Omaha Wins Seven to Two; Athletics Split Doubleheader; Denver Takes Slugging Match j 011AUA TAKES LAST CAME Local Make it Three Stfaig;H Cloi in; the Series. GOOD BATTING AND NO EKROES Spore Knda, T to ' Uopllca tins Trick Hotrkri Flayed' Sloas ! lira Molnea rltehe Provee nrrn to Omaha ns. Omaha, 7; De Wolhe. I. ' The RourUe did the nam thine to ls Molnea they did to'Sloux City allowed them the firat fame of. the aerie and then cleaned up for the other three. Omaha played a clean same yesterday, batting Mason for hlta whenever they were neces sary and finishing the battle without an error. Vp to the eighth Inning hlta were, evenly divided, each twlrlef having allowed aeven. But In the eighth Ma Hon atarted firing ensy one atratght oyer and the Rourke jumped 1n and helped themselves to three singles, one two-bagger and one three bagger, bringing' in three runs. The Champa were abut out the firat five Inninga. but brought In. one acore In the sixth. Curtla walked, and after two outa, waa brought In on . a alngle by Nlohoff, who died on first when Wllllama want out on an eaay Infield grounder. Another In the eighth on hlta by Colligan and Mat tick brought the iotal up to two. Omaha atarted scoring In the fourth, with two hlta and one run. In the neat round Davis began with a alngle going to aecond when Oferrldon went aafely to first on an error. "'Hottt Were advanced on a sacrifice by" Flood' and both came In on Kane's double. Kane followed them around when Morlarlty ? poled out another two baser. Three was enough for that Inning and Thompson and Welch .went out on easy files. Mason's unmissable, ones In the eighth finished the story-lso the game. Score: The score: r OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. K. O. 1 0 IS A. 0 t 6 0 i 6 0 2 4 Davis, f Corrldon, as.... Flood, lb, Kane, lb....... Morlarlty, 3b.. Thompaon, If. Welch, rf Cadman, c Rhodes, i...... .V, 4 2 8 ' 0 0 0 .. 8 1 1 Totals 1 I! 21 It JjES A101NE8. VAB. R. H O. 0 a i 10 - 4 2 2 2 1 A. 1 0 0 1 0 2 4 1 2 Pader, rf Colligan, see. Curtis, If.... Pwyer, lb.... Mattlck, cf.. Mehoff, 3b.. Williams, 2b. demons, c. Mason, p.... 4 Totals Omaha Runs i. Hits Pes Molnea Runs Hlta ..32 7 24 U 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 - 7 I 12 0 0 n 10-2 2 4-7 0 1 2 Two-bane hlt:-Mattlck. Kane. Marlarlty, Welch. Three-baae hit: Davis, Flrt baae on halla: Off Rhodes. 2: otf Mason. 8. Struck out: By Rhodes. 8: by Mason. 1. Left on baaea: Omaha. 8: Des Moines, 8. Stolen base: Nlehoff. Sacrifice hlta: Corrl don, Mason, Flood. 3. Umpires: Sternberg and Clark. Timet 1:80. Notes of the Q Thla makes six out of the laat aeven. The question la: Can. Omaha keep it upY Nothing doing, put at Vinton . unjtll August 11. An encouraging crowd was put to give the boys a good sendorr, Kane atlll hltawhen he has to; his two- bagger brought In two runs Once again did a." game go through with no one-hit. , by a pitched ball, It didn't take long to do It; one hour and thirty minutes is about as short as they get. Welch made one of those spectacular long runa away over behind firat and gathered in a diffiuuit fly. Cadman waa the only Rourke who failed to take advantage of Masons generosity ana get nimeeir a nit. Corrldon la a good backer. ' He gathered In a hot one that bounced about twenty feet out. of .Morlarlty s hands and caught tne natter at iirst; Lefty" Davis, let out bV Lincoln be cause he couldn't bat. hit three times In Tour times up and got the only three bagger or the game. " Strike out were, few and far1 between Pitcher -Rhodes whs the only local who fell prey to Mason s twisters, but he re. tellatag by striking out Wllllama twice and Dwyer once. DE.Wtll WINS PROH WICHITA Uauie Called In Klghth for Denver to '5 ; Catch Train. WICHITA, Kan.,. July 86. Denver won an eiaht-lnnlng game from Wichita, 11 to 10 A'"" t"1""' called at 6 o'olook to allow fenver ' to catch a train. Bvure: w . .WlOHtTA. O.Vi--M i y- ,AB. n. H. O. A. E. Mldeietftn,' cU, 4 8 110 1 UukiicS, . 2u...i,.,i..., 4 ' 1 0 2. V Heldtn, .if ..,,......,-,. 4 13100 joernei t-r.,....-.vv.. 4 2 8 2 ft i sue:!, lb..............; i 1 S esterzil, VO.. 6 0 8 110 bclitnld. a,.... v. V 1 i. 4 .0 Miaw, ' c 1 1 7 1 0 -ClaUe X 0 0 0 0 Snack17oid, p 1 0 0 0 1 0 glianer, ... 1 0 X 10 0 fetilgrew 1 0 0 0 0 0 Jurnagm, p.....-..v t 0 0 0 0 0 Totals ........... ....38 10 14 24 10 2 : DENVER. Att. R. H. O. A.. E. Lloyd.' 2u,.. ...... 3 2 2 2 1 Wa.droii, If 4 10,400 t'ranttu, ss. 8 2 8 1 1 2 polaii. So A .... . t 2 11 t 1 ).U")a'r lb, ,.. 4 10 7 10 t.aaniily. rf. 5 12 10 0 Mi-Murray.: e... a 0 2 4 0 0 Ablinian, y.. 4 11 18 1 Totals .34 11 14 24 9 i 'Halted fur $huner In seventh. 'Batted fur Jarunglu in eighth lvi.vut t 0 4 u 0 Wlcvilta ............J I 1 M 3 0-11 1 4-10 Left oil - bses: Denver, '; Wichita, 1U. fcacilfUa hits: Cranston, Schmidt, Heidru, Undaay. Two-base lilts: Keall, Balden, 'l niae-oase lilt;-Cassliiy. Home runs: lo lan, - Kuei-aer. Stoirn basi-a: Hoall. Hits: tf( Stutakoiiord,, 7 In 3 Innings; otf cjhaiicr, 7 in .4 tnnluga; off Jarnsgln, none la 1 in ning', Douuie play: man to Cranston to Lidt-ay. Struck out: By Shackelford, 1; by Suaer. 