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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
- - - - i. ii . j. i i j. .... , . ......... w 1 . -... i .1 . i - . 'i " .. '-Bee Want-Ada Me cfafr Thfa fir&t Position a& afefeSv I e' &ecai:?e&-; hid Help How 'flipou.h. iBie BeelVaniL-Ad - Wf Bee VVaiiibAa: H 4 ll I W 1 J. Jr ML. IA - ' . . 'Ilk ii Ml.. .... a NIC! I bouse. OFFERED FOR RENT Beard Roeane Coatlaved. BOARD and room, 34.3 P week. MM De catur 8t Tat B-3UL TAB LB board ul room for two. Chicago. 171 ROOM and board la private family; horn cooking. 41 N. 8d. ' LARGE room, with boar; sultakle lor wo; private. 114 S. llrth. BOOM end board for gentlemen and lady r two gentlemen. Address 0-44L Bee. BOARD an rooms. DDT St Mary' Art. BOUTH front parlor; also on other room, for i gentlemen or marrlad couple, with board. Dodge. LA ROW south front room on first floor; running water;, private antranca on th summer lawn; also other rooma. lit b. fctfi Ave. THREE rooma, modern, except heat; fur nished complete, tut So. 12th. Phoue i. VM. 4-ROOM modern apartment Tat. Wob. 628. O. M. EJ. haul trunka Phone D. til A-Ka NICK, clean, atrlotly modern roama In a beautiful loeatlon; also aulta of thaaa room for light housekeeping. 'ei. Douglas 7tU4 tt(M Caaa t TWO sant furnished rooma. light and ooi, an modern, la private I aunty, am n tut at NICELY furnlahad toum; all convenience; nUman preferred, call 3ul2 tit. aiary a NICELY furnlahad room. In new modern llva pluck xrom poatoiuce. vni blrago 1st COOL ' room, nicely 'furnlahad. electrlo light and fan; bath; phono; nice porch and lawn) private housw walking dlatanca, Ivth. Ave., ana r roim, naruey oua YOVNO MAN to a hare comfortable fur .totalled room; reaaonabie termK. Far- fit PhMlt llnrnav LARG nicely t f taoce. private I .A ROE. oool room. modern oonvenlencea turnwiieo. line looauon, waiaing ai- on Harney line; rent reaaoabiei borne. IM M. Xutli SMALL room; modern; private family; cheap. 112 N. Wtb. DEilRABLS room; beautiful location; private family; noderm 701 Georgia Ave, Kraaonable. . , , FURNISHED rooma; hot bath, 8. lith. Fiat 11 a noor. . VERY large, wall-furnlahed, south front; permanent parue. am jmbwo. NSW hots. up-to-date, modern rooms, for gentlemen. J14 JLAke NICELY furnished rooma, all modern. 124 S. SOto. SINOLSI room. 2 up, tit 8. 16th. 3d floor flat 4. V ONE furnished room, modern. 14U 8. 11th, FURNISHED frvst reomi private family. 113 N, 6tl mu tea .fc. FOR RENT Two front rooma, nloely fur Pished; Close to. 1483 N. aOth St y NICE, cool, pleasant bedroom, second floor, for one gentleman; prlvata family; leferencea. alii N. ttiUl t TWO elegantly furnlahad rooi.ia; private borne; board If dealred; business otau pre feried. m N. 17th St , . TWO furnlahad rooma for light house keeping; alaa sleeping rooma; modern, walk. 7n.dlatace N- Sd n F1TKNISHED room, aultable for two, 33U per week. 813 N, 33d. BASEMENT room. Week, IL 3013 Clilcago, FURNISHFD rooms, aultable for twn , gentlemen, m leth St.; 3d floor, north east ooi'Pr. 1 TWO 'arge, ool rooms; modern; private fimlly; walking distance) 33 and iv Tel. Ilarney UA. 2u3 Dodga , NICELY furnished single aouth front room; ale alugia west room. iW Farnam 33t Flat a. -. ' (' ONE large front and one small room to Rentlomao only. 314 at. aOthSt FRONT room for rent to two gentleman t 313 N. d St Tel. Douglaa 6233. NICH front room for gentleman; ei adults; modern; plose In. 60S 8. 22d. BiQ. cool, modern rooma Nice porch. 3011 St Mary's Ave. NICELY furnished room In now, modern house. 2013 Chicago Kt VERY modern, pleasant rooma can venlnga '2110 Chicago Ht LAUGH airy room, especially desirable, 310 to 320. Uii Harney tel. 'Phone Douglas FOR RENT Modem, furnished alngle or double rooiae. lUt Cass, TWO double room for WIS Dodga TWO tXQUISITK ROOMS. ENSUITK OR SINULfc. fur gentlemen, In th We.t Farnam home; every convenient;) must be aeea to be .appreoiatoo. u-iw, SOUTHEAST ROOMS, Red 3 new furnlahad. FURNISHED ROOMS aultable for gentle men 3d floor; eor. ltiin and Jones. SINGLE rooms $1.TS. double rooma 33 and 33U. 1111 Capitol Ava FURNISHED room, LM and up. 1341 Kortn litn u LARGE, cool rooms,' neatly furnlhed, in modern noma u is, taa. ALCOVE rcotn. 313; iugia, 33 monthly. til California. NICELY furnished modern room; board if desired. U13 Chicago. table NICE furnished modern rooms, reason able. 624 N. tvth. Tel. Red. 77U. TWO well furnished rooma 1011 N. 24tb St., South Omaha. NICELY furnlaned. large, frout Suitable for two. 201 So. lath Ave. room. MCH.Y furnished room for rent reason able. 2xit Famaiu St. uit 3. 