Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1910, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE TVFTE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1910. Mm "IIIIWll ! III ! I II left Stock Greater Bargains Than Ever In the Famtus -Weller New Lota Brought Forward Thursday Brandeis Stores was by fax the greatest purchaser of any stcre in the west at the Tefft-Weller sale. We secured the choicest goods and much the biggest bargains. Read these specials: ' WOMEN'S FANCY PARASOLS Fine taffeta silk, pongee silk and fancy V mercerized styles, checked silk and silk' embroidered parasols, white and fancy colors they have fancy natural wood handles 'and .i it 1. i- Vi i r tney are worm as uign as o.w r, each; two lots at, each ffi 59c"d98c Tine Embroidered Nainsook and Batiste Galloons,4. Ribbon Galloons, Beading: aad Insertions Hundred! of pretty designs to select from widths up to 3 Inches values as high as 25c a yard at, per sC i IV ,1 I I -1.1 111 X 7 Fine All Silk Taffet Rib. bons; Numbers 5, 7 and 9 white and colors worth up to 10c C a yard, at, yd JC THURSDAY-EXTRA SPECIAL, ALL THE WAISTS from the Tefft-Weller Stock znThis let includes all Tefft- r Wcllcr salesmen's samples and surplus stock bcau- ful lingerie waists high and ovv nccH, lone and short eeves, embroidery and lace nmcd, were made to sell as gh as $2.00,, special, each-- All on SaU In Our Bargain Butrntnl Cloak Dpt. HUM. il lit - l 7 I ; hi 11 1 VI 17 U -a nsf Specials From the Tefft-Weller Stock i ' Wear Lot! of Woman's Wash Broaaee from the Te f f t-W 11 r took special ia prtoo 'f'On Our Sooond Floor, Clonic Dep. $5 Children's Romp ers from the Te f f t-W e 1 1 e r stock, actually worth to 60c, at " 25 c Corset Covers and Drawers worth 25c and 3 So each, at 17. Women's Two- , piece wash lin en suits, worth to 12.60, at $3.50 Y Advance Notice Next Saturday Is Our Great Sale of Men's Pants Extraordinary purchase of men's trousers in light and medium weights flan noli, worsteds, casBlmeres, etc. all new styles on sale Saturday,' ": All the Men's Pants worth up to $3.50 go at 81.50 All tb Men's jf'ants worth up to $6.00 go at . 198 'Next Saturday is B$ Sale or Manhattan Shirts ' Grand Clearing Sale of all our Men's Manhattan Shirts, the finest made. "' " ' 1 $1.86 Manhattan Shirts at $1.15 $2.00 Manhattan Shirts at $1.38 .ou iiiu a. uu lutnuauiin auiris at mi mm All our Men's $3.50 to $6.00 Manhattan Shirts at... $2.45 -t. 5 nnMnn 1V1 lis 4. .1, MWU01 St. Paul . tnneapo arid Dultlth C Three splendid trains a day. via The North Western Line leave the Union Station, Omaha, at 7:50 a. m., 7:00 p. m. and 9:00;p. m. CJ There are hundreds of cool northern resorts in the woods and on the lakes in Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Lake Superior District. Vacation Rates The Best of Everything For rates, tickets and full infor mation, apply to Ticket Offices U01-UQ Farnam Strut . ; Omaha; Ntlr, rSEiS22?Sa5252SllS25ZSiS5$ n ?377TTTT mm. r .... , - ?ltfxn 1 3J During July and August Store Close S O'clock. Saturday at 10 P. M. GRAND CLEAN UP SALE LADIES' SILKP0NGEE COATS All the Silk Pongee Coats that sold up to tf)n Q5 $11.50, cleaning up price All the Silk Pongee Coats that sold up to $25.00, cleaning up price $10 ft Picture Opportunity The Big Sale of Beautiful CARBON riCTLRES