Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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jfPP asssssssswassa - - " rw
UIM KU KAX H uxu roR
THKRE la only ona crop of land. I own
several thousand acrea cut over hardwood
land, northern Michigan; It la bound to
increase In alue; rtuonabl cash pay
ment and low lntrat enablea ona to con
trol thla; no ekfer buainee propoaltlon can
hm ttrMntMl: I htrt no time to look sfter
It. C F. I.timer, Raima Exchabge
Bldg.. Chicago. 4
MICHIGAN fruit and farm landa In the
fruit belt of Union county. Address A. A.
Benson, Tall man, Mich.
GOOD BARGAIN D acres good loajn.
Il.kuo, 1 acre In timber. Michigan, near
Chicago and Steamboat dock; 1 mil to
school; house, barn; good siisde In yard;
KjO Dcach tree. 21 cberrlea. 600 ipw, 60
apples, 1,000 currant. i acrea strswborrlss,
1 acrea wrn, etc tuOO rash, turnii for bal
ance. COHV AND CROUCH. Flret Na
tional bank Bldg., Chicago.
Hint, farms In OrMn a and Macoa coun
ties; beat In V. 8.; fruit, grain, ntock and
poultry. writ lor list, ionu uanauu,
Hart, Mich.
I OWN aevtral thouaand acrea of choice
fruit, vegetable and farm lands in Lass
Co., Michigan, which X will aell at $10 to
25 per acre on very eaay payment. Ei
curalon every Tueedayi 16 round trip; aend
for particular. David H. Miller, Room 607,
AM h.. Madison BL, Chicago.
SNAPS Beat 40-aoie black land farm In I
Michigan, house, barn and atock, milea to I
main line R. 1U town; cloae to uraua Atsp
ld. cries 12.&0U. U cmah.
sO-ecre first-class lake front, t houses.
barn, fruit anouah to na,v for farm, clove
to town,, aciiool aud. church, RivO, IjW
Box E, . Martin. Mich.
IdO FOR M acrea adjoining large inland
lake; beat bargain of the, ssaaon; very
eaay terms. Frank Beremao, Allegan,
40 acre money making farm, main road,
school, church, a to re cloae, houee, barn
fruit, nrica. tl.lKO. MOO raah.
61 acre black land, fronting on biggest
lake In Michigan, log cabin, big new atone
basement, ram, price, iz.soo, a,asv caan.
Bog E, Plalnvlew, Mich.
A PRETTY FARM of 20 acrea located In
Michigan, well fonced, treea, houae new;
barn, cellar, fruit treea, strawberries.
ru.nberrle. ezoellent water, good marketa,
lake abound with fiih, general atore lesa
than eighty rods from houae. $1,600 caah,
direct dealing with owner, no land sharks,
further Information given. Address Geo. 1
Schanfals, Frankla Ave., Grand Rapid.
Mich. .
. Mlsaoarl.
6s ACRES, cloae to Cleveland: good land:
good improvement; plenty water; nice
farm; $77 60. 120 acrea between Greenwood
and Raymors; .nice email Improvement:
smooth land; good water; all to clover and
TRADE T Or do you want to buy one?
Make your want known through 111(1 una
MUINUH CAPITAL, the want medium of
Iowa: Rates: 1 cent w word for each lneer
tion, I can: a .ine, 70 cents an Inch. Cir
culation, 41.00U; largest of any Iowa dally.
Give us a trial. Ada rem ine capital, uug
Dept., Iea Molnea, Iowa.
OARVLN BROS.. 14 floor JN. Y. Ufa, M
ta liuo.ouv ou Improved property. No delal.
WA-NTED City loans. Peters Trust C.
WANTKD-City loans and warrants, V
rarnam Smith & Co, 1220 Farnam alt.
lis to 110.000 mad rromptly. ". 1. Wead,
Weud Bldg.. lata and Faruam.
MONET TO LOAN-Payne XDwtmon Ce,
LOANS to home owners and borne build
ere. with privilege of making partial par
stents semi-annually.
tot Flrat National Hank Bldg.
ln ta ts.000 on bomea la Omaha. O'Keefe
Real (late Co.. luui N. T. Life. Douglas
er A-llt ,
t, and J-roora houae. If prices ara right
can aeu your property tor you.
