Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1910, Image 9

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l I : - ' - ' -i - ; 1, i 1 m ia
Bee Want-Add. He otM& Ftot Position a& a .Rar
Y4r WW It!
I i
r si "A
Faraished ttoama.
THREE roomi, moanrn, except heat; fur-
nianea complete. 2329 Bo. lztu. i'none u.
4-ROOM modem apartment. Tel. Web. 628.
O. M. E. haul trunk. Phone D. 611 A-261L I
. . . . - i
MTPn IH .Ivlnlla mA I - 1 '
teautlful location; also aulte of these rooms
lor light nousekeenina. Tat Uoualaa 7814. I
i - i . ., ,i , I, I
TWO elegant furnlha4 rooms. light and
" ct.
glgt S)t I
NICELY furnished room: all conveniences:
gentleman preierrni. van ZbU bt Mary s.
NICELY furnished room. In new modern
house, five blocks from Dostof flee. 2011
Chicago e)t
COOL room, nicely furnished, electric
Ught an4 fan; bath; phone; nice porch and
?n: ?"J"L?.".U wfi"1"" Z.. nc,s WUI
jt., - 1
YOUNQ MAN to share comfortable fur
nished room; reasonable term. 7u2 1 ar
il am Bb. e'bone. liarney
LAROK. eool room, modern conveniences
nicely furnished, flue location, walking dls-
tancer.on Harney line; rent reasonable;
private home. IU N. loth bU
, , - ; J " I
SMALL room; modern; private family: I
DESIRABLE room; ' beautiful location;
private auiiijrv Wiuuci It. ivl uwiil AVI.
FURNISHED rooma: hot bath. C2t 8. 16th.
Flat U td floor.
VERY large, well-furnished, south front;
permanent parties. eiM rarnam.
NEW hoi se. up-to-date, . modern rooms,
for gentlemen, juit Lke.
NICELY furnished rooms, all modern.
.24 8. toth. ,
BIN'OLB rooma, (2 up. 615 a ltth. Sd floor;
,nat 4,
ONE; furnished room, modern. 1464 8. 11th.
FURNISHED front room; private family.
tu 14. -atn bu xet. iec Mia.
FOR RENT Ttvo front rooms, nicely fur
nished; close in. 143. n. wtn si
NICB.' cool, plemant bedroom, seoond
floor, for one gentleman; private family;
lefcrences. I0 IM. loth et.
Twrt- aiisia-antlv fnmlahd sooms: Drlvata I
borne: board if desired; business men pre-
ferred.' stv r. win bc.' '
, L, i . . 1
TWO furnished rooms for light tiou-
keeptng; elso aitepinc lootria; modern, warn
ing distance; 2 N 23d
FURNrBHED'room, suitable for two, JIM
per week, en in. w,
"S'URNISHKD rooms, suitable for twn
.Kil.mrn .28 S. 10th St.: 8d floor, north-
east corntr. v I
. ' i "
TWO large, cool rooms; mooern; private
fimlly; walking distance; W ana iu. .w.
Harney iw youge.
NICELY furnished single south front I
mom; also slngtw-wesV eooml 8K1 farnam
Bt Flat k.. - - . - I
- im 1 . . .. 1
ONE large front ana one email room ip 1
nntlmi only. 114 S. 20th St. I
i 1
FRONT room for rent to two gentlemen
t 111 N. 12 8.
iw "ll. uougiaa 0.30.
NICE! front room for gentleman: In family
of adultsi moaern; ciose in. buj o.
BIO. rool. modern rooms. . Nice porch.
WW 8t Mary's Ave.
-NICELY furnished roomsrin new. modern
I.9ue. 2013 Chicago 6V,
VERY' modern, pleasant
ivenlng. 8110 Chicago tit,
rooms. Call
l.milR Mlrv room, eaueclally desirable,
110 to -U 2.24 Hai-ney UL 'Phone Douglas
1081. ......
FOR RENT Modern, furnished single or
double rooms.. UU Cass.
TWO double rooms tor rent, 1818 Podge
run i-vr,maiTK! Rnntta RNKITITKI
on aiNULK for aentlemen. In the West
I'arnam home; every convemeno.; iuubi m
r . . . . A. I
seen tq be appreciaiea. , uiw, i
Rtd iilri.
FURNISHED ROOMS suitable for gentle
men Id floor; cor. mtn ana .ones.
SINGLE rooms 11.75, double rooms S3 and
W . 1918 CapttoJ Ave.
FURNISHED rooms. 11.50 and up. 1M7
North 17tb St.
LARGE, cool rooms, neatly furnished. In
mudcrn home. 314 n. tta.
ALCOVB room.
tZli California.
$12; single. 16 monthly.
NICELY furnished modern room; . table
board ic ocstrea. imi nicago.
NICE furnished medern rooms, reai
able. .24 N. loth. Tel. , Red.. 7712.
TWO - well - furnished rooms, 10U N. 24th I
St., south umaha.
NICELY furnished, large, front
suitable for two. 201 80. 25th Ave.
NICELY furnished room for rent reason -
able. 2iW Fainam Bt., suite .. pnone
Douglas 860L . Jj
FRONT room for two or three persons.
