bee. ' HUMMER suits to order. $17.M. , reduced from $.. MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 8. liith St. AGENTS-140 weekly welling our Hun Ray Mantle Burners; 10 time brighter than gas; prices defy competition. . Investigate. Simplex Gaslight Co.. 23 Park How, New York. . , , , , DOnT lose any sleep. Heymann's 'Antl Window Rattle" will Insure a good night's rest.- Agents send 6c for' samples and terms. 1103 Manhattan Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. BELLS LIKE HOT CAKKW. Large pro fits. New Ironing wa, perfumes clothes with lasting violet perfume. Nothing like It on market. Exclusive territory granted. Perfume Gloss Co., PJS Board t;, Brook lyn. N. Y. AOENTI-00 per cent profit. Handy Hame Fastener. Every horse owner buys at sight.- Thomas Fastener Co., 5X3 Bar ney, 1 My ton, Ohio. . . AGENTS .end for free copy of 'Thomas Agent." Greatest agents paper ever pub lished. Filled with money making plans. No license tax; decision Supreme Court. Poin ters to. agents. Eyery agent In the V. S. should have a copy at once. Thomas Com pany 1W3 Wayno Ave.. Uayton, O. WANTED A good htistuni: subscription iolloi olloitor -to go On the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or writ man ager of circulation. Th Be Publishing Co. YARDS CO.. HA VI LIN. TEX SALESMAN to carry line men's and boys' pants -made of mill-end remnants; swatches and models weighing about ten pounds; also smalt aolect line of boys' double breasted suits on commission basis only. I. S. Pants Co., 37 West Hd St:, New York. WANTE1 Threw high grade specialty salesmen for attractive advertising deal for retail dealers. Forty dollars cash on ap proval of Orders, flood sulcsme'n now sail ing three to' six orders weekly. References required. F, Box ItiD, Chicago, III. SALESMAN Experienced In any Iliic, to sell general trade In Nebraska. - Unexcelled specialty proposition with BRAND NEW FEATURE. ' Vacancy August 1st. Coin mis sion, with $36 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co!, Cleveland, O. ' SALESMEN niuko 600 per cent profit sell ing "Novelty SiKn Cnrds;" mercnants buy 10 to 100 on slulit; soil vurleties; rHtaloguo free. Sullivan Co., 41T, W. Van Buren i., Chicago. 111." WANTED Advertising and premium salesmen for our new black rubbor-flnlshed fountain Ink pencil. Send 26c for sample. Band N. Novelties, 04 Wabash Ave., Chi cago. WANTED Fiibt-class specialty salesman for Nebraska, to begin work about August 1st. Best season now open. Staple Una on NEW und EXCEPTIONAL terms. Com mission contract that will pay the right man $100 weekly above expenses. Refer ence required. Mlli-a F. Bixlci- Co., Cleve land,. O. WANTED Flrst-nlas speciulty salesman for Nebraska to sell staple line to general trade; experienced man preferred; commis sion and expenses paid; references required; a good live man can make a fortune; Con fidential. Wohlesaler, 1$) Franklin St., Chicago. WANTED Salesmen calling on hardware, grocery and general stores to sell Easy Flow oil cans on commission; best lamp filler out. Bumann .Mfg. Co.. Litchfield, 111. 'CAPABLE salcsmun lo cover Nebraska with stuple line; hlgli commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. MAN to trav.-l Iowa and Nebraska regu larly, selling Men's Nd'kweire us side line on commission. Samples now reudy. weight 3 pounds. State what line you now sell, Klve references In first letter. S. & V. Neckwear Co., 360 Itroadway, N. Y. WANTED t'OLT.KCTOR-Travellng road collector, snlarv f.H per we, k and railroad fare. Bond and references required. An cweiing Mste exnrricnre and where laM imployed. M-4K2 Itce. ... SUMMER suits to order. $17.M. reduced from $25. MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 S. 16th St. COLKOTOR-$11 and commission week'y; slnKle, experienced man preferred. W. A. Htxenbaugh tt Co., 1814 St. Mary's Av. WANTKD 2 experienced wool drrs goods salesman and 2 