'Phone l peuglaa 6Wt FRONT room fo two .or threo persona 39U Faruana. LARGE, cool bad room, ground floor nice h gentlen J DES1 family. iir home wlth'youmr mucin for Jewish gentleman. CaU eveulnga ' U3 Chloago St. DESIRABLE room, fine location, private modem. Ul N. 31st Ave. TWO desirable front rooma aultable for three young men. zu uougiss. FRONT parlor and bed room, south ex poeure; $ week. 2203 Farnam. r ROOMS, walking distance; strictly mod in. kill S. leth. Harney 3iil TWO single rooms, chrup; also room aod Icove; private. I Ml atarr a ai. ItlNLIB room, private bow, rent cheap. 1U tnicao at . i-I HNlHHKD room. lrlctly first claaa, eveiylliiug new and aiodern; walking dtatemi. ZX-'O Douglai. (ihWl.1 furnished, cool rooma to mod era iwuao, wta ot OFFERED FOR RENT Pnraleked ELEGANTLY furnished sin ale and double front rooms; also trout parlor. Jill Doug- I aa. TWO aultea of llaht houaekeetiing rooms. I 114 and 116 per month; also double parlor, suitable for four young men or women, IMl tut 8. 2lh fit. NICELY furnished rooms, modern, target suitable for housekeeping or aleeping. 44a N. 3d BL COOL and pleaaant rooma 101 N. lath. FNRNISHED room on parlor floor; suit- aoie tor two, mounm; wanting aisianve. l'hone Tyler 112L 201 California street. THREE larsre. beautiful modern rooms In private family, furnished or unfurnished; near car. 4ti6 Grand Ave. Tel. Web. 4794. TWO single rooma. 33.S0 up; private fam- iir ma m antH - ; i i SINGLE rooma. IZ.W; private family. 331 & 3vta. t TWO oool rooms. Sxlf Douglaa NICELY furnished rooma. modern i large lawn; will furnlnh for housekeeping fori TWO modern rooms for light housekeep deslrabla party. Phone B 1W4 N. 17th ingr. 222 Davenoort St. Inaulre US Dav- 1 1 G, U COOL, nloelv caDered housekeeping and Bleeping rooms, close in. iiu a. itn sire". FRONT carlor. suitable for one or two. gentlemen preferred. Red 7844. 407 N. Utn. FURNISHED room for rent for light housekeeping. 010 Davenport street NICELY furnished front room, close In; moaern. xue r. win. MODERN. 33 Por month, breakfast If pre ferred. iai n. zotn t ONE single room, 1.(0 week; front par lor (or two, 33 week, liuv uougiaa. TWO small Dodge atreet rooms; also parlor. 1820 NICELY furnished coot rooma 1213 a. iltu. St. NICELY furnlnhed room. 313 N. 35th. 30M Emmet, large room, modern. Phone TVebater 4170. FURNISHED rooms. 34 and 36 per month for gentlemen; also first floor parlor for I young ladlea at 32 per week; gas, running water, telephone, laundry ana pressing privileges. Tel. Ha-4ey tSl- 2U27 Harney, ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor, mat lioor, reasonable, ima cnicago. COOL, strictly modern furnished rooms; 0 to fie per month, ztws v-apuoi avenue. NICELY FURNISHED rooms; gentlemen only, m So. 18tU St, 3d floor. Flat 1L FURNISHED 20O7 Lake at and unfurnished rooms. I FOR gentlemen, nicety furnished room, I walking dUtance, atrlotly modern; phone, tieeirio la;; prlvata ramiiy; reierencea I NICELY furnished rooms, ' modern. S. 17th avenue. T14 FURNISHED room for rent; modern. UM N. 24th-atreet upstairs; Web. 44118. NICELY furnished ' room, modern, prl vat entrance, 214 N. 34 atreet ROOM. 32.W; private: modern cottage, 13 8. 24th street. THREE rooma,-partly furnished) water, gaa ana nig yaro. tu. 421 o. lain Ava COOL. Mat fmnt mrinr mnAam'. nrivet home, clean bed to aulet gentleman; Uwlnew furniture; rent 33 week. 545 South 24tli a. week, twift S. 20th. Red 6227. - LARGE front parlor, elegantly furnished; modern, close in; laundry, light ana coov Ing gaa furnished; references; 316 montn. 023 i 8. 2Stb avenue. TWO' or three furnished rooma 01 N. 20th bi. -rnone uougiaa as l tieuj, Anaepenaeni I pnone a-ihm. NICPLY furnished room: term reason- v. i ..I n n . v. UIQ b. na Db NICELY furnslhed rooma for gentlemen: ln 111. XI lO.l. " NEWLY furnlahad rooma In modern bouse, by day and month. 2013 Chicago St NICE clean furnlahad rooma cheap at ii Chicago. YOUNG MAN to hare comforUble fur nished room; reasonable terma. 27U6 Far nam st Phone Harney VTii. COOL rooma: aentlemsn only: near aood boarding plaoe; reference required. 1714 in . xstn. EXTRA FINE front room, fine furniture, walking distance, 320 North JSUth St SINGLE room, private porch, nice bath; ' . ms tiarney. LARGE front room: everything new and iricuy moaein. lal umoago HU Douglaa 4m6. FURNISHED room for rent. I70t Vinton St COME to 25a St. Mary' Ava if rou want a large, cool room with piano; also single room. LARGE room, suitable for two ladlea; modern; housekeeping If desired, 001 S. 1'th St FURNISHED rooma. aentleraen ' only: reierencea required; near saa ana tumiug, in in. un hi. Tel. Harney 337a FURNISHED rooma: private e family; modern. 121 . 