1; by Ehman, 3. liaae on balls: nif ' titiackelfurd, 2; off Slianr, t. oft D-limau,- i. Tmia; 10. I'mpire:, Iiaskcli, lll)( IT ui-:rKAT- I.Il'W lallora . Uet l.rail Through Poor r-leldlnw t lint. LINCOLN, July -Lincoln puur field Ins lu the early part of the game today Sioux llty a If ad. the viaitora wth- mug. Lincoln aiartt-eV a raUy In tti ninth inning, acunng a run and having to men on bases witn none out. wnen the game waa called by agreement at 6 o'olock, the scoie reverting U the eighth innning. fccuro: - LINCOLN. AB. R 4 0 .... 4 : 0 .... 3 0 .... 0 .... 4 0 .... 3 0 H. 4 1 0 0 a 1 A. 0 E J tide, if Gagiiier, as Cole, if Cobb. rf. Cock man, 3b Thutuaa. lb . Wi Idensaul, 2b 0 Clark, c It 1-1 MrUmth, b 9" i GtlBt. Totals W 2 7 " SIOL'X CITY. AB. R. H. Andreas. 2b 3 2 0 H;ent. lb 8 1 2 Myers, If 0 I umllm. 8b .' 4 6 2 Towne, c 4 0 0 K.nlin rf , 2 1 I Neighbor, cf . I 0 0 24 11 O. 4 10 6 0 1 0 1 Standing1 of the Teams . 'E8T. LEAOt'K. W.L-Pct. frenver M 84 .44 ttloux City. ..65 36 .111 , NATL- LFAQlE. - V LPot. Chicago M .l New York. ..47 36 .673 Lincoln 6J 3 .670) Plttahurg ...4 S5 .61 Wichita ..4 48 Cincinnati ..44 41 .619 Phlla 40 48 .4X2 8t Joseph Oman ... lies Mplnei . 43 i ..42 81 .84 W At. Loul ....38 47 .447 Hrooklyn ...34 El .4 Hiton 33 65 . 3,6 Tofieka ....... CI .823, AMKH. LEAGUE. AMKK, ASSN. W.UPct YV.L.Pit Phlla. .... bos ion . . .68 2X .674' Minneapolis.. 9 36 .64 M 54 St. Paul 68 48 . 674 New York 60 35 .581 Toledo 67 43 .674 Detroit .. Cleveland .48 41 .6S Kan. City ...47 49 .40 .37 46 .4,".l Columbus ...44 61 .43 Wash. ... ..36 61 .4141 Milwaukee ..43 64 .443 Chicago 36 61 . tM. l.ouls 2B 67 . lndlanfol.40 D .4m Louisville ...37 S3 .374 MINK I.EAOUE. W.UPct. Clarlnda T-8 2i .m Nb. city. ...32 .61 Aupurn 30 2 .508 Falls City . .30 20 .&'K) Shenandoah. .8 33 .6. .Mary vllle ...28 88 . 377 JOG' NEB. LEAGUE. W.UPct Fremont 41 IS .621 Or. Island. ..M 29 .654 H u per lor 33 31 .618 Peward 32 83 .492 Hastings ....32 33 .42 Kearney .....S2 38 .471 Columbus ...29 37 . 439 Red Cloud.... 25 88 .410 Yeaterdar's IteSalta. WESTERN LEAtWB. Omaha, 7; Des Moines, 2. Sioux City, (; Lincoln, 2. Denver, 11; Wichita, 10. St. Joseph, 10; Topeka, 3. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Chicago. 8; Washington, 2. Cleveland, 4; Philadelphia. 8. Second game: Cleveland, 8; Philadelphia, 2. Detroit, 1; New York. 0. Boston, 8; St. Louis, 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburg, 6; Philadelphia, 2. Roston, 2; Brooklyn, 1. Chlcago-J-it. Louis game postponed. AMBRICAN AH'OCIAT10N. Milwaukee. 6; Columbus, 8. Toledo, 3; Kansas City. 2. Indianapolis, 6; St Paul, 1. IjOUlsvllle, 4; Minneapolis, 0. NEBRASKA LEAGUE.! Grand Island. 8; Superior, 1. ' 'Red Cloud, 10; Columbus, & Hastings, 6; Seward, e. . . .. ' . Fremont, 2; Kearney, J. . . MINK LEAGUE. Clarlnda, 10; Maryvllle, 1. Falla City, IS; Nehraka City, 1. Auburn, 4; Shenandoah, i. Gautee Today Western " Leasrue Omaha - at ' WlrhltiL. Sioux Cltv at St. JosfattoWhowln at Den ver, Dea Moines at Tut?ltt. American League ashlhgth at Phila delphia, New York at Boafbn.' " relational League Philadelphia at New Tork. American Association MllarnukAji at Columbus, Kansas City at Toledo, St. Paul at inaianapoiis, (Minneapolis at Louisville. uMeorasKa. oiate League Superior at Co lumbus, Red Cloud at Grand J aland Kr. ney at Seward, Hastings at Fremont. Mlnk League 'Maryvllle at ' Clarlnda, raus at weoraska cjty, Auburn at Shenandoah. Hartman, ss Hammond, p Totala .' in 24 14 1 0 0 2 0-2 0 0 0 2- Hammond. Lincoln 1. 0 0 0 0 Sioux City 2 2 0 0 Two-base hits: Quinlin. LJOUDie DiaVS: An1rnuia In Uurtmun Stem; Gangnles to Thomas. Sacrifice hits: Uagnler, Myers (2), Neighbors. Earned runs: Sioux City, 8. Left on bases: Lin coln, T: Sioux City, 8. Struck .out: By MoOrath, 2; by Gelst, 8: by Hammond. 1. Base on balls: Off MoOrath ! off ni.i 1; off Hammond, 1. Hit toy pitched ball: By Hammond. 1. Passed ball: Towne. 1. Time: 2:00. Umpire: FUnn. ST. JOSEPH HITS WRIGHT HARD Visitors Take Haas- Game by Ten to Three Score. : TOPEKA. Kan . Jnlw Bt T.n.h' ... from Topeka today by batting Wright hard m. mo. nr.- mmng. -i rte piayersr suffered greatly from the etreme heat.' Score: "I ST. JOSEPH. ' - ". . AB. R H. 8 O. 4 2 A. 0 5 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 Powell. If Fox. 8b Jones, lb........ McChesney, cf.. Corhan, ss B. Reilly, 8b Bauer, rf........ Frambea, o Baker, p Totals 8 38 to .12 27 10 . TOPEKA. AB. R H. 0 1 0 0 2 0 8 0 O. 0 1 A. 0 2 1 1 3 s 0 ' 5 0 1 wcouey. cr.. , 4 Thomaaon, If... 6 Landretlr) rf 4 Welch, 2b 4 Kunkel, 3b 4 Abbott, lb; 3 tfoles, c s p'.'.".'.".'1M'.'.'