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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
. . - - -- - - - " ' -- 1 - i 1 " ' i i Want- Ads Want ads rleo any li le Imn praper olaaalf Icatlon bo prtnalti for IX a'clorlt for (ha arealng edition, and before Ti3 o'clock af prevlona morning ! Inter editions, nds received after aocn """I" , nave their flrat lnert4on headlnc "Too Lata to Clns-llr fo. Cask mast eeomaaar u - wln bo aooeoton for laaa tba flrat Insartlasu n.llr sr Rataa apply to lt- Tho D aaday Baa. fc ,.. CASH KATE! FOR WAJ!l-Oaa REGULAR CLASSIFICATION f laaartlon, 1 1-2 eaate ""..aat oent per word for each. d9 OB Insertion. Kaek Ineertlon ai.BO odd day, 1- eenta er ' par llae par month. Want ada for Tba et at any of tba folovlnc ra "lly U roar o.r.f dr"V Tbo Bee aro all braach offte" or ?" t and r-r ad will ba " "J promptlr 4 ! .J,",dl. tba mala office la Tbo seventeenth aad rim treoiei Albach. W. C 40th ana B.r.nek. S A.. 1403 HM.81,, pay ton Pharmacy. 739 So. 1 Benson Pharmacy. Benson. J? r.min. Bemts Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Blade-Bradlsh, 2814 Sherman Av. Caughlln. C. R.. 6th and f Clifton HIU Pharmacy. Mil Military At Hlntertong- Drug Co.. list Are. ana Far nam 8t Crlssey Phartnaoy, th anil Lake. Coone Pharmacy. t23 S. lth Bt CermaJc, Emll, 1264-6 So. 13th St. Ehler, F. H.. 204 Leavenworth. Foster dt Arnold 1. 813 No. 26th St Freytag. J. J.. 1914 N. 4th 8L Freerer Pni Co.. 130 No. Wth St Florence Dm Co., Florence, Neb. Green e Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Paoina Oreenourh. O. A., 106 Po. 10th St. Oreenout-h, O. A.. 10th and Hickory. Havden. William. S0 Farnam St. Hamcom Park Pharmacy. 1W1 8. 19th Ava Holot. John. K N. Kth St Huff. A. L.. !4 Leavenworth 8t Johanaon Drug Co.. Mth and Spauldlng Kins. H. B Farnam 8t. Kountse Place Pharmacy. 1W4 K. 24th. Marea. Fred L-. S01W Central Blvd. Patrick Dm Co.. 14 N. Hth St. Lathrop, Charlea S.. 13?4 N. 24th St. Coldmart Pharmacy, Mth and Leaven worth Sta. Paratpri Drue' Co.. S4th and Amea Ava Bchaefor'a Cut Price Drug Store. 18th and cniraco 8t. . "chaefr. An., S31 N. Wth. Fchmldt 3. H., Kth and Cumin f Sta. - walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming: DEATH AND FUNERAL XOT1CES. HANNA-Mrs. Catherine, age . 80 years. July 2. !Funeral from family resllence. 1810 Burt street, Thursday, 5:15 a. m. to Holy Family church, 6:45 a. m.. thence to Burlington depot. , Interment Melrose, la. Please omit flowers. Mrs. Hanna Is survived by four daughters, Mrs., Catherine Carr, Melrose, la., and Margaret, Mary and Sarah Hanna of Omaha. LODGE NOTICES. Fraternal t'nlon of America members of Mondamln lodge No. Ill, are requested to attend the funeral of sister ora Beitrliahm fiom the f m:ly residence, 541 Sjuth T.vei-iy-attvtmh mreet, .iiurdj t 1 p. m. in ttrment at Forest Lawn. J. B. BROOKS, Fraternal Maater. SOPHIA MILLER, Secretary. CARD OF THANKS We wlah to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted ua during our recent aad misfortune, In the death of our two dear children, Herold and Ethel; also for the many beautiful floral tributes. MR..AND,MRS: E. W. BEEMAN. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been Issued to the louowing coupies: Name and Residence. Age, Richard A. Rutherford, Omaha Jl Susbiino C. seott. Omaha 25 Frank H. Maglnn, Greeley 34 juary urowno, omaha 34 Jacob Qatxomeyer, Bancroft 27 Agnee Ionian, Omaha..., , 20 Ihul R. Heilieri, Omaha .,t 81 Mary 1, Brown, Omaha jg James Sutherland. South'' Omaha n Serena P. Nellaon, Thornton, la 23 ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., Under- lakora embalmars. 1614 Chicago. D. 1659, B-16&' $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All sizes, all widths and Leathers. ALEXANDER, od Floor Paxton Block. COUTANT & SQUIRES, COAL OFFICE REMOVED TO 310 South 17th Bt Edward Johnson, Successor to , Barrett-Johnson TAILORING CO announce that after August 1 ther will be in tneir new store, secona iioor city Na tional bank building. Big removal una now on at tne old atore, Jackson and 16th Sta. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED PhODKUAAHl) S. It Inaurea good luck. 11 a. ittn at. at to sign 01 tba crown. BRANKE1S" DRUG AND PHOTO UK PARTMENT-Wa do all kinds of develop ing and finishing. Films left before noon vtii ta rinlvned same day. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa (44. MAGGARD Van tc Storage or Omaha Trunk, tin c storage Co. rack. move. Mora and ahtp H. H. good a D. It. U-ZU. ELEVATORS REPAIRED: freight Da a enger. J, R. Kennedy. 