37th. TWO elegant furnished rooma In new homa Tel. Webster 34tf. BTRICTLY modern room for centleman. . a Bt r...-i.. uui i w. w... rwtmm MW.W. Hotels nad Aoartmewta. THE BACHELORS tOTH AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN TLAN. DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodg. all cool ro me; special latea by the week. MADISON HOTEL Rooms or room and board If desired. 2103 Chicago. LANGE HOTEL. ROOMS 60o AND UP. THE LANDON. S. 24th. Rooma with board. 811 THE LIVENGOOD "iJ- - THE ALTA VISTA. European. 1403 How- ard at. VINCENT DINING ROOM-320 8. Dlh 8t. Ilna.ekeeplaa Rooma. NICELY furnished modern front house keeping rooms; utnnr looms, close in. i; H 24lli Ave.. FOUR furbished or unfurnished rooms In modern brick building; good neighborhood tnd within walking distance. (14 a 39th ht TWO front rooma completely furnlahad. tv oo. win Ave. NICE cool room, all oonvenlencea, with privilege or doing light houarkeeplng; suitabie for one or tvio prraona. South 8M SOUTH ltd, houaekeeping rooma. rea- aonaDie. ONE light bouatkeevlnx room. 101 North Utb atcit OFFERED FOR RENT Iloasekeeplna; Rooms L'onttnaed. LARGE, cool rooms, reasonable. Farnam at Housekeeping. HOUSKKEEPINO rooma; 106 Leaven- worth street. Call evenlnas. ONE large furnlnhed room suitable for hausekeepjug. 2013 Cans street. FRONT room, newly papered, lt floor, reasonable, uit Grand. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping. 14 South 17th Ava TWO cool front housekeeping 422 North 17th BU rooma, modern. THREK-room gas range. 16)9 Grace. B-3427. FRONT llcht houuekeeptng rooms. 618 South ltith tst. i nu ironi rooms, iwuiniiru vw.n.'i. for light liouw-keeplrc; modern huusr. 3111 Spencer. Web.Ur M1& LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 24)31 Dodge atreet. lenport St FOUR furnished rooms for lighthouse keeping. THREE furnished rooma for man and wife, 113. 8414 Webster St CLEAN rileasant room with housekeep ing and laundry prlvileg. liui uoage. MODERN llrhthouaekeeplng rooms, 1322 California street TWO. three or four-room suite, hand somely furnished, piano, walking distance; ahade, modern, 15 up, 804 South 28 St. LIGHT housekeeping rooma. 2114 Chicago street Suite of 3. elegant rooms. 216 North 22d atreet , FOR Rent Seven-room house, city water, as. water rent cald. zwo isim et.- oee next qoor wesi. tu. t v . xni w.h. ater. Douglaa 2519. : . : , FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, , mod- ern. iu norm mm 01. i vvu moaern, lununiieu ior ugnc uvuoa keeping; prlvata family; walking distance 21 South 3th Ave. 'Phone Harney .6111. TWO cool, modern furnished rooma, gas for housekeeping. 2037 Harney. ONE large room, pantry and closet fur nished; eooklng gas. ru uapitoi Ave. TWO nicely furnished rooms frrr house keeping, gas, bath, phone. $10 2511 Cald- ' ' ! two nicely furnished rooma. strictly modern, for housekeeping, 833 South 21st 1st EXCELLENT completely furnished housekeeping rooms, phone in house, 2i74 Harpey St " ' - HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping rooma at 3110 Harney, D. LIGHT, cool rooma for light housekeeping and sleeping rooma; ratea reasonable. 1754 jeavenworin. TWO light housekeeping rooma 1720 Dodge. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; modern Ave. 3fig2 HARNEY, nicely furnished room for light housekeeping, SOUTH exposure modern, walking distance. TWO nicely furnished rooma with gas rinn e.nd sink. No children. 815 South mih. i. J!..,n. ainia mnm. 2,'iR.t riniiirc I ' 1 - HOTTSEKEEPINO room. 1427 N. 17th D. nt.,' ... riioow """"n uw-,. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, gaa rang, clean, mio n 14th. NICELY furnished rooma for Ilerht house keeping; modern. 2316 Douglas fit. TWO rooms, light (housekeeping, rent reasonable. 8702 Cuming. THREE furnished room. 908 North 16th St TWO rooms. 32.60 ner week or 19 ner month. 1201 N. 20th St., upstair. 'Phone B-66S3. HOUSEKEEPING looms, single or en suite; one first-floor room with kitchen prlvUeses. North 33d. ' ELEGANTLY furnished apartment: fou lame, cool rooms. Dlano. gaa range, refrlg erator: modern conveniences; short walk lng distance, reasonable, wo a. ztn. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS I T"l I ... .. t7nn.. KSV.C 1 moil imi iiojr wu-iu. Untarnished Rooma. . THREE atrlctly modern rooms, unfur nished, for light houaekeeping. 47o N. 24th f)tTR nice housekeeping rooms: 310 V 34th at., near uuuuiig; price u.uu. Apply a office 1714 ws osier tit MODERN, 3 rooms, 10 unfurnished. 