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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1910)
THE "REE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 1 1010. 11 1 I IAIN AND PRODUCE MARIiEI Wif at Prices Are Sagging: Became of Cautiousj Sales. "HI ADZES AWAIT CORN NEWS naln o( Price f'alla to Influence Berrlk, -taan 'Are ! tn Hove Mick Inmg five none Irs. 4 Kaon 0 " OMAHA. July Oyenlns; cables were tower agitin, ouil) matket. 'Ihe elteatton la t harvesting la progressing un 57, 1910. it, effecting featureless jnaer tnura ftrorahh condition, r.xport demand la tiemandtng .jomi attention, but heavy hedging! axles have given wheat prices usalng tendency. Trader were lens Inclined to follow the orn market .on the sharp upturns, until more def Hilts'-damage la aaaurcd. Values today lacked map and, an eaelir market was not supported. Wheat waa jeHHler' throughout the day. atartlng weak ion lower cables and general elilng. ' Home mora favorable harvesting returna from the spring wheat belt gave a further decline find cash vaiuee were weak and lower. - . . Corn waa firm at the atart. on continued Ary weeuher, til met pome free aelllnsj later on the part of professional trailing. which eaaed price. Had damage report from Kansas and Oklahoma brought out ew commission house buying, giving firm rloae. 1 Primary wheat receipt wero 1.3S7.x bu. and shipment-: ' ere Vl nno bu.; against re telpt last rear of LS'iS.OOO bu., atid.rhlp- menta of BTT.OHJ bu. Primary corn, receipt were S20.000 bu.. fnd shipments were SX'i.driO bu.: against re efeslpt Ihut year ,-pf tft.fM) bu., and shtp- ments of 437,0110 bu, T Clearances were- 90.000' hit. of corn, 4 Vni. of pate, -and wheat and flour equal to l.oro bu- . , , j .ffi Liverpool closed .'ljia Jojver on wheat, and l nigner iorr coru. , . Local rune'bfvptloneT',v Arliclea.l Open; High. lw. Close.j Yes'y - w neat l o July... i Pept.-I 102 1 Corn July.;. ' Kept... I Oat . July... I Sept., .eos! ' 38 I 37! 02it 1 OlVl 1 02 1 Cl 1 W4 1 0244 604 111 1 B9 - 61 87J 16 365,1 il Pan ah a Caen, rrlree. WHKA'T No. l.hbrd. B8r"?M1.00: No. fcard. 87Bc; -No. 4 hard, 90-uKie; rejected lard, a.w-So: No. 2 spring, JScffl.OO; No. v i rerlrnf, 6tr!)Rc: No. 4 aprlng. 8HC92C. i ' (JoRN-No. White, 82Vtf'2c; 1 wfilte, 2c;'Nd. 4 wljUe:"6l1ilc; No. S HMfMa: Nr 4 'coldr. E.fiSOc: No. 8 1 northern, $1.2411; No. J northern, SI .71 ll No. a northern, II. 203 Ml. I r LAX-Ooeed ti U. t'DHN-No. t yellow, 2aiV (UTS-No. 1 white. 42m 43'ic. I KVK-No. 1, 724i74c. HKAN-ln K)0-lb. aacka, nf)trj2O60. FUlliR-Flrat tiatenta ln wood f. o. b. Minneapolis!. i.lsia 10: aernnd patent. ii.7ftr4.9ii; firat cleara, t4.5t;J4.a5; aeoond clear, H3.C0. WEATHER IN TUB . OR A IN BELT ralr aaa (aatlnara Warm la Thta VI flalty Tonluht an4 Tbaraday. OMAHA. July 27. 1910. The weather continue abnormally warm In the central valleys, plain atatea and the 'anuthweaf. Temperature ranging above ) were general throuahnut Kajiaan. Oklahoma and 1'exaa and occurred at point n menraaKB. Ai rairDury nrj oegree waa recorded and 101 at Holdrege, Neb. A very slight drop In temperature I ihown In the Ohio valh'y and the weather la allghtly cooler along the Atlantic coaat. Rhowera ti ere again scattered over the MIaalasliul and Ohio valleys, lake region and southern atate.atid aorne excessive falls are reported in eastern Missouri, Kentucky and Ohio. Light rain occurred In outhern Colorado and northern Arizona within the last twenty-four hour, and thunderatorme, with light rain and high wind occurred at Valen tine. Neb., la at night. Considerable cloudi ness prevail In the aiiseoun valley and west into the mountains this morning and temperature are generally lower In the northwest and on the Pacific slope. Flightly cooler la pit-dieted for northwestern Ne braska tonight, but condition remain fav orable for fair and continued warm In thla vh lnlty tonight and Thursday. The following table shows temperatures and precipitation for the last three years: 110. lis. !!!. 11W7. Minimum temperature 74 S "4 ' 62 Precipitation 00 T T .00 Normal temperature for today. 77 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation ainee March 1, Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1900, .16 of an Inch. Excess corresponding period In 1908, 1.90 inches. Lb A. WELSH. Local Forecaster Corn and Wheat Regie Balleta For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hour ending at 8 a. m., 75th rrerldlan time, Wednesday, July 27, litlO: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- Station. Max. Mln. fall. HEW10BKST0USASDB0SDS Action of Market Undergoes Violent Rererial in Prices. SENTIMENT 13 TRANSFORMED Frevloas titrmlit I.tqntdatloa. Af ford Hellefi Private aettleaaeat Remove Necessity of Sacrifices Feellne; I Brighter. Aahland, Jeb 97 Auburn. Neb 9S Broken I3ow,' Neb. 99 Columbus, Neb... 95 Culhertaon, Neb.. M Kalrbury, Neb. ...103 Fairmont, Neb.., W Or. Island, Neb... 98 liartlngton, Neb.. 90 Hastings. Neb..'., ft) Holdrege, Neb.... 101 Oakdale, Neb 91 Omaha, Neb 2 Tekamah, Neb... 94 Alta, la 90 No. color, ... ' AIM, J .. enow, l. at ""61e; No. o-yel!0W. aoir"c: ino. yei- riarinda. la PS io! , w)o; Np. j. ovi no- cMKibie" la .!::::::: ot OATrV-Btandard. 8ilV.'738te; No. S white, 7Htf88tte; iNo. .4; white. H!ff37Hc; No. 3 yellow, 87VM(3Hc; No. 4 yellow, 35c. BARt,ET-No. 1 feed, 6S355c; rejeeted. X-fw'. No. I, TJ-Tac, nominal; no. a, Carlo! Jleeelpta. wneai. wnrn, usi. ,.BB7 121 ..178 .. S 108 t .. 92 73 70 tio 67 80 70 W 67 64 67 67 71 74 65 69 69 71 60 eiou City, la... 90 t Minimum temperature period ending; at 8 a. in. CENTRAL STATION. .00 .no .CO .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 -.00 .00 .00 for Sky. Clear Foggy Clear ' Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy . Cloudy twelve-hour No. of Station. ... 17 12 Cf lcaird vv a inneapoiia .v.. Fmaha. lUlUth if..,Wt District. Columbus. O. Louisville, Ky... Indianapolis, Ind 176 Chicago. Ill 28 Ht, Loula, Mo 13 Pes Moines, la.... i Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansaa city, mo.. Z4 Omaha, Neb 19 Temp Max. Mln. Rain fall. 90 64 .70 K6 68 .SO 88 63 . 90 92 68 .60 86 70 . 60 92 64 .On 86 68 .10 104 74 .0) 94 68 .00 very warm In the corn and wheat western portion of the region. It I allghtly cooler thl morning in the eastern portion. Showers occurred CHICAGO ORAIt"AND PROVISIONS Featare of the Trading; and Closing Prlooa db Board Of Trade, M-rrlino t,.iv i .fu.i hv miller within the last- twenty-four hour in all k V .,1 lov.p nrina except the Omaha, De Moines and Kansas I than tb,o-Jly option beat dowii auotatloni Olty dlatrlcts. Hormann, Mo, had 140 today. K porta oi gooa aemana lor " .'