continues to draw large crowds daily. We still have hundreds of fine subjects suitable for home, school and offices. This is the first salo of this kind ever held in Omaha and Its success exemplifies the artistic trend of Omaha home lovers. Oenulne American Carbons at less than of wholesale prices. Sixes 6x8 fo 18x46 !Oe to :$&.P0, . BALE CONTINUES ALL THI8 WEEK.' Linen Finished Suiting 7c 25c White Linen Finish Suitings, with fancy Grecian) borders or plain effects. Laundry beautifully, on sale Thursday, at 7H Best 25c Scotch Madras In pretty striped effects, Thursday, at 12H SPECIAL MENTION OUR GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL Black Silk Sale is booked for next Monday, August 1. This is on of the greatest event 8 in local retail merchandising. It. is a truly legitimate sale of the famous Cleola Black Silks, known the country over as the best standard silk on the market. These silks will be sold at 50 cents on the dollar and every yard is guaranteed. Make arrangements to attend Monday. ' SILK HOSE SPECIAL Ladies' Black Silk Hose, mercerized heel and toe and garter-proof top, 89c value, per pair .49c SAMPLE SALE OF HOSE Sample sale of the celebrated , B. & H. Hose, , sample doz ens, an endless variety of blacks and colors, values to 75c choice, pair. . . . . . 29c EXTRA SPECIAL Venice Lace Bands, in white, black and ecru. These are beautiful things and are worth up to 40c per yard, Thursday, at, yard . . ART SPECIALS 25c Tinted Pillow Tops, at, eaoh . . . '.':"; v , . 10c Embroidery Silk, almost , every color, dozen ...20c 1 Drexel's Cut Success The big sale continues all week with as good or better bargains all the time. Friday and Saturday we will sell 200 pairs misses' and children's $1.50 Canvas HEts Oxfords at OC Special for Thursday Another 200 pair of Men's 5.00 and $6.00 Oxfords In tan and pat ent leather, broken slses you fit yourself. No exchange, no deliv ery, but they are only 1.445 (.80 15.60 $5.00 54.60 3.60 f.6 4.00 63.60 3. 00 62.60 Men's Oxfords ... Men's Oxfords. . . . , Men's Oxfords ... Men's Oxfords Men's Oxfords . . . Women's Oxforda . Women's Oxforda , Wouien'e Oxforda Women'a Oxfords . Women's Oxfords ... I4.9S . . . 4.00 .. S.1.85 . .. . . . sa.66 ... S3.85 . .. a.o , .. S8.M ... S9.S5 , .. 91.00 OUR ANNUAL MAMMOTH , Blanket and Comfort Sale IS DATED POR MONDAY AUGUST 1. See the big display In 16th Street, Windows.- All the Blankets and Comforts are priced to give you the full Idea of the wonderful values offered In this great sale. Ten lines misses' and children's buckle strap pumps, and all our boys', youth's andr' ttl little gent's LTko flit oxfords, now uv ' v 15.00 Women's Canvas Oxfords $9.5 3.00 Woman's Canvas Oxfords fl.SO 2.00 Women'a Canvas Oxforda $1.00 Women's pink and blue can vas Oxfords $1.00 Drexel Shoe Co, 1419 Farnam St. I I it r"".T!" 1 J The All Important Change Some say it's money. It Isn't; It's getting away from the old "grind" for a while. If you are dissatisfied with . your lot and feel generally disagreeable ,7011 ned a change a vacation. Go somewhere, take a trip to the mountains for a few weeks or months, go camping or fishing In Minnesota, take a cruise through the Great Lakes t visit the St. Lawrence River resorts, New England or the seashore. We can tell you - hundreds of good places to go, and offer you fares and train service that will make it, all. things oonsdered, .cheaper than wwa wauji in 1 ( 1 1 staying at home. 