346 t. ibth bt , troll RENT 7-rooro atrlctly modern, cloa. In; 3023 Webster Ht UNFURNISHED rooms; modern. - (14 8. n.k a. u.Pn.u ma l ' THREE niee rooms, water end gea 37 per month, aim rn. inn at. leu u-zuu. Apartment, and Flata. ELEGANT 8, 4 and 6-room apartments. Btrehrow Terrace. Webster 4233. NEWLY papered 8-room flat; modern. except heat: 313. ttOO N. 20lb St Courad Young, lout uouge aireei. SERVANTS problem solved; 3 rooms con. densed Into 6; steam heat; electric light and laundry; hot and eold water; wall bed. safe, gaa stove, refrigerator; janitor service. The Hunter, 26th and Dodga Tel. Douglas 4112. FURNISHED apartment of i rooms, first floor; modern; piano; telephone, etc 200 St Mary'e Ava 'very beat nam dletr(ct; utlful apartment; West Far- enooern ana compifie. per- rtne 4s Wolcott 823 Brandela theater. aod Cottage.. VERY choice 8-room house .entirely mod ern; hardwood nntsn; tour Ded rooms and eleeplug porch; Hie bath room: located In Field duo district; aouth and et ex posure; Ml 1'etera Trust Co.. f. Y. Lite. l-ROOM. modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer. 140. 3U4 Jsckuiu . Houses, fists. Garvin Broa 3d floor N. Y. U HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 4J4 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red Wj8. HOUSES, flata Uarvin Bros., id floor N. Y. L. NICE 3 room house ror rent; modern ex.- lcDt heat 4U Cuming s treat 'Phone. Har- pay i;oa NO EQUAL Central location, 4-r. corner lcat Apply. &N hiu Ui. 3-laard Block. OFFERED FOR RENT a ad C'ottaaee Ooatlaaed. FOR RF"NT Jut roitinletefl. new. eles-ant l-rouni all modern brick bouse. It has I rooms, with an extra room-on the third floor oroviued with not and cold aatar for the servant, besides a neat room for stor age. This house Is beautifully finished In 4'iarter-sawed oak. latest nickel plumbing, and a perfect little gem. bee It. tla N. tlst (t. I will also have eeveral nice. new. brick bouses ready for Mtminanrn in a few dava They are located on the corner of roth and Davenport streets, right In the best residence section or the city; mesa nouses are especially well built They have eight rooms with additional servants and store rooms on the third floor. Including extra bath room for the servant. They are sub stantially and elegantly finished In hard wood wnn mantel, book cases, etc. in tact, there Is nothing better on the market See them -and you will want one. For price. apply to J, m. Backman, 436 raxton Hlk., l'hone Hd-2&4, Residenca Phone, Doug. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern ex cept heat; near new car barn and Union station. Vacant August la. 322.U0. 'Phone D0U3T. 4616. FOR RENT KiBht-room modern house. 213 8. 36th Ave. 'Phone Douglas 4687. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded i cheap freight rates; moving and atoring. Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 314. FOR RENT C-room cottage, 27K8 Capital Aval bath; good plumbing: , good repair; nearly new; ku. isl tita azst. 3-ROOM, nr.odorn house for rnnt 116 Hick ory St.. inquire at 307 H. 17th st 418 So. 24th Avenue, a modern 12-room residence, fab and water. A modern t-room-cottage, B403 9o. 17th St Open Sunday from 3 to 4, 32X50 and water. 631 So. 22d St., 10 rooms, 50. Fred 8. Hadra, BfiO N. Y. L. Bldg. Douglo 4384. . . , , t-ROOM house, 112 N. Kith St, 330.00. WISH to rent our home In West Farnam district; eight room, strictly modern; oak finish, not water neat, east iront, large porch. Phone D. - Houses for Kent We have hoiiBes for rent In all cart of town, see us unit, we nave what you want Engelbrecht & Raver 1710 Farnam St Phone Doug. 4379. Omaha T-ROOM houae, modern except furnawa 2532 Davenport . Tel. voug. XUU, HOUSES In all part of the city. Crelgh Bona & Co., Bee Bldg, NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, 1414 Sherwood Ava; 340. - Patterson, 1623 Far nam St NEW 3-room cottage; 'felectrio light, gaa, tile bath, -cement batfement, upstairs floor, laid cement walks; must b seen tu be ap predated; H block to car. 2ai6 No. 2ith Ave. Tel. Co. Bluffs, Bell, Red 1913 or either phone 544. i ..8 - .il 408 No. 86th St.. t-t-i ' heat 2l 40S No. 2iith St., 6-r., Jmod.rex. heat, a 4210 "Nor 26th Ava; -t!ttl 'modern, 322. o St!45 California, S-room"., kft mod., 338.60 ' 2212 Mason Street, 3-rponv all mod., 335. 1106 So. 22d Street, 6-foom, all mod., 325 8610 Jones Street,. 8-rooin. modern, 328.60. 2663 Pierce Street 8-r., -mod., erf heat, 326. Indicates water paid by owner. . . BIRKETT TEBBEN8, 423 Be Btdg. - Phoneai D. 4754, A-1754, TEN-ROOM brick house, modern. Just west of high school; keys on premises, 2601 Capitol Ave-; rent 'Phone H. 37a&. OMAHA Van Storage Co.. pack, move, atore household goods; storehouse, 1120-34 N. lth; office. 