1014 Faruam.
t.AKGK. cool bed room, ground floor;
nine home with young cuupln for Jewish
gentlemau. call evemugs. ws nicagu ou
niSlHAHLE room, fine location, private
family, modern. 181 si, list Ave
TWO desirable front rooms suitable for
three young men. 2100 Douglas.
FRONT parior and bed room, south ex
posure; week. X202 srnam.
ROOM8, walking distance; strictly mod
ern. fe.8 8. &in. Harney
TWO single rooms, cheap; also room and
alcove; private. 1 667 si. Mary a Ave.
81NOLK room, private bouse, rent cheap.
Uli Chicago bU
FURNISHED room. Strictly first class,
everything new and uioUorn; walking
distance. 13 uouglaj
ELEGANTLY furnished single and double
front rooms; sua iruut parlir. 1U Duug-
las. .
NEWLY furnished, cool rooms In mod
em bouee. . 814 N. 18th St.
TWO suites of light housekeeping rooms,
114 and Ili per month; also double parlor,
suitable for four young men or women. IdO.
sis e. sola
KICKLY furnl.hed rooma. modern, inrne:
, V. u - . W W ., M.VUV. ... 11 IB , I
suitable for pousekeepiiig or sleeping. 4u
N. Kit at.
FNKNISHKD room 00 parlor floor; suit
ble lor two, mouern; waiaing oiiii
phone Tyler 1121. M18 Califoiula atr
COOL and pleassat rooms, lul N, 18th.
THREE large, beautiful modern rooms In
private family, furnished or unrui nlahed;
Hear car. uue urana Ave. jeu iveo. t.s.
"TWO single rooms, 81 SO up; private fam
ily, tut M. 2Mb,
E1NOLB ruoms, I2.M; private family,
v tuth.
Furalshed Hwm- Contlaoed.
TWO cool roomi bit Douglas.
NICELY furnliihait rnnrni moitarn! lsrsa
laap; will furnish for housekeeping for
desirable party. Phone B 2203. 1684 N. 17th
cood, ntoely papered housekeeping and
ivuiiii, vioae ill. iiu o. inn iirwt.
' i
Z11 parlor, suitable for one or two.
a"1"""'"" ierroa. iita un wii t. m
w""onQu room i ur rent iur uiui
Housekeeping. 2010 davenport street
virnr ...-1.1 . . .1
modern. 20 N. 18th.
- - . . tuiuiBiiwi iwiii, vim " t
MODERN. 86 Der month, breakfast If rre-
ferred. 1431 N. th St
ONE slna-la room. 11. BO week: front Par
lor for two, 1 week. 1310 Uouglaa.
Dod. iirT
UQa atrweu
TWO small rooms; also parlor, 11)80
NICELY furnished cool rooms.
1211 S.
nth bt.
NICELY furnished room, tli N. ZSth.
1020 EmitiiL laee room, modern. Phone
for gentlemen; also first floor parlor for
young ladles at U per week; gas. running
water, telephone, laundry and pressing
nrivium i-.i urn sksit
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor,
fim floor, reasonable. Ml Chicago,
COOL, strictly modern furnlnhed rooms;
is to io per month. 2tU8 Capitol avenue.
NICELY FURNISHED rooms: gentlemen
oniy. tu tso. loth bt., td floor, flat U.
and unfurnished rooms.
2007 lkka St.
FOR aentlemen. nlnelv furnished room.
walking distance, strlctlv modern: Dhone.
flectrlo fan; private family; references re
quired, on jm. ttnn street.
NICELY furnished rooma.
modern. T14
8. 17th avenue.
FURNISHED room for rent: .modern.
1818 N. 24th street, upstairs; Web. 4(138.
NICELY furnished room, modern, orl
vats entrance. 21S N. 2.d street.
ROOM. 12.60: nrlvate: modern cottage.
m 0. 24tn street. 1
THREE rooms, partly furnished: water.
uu uig yarn. ill. ui b. win Ave.
COOL, east front narlor. modern: nrlvate
home, clean bed; to quiet grntleman; f..M
ne. cvs o. uxn, mo m-i.
LARGE front parlor, elegantly furnished;
modern, close In; laundry, light and cook?
trig in furnished: references: tli month.
628 8. ZStb avenue.
TWO or three furnished rooma. tftl N. ZOth
8t. "Phone Douglaa 8U64 (Bell). Independent
'phone A-1434,
NICELY furnished room; terms reason
aois. ia. a. loth Bt,
NICELY furnslhed rooma for arentlemen:
ciose in, jus in. lyth.
NEWLY furnished rooms in modern
house, by day and month.' 2018 Chicago 8t
1 ' .1
NICE- clean furnished rooma, cheap at
i wnicago.
YOUNO MAN tn ilun Vnmf nrta.hU fur
nlshed room; reasonable terms. 17( Fr-
nam at. Phone Harney 24)73.
COOL rooms: asntlemen onlyt near good
boarding place; references required. 1710
N. 86th.
EXTRA FINE! front room, fine furniture.
I warning distance, ju North 20th UU.
SINGLE room, nrlvate Dorch. nice bath
i ween. 200. Harney.
LA ROB front room: everything new and
strictly modem. 1815 Chicago BU Tel.
Douglas ix.
FURNISHED rooms for renL 1702 Vinton
COMB to S63 Kt. Marv's Avs. If you
want a large, cool room with piano; also
single room.