. . T. iV ,', vk' VVA 1 port at the eeaboard and Duluth proved Ky.. 1.10 inches; Norwalk, O., 1.40 lncHea, . lnaaequate aa an oiiaei even wnen rani ' vw... ., . frumaA hv imwi that rHrMhlna reaulta in I u. A. WfcWH, i Kan aaa were allra. - The market cloae waa at a net decline of fco to o. Corn ! finished Wdks lower to Ho higher and oata iW0to To down, with provision! raiwtna from lJ.c advance to 5c decline. i At ono tlma . feeptember. Decern oer ana 'Way wheat were. lVo below yeaterday' Ixical Forecaster, NEW YORK GENERAL Weather Bureau. MARKET .lose, wtille the Jtry option, wnen weaKesi, :Vaa off only biK i raircn. uasn wneai, Qaotatlono of the Day on Varloai Coanmodltlea NEW YORK. July 27.-FLOUR8teady Spring patenta, 15,76.15; winter straights 4.60S4.66: winter patent, 4.ovj)4.tKi. My ifor No,'l rA . and.' foe hard, tlva .oha.noa I lour, steady; fair to good, 4.10&4.35;j:hoic not being goodroT'lurt?rBT-ireari receipiajTO iancy,-T.wo.ou. - - to be made available tot. the current oe-1 CORNMEAL Steadfr wNte mnd yelllow, NEW YORK. July r.-The action of the stock matlcet underwent a violent reversal, with prices advancing by leaps and bounds wnere, yesterday, they were breaking with out algn of resistance. Speculative aentl- ient underwent a corresponding trans formation, but with the usual confusion be- ween cause and effect. The extensive ouiilatlon accomplished yesterday afforded great relief In Itself and to this was aildnn. coordlng to current rumor, some Impoi tsnt private settlements, by which, embarrassed i ccounts were taken over and the neces Ity thus avoided of continuing the sacri fice of securities In a market in which the den and had become well nigh paralysed. The brighter feeling due to these reports waa enhanced by a clearer perception of he local nature of the acute trouble which was forcing liquidation. in piac ot the supposed widespread sources of the selling hawed on general discouragement with the situation of trade and money market, there emerged the con- ictiin that a confined area represented he limits of trouble. A renewed slump in Rock Island preferred to 64 early In the day was accepted aa one Index of the source of the difficulty. Many rumors be came current of the shifting of large newly acquired holdings of various railroad stock, reaching out from the eastern anthracite and trunk line field and Into western and southwestern connection In pursuance of an ambitious project of extension and merging. in addition to tni source or weakness it waa aurmlaed that over-extension In the high capitalisation of various new cop per properties, small Individually, wa In proceaa of correction. The maturity of loana in which the aecurlties Involved In theae ventures figured a collateral was supposed to have given the occasion for the severe curtailment. The perception of these specialties today put a new face on the demoralized appearance of thing yesterday. ho severe a decline as has been witnessed in the last ten dava Ih accomoanled In evitably by a large expansion of the short interest in a market. Usually nothing checks this ahort selling, but an actual turn In the price ""movement Itself. With that effected, the demand becomes urgent. Wuch was the case today, the demand from uncovered snorts making up a substantial part of the large demand and the uo-bld- dln(t of prices. Testimony was offered by aome or the commission houses of a ma terlal growth or Investment demand aa well, attracted by the low level to which prices had fallen and the Inviting rate of return arrordea in consequence by divi dend payments. London Joined actively In the day buying on a sufficient scale to effeot the foreign exchange market. Sub siaence or the forced llauidatlon relieved that market of apprehension In connec tion with the stock market settlement In progress. An example of the reversal of specula tive form waa found in the preference shown for the Item of earnings In the United State Steel quarterly report over tnat or tne unfilled tonnage on hand in the (election of a toplo for discussion. The Increase In the earning over anticipations was pointed out as matter for encourage ment, while little attention was paid to the excess over the estimate of the decreases In unfilled orders on hand. Expressions of confidence emanating from the steel dl rectora' meeting and the opinion of the quarterly report In the Iron Age served to sumuiai a more nopeiul reeling. , aonas . were tronger. Total sales, par vaiue, aseu.wu. united mates bonds un changed on call. Number of sales and leading- quotations on slocks were: 8ala. High. Low. Clow, fund, I3.jn07; current liabilities? 101.1?S. ;"ii; working balance In treasury office. -. i:Xi.3K2; In bank to credit of treasurer of the I'nlted ftatea, ..W1.7.'U; subsidiary silver coin. IJ0.2.o; minor coin, II. I.. 721 i totai balance In general fund, fcU, 242.J04. !Sew York Money Market. NEW Y(V..K. July fj. MNET On call, easy; IVoS per cent; ruling rate. l per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Tim loana. dull and firm; sixty daya, aG-av per cent; ninety daya, 3'g4 per rent; six months, mm. PRIME MERCANTILE i I'APER-6HS per cent. BTKKLINO EXCHANOR Weaker, with actual buslneea In bankera bill at 84 &M4 4 KjM for alxtv-ay bill ami Ht H IMO for demand. Commercial ulll. t4.x2UI.KH4. Bll.VERBar, uc: Mexican dollara, 44c. BtiNDU Government, steady; railroad, atrong. Ciosing quotation on bonda today were as follows: l 8. fl. . ri....MM4 int. Met. 4i. tl do couaon I'H'S lni.-Mr. H. 4.. r I'. 8. la. rag ul 'Jatn it sH do coupon 1H do 44 ...II1 V. i. . rl 1I4K. C. 8. V ' 4o coupon ., tum- b. it tlM ). ! AIII-rritm 1st hliU N. on. 4t i Amor. Arl. 6s 1WM K. A T.. lat 4.. T4 Am. T. Jc T. c. s.. do AmorHun Tob. n',Mi. Pacific 4 .... 7 do ta II N. n. o( Mat. 4a. Armour Co. !.. l.Si V, tVu n. .iSt. nvw, Atchlron an. 4..... U - dob. it... tt do c. it 1"3 N. T, H. cr. ai. l.n ..luiWK. tt W. lit C. W.. X . do Irt con 4s 7H . lHNo. Psrlflc 4s i do S rVt M1 O. 8. 1.. rfd. 4a II OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET packers bought freely during early hours and midday clearances found few hogs unsold. No Receipts of Range Cattle Continue I i Very Liberal. in 4. At. Ill M .110 .sio .311 sk. Pr. lso I OS ... I as Si) o& ... II ISO I ! ..tT I4) la HOGS SELL BIO FIVE HIGHER " SI. Good fcee and l.anab Steady, While the Other Grade Are Slow and Weak Feeder Good, Btronc 'Seller. SOUTH OM.UTA. July 27, 1919. Receipt wete: Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.8") 11.4M) Official Tuesday 4.49 821 13.JH Kstimate Wednesday.... 4.350 1.810 .400 11. ... It.., i M ... 7., ... M .. M... 44.. II. . 14.. ).. If.. 14.. IJ.. J.. 14.. .. fi.. 43.. t.. 4s. do er. ss.. At. C. 1.. 