.".I rugate Weight, p. Totals ... St. Joseph .. Topeka ...34 3 8 27 13 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 1-10 6 0 1 0 0- 1 XI 0 1-3 Three-base hit: MrCnewney: Two-base nits: t. Keiliy, Kunkel. Lowell. Bauer Ui Corhan. Base on balls: Off Fugute, 2; off rveiKni, 2; on uaaer, i. struck out: By weiKni. d: dv caxfr. b. Mita: t rr h-uu i; none out in rirst Inning; off Weight, 10 in nine inntntrs. irt o haaf-ar Tnrwli. a- St. Joseph, . lmbrtr'Alnys: Kukel to Molea to Abhott. Paasnd -ballr? Frambea Time: .1:40. Umpire ..Mutl.eo"""', RED SOX PLAVJVyQVT OAME I.lnlr Defeated " hr ' Seor4- of For to Nottilns:. LAKE CITT, la., JMl.Sfl-fHpaoial Tele gram). The local Red tfoje played 'the third shutout game, defeating the Llngley profes Inn la 4 to A Harbor u.p.o.m f n .... - eleven, allowed two bases on balls and one hit. Haahmore struck out eight, allowed eleven hits and two bases on balls. Half of the local score, waa made ,on errors by Llngley s catcher. The feature of the game was Aioureary a nil jn tne eignth. Rattarlaa F)arlir . UnDrauM ami u.r Haxhrnore and Robbins. CmDiree: McNeil and Colllcotte. The same teams play again tovaorroow. ' Tlie locals walloped Early 7 to 2 In Yes terday's game. Wllkins fanned thirteen, gave four basea on balls and allowed only thrse eaxned hits. Bneley struck out seven. allowed nine hits and allowed five bases on balls. The locals played a mock game In the ninth and allowed Early two scores. Batteries: Wllkins and Beers; Beaiey and' nnyaer, MKal l TS . IIK LB AG IT B Aunarn, Clarlnda and Fall. City Win Cniuri of liar. At Shenandoah. Score: R.H.B, Auburn s.. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 24 6 SberandoMh ...00000 1 0001 T Batteries: Illrsi-h and - Kramlncer. i u 111 an ana Meed umpire: sage. At Clarlnda. sopre: Jt.H.E, Maryvllle 0001000001 y Clarlnda 0 2 0 0 1 0 8 4 10 1 Batteries: Hunt and Diets. Walters and Johnson. Umpire: Fletcher,... At Kalis City. Soora: " . - - R.H.E isetraaka city 0 0 0 0 1 8 0 0 0 1 4 Falls City 1 1 0 1 3 3 4 -13 13 3 Batteries: Collier. Waller and Mayfteld; Duran and Greensllt. Umpire: Meyers. Dodare Defeats Snyder. DODGE, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Dodge defeated the crack Snyder team on the former's grounds Sunday by a score of 3 to 3. The game was a pitchers" battle be tween Young and Oustln, with Young hav ing the beat of It alL through. . Wit!) men on bases he was lpvlnt.ible, Dodge's, three runs rame In the third Inning, on a hit by Kefflsr, a two-bagger by Yauhg. a hit and an error. Snyder gut thlr two runs on an error, a hit and a sacrifice. A return game will be played next Sunday at Snvder. The score: - , ' ' ' 'R.H IC Dodge ..; Snyder Struck out: ,. 0 0 0 8 8" 0 8 8 4 ...0 0 V 0 0 2 0 02 6 3 By Young. 13; br Oustln, . r.-dge. 1 Time of game. 1:15. Stolen basei: I mplres, Price and Srhonsck.. Atw.ljnoe, Wlna From Wahoo. MORSE BLUFF. Nb.. July 25 -(Special). The Morse Bluff Champs defeated John son's Walloon bunch Sunday, 10 to 8. The feature f th4 game wes the batting of Pa- E. I cat anil Anderson or tne noma team. ti-ire: 11 it. t I.E. n, Morse mutt.:, 1 s 1 e v 1 o 1 iu is Wahoo 018 0 00018 686 a! Struck own By Uuckeuiuaril, 8; by Pascal, a I 3; by Andtison, 6. The Key to the bitualion-lfae Want Ada. 01 OMAHA GOLFERS QUALIFY Looal Four Among 6uoce8sful Con tettanta at Minneapolis. ARE WELL ALONG IN LIST M rears. Ihimhrn, Hale, Cska sal Rahnt Will Compete ia Second Preliminary Round Today flood Snores Made. (MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., July 26.-Harry O Legg of Minlkahda led the field In the first half of the 36-hole qualifying round for the western golf championship tourna ment over the fast links of the Mlnikahd club today. Legg made the 18 holes In 70- two strokes below the course record made by Warren Wood of Homewood On Fri day. The quality of golf displayed by the sixty-four survivors of today's game was the beet ever shown In a western champion ship. The highest to qualify waa 87 and there were several' ties at those figures. W. I. Howland, Jr., of Qlenvlew finished second with well compiled 72, while Paul Hunter and Mason Phelps of Midlothian and Albert Seckel of Hinsdale, handed in 74 cards. Charles Evans, jr., the western champion, made a 76 after a bad journey out. R. A. Gardner of Hinsdale, national champion, also had a 75. Warren Wood of Homewood, winner of the low qualifying prise In the 1800 western tourney, banded in a 77. The sixty-four survivors will play 18 more, holes in the qualifying round to morrow. Those who failed to land In that charmed circle are out of the championship contest. Lean's Work Phenomenal. Legg's 70 was little short ot phenomenal as he had hardly any luck. lie rimmed the cup six times on puts as he said the putting greena were keener than he had anticipated. - His full mashle shots were auperb and his driving waa brilliant, especlaly , on the . shorter holes where he grove tho green every time. HI only poor drive waa In playing the tenth, but he retrieved himself with a screaming brassie that put him on the green in two. He lost his chance for a 8 by missing a comparatively easy putt. He took three putts on the sixteenth and then holed out In fve. His best previous performance over the course here waa 73, Cards ot the leaders: Paul Hunter, Midlothian Out ....4 6 3 5 4 4 4 6 640 In 8 4 6 4 4 4 3 2 4-8474 Mason Phelps, Midlothian Out : 6 6 4 8 3 4 3 8 4-40 In 2 3 6 4 4 4 3 8 58474 R. A. Gardner, Hinsdale Out 4 7 4 0 2 4 3 6 6 3 In 34466443 4-38-75 Mat of Winners. Following are the sixty-four who quali fied tor the second round of eighteen holes tomorrow: H. G. Legg, Minlkahda, TO. W.