experienced wash goods salesmen. Apply to Mr. Nash, Hayden Bros. Bay. WANTED A bright boy. 16 year of g, to hold copy. Apply be composing room. WANTElk-A bov to work In a wlry tore, Apvly l< Iig. WHEN answering advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, pleas mention Uli Be. WANTED First-class lot or utock als-1 n . ' , .; " men to oll high giavo .rrlcated vlneyarjs . Yvi l'li7i V Z' Vttf :,h",luH JtcCoy, In the famous pA-os Valley of Texas On ! f.ntl-Whej1" ' Llun p who were employed tiis'-llment plan ' by J. J. Hurt. 62d and L hts., houth Omanu, VORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE-1 ln October, IWi?. Address N 491. Bee. HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) rierleal anal office. OFFICIO mgr., itrurft be rood credit man, $124. . secretary and manager for local, corpo ratl.in, 1J5. Small Investment required. Physician to manage office of advertis ing doctors, $200. Traveling salesman, $100 nd expenses. Traveling salesman, young' man, $75 and expenses. ' r-oos keeper, must operate typewriter, $75. Bookkeeper, commission firm, $75. Assistant bookkeeper, $. . ledger clerk, $-$75. Assistant bookkeeper, young man, tf0. Office clerk, to take orders ovor phone, $. r , . Stoliographer and; private secretary,' $75. The above Is a partial list of vacancies. If you are onen for a position, see us at oree. Call or write for complete lift of vacancies. WK8TSKN 'KEF. & BOND ASSTK. INC., 765-4 New York Life Bldg. lEsu years.) YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A POSITION. WE HAVE D POSITIONS IN DIF FKRENT LINES OPEN TO FILL, MON DAY. WHY NOT GET TOGETHER FOR OUR MUTUAL, BENEFIT? CARSON REFER ENCE BUREAU, j;i-7'l Riandels Bldff. SALESMAN. $75. Two stenographers, $7,'. a dtenographvr and. clerk, $67. Stenographer (out of town), $60. Bookkeeper, $HG. , Ledger clerk, $n. . C ollector and salesman. $00-$60. NO CHARGE UNLESS- YOU SECURE POSITION.. THE CANO AGENCY, -' Bo Hldg. I'ual'i U'.NS for several good bookkeepers aiul stenographers. 8ee us at once. PAR DONS EMPLOYMENT CO.. &U Be Bldg. W.NTEI A K"od solicitor for life and file companies. Saiary and commission paid. VPhoce. uoug. lo'JJ. SUMMER sult3 to ortlfr, $17.M, reduced from fJb. MacCarttiy-Wilson, 4 S. 18th St. t actor) autl 't rade. Dru, Blores (snaps). Job. Knlest. Bee BldC. A K. IlOBEltTS. reliable cmn. n Successor to Martin Co.. 1SU Caoltol Ave. WANTED Drug, clurk. ell Bluffs. Dellaven, Coun- WANTED first Claris saunage maker and slaughter . house man: must he neat and cletm; German preferred. Address Box 97, Scottwbluff, Neb. MEN WANTED . Ship at once to Chicago Transportation ready at 213 First National Bank building. 100 Conductors, 200 Brakemen, 100 .Switchmen; immediate eniJ Xloyment; must have at least one year's experience. -l Of KN SUN DAY.- WANTED M carpenter, union work, Kast' Mollne, 111., raten 6)c ur hour. Also Molina, ill., ruts 46c p r hour. Six months work.. Apply Leonard Construction Co. SUMMER suits to order, $17.60, reduced fiom'!. MacCarthy-Wllson. aw S. 16th St. WANTED An, txpevleneed -.laundry iiai kcr. Address W, Omaha Bee.- Jo. Bluffs. Mlavella -cutis. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ti U H We urn making extensive arrange- l S ments to lncrcaso our business all t M oer Nebraska. There are oppor- k 1$ tunltles iix present to represent a big, $$ U sound, popular. . up-to-d sura nee 'Company. date Life In- J . $ W PRUDENTIAL REPUHSEN- . ft K TATIVKS MAKE MONEY. M Thty huve the most varied forms of $t H policies. The Prudential offers an It It advantageous contract, with liberal H M first. yesr and renewal commissions. It It Tlu attention of young men, par- tt tS ticularly -of young men about to tt t$ start In business. Is especially sought, tt t Address: tt MANAGER. tt 601-tl Merchants National Bank Bldg'., it , lolli- fvnd Farnam Sts., tt OMAelA. tt $ t $ $ $ $ $ t X $ $ $ $ J $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t ; . HUMMEtTsTiU to-order." '$17.30. reduced'! from $. MacCarthy-W llson. 