Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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Girl's and V omen's Coats
and Suits at Half Price
Wednesday 9 to 11 a. m. and 3 to 5 p m.
Pongee and Cloth of Gold Suits Pongeo and Silk,
CoatsFrench Itep and Wash Suits Linen Suits and
Coats-Girl1 Wash Suits.
$45.00 Suits and Coats
$35.00 Suits and Coats
$22.50 $uits and Coats . .,
' $15.00 Suits and Coats . .
&12.00 Suits and Coats . .
$10.00 Suits and Coats ..
9:Q0 to' 11:00 a. m.
r tic ywm
u in aim-
' OWN 1TMC -
1518-1620 FAHNAM STREET.
he had , full power en,, (Ind he went over
Mint telephone wlrea by ' but a few feet.
He was forced to tall far away until he
could make a turn. He akated perilously
near aome trees and finally sot back after
a long eUp with aity, but he waa In a
disturbed mood when he landed.
"Here I've been atornilng at you boya
for taking rath chancei." aald he to the
other aviator, "and then (one and done
aome of thla rough and tumble work my
elf." : .f
"Wd you break anything?" eased Mara.
"Just wreched my feelinga." answered
Curtiss, whose wrath at himself waa now
the convention endorse the enforcement of
the law, while Mayor Dahlman and hie fol
lower era even morsdeslrou that no en
dorteniant be given. The action of the gov
ernor yesterday In atartlng proceeding!
agajnpt . Puiaha, police officials for nonen
foffemer. pf ihe law baa .caused a percept
ible apl)t Jn.-the tihallanberger and Dahl
man .Ilipvl.pB that had been eolidly op
postdto-fbaXiryaii views..' -
Wr ! tha .fconventloai.'' ;
The iflB'.t3on waa sailed 'to order
shortly at(tr' t o'clock by Chairman
Byrujs, ftt, ,he State . committee. Itev.
L. 'A. . Arthur '. Invoked the divine bles
ins.', Ij ;Snyh ; aa Introduced "a
tarnporareAlrra aod spelts tn part" as
follows r;'?ryy'J V'rY "-':, 1
t'Tliera perer waa. a time In the "hlatory
ot l5ur foi)try when, the' people;. are. more
ai.xloua tfl. accept , democratic principle
' than at th present moment. The mask
has", ben torn front- the. republican party
by soma of, the .purest and beat of Its own
tena)crs.. for. year that. party haa mas
queraded ft a friend f the people and has
deceived many Into believing that It waa,
but no one who desire to know the truth
may H iticeived'snrionger."
jtefeWlpg; to William J. Bryan, but with
out mentioning hla name, Mr. 8m y the said:
"la considering ths'. great queatlona that
may come before ua today, let ua be tole
rant of each pthor'a vlewa. Impute un
worthy, motive to no one except on the
moat conclusive proof. Deny to no man
that Jlly-jtf tff opinion, which you claim for
yourself. It may be necessary today for
aome of ua to refuse to fallow a leadership
which lot almost twenty years haa given
luster to pur party in the state and the
nation. ' If It should, let no man say that
It argues any abatement In the esteem of
hiru who embodies that leadership. Wh;n
this convention shall have adjounrned our
difference's, r am aura, will be forgotten,
and we, will all fall Into our accustomed
places, ' the leader in his and the subordi
nates lii theirs, to fight for our platform
and our party."
Start f the Row.
Smyth svaa chosen permanent chairman.
Ua appointed the following resolution com
mutes: '
M. K. Harrington, W. B. Craralns
YV. J. Jryen.
It. a. 'iciiil,
V, L. Albert,
Dr. Kabcock.
V. P. Oldfcara.
The first division of the convention oc
curred 'hen Q." M. ' intohecok moved that
all resoeuiion be referred to the resolution
committed without debate and that no reso.
lutions be brought before the convention
except as a majority or minority report.
Mr. Bryan, moved to amend by omitting
resolution which were offered after the
v platform was reported. The vote on the
Bryan amendment was 894 yes and 466 no.
Mr, Bryt fost. - , .
pballenlirruer'e Stand
During the absence of the resolutions
ootnirriltee, Qovernor Shallenbei ger, in de
fending the t o'clock closing law and his
record, pledged himself to uign a county
option bill if re-elected and such a meas- i
ure Is passed by the next legislature.