-Howland, Jr., Ulenvlew, 72. i' Paul Hunter, Midlothian, 74. Albert Seckel, Hinsdale, 74. Mason Phelps, Midlothian, 74. Charles Evaus, Jr., Edgewater, 75. ' R. A. Gardner. Hinsdale. 76. . W. H. Diddell, Indianapolis, 78. A. D. S. Johnston, St. Paul, (b. Ralph Rider Des Moines, 76. ' Waiter Fairbanks, Denver, 74. Robert Hunter, Midlothian, .76. Addison Stillwell, Midlothian, 77. Warren K. Wood, Honiewood, 77. W B: I'lnw ir- Onwentala. 77. -' t C. T. 4afXray,tMiniihda, 7$-v..i.-; v.- U W. Ktnnear, Detroit, 7. W." B, Hey burn,' Louisville, 78. "' ' David Edwards, Midlothian, . ' ' ' William Sheehan, Des Moines, 79. - . K. P. Edwards, Midlothian, 78. F. C. Miller, St. Paul, 80. R. T. Goodell, Duluth, 80. R. T. Talbot, Evanston, 80. J. Irving Bush, Akron, 80. W. N. Chambers. Omaha, 80. F. P. Carr, Des Moines, 80. . J. T. Roberts, Evanston, 80. H. W. Allen, Bellerlve, 80. Holden WllHon, Cincinnati. 80. Clarence Stanley, Indianapolis, 81, .. J. W. McDonald,' Midlothian, 81. Drake Lightner, St. Paul. 81. Gordon lule, Kenosha, 81. H. B. Lee, Detroit, 81. C. C. lngraham. Midlothian, 8L J. D. Cady, Rock Island, 62. II. P. Bend, St. Paul, S3. F. W. Hale, Omaha, 82. Guy A. Miller. Detroit. 82. -, . Ben Collins, Jr., Midlothian, 82. T. B. Boyd, St. Louie, 83. W. E. Code, Weatward Ho, 83. F. P. Plxon, La Crosse, 88. C. A. Phelpho, St Louis, 88. Albert Cahn, Omaha, 83. F. E. Stewart, Marshalltown, 83. J.- D. Blandish. Jr., Detroit, 83. - - C. P. Jaffray, Minlkahda. . E. P. Allis, Milwaukee. 85. '. W. F. Brooks, Minlkahda. 85. R. S. Northway, Minlkahda, 85. E. A. Fiah, Minlkahda, 85. L. H. Piper, Minlkahda, 86. 1 . R. H. Williams, Evanston, 86. E. A. Eulass, Calumet. 86. G. F. Payne, St. Louis, 86. E. O. Llmberc. St. Louis, 88. . W. C. Wlbberd, Richmond, 8. Darrow Fulton, (Midlothian. 86. A. A. Bakewell. Deer Park, 86. W. A. Alexander. Exmoor, 87. J. E. Geraghty. Minlkahda, 87. J. B. Rahm. Omaha, 87. G. M. McConnell, Edgewater, 87. H. R. Louden, Exmoor, 87. C. W. Booth. Calumet 87. M. Doran. Jr., St. Paul, 87." W. A. Alexander of Exmoor withdrew. Two of the 87 are eligible to continue to morrow, and the tie will be played off then. RESULTS IN TIIRKB-I LEAGUE Waterloo, Dnbnqoe, Pan . Rork Island Win rills nnd PEORIA. III., July Si Waterloo took the first of a three-game twles. Peoria threat etieit in the eighth, scoring four runs. f?orV a aaa a a 1 . R-H-E. Peoria 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 08 8 6 Waterloo ...... .0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 08 11 2 Batteries: Cook, Gllbertand Aamussen; Clarke and Harrington. BliOOMINGTON. HI., July 26 A single, a double, a triple and three bases on balls gave Dubuque the game today in the sixth. Score: K H E Hloomington ...0 0001000 01 Dubuque ...0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0-4 i i Batteries: Royer and Erwln; Parkins and Boui-he-. DANVILLE. 111., July 24. A single, a double and Hopkins' home run spelled de feat for Davenport. Score: . R.H.E. Danville 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 11 0 Davenport 0 0000 1 00 01 7 2 Batteries: Wood and Wolfe; . Pennance and Coleman. SPRINGFIELD, 111., July 26.-Rock Isl and's superior hitting today took the game from tiprlngTleia. hrore: K H E. Hprlngflftid 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 .0 1-8 6 2 Rock Inland u u y u 1 1 u 04 9 2 Battorles: Willis. Hamilton and Hartley: Queisaer and O'Leary. BURNS DENIES STATEMENT Saya He Always Wanted Forty Per Cent in Match with Lansford . . and Will FUhC SEATTLE. Wash., July 16. Tommy Burns, wno is mi ;';. me s ia- . gidc, Swampa North Platte. ment pubHshod In New York - that the j , ,,.,., . . . , c , , , mutch between Burns and Sam .Ingford. SIDNEY, Neb July fiP a I Tele nh. aull to take place In Ixwidon in Sep- gi'am.-bUJney defeated North Platte by timber, ha been celled .iff by Promoter ' o only feature of lluh Mcintosh because Burn demanded h gam-wa the pitching of Stevens for 8-iooU more than th amount h originally Sidney who llowd the visitor two hits. ko1,i f,,r ' I which weie scattered. Tho record of the 1 told Mcintosh at Reno after John son hud -agreed to meet m again that I woul4 fight Johnson for 85 per cent of the gruxH receipts." said Burns today. "1 fig- ured that Johnson, being the champion. would get about 40 per cent Then I wired MclnloHh that I wanted 40 per cent of the receipt to meet Langfurd. but that I was attil willing to laekle Johnson for 35 per cent of the gatT . kirlaslan Win. ARLINGTON. Neb . July 24 -1 Special.) Slrmgtown defeated tlie ArlltiKtnn Nursery bail team on tne latter s grouna in a gj'.a game today, hvor 4 tu S. Boston Bunches Three Hits and Wins Close Game Dotci Seize Opportunity in Second Inning; and Home Team Scorea Only Once During Balance of Game. BROOKLYN.'