UAKUkl room, suitable for two ladles
modern; housekeeping If desired. 603 b.
v;ih K
FURNISHED rooms, arentlemen only
references required; near 13d and Cuming.
ui i. bi. rei. iiarney ti.o.
FURNISHED rooms: nrlvate family
moaern. 121. a. Xth.
. ?'?
home. Tel. Webetet1 3498,
TWO elegant furnished rooms In new
STRICTLY modern room for aentleman.
us n. x&tn Bt, uouglaa 062a.
Hotels and Apnrtments.
DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge, all cool
rooms; special rates by the week.
MADISON HOTEI. Rooms or room and
I THE LANDON. Rooms with board, til
its. u.a.
THE ALTA VISTA. European. 1408 How
ara at.
Housekeeping- It 00 ma.
ONE extr.r large front room; large closet
tewly furnished for housekeeDinz: urnii
none; iu; waiaing vistauce. -oil Caldwell,
tb. 18.x
LIGHT. veil furnished housckeeDin
rooms; gas range and batu. lujuiie tmrd
(lour, l.u Howard.
SUITABLE for dressmaking. U7 N. Irtn
TWO housekeeping rooms. 614 S. Sid.
FRONT room and back parlor for llaht
housekeeping; grouad door; modtru. 2 lot
TWO newly housekeeping rooms.
II 418 to. inn.
FRONT and back rooma for sleeping or
housekeeping, so., iiaruey.
IIOUSEKUEIMNO rooms; reasonable, tu
UODKH.x bousekeeptng rooms; gcod
ONE or two rooms complete for house-
L " ougiga.
TO young couple, 8 modern rooms
furnished or partly (uruisusii
141 M St.
South Omaha.
NICELY furnished modern front house,
keeping rooms; uthnr routua, close In.
silh Ave.
TWO modern housekeeping rooms.
1604 Davenport.
TWO or t lures rooms, f uri Ished comm.
for housekeeping ; modern. 2lu Farmuu
gas sua iineus lumuiiw.
LARGE rooms, olso light huustketpina
1 roouia. ti ui.
lloneekeenlair Roomi Continued.
FOUR furnished or unfurnished ruomi In
modern brick building; good neighborhood
nd within walking distance, tut o. 20th St.
BUTTE of large, handsomely furnished.
cool rooms; modern, shade, walking dis
tance; iiu ana tie. tot . ma.
TWO front rooms, completely furnished.
660 bo. IMth Ave. ,
NICELY furnished modern front house
keeping rooms; other rooms; close In. ui
Vita Ave.
LA BOB dining room and kitchen; housekeeping;-modern.
UA N. 17th.
TWO furnished rooms, modern. Apoly
08 Miami Ut ,
TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 40S H.
aetb Ave,
MODERN ltaiit bousekeeDilia- rooms. 2ulJ
Et. Mary a Ave.
TWO rooms for light housekeeping; mod
ern. (34 tt. SStn.
TWO nice rooms; gas range, laundry
privileges. 2128 Farnam. '
FRONT parlor and dining room for light
housekeeping, an complete, so south ta
BU Tel. Uainey bili.
KITCHEN and bedroom In basement. U
per week. 1817 Dodge. fllMlahi1 .Aims P 1 1 .r h , hmi.A-
keeping; modern. 4244 Harney Sl
NICELY furnished, all modern, reason
able. 808 8. 18th St.
THREE modern furnished housekeeping
rooms, en suite. 1822 Chicago.
TWO nice, cool rooms for housekeeping.
2621 Harney. Harney 6228.
STRICTLY modern room, complete for
housekeeping, oax o. zstn.
Phono Harney 6045.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, 4111 N. 38th Ave.; cheap II taken at
once, call laju uodge St. lor iniormation.
TWO front rooms, housekeeping, small
rooms, m. t-eavenwortn. ,
REDUCED rates: furnished housekeeping
rooms, all modern: shade trees; all out-
Ide rooms. 12.60. 82.76. 83. 2023 tlurt bt.
Tel. 4402 Douglas.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 113 & 24th St.
TWO nice front rooms. 1421 Podge.
THREE nicely furnished rooms: modern.
with new piano. 066 St Mary's Ave.
THREE rooms, gaa ra-nge. 1609 Grace.
H-3UJ. .
TWO rooma. 87: I rooms, 110; modern.
2626 Capitol Ave.
iwu rooms, Datn, xurnisneu vuinpieie iur
. 1 . - . n. . 1 run vr mj
nouseKeeping; moaern; sui iiuur, ui
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modern, reas
enable. 2826 Capitol Ave.
SUITE of housekeeping rooms, newly pa
pered, modern, waiklug distance, Ml
Dodge. ...... ,
TWO fUNilshedt housekeeping rooms. . gag.
sink, refrigerator; np children. 81. b. 18th.
ROOMS for light housekeeping. 818 N. 17th
TWO modern front rooms, furnished com
plete, refrigerator ana ssw'.ug machine.
807 N. Zbth bt
FOUR rooms, furnished ' complete for
housekeeping: no children: and references.
866 N. 40tn.
MODERN rooms. 1210 Harney 8t . Red
FURNISHED rooma for light housekeep
ing. 14 a. nth Ave.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or en
suite, oii N. 80th.
CLEAN, cool rooms: housekeeping al
lowed. 2011 Harney.