304 S. 16th St. "IrElMan w,t exrienc In v.. I wants: Man witn experience In vege- tables and to do odd work. CAFE, lstn and Han ey Sia. INCEN r A Vt1' l.'ll A l.i-I.eHr Li.il t! .... to hold copy. Apply Be Composing Room "7Fvou"know omu.1. havlnu little n,u7v to liivvst, H day anu coinmusloii lo begin ners, big salary Inter, .promote;, 61U pax luu bloca. v WANTED Men to learn bmber trade. 7ew Wtv-Ks K-oinpleles. Time Naved bv haVnstV animmm lS 'Sou muki lakv smalt . interact in biisiiicsit. An- I dress Y t.lK, riee. tlOVERNMENT ltJSlTlONS Chances never belter to secure one. Full particulars as to salaries, positions, dates of examina tions soon lo be held in umana, sample questions, etc. sent free in circular 1. L'afl. Cor. Institute, Washington, p. C SALESMAN Salary and expenses. Per manent., General agency opening. Fair view Nurstries, Roc-nester, N. Y. tAinucaru.ui'.Ai wsuma oy l"g ,,.n,.f ..i, ,,i,, -Ti,..,r i,,.i k firui.r,)... and have plenty of experience In selling goods by mall. , References a to character and ability required. Address II. E, Cronen weth. 10i8 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer, steudy work. S. Scheffer, Treas., O. li, Chicago. ANYBODY can add $ to $30 weekly to their Income, growing mushrooms In cellars, sheds, boxeE, etc. Big market. Free book let. Hiram Barton, West 4Sth St.. N. Y, RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examination will be held November 12. Score of other examinations during September and Oc tober, information free. Columbian Cor respondence College, Washington, D. C CAn'yOU WRITE INSURANCE If so, you can make good money selling the poli cies of the Western Life Accident Co.; health, accident, burial, and dividend-paying feature all In one contract. Llveral re newal commission. Continental Bldg., lenver, Colo. NINE ODD KKLU1WK given pUsara, profitable employment near home. Whole or part lime. Fraternal, Thame Building, New York. steiidy pr-.ictlce, careful Instructor, Wl'llj TAsV MONTHLY VavKVi'iI mvt-h. cupion.as grat.tvu, .aKes siaturdays. J Ke.isonai.lc Ai.pialsenui,t"charKcs I'ustuoii. waiui.g. Spiendia deniai.d Kit 2 INDEPEN-i NT LOAN Cii '! 8,aU.t..Cal. or write.; Moler Barber Col- lN,, 'Wltnnell lock ' .gc, 110 S. Hth St. tt N. E. Cor. lCtii & Hsrney Sis., 2.1 Floor 1 HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous roatlaaed. DO YOU want to make bint money? Here Is your opportunity. Representing In your locality large, reliable established business house. No experience or capital required. Write for free particulars. Daniel H. H(twr Co.. Chicago, 111. WANTEl'i-Several first class, exper ienced road salesmen; most popular line on the nmrkt-t; Bells readily to country stoves; profit shaiiiiK coupon; premium proposition. Kvery merchant glad to buy. V rite for particulars. Old, reliable, well established wholesale house. Our best sales men aro making big money; address 1110 Liumbcr Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. WOULD you be willing to work for $20 a week and exienscu'.' No experience neces sary. Htvady work. Dept. 15, Euieka Sup- ply Co., Aurora , III. HELP WANTED WANTED Six gooo. agents to work around city. Uarueu Supply Co., Browu iiiock. Omaha. LAUNDEREKS CLEANERS OUK sanitary system is death to germs and Hie to yuu; protect . your famhy by sending us your launoiy. phone Uougias iiM. Omaha Steam Launuiy. liuO Lavaa- uolth 6t. CAREFUL WORKMANSHIP 1h what makes our establishment popular. National I Laundry, WW Cuming St. (Phones.) LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses iss Vehicle. VVAOONS Buggies, tc. Will sell you " W""! better grade of work and for less money than anyone else In Omaha or Council Blufts. 