303 S. 17 th St. Tel. Douglas laia. HOUSES FOrt RENT. 3 rooms; city water on both floors, well and cistern. Suitable for two famlllea Will put la good repairs. Look at 340 De catur and 1710 North 34th and make aa affer. We want to rent them. Nowata Lend Lot Co.. 324 N, t. Ufa Bldg. Phone Red ). NINE-ROOM modern brick bouse, north part of city, 326. . 3-ropm aparunnt 1917 Clark, 310, 3- rooru apartment llf Clara, i. 4- room apartment city water, toilet, 313 30, 4-room apartment N 17th, lit - C. M. BACH MAN. 436 Faxton Block. 'Phone Red 2tOa; Residence Doug. 6001 HOUSES, insurance, Rlngwalt TheaUr , Bldg. . . Brandls BRICK HOUSE, 2612 Dewey avenue. 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Sta. Co., 1W6 Far nam St NEW 6-ROOM brick house; modern; 328 8. 24th St. Owen MoCaf frev. 3-ROOM modern, 8. 82d Ave.; good condi tion, 320. Tel. Harney IMS. lure aad Oineee, 8TORE-ROOM-Ili07 Farnam 8t Seml-baaement. well lighted. 107 and 1803 Farnam treet Store room. 318 N. 34th St. So, Omaha llioa. F. HALL. 4M Ramge bldg. ' Both 'Phonea. STORES FOR RENT. Storeroom, about 2-'xti0 ft. Hotel Rome building, "D00" block; fine ahow window; good IlKht; will be decorated to ult ten ant: 3120 Per month. Storeroom 624 8. 16th St., corner 16th and Jackson Sta.;. fine ahow windows; good basement, with freight holt; heat fur nished: nrlco on application.. 8-story building, 1513 Harney Bt., Just east of City National Bank building, 27x90 ft; fine show window; electric elevator; build ing practically new andin beat ot repair; pui s on i'nvi,wi. .376 per month, 22 x60 ft; (IS S. 16th St 832.50. 22x 60 ft,; U24 N. 40th St. '2d and 2d, floors. 1408 Farnam St., 2Ix0 ft.; entrance from Farnam 8u;. lease four to five years; iw per nioimi. GEORGE Ht CO., 1601 Farnam St ,. TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent tb& onr story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty bas trackage facilities is rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO, 17th and Furnum, FOR RENT about St-pt 1; central loca tion, one of bejil buslueea towns ot Ne- lirakka; modern store building, lO.Ooi) feet floor space; now building; suitable tor u- (isrtnittut store. Address JL . Ilea FOR Rent Building at 2318 Harney. Just vacated by t axtmi x. iuucneii Auto . u. Two floors suitable for auumobllo garage. F. D. Wead, looi rarnain atreei. I.ARGlil plesrnt south and east front oflice. Corner IMh and Harney. 8. S Curtis, It Harney. Uneuu.lled Opi'ortunlty Grocery and meal uiarkut with natures eoiupicte.'- no cual. 'usaid Hlock. Apply i.K in. aa bu WELL LIGHTED atcre. 23x1(10. 10 S. lots. Carter rliiert ale ml Worka OFFICE FOR RENT. Derlrable office rooms In Webster-Sunderland buiidii.fc. l'iih and Howard sta., at rea sonable prices. GEORGE & CO., I'iOI Farnam St. WHEN writing say you taw ta-oir to advertisers kindly , lu ice Bee, OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. OFFICII FUBNITUEE FOR SALE Second hand, piece follow: On flat top walnut desk. One 13-drawer trt card casa' One waste basket. Five' offloe cliaira One rug. 1 BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam 3 MACET SECTIONAL BOOKCASRS. complete; solid mahogany. WILL SACRI FICE If taken aoon. 4106 Laf ayette Ava SOLID MAHOGANY DAVENPORT Upholstered In leather, alao lurklah rocker, 410C Lafayette Ave. Maaleal laataasaeBte. . NEARLY new B-Flat soprano buffet Sax- aphone, silver plated; low pitch and latest system or Keys, win ne lorn cneap tor oasn. H. A. W., 422 Brandela Bldg. MAHOGANY upright piano for salef cost new ti2& (CASH); NEED MONEY: leaving town; no reasonable offer refused. U. M. B., General Uelivery, Omaha. UNIVERSAL Musical lureau We help music teacliera and students by three guar anteed propositions. Address 204 Old Bos ton more .uiug., Omaha, band no money. Typewriters. oui II ut v, mil 1 1 a es piva. iiifnnigr, B. F. Bwanaon Co., Distributers, WS nvtw - . - T - fln..w. r'arnam bt. Typewriters for Rent tfy, ltla arnam Bt, Omaha. YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPE WRITER with oak stand, 32 monthly, from manufacturers, moat interested in auaiao Uon given. J Oliver Typewriter Co., na. SECOND-hand typewriter sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Mlacellaaeoale. Tha Plnoriftmv Window Screen will T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co.. all kind of nun work. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In chep oar xixturea; easy paymeuta. uruuawic. lialka-Collender, 407 S. 10th St ID nnft of Cottonwood lumber and 000 brick tor ,ai Corneer Broa, 34th and Dorcaa Sta WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink barrels which we will sell for 30 cents each. They are fine for rain water or annex. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all rlzes - and makea; bargalna American supply uo uiv farnam st. HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. lilt Farnam, DRUGS at cut price; freight pal'! on all 310 orders; .catalogue free. 6hrrnaa VcConnelt Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. FOR PALE A practically new Walea vis ible 3223 adding: machine. Reasonable prloa 116 utile mag.. Mncoin. 50 FEET shelving; 30 feet eounter. In quire 1045 So. 20th. Phone Doug. 7329, be tween 9 and iz, mornings. 18 H. P. OAS ENGINE for sale. Wb. 4334. CaU at FLORENCE BRICK YARD. About 40 feet of 29 Inch diameter No. 30 gauge, galvanlxed pipe, with four 45-inch elbow and T. 'mi was used lor ventilat ing purposes, and pipe Is In good condition. The Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam. UNUSED 1910 360 coaster brake' bioycl 30. Apply 206 Bee.: FOR BALE Second-hand bank fixtures. complete, In first-class condition; originally cost 31,200. Suitable for country bank or brokerage office. Price, If taken quick, 32M) f. o. b. Scott's Bluff. Write A. J. Shumway. scott'g muff, Neb. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandela Theater Bldg. B. S. Peterson, 616 Brandela Theater Bldg. Kathryn Nikolas, 634-8 Brandel Theater. JOHN DE FOX, 320 Brandel Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. WILLARD PHUT, registered practitioner In U. 8. Pat Offloe. (18 Paxton Blk. R. 299 L. WHEN answering advertisements In The Ha Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact that you saw tu bu. lu ita sizs. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY. Msssa&e treatment stomach troubla Dr. Margarita Halloran. 828 Neville Blk. D. 776L RantrVniH ,rom combings, 3160. Mrs, 8, DWllCIies uathewa, 304 Neville Bk. D. 6263, HINDOO TABLETS will build. brace. etreugtben. eOu BELL DRUG CO. MRS, EGGERS' private confinement home. 1516 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. TeL Douglas 8230. Health l-i every glasa Alamlto lactone. TOTING WOMEN oomlng to Omaha aa atranger are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth St. and St Mary' a Ave., where they will be directed to aultable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler s eui i n ktrictl7 nrlvate home for confine- ments; excellent care; babies for adoption, 11 Davenport vJVTilNflKSl Rub"' fod by mall; cut OlJiUtUUkJ prices, baud for flue cat alogue. MYERS-DiUuu Drug Co., Omaha OROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer'a Adellght Hair Food. Mcgsatk, euttouary Co. WE tent and repa:r all kinds of sewing machines, lud. A-10- Doug. 1W3, NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, lath aud Harney Mia MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow und mussuHe, 1H0& Dodge St., oppo site postoffice. 3d floor. Tel Doug. Iu66. MAaSAGU AND BATHS. Room 03 Old Uostou bture Bldg.. 4lb fioor. elea'.or entrance. 120 S. ltfth St M Ad MIOTIC 'tmt Mine. Smith. lour. WinVC nd toupee lor men. Griffith, lUOu D( FRBNZKK BLOCK, Griffith, OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Blug. "THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing, In fact anything you Oo not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. litn St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglaa 416 and wagons will call. 1I i TT'Q cured without operation or pain. , J.LO-IQ jjr Maxwell. 14 Be Bldg. D. 1424"?m?nl"- L.Bro". i 'bo. Iflh. LX (.138. c WANTED Street carnival and- concessions for .die. Old Settlers' istle. Neb., August 22.1 atli. President - t Picnic at Newcn Write J. P. McGratu, PERSONAL (Continued.) FRER ATTRACTIONS. Street attraction of various klmt. fr base ball carnival at Randolph, August U to 12. Also want Merry-an-Round. Adrireu O. I. Reed, Randolph, Neb. WHAT little boy or girl would Ilka in rin a lltle work at home to help pay for a nice new manogany upngnt pianoT Address U. M B., General Delivery, Omaha, Neb. PRIVATE) HOMB durlna- ennfln.... babies for adoption. Oood Samaritan Sani tarium. 73 Ut Ava, Council Bluffs, la lOSIB WASHBURN book. "Tb. UnUM World Sewer," at all book store: price 31 M WANTED A girl about ). for eomnanv durlnK"NlRy, by lady solicitor In business district Vail 407 N. lfth St WANTED By young married counle. . Child, 1 or more years, to board. 4703 Lavenpon et POULTRY Screening. 31 38 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. H SILKO CIIICK FOOD la the beat In the market for young chick oca. Hade from pure grain, A. W. WAGNER, 801-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Pbones; Douglaa U42. Independent A-8451 PRINTING LEW W. EABEB, Printer, g Be Bldg: Entrance on Court RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 103 & 14th. A3524. Ind. PHONE IND. A-2030 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co 16th 4b Capitol Ava MILLER phonea. 