-July- K. - The visitors buncher three of their-hits off Rucker In the second Inning and won. Score: BotrroNi ROOtct.Yrr. AB. II. O.AC. AB.HOAB. Collin. If... 4 1 I 0 tDalton, rf.... 4 I 8han Bharp, lb.. . 4 . 4 t 1 19 t jruubart, lb.. S S II 0 HWhMt, It.... 4 8 1 0 OHammall, lb 4 0 1 4 Ol).ln!Mn, of 4 4 1 ft otannot, 16... 4 3 1 IT. Smith. Hill I ORrwIn, t 4 8 I 4 OHuckcr, J ... 2 4 0 0 0 4 6 4 l 0 1 t lb.. n.. Millar, 1 8 1 I 4 3 It 4 cf.,.4 II. Smith, s 8 Bweaiiay, lb.' 8 Mattam, p.,. I Totall1'??.'!. J '"4 H 14 Total.' Hilt 1 BosUiii 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hit: Miller. Base on Dans: Off Mattern, 6; off Rucker, 4. Time: 1;45. 1 mpiriT Rlgler andEmalle. PITTSBURG. Pa.. Julv 26. White held Philadelphia to only two hits today and his two Vwo-baggerp drove In three of Pltteburg's five runs.' The two runa which the visitors Scored were on wild throws by PITTiBt'RO. 1 PHILADKU'HIA. .AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.ll. DjmT, 3b ... t 2 0 I lThomaa, tt... 4 . t 1 ich, cf. 8-0 4, lb... MM) nitui. rf 4 1 1 4 t iMuaa. If 3 0 i 4 l-ampball, . 1( 1 q 1 Vain ar, a. . s 1 rimn, lb..., 41 Wllaon. rf..; I Olbaon, e.... lit 10 1 lOrant. lb.... setts llrannlelcj. , U I 1 I 1 I 4 Doolao, sa tDooln. 0.. CUoren, p. 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 8 1 3 4 13 8 WHIU. p.... 8 8. 0 Bates ... 21 7 17 IS IFoxan, p. .1444 Total, ...4 4 4 1 0 Totala .34 8 84 3 Byrne and Flynn. Score: Hatted fnr Moren In elahth. Pittsburg :....8 0O0I01O- Philadelphia 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 Two-base hlta: . White (2), Gibson. Sac rifice hits: Campbell, Bransflold. Double plays: Wagner, MrKenale and Flynn; Waa-ner and Flvnn: Dooin and Bransfleld; Doulan, Knabe and Bransfleld. First base on balls: Off White, 4; off Moren, 4. Struck out: By White, 6; by Moren, 8; by Foxen, 1. Hits: OK Moren, 7 In seven ln nlnns: off Foxen. 0 in 1 Inning. Wild bitch: Moren, First base - on errors: Pittsburg. 1: Philadelphia, 8. Left on bases: Pittsburg, 2; Philadelphia, 4. Time; 1:85. Umpires: Johnstone and Lason. Country Jay Beats Spanish Queenin Very Fast Race Gus Macey's Transformed Cripple Seta New Eecord lor Fourteen-Year Old Trotters. KALAMAZOO. Mich.. July 26 Country Jay furnished the feature of the opening oti me ihiv grana circuit racing nare luoaj ujr trotting the fastest mile of the year against field of good ones In the 2:07 trot The time waa made in the first heat and wai 2:06. Country Jay's mile, In addition to being the fastest trotted this year, established a new mark for H-year'old trotters. The for mer record, 2:09ft. ,. was held by Van ant Country Jay also' holds the record for 13-year-old trotters, 2:07: The HarvtsUr,; becauee of the inability of "Pop" Gteerajto drive, left Spanish Queen the.;favorlbft lov-the'i-ape and' her defeat by: Country Jay --audi Cob, Douglas, .who , came in second, was. tM -only one a favorite suf fered. Ramey Maoey drove Spanish Queen and Gus Macey, ills father, was tiff behind Country Jay, whose victory came In straight heats,.. .. .... . Willy, 4 he .English horse, favorite In the 2:16 trot, had no difficulty in winning, but Walter - W., in the 2:06 pace, had , to be driven hard to iwin. The Abbe waa top- heavy favorite In the 2:16 pace and he had an easy time of It, as the flnlehen were not even close. Results: , Trot tine. 2:18 clui. nnraa tt flno tha In five: Willy, b. h., by Wllburn (Pennock).. Ill Gracious Peter, b. h. (McDonald)..... 2 t 2 Rockie RawsoikJ ch. m. (Murphy)' 4 18 Howard, b. g. .(Colby) 14 4 lime: j-.whi, 3;Vi. 2:11. Pacing; 3.iii elaaa. Dursa 82.000. two In three: Walter W b. g,. by Little Frank (Snow) li Maconda, b. m. (Albln) 14 6 Walter Hal, gr, h., (Garth) t 2 2 Asa Wilkes, ch. p. (Cox) , 2 14 uaron wnips, ch. g. (Murphy) 8 6 3 Tony SWlft, blk. h. (Dean) 4 S 6 Willie Benton, b. hi (Gosnell) dls lime: i:u'A. a Out. A :UA. Trottlna-. 2:07 class. Duran 81.000. threa In f our t Country Jay, ch. 'g., by Jayhawksr tuus Macey;...t,. 1 Bob DuuKlas. a-, h. (McDonald) 1 8paniHh Queen, b. m. (Ramey Macey) 8 1 easei, cn. m, tAnarewg) s Wilkes Heart, b. g. (Snow) 8 Sterling McKlnney, b. h. (Murphy).. 4 Time: 2:06. 2:0741. 2:07V. Pacing, .2:1 class, purse 32,000, three in live; The Abbe, blk. h,, by Chimes (Jones). 1 Sarah Ann Patch, br. m. (Cox) 2 Peter the Second, br. h. (Snow) i Pearl PloW, br m (KVnalon) 3 Andy N, J!, b.' lii 'tCiimmlns)".!'. 4 Time: 2:06V 2:08. 2:08V VALMORE WINS YACHT RACE wllllaaa Hale Thompson's Schooner ( aptores Conteat for tho Third Consecutive Year. MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich., July 26. 7 he yachts In the Chicago-Macklnac race, which started at Chicago Saturday at i ft. m crossed the finish line In the fol owlng time: Valmore, 27:46:32; Incedor, j Hawthorne,- 83:m:ft; Naliad, 32; Mistral ( 84 02 68 ::; josepntne, sz:iu:i; Amoi-ita, 32:11:10 William Hale Thompson's schooner Val more, which crossed the line at 10:45 o'clock last nlglit, has won the contest for the third cousecutlve year. Van Adis portea out, ot the race. TKNXIS nUMIIK AT LAKE FOREST New Record Eatalillahed for N amber of Matrbra Defaulted. IAKE'FORETi all., July '26. A new re ord lu tho number of defaulted matches e.xtabllshed In the Y extern Tenn champlnimhip on the courta of th Onwtnt sla club here today, when twenty-nine de faults and four played matches were re corded. ...., Of the twenty-two matches scheduled for the singles twenty went by default. Re sults In tr.e singles were as follows: First lVuud-r.J. H. Whitman defeated J. J. Ai'instrvng, 4-1, 6-: Walter T. Hayes defeated T. P. Go.