104 8- 13th. Doug, mt GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH, ft rrc; A. JETawS, UU1 Douglaa 8t v 8. H. Cola Sign Co.. D. 3781 Ul( Farnam. PHOTOGRAPHIC 8UTPL1ES. Saratoga Zlrug Co.. lUi and Ames. Vv. 116. B-1014. B. r. WURN, Opttotan, 443-1 Brandels Bldg. STORE TOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF VAULT8. Nominal coat 8HU SERT's, l&th and Harney. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 7lo large bot tle. KLEIN LlgUOR HOUSE. 6 N. lth t Douglas U76. X AM A f AS Cleaned, bleached, blocked. ANNOUNCEMENTS iContinued ) THE MODEL LAUNDRY A rVrITT",'Ii,CJ The INSTALLATION AAiNUUJNL.r.iO Gf A new system which gua antpfB all washing to be done with aoft, hot. filtered and germ-proff water. These added facllltlea. combined with our uaual good service, aaeure you ot the best In laundry work at no extra ccst. fc' ti.. . . .. l. i mtiA A rtn ftC. ner lb. THE MODEL LAUNDRY. 1110-12 Dodge. Omaha'a Sanitary Soft Water Laundry. Tup UrtUP ITT rnvlTT'RPl CO.. 20 Der cent leas than Omaha prlcea. 24th and u Sta., South Omaha. ILEB GRAND HOTEL lUh and ' Howard Sta. DR. J. F. McAVIN Dentlat. located 434 Brandela Theater Bid. ED. ROTHERY clgara. Cafe In connection. Ill 8. 14th. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. wln-Williama palnta. oils, varnlahea, glaaa. wnue ieaa, wn ymyvi, . 7 JViVT and picture framing. 1EL8.: BELL VOVQ. ornT iuitaqit iinAn vtilde: elk. deer. sheep ana bear, wrue, mnnwii MRS. H. LIVINGSTON, Halrdreselng, Shampooing, Massage and all lines oi ni drelng. E. Burnham method only. Phone Doug. &M. PICNIC LUNCHES V0Z home cooklnu, cakea, plea and cold pies. DELICATESSEN rev nnv a t "alwayb the best." IKjXj KjIXEjAUL HARDING'S Ice Cream. Wedgewood Cre. Butter. Harding cream lo. LA I' Til N H. Keireaning, A. Kj X KJJS iiiBummer Drink. Dally retail delivery. Aak your doctor. Alamlto. . - i . .. LVXTfTfT wwns REPAIR WORK. 70S 8. 16th St. D. UTt. SPAT.TTK Independent Scale Repair Co. ovniiuo Relating, rebuilding and teat REPATREI) in- Refitted acales aolrt. CARTOR 8HEET METAL WORKS Wi-LVAJliXe hav move1 t0 thel, .w plant, 110-13 South Tenth Street. ENGRAVED STATIONERY Weddlnga, anouncements, calling cards. lvotera & Leary Co., 1506 Jackson. Douglas 1M0. T?nT? r A VVQ Watch our specials at vx. y.xLJK HAYDEN'S BAKERY DEPT. Try Haydea'a first It pays. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns, 316 6 l&th. upstairs. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house snd porch screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW SCKEKN CO.. A SANITARY NECESSITY. iTOU EVERY HOME. 624 N. 16th St. Call Doug. 4692. JOHN NITTLER Hm,,S?SSSnf TJTYTTK THE BEER YOU LIKE .w ,, j.h C. Dorglas 1899, Red 3832; Independent A-1420 KODAKS n1 upplles; largest stock; ixvfiitvo AMATEUR FINISHING oesi worn. VEMP&TKil. UT6 larmm Bt MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit, iiio Kee Blclg. U is IV ft liUA UUUfANI,- THE GROCERY BUSINESS at ISth and Mason Bts., conducted by M. Newman, has been purchased by . Mauro and 8. Za hint REiI0VrAL NOTICE WE W.LL BE LOCATED IN SUITE 820- 26 New olty National Bank Bldg. on and after August . 1. 1110. TATE-EHRHAHDT COMPANY, LANDS. LOANS AND CITY HEAL, BSTATK, DOUGLAS 4403. WATCH THE POSTMASTER Robertson 's Restaurant f. AO til Ol. Kaamant 1ln-K ...It I . rvtc, popular prices. For ladles and a . y uti aire tuuniiig ILT m LUUJj XA-jAJo, w vucitu vui Bvciiinga, vuu JUI119 m Vin- yard and Summer Garden, and enjoy the Amirhtft tr. 11 at In nf haa UTTNH lUTtvt lttr LI W TT A 4.. e- . twi -a.-a-iJ w . JUDI. IUI)i4 ICU 41 Will "will cawu fur tiiia pupulur i taut i. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Makes the Best Aulo Tops (or the price. All kinds auto work.. Re pairing in wood work. Iron . worn. B painung in un ui. ocuu in juur cars. j iaLU man arjr olb. FOUR-CYLINDER BUICK fntlv aoulDDed with top; thoroughly over hauled; guaranteed to be In firat-class condition; 7 months old. BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. VEL1E AUTO CO., Call for deinonatratlon, 18th and Farnam Sis. WE have for IMMEDIATE SALE a two cylinder. Ilve-paaaenaer Rambler car. th rear aeat neiacnaoie, giving rine spuce for delivery box. juai tne tning lor a con tractor or delivery mail. This Is a big bar gain at 6376. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTOMOBILE CO. Kb f arnam 01. tei. uougiaa 6. 