1st b. O. is do tm do . W. i'lt Br. Tr. cy. 4s psnn. ct. IHs (llo) of Ua. is l'HS do con. 4s 106 Crntral Loathor as... aiv, fti-sdtnf n. 4a H I 'en. of N. J. Sn. it.Ui It. U St 8. F. If 41 11 diss. it. Ohio 4V,s...lo0tt do (on. ds ti do rsf. s sii -si. U s. w . c. a. lo C. A A. da 1st gold 4s... ft) C, H. A O. It. 4s.. 9ft Sssboar A. U. it.. (OUj no aen. 4s 'M --o. i'schic coi. u C. J, ct s. V: . ISs K14. d" 4i H-1 C. K. I. P.O. 4s. lit do -si ret. 4 ;i do rf. 4s M w. nr. oa iui Colo. Ind ta V0 4 (on. 4s 73 Colo. Mldlsnd 4s.... Vnlon Pacltlc 4s.. C. aura ex. s. ss do or. 4s liKVt 1 Ivory. Firat rpf-Xrom the harvest In, tl.SO 1.66 ooaree, 1.4Ag4.V kiln, tlried, 8.40 , . . . Jt - ln.l..a. Hill li'imi ' western csnnu. , muturu , w...i...v- i . nha aturla of dnbuUt ' damajre In that re ilon were overdriwn. it " new of thla character that gave the initial besnish lm nuiu ta the nmrkul todaif ' Latex In the w T . . . . . .1 I . . -A , a , were reiuo- FLOUR-Steady: receipt, 21,235 bbl.; hlp- Bhipments, 4,327 bbls. kik rnjut-ateaay. ! ,JORNMKAL Steady. t . ".. " RY&-Nomlnal. WJ1EAT Spot, market teadv; new. rvo.,3 ki.a in rha mrt i f H v aaalt r". "VZi.'JTtVZ.JZn.Th the red. ILOS. elevator: 6 arrive c. I: f.. and storm of triTtsL 1.0014 f. o. b., afloat; No. I northern, L31Mi. KepienXei fluctoated between 1.08V4 and f.6. b., afloat. There waa 'an eaaler feeling .wiA i:Hiin An.mrn in wheat moat of the day Under selling on .;u to , tiJ W cable, and on presaure of cash wheat, but iSa torlon, waa mjch restricted tin- rallied late on. a bul.llah crop estimate for tllnVes had undera-one quite a dip and North Dakota and covering by shorts clos- Uiere were dispatches telling or more aam x lt S'l'lUtS.. Variations lo the September price had lil.h and low llmlta W40 and buWc, With the close easy at 6&ic, a net decline of mvo. ' The caan maraei wa nrm. iio. inf V4 cent net lower, beotembor. 1.10U. closed, 1.04; December, l.llh,yl.Ui, closed, ll.KVa. Receipts, Duaneis. CORN Boot, market dun; no. 2, too. nominal elevator, domestic bAsl to arrive c. I. f. Option market waa-without trans actions, closing at "no net advance, Jieptein- 24 t! M l IS 16U, ' tt 27 . 254 SS 1 T4 7H 41 41 S, 41' 04' b.1 OS S3 4 rtk t IV "4 is t1 10 10 3IVt 80 Vj S3 6t4 43 61 V H4 99 40 SO 1SV 1.6'IV '117 lift' Jl f, i.M nut .X2;a30 suv, ss . yi . 4I.S1S) t IO0 700 KIO . 8,000 . 10,700 4U0 . 1.100 .. 1,000 4.(00 tn 'oolsa. ;,.',.,., ' U je,,v.,.,i,i ( Vtet I4 ' i n'pM ..i..:.. .do . ' m 7 hort .ellin. ber .10, 0; December. lir. ' Receipts, ade oat, weak. 8eptemberranged from 4.SM 'bu-hyl-. O'ellowcloded at too. alT at Vi'MBH. rirIIIsWIIlIJ4MI I am 1 1 am . V I . . . . m n.-. ZTviTtn. wiJ mW .T..rf 8U4i)Vo off at OATS tfpot, market auu;, mixea, SS-,o to i3a and cioeea avwo o" ' I a nmin.iv n.inni whit, iumxt iBJc. nounds. 484.610: clipped white. 34'a42 pounds. A,lUoCiilr4i urn iv. s l llllM!u ; "kecilots. 22.025 bushels: Bhlu- flrin to . provision. fork iinisnea "Trr 1 y xw un to Kc lower, lard at ituini'.' and' rl4a 'frorfi i Wo' to 7tta. I Leading futures rangedaa follows: AtHclea.) Qpeu, High. 4 I Close. Ye y. , Wheat ''' " July W7!i,-?4 gept, , lWVti I)ec. WWH vY UtH-Vi l?8klii July 4H Sept. T66 Dec. 4Hitf May 6m Oata- July 40H Sept. S9V43J. lea 4tHa4H May 4Vi Pork sjpt. r A Jan. 18 25 I ! Lard I Sept. 11 M J Oct. 11 77W 1 Nov. XI Bib I oapt, " 7V4 Oct. Jl i I Jan. r40. 1 .1 04 v, 1 MTsj 1 101 1 OTVfcl 1 07 1 08t, 1US1Q4V- 1 X 064ilOtiVa107V-U 1 UUi4-TA I " eBVk W4I S4 eOVal Receipts, 32,025 inents, 4.47S bushels. MAY Market quiet ana sieaay; prime. (1.2sW1.25; No. 1, 1.17H1-K; No. t, l.l(Xi No. , 1.001.06. HOI'S Dun; state, common ,io cnuice, 190U, 2txj2Jc; 1908, nominal; Pacific coast, lam, ivuloc; 190b, nominal. HIDba Quiet; central America, anffzic; Bogota, X)w21Ma. LKATHtR rteaay; nemiocg iirsta, zw 17c ; aeconda, 22k!4c; thirds, UmQ 22c; reject, lS30c. PROVISIONS fork, steady; mess, WOO; family, ttt.OOo.&O; short clears, 124.00 steady; mess, iio.ooyio.w; 44 631 84, Aii.i KA.V. Rf.yrn -o. V.aZZai tL Aim. Reef. - m-H..y si"nTi 1 r ..,.. ..m.itt k..r ham. til OuA-Ji. 00 I lUl. -" "... -- - 40 I 40Vi! 41 lb- 17 004(18.00; pickled nam, io.wtBii.6. .. . . . . . . , Hi 1 urn T 1 r ill : ni qu s hcbi viiiiie. e&.ej '2k!!1. -? S3 40W refined, teady; conUnent, 12.60; Uouth iit&Si SH U?we. compound. . Til liiw.MtMflv nr mi. nnai.. it;: coun try. twavAc. jftriTKH-Steady to firm, creauiery see clals. 2sc: extra, 28c; third to first, 24fi27c; etate dairy, common to finest, tlntJc; process, second to special, 22S2fVtc; western factory, zmfZaftc; weatera imitation . u .. O t j. -L . CHEEliE steady; state wnoie mux. ape rials. 1443J18c; atate' whole milk, fancy, IH40; UUe whole milk, average prime, 134 (14c; skim, run to special, iwiio. Rtilis uuiet: receiDis. u.jiif canes. Biaie. Pennavlvanla and nearby hennery white. 3uyac; state, Pennaylvania and nearby hen nery, gathered wnue, kiiojuc. POULTRV Alive; western broiler. 17c fowl. 17 Wc; turkey a, 10414c. Dressed tr D rollers, inoivc; row la. M 30 18 40, 11 5 11 '-s! U 62 V 11 72V4 31 & t 8 4IH 22 12U 18 25 j '11 8?H li 72M 11 b il 8S 11 17 9 H 22 1TV 18 87H 11 80 11 77H 22 85 22 02 n o 11 70 U 471 11 l 11 7 11 2 40 11 60 11 15 22 No. I.,- i r. ,: r-.h nnonlitlona were a follows: FLOUR eSrni; winter patent. K25; win. ter etralghts, 4..0i); spring patent. bet hard, t.Swii,i. bKers, aj.iw(U0.w. ss'fc'.rirt Flax. No. 1 southwestern. No; 1 north western, II 43. nmothy, o.(W. I'lnvsr I18ifi 1 PRO VISION S Mea pork, per bbU. .00gi 26 2S. Lard, per 1W Iba., 112.WI. unort riDs, Mea. (looae) HI B7H4J12.26; ahort clear sides. (boned) lU.OOtd 13.26. Total claarancea of wheat and flour were mill to 61.000 bu. Primary receipts war 1,167,0(1) bu. The visible supply of wheat In in. trotted State. l.WW.OUO bu. for the week. Katlmated recelpta for tomorrow 1 Wheat, ti cars; corn, lbl cars; oats, lit car; bogs. 18,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red, n.EV1.0l--fN'o--- red. 1.0H4jl.0S; No. 3 Stw Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, July 2T.-WHEAT-Market firm; No. J red, track, i leyi.tM; js0. ; hard. 1.07"-.110. CORN caaii market niKQer;. track, ua. 2. 87c: No. 2 white. 6Sft6c. OATS Cash market steady; track. No. 2. FIAJL'R tjulet; red winter patenta, S5.I0O 10; extra' fancy ana etratgni,; hard winter clears, :t.40'? . .- SEEM) Timothy, . CORNMEAL 3.25. RRAN Higher; sacked, east track, li.CCQ 104. . HAY Firm; timotny.; prairie. i ' . r . ' . . . . . 1 aii, . uvu n.w. hard. (l.ti7V,tfl.wi; no. 1 hard, fi.w)i.w; haGGINC--7-15c. No. 1 northern spring. il.i&4l.iri; No. I TWINE Hemp, 7c. normern apriiiK. si.iiu iu. a mio'b IL14il.lli. Corn: No. I cash, MfiIHc: No. J:caoli, 66Wc: no. J wnite, myivmc; no. ((.white. (WVaTic; No. I yellow. Hoc; No. I yellow. STe. oats: no. i casn. U8i4i',ci: 'No, I. white, old 41M41o; new. 41c; No. ( short, 14c; clear ribs, 14c, short clears W nite,. ,ne',. or-u wuv. , uiu, -voiic,- .iu, 1 white. VXIriiOc: standard. 4DV1T41HC. harlot Receipt Wheat, wn cars; corn, in mersoai uraia naiaei. cars; Oat, lie car, r-siimaiea lomorrow 1 uvinrwii, juiy it. n hia i "Pol, Wheat. 399 car; corn, lsi car; oats, 14 auu, wo. 2 rea wewern winter, no stock luiurva, vmMj . uiy, (ru, wiuucr, is lla uecemoer, (eo'.a. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; iobblng. tii 00. Lard, higher; prime steam, Ill-M? U.70. Dry salt meat, unchanged; boxed extra ahort, 13c; olear rthe, USo; abort I clear, lo. Bacon, unchanged; bos extra 11,700 M 'i,'ooo'"2o, . tOO . 