Bulte M N. Y. Ufa Bldg.
-ROOM, all modern: lot 71xlK5: paved
street; concrete walks; near Field club and
uanacom park. Clear; trade ior improved
land oven up or will assume. Price, W.vUO.
W New "Vork Life Bldg.
Phone Red li9.
SOUTHWEST corner or 14th and Decs
tur, two t-room houses, clear, want to
trade for good rental property closer In:
win put In some cash or aume. Nowata
Land and Lot Co., ttul Nsw Xork Lit Ulug.
Phone, Red UW.
ACRES extra level land, close to rail
road. In box VuUo county. Nebraska; wlil
exchange for merchandise; price, IrfO per
acre; will carry H.UUU. A. . 'Anompeosi
Uoldrage, Neh.
D. J009. 421 Bee,
Four acres on which Is a good six-room
house, barn; fine well of pure, cold water
nd considerable fruit; Just outside oi city
timothy; some blue grass; bargain: posses-1 limits; want a modern 6 or 7-roorn house.
JXr1' D. U. Shackelford. Pe-1 J. N. HAMMOND',
m ACRES Itt miles of Lee'e Summit, H
mile of rock road; plenty of fruit; fair
Iiouae; every loot smootn ana unuer ouiu
vatlon. Price, 1100 per acre.
100 acrea a milea of Greenwood: well im
proved; land la fine; a bargain at 1100 per
4Vi acres, with . S-room house, cistern,
fl. barn, cellar: plenty of fruit; fine
shaded lawn. Adjoins town of Greenwood.
Knap. Price, 11,600. Todd M. George, the
Land Man, Lee's Bummlu Mo.
12.000 ACRES colonisation or game pre
serve; location, Eleven Points river, Oregon
county. Mo., am pricing 12 under local
prices to sell before A
13.26 per acre; terms
70 cents In six months.
0 per cent. Full Information address be
low. Also 440-acre sheep ranch Christian
county, MO., at 10 per acre; ft easn, Dai
ance long time. 6 per cent; umber on
ranch will cut 10.000 railroad ties. Address
C. F. Robertson, 8. 8. station, Box W,
Springfield. Mo.
332 Broad of Trade.
T-room house for automobile. This house
pays rent every month. Your automobile
costs 130 to 140 per month to own It. Come
In ana see us.
tUt New York Life Bldg.
Phone Red im
120 acres North Dakota land, free of Id.
cumbrance, for good Omaha property.
Phone Harney l2So.
Brightside and His Boy
"Xmri Not to OItsj the
. Ilaby," TriHr Itat
Tabloid Sketch.
.J8,.8! Hi" fj 160-acre Fillmore county farm, all In crop;
p "." 'a,n large buildings, good orchard. For quick
i, 76 cents one year, dea, tm an acre. worth ii1B. Want Omaha
residence up to 16,000.
- 480 acres western Nebraska land, fenced
and all smooth farm land, for Omaha prop
erty up to is.uuu or xy.utiu.
Board of. Trade Bfdg., Omaha.
There seems to be a greater variety
of names now for girls and boys than when
I was a youth," begins Brlghtslde, as the
human ready reference library drifts In to
Instruct his parent In worldly wisdom. '
If your folks hand you a lemon when
they pass out the handles you can always
change it," Is Son's consolation.
To name a baby Isn't always as easy
as It looks," declares Father, whose ex-,
perlence was limited to one.
Married people always have a string of
pet names that they want to tack on to
the first kid," protests Son. "If he's a
boy wlfle works over some girl names to
fit him and If it turns out a girl Pop usu
ally gives her a knockout."
There are many things to be taken Into
consideration when naming a child," ex
plains Father.
The old folks never seem to worry about
the fact that the victim has to carry the
mora or less fancy title around for life","
protests Son. "Merely because the mother
once had a beau by the nam of Percy Is
no reason why she should hand It to ber
Innocent and helpless little son. Or If she
approved of some great general or dead
and gone president Is no excuse for label
Ing the offspring with a piece of punk."