1907 6-PASSENGER, 4-cylinder Frankllr IUU 1 1 1 H 1 wwai 9., qw, Willi- out glaaa front and top, which are Included In price, $1.2oo. Inquire of Wm. Pfelffer. Jr., 1014 Omaha National Bunk Bldg., formerly K' Turk I-lfe Bloa. Tel. Red mil. AUTOMOBILE for Sale Four passenger auto, 64O0; nearly new; hard luck; yiti takes It. Nowata Land A Lot Co., 663 New York Life Biag. nea iww. Uv 11 iTHl' Repairing by experiencej AVi. A t mwl Oreenough. 116 S. M FOR RENT BRICK BARN for autorao- unm ' ' . t- 4 T-f-i t TVTO Sllvhtlv used cara. w CAIVUAli o .. Xut0 Co 2la Farnam Auto Repairing M" T.SS, od Tlrea. Id-hand cara, atorage. The Paxton Mitchell Co.. 3010-16 Harney. D. 7231; A-30U. Bargains in Used Cars Bluffs Auto Co.. 616 Peart Fend for list Co. BEND for our Hat of second-hand ear, DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 114 Farnam at FOR SALE Exceptional bargain In 7 paatenger Lexington (newt;, will demon strate. Hee Blake, with Pax ton-Mitchell Co.. 3010-13 Hurney St. 20 H. P. SCHAt.'HT. frlotlon driv a.ito In excellent condition, at half price. Cen tral Implement Co., 1117 Farnam kit AUTOMOBILES (ContlnuedJ We Have tbe Following NEW CARS For Immediate Delivery Locomobile touring car . ?55 Locomobile roadaier kiatheson roadster, baby tonneau . (Stoddard-Dayton, '-paseenger, touring. X.DOU btoddard-Dayton roadater, baby ton- neau 2,800 Btoddard-Dayton, torpedo body 2."0 Btoddard-Dayton roadster 1. Btoddard-Dayton, -Baby tonneau .o0 American Mora J.lw Traveler Regal L100 Slightly Used Cars Stoddard-Dayton roadster n... 1.000 Btoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring.. 1,400 Btoddard-Dayton, i-paaaenger, with tnnrinf mnA llmruiHin hndv.. 1.600 Btoddaru-Dayton, 6-paaaenger , 1 jexmgion, (-paasenger Wlnton touring, 6 passenger 1.200 Some Waverly electrics, 160 to 400 Discount Dealers. TlVmmiT AUTOMOBILE-COMPANY, JJrjlVlUXlA 1818 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA, NEBRASKA AGENTS WANTED here to place agencies for 1911. Lexington Car $1,650, includ ing Bosh Magneto. A live com petitor for .any car selling up to $3,000 and the best proposi tion on the market today. Get a demonstration. A. M. BLAKE, 2010-12 Harney St., Care the Paxton-Mitchell Co. RECEIVER'S SALE Automobiles Following cars offered for immediate sale: New. 61.400. 1810 model. 30-horse power Haliday touring car, complete with top and glaaa front, at $1,150. One $,000, Maxwell touring car, wun top, fine condition, at $850. One $1,460,. 1UU6 modal, 24-horse power Rambler touring car, detachable tonneau, at $360. Also Empire, Morgan A Wright Flske and G. & J. tires, casings and tubes, tops, rumble seats, lamps, horns, metal polish, etc., at cut prices. Above cars will be sold by receiver ap pointed by United States court for CHARLES F.: LOUK, 2060 Farnam St. WE ARE lust closing out the last of our 1810 PARRY Touring Cars, just unloaded, brand new. and a fine car for the money, $1,486. This car has 116-Inch wheel base and xa-horse-DOWar. we will mane me price right. Don't fall to sea this car before buying if you want a bargain. HWEET-EUWAKDS AUTO t,U., 2062 Farnam St, Tel. Doug. 3086. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 250 to $3.66. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-iUl 8. 16th. a nA.unr.tTT9 AiilnmrthUa In flntk unndl. tlon. $360. H. O. Chapman, 309 8. 13th St AUTOGENOUS WELDING CRANK CASES and CASTINGS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Council Bluffs, la. write for list of automobile bargain H. E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. A4,. T "MURPHY DID IT" xiutu x omim8 Qet our priCe, AN DREW MURPHY, 1412 Jacksoa. COMPLETE Una auto accessories and supplies. Nebraska buick auio uo.. umsna. HAVE you seen the new 1911 Model SO "Moon Cr-s?" If you haven't, you have overlooked something. The largest engine and all the way round tne best constructed of any $1,600 car In the jnarxet. See them at our garage. SWEET-EDWARDS .AUTU CU., . 2062 Farnam St, Tel. Douglas 3085. Motorcycles. SECOND" HAND MOTORCYCLE SALE ' These wheels are In condition to give good service,' . and are bargains! One Fletcher Special Thor engine, ju h P.; wheel In fair condition; rear tire new; price $ 7S One Mi del $ Thor. In good condition; rear tire new; price 100 One Markel, In good tideable condition, 2tt H. P. engine; price 100 One Excelsior, 4 H. P. engine; rear tlra One Thor, model A, In first-class con dition; price 160 new, general appearance of wheel good; price 150 We carry a full Una of parts and sun dries for motorcycles. , . NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb. Write For List w. T of THORparts. WEBBaivA xjia8 BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call oa GANGEoTAD. 