41 60O 13Vfc 14. too llVi l'lO 10 704 16 V, 100 47V 1,400 llf.. 1.700 11 1.4"0 1MV4 1,700 V 100 100 7,400 1.500 1,100 ' 1.100 Allls-CTislmsrs ptd Amalsamated Cppar ... American Agricultural ., American Beat Sugar.... American Can American Car A F. ...... Amorlsan Cotton Oil ... American H. A L ptd.... A merle n loa Bacurltlaa . American Ltnsesd American LecomotWa .. Amerlean 8. A K ... 11,700 American 8. A R pfd , (00 Amsrlearu steel y. .. ,i 1,4(10 Amartcan; Sugar Rsf . J r " .' m . Anscon Atchlso: Atchison Atlantlit Muttt Uint,.,.:..- 3,000; 104 Bltlnwrs fc Ohio ..V.,!.. 1, M0' 107 ' Bothlshsm Steal . 100 24 Brooklyn R. ; T 11.300 7H CansdlsJi Pacific 1,200 182V Central Leather 4,401) as Oentral Leather pfa '.. W0 loo central of N J..... Chea. A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chi. ot. West., now....... Chi.. Ot. West., pfd. Chi. A N. W Chi.,' kill. A St. P... C, CCA Bt. L Colo. Fuel A Iron Colo. Ik Southern Conaoltdated Oas .,. Com Jrpducta , Delaware ex Hudson ...... Denrer lc Rio Orande .... Denver A Rio Qrande pfd. DlitUlers' geourltlis Ert Brie 1st ptd Kris 2d pro Oclieral Blectrle .' Great Northern pfd Oreat Northern ore ctfe.. Illinois Central Intaraorough-Met interborough-slet. ptd .... International Paper nter. Harvester Inier-SIaiina pfd international rump owe Central K. C. Southern K. C. Southern pfd uaolede Osa Louatvllla Nashrlll Mian. A St. L M., St. P- A S. ate. M... M. K..A T M . K. A T. ptd Missouri Pscltlo NaUonal Biscuit National Lead N. R. of -Max. id pfd.., New York central n. r. o. a w Norfolk A Western .... ftorta AiurlC3 ....... Northern Psoitis , PennarWanla People's Osa Pitta., C C. A St. Pittsburg Coal Pressed Steel Car ..... Pullman Palace Car ... Railway Steel Spring .. Heading Repulbls Steel.......... Republic Steal ptd Rock Island . , Rock Island pfd ...... St. L. A 8. r. 14 pfd St. L. W St. U ' S. W. ptd Bloae-Sheffleld S. A I.. So. Paolflo Southern Railway Southern Railwar P'd Copper Texas A Pscinc Tol., St, L. A W Toi., Bt. u s w. pre I'nion Psxltle Inlon Pacific pfd ..... Unite Hutes Kealt .. t nlted Stataa Rubber United Slates Steel t'nlud Its lee ataat pf I tsh Cmpar Virginia-Carolina Caerolcal Wabash Wabask pfd Western Maryland .... WoottBghouee Claotria Western Union W heeling A Lake Bra) i 17 1034 105V4 H16 vi loaii 71 Three day thla week..l8.m JS.031 091 Bame days last weea....!0.8li 17,3d 41.KI Heme day I week ago. .11. 0.-3 17.116 tl .J Hams daya I week ago.. H2 7.C9 10.644 fiame day 4 weeks ago.. S.3H3 2H.HH 16,761 Kama day last year 11,24 29.161 17, 791 The following table show the receipts ot J. came, boa and sheen at 8011th oma&a tor I the year to date aa compared wltlt last )ear: 1910. 190. Inc. Deo, -'ttle M:j.SoS r-2.576 40,777 Hogs l.aai o.ii 1.6:11.171 S80.U7 Sheep S46.v ;a.a.U lvS,0l The folioalr.a table, ahnwa the average prlcea of hogs at fcouth Omaha for the last everaj day, with romDarlsons: Dates. 1 uis. Ho.iiiws.to7.iiw.;im.iio4. !)... 44... U... 5... 4... 71... 44... !... r... 13.. ,0 ...t0 ... ...1 IN ... ... ...VI ...m ...f5 ...ri ...t ...vs ...Ml ...n ... ...7 ... ...JM ...JM ...l ...: ...wi ...4 ...W) ...Ml ...MI ... ...P7 ...34 ..l . .17 .171 ..lI 1 I IS t 14 l II IS I 17 I I V I lo I 10 I ) I M I to I 10 I M W IN l an I n I to I M I r I tl4 I list as so I ii to tv. .. I .. ti .. 1 :s .. I K .. I II 10 I H SO I IS 10 I II B0 I IJ ., I II I 21 '4 SO M 40 40 l No. . .. S4 . 44.. M. . .. li.. n.. cs . at.. 71.. I . 7.. 4.. ti.. T2.. Tl . 1.. 7.. "I. . !.. M . I.. 71.. 71.'. 4 . 15.. 71.. So.. 4.. 74., 71., II.. ?S.. 7., .. 7i., 47.. II.. M. AT. rt lT rl ?m 174 sT Ill I v-t 4 114 IM t4 141 It 14 Mo V Jl ,,...?1 170 5M 34 ..'...5S4 171 . ... .140 ......' IJI 104 114 t t irr 211 .... .1ST tol MS 141 ni 104 ISO Ill Sh. Pr. n I I no ID Ik ... I w M I SO ... I to ... I M ... 111'! ... I I14 WIN ... I IS ... I IS M M ... I U in IS SO I M l I W lso 1 r 1 to 1 I74 D III 120 I 40 10 I 40 0 14. 4 I 4V ... I 41 ... I 45 ... I 4S I 4J ... I 41 I 41 t 44 I 46 I 41 I 4 I 10 I so I M m I M I 70 I 71 I TS I K) I 80 sheep SO too 40 lso 110 'to 1 and Del. A H. ct. 4s. D A R. O. 4s., slo ret. 6s........ n. tillers tt Kris pr. lion 4a.... do ga. 4s do cv. 4s ear. A., do asr. B Uen. Elec. ct. ta C let ret. 4s.. Bid. Oflared. 7 do, 1st A rsf. 4s Wv, . lUHtr. S. Rubber la ....:oii , Win. 8. Steel Id se..lo:4 . 0 A's.-Car. Chsm. 5a.. 9i"V. . M)Webash . let 6a 107V, . 7 do lat A ex. 4s . M14 West. Md. 4..vrt. . MH . M West. Else. CT. Is... 80 .131 W Is.' Crntral 4a ..... S . (7 ale. Pas. ss ctts.... Vi July 15. July . July 17 July July July July Juiy July July 24 July 20. juiy it July 27. 14441 7 Kl 311 t 711 ?!! T U 171 t 761 HI if... 19... HO... 21... 22... 24... I t 7.741 441 t 711 t KV I ( 40 t IWI ?tTi! 7 7RI I I 74 1 7 75, ill t SO 7 7W 27 42-ai 7 &9 ;; 7 67 I 7 67 TT,l I 2i"l -7 HI 31HI 7 4i 13 tl 14 11 24 1 62 ill 47 481 1 m t 2i r.2 t Mi 661 0 62' a , lo 5 971 6 44 SIIKKP Normal recclots of lambs were yarded this morning, fully half of the run consisting of feeder classes. Pat lames were fairly plentiful, but tn more urgent killing orders have been filled dur ing the last couple of day and barring a few btinrhs that especially aulted packers at generally firm prices, early rounds were it wa a E 641 li I 1 6 Ml 661 ( 21 t 631 i 12 a mi 4 0.1 6 611 6 10 I not productive ot many sales, 6 461 I 6 47 t 66 6 dvi 6 07 4 ml do account Amal. Copper Anaconda Atchison .... do pfd.. Chesapeake A O.... . Chicago O. W Chi., Mil. A St. P.. Da Bears Denrer A Rio O..., do pfd. Erie do 1st pfd do Id ptd Orsnd Trunk Illinois Central..., C. M. & St. F W abash J. A N. W., east C. N. W., west (J., SL P., M. at O.... L'.. tl. A u., eaat C, B. A (J., west C, H I. ft P., east.. C R. 1. ft P.. west.. Illinois Central Chicago U. W London Block Market. LfiXDON. July 17. American securltle opened firm and from t to t point higher Mlaaourl Pacific ... today. ACUve local ana cormnuea uuverum 1 Lnion i'uclllc xeuaed the imnrovement. After the opening the buying Improvement subsided and prices fluctuated erratically aunng ine resi 01 th forenoon. At midday the market wa dull and prices ranged from to I'A above veaterrlav'a New York closing. Consola, money,., si 11-1 Leierine ac n nvn Illl-KM., t. ot 1 nit ... MHN. Y. Central 1U ... 1 Norfolk A W 44 ... five do pfd... II ...10I Ontario A W 41t4 B.ltlmors A Ohlo....l0fSPrnnirlanla ......... W Canadian Pacific 14 Hand Mines Mi . to jteeatng ... e . 11 H Southern Rr 106 .121 do ptd 41 . ltvi Southern Pacific 1014 . 24 Union Pacific 15St . asVs do pfd W .11 H. 8. Steal 4 . 28 do ptd 114 . n Wsbsih J4 . tr. do -pfd 1 11 .131 Spanish 4a 12 SILVER Bar. teady at 24 13-16d per 0. mnNEY lu ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is Vk per cent; lor tnree month' bine, 2 per cent. Sunday. Receipts and dlsDoaltlon of live stock at the Union Mock ards, Houth Omaha, for twenty-tour hours ending at 1 o clock p. m. July 27, 1K10: 1 RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. II r s. 4 6 45 7 4 62 1 Total receipts 178 DISPOSITION. Cattle. S 1 So 20 6 37 . 