The governor said:
"If an Important measure mould be
fought foe through the campaign, wherein
It is an Issue, and after the legislature
baa acted upon It and passed it fairly. If
the measure Is reasonable and constitu
tional, I do not caro . whether It la upon
the liquor question, county option, or any
other matter of Importance, I hold It ia the
duty of the executive to approve It and I
would ao act If such a measure were
brought before me.
"My record upon this matter Is such that
I believe I can appeal to the people of
Nebraska for their verdict When some of
those who criticise me were avoiding the
liquor question, or refusing to take a stand
upon it, I waa vetoing the Fort Crook bill,
signing the daylight aloon bill, a bill pro
hibiting the ' sale or drinking of Intoxi
cating liquors upon railroad traina of Ne
braska, and other beneficial measures deal
ing with the liquor traffic, and I did It in
the face of the fact that I was a candidate
for re-election."
Frevloua to the Shallenberger . speech
Mayor Dahtmaa spoke briefly, but did not
touch on the liquor question. .
Kttsls right Stare Early.
The real fight iL the democrat! conven
tion, began' soon 'a Sbariman Smyth
called It to order at o'clock. In ansaer
tu repeated calls YV. K. Patrick aiarted to
Ut liver a speech. For a imminent he was
ensure aud hooted, but finally given a
hearing. Ma eoagratulated Qovernor
ftaaUeoWger for agreeing to sign a county
fx i
a I
3 I
and 3 to 5 p. m.
option bill even though, It may have been
"eleventh hour repentance."
What about DahlmanT" some one aaked.
As for Jim Dahiman," began Patrick
when he waa interruped by Chairman
Smyth, who aald: "No speaker will be per
ml t ted to make a personal attack -on an
democratic candidate." -..'a-in ' -
At that, the crowd sheered, .vigorously.
Patrickags'n proceeded amid cheers and
Jeers. "'; n
"if anything good came out of the last
legislature it waa because of legislation
which I helped to enact." At that the im-
menso crowd laughed and hooted, but Pat'
rick kept on amid orle, of "Howard," and
efforts of Chairman Bmyth to keep order.
"Hear him. Hear Mm!" ahouUd the
continued amid Jeer and
laughter. ,
Platform Committee Delay.
Dlsacntlon among th membership of the
resolutions committee delayed th presenta
tion of the divergent report until long
after the hour at which they were to' re
port at th evening session. A disorderly
crowd that packed the tend, preventing
many ot the delegate from occupying tlieir
eat, also delayed th' proceedings. j
The difference of th Saallenberger and
Dahlmaft faction, on mfnor polntf of Ut.
platform. did pot prevent a solid ..front by
iu.H rul(-vi-M.i ,
which Mr. Bryan was th on)y sponsor,
The I o'clock closing law 'wag endorsed
and Governor Ehallenberger ' commended
for signing . H, oy rote. of '7io y .and
16) no. , - ' '.
-Thr Uqtjof plank' wrl repdrMvtHnn
th resolution oemmittea.1 M. Fi jiajffjng
tym presented, th majority report; 'oppoa-
tng making county option, or any pother
phaa of tho Jlquor ue.tion party u.
ani favoring th strict enforcement of the
present. law. . Mr. .Bryan presented ' his
plank; "We favor county option a th best
metehod of . dealing with the liquor ques
tion." H, B. Fleharty read hi plank I "W
favor local option a we now har. but ar
Judge Oldham
Opposed to county option
speaks for the majority' report
Convention' Adops Heaolatlon to Sag
pert Ness Other,
t From a Staff Correspondent.)
GRAND ISLAND, Neb-, July 26.-8pe-
cial Telegram.) Th. populist tat conven-
tion endorsed county option and then I
passed a resolution to support no candidate
for any office, whs l .nt,t in favor or
county option.
.. , , nii1A-u oirk
vantlon took a reces. until O Olock. "Th
committee consist of seven memocr a
-' 1'ttr
John L. Webster, at large; Nett- Brown,
First district; John L. Kennedy, Second
district; W. N. Hu, Third district; Harry
Backett, Fourth district; Dr. Jennlson,
Fifth distriot; Wesley Wilcox, Sixth dis
Of these thrt are said to favor county
option and four oppose It.
Early Sltaattlvtt Vsrhssgei.