'A. v,ii.ilt!.al...V m 1 1 v? n Particulars at 3T 1612 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 260 Ten Days1 Stopover St. Louis and Kansas City Is one of the good features at the com mand of those who travel over above lines. - i Either going or re- -turning to the South. Houthwest, West or Eastern points. ' For full particulars address or call . k : City Ticket Office, : 1423 Farnam Street,' or Union Station, ' Onialuu ' THOS. F. GODFREY, Vaas. and Tlokst Arant. i J Roliable Dentistry r Tail's Denial Rooms mil R1 f lAV WHEN OURKD PILES-F'STULA " ummmm. AU Dlaaaa fe4 Yf!ftA"if a rw (nl AtirplMt mnA tmm aata4 to la a LUlia. No chloroform. s(bar, of other ( sneral nh(lc oxd. ExaminatioK Froa WrMa for I raa Bak. DR. E. R. TARRY 23 RM BMf OMAHA, NKH. ItaaaakMaar ataal Daa . - i WAItTRr-WlMhorwoiuui for Mon w T. " . nd Taeaday. Ai.olv Mr. R. llalL ItM raraam Mc . It- 1 1 " ' WANTBtl toUMW-rk. cii CIKL for s hotae, tlna n suat U. YaL ay; VDtui-n vtur iv ELP WANTED FEMALE i LOST AND FOUND T.. VOtet BHKFMCRD o; vilo and white s-njaa.'Awra 10 mm aw. aBoaa Trior OFFERED FPU KENT, oka- iaii rMJ. HOUSKKEEPINO rooms, atncai ar II If K' "- food ua A retlabla OIKL tar OIKL. far Harawr IUM. BUS TO GST W FOR VAUl dolus a owkB tuuita) r ra um, voi FOR UAl stock ta uoO'M labllib'id tail tit , feKa a BOOMING a Lkla. 1 A K 1 iou rati rmud. ad txo. Today is Homo Day Soo what a tempting offer in real estate dealers have offered you today Read thorn. Get away from the rent paying habit. A' home is within your reach grasp it. Make a payment of a few hundred dollars down--and pay the balance monthly like rent. This plan has given lots of people of moderate means an opportunity to own their own home. The real estate columns of today's Bee will have a great many choice home bargains advertised for sale on the easy term plan. Buy now while the prices are low and the terms easy. roused. tMt bauaekeeplax ekaepias el- roooia, m fed- floor room-; root. KLM. oma, unfur- 47M N. Mtb- SALE Will aatl you of work and la In Omaha ham at. W, i, wtfon, F. Bbear. ia. oheap. A. ana jacaaen. DFF RaV Wafca L.T KltTa. t KIDMAN t . Jih et. with ru6t ra, lth lop rrJLti3ia ia wm I liaa--aa-a-aaaa-asaWMWB , , . ,hn TRAVHJrJO aalaamaJi. prefer -perl lh"" .,aru' aete alnslo harneM. roH BAI A moaay-maker. Aa m! ancod elr man. aua.lntad with Nabraaka fonm vUI trade for sood two-hum. atakliabedbaxaeaaahopiaAiiawaUa, N, L trad. and liberal ifiia aceounl. . Lffuoodhod axpraa dllvry wu, l' or 4 ESS THAN -HALF- PBICE sale of high grsde standard Pianos. Thoughtfully read our reasons for sacrificing all the profits, and In some cases actually sustaining a loss, and you will reallie that we are really compelled to sell. Buy Your Piano Now We will deliver or ship It to Its destination later If necessary. Buy Your Piano fromHayden's during their forced room-creating sale, for they offer tome of the et makes at Tess Than i of Original Cost Our first reason Is, that having contracted with decorators to re decorate our rooms, we have also decided to re-arrange our display room. It is necessary in order to do the work of .re-arranglng and decorating, that we sell at least 250 of the Instruments