"I suppose parents are somewhat sent!
mental about such a matter," hedges
'Just because a fond papa happened to
be coming home when Halley's comet faded
away doesn't give him any license to glue
that dlssy proposition to his boy," asserts
Son. "Yet that Is what one did. I sup
pose he figured that the kid would turn
out to be a shooting star, but he's more
likely to beat it from the old homestead
and - not show up again for seventy-five
years after that blow."
"A boy with that name ought to become
a shining success," Father facetiously sug
When he goes to ask for a Job the boss
would probably look at him through smoked
glasses and then tell blm to fade away,"
fears Son. "He's be about as popular as a
tallow candle In an electrlo light men's
"Personally, I prefer the old fashioned
names," Father says.
"Hand a girl one of the old-timers and
when she gets back from boarding school
she'd have to Introduce herself to her own
parents," declares Son. "Plain Marys
juggle that neat little handle until the
name looks like the first half of the al
phabet turned Into printer's pt. Llssle will
float in as Lucille, May ase Mayme, Jessie
THE Kansas Clty-St. Louis electrlo rail
road has been financed and work will be
gin Immediately; now la the time to buy
land along tha route; values havs Increased
23 tier cent in the last year and will In-
rreaaa GO riar cent In the next year: see us
for farms along the route before the price
advances any , more. Botts Bros. Realty
Co., Blue tiprUigs. Mo.
WANTED to rent building suitable for
moving picture show In good town, this or
adjoining state. Give full particulars. C
477, Bee.
Suffering from the Heat is
Increased by Fretfulness
GOOD quarter section In Kit. Carson
county. Colorado, to exchange or livery
stock. Address C. P.- Corcoran, Miller, 8. D.
WWI Ml a nr.. U.vIaa .inl.ftTi.4M ImnMVA.
ments and well stocked; on Gulf coast; Be-
well jraierea ana umoeroa; price i.sw per
. 26,000 s'cres wasters land: fine grojilng
vroposltlon: good water: adjoins good rail'
road town and river; price H per acre.
And others.
U0S Commerce Tlldg.
Kansas City, Mo.
FOR 8ALE 131 acres of tha finest corn
land In Platte Co.. with 1 houses, barn.
etc., for tenants, with a beautiful lake on
part of the lajid. This Is bottom land with
a levee around - same entirely paid for.
This land can be bought at a bargain: no
trade considered. If you haven't the means
to handle tnia land, aon t bother us. J. W.
Farley, Farley, Mo.
WILL exchange 14. W0 stock' of drugs for
automobile or real estate. Address L 411,
112,800 equity in IK acres Improved Da
kota wheat land to exchange for Omaha in
come property.
177 Brandeia Bldg. Douglas 2898.
Old Gold, etc NATHAN. 211 8. 13th St.
BEST PUICS? paid for aecond-baoj
furniture, carpets. lothlug aiul sbesa
Phone Douglas sWL
600-aere farm, for farmer only; all farm
land; 137.60 per acre. J. E. Webb,.Choteau,
1 . ' 'K
FOR SALE--Improved eto-jfc farm. WO
acrea; Custer county; close to station; 117
per acre; no trade, wox A. Oconto, Nib.
TEN THOUSAND acrea of corn, winter
wheat and alfalfa land for sale In large
and small farms in Sherman, Custer and
tsunato counties. Write for prloea. J. T.
.ampoeu, Judtcnnela, Neb.
New Mexico.
Investigate its fertile irrigated lands.
Others have made fortune here. So can
you. We sell no lands. Write Us for
facta, state immigration Board. Albu-
Ajueriiuw, .1. m.
NEW MEXICO ranch and farm lands,
j.tM) acres, sue under cultivation. wl
vatered and fenoed. underlaid with coal:
cual under option for more than price of
rancn; nu.uw win nanuie. balance easy.
K20 acres, ta being cultivated, natural
lake for. atock. water, coal under option,
H goes to purchaser; 12.000 down with
terms. For particulars writ W. B. Thorn,
jiuu. .ict atexico. ,
Wanted to Buy
We havs several clients for S to t-room
bouses: we want them from owners only
Act quick. Phone Douglas 4379 or call at
1710 Farnam CL, Bee-Building.
Safea One large and one medium sls
ia(e. stale sise and price. M 1H0 Bee.