So far as th public is aware, there was
no change in th situation this morning' as
regards th republican state convention,
Many delegates cam in during tha night
and held conferences at th hotel at all
hour, but no on had any announcement
10 mak (his morning a th result of them,
Congressman U. W, Norrts arrived from
his home in McCook1 ait an early feour thl
morning. 11 had been quarantined on ac-
count of scarlet fever In his family and
had to climb out ot a econd-tory window
and submit to fumigation by tha health
authorities before he could come at all. He
declined to talk polltica until he had con
ferred wit, other leaders.
The talk ia the lobbies this morning
strongly indicated a fight on the perma
nent chairmanship on the floor of the con
vention. Anti-option leaders declared that
in many instances the instruction for
county option by county convention were
Irregularly adopted and would' b re
pudiated by th delegate on thl ground.
They based their hopes ot winning th per
manent control of the convention with
United Btatts Senator Brown la the chair.
Supporters of Congressman Norns declare
that their man will have a good majority,
even if some ot th delegates do renounce
their Instructions, as more than anough
delegate personally favor their Idea and
their candidate.
Convention Will Decide.
Both aide In th cbalrmaaahip flrbt Of
th caucuses of the .various, congressional
district delesatlona annouuoed turn, b.for.
noon, th hour named for the calling ot
the convention q order, that no com-
promise would b con.tdared and that
the toovenuon must decide th. mt..,
Con.reeaman Morris, th. candidate ut the
county optlus faction, met with th dels
gate from hi district, th Fifth.' and wa
assured by them that they would support
him to the lsL Th Dougla county dele
gate pledged their support - to Senator"
Tha question of reorganising the state
committee in th event of the succes- of
th county option winning th convention
doc not Mem to hav been seriously eoa-
aldered. Vice Chairman Learned ot Omaha,
Republican Platform, of the State
me gr
the laat
for the
which tr
The great republican party, which for
rirty years nss maae msiory -United
Mates of America and
took up our commonwealth when
It waa a territory and lifted It into state
hood and has gone along with its periods
of growth until It has about 1,250.000 of
people and an annual production of
wealth of about 100,000.000, again sub
mits Its cause to the votera ot,lhe state
of Nebraska.
During the late year of our nation'
prosperity under the republican party
(he prlcea of farm lands have been going
upward until they have doubled and
trebled In value, and the product of the
farms and of the cattle range have o
multiplied In their soiling price that
they have gone beyond anything here
tofore known in the history of the state.
We are chiefly an agricultural people,
ana under republican administrations we
have reached an era of financial pros
perity that outmeasures all comparisons.
This prosperity in Nebraska has kept
moving step by ten with the develop
ment Of the Industries, and resources of .
the country at large and the greatest
period of this advancement has been "
reached under the administration of our
most excellent president William II.
No political organisation In any coun
try can point to such a record of
achievements during the last fifty years
a the republican party of America.
From Unooln- to Garfield, nd from
Osrfleld to MoKlnley, and from M
Klnley to Taft, w can etand upon out
record and challenge all comer to the
list. Yet It remain true that William
M. Taft as president, during the laat
congraes, haa brought forth more !erts--fntlon
for the benefit of the people than
did any other president during the same .
period of time during the lt quarter of
a century. By his Impartial enforce
ment of the law; by the continued prose
cut Ion of Illegal t runts and monopolies, -and
by hi more effective rvlc In the
regulation of the rates and service of
transportation companies, he ha made
good all that hi predecessor had begun
and proved himself true to the Interest
The Interstate commerce act, n Its ad
ministration, developed point of weak
ness, and upon the recommendation and
Insistence of the president these have
been remedied and the commerce court
has been created. For a quarter of a
century many of our people have advo
cated the establishment of postal sav
in its bank. What other have attempt
ed In this direction they have failed In
accomplishment; but the wisdom and
Insistency of President Taft has made
the postal savings banks a reality. By
his persuasion congress has paed a def
inite law, giving to the president the
unquestioned power of setting apart Um
ber and mineral land for purposes of
conservation, and within the last few
months, In pursuance of that1 authority,
he haa set apart many millions of acres.
During all the years of the agitation
Of tho tariff auestlon many hav? be
lieved that there should be an expert
who ha been aoting chairman since Chairman-
Hayward -was mad Secretary of th
national committee ,1s the only avowed.
oandidate for tho tato chairmanship.
apport Norrl Brovra for Per
misest Chairman.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July J6. Speull Telegram.)