FURNISHED houaekeeDlnir rooms. 1401
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, mod
em; references. 1118 Chicago.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms: furnished. 1K28
i;apuoi Ave.
THREES furnlnhed lleht houaakeenlne
rooms, em In. ltith bt.
FOUR unfurnished ground-floor rooms
modern, eyoept heat; close In; rent. 112.-0.
wi a. 2otn Ave.
TWO large, modern, shady, cool rooms,
Including refrigerator, gas range, washing
utensils. 3U7 N. fctli bt
VpfnraUked llooaas.
THREE strictly modern rooms, unfur
nished, for light housekeeping. 4 is N. 24th.
JOUR doe housekeeping rooms: 819 N
14th St., near Cuming; price 312.60. Apply
ortice. ia weDsier at.
MODERN. I rooms, (10 unfurnished. 84.
1. 3.1b Bt
FOR RENT 7-room strictly modern, close
in; 2um weoster nt
UNFURNISHED rooms; modern. 114 8.
ltth St Harney 4248.
THREE nice rooms, water nd raa. 87
per montn. .iu in. inn at, lei. u-zu.1.
Agartmeats and Flats.
ELEOANT 8. 6 and 8-room apartments.
Strehlow Terrace, wtoeier
Kp-.WI.T nanered S-room flat: modern
except heat: (18. It"o0 N. 0tb St Cuorad
Young, 1618 luoge rstreeu
SERVANT8 problem solved; 8 rooms con
densed Into i; steam heat; elrctrlo light and
laundry; net and cold water; wan bed, sate,
as atove. refrigerator: janitor service. Hi.
Hunter, 36th and Dodge. Tel. Duugla 4132.
FURNISHED apartment of 6 rooms, first
floor; modern; plauo; telephone, etc 2008 St
Mary e Ave.
VERY beautiful apartment: West Far.
nam district; modern and complete, per-
rlue at Wolcott 1-4 Brandeia Theater.
loners and Cottages. .
FOR RENT Just completed, new, elegan
-mum all modern brick house. It lias !
rooms, with an extra room ou the third
(lour oruvmeu with hot and cold water for
the servant, besides a neat room for stor
age. This bouse IS beautifully iinianea in
quarter-sawed oak, latest nickel plumbing,
and a perfect little gem. bee 11. in in
tut 61.
1 will also have several nlra. new. brick
houses ready for occupancy In a few daya,
They are located on the corner of Hh
nd Davenport streets, right In ths best
residence section of the city; these houses
ere especially well built They have e;go
rooms with additional servants and store
rooms on the third floor. Including extra
bath room for the servant. I hey are run
stantlally aud elegantly finished In hard
nond with mantel, book cams. eia. In fact
there Is nothing better on the market See
tbem and you win m ant one. ' or price,
apply to C. 61. Buiniin. 43. Paxton lllk.
phone Rd-2u.'ls. Residence Pbone. poug.
-ROOM, rrwlern house for rent, 716 Hick
ory St., inquire at t. litn bt
418 So. Mth Avenue,
residence. (66 and water.
modern 12-room
A modern t room cottage. 24fi3 80. 17
8t Open Sunday from I to 4, in M an
water. .
631 i:i St.. 10 rooma, (41
Frod S. Hailia. 6ui N. V. L. HMtf.
luugldS 4JJ4.
Houses and Cot tsa-ra Continued.
EIGHT rooms, all modern, near Bemls
park. Will decorate to sulL .1618 North
Seven-room, all modern, Hsnscom park.
Ine yard. 131' 4 South 30th Ave., $27.60.
U Ktlil' W HKAli Jr.StATbJ tH.,
1003 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152.
VERY choice s-room house .entirely mod
ern;- hardwood finish; lour bed rooms and
Issuing porco; tue Datn room; located in
Field club district; south and west ex
posure; euu, reiera t rust .0., n. x. iire.
l-ROOM. modern, psrtly furnished, sum
mer or longer, (40. 8L48 Jackson.
B-ROOM.housa, striqtly modern 328. 2228
Pbppletou Ave. .
Houses, flats. Garvin Bros. 3d floor N. Y. L.
Suite &14 N. Y. Life lildg. Red hrj.
flats. Garvin Bros., id floor
N. Y. U
NICK- 8-room house for rent; modern ex-
oept heat 4158 Cuming street. 'Phone, Har
ney I068.
NO EQUAL Central location, 4-r. corner
flat. Apply - 2-0 Mortn 2Jd. Tlxard Block,
8-ROOM house, 113 N. 2tfth St, (30.00.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded;
eheap frelgnt rates; moving ana storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 384.
WISH to rent our home In West Farnam
district; eight rooms, strictly modern; oak
finish, hot water heat, east front, large
noroh. Phone D. 3026. '
FOR RENT (20. Aug. 1, 8643 Chsrles. 8-
room house; city water, gas, clutern, nice
yard ant shade., better lopn v. w
nyerson. ti. .
Houses for Rent
Wa have houses for rent In all. parts of
town, see us first we have wnai you want.
Engelbrecht & Raver,
1710 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 4379. Omaha,
7-ROOM house, modern except furnace.
2632 Davenport 826.- Tei Doug. 871u,
w..w arraign p
Bona & Co., Bt BlUg.
Ave.; bath; good plumbing; good repair;
nearly new; 1-5. Tel. Red 6264.
' NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, 1414
Sherwood Ave., . . raiwrigu, ibu ur-
nam St
NEW E-room cottage, electric light, gas.
tile bath, cement basement, upstairs floor,
laid cement walks; must be seen to be ap
preciated; V, block t oar. 2316 No. 2ith
Ave. Tel. Oo. Bluffs, Bell, Red Mil or
either .phone 644. . , '
TEN-ROOM 'brick - house, modern, Just
west of hleh school: keys-on premises, 2801
Capitol Ave.l rent (tfS. 'Phone H,- 8788.
OMAHA Van & Store.' tJo.. sack. move.
store household goods; Bixrrehouxe, 1120-24 N.
UHh; office, sue a. uia m.i u uuuim ic,
-' HOUSES rOss-itiiNT. :
8 rooms; city water on both floors, well
and clatern. Suitable for two families.
Will put In good repairs. Look at 8401 De.
catur and 1710 North 34th aad make an
titer, wc want w rem uieia. iNowau
and 6 Lot Co. 824 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Pbone Red 1888.
S-ROOM cottage, close In, (10.
6 rooms, clear In. (13.56.
T rooms, brand new. on Capitol Ave..
close In, (36.
. 668 New York Life Bldg.
Phone Red ltf. ,
NINE-ROOM modern brick iiouse, north
part of city, (26.
e-rwiu uuciii, 1011 vi.i .
8-room apartment, 1817 Clark, (a.
4-room apartment, city water, toilet, (1860.
(-room apartment 1628 N. 17tb, (it
C. M. BACHMAN. 436 Paxton Block.
'Phone Red 1638; Residence Doug. 6068.
HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt,
Theater Bldg.
(14.00 FOR DANDY 4-room homo. Inrra
lot; house has sewer, olty water, gas and
toilet; newly papered and painted. 2614 Bin
ney St. Will rert to nice colored family.
KOBIInBUN wuw, jo r-axton Block.
'Phone Doug. 2418.
BRICK IIOUSE. 261J Dewey avenue. 1
rooms, modern. Moyer Sta. Co., 1616 Far
nam St - -;.
(16.00 8-ROOM cottage. In fine condition:
1569 North 19th St.
(32.60 8-room modern house except fur
nace; 7U6 North 80th Bt.
ROBINSON & wi.t, 3o rax ton Block.
NEW 6-ROOM brick house; medern; 828
B. 24th St. Owen Mct.'aiirev. . .
8-ROOM modern, barn and garage; corner
Wafh. Ave. and frank Bt; rent (27.60. Mr,
M. H. Bloedorn, 628 .Franklin, Co., Bluffs.
tores aad Offices. ,
KTORlS-nOOM 1807 -Farnam Bt
Semi-basements, well lighted, 1807 and 1808
Farnam street
btore room. 01s in. tn au, no. umaha.
THOS. . xiAit.. 41 ttamge mag.
Both 'Phones. - .
We offer for rent the on
6tory and basement brick store
room at 914 Farnam. This prop
erty , baa trackage facilities ia
rear. Apply
17th and Farnain,
FOR RENT about Sept 1; central loca
tion, one of best business towos of Ne
braska; modern store building, 10.000 feet
floor space; now buiiatug; suitable for de
partment store. Auuiesn 10, uee.
FOR Rent-Building at 2318 Harney. Just
vacated by paxton ic mucneii Auto Co.
Two floors suitable for automobile garage.
H.' D. Wead, loi u arnam street
(JtMiO NICE store room; 1703 8. 10th St
ROBIN BON Ol vui-, wa raxion tsiocit,
LARGE pleasrnt south and east front
office. Corner lth . ana uarney. B. B
Curtis, IwjO Harnoy.
Unequallad Opportunity Urocery and
meat market with fixtures complete; as
yual. llsard Block. Apply U N. Eld ot
WELL LIGHTED store. 12x100. 108 8. 10th.
Carter Sheet Metal Works.
Second hand pieces as follows:
One flat top walnut desk.
One 18-drawer 3x5 card case.
One waste basket. .
Five office chairs.
One rug. '
17th aud Farnam
Maalcal Iastramenta.
NEARLY new B-Flat soprano buffet Sax-
aphone, sliver plated; low pitch and latest
system of keys. Will be sold cheap for cash.
It. A. W., 422 Brandels llldg.
MAHOGANY upright Piano for sale; cost
new 325 tCASH); NEED MONEY: leaving
town; no reasonable orrer retused. U. hi.
B., General Delivery. Omaha.
UNIVERSAL Musical Bureau We help
music teachers and students by three guar
anteed propositions. Address 204 Old Bos
ton Store Bldg., Omaha. Send .no money.
BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter.
B. F. Swanson Co., Distributers, 1311
harnam bt.
Typewriters for Rent ttwanso
1318 Farnam Bt, Omaha.
YOU can rent an OLIVER TYPE
WRITER with oak stand, (3 monthly, front
manufacturers, .most Interested in satisfac
tion given.
Oliver Typewriter Co., D nUt
BECONt-hand typewriters sold, repaired.
Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam,
M laoellnneaus.
TYlA iVrmnmV Window Screen will
Alie mLUHUmy ,av, you one-half.
T. II. Welrich Fixture Co.. all kluds of
mill work.