1117 Farnarn 8t, 1?uKuilt Buggies and Wagons, cheap, xveuuiib Mul Dny & 0nt 14tn and Jacj, A. ackson. FOR SALE Three hundred range horses In bunches to suit purchaser. One hundred twenty-five good brood mare weighing ten fifty to thirteen fifty; -seventy-five cnolce geldings, same breed. Balance mixed horses. Address LEMLEY A MeCAIN, New Underwood, S. . 25 PEll CENTOFF on LEATHER HORSE COLLARS. Ble bar gain In HARNESS and FLY NETS. HAY" DEN'B, Harness Dept., BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIUMAM j, The Cut Prl- Feed Man. 613 . 13th Su THE women and children can drive the black mare and we will sell the runabout, too. 'Phono Harney J345. 'RUMMER suits to order, ?I7.50, reduced from 25. MacCarthy-Wllson, 3M S. 16tli St. STANDARD TIRED, LARGE BAY HOR&E, Good Concord buggy, harness and blankets, fK for this splendid physician's outfit. . K-oOi, Bee. ,400-POUND TEAM, harness, wagon, disk cultivator; bargain ail. W. F. Shear, 43d and Franc-is. ' . ' V Cot. Birds, Dos and Pet. ALL KINDS of fancy plgoons for sale cheap. Closing out.' Olof Olson, 3 blocks south of Laurel Hill cemetery, Albright. LOST AND FOUND The Teddv 13earEx',,!rt clean, "" WHEN writing to advertisers kindly nay you saw thlr "ad " in The Bc. MEDICAL Dr. McGrew Haa given his entire proIesNtonal life to the tieatment of all forms of chronic and rpe cln! diseases of men. Fur 35 years he has been known and trusted by all. 2t yeara In Omaha. Charges low If you havo no money, call or write, anyway, pr. McUrew Co:, 216 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb? HAZEL LEAF PILE COKES best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; Cue postpaid; semples free. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. BEST nerve bracer for man. Oi-ay's Nerve Food pills, tl a box, postpaid. Sher man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crciahton Medical college, 14th and Daven port Sts.;" speflal atttntlon paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professor. Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered, day and night MONfLTPLOi,l 8 4 LA It Y AMI CHATTEL. ftu tA monk F(U YOUR i! W""VACW: W ( k IMMKH VAf'A'llf.v NEW COMPANY. NEW PI.ak E j 'jhis Is a new mm organized by tne S t LKAD1ISU hUSlM-.hH MEN Or' I tl any llo,u.8. peikon owning HOUSE- A 1 1 r hold-, IU PER CNT PER YEAR Jts iriiiK-iou PAi' $1.00 Interest on $10 for one year. tl'.iiO Interest on K6 tor one year a.w inieist on i. tor ono year. ! tjmWMaMltMtnmm SUMMER suits to order, $17.50, reduced from $. MacCarthy-Wllson, 34 S. lSth St. Ciish (uick on Easy Terms. We loan money on household goods pianos and teams without removal, lor long or short time, small and easy pay ments, tl.20 to the weekly payment on a $."4)00 loan for L0 weeks, other amounts in the same proportion. Call on us and let us explain our plan for loanint; money. Mtrictiy privaio ana reliable. Courteous tieatment at all times. Mall or 'uhone ao- ; ollcations reei.lv our nromtit inti . . ' pi'-st'ons recede our prompt attention. State Mortra,'e Loan Co., Room 12. Arllncton liloi-k, lMl'i Dodgo St. 1'iione j ougias i,o. MONEY! NEED ANYT GO TO Ouiaua Mortgage Loan Co., Us Boaid ot Trad blag, boulhwsst Corner liith and Farnam Sts Telephone Douglas 22J4. Rat cheaper than any advrtld W can prov It. CHATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room T Crouns Block. Corner luth Capitol A vs. Opposite Postofflc. Both Phone Duug. 13U. t-l DIAMOND 1JJAKS AT 5ft W. U FLATAU, Tl. Rj uii I . . Aft f IT i II M I T M M IV LJ... .......... . MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLS. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OfH LRo. without securityj sasy pay menu-OI.h-s in tw principal cltla. Tolmau. ro 111 Nw York Uf Bldg. I EDUCATIONAL "Give me a young it;rsou that he will spend a part of his summer in 13oyles Colletfe pre par- ing for future, success, and Twill right from the start and every opportunity to promote himself as fast and as high as his determination deserves!" That 1 the actuai, word for word, statouient of oie of the most prominent business men In Omaha, made last year Let .Us tell you something more: close and accurate tab on every Hoy lea of any Summer Term and we have yet to know a single case w&ere ucn graduate failed to score signal success in gaining a fine position! THE B0YLES COLLEGE Summer Term Is Now On A larsre number of students havo morning. There must be something in until fall to enroll. Y-O-U enroll TOMORROW, too! Write or see us and got a copy of the Year Book. B0YLES " IT. P. 'BOYLES, President. Boyles Building No One Has $100.00 The Mosher-Lampman Business College Hub been offering for any teacher in other buBinesa colleges who could equal the writing of ' a Mosher-Lampman student. That proves conclusively the superiority of the MoHhor-Lampman College In penmanship. . Another point of superiority is to be found in the MOSHER-LAMPMAN SHORTHAND WORK. Read this letter from Judge Vinsonhaler, of Omaha, concerning the work of Mr. Travis while he was still in school. Omttha, March 16, 1910.. To W'hom It May Concern: ' . "I take great pleasure In Baying that the bearer of this letter, Mr. Clyde Travis, acted as court stenographer for the Creighton Moot Court for. the year ,1909-10, and as presiding-Judge of that court 1 was called upon to ex amine and pass upon the bills of exceptions prepared by him, and his work was uniformity excellent, and the records prepared by him compare most favorably with' the records prepared by the court reporters of the District Court of Douglas County. I am satisfied that Mr. Travis is qualified by experience to till any" position where quick and accurate stenographic work is required . , "Yours truly, "DUNCAN VINSONHALER." ' . T A. school that, gives its students a shorthand system and shorthand teachers that develop such ability while the student Is still ln school, would be THE BEST SCHOOL FOR YOU TO ATTEND. THE MOSHEU-LAPM AN BUSINESS COLLEGE. This college has turned out more court reporters, twice over, in the last three years than all the other Omaha business colleges put together. Re sults are what tell; results are what you want and you cart get them at the Mosher - Lampman New caUlogua explaining all the be ready for mailing by Wednesday. Address. MOSHER-LAMPMAK,. 17th and Farnam Streets. MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattel -Contlaaetl. MONEY." MONEY. MONEY. MONEY.' MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MON EY. MONEY. MONK?. MONEY to LOAN RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 308 Paxton Block LOANS , . 510 TO $5u0 On FURNITURE, PIANOrV .WAREHOUSE RECE1P1S, FIXTURES, lluMatd, iVAU ON 8, or on YOUR SALARY, if you are steadily employed. BEST TERMS and CHEAPEST RATES .......... Mtilltiv! MONEY. l MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. .m INKY. MONEY. .vloNt.1'. MONEY, MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. -MONEY. , MON E If , jioNbl, If you neud i-loNEY for y,ilii- MoNEY, vacation, to pay grocer, lauU- VlONt.Y. .oi'u or butcher do not fall io MONEY. PLACE VOt'K UJAN with Ux, MONEY, an old established uiid 1101 a MONEY, tirm, wIiuib you are absolutely MONEY, certain lo. recelv a btjUAtil-j MONEY. DEAL. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. We lire here to do business and If equltaolv rates, courteous treatment, privacy and prompt service are inducements worm.. MONEY jsuNKY. of consiueralion, placs your i mil MONEV. with us. if you are already ci ilONEV. rying a loan wlui another ni- MuNKi' cern, you can traiiMier It to us at a cneaper rate. TRY 11'. .tiuNr. Y. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. .RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, 30a Paxton Block. N. E. Cor. liiih and Farnam Sts. 