The Dougla county delegation to th re
publican state convention held a caucus at
11 o'clock. Myron L- Learned, A. W. Jef
ferla and John SchulU of South Omaha
were . recommended for member of th
tat committee. John L. Webster wa se
lected for first member of th committee
m vAttnliitlrtna fmm the fledorift annffrM-
Md JoJm u KtJlMdr tor th
roamber u ths dl,trlct mOWw,
two. Th eaucu votea to support Senator
Norrl L- Brown for permanent chairman.
V (Continued f row' Page X)nA r
ahel(lon th jMt real governor of thl
tUt puring hi adminlstrtlon tha n-
stitution was amended, providing for a
railway conralsalon to be chosen by the
people; under his administration an anil
pass law was enaoted; a terminal tax law
waa passed, freight and express rate. re-
h"0'1, tw-cent rt lw tp"t
on me pouaa, cuuiniuu iwjiiw.
a pure food law, an anti-trust law and a
dlreot primary law passed. And remem
bar during hi administration ana since,
under the whip and spur and. energy of
Attorney General William ,T. 1 nompson
every one of these law haa been enforced
Not one I a dead letter.b.ut all ar InlfuQ
force and effect. Those-progressive meas
urea were promised by the republican
party to th people ot this state before
election. The promise was kept and every
pledge redeemed at par by republican offi
cers after election. Every law represented
a step In advance. They were' th sub
stance and not th shadow of real pro
gressive legislation.
"Let it not be forgotten that the last
democratic legislature found all thee law
on tho statute books and that legislature,
I . ,. .u. .., .r
reckless as it was of th public welfare,
did not dare repeal a single one. But let
me tell you what they did dare do. They
put in their tim o changing th Mat
statutes that all of th appolntiv officer
of th stat not controlled ty the consti
tution itself should become th appointee
of th governor Instead of different stat
officers, it waa necessary to do this be
cause 'the governor was' a democrat and
th state officer war republican. For
example, the first law passed by th aenate
two year ago was a law depriving a repub-
lican secretary of stats pf th power to
designate the newspapers In each county
which should publish proposed : coqstitu-
tlonal amendment and placed th.p power
in th hands ef th gtversor. It look
today a if the governor was a far-seeing
man in getting that l,w .passed;' for last
week be designated the. Commoner a th
official constitutional amendment publisher
for Lancaster county. What will the bar-
vest be? Let u hope that after th pri
marie the fee for the publication may
persuade the Commoner to "come back" to
the governor' support. No, satisfied with
th record so far made, the democratic
legislature assaulted ths constitution in
order to get partisan control of the schools
and charitable institutions it the state.
Not yet satisfied with its record, It made
a second assault cn the constitution in
order tq steal the supreme bench of the
state, litulec the fraud, aud pretence of a
non-partisan judiciary. Not aatlsfled with
thla record, It passed a bed sheet law ex
tending the length of the sheet to nine
feet, and now to their chagrin and humlll-
I ation. -find that It la still too short to cover
their sin from th sight of the people.
Back to llejinblicnnism.
"With the record republican and dent
ocratlc before th people ot this stat can
there be any doubt of th election of
republican legislature and a republican gov-
ernor? Lt ua get back to another Sheldon
legislature and to another governor like
him, true to. Ihe beat Interests of the best
PP's of th best commonwealth of the
best nation on earth.
',But republican, with all ths progressive
Patriotic legislation of our party in this
"te- th t fllZ
IU1I SIB '"-'
of ths republic haa the congress ot the
United 8tatas In a singls session enacted
ao many Important and progressive law
a did th republican eoogres just ad
journed. Two years ago President Taft
was elected on the pledge that h with a
republican congress would give the people
, conservation law which would legalise and
I validate th Roovelt policy of conserving
J pature' resources- Th promts waa kept
laud a conservation bill ass passed which
board appointed for 4h purpose of seek
ing Information and making recom
mendations mi to tariff amendments and
revisions. At the solicitation of our
president the last aongress made a lib
eral appropriation for such purpose, and
the president has already appointed a
board competent and .qualified to go on
with this work of tariff Investigation.