-dboiy, 8-4, 6-1. Second' Round C 8. Peters defeated J. B. Larneq). 4-0, 4-6, 6-2. A. Haalehurst de feated D. Rlrhberg. 6-4. 6-4. In the preliminary round of the men' doubles, L. H. Waidner and Paul Gardner defeated J. L. Col and C. J, Hllle. 6-4, 6-4. 6-2. J. J. Armstrong, E. C. Burton detested Ludke and Oelsner, 8-4. 6-4. 4-4- ln the second round of the men's doubles W. T. Hayes and C. S. Peter defeated Belden and Miller, 8-6. 6-8, 6-4. - Sidney tem Is twenty-three games pluyed 1 , ana eiyni i-wi. - 1 lie nia.iey irtm leave h' me the 27th for a trip through part of , Colorado and Nebraska, plating about ' thirty games. Tha same was called at the - end of the kevantli Inning. The score; R H E. Sidney . 6 0 1 0 0 6 12 12 2 North Platte 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 4 j BBtte,,eB. Sidney. Steven and C. Ferry; ' North Platte, Hueleee, Koneraon ana Peas. Time of gam. 1:40. I'mpire. Lobb. j I'eiFlstent Adxertisina is the Road to B.g i u turna. COLONELS SHUT OCT MILLERS Minneapolis Get Same Number of Kits, But No .Buna. SC0BE 13 FOUB TO NOTHING Lenlsrllle Gets Three n Firat Inning; nnd One In Ninth On Three Bnejn-t Two ' Two Base Hits. LOUISVILLE. July 26.-LoulsvlIle ahut out Minneapolis tcdayt Score: Louisville 10000010 4 Minneapolis 00000000 0-0 Two-base hlta: Altrock, Fisher. Three hase hit: Jim Doyle. Struck out: By Slaa-le. 1. Base on balls: Off Hlagle. 1. Time: 1:20. Umpires: Hayes and Owens. Hnrajrovo la Pnssle. INDIANAPOLIS, July 28. Hardgrove kept the visitors' hits well scattered and the' locale won. Score: St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 St. Paul 14410000 6 Two-base hit: MoCormlck. Struck out: By Hardgrove, 6; by Leroy, 1; by Check, 1. Base on balls: Off Hardgrove, 2; off Check, 1. Hits: Off Leroy, 8 In three In nings; off Check 3 In five Innings. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Chill and Bush. Legg is Low Man in Second Round Minlkahda Player Breaks Qualifying . Becord of Western Golf Assocation. MINIKAHDA CLUB. Minn., July 26.- Harry G. Legg of the Mlnnlkahda took the lead in the seoond round of the thirty-six hole qualifying round of the western ama teur golf championship by equaling his work of yesterday, turning In another 70, making 140 and breaking the qualifying record of the Western Golf association. The politicians are buay In campaigning for the next tournament. Detroit, which made a hard fight for this tourney, wants the 1911 event A large delegation of Kan aas City men are here and are booming the Evanston club for the 1912 tournament. The Kansas City men also want to elect J. F. C. Fennell, president of the Transmissls- slppl uoll association, a director of the western association and the Idea ia being well considered. Mason Phelps of Midlothian turned In the next lowest score with a card of 146. His low score for the thirty-six holes was made possible by a brilliant 71 in today's play G. A. Gardner of Hinsdale, national cham pion, made a 73 today, giving him 148. Ben Collins, jr., of Midlothian and C. A, Hlepxe of St, Loula, were the first pair to finish the second half of the thlrty-slx hole qualifying round today. Collins made a 32, giving him 164 for the two days, while Hlepse scorer 86 for a total of 169. Among those who qualified were: 18. Today. T'ls riarry lesa. AUnikahda.... 70 74 '74 78 83 79 70 140 Mason Phelps, Midlothian.. Albort Seckel, Hinsdale.... Ralph Rider, Dea Moines.. H. P. Bend. St. Paul Wm. Sheehan, Des Molnea, Wm. Sheehan. Des Moines 71 71 80 75 . .78 78 80 80 83 82 ' 84 6 87 ' l- 145 145 156 167 157 79 167 Don'd Edwards, Midlothian 78 168 161 163 164 16? 169 173 Gordon Yuel, Kenosha , 81 W. N. Chambers, Omaha... 80 Ben Collins, Jr., Midlothian. 82 W. E. Coda, Westward Ho. 83 J.. A. Roberta, Evanston... 80 R. HV Williams, Evanston. 86 W, -O; W,8 MEKJT v TOUGH FATE roagh Boy at Fort Crook' Get Thirty RonS Ih lares Innings. The Woodmen'' of the World did net ex pect to strike such a hard proposition as they did Sunday afternoon, when they went 10 tne fort crook diamond to wipe away, the sting of defeat they had already suf fered, at the hands of the Dough Boys', but no matter how they tried they never reached the home Plata, and gave up In disgust at the end of the seventh Inning. The score was something like 80 to 0. The soldier boys scored ten runs In ' the first inning. Thomas and Ungry.were the batteries for the DoUKh Boys and the twisters that Thomas threw were too much for the Woodmen, and after the-fifth inning the crowd began . to move. , . M nomas ana ungry will go along on the hike with the troops Wednesday morning, but all the rest of the team which be longs to H