'Phone Dour. 1411 ana A-Hll. ' ' ' ' MONEY. I jiuik rri . MON E V. MONEY. Mo.N 'Y MOVING AND HOUSE CLEAMNG OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO cleans carpet on your floor. Electnn .acjum system t0 S. 17th. Tel. Dr j&6 EXP. Delivery Co.. offlc lfith and Diw nport bin., aarehous. r.-u;-09 Ixard St. Whitewash. ne Plastering. FIoom . in. UrltM, mu Half vo. St. liar. i OFFERED F08 hENT H""' pVro.A;v'Il0fJ- Ten,. EDUCATIONAL who is ko detenniued to succeed give that person a fine salary For the p-bt nix years we have kept graduate ho started during any part registered to begin school tomorrow getting a start on others wno wait COLLEGE Omuha, Neb, Claimed the points of superiority of this school will Be sure and get one. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding, Mail Boon Contlaaed. WANT to 'hear' from parties having de sirable well-furnished second-story room of gobd size, who will furnish breakfast about 8 to 11:30 a. m. and dinner In evening, without the noon meal. Good table board Is essential. Must be within three block of 17tn and Farnam Stats. Privilege of bath necessary. Answer; giving rate, payable weekly, In advance, and stato location of room. Will then call at once. One gentle man only.; Address J. 489, Bee. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; also room and "ii-ord. Tel. Douglas 304S. $11 N. 2tth St ELEGANT room and board.' 233 Cali fornia St. Tel. Doug. 6161. - I CLEAN furnished rooms and board, with ! narmin Christian) family. 1K11 Pii.li.l a. STUDENT, lady or rfeutleman, . to wait table for board and room. 714 N. lSth St. - MODERN rooms, wrtb board. 43$ 8. 24tb 8t Dougla 642S. , . BOARD and room. $4.60 per week. $420 D catur Bt. Ttl. B-M 31. TAR LLC .t-card aoJ room for two. Chicago. ' 17H ROOM and boatvd In private family; horn cooking. 41U N. tM . LARGE room with board; two; private. 114 S. 19th, suitable for 'or tao gentlemen. Address 0-441, Bee. BOARD anu rooms. 07 St. Mary' Av. SOUTH front parlor: also on other room", for I gentlemen or married couple, with Doara. jcais urua. LARGE, cool, beautiful front room, two large closets end lavatory; also another smaller room, with excellent board. Near car line or wulking t'lstance. 706 Georgia Ave. 1 NICE, tiean. strictly modern Bleenltur l room .for gentlemen. Mr.Vj, South 2"th St. BOARD and room fr two; $:, per week- modern home; no children. Mis N. 22d St ; . i Furnished Hoonis. O. II. E. hauls trunka Pr.onea D. (11 A-UIL NICELY' furnished room; all conveni ences, gentleman preferred. Call ai2 Ht Mary's. FRONT room with prlvat family. 7i s 17th Ave. ROOMS. $2 a week and up. 210 N. 17th. MODERN rooms. M.. 2210 Harney St. Red PLEASANT front room to rent August 1 to gentleman. 301 Douglas 8t. FURNISHED rooms, $4 and $5 per month, for gentlemen; also first floor parlor for young ladles at $7 per week: gas, running water, telephone, laundry and pressing privileges. Tel. Harney 2492. 27 Harney. LARGE furnished room, strictly modem walking distance, prlvat family, electric fan. 612 No. Mh. Tyler U, College OFFERED FOR RENT' ' Fr ! Hex)' 0la-e. 1714 Iavefvrjrwt : newly furrilshd, all mod ern outsid room; large lawn;-no sign. COOL and pleasant room. : 101 N. llth. ONE large nicely furnished room. ult- able for two, Phon D. SM. SM N. 1Mb Bt. TWO large front rooms; private family; references. . 610 No. Juth. Call after . OREAT HALE Whit Waists, fic and 1 . 8cofields Cloak Store, Taxton Blh.. Jd Fir. NEWLY furnished front room with al cove; also slngl room, newly furnished; price ressnnaoie. rr vvo, rjiun Harney W17. FURNISHED room, modern. Griffith. KM Farnam. Phon Dr. NICELY furnished alngl room, modern. 2X1 Harnoy. . TWO modern mom. SI B. Wth- 8t, FURNIBHED rooms with board. th.' ' 1001 N. NICE, clean bed, cool room. 81 Mili tary Ave., Benon, Neb. H., Keller. - WELL furnished, modern rooms. SIS N. lth. AMONG the' nicest In the city. Ave. CM S. 17th SOUTHEAST Red SSi. ROOMS. new furnished. FURNISHED room, suitable tor two gentlemen, 6. ltth St.; 8d floor, . north east corner. - LAROE airy room, especially desirable. $10 to 10. 