During his administration the general
tariff law ha been revised by a repub
lican eongress and Is now being tested
before the Amerioan people by aotual
experience. It may be true that no tar
iff law can be perfect in the sense of
bringing the best result te every par
ticular Individual or to each particular
locality or to each Individual Interest,
In a nation of to.000.0u0 of people, cov
ering ao vast an area. Whose varied In
dustries are affected ty ollmate, and
produot of the soli and factories, and
by transportation facilities, and where
these vast peoples are represented In the
senate and house of representatives by
abotu five hundred Individual minds and
volcea. there must be concession and
compromises. The law which wa en
acted had the support of the majority
of these representatives. It Is the law of
the land until it shall be changed In the
regular waa, . . . .
During the first eleven month of ex
perience under, the present tariff .law
the Imports have exceeded those of any
previous period of like extent In the sum
of tU4.O0u.O00, 000. More than 49 per Cent
of these imports have come In under the
present tariff law, free of duty.- The
customs receipts during the same eleven
month,, under the operation of the tar
iff law, were .102,S2J,161, which have not
been equalled or exceeded during a like
period of time for over thirteen years.
It also apears from aotual experience
that the gross Importations on which the
tariff has been reduced under the pres
ent tariff law exceeds those on which
the tariff duty haa been Increased In the
ratio of sis) to- on. As a republican
party, be it remembered, we are pro
tectionists. We dq not have to apolo
gise to any maji or to any nation for
that belief. On this doctrine we build
our faith on1 the teachings of the pagea
of our eountry'a history.
The republican party ha never failed
except when it faltered. Ita long ca
reer of victory ha been by boldly meet
ing each question as It arose; by fac
ing with courage every danger that
croased It path, while its
of consequence and it determination
to be true to the' principle which
brought the party Into existence, have
been It inspiration from- the day of
Lincoln to William H. Taft.
In thoae early day It faoed seces
sion rather thaa giv it consent to the
extension ot slavery rather than sub.
mit to a disunion of the states, it took
up the burdens of the Civil war. When
the war wa ever and' General Grant
accepted the surrender of General Lee,
the republican party did not Stop f
question whether the terma of thesur-
satisfies every friend of conservation. It
doe what every congress before it had
neglatctd to do it clothe tha president
with power to actually 'conserve these re
sources and not leave him In doubt about
nia autnority to ao so. nines jar. Tart De
cern president be hag steadfastly adhered
to the policy Pf hi predecessor and has
withdrawn from the field of private en
croachment and appropriation th great
natural resources pf the nation, including
th water power site of the country, several greater thaa. had ever been with
drawn during th llf of th republic. Under
his administration not a single foot of the
public domain in the: great empire of Alaska
ha been deeded to a, singl monopoly or
syndicate. It all belong to th people of
the United State and will continue to do
o unless th American poop become so
foolish as to turn the government oyer to
th dernocratlc partyl
Postal vtsijg jpremlse.
"W promised a.poatAi savings bank. That
promise was kept, The sam promise was
mad by,th damoqrajiq party, yh vote
that - paused -ifra jartsv war republican vote
with only her and fViere a democrat, either
through fear or lf-rfspect. voting
while a very Jarge majority, of his fUow
voted against it.
"Another promts o redeemed wag to so
rvl th stat of Jh upipn.a to admit
th territories qf Arlcona and New Mexico
Into ths union a states. Thl bill was bit
terly opposed and delayed y those ultra-
conservatw statesmen who do not wcom
a larger representation from, the west in
th United State ganat. xmt under the
command of ths President ths opposition
waa stilled and the territories wer ad
mitted, "By special message President Taft called
upon congres to gppropriat money for th
xpens of th tariff board of xiwrta aur
thorixed under the tariff act oM90 to In
vestigate and report th faot relating to
trade and commerce,, including the cost of
production at horn and abroad In order
that w might hav the. necessary Informa
tion on which to bgs a revision of tha
tariff, duties along scientific, progressive
and protective line. Congress obeyed the
injunction and passed the law. This, to my
mind, on of th most important and
valuable sctg of the last. Congrats. It ne
cessity was recognised by the friends a
well a th critics pf th tariff act of laat
year. No one hx ever pretended that that
act wa perfect. lis warmest friends hav
alwsy admitted, its imperfection. But
notwithstanding ita imperfections with tha
Information congress bad at th time It
was a bettor law than th law it super
ceded, and 1 entitled tq th commendation
and support of the American people a a
tap toward th relief of the public from
the dutle of th Dingley law which the
country " had outgrown. It la well to re
member that this -law touched about 6,000
articles of commerce. Every paragraph In
th law treated thee article either sep
arately or In groups and every paragraph
was separately considered and separately
voted on either viva voce or by roll.
pemoerat and Tariff.