6 6 ii i'i 4 X 6 1 137 37 Local Seeorttlee. Quotation., furnished by Samuel Burn. Ir.. i? New York Ufa building. Omaha: Bid. AskMI. Beatrice CraSenary. P'd a n Beatrice Crearnery, com,. II II Cttr National Back Blilg. 4s, U JO.... N 100 Cttr of Omaha 4s, 1315 MVi 8 Columbus glee. U. s. U4 So Si Cudshr r.rklns Co. Is. 19M 17 It Oermsa Fir tssuranee " 1UV4 Houston Water 4s, 144 1 loVa Iowa Portland Cement 1st mt. a.... as Iowa Portland Cement con. ss. M Kansaa Osa A Blee. 1 per asnt pfd.... Kansas City, Mea. A Orlsnt, p(d......' V Lincoln Traction Co. 6 per cent, .ilji.. 6 Morris A Co. tvia, lt ' Nat. City Bk. N. T v....iv.v Nab. Tel. stock a per cent, V4 New York. City of 4Hs 199f.r.J... . 10 Omaha Water Co. U. JM4... Jtu.lV. r Omaba Oas Is, HIT II Omaha KIscT Ugrii' 6a, 1MI......... '..'... Omaha Packing Co 632 ewirt ana company am Cudahy Packing Co I,3d7 Armour Co 7e Mchnauff Packing Co iMurphy IKhlppers w. a. vansant Co 1 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 3S Stephens Bros 60 Hill ft Son 4f. V. B. Lewis 61 Huston ft Company 18 J. H. Bulla 171 U F. Hu 21 L. Wolf Ill McCreary ft Carey 73 8. Werthelmer 18 H. P. Hamilton 10 Bui Ivan Bros 11 Snl Deagan Other buyers 681 Totals 6,071 Hogs. Sheep. 1,062 1.641 2,0.10 100 210 17 27 MVt '4H 40 V. 1: 1) 70 244 47V 124 HV4 TIV4 W lVt 10m 170 tl 16 14 IIV 1 V4 in T 25 V4 61 1M ilVi umana aiec sianh oe, im.,, Omaha Klee, Uaht ntd I rer-eeM:.... 1V4 Omaha A C. B. St. Rr pfd par east Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. 6a, yjg..,.,. 64. p.cit.o t. t. se, im.....::a..4.v.0n (isle tosursues Cs,.i.u,uniat,a-'M I" ' Sealtla, City of. 4s. 1l84,.v.,.,,...,,vli)t ITl-Clty K. A' L, Ce. as, lllii. ....... , Tidewater 6a, 19U tOoar. It. Roger aa. 10!t I'nion Stock Yards So. Omaha . X Wast. Pacific 6 T...T... 93 104 lo la H t 400 100 107 I 1314) tl ISO 101 Vi TSa . i 3V, slow, dracgy deal throughout the greater part of the morning, selected fat lambs aolnc at auotahlv ataadv flaures. with the ( 04 ordinary rtin of stuff weak to a little lower. H I Native lambs sold as high as 17.40 and a 5 58 6 11 7 M Quality of either native or westerns nvuiu i.vs ig u. pi imv. Sheep trade was also featured by Inactiv ity. Supplies of fat wethers and ewes were relatively small, however, and after trading was once started, a very fair clearance wa made In good season. Bulk of sales hem steady with those of yesterday, but feeling was decidedly bearish on common kinds too fleshy for the feed lot and the trend of values Somewhat lower, reouer marnei is rexpunding nicely to timely rain through nut the ritm heit I Warn and was broad and reasonably artlve again today ana prices ruled a little higher, feeder lamb selling at m.i ana reeaer yearling going si sj.w. Proportion of feeder ewes I still mall, hut eiwvt nnea are ouotable at 13.00 or better. Oiintetlrkne nn snu. S.IOCK: liOOQ to cnuil'B lambs. tT.OOia.M): fair to good lambs, 6.40 6700; feeding lambs, a5.60ia6.2o; handy welaht vearllngs. I6.tx6.40: heavy year lings, 4.60i84.tK); feeding yearlings, HID l on: e-mwl to nhoica wetners. Rwui w, fair to good wethers, 3.60tt?..85; feeding wethers. . 3.60ifi 3.86; fat ewes. 2.76tffl.75: feeding ewes, li.2tVti3.00. Representative sales: No. 22 Wyoming- wethers..." la Wyoming wether 216 Wyoming wether r'4 Wyoming wether 126 Wyoming wether 5 Wyoming wether 21 Wyoming wether. 64a Wyoming lamb lf0 Wyoming lamb 60 Wyoming lambs, fdrs. .. 134 Wyoming ewes lol Wyoming ewe 26 Wyoming ewes 20 native lambs, culls 137 native lambs 7 native lambs 6 western lambs 14 native ewes 4 western Iambs, culls 129 western ewes 58 western bucks 76 western lambs ,.. 193 Utah lamb 112 Utah lambs, feeders 124 Utah lambs, feeders .... 24 Utah yearlings, wethers . 81 V ah wethers 41 I'tah ewe 2M Wyoming ewes 804 Wyoming bucks 723 1,142 1.4611 1.021 culls.... 1,213 7,340 New York Cnrav Market, The following quotations... Are furnished CATTLE Recemta of cattle were liberal for a Wednesday, not onlv here, but at all other market points. Still, the total tor tne tnree aavs at this nolnt shows a rail Ing off of about 600 head aa compared with the enormous number received the early part of last week. At the same time the recelpta thl week show very large gain compared with other recent week and a of 6,01)0 head In the three day. With large Wyoming ewes, feeder reralnta and with earlv arivlnea from nt r istiuu iratu selling point indicating a lower tendency ot prices, buyer at this point, were a little weak and It waa rather late before the killers got down-to business, although feed ers sola quite early in the morning, Grass beef steer seemed to be in the best demand and they commanded steady prices, at leant the desirable kinds did. On the other hand, there were a good many cornfed cattle In the yards, many of them on the- common to medium order asd a good many of them light and the market on that class or stock was safely luojibc lower than yesterday; It will be readily under stood th'.i; the range steers which are com- 180 Idaho lamb feeders .. 62 Idaho ewes, feeders.. Av. 100 8 18 I 9 7 78 67 65 67 B4 94 M 48 63 . 67 70 130 ltfi 3 141 64 67 63 63 W 103 114 , M , M , 3 . 47 . 47 . SS Pr. 3 70 3 70 3 70 3 00 3 70 8 70 2 75 7 00 7 00 6 00 3 40 3 40 1 25 6 09 7 40 7 25 7 26 3 7a 2 75 8 M 2 60 6 60 6 60 00 00 4 25 4 CO 8 50 1 3 3 So 16 16 3 00 per 4-bssket crate, 1160 Rlue prune: Per crate, 1 60. Peaches: California, per 20-lb. box, ?: Teaas yellow frees, per l-bake rrale. 70r; Texae vellntv freea, per 6-beskei crate II 40. Pesie: Callfornaa. Ilartlelt. pee box. 2.t. Wat: meona: Teaaa, iV'per lb. Dates: Am-hor btaiia, new, 10 1-1 b. 6kgs.. In bos. per box, 12.00.! lflh potatoes! Wleeoilalr, and native, per bo , 60c. New potatoes: In aa ka, per bu., II 00. . Cabbage: New Cali fornia and southern, per lb., c. Onion: Yellow, In sack a, per lb., 40. Oarller ICxtra, fancy, white, per !b., locj red. per lb., Ia Egg plant: Fan y Florida, per do , II W HUM. Tomatoes: Tennessee, per 4-bUet crate. (1 .10. Hiring and wax beana: Per hamper, about 16 lb., tl.60; market baaketa. 76c. Cucumbers: Hot bouee and home, giown, per dns., 76c HOMR. GROWN VBOETAnL,E8 Ra1 Isheaf Extra fancy, per. d.ia. bunchea, 2)c. Lttuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dox., toe. Paraley: Fancy, per dos. bunches, 30c. Rhu barb: Ter dos. 'bunches. 46c. Asparagus: Per dos. bunches. 4tj0c. Green onlona: Per dos. bunchea. 26c. Turnip: per market basket. 40a Carrote: Per market basket. inc. Beets: Per market basket. 60c. Green peas: per market basket, 61.00. Mlrit:r-L.I.A.-N kucn waitiut! 