4b Jamleaon, 1213 Doug. Both REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. GUARANTEE. Abstract Co., 1623 Farnam, PETER JESSKN. JR. Tel. Douglaa 2282. REAL KSTATH DOALBItl. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1S58J prompt service ; get our prloea. 80S Brandela theater. BENJAMIN R, E. CO., 477 Brandela Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. . After Aug. t City Bank Bldg.' CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB, Homes in Kbiihtze Place We now have the best list of home that we ever have had op our Hat; prices from 33,100 to 88,000. There I no bettter time to get a real bargain In real estate than right now. You will find that later In the season, during the month of September and Ootober, the prices will be higher than they are at the present time. , We will be pleased to have yeou call and get our list '. HASTINGS 4 HEYDBN, 1614 Harney St. N $800 FOR TWO LARGE LOTS These lot are only two block from ear line, and In a location where houses rent well. Single lots adjoining have sold for 81,000. Eastern owner wanta to aell quick. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 653 New York Life Bldg. Red 1393. GOOD INCOME PROPERTY. Two atorea with two (-room flata above; modern; well built; good order, 86,200; rent ing at 3720 a year. ' DOUBLE HOUSE. Two 6-room modern ; rent 3600 a year, 7-room modern house with all treet Im provements paid, for 83,250; rental 3360. W. H. OATES, 644 N. Y. Life. Tels. D. 1204, W. 2688. SELBY'Q NAP, O Close In buy; 'a good 8-room, all modern house; 4 bedroom. 26th Av., near Dewey Ave. Only 35,000. Cholue lot on 41st, near Davenport St.; east front, 6e it. f.or.Uss. C"'y M-e50. A bargain In south front Kountae Plaee lot. Owner needs the money (ao do we). Beat offer gets it. can ana SEJ EJ EE . ELBY. Ilousea for Sale It you want a bargain see us, w have several thla watk from 3U0O UP. See u first If you want real bargaina ' Engelbrecht & Raver, 1710 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 4373. Omaha A Rare Snap at Your Own Terms. . , i. ... a. m -, 1 1 m ... n a A a nil S1V D. SUM ei,, li'Bi'ij , " ' complete home; within walking distance; near car: admirable for a flrst-vlaa room ing house. T.,,T Ulak AsTasntH 660 N. Y. Llf Bldg. Phone Doug. 4334 SIX BUSINESS LOTS. I six business lota on Vinton street hetwMn lath and 20th, fronting north, 27 feet frontage,- price li.tMl eacn. inese iois belona to eastern owner, v. no suys tr.ey must be sold in thirty day. I will submit offers as low as per lot. Also 101 on r.nnt street, near aviation grounds, on grade; cement sidewalk; will aubmll offer as low as o. W. L. bKUil, 4 woara ot i raae uiag- IT 19 WORTH WHILE to look at Southwest corner 34th and De catur Two 8-room houses, Nos. 8401 Deca tur and 1710 N. 34th. W are ordered to accept first reasonable offer made. No wia Land and Lot Co., 6j New Yurk Life iiidg. 'Pnone, Red lift. A Dewey Ave. Landlord says this about the Bee want ads: I ued a flv lloe want ad In The Dee to advertise g house I had to rent. The number of Inquiries truly sur prised me. Could have rented the house a dozen timet over to as extra good class of no terrors for me any more, REAL ESTATE CITY pMOI'lCHi V ruil gAI.K (Continued.) i FKED S. 1IADUA 360 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4334. 8. E. corner -Mtta ana itamutna bis., . a new and thoroughly modern. -r. elegant residence; extremely reason able at eaay terma. ' On account of leaving city 'Will sell my home In West Farnam district. -rooma, hot water heat electrlo light, gas, larg Closet, cement baaoment stationery wash , tuba and everything In first rlas condl- ' lion. Addres W-451 car Bee. 'Phone, Har ney 716, ' ' F. 11. GOSNEY, 60 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Doiigla 4.134. ' 2,'stl N. 19th Kt. A well preserved 6-room residence, thoroughly overhauled. 80x100 ft. lot: fine neighborhood; very low price; small cash payment; balance on eaay term. AM LEAVING OMAHA Will Offer my home for 3 dnya at a sacrifice. If you want the moat homelike cottage In the city look the property over quick and make an offer. 2828 California St. FINE LOT VEKY CHEAP Third lot west et 37th on the aouth aide of Manderson St Owner wanta to aell . badly. Look at It and make offer. . NOWATA LAND S LOT CO.. 6M N. Y. Life Bldg. - o- im AN extremely snyg and well located .. home of 6 rooms, 2602 North 30Oi St., com- . pletely overhauled for ' a moderate cash payment balance like rent. Make an In -spootlon at once and submit your own prop- " osltlon. . . .''