HKBT price for Id-hand clothing. D. 1440.
WANTED to buy floor showcases, shelv-
vlng and triple mirror. . Raphael Fred
Co., 13th and Farnam.
Persons who fret over warm weather
suffer much mora from the temperature
than those who Ignore It. This is not In
tended as an axiom, but Is a fact,' because
heat suffering is largely of the nerves, and
therefor to allow the mind to dwell upon
only Increases the trouble.
A woman whose days are spent at home
will be stronger nervously and physically
ah occupies herself In some way through
out the day. It stands to reason that shs
should not undertake severe physical work,
unless she is obliged to, and, when neces
sary, she is to dress for It, cooling off
afterward as rapidly as la compatible with
safety. One who Is down town doing office
work is obliged to keep on Just the same,
and, unless dally conditions are more than
ordinarily difficult, ah will be well and
not exhausted through the summer weeks.
When a woman finds herself prone to
think what a wretchedly hot day It is the
best thing she can do is to try .to forget It.
This Is not easy or altogether possible.
but there Is no use in taking tna stand
that she cannot endure it, for not only can
she, but she must, unless she belongs to
the lucky class" that can hie her to cooler
climes. Of course, it Is hot in July; it
would be silly to deny this, and the line
of action for her to pursue Is to admit It,
once for all, and then, still keeping busy,
do what she can to mitigate conditions.
The sort of food one eats has much to do
We want a number Of small houses at
once, from 110 to 116 per month rental; we
have clients waiting.
Eugelbrecht & Raver,
'Phone Douglas 4379. 1720Farnam St
We Are Getting Numerous Galls
For Houaes of All Slsss. List With Ua
CM N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red im
Wanted to Rent
A 5 or 6-room house In good neighborhood
Phone Douglas 4779 and call for Mr. Engel
AM in the market for a furnished aDart
ment of four rooms, can guarantee the best
care of same, no children. D-4,8, Bee.
FINE 40 acrea, near good town; new build- WANTED By young man, permanently
inga. in take clear omana income aa Dart I ,J "
pay. Write owner. Box 615. Benson, Neb. Christian family preferred. i.4i8. Bee.
FOR SALE Oklahoma farm and ranch
landa, 12u per acre, in any slae tracts. Full
information, write C. L. WoOLVERTON,
owner. Red Rack. OkU
FOR SALE Ideal stock ranch, 600 acres,
almost level. It miles from Grant's Pass.
XuO acrea in cultivation; deep black soil;
40 acres fir and pine timber; plenty of out
side range sufficient for 3,000 hesd of stock;
there Is l.Uw Inolie of water, which Is
brought ju the land by dltche; good family
orchard; 1 dwelling houaas; 1 large barna;
milea from echool: store building on the
ranch; all klnda modern farm Implement;
rroduce, alfalfa and grain, hay; price,
r&,o00; term l.'O.OOO, balance I years at
par cent interest. Address H. L. Heminger,
Grant's Pas. Ore. v
oat Da)ta.
FOR SALE The most and best Imnrovod
and unimproved farms In cenlrsl tt. D.,
at prices from 116 to 10 per acre. For
booklet, map and price list address I. L.
Hagaxniaa. Pukwana. Brule county, 8. IX
YOU can buy land for $10 a month good
land at from $S to U0 an aura In Vilaa and
Oneida counilea, Wisconsin. We charge no
Intareat. We pay the taxes. Inauranc
clause in the contract. Bait oonortunltv in
the oountm for the niaa of moderate meana
to own a farm and be Independent. Write
ror map and book to Do in. 1. U. F. ban
born Co., ICagle River, Wat.
FINE FARM LANDtV-Wlaoonaln. timber
or clear; nice lakes and river; beat market
of America; 11 per acre cash; large or
small tracts.' Ernest A. Arnold, tiupcrlor.