404 Bee omg. ei. aj. m. FOR SALE Grocery and meat market doing a gooa ouameas. locaieu in council Bluffs; reaaon for selling have other bual n . rnnlHn mv attention. Addreaa R. care Bee, Council Bluffs, la.. FOR SALE Hardware and furnltut stock In good Nebraska town; also well -tabllshed millinery business. Mrs. Ida Naff, 316 N. 30th St. Omaha. FOR BALE Small planing mill, electric motor nd about 18 machines. Cost about $4 000. Will sell for half price. All In splendid condition and working. to capacity every day. Low rent. Reaaon for selling, too many other interests. Terms If de sired. Willis R. Munger, $17 Francis St, tit Josaptv, Mo. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) DANDY little reetaurant In Omaha, must sell at onre, owner sick; might exchange for lot or rooming house. $300. GANGESTAD. Room 404, Bee Bldg. WILL sell half Interest In $4.on0 drug store and pay druggist a salary; $j00 caah required. Address H 48$. Bee. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALE Here Is a bargain. 10-room rooming house, all In A No. 1 condition; cheap rent; all rooms well rented. Price. 6676.00. Location. 14tb and Dodge. LATHROP A TOBIN, 431 Be. FOR SALE A money-maker. An old established harness shop In Hiawatha, N. E. ; employs lour men; aoing an annual business of $26,000; a, full Una of buggies, eto. In connection; good reason for selling. Coma and see us, or write for further In formation If desired, (Office In 600 block.) Allen ft Hlgglns, Real aetata and In surance. GOOD MEAT MARKET, doing aood business, for sale cheap; easy terms. Frank Johnson, Jefferson, la. GOOD PAYING POOL HALL: must be old at once regardless of price, owing to accident to proprietor. Fbone Webstar 3731. HOUSE moving business for sale, cheap: going away. Write for particulars.' George Lammera, Hartlngton. Neb. WE HAVE customers wanting to locate In Nebraska, wanting to buy farms, gen eral stores, hardware, hotels, restaurants, rooming nouses, etc. What nave you that you want to sell. Write us at once. Hoff- an'a Compiled List Report, Desk O.. Wichita, Kan. FOR SALE Pool hall, lunch room, box ball alley and confectionery and cigars. A bargain. Address Y 384, Omaha Bee. SEE me for city and farm Investments. Alex Chapman, 130 Neville Blk. D. 169S. FOR 8 ALB or EXCHANGE A live and Drosperous Omaha mfx. concern wishes to ell or exchange Its plant with large stock of MARKETABLE GOODS. MATERIALS. TOOLS, etc Will take $500 cash and J1.600 In clear city or Interurban property. F. R. SILTZ, Room 3, 1803 Harney. TO BUY. SELL OR TRADE. Bee Midland Inv. Co., 103 McCague Bldg Nab. GOOD furniture business: must sell on account death In family. 1406 Dodge. WELL established and good paying dress making business patronised by the best women of the city, can be bought very cheap If taken at once. Best of reasons for selling. Address Miss R. Atkinson, 1802 Far nam St. Tel. Douglas 2060. ON 8 ALE FOR 30 DAYS A $11,000 stock. (about) dry goods, shoes, etc. A good prop osition. In agricultural district In Nebraska Fine chance tor one or two young men. You are dealing direct with owner. Ad dress X-14S. care see. FOR SALE Hotel dining room receipts (50 to $60 daily; ail cash business; every thing in ao. a ounaiuun; uiiv iuwuud, a bargain If taken at once. Address P 436, Bee. . J FOR RENT about Sept 1: central loca tion, one of the best business towns of Ne- hrulta: modern stom buiioinn. w.uuo xeet floor space; now .building; suitable for de partment store. . Adores x-0, nee. FOR SALE Dwelling, and blacksmith shop equipped with modern tools and com plete stock. For particulars, writ the w armers Biaie uu ua aiiuua, mu. 14 000 Good, clean stock of dry goods. ahnxa. ladles' furnishing goods and flxturea. This stock of goods will be sold August 1, 1910, at 3 p. m. to highest bidder; stock not oVer 6 years old. For runner informa tion and particulars write or wire Brown 8. Burke, trustee, wainut, la. WANTED Location for good, clean mov ing picture Hhow; state population and whetner town nas eiectno iignis. j rm. DO vou need capital? My July Inooporat- lm flntlnA- Cos remarkably successful Meeting dally people with money, will handle paying propositions. Promoter 610 Paxton blk CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1605 Farnam St. Douglaa 6497. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO. Carpenter, paperhanging, brick work, etc, low prlcea; satisfaction guaranteed. 'Phone Harney 3637; Harney 3010. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY, rim, watarnrnof concrete blocks ar guar anteed. Phon factory. 8. 801. offic phone W. 2080. BEAVER BOARD AMEP.ICAN SUPPLY CO., 1113 Farnam St fWlPTlt BWkn. Omaha Concrete Ston Yemeni diocks Co 28th av and Sahler St Phon Webster 886. DETECTIVES OMAHA 6eeret Servle Deteotlve agency. Inc. and bonded, 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. CAPT. T. COKIf ACK. 617 Karbach. P. Wtt DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. 3d floor. Paxton. P. 1036 TAFT'B Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglaa St. M. I. GORDON, 616 Brandels Theater Building. DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th and Farnam. DRESSMAKING dona at Terry College. Prices reasonable. 20th and Farnam ols. i EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE ! IS NOW OPEN. Prepare for profitable positions In book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service; aur to b open In th fall and winter. Th year book Is ready. Apply for It Students admitted any day. BOYLES COLLEGE Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb Both Phonea 8T. ANDREWS SCHOOL FOR BOY8-41ST AND CHARLES. Rer. F. D. Tyner. 3S48 Charlea. Har. 2363. Mosher-Lampman llege Unexcelled course n Busings, Short hand. Penmanship and English. None bul experienced teachers. Day and night ses sion. Most Interesting catalog- published In Omaha. Send for on today. MOSHER LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam streets. Omaha. Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Ideal summer drink. Alamlto Lactone 0! AWTTA TJYMAIRDRESSINO parlora O All 1 A 1 u jrlmUo cream uaed and sold. 601 Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 4b71. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers msk clear, white skin. By mall 60c i od 41 On. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. WHEN writing to advertiser kindly aay you saw their ."ad. in in . , FLORISTS 1. F. wtt rnv r-mmnii m... t . greenhouses In went; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. & A. DONAHUE. J607 Far. D. 1001: A-100L L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Doug. 1231 HESS A SWOBODA. 3415 Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES, Marvel Coal Chutea, Fur nacea. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronta. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-$ Douglas St. Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. ' YOUNG LADY for aenaral nfflre work. One who can operate typewriter. Must be quick and accurate. Answer In own hand writing stating what salary expected. Ad dress K 496. Bee YOUNG lady for filing and record work In office of local branoh of automobile manufacturer. High school graduate or someone with a good office experience. D 4M. Bee. Factory and Trade. WANTED Experienced bindery girl. 414 S. 14th St. J. A. Medlar Co. Housekeepers nnd Domestics, LADIES WANTED Tak work home; apply transfers; $1 to $4 doi. ; work guaran teed. Trleber 316 Brandels Theater Bldg. encs. 'Phone Harney 36. 123 North 39th St GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt St. WANTED A competent girt for general housework. 610 Second Ave., Council Bluffs. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work. 'Phon Douglaa 3069. GOOD girl for general housework. 6016 Cass St Tel. Harney i4ZL HOUSEKEEPER, In small family, at once. A. D. Perry, 113 E. Pierce 6t, Council Bluffs. 'Phone Ind. 1300 M. COMPETENT girl for general housework; gcod wages. 322 S. 36th St 'Phone H 619. COMPETENT woman or girl for general housework; no waamng; ia per month. Call at 333 Board of Trad Bldg. GIRL for general housework. 2111 Doug las St GIRL to assist with car of house morn ings and evenings In- exchange for room and board; close In. Tel. Harney 4796. WANTED Good experienced second srlrl nice place, good wages. Louis R. Metz, 632 S. 26th bt : WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1116 N. 23d St.. South Omaha. 'Phone South 44. WANTED A neat young girl to assist with house work; two In family. 8303 Popple ton Ave. - - -- , WOMAN for general ' house work In private boarding house. 601 8. 33d. 'Phone 3450 Harney. GOOD girl for general housework; good wages; wltn or wiinoui wasning. eia s 39th St WANTED Girl for general housework; one who can go' home nights. 