FOR SAL15 New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world In ehap
bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balke-Cullender,
407 S. 10th St
4.0 DflO of Cottonwood lumber and
v - 600.000 brick
600.000 brick for sals.
Broa., 24th and Dorcas Sts.
WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink
barrels which we will sell for 60 cents each.
They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call
at press room. Bsc Publishing Co.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all rises and makes; bargains.
American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St
HALL'S sates, new, 2d-band. 1818 Farnam,
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all
(10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. .
FOR SALE A practically new Wales vis
ible (326 adding machine. Reasonable pric
(18 Little Bldg.f Lincoln.
60 FEET shelving; 30 feet counter. In
quire 1045 So. 20th. Phone Doug-. 7329, be
tween 8 and 12, mornings.
1 1,1
15 H. P. OAS ENGINE for sale, Web.
FOR SALK Two high pressure Kewanee
steam boilers, 86-horse capacity each, slso
60 inches by 16 feet. We can show a Boiler
Liability company's inspection of these
boilers as late as July 12. showing them to
be in first-class condition, and the com
pany approves a steam pressure of 1J6
pounds per square inch. Hollers can be
seen In commission and will be ready to
deliver about September 16 to October 1
Offered for sale on account of putting In
larger power plant. John U. woodward at
Cpv "The Candy Men," Council Bluffs, Ia,
About 40 feet of 29 Inch diameter No. 80
gauge, galvanized pipe, .with four 46-lnch
elbows and i. This was used for ventilat
ing purposes, and. pipe Is In good condition.
The Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam.
WANTED TO SELL patent on first class
household specialty; fast seller; finest prop
osition in city. Address u. U., union Hotel,
UNUSED 1910 (GO coaster brake bicycle.
(30. Apply 208 Bee.
FOR SALE Second-hand bank fixtures.
complete, lu first-class condition; originally
cost (1,200. bultable for country Dank or
brokerage office. Price, If taken quick,
(2u0 f. o. b. Scott's Bluff. Write A. J.
Shumway, Scott's Bluff, Neb.
Alice Johnson, 806-8 Brandels Theater Bldg.
B. S. Peterson, 618 Brandels Theater Bldg.
Katbryn Nikolas. 634-8 Brandels Theater.
JOHN DE FOX. 320 Brandels Theater.
D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT.
WIIUARD KODY. registered practitioner
in V. 8. Pat. Of floe. 618 Paxton Blk. R. 2891.
Massac treatment stomach trouble. Dr.
liargarlte Halloran. 228 Neville Blk. D. 7761.
Swi'tr'liP'J trom combings. (l.KX Mrs. 8.
owut-uea Uatbews, 804 Neville Bk. D. 6263,
HINDOO TABLETS will build.
strengthen. (Ou BELL DRUG CO.
MRS. EOdEUS' prlv&ts confinement
home, 1618 Martha fit, Omaha, Neb. Tel.
Douglas 8230.
Health in every glass Alamlto Lactone.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are invited to visit the Voung
Women s l oristian association ouuaing at
Beventeenth et and lit Mary's Ave., where
they will be directed to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted. Look for our
traveler s am at vv uuuu uuu, j
STRICTLY private borne for confine
ment; excellent care; babies for adoption.
tbis Davsnport
CVUT WflTCS Kubber goods by mall; cut
aiBlllulJO prices, bond for fine cat
alogue. MYLliii-Dillou Drug C- Omaba,
GROW new hair by using Mme. Frayer's
Adellght Hair Jt'ood. , Mvgaath Stationery
WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing
maubluea. Ind. A-Iooi, Doug. 1663,
lutb aud Harney bis.
MME ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt
glow and massage, iwi Dodge tit., oppo
site pustufflce. 3d floor. Tel Doug. 7nCi.
Room 8o8 Old Boston Store Bldg.. 4th
floor, elevator entrance. 120 8. loth SL
treatment. Mme. Smith.
631 8. 16th. Third Floor.
VUTPCi snd toupea fur men. Griffith.
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Kamge Bldg.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off
clothing, in fact, anything you do not need.
We collect repair and sail at 134 N. 11th
Bt. for cost of collection, to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4146 and wagous
PIT Vf5 curad without operation or pain.
rJ.Li-tl3 jjr. M Hn Bldg. D. 1424
m a 'iisjiynr!''t'nenB- k- Rrou.
'bo. 1Mb. D. Me.
WANTED Street carnival attractions
and concessions for sale. Old Settlers
I'icnlo at NewraHtle, Neb., August Z3.
Write J. I. Aicuraiu rreaiaent.
Street attractions of varloua kinds for
bat-t- ball carnival at Itandolph, August 11
to 12- Also want aierry-fto-uuund. Address,
O. 1. Ileid, lUndolph, Nib.
WHAT little boy or girl would like to do
a Ittle woik ut home to help I'M fur a nli-e
new mahogany upright piano? Ariiliecs
L. M B., Lenural Delivery, Omaha, Neb
YOUNG Isdy wishes permanent horns
with nice family. ITnf
South front preferred. References ex
changed. Address H 40. Ree.
WHEREABOUTS of mv n.-u
Morgan, aaed between K and 17 v .n
Just remember him. Please write to his
daujriter, "Mabel." aged 20 years. Addreas
mrs. uaoei wuiis, Albany, Oregon. R. D. 1.
rnfvATB trniuin ...iJZ
-- . w, v. . ., bui,tui9inni.