"It should pot b forgotten that during
all th- months thl law was cqnsidrd
there wr all told about 100 roll calls on
what tb duty rat should b. Th other
duty ratea on all the other article war
acceptable to everybody including the dem
ocrats, for on every contested duty a roll
call waa hud. So that on th face pf the
record fifty-nlne-aixtletha of the law stand
unchallenged even by tb men who voted
against It. I' am glad to say the entire
Nebraska delegation in congress, those
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 26
(Special Telegram.) The new demo
cratic stat committee, selected today is
as follows :$ r
John C. Byrnes, chairman. ...Columbus
J. 8. Lord..i.
.Fails City
H. L. Cooper , ..
Y. A. Kauter
W. D. Wheelur
N. J. Ludl i......
Charles U- Fanning..
George Kogors. .......
frank H. Uood
F. B. Hunker ......
Mark Murray...:
T- P. Ianlgan...i.....
Turn Wilkinson
11. D. Miller
11. K. pHielps...;
W liliani Mitehell
It. M. Daviv... ......
Lew Kyan
Krank J. Taylor
W ahoo
...fioutn o.naiia
West Point
, .Greeiy
Loup City
St. Paul
W. U it one..
h. A. Coufal, Fred Shepherd and A.
S. Tibbata
J. H. McCain
W, S. Collette...
J. P. IJaldaln..
V. Koehler
J. K. Duvidson
William I'eebier
H. B. WshHjuist.
M. D. -King...
J. II. Mooney
Geors -. Gillian
.... Geneva
I'.. ..Minded
of Nebraska
render were the best that might have .
been obtalaed, or the concessions were
the wisest which should have been
granted. Every soldier and svry Amrl
csn cltlsnacrptd th situation without
When a few year ago the democratlo
party presented the (sue of free silver
and mr.ny republicans shifting to the
breexe of temporary popularity, followed
' th teaching of the democratlcleader.
the republican party, true to Its tra
ditional integrity, refused to abandon
the gold standard, knowing that If It
did so, It would plunge the country Into
disaster and dishonor.
Son ow the republican party as an
nrglnasatlon must not forget the tra
ditions of the past; what It has accom
, pllshed for the present and what it is
aure to accomplish for thofuture. Tho
continued wealth and prosperity of the
country is bour.d about by th doctrine
and principles of the republican party.
These aply within the confine of the
late of Nebraska as wall as to the
union at large. Fealty and patriotism
to the republican party at home and
in this coming election Is as Important
as it was In the last presidential elec
tion, and as it will be in the election
which ar to come.
Th republican party welcomes to its
organisation all cttlxene whether Amer
ican or foreign born, or Americans of
foreign birth wiho have beoome citi
sens of the United States. We recognlre
In them and in all of them the riKht
to free speech and ot independent
though, but In the principles of the ,
great republican party which have the
good of the whole country at heart,
we ask for the unanimity of sentiment
gnd cordial cooperation. Last but not
least, of all, let us uphold the hands
of President Taft during the full period
of his administration and send to him
our united and harmonious declaration
of cordial sympathy and unstinted
For the further regulation of the
liquor traffi) In Nebraska, we are in
favor of th paasage of a county op
tion law by the next legislature, andi
pledge our candidate for governor If
elected to approve auo ha law on that
Subject as the legislature may enact.
We favor the creation of a non
partisan board of control for the penal,
reformatory and charitable institution
of the state.
We favor the passage of a new ap
portionment law at the next session of
the legislature, redisricting this state
into tenatorlal and representative dis
tricts, giving to each fair and equal
representation based on the population
as shown by the census of lnio, and .if
the legislature which la elected this
fall, falls to perform this constitutional
duty while in regular session, we pledge
the people of this state that the re
publican governor if elected, will con
vene the legislature in apeclal session
until this constitutional duty has been
performed. v
splendid, fighting, courageous and pro.