2514 E St, South Omaha. WANTED Man for general work. 821 S. 29th St NURSE girl wanted to take care of child. 1930 Capitol Ave., rear. ' WANTED Good girl for housework; good wages; no wasning. xzot snerman Ave. GOOD cook wanted, at once; good wages; no laundry work. Apply sa . sitn tt WANTED A girl to help with housework and care for baby; can go home Wghts. Tel. Douglas 5890. 641 Central Blvd. OLD lady or girl wanted, at once. 1913 Dodge Bt ' GIRL to work. 128 N. Slat St WANTED Girl for general housework. 2302 F St. South Omaha. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, good cook, small family, $30 per month. 108 N. 31st Ave. GIRL for general housework; three In family; good wages. Tel. Webster 373. 590 N. 16th Bt WHITE washerwoman. 114 N. 25th St WANTED Washerwoman for Monday end Tuesday. Apply Mrs. R. F. Hall. 2224 Farnam ot WANTED At one, girl to assist with housework, car of child. 'Phon H two. GIRL for general housework, brand new house, fine room; place will be open Au gust 16. lei. Harney txfci. WASHERWOMAN for every other Mon day; young colored woman preferred. Tel Webster l&K. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wag. Inquire 721 1st Ave., Council Blutrs. A reliable girl tor general housework; cooking plain; permanent place to right girl. 4133 Farnam. Harney 3440. GIRL for general housework. 110 S. 31th. GIRL for general housework. Harney 6008. Mrs. L Elllck. 'Phon WANTED Washerwoman. 411 S. 19th St WANTED An experienced laundress; pre fer colored; Mondays. Tel. Harney Una. WANTED A good girl for general house work; small family. Mrs. U. IX 'Aunnicuii, 4f9 Davenport fit GIRL to assist with housework. 110 8. 34th St' WANTED A girl for general housework small family; good wages. 806 Park Ave. A GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. E. W. Cahow, 1314 & 32d St. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing or Ironing; no children References. Phon Web. 4029. WANTED-Woman to do laundry and general housework. Apply 110 b. 2ath tit. GOOD girl for general housework. No children juri. nupcnuium, eiv ixonn loin street WANTED Good girl for general house' work. No washing. Wages, $6 per week Apply $338 Harney street. A GIRL wanted for general housework 1310 South 26lh Ht 'Phone Xouglas 5T2. GOOD girl for general housework In fam ily of two; apply evenings. Thomaa, 1012 Georgia Av. 14 laeellaneons. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's ChrtMl'an aaeorlatlon building at St. Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asalated; look for our traveler's aid at Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Agents. Baleeaaen and Solicitors. WANTED In wholesale Jewelry bualnen a first-claas traveling salesman., who la acquainted with the dry goods and depart ment store merohants In Nebraska. M. A. F.rseman A Bro., 16 Market tit, Chicago, III. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on tha road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. Th Be Publishing Co. (6 A DAY easily made; new articles; sum mer necessities; write us today for at tractive proposition. H. E. Waddell Novelty Co., 679 Downing St., Denver, Colo. WANTED Flrst-claaa lot or stock sales men to sell high grace irrigated vlnvyards In the famous Pecos Valley of Texas on Installment plan. FORT bXOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE YARDS CO., HAMLIN. 'A EX. A FIRST-CLASS representative to handle our up-to-date line of Jewelry nov elties In Nebraska; must furnish excellent references, also bond. Good proposition to right party; must call In person, don't write.' D. Margoff, HM Brandels Theater Uldg. Clerical and, Office. CREDIT MAN, $12s! 6 bookkeepers, $to-$ti6-$70-$75. Shipping clerk. tj5. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC. 762-4 New York Life Bldg. (Est. 8 Yrs.) POSITIONS for several good bookkeepers and stenographers. See us at once. PAR. SONS EMPLOYMENT CO., 813 Bee Bldg. CLERK In cigar store, experience pre ferred, good salary. H. Besselln A Son, 1404 Douglaa. DRUG clerk of 2 or 3 years' city exper ience; good salary. 2402 Cuming. Factory and Trndea. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Knlest. Bee Bldg. A. E. ROBERTS, reliable emn. aeent. Successor to Martin A Co., 1511 Capitol Ave. WANTED Men to learn barber trmte- $15 to $20 weekly paid graduates; few weeks qualities; can earn ioois ana Doara from start; busy season for barbers. Call or' write Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St, Omaha. WANTED Competent armature winder and motor man. Address Electrical Con struction Co., Sioux City, la. WANTED Drug clerk. DeHaven. Coun cil Bluffs. TINSMITH8 wanted at once. AddIv to Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr A Co., Bur lington shops. Havelock. Neb. WANTED Experienced carpenters and millwrights. Write or apply U. S. Gypsum Co., New Mineral City Mill, Construction Dept., Fort AJoage, ia. VV ill' i U lJ ,jutiin idi iiiiiriin villain! , union; night work; steady; $21 week. Wlr Hawkeye, Burlington, la. WANTED First-class All-round Candv Maker. Steady position to right man. The Ettlng Candy Co.. Grand Island, Nob, Miscellaneous. Aj.w. - J - ' ' ... for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept 162 R. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED An all round harness maker tnr retail shop: use Landis machine: har ness and saddle repairing a specialty; good Job; good pay for a man who can handle the work. Man with family preferred. No boozers need apply. Address J. W. Vannoy, Fallon, Neb. WANTED Carnival company, Arapahoe, Neb., for street fair August 30 to Septem ber 2. Inclusive. Base ball games and other free attractions. Write Emll Hartmann, Arapahoe, Neb. IF you know people having little money to Invest, $2 day and commission to begin ners, big salary later. Promoter, 610 Pax ton block. WANTED Railway mall clerks; govern ment clerks at Washington; postofflc clerks; carriers, Omaha. Examinations September 21 and November 12. Preparation free. Franklin Institute. Dvpt 173 S. Roch ester, N. Y. WANTED An experienced shoe man, capable of acting as assistant to buyer. Apply by mail, giving full particulars In first letter. Address, H. Herpolsheimer Co., care Joseph L. Feldman, Mgr. Shoe Dept., Lincoln, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE! AND FEMALE. WANTn-sn gooa agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block. Omaha. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system la death to germs and 11 a to you; protect your family by sending ua your laundry. Phone Douglaa 3630. Omaha Steam Laundry, 17M Leaven worth Bt YOU MISS the best laundry servle If you fall to patroniaa us. National Laundry. 1316 Cuming 8t LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lioraea and Vehicle., W A HONS Buggies, eta Will sell you )aAUU10, better grade of work nnd for less money than anyone els In Omaha or Council Bluffs. 1117 Farnam St T?ol-milt Bugglea and Wagons, cheap. Iteuutit Mulpny & sorli iAln and Jack A. ackson. 25 PER CENT OFF on LEATHER HORSE COLLAR B. Blj bar gain In HARNESS and FLY NETS. HAYDEN'S. Harness Dept. BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN H, Ths Cut Prlc Feed Man. 619 8. 13th St REGISTERED Percheron stallion; a per. feet horse; weight 1700 lbs., Jet black, has bred 6i mares this season. Will sell or trade for milch cows. Price, $G00. Addreaa R L. Osborn, Harlan, la. STANDARD BRED, LARGE BAY HORSE, tsood Concord buggy, harness and blankets, iu0 for this splendid physician's outfit. E-507, Bee. THE women and children can drive the black mare and we will sell the runabout, too. Phone Harney 8346. TAKEN UP One bay mare, weight about 1100; black mane and tall; white hind feet; owner can have same by calling at 4a36 Bedford Ave. Read the auto snaps The many new automobile, now being gold by Omha dealers, hag placed on the market gome exceptional anaps In (lightly used machine!. On today's want ad pages, under the clasalflcaltion "Au tomobiles", are special bargains. The pick of them alL Everybody read Baa want ada. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE tcontlnued.) Cows, Birds, Dogs, nnd Pet. PURE whit Angora cats and kittens. 2416 Davenport Pt., Omaha. ' LOST AND FOUND Tho TWMtr Hoi.ExP"-t cleanetn , and A4AV A V N J A V- 4.4 A Dyers. 1818 Hafiry. . . . 1 : la ',. LOST A Chicago & Northwestern hay' " check No. 39060 by the name of Peter Papos," ' -dated July 2i. 11)10; $." reward ReCurti 'to1 V 617 So. 13th St., Omaha. LOST Black sealskin pocketbook. R. E. DAVIS, lettering under upper lap. Liberal reward when returned to owner at 1818 Far nam St.. Omaha, LOST On Farnam car Monday afternoon, string of coral beads and gun metal coin purse and chain. Reward If returned to 113 8. 