BKFORK buying, aalllng or trading, see
copy ci our.pper. In Ita aevenut year, it
dearrlbsa many farm and business oppor
tunities north, south, east or west, with
nsinea and addresses of owners; many will
exchange, i Hingis ' copy, to ' cents; tnrw
month. cents. Address FARM Kit
Vaifaews bldg., Milwaukee. vu.
man and wife want situation, Christiana
WILLING WOHKE1W; experience of
COMPLISHED COOK. Pleaae amrwer
once. K 612, Omaha Bee.
SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper or
office clerk, at once; can furnish A-l ref
ereuces; can operate typewriter; five years'
experience; will start for fjg per month,
'. 0. Dale, aloft, Boone, la.
On)M.h a. Neb., July 1, 1S10. Sealed pro
poaala. In triplicate, will be received here
and by quartermaster at ins posts named
herein, until 10 a. in., central standard
time. August 1. 1910. for furnishing oats.
bran, bay ana straw during ine period
from October -1. 1910. to June 80. 1911, at
Omaha. And Forts Crook. Omaha and Rob
tnson, Nebraska; sorts Aeavenwortn ana
Riley, Kansas; Forts D. A. Russell and
Mackenste, Wyoming; Fort Des Moines.
Iowa, and Fort Meade. South Dakota.
United States reserves right to reject or
aooept any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Information furnished on appll
cation here or to quartermasters at sta
tions named. Envelopes containing pro
posals should be marked "Proposal for
Forage," and addressed to LL CoL D. E.
McCarthy, C VJ- M.
Omalia, Nebraska. Oflce of the Cuato-
dlan. July 11. 1910. Sealed proposuls will be
receive st tnls omce until 1 o clock p. m.
on the 10th day ef Auguat, 1910, and then
opened for mUciianeoua repairs and pain
ing at Hub building. In accordance with
spnclrluatlou, copiea of which may be ob
talned uion application. EDWARD
HOWE, Custodian. JytlU-Al
pirtftss THAT I
V ' 3
BY -
cmnu?t .VtTH a piece of wkA.
as Jessica, until the old folks have to call
In the eye doctor and get double strength
spectacles to keep from getting blind staggers."
Girls have tha advantage of being able
to chang their last names," observes
Father. ,
The skirts can change both their front
and back names, also their hair and their
faces," comments Son, "but if they belong
In the common or garden vegetable class
thsy can't palm themselves off on your
little Willie for American beauties."
"It's difficult to appear dignified When
one is burdened with an unusually fanciful
cognomen," Father gravely avers
"Imagine Halibert Hayseed as president
of the United States, where every mamma
exDects her boy to land," Son says, "or
Gwendoline Grapevine presiding over an
old maid's temperance convention."
"Ona of the hardest tasks Imposed on a
young roan must be to try to live up to the
deeds of some great man after whom he
has been named," Father surmises.
"Most of 'em don't try," Is Bon's belief.
"The chap that almost labelled his first
born son Jeffries, before the returns came
In, couldn't have blamed the kid If he
didn't come back. When picking a hero's
name to unload on the family, It's better to
play safe by grabbing off one who's been a
long time dead."
(Copyright, 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
with rno's ability to ond'ure hot weather
without loss of strength. There Is no better
luncheon than fruit, milk and cold vors
tables. The latter 'made Into saladr, with
French or mayonnaise dressing, are ex
tremely palatable -' and nourishing. load
tea Is refreshing, 'but It is not nourishing
and Is not to be permitted to act as a sub
stitute. Without proper feeding physical
strength will rurf down In no time. Cold
rice put Into a bowl with cut peaches,
pouring over them sugar and cream, Is a
luncheon to be despised by no one In the
summer. Ice cream may be on the dally
luncheon list. It, too, is nourishing. .
A room with the light somewhat subdued
Is better to work in than a very bright one
In hot weather. Light .has an Irritating ef
fect on the nerves at times, and, though the
sun may not be streaming in, a glare may
be as bad. A house with all the blind
closed Is always better on a hot day.
.Whether one is down town or at home
a small bottle of alcohol with which to
bath should be where one can get It
easily. A tablespoonful in a 'quart of oold
water can stand in the room at home and
the hands can be dipped In and the face
bathed frequently. Down town a few drops
of the pure alcohol can be put on the wrists
from time to time and the face bathed by
wetting a handkerchief.