14' cat, per lb. 2c; California. No. 1. per lb.. 17c; Cali fornia. No. 1 per lb. 14a. lllckormuts: Darge, per lb.. 4c; small, per lb.. 4c. Cocoa- nuts, per sack. Pfi Oti; per dos., Ac. 85 1 25 r. 1 (ansae Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. July 27. CATTLE Re ceipt; 12.000, including 2,600 southern; market steady to lao lower; calve, !026c lower; dressed beef and export steer, 16.00 68.0Q; fair to good, 34.606.00; western western steer, 84.loxeP7.oo; stocgers ana feeder,' 12. Tola 5.; southern steers, t3.60(y 6.25; southern cows, 12.6ta.2.75; native cows. 2 00576.00; native heifers, 12.85.50; Pulls, 13.10fr4.2G; oalve. 40W00. HOOS-KecelDts. lo.ow: market do lower: bulk of sales. 8.40tt8.6T; heavy, 18.408.60; lug forward In sueh large number at the by Logan ft Bryan, members of New York Pent a,.t!;;j'"Ce.h0. H"..!!51" packers and butchers, 8.4D8.'75; light, Stock exchange. S South Sixteenth street, fh7hfn?,.5r- X! &,?, . .. . . . . . -' - -' - . - 1 nunvp rti t.s u K1U.HAM1 mi x il .1' mar. 45 2H 2I 14 17 1! 10. WO 121H . 100 67 TOO 117V 1.800 U S.WIO 100 lOoO too too ' 700 1.600 700 1.000 1WV6 1MV4 -2sV4 26 V, 44 21 33 24 V4 1.4 24 llti 25H t Us U1V4 4 W 124 U'tt II 16V, 42 Vi 44V6 I I MVi 17 14 144s 18 JltS 15V, 15V 24 16 68 19 . 16 5 1.4O0 181 J81 1JJV. 00 14 24 16 1.S04 117 114 111 i.aoe z 28 46 7 14 18 19 fc W 11 4o0 . 11,100 4 mo . 1.600 ; loo . .7u0 . 1,80 . 4.700 67 41 101 47 II 4 101 41 14 10 41 8 13,400 U 113 w 100 I u 47 101 41 23 . 11 106 108 44 0 aJu 41 1 116 1.100 1M 124 126 1.8O0, 104 V 101 104 vt 1,000 10 300 14 600 tti tOO 164 oft 21 1100 184 1,704 18 604 17 81,700 24 M 14 154 M 121 II 14 11 48 14 iH Is 18 114 J8 8oV .. H.10S 41 64 68 Iu0 88 14 II TOO li 18 81 60O 64 61 68 , 1.100 61 61 13 17, t 107 104 10 3,01) 10 1 l 400 60 48 60 , loo 21 21 J0 1,800 14 11 21 6o 11 iv it 48 . 11,100 167 163 lo 60 S 88 8 . 600 7 4 r . 1.000 10 18 80 148, 804 4o 41 , 4.1X0 114 112 Ms ,4.100 48 40 41 1 I.60O 67 84 . 00 . 1600 14 l:t 14 . l.loO 11 81 . loO 41 40 4) . 1.4 64 63 il 800 M 7 M ' 00 6 4 4 166, 404 .hares. Omaha: Bay State Osa Bulls Coalition.. Cactus Chlno Chief Cons Dssla-Daly ....... Ely Central Ely Cons Franklin Olroux Ooldtield Cons... Grssne Canansa. Inspiration .1.... , 24Laroe , 18 Nevada Cons , 8 Newhoua , 11 Ohio Copper , 1 Rawhide Coalition , lKsy Central , 7viwift J'sa. Co . 1 Seam-Koobuck Co... 160 , 10 Superior A Pitta 10 . 4Tonotiah Mining.....' 6 . Trinity Copper 4 , .North Latac 1 . 4 Bohemia ............. 4 M ?o?nrS.U,;d U,U' market Mker-.Vi UrSbT liS "cowhand in ood active d W.T64P7.25; yearlings. 14.263526; wethers. JM.M &4.2s: ewi 2.604.V. 60 1 18 1 .101 u v. m etiiu iicitcie wviw in auuv iviiio wo- . , . , . , , . M. . , . m , . mand and the dealrable kinds were steady ,wea' t " - """ ""u to strong beside being free sellers. Stackers and feeders were In good demand and they, too, commanded good strong prlcea as compared with yesterday. uuoiMUons 1111 native cattre: Mood to cnoice corn-red steers. Ti.wqrubi lair 10 g-000 Bt. I.onls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUI8, July 27.-CATTLE Receipts, 6,300 head, Including 3,500 Texans; market steady, 100 tower: native snipping ana ex- Cotton ajarbal. NEW YORK. July I7.-TOTTf-"p9t. closed quiet, 36 points higher; middling up- land. 16.85c; middling giilf. 18.10c; sales. .850 bales. Futures closed firm; Jnlv, n.40-: August 10.4.: October. 13.61c; . Nnvemrwr, 13.61c; Deccmbtr, 13.49c, Jsnnary, J3.4c; f"tb- ruaiy, l.X46c; March, lS.Vie: Mav. is.6:c. ST. LOVMfl. July 27. COTTON I n- chai.ged; middling, 16c. Sale, none. Me celpts, 370 bales. Shipments, 1,19$ bale; stock, 6,607 bales. GERMS IN STREET CAR STRAPS Omaha Man Seauda aa A la ran Pro voked by larewtlatnllon In Ban Francises. A loyal member of the United Order of Straphangers. Omaha division, while jour neying along the Pacific, coast, discovered a perilous condition of affairs among the straphanglng brethren of San' I'ranclsto and turned Into The Ben x written alarm. The roster of grievances ot tSe strap hangers heretofore has been restricted to) the physical strain, bodily aches, and the tired feeling generated by clinging to street car leather. For varloua reasons the men tal outgiving of the position ere reserved, for the secret sessions of the order, where they furnish sweet muslo for sympathstio ears. No one. It appears, dreamed that street car straps harbored perils other than -arm torture and tropicsl expletive. That discovery stands to the credit of the vigi lant promoters of human comfort striving to live a high life In San Frainclaco. suspicion of dark perils In street car straps In San Francisco grew Into belief ; and caused the San Francisco Call to in stitute an Investigation. Sidney K. Dannen baum, city bacterlollst, was set on the tauslc and his report, recently published, provoked the alarm turned Into Omaha. Mr. Dannenbaum found millions of germs glued on the straps. One piece of a strap showed up 350,100,000 germs every on allva and ready for action. A few of this num- -ber fed to a guinea pig put the animal out of business In thirty-six hours. These are the specimens found: Staphylococcus epidermis slbus. Staphylococcus pyogenes albus. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. Streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcus eryaipeiatls. . . Separately or In combination these germs are capable of starting theae diseases: Abscesses. ' Bolls. Blood poisoning. Erysipelas, heart disease (ulcerative covering). Periostitis (inflamatlon or tn pone cov ering J Antnrax. Paratyphoid. , Bubonlo plague. '1 Glanders. Tetanus (lockjaw). - Dysentery, i Trachoma Xorlentat eye' dlsess).,-"" ' Dr. Dannenbaum insists " that th - car straps Is one of the greatest sources of Infection and a ' positive danger-', to th traveling public. Among 'the .thousands of persons who travel dally across San Fran cisco, hundreds of them' have contagious diseases. In soma cases the dlseax may be hereditary and Incurable and the suf ferer indifferent,' Everybody,-' whenever th occasion requires it, jr rasps a Strap and In this way the disease are conveyed from one unhealthy person to another who may be healthy. Each strap represents a hand ful of bacteria - among which . are the bacilli which Dr. Dannenbaum reports and which kill w'.thln thirty-six hours a healthy animal. . r "X travel all over ths states west of the New York Mining; .fllocka. corn-fed steers. 1H.Z.V.7.00: common to fair I nnrt steers. 37.3Mr8.40: dressed beef and corn-fed yiteera. 1&0U&6.26; good to choice I bu toner steers, J..007.86; steers under 1,000 cows and heifers, f4 'a;6.7; fair to gooa pounds, 86.76436 W; stockers ana leeders, cows and heifers, 13. 50S4. 76; common to fair 13.26&6.60; cows and heifers, 13.50t(?7.2&; can cows and heifers, 2.6041.25; good to choice nors, 12.&1W2.75; bulls, t3.267.60; calves, 86 60 NEW IOKK, JUly Tl. Closing quotations l.iV.r. ind fsi1.r. t4 fair In o or.. T... . mr,A .t..r. Li(V3i7!;- un i.n..i.. -'"-"".""' . ... . gooa stockers ana leeaers. eJ.owai.x: com-1 enwx and heifers. I3.6trrf6.IW. mon to fair stockers ana feeders, ss.ooas 1 HOOS Receipts. 