34 Harney St.. 'Phone Douglas tm. NICE, clean,' trictly modern rooms In -a beautiful location; aso suite, of thes rooms for light housekeeping., Tel, , ougiaa oil, 2)08 Cass .St, I ' . TWQ elegant . furnished room, light and cool, all modern. In private family. 609 N. 3Ut St.- . NICELY furnlBtied, large, front suitable for two. 201 So. 26th Ave. room. EXTRA FINK front roOm. fine fumltur. walking; distance, S North 20th St. SALE M M WHITE WAISTS, 50c EACH. Scoflold's Cloak Store, Paxton Blk., Sd Fir. FURNIHlfED room. 61 8. lHth St., flat 2. DOUBLE front room, suitable for two, or four persons. 703 i. 16th St., NEATLY' furnished rooms.' 314 N. 3d. . NICELY furnished ' sleeping ' rooms, do In. 713 N. 22d. Douglas 3SH5 3411 Capltoi Ave.,,Btrictty modern rooms; reasonable. Thohe Douglas 6832. ' .FXJRNI3HED room - with . or without light housekeeping privileges. .19J0 Dodge fit. NICE. largo rooms; large, prlvat front porch; modern.. W08 Harney.' y . .. FRONT room, 17D7 Dodge. well furnished, , modern.. SUITES of 3 rooms for housekeeping; all modern; also sleeping rooms; no children. 9 . litth St. . t .- ' MODERN .conveniences; roams for house keeping. 811 8. 20th. NICE furnihed Bleeping , rooms. 13 LeaVenworth. , . THREE furnished rooms. 1$'N. d St ONE housekeeping room aiid'ono bedroom at 127 8. Z6th St. TWO' nicely furnished rooms complete light housekeeping. . All modern,'. .$. per month! '2019 Webster. CLOSE in, nicely furnished front rooms; nice porch and lawn? reasonable: gentlemen only. 1H Capitol, Ave. . FOR RENT Four nicely furnished rooms. Will allow' Use of kitchen for light housor keeping. 11 N 17th, St., , . - . 'DOUBIE 'room; Douglas 4479.-. $12. tm canfornia. THREE modern' room at 618 Davenport. FIVE -nicely furnished rooms, for house keeping; no children; strictly modern, with gas range. 2604,Daveriport. , , ' ; FURNISHED room and breakfast for 1 Catholic gentlemen ln private family. ?8 Charles.' ... TWO "cool sleeping rooms, $3 a week; board if desired. , 71 St. Mary's Ave. Red 4432. , . NICE, cool room. 1813 .Capitol. Ave. MODERN furnished rooms; private fam ily; .walking distance; .$2.60 week. . 21s S, th Ave.' 'Phone Harney 5111. ,. . . . ONE'front bedroom. . 830 S. l!3d. CLEAN furnished room for housekeeping, $0, per mi-nth. 613 N. 19th. FINK large rooms; reasonable: modern. J709 Farnam St. .... , - TWO front rooms, $6 per -week, nam St. 220!! I'ar- VOK RENT--Cheap, a furnished '4-room cottago on Kith St., 6 blocks from' P. O.; wllf rent all or In suites for light house keeping. SIT N. 1th St. ' SUMMER suits to order, $17.60. reduced from $ MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 8.11th St. SALE $1.60 W'lflTB WAISTS, HxTeACH Set-field's Cloak Store, Paxton Blk., 3d Fir, VliKV large,' well-f urnlshod, south front; permanent partJ3. 822$ Farnam. -; SINGLE room, all modern, -suitable for gentleman. 11.60 per week. 2001 Bprt. . FURNISHED rooms. 624 N. 20th; Red 7702. . NICELY furnished modern rooms. 714. 8 17th Av. - G6 Waolworth Ave., opposite Hanscom Park, a nice, bedroom, $6 per mnth. . . , , VERY modern, pleasant room. Call v enlngs. 2110 Chicago St. MODERN rcoms. 2210 Harney. Red 5428. FINE $10 LINEN SUITS FOR $3.(4. Seofleld's Cloak Store. Paxton Blk.. Jd Fir. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large lawn, , will furnish for housekeeping1 ,for desirable puity. 'Phone B-2203. 1624 N. nth s.t. ' ROOMS for light housekeeping, gas. tele Phone, etc. a. N. lUli. A lady on South 25th Ave., says: ' 'You rented my furnished rooms quickly. - 4 1 .... i "1 umgivi.ng you another want ad this morning.'' These ads are wonderful i - , ' - Getter of whatever you lteal treasures. . . OFFERED, FOR RENT Frats Rtt ttl. r CLEAN furnished room and board with German Chritlan family. 