2!th Ave. Tel. Hmney ISM. ' MEDICAL Dr. McGrew Ha given his entire professional life to th treatment of all forr.s of chronic and apo dal diseases of men. For 35 yenrs he has'' been known and trusted by all. 28 year In Omaha. Charges low. If you hav no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGraw Co., 216 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. '. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60o postpaid; samples free, h bar man A McConneil Di-ug Co.. Omaha, FREE Crelgh port flnement cases: all treatment aunarvls by college profasaors. 'Phone Douglaa 117." ' Calls answred. day and night MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. $wm$$w$j$$$$$$$,$$$$tw$t$$$$$$$$ . $t $$ NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CHEAP MONEY FOR YOUR SUMMER . .' , . VACATION. .. $10 TO $1,000 - -LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD ' FURNITURE, riANOS. SALARIBS. $$ $$ 11 $1' THIS IS A NEW FIRM ' $$ Organised by the REPUTAB7.E Jl BUSINESS MEN of this city to Tro- U tect honest working people In need $t of temporary help from the exorbl- $$ innt cnargea ot the so-called Moan $$ companies. We will loan you all th $ 1 money you want and charge? you only $1 ten per cent a year.'1 $ THIS MEANS' TOTJ PAY ' $1 $1 Interest on $ 10 fori year.' $ 2 Interest on 25 for 1 year. ' $t 10 Interest on 100 for 1 year. ' 7 ti And all other sums In proportion.: $t Easy weekly or Monthly' Payments. ' $$ . Reasonable Appraisement Chara-na. tt t$ A Klance at the above mlea will it $$ convince you how much you kave by tl Id dealing with ua. , , at $4 NO RED TAPELu .10, XE(,ti money in y6Vr wTckBx li $ WITHIN AN HOUR $ $$ ROOM 204 WITHNELL BUILDING, U $$ INDEPENDENT LOAN CO, $$ $$ Doug. 6046, N. E. Cor. loth and Harney $4 , e$$$$wwmvW wm$$ BEST nerve bracer tor . man. Gray ' . W J Narv Food pills. $1 a box. poktpald: Sher T V I C man A McConneil Drug. Co.. Omaha. - 1 ' :E medical aid surgical treatment al V f iton Medical college. 14th and Daven. ' ' sts.: special attention Daid to eon ' Cash Quick on Easy Terms ;; Hav you ever thought of . borrowing money on your furniture, piano or teamt If you haven't Just think how easy It la to get a loan from ua and have your pay. ments so small that you will not rolse them $1.20 I the weekly payment on ar'" ' $60 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts ln ' the asm proportion. It you hav a loan -lit present and th company suits you, stay with them. If they d-w't suit you. com In and let us explain our 60-week plan to you. We ar dally taking up loana front other companies and advancing mora -money. Why not let us do the same for . . youT Money srved Is money earned. Phon or mall applications receive our prompt at- tentlon. Private and reliable. State Mortgage Loan Co., ' Room 12, Arlington Blk., 18111 Dodg Bt Phon Dpuglaa 46. , MONEY I NEED ANY? GO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co i 119 Board of Trad Bldg. Southwest Cornsr 16th and Farnam Sta. Telephone Douglas 2296. Rate cheaper than any . advertised. W can prove It CHATTEL LOANS . AT BANKABLE RATES. V ', , NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room T Crouns Block. Coru 16 ua aiuf Capitol Av. Opposite Postofflc. , . Both Phonea Doug. 1356; A-1366. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 : W. C FLATAU, 1514 nodn Tel. Red 661). MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLT0. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OT1-W. ER8, without security; eaay payments Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, roora 6 New York f.lf" Hlrtg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. ElectrU vacuum system. 809 8. 17th. .Tel. D. lSfig, EXP. Delivery Co.. offtcs lflth and Dav. enport 8ts.. warehouse, 2207-09 Izard St WTiitpwnshiTHf Plastering. Flooie V niiewaMlinp waxed and polished. Wm. MeHea 311 Half Weh. Pt Har. ' OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Hoviue, CHOICE rooms with board. "Th Tent, plara." lHit Capitol Ave. THREE or four elegant connecting rooms, suitsble for ladles or gentlemen. with board. 2539 California St Douglas 615L COOL att front room, with board. 8. 26th Si. Phon Douglas 3133. 213 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep tag; slsu room and 'oard. Tel. Douglaa 304$, 311 N. 2slh St ELEGANT room and board. 2539 Call fornla bt. ItL Doug. 6161. CLEAN furnished rooma and board with German (Cl.rUti.n) family. ln Capitol Ave, STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wail tab) for board and room. 714 N. 18th 8t MODERN rooms, with board. 433 a lata Bt Douglas 648. " V i i "7i V ,1 3! i -