6.600 head: market 1.60: stock heifers. I3.00b3.s&; veal calves, steady: pigs and lights, t8.00fi4.35: peokers. 83.507.00; bulls stags, etc., tt.00S6.25. $6.6008.76; butchers and best heavy, t8.80 uuotations on range cattle: uooa to 1 a.m. choice graaa beevea. 86.6fi-26; galr to good I SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.000 beeves. 14.6uS6.60: common to fair beeves. I head: market steady to lower: native mut- I3.76s.60; good to choice cows, 14.0Uj4.60; tons, 3.'i64.2S; lambs, t8.26ifj7.85; culls and fair to gooa grades, li.i&u.w; cannert ana bucks, i.wa.w; stockers, t)z.WQ3.'b. cutters. Z. 6WBI3.3S. Alice Brunawlok Con. ... Com. Tunnel stock. do bonus Con. Cel. A Va .. Horn BilTsr Iron Sllror coffered. .300 . 7 . 21 . II ,. 6 . 44 ,.146 LMidTllla Coo.' LUla Chief .. Meaicaa Ontario .: Opblr ,. Standard YelUw Jacket .. I .. ..110 ..160 ' ..107 .. 80 ..' 60 Bank Clenrlnara. OMAHA, July 17. Bank clearings for to day were 82,467,814.20 and for the corre sponding date last year, 8z,361i, Kansas Cttr Grain and Pro-visions. KANSAS CITT, July 27. WHEAT July, 7o; September, 96o; December. $l01c; cash. Valo lower: No. 1 hard, Mk't21.0: No. 3. 84ci&tl.02; No. I red, Hc&n.(n; No. 8, M CORN July, 6t4o; September, 64c; De cember, 63c; May, 65Vc; No. mixed, 6619 tV: No. 3. WiKi&c; Mo. wnite, Mic; no. A 66Viititic. , OATS Unchanged; No. 'white, 41Q43c; No. 1 mixed, Si'iuMc. RTE No. 1. ,724if75o. ' HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, 114.00 ei4.60: choice oral rla. Ili.ou. BUTTER Creamery, 264c: firsts, 23c; seconds, 21c; packing stock, WttC EGGS Firsts. S4.&0: aooonda. 6170. - .Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 3i7,000 201,000 Corn, bu . 8,000 0,0U0 Oats, bu 7.0U0 I.Outt Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A. Pr. . 6 141 4 16 40 1170 60 1 61 4 66 11 1111 60 14 884 4 66 IS 1211 66 1 1044 I 00 61 1111 I 76 14 1011 I 00 1 1206 ( 76 COWS. 14 746 1 70 I W IN 8 IM I 70 4 807 3 11 1 166 I 71 1 164 8 26 3 481 t 10 II 784 I 16 - HEIFERS. T.... 414 8 ve 1 two i ai 7 6sl 8 86 BULLS. I 11S 3 86 1 110 4 00 1 UM 3 86 1 17M 4 40. .. . CALVJti. . 4 167 4 40 , I 136 I Tl 1 836 I 00 2 841 I 76 I M4 00 1 14 T 1 141 I 60 BTOCKERa AND FEEDERS. 1 780 I 00 31 664 I 26 Chlraa-o Live Btoek Market, t CHICAGO, July 27. CATTLE Receipts, 22,000; market weak to 10c lower; beeves, 4.7601.80; Texas steers, 8S.50ip6.60; western steers, 84.7&4f.60; stockers and feeders, 84.00 fc.26; cows and heifers 12.60O4.o0; calves, ia.60&8.7E. hour- Receipts, is.uuu; market owioc higher (mostly on poor grades); light, 88.66 O9.10; mixed, I8.30i58.90; heavy, 8.00rg8.80; rough, 38.oooji8.3o; gooa to cnoice heavy, 8.2038.76; Pigs, !8.6o&.10; bulk of sales, 8.660 8.75. SHEEP and LAMoo hnielunl, lo.UvO. market strong, lOo higher; native, 12.70W4.60; western. !2.fc4.50; yearlings. (4.605.76: lambs, native, 4.603'7.60; western, M 767.0. , 641 I 88 11 4 487 I II ' 1 WESTERNS. . H. H. Sohl Neb. 710 I 64 Boston Copper Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan ft Bryan, members Boaton Stock exchange, 816 South Sixteenth street: Adveature 4 Michigan Arteona Com 18 Miami Allow 14 Mohawk ..: Atlantic Nlppieeing Calumet A Aria 4 North Butte Calumet A Hec!a....61!nerela creameries. 23vl'27e; - 1 Ml. I, I F 'WINNE 1B'e.J ' July. ' ; i ,M',.'1". cars. BUTTER-rteadyj dairies, SUZ6C. , EGGS Receipts, 111.000 cases; steady, at mark, cases included, Vii 14c ; firsts, 16c; prime firsts, 17c. CHEKSE Easy; daisies. 15t15tie; twins, l4i;16c; young Americas, lo'.'dia'tc; long POTATOES Steady; choree to fancy, 73 BiCc; fair to. good. ,sJ70a x POULTRY-Steadyj turkeys, 30o; hens, -V VEALStady; 0 to 0-lb. wts. , 48'o; M to 8-11). W ta., w siw-iw. - aaeasella Cral A a-ket. ..luiita Julv 27. WHTCAT 12! September. 111S: December c-Jlv . N-.. 1 hard. H ; N. i CORN Spot, firm; old American mixed. 6s6'id; old American mixed, via Galveston, 6a Id; new kiln- dried. saavM; futures, steady; - September, 4 llSil. October, 4slld. Mllwsskt' Oraln Market. MILWAUKEE, July 17 Flour steady. MILWAUKEE, July IT.-FLOUR-Sleday. WHEAT No. 1 northern. 1.2f-l 2;,No. 2 northern. ll.Soii 124; September, 1.0t) asked, OATS 41i-43c. BARLEY Samples. 5ff3&c. Onsaka Hay Market. OMAHA. July 27.-HAT-NO. 1 upland. 11100: No. 3 upland, 31100; packing, 800. Straw: wheat, 87.00; rye and oata, kl New hay. .. (Vniennlsl Copper Rang ... Daly-West Eeet Butt First National.. Hancock Helsstla Indiana lsla-Hoysl Keeweenaw - Lke Cupaar La Salle 34aaeackussit .. Son. 16OIl nonunion... l8Qulooy 4 Ray Cona . 4 Shannon , 1 Superior Copper. . J4 superior A , 1 Tamarack . 1 U. 8. S. A Rat. Co. .11 do pfd ,' I I'tsh Cons . 81 Wolserlna , . 8 Yukon Oold . 4boMua A Ely . 11 41 10 H 114 . 43 . TO . IT IS . IT . I . 64 . 48 . .107 . 4 1 Steers. steers., 3 heifers, steers., 21 feeders. 1040 1072 715 , 831 764 4 45 4 40 4 10 4 80 1 sol - Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 17. COFFEE Th 12 cows i3 3 86 cows.,... 790 8 15 market for coffee futures opened steady at a 40 steers.. ..ima to decline of 2ft6 points under scattering liq- -WESTERNS KJ2BRA8ICA. uiuakuoil euiu ra we.yunaej awwor nnuimii 1 1 wwm... trwv 9 iv cables, while It was also reported that some 4 cows.... J018 3 65 of the firm offers of Santos were a shade 122 steers.... 628 1 65 easier. Offerings were not very heavy, but 23 steers.. 11J4 CO there seemed to be comparatively MUle de- 18 feeders.. 79 4 60 . mand and while the undertone of the mar- 7 !ifs. ft cs. 761 ' 1 10 ket continued steady the close wag at a net 8 steers..., 793 8 40 decline of 1&5 points.- Sales were reported It calves... 211 6 60 of 26,000 bags. Closing bids follow: 3 calves...' 176 7 00 July, 165c; August, 6.70c; September, 6.76c; 1 10 steers.... 607 4 tf October. 6.80c: November. a.86c: December. Lanenram T-imeiMeh 6.oc; January, 6.80c; February, 7.00c; March, 17 feeders. .1128 4 56 . 15 cows 20 3 SO i.wt, Apiii, i.viti, w.i , .wis, i.wv,; j t ii, . m. . w artey fsuD .put, iiiaratii Birsur, mv, 11 v. 1, otiw, 1 25 COWS aT4 a 76 tos, No. 4, SVi'at'Hc; mild, market quiet; Falntor ft St John-Mont uoraova, iiuo. 108 steers... ! 4 76 . 14 steers. ..Ulfi ( Bt. JoeenU Lire Stork Market. ST. .TOOEPH. Jtilv 17. CATTLF celpts, 1 900 head; market steidy to s ads lower; steers, 44.aOiiif.6o; t-ov.1 and heifcia, 2.50195 00; calves, 3.0O8.00. HUU8 Receipts, d.duu nesa; marxei. steady; top, 18 86; bulk or sales. 8 50$8.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reneipts, head; market steady; lambs, 14 6tf7.80. Missouri river," writes the Omaha strap hanger, "and'hava noticed that California I away ahead In th matter of fighting ths white plague. Residing In Omaha, I na turally am Interested In Its welfare. It the facts as stated In the Call are true in San Francisco, they are true of All cities, and it 1 time th straps in street cars were thrown cut" 1,500 OMAHA GENERAL MARKETS. StapU nasi renew Praises price rar. nlsheel hr Hnrore anal Wkoleaaler. BUTTER Creamery. No. 1, delivered to the retail trade in 1-lb. carton. 