Urlum, 144) ut Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia.
JOSIS WASHBURN book. Tba Iln .
world Mewer." at all book stores; prioa (1 4
WANTED A girl about DO, for company
!uiina dav. bv larlv,,it-e in K,i.inA..
district Call 407 N. 10th St
WANTED Bv vonnr mrrl-4 rnimi
ohlld. 10 nr mora vmh a hn.. Art
Davenport St.
Screenings, (I K per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16
is the best In the market for young chick
ts. Made from ure grain.
Phones: Douglas U42. Independent A-3458.
LEW W. RABER, Printer,
Be - Bldg. Kntrance on - Court
RIE8-HALL Pta. Co., 108 & 14th.
A1&24. .-. ..',' v
PHONE IND. A-2020 for good printing.
LyngatadL PrliiUng Co.. 16th Capitol Ave.
Jamlason. 1111 Doug. Both
. Wl.lSMtl
GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1621 Farnam.
PETER JESSEN. JR., Tel. Douglas 1291.
REED ABSTRACT CO., Eat. 1888; prompt
service; get our prices. 80S Brandels theater.
BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bldg.
Tel. D. 127L (43 Ratnge Bldg. New bouses.
1201 Farnam. Ground Floor.
After Aug. L City Bank Bldg.
These lota are only two blocks from car
line, and In a location where houses rent
well. Single lots adjoining have sold for
(1,000. Eastern owner wants to sen quick.
858 New York Life Bldg. Red 1968.
east front, new, high view, surrounded by
finest homes in city, 60x160 feet, two blccks
eapt of Famam-Cumlng line. Easy terms.
1003 N. Y. Lifo. Doug, or A-2162.
Phone Sunday or Evening, Harney 6134.
Houses for Sale
If you want a bargain see us, we have
several this weik from (000 up. Sea us first
If you want real bargains.
Engelbrecht & Raver,
1710 Farnam St. phone Doug. 4379. Omaha.
937 South 37th Ave.
Six-room square dwelling, corner lot,
nicely sodded and terraced; finished In
hard wood; full cemented cellar, paved
street, corner lot; price only (4.100; can ar
range very reasonaoie terms.
810-313 Brandels Theater Bldg.,
17th and Douglas Hts.
(-room, all modern; lota of shrubbery,
mUA anA fruit Ihi,.! M 1 ,- l,wn lap.. Inf.
(3,6o0; terms easy. . tf jlji
668 N. Y. Life .Bldg- , . 'Phone Red 19.
I have six -business lots on Vinton street
between l'Jth and 20th, fronting north. 37
feet frontage, price (1.000 each. These lots
belong to eastern owner,- wno says they
must be sold in thirty days. I -will submit
offers as low as (600 per lot. Also lot on
Orant street, near aviation grounds, on
grade; cement sidewalk; will submit offer
as low as (&o.
W. L. SELBY, 439 Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR SALE Two-story dwelling, In rood
repair, with two large barns, situated on a
ofie-auin tiict, within tha corporate !!tr.!t
of Bradshaw, Neb., In the center of the
richest section of the state. Has been used
by the owner for several years In the
horse business. Haa a good reputation for
fifty miles around as a reliable place for
the buying or selling of horses. Call on or
address, irst National uank, Bradshaw
AM LEAVING OMAHA Will offer my
home for 8 days at a sacrifice. If you
want the most homelike cottage In tha
city look the property over quick and make
an offer. 235) California et.
Third lot west of 17th on the south side
of Manderson St. Owner wants to sell
badly. Look at It and make offer.
668 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red. 1808.
WU BATm karvaln M ru urn erntm
hnusp sriiriil location! bait front: hot watur
heat; clBtern; laundry and barn. Inquire
Douglas tm.
7-rooin suuare house, brand new. alt mod
ern, Urge lot very cbeap and pn easy
868 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red 188,
For real bargains in houses In all parts
of the olty see us. , .
Engelbrecht & Raver,
'Phone Douglas 4379. 1710 Farnam St
8 rooms, all modern, easy welkins dla
tance (H 200. (1,000 cash, balance long tlma
668 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Red lUt
A Dewey Ave. Landlord says this about
the Bee want ads: . ' V
I used a flv Una wgnt ad In The Bee to adverttsa a
bouse I bad to rent. The number of Inquiries truly ur
prlsed me. Could bave rented the bouse a dosei times
over to an extra good class of tenants. Losing a tenant baa
no terrors tor me any more. '
New HQUse,
Dundee; Only $4,150
Underwood avenue, between 01 at and 83d,
a full two-story house, built by day labor,
of the best material. Cull basement good
furnace, laundry sink, first flour has re
ception hall, parlor,, dining room, kitchen,
large butler's pantry and rear- vestibule.
Three fine bed rooms and bath on sooa4
floor. Best of plumbing, fine combination
lighting fixtures, fine osH -finish; full lt
80x123 feet. Owner 'Ul s-ll on easy terms.
Norris & Martin,
Phone Douglas 4271 409 Bee Bldg.
Close In buy; a good 8-room, all modern
house; 4 bedrooms, Jttith Ave., near pwr
Ave. Only (3,000.
Choice lot on (1st near Davenport Bt.t
east front, 88 ft frontage. Only (2.8C0.