. - F. R. - rtOSNEY. . . . 560 N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug. 4S34 i HOUSES FOR.9A.L-8. ' For real bargalna In houses- In all part . of the elty see ue. . t Engelbrecht & Haver, , ' 'Phone Douglaa 4378. - 1710 Farnam 81. ' BEST BUILT, BEST EQUIPPED, BEST LOCATED, NEW. MODERN HOUSW Or' SEVEN ROOM! IN THE CITY FOR THffl: MONEY. PRICE M.KiO. 87ft-T7 BRAN DEIS BLDG., PHONBj DOUGLAS am BUY FROM THE OWNER AT ROCK ?OTTOM PRICE. A HRAND NEW AND HOROUGHLY MODERN 6-ROOM, -AND BATH, COTTAGE, 340S SOUTH 1TTH. A , SMALL CASH PAYMENT, BALANCE LIKE RENT, ENQUIRE;,' DOUGLAS 4s84.: REAL ESTATE FARM AWO lUAvU UNU FOR tALat Arkaaeaa. - HOME8EEKERS After traveling over the west 1 found the best -bargalna, beet'" crops, clover ( feet high, wheat, oats, Cora': and everything, including water and cli mate, good prairie land, 20 to 330 per acre, Benton county, Ark., or Delaware county1' Oklahoma, Bee your map. For- particular : and prloea sand tamp. J. T. Oswalt Gray vette. Ark. '-.-; . i .- Colored. ' MUST BE BOLD" TjHia : MONTH. 63,720. ' ! acre ranch; District of ' Camargo. - Old Mexico's paradise: climate : perfect; alti-. tude 4.200 feet; -between . cities, railroad;, 36,000 acres beautiful rich valley land,, abundantly productive; 2u0 brood marea; 10 Jacks; 166 mules; 100 horses; 14 head ' cattle (Herefords); plows,, harrow, . Feed er, scrapers,' cultivator, planter,' to.( furnished home, hall safe, blacksmith shop, . harness shop uo sets harness); numeroue buildings; rock corrals, etc; So miles wired fence; abundant wa'or. All thla complete for aulck aale. 8125,000. Easy terns or part exchange. Wire for particular. A W. Johnston, 1754 Stout St. Denver, Colo. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ONE OF the finest IrrlgatJd ranches In the state; 1,00 acre In all; all under Irrigation) hav ing 33 feet of paid up water whioh alone I worth $70,000; two railroad -have sta tions on the place; five sets of Improve mental the very finest of soil; - land lies perfect Here la one of the very best propositions ever offered for. aale and will bear the very closest Investigation; la a aura money maker to the man who can handle It. Addreas Ralph . R. Drennen, Fort Morgan, Colo,, COLORADO : LAND. V ' Irrigated farms and the most nroductlve of the United States, wbere crop failures lire unknown: . , . .. . , , 20 acres, per acre (4 187 acres, per acre., 106 174 acres, per acre............................ lift, 178 acres, per acre la 120 acres, per acre 120 11 acres, per acre...... 176 This land lava In near Severance Wa have the crops to show what kind of land we have. Come and see them and satisfy yourself. J. A, Whit more, 8evereance, Colo. ' Iadlssa,- MY BUMMER HOME And. 48-acr farm. K mile from Cedar Lake, Indiana's popular resort; ftrhlng, boating, bathing; finest apot In the country; main road pasaea houae: price lncludus all property, consisting of line i-rooan nouse, -room cottage, elegant b. ar.d oths houae; make money raising poultry'; Ideal spot for poultry farm; 1,000 ohlckena, 4 cows, 3 calves, 4 horses, -.harness, buggy, farm Implementa; sacrifice price 35,000, one fourth down, remainder 10 years to pay, Aa a bargain thla proper outolaaaea any thing ever offered In Indiana; no dickering: flrat buyer gets It; be quick. John Bodkin. 302 Dearbon at. Chicago. .. . . Florida. . 7 FLORIDA LAND A fw bargains; whole sale and retail; write for particulars. Frank L. Bills & Co.. 126 Monroe St. Chicago. 7 Kansas. LABETTE and Cberoke counties, Kan- J sas. Bargains in flie Improved farms, best bargains in the state; corn, wheat, oata and alfalfa lands; fine Improvements; near market. Write for descriptive Hat and our special proposition to Investor Matthewa at Walters. Oswego, Kan. FOR SALE 80,000 acres splendid land; railroad runs through it for 1 miles. Two sets of Improvements, about two-third till able. Best colonization proposition ever of- 1 fered. For a quick srfie, 3T &0 per acre. Lo. ' cation right. Won t last long. Addreas '1 he Allen County Investment Co., Longton. : Kan. - k, lovra,. . , t GOOD Iowa and Minnesota land to ex--change for general merchandise and hard ware stocks. Many good bargalna. The Mercantile Adjustment Co Guthrie Cen ter, la. Michigan, MICHIGAN farm, 160 acre: large fram house and barn; 40 acres cultivated; 60 acres hay ' land; 60 acres . timber; small orchard; one rnlle to R. R. station; near sood flMhlng IhUb, Price $12. W per acre. Victor Relnhardt Newaygo,. Mich. tenants.. Losing a Uuaat 1 - -- .isw.M u i 7 ii I '' anew aa