30c; No. 1, tn im.ll. tiih ln' NI.. 9 In 1.1K Mrt.n, 9 Steers. ...10H5 4nOlv7 Va 9 in uaik ,i'.e r....i.i., 17 Steers.... 843 t 0 atnek. aolld naok. 20 Wn: dalrv. In SO-lb. tuna. 7 steers..., 86 8 85 23c Market changes every Tuesday. cows..... J0 3 46 CHEEnhi Twins, mto; young Americas. He; daisy, 18o; triplets, 180; II in berg or, 16c; No. 1 brick, 17c imported Swiss, goo; do mestic Swiss, 23o ; block Swiss, 22o. POULTRY Dreaeed broilers, 230: bens. 16c; oocks, 10c; ducks, 16c; geese, 16c; tur keys. 26o: pigeons, per dos.. tL60: homer 237 steers. .1104 8 00 sauabs. per dos.. 84.00: fancy sauaba. oar , it steers. ..1044 4 78 Cos., li.oo; no. 1, per aos., r3.vo. Alive: 7 calves... S12 3 40 FIRST SCHOOL IN DAKOTA Monument to Mr Erected on Sit) Of the Old Bnlldlngt mt Bon Homme. SIOUX FALLS. B. D., July 27,-(8pecial.) As the result ot a meeting just held by members of a society of old pioneers of Bon Homme county, which was .organised for the purpose, further arrangements were completed-for the erection of a monument to mark the site of the first school build ing erected in Dakota territory, which, at the time of the erection of th building, included ths present states of North and South Dakota, Wyoming and other states of the west. The cost of the monument wilt be about 800, all of which amount has been con tributed by the school children of Bon Homme county. Ths site of the old struc ture ws at th old town -of Bon Homme on the Missouri river In Bon Homme' county, South Dakota. The exact spot which ths old log school house occupied cannot be definitely determined at this lat date, as fifty years have passed sines ths structure was erected. Ths monument will be erected north t,f th first store In the old . town of Bon Homme. One. side of th monument will bear th data the first school house waa erected 1800. Upon another will be placed the name cr ti Orst teacbsr, Mrs. J. Kounts, and the names of - ths ten pupils who were In attendance. Metal Market. n u Van Tassell-s-Wvoi Rrollara. 16c: hena. 12c: old rooatera. 7n: nM inc. w iuim. juiy xi. bciaui arena- lis leeaers.. 1111 0 tsj . so feeder.. nil B 00 ducks, run reamerea, 11c; geese, lull reath 8Teeders.,1018 6 00 ard copper market firmer; spot and futures. 11.76(12.00. London market firm; spot price, 164 10s; futures, prices, 66 . 2s 6d. Lake, 112212.87; electrolytic, 112.37 13.60: casting. ll2.12Utri2 26. Tin irregular: spot price, ll4 5a; futures, prices, 160 7s spot price, 14Ht 6a; futures, prices, l&0 6d. Lead easy; snot 4 8MM.46. New York and (4.304.324. East St. Louis. London, soot price, ill 8s 8d. Spelter dull: 15.6tKuS.60. New York; 4.96606. East St. Louis. Lon don, spot price, iZ2 12s 6d. Iron, Cleveland warrants. 48s 7d In London. - Locally iron was quiet. 4 60 476 t 00 Treason- Statonient. WASHINGTON, July 17. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of bual neae today wa as follows: Trust Funds Oold coin, (MS, 4tl. 663; silver dollars, 39.. 126.000; silver dollars of lkkO, )3.6,'.0uO; sliver certificates outstanding, (4H9,166,0ta). General fund, 12,331.807; eurreut liabilities. I IK, 134,- 81 steers.. ..1133 13 feeders. .1120 5 10 23 steers.. ..1223 24 heifers. ..IH18 4 46 Folland ft Co. Wyo. 174 cow.... 1W Rocky Mountain Cattle Co.-Wvo. 67 steers.... 610 4 00 4 calves... 230 26 calves... 160 I 60 St. John ft Talntor-Wve 22 steers.. ..1110 4 76 HOGS Range of prices narrowed a little tn the hog yards this morning en a market that was unevenly higher. Trading was very erratlo in both divisions, loads of hogs that were almost identical in weight and quality going at figures a dime apart in many instances. Advances of 16c and a Uttie Feorla Market PEORIA. July XI. CORN-Steady; No. 1 white, ask?; No. 1 yellow, 66c; No. 3 yellow, dime were not lnfreauent while aulte 64V:; No. 64Vc; No. e, 13ci no grade, 6;t) I bualneaa was done at price levele no better oka ered, 10c; turkeys, 19c; guinea fowla, 10c each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dos., tl.OO squabs, No. L per 00s., l.0; No. 3, per dos., M). M8H (an irosen jncaerei, uo; wnite f!sh. 14c; pike, 16c; trout, 16c; large crap pies, 20c; Spanish mackerel, 18o; sel, lie; haddock, 13o; flounders, 18c; green catfish, 18c: buffalo. 8c; halibut 10c; whtte perch. c; bullheads, 14c; roe shad, 1.00 each; snad roes, per pair, no; irog legs, psr aos., 30c; salmon, 16c. UEfc.r tuts-hid: ino. 1, oo; No. 1. 14c: No. t. o. Loin: No. 1, 18c: No. I. 14c: No. 8. lOvic. Chuck: No. J so: No. A 4o; No. 8, 6o. Round: No. 1, 11 o; No. 2, o; No. 3, so. r-iate: Jo. 1, 7c; No. 3, two; no. s. o. FRUITS oraagesi . California Camalla OATS Lower; etendard, 80S41c; No. wiilte, 38T9c; No. 4 white, JVic. than ilronir In a aanaral evav. Ik. ..,. trtnd KedianO vaieneias. iV BIBO. Per POX. market appeared to be all of a big nickel M 00; 12 sue, per box. 84,60s 160 slae. per Wool MArket. ST. LOUIS. July 27. WOOL Firmer; me dium grd combing and clothing. 23T123Vic; light fin. 17lSc; heavy fin, litj14c; tub washed, !& 33c . Ferslitent Advertising Is th Road to Big Returns. higher, common and rough mixed grade sliomng tne greater improvement. Heavies and heavy mixed moved around 3s.lMtJ6.26 according to quality and weight Good mixed sold readily at (8 3MJ8.40 and light and bacon Weights commanded the high flguree, seleoted lights topping at (S ao. A large share of a fully normal supply ranged from 18 SO to 88.46 aa compared with yesterday's bulk or S8.104fk.40. box. 14.60; 174 and smaller sixes, per box. 14 60; Havana Mediterranean tfweeta. 300-llt sixes, per box, 84.00. Lemonsi Llmonlera. extra fancy. 100-800 alses, M6O1 choice. 800- 860 slses. per box, 1,0042I 80; l-M) slae. lOo per box less; Bunset brand, par box, 17 60. Bananae: Faney seloot, per bunch, nan 160; J uin do. per Duncn, (Z.Totja.fb. t anta let-pes: California, 64 else, 84.60; 41 stand ard a, 65 64) Apricots: California, per 4- Ehlpping demand was not very broad, but 1 basket crate, (1.60. Flumsi California, red. Seven Saar Miles . liar PIERRE, S. D., July J7.-(Speclal.)-A prairie fir yesterday burped over a strip of country about ' seven miles long and a mil or more wide west of Bhrnt The only damage waa to hay lands, and ' an hay Is . a scarce article this fall, the loss to those who were counting tm that territory for their winter forage, will be heavier thsn under ordinary conditions. rrlgktm (pains of th stomach, llvr torpor, lame back and wak kidneys are overcome by Elec tric Bitters. Guaranteed. 80a.' , For salt by Beaton Drug Co. , .v'. Herbert H Cooch Co Brokers and Dealer CaXsfsVOVI8IOW8-TOKa Ontaka Offlea, IIS Beard mt triad Blag. Ball Baema, Bwwg. gall (jkA ft-tU 3 OkBBST ABB aVABIIBa. KOUBI ib ta ni-ATm il 11 16 1 , tl. V ' mi Mi 1 .-Kttwjsr ) " I' s : I f