Alcohol used In this manner is hsrmless
to the skin and beneficial to the nerves.
American Story Tellers
and Their Yarns
William Jennings Bryan once joked about
our American fondness for titles.
You all know of the colonel," be said.
'who got bis title by Inheritance, having
married Colonel Brown's widow? But I
once met a general who got his title neither
by inheritance, nor by service, nor by any
thing you could mention.
. t ."' !tr.
. . '
i Akin
I i irVnv nT wire nnj , in vv i .
sjy "
v s ' r .
I j
. COPY BI0HT 19J V i THS NEW VXIX-gJtj' . I '
jm8se- " ' . - . '.. I
Jummer Girl
1.1. in 1,1 II n y M ATV. fSW
f- If 1
ODYvamn; it tw kw towc cvoon Ttuwuui piew ymk dwj c&r $t tcsMi i
FRIDAY Got back to the hotel yester
day. It does seem as though the most ag
gravating things happened to me here. The
Van Tombs have arrived to stay a week
and Intend to be here longer If they find
It sufficiently entertaining. I wondsr If I
can make It unpleasant enough for them
to only stay the week. I can't understand
why mother likes them so much. Harry
Van Tomb Is so uninteresting that the man
Molly thought would make m a good hus
band Is thrilling compared to htm.
He wears the most awful clothes and al
ways looks as though he ought to be
scrubbed. I don't mean he looks dirty, but
he looks as though the water hadn't been
quite hot enough, and there hadn't been
enough soap. Sussn Van Tomb looks Just
the same way. You could tell the minute
you saw her ah belonged to on of the
old families by her clothes. She wouldn't
dare wear such things if she didn't. And
the maids the very first time they catch
them "napping." We all "nap" occasion'
ally. Nobody Is screwed up to concert pitch
all the time. These very - same mistresses
themselves often neglect some most urgent
darning In order to skim through the latest
novel. Tlw ivn foret to order the cut
lets for dinner because they meet some
body (outsJde the butcher's) with such an
Important tlt-blt of gossip that its tellln
drives everything else out of their heads.
Why are they so ready to snap off cook's
head if lunch Is onoe ten minutes late, or
storm at Jane If somebody hss to ring the
doorbell twice?
A wise mistress keeps her hand always,
so to speak, on ihe pulse of her household.
She knows everything that goes on, but
never "sees" anything untU It becomes
really necessary to speak ornt. If a fault
occurs more than twice lt1s on the way
to become chronic, and It must be checked.
But a certain amount cf latitude Is due to
every one. So be discreetly "blind" some
times. Home Notes.
Her Besrret. -She
went a-fishlng one fine day.
She said: " 'Tls slow, I vow;
I never get a chance to say,
Th lln Is busy now!' "
-T. E. M.
" 'General.' I said to him, 'how do you
corns by this title of yours anyway?
" 'Why, sir,' said he, 'I passed my youth
In the flour trade and for twenty-seven
years was a general miller.'
"I know another titled man. Judge
" 'Are you, air.' I once asked him, 'a
United State Judge or a circuit, court
Judge r
" 'I ain't neither.' he replied. Tm a
Judge of hosa racln'.' "
Jadloloes "Bltadneas."
Have you dlacovered that It doesn't do to
se everything? That It Is sometimes both
politic and kind to lock ths bther way on
some occasions? A first offense should al
ways b treated leniently. Even a dog Is
allowed to have on bite.
I know of mlatressee who seem to live in
constant readiness to pounce down upon j
y r ry.CZ V
with the suffragette. She seems to have
very- advanced ideas on the suffrage ques
tion. We are so different. I can see we
could never become friends. Eh wishes to
she's so lady-ltke, and so refined, and so
cultivated she bores me to death. Mother
thinks she's lovely and, I know, wishes I
was Just like her.
She always looks to me like a paid com
panion. Tom says she looks Ilk an unpaid
on to htm. I'm afraid I can't get along
reduce men to a state of complete subjec
tion. I thought that remark was a good be
ginning, and said I wished the same thing.