1S11 Capitol Av. BEAUTIFUL rooms; will furnish to ult; 110: new hous. 1 Central boulevard. Convenient to car. Doug. iMS. NICELY furnished a-t room for gen tlemen only. Call In forenoon. 1H01H KU Mary'.! FURNISHED rooms, trlctly modern. 31U Popplaton Ave. i TWO furnished rooms, 30th St. S4 week, (is S. FURNI8HED rooms, .all nvxSern. 806 8. JDth St. TWO cool clean rooms; references. - 114 N. 19th St NEAT, modern room, private family, elos In; raonabl;. hot water beat, aoa N. th. NICKLT furnished front -parlor,, flrt ela, clo In.. 227 Dodgo 8 Red 772. FINE $10 LINEN SUITS FOR t5. Bcofiold' Cloak Store. Paxton Blk., Xd Flr.o TWO furnished room. 2104 California St. ROOM on ground floor, modern house j rent 2 a week. 645 S. 24th Ave. -NICE and cool; ten minutes" ride from potofflce; take Dodge car. MM Ohio St. NICE, cool, furnished - room, modern; walking distance. -108 S. 4th St. LARGE room and alcove, well furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. It71 Dodge. NICELY, furnished modern front ''ou" keeplng room: other room; clo in. MI S. S4th Av. ' i-rir.rv furnished double room, good location, walking distance. ll Ca St. x nvsiT Hil.in Whltt Waists. 95a and tl . Scoflelds Cloak Stor. Paxton Blk., 3d Flr. FURNISHED room. 3236 Dodge. ' 'Phon Red' tkS. COOL, eat front parlor, modern; prlvat home.-clean bed; to quiet gentleman; tt6 a week.-trV 8. tOth. Red 6i. FURNISHED room, modern. S13 N. 36th, "FOR RENT Nicely frnlhed frotit room. 217 South 28th St. - Very convenient to bu4 ness. '' FRONT room; prlvat famllyw 3401 Har ney. , . Hotel i ifsrta THE BACHELORS J0TH AND FARNAM. EUIIOPEAN PLAN. THE COMUS NICK ' JMMER ROOMSJ rates reason!. D. 73. 3474 Harney Bt. DOD&E HOTEL, 13th and Dodge, all coot room.;. special, rate by th wk. MADISON HOTEL Room or roam ana board if desired. Chicago. LANUE HOTEL, ROOMS 60c AND UP. THE LANPON. Rooms with board. GU 8. 24th. TILE UVENQOOD &1fB0"iu TIJE ALT A VISTA., European, 140$ How ard St. '.,';,,.. , ' VINCENT DINING ROOM-S20 8. lMh St, (HILLSIDE). 102' N. 18th. Home cooking. Beautiful rooms, fine board.' 123 8. Xth Av. ANYWHITE LINEN SKIRT, Monday, $. Scofleld's Cloak Store. Paxton Blk., Sd Fir. 1 , Hsswkttslsg Hssaii. TWO front room, completely furnished. S60 So. Bto. Av. 618 SOUTH 23d, housekeeping rooms, rea unable.., ..... . , , ONE light housekeeping room.' 101 Norttt 18th. street. . ... . . , . ,' x LARGE, cool . rooms,, reasonable. Farnapi st, ..Housekeeping. rot FOR Rent Seven-room house,' city water, gas, water-rent paid..- 00 Elm St, Se owner next door west. $i7. HOUSKKEEPINO rooms: 1006, Leaven worth street. - Call evenings.. , - ONE large furnished room suitable tor housckeepbig.i MIS Cass street. FRONT room, newly papered, 1st floor, reasonable. 1H13 Grand. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 14 South 17th Av. $16, PONtlEB silk coats, $7.60. Hcorield'a Cloak- Store, Paxton Blk., 3d Floor TWO cool front housekeeping room, modern. 422 North 17th St. TWO airy, furnished housekeeping room! good neighborhood. . Terms reasonable. V . , i f , , ,. gas range, JOOO Grace. THREK-room B-Si. . ..: TYt O ; front, rooms, furnished complete for light housekeep.ng; modem house. 2UI Spencer. .Webster 6410. TWO modern rooms for IlKht housekeep ing.. 2 Davenport St. Inquire ikilti lav- enport St LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 241 Dodg street. . . MODERN lighthouaskoeping room. 192 California street. HUMMER suits to-order, $17.60. reduced from. $26. MacCarthy-Wllson, 304 S. 16th St. TWO, three or four-room suit, hand somely furnlsheu, piano, walking distancs: shade, modern, $16 up. H South Z St. Fort RENT T-room modern house In good condition large corner lot, lfi02 Ohio St., $"S per month. Apply 1M8 Lathrop St., Phon FRONT light housekeeping room., South 16th St. 6U FOUR futnlshed rooms' for Ughthous keeping. THREE furnished room for man and wife. $13. R414 Webster St. ' ! CLEAN pleasant room with housekeep ing apd laundry prlvlleg. 1707 Dodge. pullers. want, 1 V