comoany will stay here. Ellis of H company will probably be the catcher and Dunigan, the crack southpaw of the Plir battery will do the box work. The Pill battery has some fine players, Including Monroe, Mulhern and Shapiro, but they will leave for Fort Riley also. However the team will be as good as be fore, and If a game can be secured, one will be played every- Sunday afternoon. Detroit Bnya I.ondlell. DALLAS. Tex.. July 28. Pitcher Loudlell of the Waoo, Tex., club has been sold to the Detroit Americans. He will report to Detroit at once. ' The Key to the aituatiun-Bea Want Ads. put into 18 will make th X Vi7 AH 4.00 Worthmore Shoes go without re- ' - I 1 7 erve, 3 : ' i&8&tm 11 M mum hi -"""" " 1 T"' w. ' ai , a. Fremont Wins Second Contest from Kearney Pitchers' Battle in Whioh Hendron Has Littla Better of Balliet Heavy Hitting- at Columbus. FREMONT, Neb., July 26.-(Special Tela- gram.) Fremont won the second game of the Kearney aeries thla afternoon In a pitchers' battle In which Hendron had a little the better of It. The game was called early to enable Kearney to catch a train and the attendance waa consequently light. Sore: ' R.H.E. Kearney :...... 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 6 0 rTomout 1 w o 0 l 1 I 1 Batteries: Kearney. Balllet and Town- send; Fre.nnnt, Hendron and Boelier. Um pire: Nelson. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July W. (Spe cial Telegram.) Grand Island did much the tarongur work. In today's game while Green - pitched well, - keeping hits well scattered. Score: R.H.E, Superior 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 f I Grand Island.. 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 - 1 Rattntiea: Glahan and Dewey; Green and Carroll. ,1 COLUMBU8, Neb., July 26.-(Speclal Telegram.) Hoavy hUtlng by both teams was the feature of the game. While Columbus secured more hit than the visitors, they were not bunched. Score: R.H.E. Red Cloud..... 2 0 8 1 0 0 1 1 2-10 10 8 Columbus ..... 311101006-6 11 4 Batteries: Columbus. Hamilton and Agnew; Red Cloud," Master, Mitchell and Moff. Umpire: Fleming. SEWARD, Neb., July 26.-(SpeclaJ Tele gramsHastings shut Seward out today, score S to 0. The feature of the game was Hanson's pitching with no support Score: R.H.E. Hastings 00003020 0-8 61 Seward 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 1 Batterloe: Seward, Hanson and Wally; Hastings, Pierce and Donnelly, Hits: Seward, 6; Hastings, 6. Errors, Seward, 1: Hastings; 1. Umpire: Griffith. Enjoin Delivery of Glidden Trophy Premier Company Would Prevent De livery of Cup to Chalmers . . . People. NEW YORK, July 26,-Papers were served on the contest board of the American Au tomobile association today notifying It that a preliminary Injunction had been granted to Harold O. Smith, president ot the Pre mier Motor Manufacturing company, re straining the ' board from delivering the Glidden trophy to George W. Dunham of the Chalmers Motor company of Detroit. Justice William J. Kelly of the state su preme court granted the Injunction. The referee of the Glidden tour originally awarded, the trophy to a Premier ear. On protest of the Chalmers entrant thla award, was substantially reversed by the eontest board on the ground that the ell tank and pump on the Premier car were not stock. EVENTS OX RUNNING TRACKS Ickaalmtrm TJpaels Dope In K nicker, booker Handlenp nt Empire. EMPIRE RACE TRACK, N. T., July 86. School Marm, at 12 to L proved to be a big surprise when aha won the Knicker bocker handicap, six furlongs, from a good class of sprinters .here today. - Fo'llle Levy led- to ,th atrettch when ScqvlHe put School Marm under,. a drive and the mare re sponded gamely, and won by a nose. Sum maries: First race, five nnd one-half furlongs: Jest (5 to,. 2) won, Leah second, Rogun thlrd. Time: 1:071-8. Second race, six furlongs: Danfleld (5 to 2) won, Roes Roseeaux aecond, Big Stick third. Tim:. 1:12.. Third race, mile and twenty yards: Hampton Court (11 to 10) won, Harvey F. second, Black Mate third. Time: 1:42. Fourth race, Knickerbocker handicap, six furlongs: Schoolmarm (12 to 1) won. Folly Levi second, Cherry Ola third. Time: 1:12. Fifth ra"6e," five and one-half furlongs: Pleasant (4 to 1) won. Planter seoond, Here tic third. Time: 1:06 8-8. Sixth rate, mile and a furlong: Mont gomery (2 to 6) Won,' Bud Newa second, Netherrnost third. Time: 1:58 ft. Blonx Rrleaaa MoLann. LINCOLN, July 26. The Sioux City Baae ball club reduced Its staff of seven pitch ers tonight by releasing Pitcher Sam Me Lean, formerly of the New England league. Challenge for Morrar. John Morgan of St. Louis has sent a challenge, through The- Bee to box. Paul Murray any number of rounds. Low Rates to tho Bast Vis Nickel Plata Road. From Cfiteago to New Tork and return. !5.60. Boston and ..return. $28.60. Reduced rates to other eastern points. Liberal stopovers. Tickets on sale daily. Thirty day limit. .Inquire of local agent or address John T. Calahan. General Agent, 107 Adam street. Chicago. iaba ABOVE ALL RULY, this is above all sales of Men's Shoes held in Omaha. This is our initial, our first sale, since starting in business just this last spring. The stock is all new and comprises a most enticing selection. Everyone knows the quality and style that's ti and nil our fitock is placed on U. sale 4 Vbove AH Bales." All at Starr-Kiigmai Shoe Co 315 So. 16th Street ""fauaii ATHLETICS" ' BbEAK EVEXv Win First Game, Six to Four Badly Worsted in Second. LOSE LAST, EIGHT TO TWO Philadelphia and Cleveland F.aeh . Win nnd Lose In Donble-Ileadrr Lord Ueta Threa Three. Raa-arera. PHILADELPHIA, July 26.