However, when she went on to say that
she ddln't think men necessary In any way
and that women should rule the universe
entirety, I simply couldn't agree with her.
She quit scared me by talking as though
It was only a matter of time when that
would come to pass. Why, men are abso
lutefy necessary at times. I think hen par
ties are frightfully dull. And what an aw
ful bore it would be to have to vote and do
things Ilk that Why, I'd never have the
time. I think I roust read up on politics,
though, so as to bs able to discuss things.
Still, I know quite a good deal. I know
who la the president of the country. But,
now I coma to think of It, I can't think of
much more. Oh, yes I do, I know who the
mayor is. But Is he the mayor of New
York City or New York state? I must look
It alt up. It Is funny to se a woman w?m
really despises men the way this on does.
I think It Is unkind of her, because ther
really are so nice. I think myself lt'efvery
sweet of them to want to make all thai laws
and govern the country and save us all that
bother. She said that women had much
higher, nobler alms and ambitions than men
and were supreme in everything they un
dertook to do. Sh said, of course, ther
were some exceptions. She acknowledged
that sometimes men could do things better.
Well, I should think sol
Look at Worth what woman eould make
dresses the way he canl She think It
simply wonderful th wajr thou girl
starved themselves In prison and refused
to wear any clothes (awfully embarrassing
for the Jailer, but perhaps they gave them
screens). It must have been a splendid way
to reduce, If any of them wanted to gat
thin. I am making it as disagreeable for
Harry Van Tomb as I can. Mother thinks
he Is such an "estimable young man." That
was a pretty harsh criticism, but when
Aunt Harriot wrote me that she considered
him an Ideal young man, that finished him
forever In my eyes.
"But he has patent of nobility,
father." .
"But uppote.ttie patent .e
Items of Interest to the Yomen Folk
Every girl should keep on of these, for
In time to come It will prove an Invaluable
record of pleasant times and new experi
ences. A view, or set of views, of each
plaos you visit, amusing or Interesting in
cidents connected 'with your Journey, your
traveling Cotppanlona, snd the house In
which ycu stayed, will bring back to you
past experiences with a vividness they
would otherwise lack, and In looking over
such a volume you will be amased to find
the giant events that have sprung from
trivial causes.
How little Elsa guessed that sh would
meet th man who was to be her fat on
th fussy little steamer that plied between
the banks of a Scottish kch, says Homs
Notes. It wss only "by chance" that aha
took that boat; "by chance" that "his"
sister smiled at her when they met again
on the summit of a mountain; "by chance"
that he and she learned to know each other,
and tbat for good or ill hs mad his mark
upon her life. A "Journey book" may hold
the secret of many a fair romance, and the
sooner you start one ths more interesting
a record It will bs.
Logic, Impersonality, magnanimity, quali
ties which result from close and constant
contact with men and facts, various and
many, are qualities noticeably lacking In
the average feminine make-up. The old
fashioned ornsmental education of women,
a smattering of literature, a few accom
plishments, a KttlW general knowledge of
a half-dosen subjects, was surely not cal
culated to remedy the deficiency. Th or
namental education Is being slowly but
surely oustsd. The day la approaching, )f
Indeed, It la not here, when any girl who
doesn't receive a college education will
feel that It la as great a disadvantage to
her as It Is to a man to forego th univer
sity. Whether or not we educate our girls
for self-support, w educate them for
knowledge, resource, character, ability,
power. It Is Important that the mothers
of the race should have these quaJttU
to hand down. From Harper's Basar.
"Madam, are you a suffragist?"
"No, sir; I haven't time to be."
"Haven't time! Well, If you had th
privilege of voting, whom would you sup
port?" "Th same men I've supported for Ua
"And who Is that?"
"My husband." Woman's Llfs.
Born eon of not recently said that "ex
travagance In dress hss rsaohed a point
where a halt should be called for reflec
tion." X am afraid this good piece of ad
vice will hardly be followed whn fashions
are so alluring, for woman will never be
economical as long aa sh ha a looking
glass-Cathecln Talbot la Woman Lite.
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