now on hand. Itnason Number a Is, that we have received word from the factories; (that manufacture the Knahe, the Sohmer, Chlcertng"iros'.', flahe-V Estey, Wegman, Schaeffer, Price & Teeple, Milton, Smith & Barnea Pianos; also the makers of the Knabe Angelus, Emerson Angel us, Angelua Pianos, Angelus Piano players) that within the next ten days they will begin shipping orders placed for fall delivery.,, . Iteason Number 8, having disposed of our warehouse, we nave no other place suitable to places these large shipments except at an enormous expense. Instead of paying storage, we prefer to give our friends and customers the benefit. A careful perusal of the following bargains offered will ba of Interest: . 1 Voae & Sons upright, regular p'rt?.?.'?.0;. $135.00 1 Vose & Sons upright, regular ppS.!!36:..u.r...... $125.00 1 Checkering & Sons, Boston, reg ular price B00; MCA Aft' our price j$uiJVl 1 Chlckerlng ft Sons, Boston; reg ular price $460; C9AA AA our price $6VVeVV 1 Emerson Piano, regular price $95.00 1 Hartington Piano, regular price Jrs,0ce:.o.u.r,....:. $98.00 1 Melville Clark ' Piano, regular, price $350; our tilC AA ?1I.VW price. $325.00 1 Steger Piano, regular prlca jr.i.ou.r.....'....;si37.5o 1 Schaeffer Piano) regular'! trice JrYce!.0.". .'.$250.00 1 Knabe, Flemish oak, slightly used, regular prite ' $600; our price. . 1 Weber Grand, regular price S0.:..u.r. ..$250.00 1 Weber Grand, slightly used, reg ular price $800; 'vntf97C our price. .-. .'. . . . .W&t v 1 Knabe Grand, slightly used, reg ular price $860; AA .our price i , . .JOj JeVU 1 Smith ft Nixon Grnd, regular ilrtS:... $350.00 1 Smith ft Nixon', regular price $850; our QQ AS AN EXTRA INDUCEMENT, we will Include frea with each piano a beautiful scarf, also stool. ? Terms of payment can be arranged with ns to suit the pocftftibook of the purchaser. We guarantee every piano sold for a period of from five to twenty years. We guarantee during this asle to give you mora and better quality for leas money on easier and more suitable terms than has ever been offered In the history of the piano business In Ne braska. An investigation will prove to the investigator that every one of the foregoing statements Is the truth.- 1 .'V'. . . V m Lj TTY J " -:r'4 fiS?':' Seashore 1 V Jt'fT.Jrlt--- ft. K r. ' ; ',.!: i . ... ' k V ,.3 tats Summer Low ' , Fares' : via fi lalic Shorc-Pjew York Cental V 9 . Romni trip fra 0 1 i i h & v; i"; ki t -if i- " ' f . ft tt I te the treataat auramar rtiorti la th. world. . ' ' " " Mw" New York, $43.20 Dostoo, 44.60 Other very favorable round trip fares to Thoueand Islands Ths Adlrondacka. Canadian Lake. Berkshire Hills and ths .ntlr. AUantlo Coaat . - Optional rail and water routes and numerous atop-overe prlTilesea add sretly to value and pleaaura of roar trip. , Ticket., epln ear aeoommodationa' and full informa tion furnlahed oa applloatlon to your- local as.nt, or to ' r. a wainussi, ea. a. rM. Sep- isa rroai oaka ' ' . W1CT f. XfTSOX. Faaaeater Traffl. Xaaarer, Okle. Omaha Lincoln Service VIA Leave Union Station 8:25 tu m; 1:25 p. m.; 3:30 p. m. nd 10:40 p. m. , Arrive Lincoln : ' V,' 10:05 a. m.; 3:25 p. a; 5:50 p. m. and 12:21 a. n. . ' A)) trams carry Pullman Equipment and Day Coaches, tm hrtksr Uwattin, iaidri J. S. Mc N ALLY, D. P. A. ' 14th and Farnam Strt K I r 7