-Phlladelphla and Cleveland again broke even In a dou l' header this afternoon. . Score, first gams: CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. AH. H O A R. AB H.11 A K Oranar If.... 1 I 4 Uir4. It 6 4 1 4 .tranar ll-. a a Itorall, lb... 8 0 11, rurnar. Ha ... 4 4 I I Ulola, lb.... 4 I 8 I tlora tiUlarlnf, II... I I I I DColllnalllna, Jt. . 4 .. . OColllns. th... I t 0 I tiaakar, Ik 2 4 14 0 PHnufcr, lb.,. 2 6 10 0 0 T ltlol ll.mla, a...,. 8 4 11 Niiaa, rf.... 4 12 0 Kail, et I486 liraillar, lb.. I I 1 lMuirhj. ... I V 10 0 e 1 Harry, aa I 1 I s 0 4 16 4 0 ralkanbari, 4 Baatarijr .... j III !Li, 4 0 Totala .'....n 11 M II I TeUla .....M I S4 18 6 ' i-aued for Ball In the ninth. Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1-1 Philadelphia .., 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 Three-base hlta: Lord (I), Oldrlng. Struck out: By Coombs, 4. Base on balls) Off Falk enberg, 4; off Coombs, 8. Time: 1:46. em pires: Egan and 0'I.oughlln. Score, second game: ' CLBVBLAKD. C . PHILADELPHIA. 'S'vo h av Lord. K 8 0 1 1 1 8 8 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Orana?, It. . 6tova.ll. lb.. Turnar, aa... Lajola, lb. . Kaatari, a., Kllaa, rt.... Pall, cf Bradler lb. Koaatnar, p. t I w 1 I 1 OOldnni, ..., eoolllna. lb.. Ulakar, lb OH&naar. lb... OMnrpbr, rt. 0 00arrrr aa. . 4 6 ll 0 OLapp. .... 6"0!Wnlera p. II Totala ... .14 4 17 1 1 Total! .84 11 17 14 Cleveland 00 1D2002 2-8 Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-"5 Two-base hit: Koestner. Three-base hits: Lord, 'Murphy. Struqk out: By Koestner, 1; by Bender, S. Base tin balls: Oft Koest ner, 6; off Bender, 2. Time: 1:50. Umpires: O'Loughiln and Egan, Boston lilts Ball. BOSTON. July 26. Bv free hitting Boston won the final game of the series from St. Louis today, 6 to 4. Score; ST. LOftSj , , . . - BOSTON. AB.H.O - AH H O A S Stona. f 4 Hartaell, lb.. 8 Wallaxw, aa.. 4 Nawnanl, lb. 4 Bcw'ar, cf ... 2 Orlssa, rt... 4 Truaadala, lb 8 Stephana, 0.. 4 Bay, 8 Crlas 1 1 OHftooar. 8 OKoaja, lb.... 2 (Spaakar, a.,.. OStahl, lb...., lOanlnar. lb.. 4Lwl. it.... 1 Wagner, as.. OKIanlow, e... OK ar ar. P.... CHall. p...,.- Totala :... .ll 4 84 IS' 8 Totals . ....81 14 tt 11 Batted lor Ray In the ninth. St. Louis 0 1 0 0 8 .0 0 0 0- Boston Two- ner. Hits: off Ha Off Ray, struck Ray. 1. Time: 1:3. Umpire: . Kerln and Connolly, . f obb'a Home Bnn Wns. , NEW YORK, July .28 r;obb's home run In the flftt inning scored the only run of a pitching duel betewf'en Donovan and War hop here today, Detroit making It three out Of four from New York. Wolter got one hand on Cobb's Jong hit and broke a finger. Score: ' Detroit 1 M 0 0 0 0 0 01 New Yprk ,. 0 0 0. .0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit: Roeoh. Knight. Hlme run: Cobb. Sacrifice hit: T. Jones. Stolen basea: Knight, Daniels, 'Bush, ' Left on bases: Detroit. 6 New Yerkr 8. First base on error: Detroit, 1. Double plays: Lathers, O'Leary and T. Jones. Struck Out: By Don ovan, 4; by Warhop, 8. Rises on balls: Off Donovan, 6. . Passed ball: Schmidt. Um pires: Evans and Dineen. Time:. L-43. Chicago Defeat Washington. , WASHINGTON. July 26.-CI)lcago de feated Washington; 6 x6 t, White outpitch ing Johnson at orltlco points. , A- fly oatoh by Parent and the, batting of Schaefer were features. Score: Washington 0 1 0 0 0 10 02 Chicago 0 1000001 12 Two-base hits: Johnson, Tannehlil. Three base hit: Schaefer. ' Sacrifice hits: Lellvelt. (2). Tannehlil. Kllllfer. Stolen basea: le llvelt. Zelder. Double plays; Beckendorf and Conroy. Left An bases:. Washington. : Chicago, 8. Base on balls: -Off Johnson, 2; off White, 2. First base on errors: Chi cago, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Kllllfer. struck out: By Johnson. 7; by White, 3. Passed ball;. Beckendorf. Time: 1:55. Umpire: Per- rine. . f r The Key to the Bltuatlon-nBee Want Ada. TRAD E Van- bark draft nrinelole. Firs endnsed. Ousrautoed not in crack or hum through. ASK YOUR PFALKB 8. M. Fraqk A Co., al'f'rs, It. J. , SALE 8 110 0V 6 I ft I ft I 4 18 14 1 I U II 0 u J 4 1110 4 14 0 4 8)400 8 8 4 1 4 0 4 4 10 a 2 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 -6 i base hit: Wallace. Home run: Gard- Off Karger, 7, In five Innings; 9 1. 1 In four Inning's, Base on balls: 81 1; off Karger. 2; off Hall, 8. 9 out: By -Kiu-ger. I; by Hall, 2: by - A . JBc MARK IBRIAPIPE : ''".''.'iU'':'. : s VVrtJiVtTtVd J . Ui''i.H7,r-''umv tit-it nt'-iiiTi-iiin- P A. 6ale at marked down prices that ' IB.OO and IQ.OO Flor.helrn Shoe., go without reserve, at r ).95 m$Mm ( t Ua