A bargain In south front Kountie Plana
lot. Owner needs the monny (so de we).
Best offer gets It. Call and. .
Lots in PenrieyV
Addition ; ;
Tipated on Fort St. between the Florenca
Boulevard and Mth St,-- These' are nearly
all south and east front lots; th aoutn
front lots front on fort Bt., and tha east
front lota on the Florence Boulevard.
Prices, 46-foot south front lots, (500 to
1060; this Includes water to the front of
each lot. Terms (an casn ana siy e. niuuw.
There are only ft few of these lots, so If
you want to get the best bargains on. th
north aide, you must act at once. None are
over t blocks from cas. , . , .
1614 Harney Bt
on account of leaving city will sell my
home in West Farnam district oome.
hot wates heat electrlo light,- gas, large
olosets, cement basement stationery ' ami
tuba, and everytning in rirsi ciass condi
tion. Address W-461 care Bee, 'Phone, Hm
ney 715. -
to look at Southwest corner 84th and De
catur. Two 8-room houses, Nos. 8401 Deca
tur and 1710 N. 34th. We are ordered t
accept first reasonable offer jnade No-
VAiii juana ana a-u w,, vuu
Bid. 'Fhone. Red 1W9.
SEVriN tvuiio ii- mm 14x1 rwu a
rAUH AX D RAjrCU ItAJNIs roll 6ilig
, Arkaasa. ' 1. 1
HOMESEEKERS After traveling aver
tha west I found the beat barga Ins. beat '
crops, clover 6 feet high,, wheat- oata, aorn
and everything, Including water and elt
mate, good prairie land, YM to u per acre,
Benton county. Ark., or Delaware county
Oklahoma. See your map. For particular
and prices send stamp. J. uswaii, ura
vette. Ark.
fCoIoraaew "'-
MUST BB BOLD Tins MONTH, 61,710- .
acre ranch; Dlatrlot of Camargd, Old
Mexico's paradise; climate periect: alti
tude 4.250 feet; between cities, railroad;
15,000 acres beautiful rloh valley . land,
abundnntly productive! 800 brood mares:
10 Jacks; 166 mules; 100 horses; it nead
cattle (Herefords); plows, harrows, .seed
ers, scrapers, cultivators, planters, f eio-j.
furnished home, hall sare, oiacKsmicn snop,
harness shop (10 sets harness); numerous
buildings; rock corrals, etc: 36 'miles -wired
fence; Abundant w&'er. All this complete
for quick sale, (125,000. ' Easy ttiM or
part exchange. Wire for partleulara. A,
W. Johnston, 1764 Stout St, Denver.,: Colo.
tha finest irrirated ranohea In the State!
1,080 acres In all; all under irrigation, hav
ing 83 reel 01 paia UP water wmon aionn
Is worth (70,000; two railroads .have- sta
tions on tha place; five sets 'of improve
ments; the very finest of soil) land, Ilea
perfect Here Is on of th ver best
Croposltlons ever offered for sale ana win
ear the very closest investigation; Is a
sure money maker to the man who can
handle It. Address Ralph ft. JDrennen,
Fort Morgan, Colo. v.l - '
COLORADO LAND. .- -Irrigated
farms and the most productive
of the United States, where crop, failures
ar unknown: .,(,.., v. 'i
12 J acres, per acre............ ..,..,..( t
137 acres, per acre. ...... ......,- loi
174 acres, per acre ........,;.-.... 116
179 acres, per acre ...., 126
120 acres, per acre........... 120
181 aores, per acre............. ,. 16
This Ur,d lays In u Stviwnc,' We
have the props to shqw what kind of ian
we have, . Come and see them and satisfy
yourself. J. A. Wblimore, Sevareance, Colo.
Indiana. -
S .
MY SUMMER HOME and 42-sor- farm,
mile from Cedar Lake. Indiana's popular
resort; flhlng, boating, bathing; tlsest spot
In th country; main road passes house;
price Includoa al property, cqnslstlng of
fine 8-room house, i-roum cottage, ' elegant
barns and other outbuildings;! poultry
house; make money raising poultry; Ideal
spot for poultry farm; 1,000 chlokens, 4
cows, 8 calves, 4 horses, iiaraess, buggy,
farm Implement; sacrifice price (6,000, one
fourth down, remainder 10 years to. pay.
As a bargain this proper outclasses' any
thing ever offered In Indiana; no dickering;
first buyer gets It; bs quick. John Bodkin,
302 Dsarbon sU Chicago. -
FLORIDA LAND A few bargains; whole
sale and retail; write for particulars. Frank
L. Bills & Co., 126 Monroe St. Chicago.
I.AFETTE and Cherokee counties, Kan
sas. Bargains In fine Improved farms, best
bargains In the stats; corn, wheat,- oats
and alfalfa lands; fine Improvements; near
market. Write for descriptive .list and our
special proposition to Investors. Matthew
& Walters. Oswego. Ksn.
FOR SALE 80,008 acres spUndld land;
railroad runs through It for 1 miles. Two
sets of improvements, about two-thirds till
able. Best colonisation proposition ever of
fered. For a quick s-Jle. TM per acre. Ite
ration right. Won't - last ling. ' Address
The Allen County Investment C(t., Long ton,
; ,i
V :.t:.