gretslv republican in th house Klnkald
Norri and Hinshaw and your two sen
ator voted for th law. They did It be
cause It i a better law than the one It
repealed. They did it because It contained
the provision which taxed the income' of
th corporations which alone has brought
Into th federal treasury the first year of
It operation more than 121,000,000. Do you
not understand that every dollar collected
under this corporation tax provision allows
a corresponding decrease in the tariff col
lection on importation 7 - They did it be
cause it contained a redemption of the plat
form pledge to establish a maximum and
minimum tariff a dual system employed by
every tariff country of any Importance in
tb world- They did it because it cut the
duty on lumber Jn two, because it put oil
and -all Ifs product on the fre list, because
it reduced the duty on coal, th duty on
Iron or and its product,, the duty on boots
and shoe, th duty on hide and leather
good, on farm implements and farm ma
chlnery. and because It reduced the duty
on rmuiy other neOfeSslUe of life and be
cause th principal Increases of the law
touched the luxuries of llfo." ' ' , '
''Six years ago President Roosevelt bfcgan
a heroie struggle for a law to regulate the
common carriers engaged In interstate bust'
ness. It was his plan to so control them
that the publlo might have equal and
reasonable rates and service. Th struggle
waa a war ot giant forces. Th opposition
to hi plaa took It stand on tha ground
that th federal government wa without
power under th constitution to Interfei
wlh th business of corporations chartered
by th stat. Th Roosevelt forces won
the battl and pasasd th law. But aald
from settling beyond dispute the power ot
th government to regulat the railroad, j
th law failed to bring full and substantial
relief to the public. In other words, It es
tablshed the power, but it did not provide
for its full exercise. It gave the Interstate
Commerce commission a very limited juris
diction within which to act. So it hap
pened that our last platform promised to
amend th Roosevelt statut so that - the
full power of the government asserted and
established by Roosevelt might be fully ex
ercised. President and Congress.
"I wish every cltisen, and especially every
Republican, would read again the message
of President Taft to the last congress on
this subject. He called on Congresa to keep
the faith. After several months ot delay
and debate th faith waa kept. A law wa
passed which give every man and every
shipper and every community the right
and ths power to enforce it, to have im
partial and reasonable rates and service.
Under this law the eonmton ha th
power to investigate ratea on It own ini
tiative, not waiting for a complaint to be
filed. Undar thla law no increase ot rates
pan go into effect for nln month without
tb consent of th commission, which is
Charged with th duty of ascertaining and
determining their justice and equity. Un
der this-law tb government I absolute
master of all tb transportation ratea ef
fecting every man, woman and child in the
United State. Not only that, it brings the
telephone and telegraph companiea within
the Jurisdiction and subject ts the control
and regulatloln ot the government. The
taw la th largest forward atep ever taken
y any government to protect public rights
and to promote the publlo welfare.
"My friends, these laws were all passed
during th closing daya of congress. Tha
delay waa not the fault of the president
Hla messagea recommending them had been
before Congresa for months. Congresa heal.
tated and debated for almost seven months
before a single one of these great measures
was Bent" to the White House for approval.
How well I recall the debates on that pro
vision of the law relating to the power of
the government to prevent increased rates
going Into effect. While we were debating
it, while we wer talking about It, while
a were sending out great headline for
our constituents to resd, the raUroada were
diligently proceeding to forestall the new
law by Increasing the rales under the old
law. They failed. Not because congress
acted nor because congress talked, but be
cause the president stopped the increase by
a writ of injunction, it la good to know
that the people have today In the White
House a man who acta while others talk.
"Republicans, I have only begun to tell
the story of our record for achievement.
I leave the rest for you to relate. Let the
people know the truth and the result will
take vara of Itself. With a clear conscience
and good courage let the fight continue tu
niake good laws better and a free govern
ment freer. Let us keep our faces to the
front. The march is forward. There Is no
pUte in the Republican column fur the ic
actlonary or the laggard or the stand
backer. The right of men are paramount.
Th tar of bop and courage and good
cheer lights the path.
"The president leads the way. He la
honest and patriotic, a steadfast and earn-
cut friend of all th people, progressive
and faithful public servsnt. Let us cloaa
th ranka In tila auport. Thla l not the
year to hesitate or 'to surrender. Thla la
the year to fight and to conquer."
Job a Hstterntsa of Colamhas Presi
dent of Kerr Organisation.
GltAND ISLAND, Neb., July 26. (Speolul
Telegram.) A permanent democratlo club
waa organised this morning by the election
of following officers: President, John Hat-
terman, Columbus; vice prealdents, J. F.
Walsh of Humboldt, O. W. McCune of
Omaha, George Kelly of I tartlngton, N. J.
Ludl ot Wahoo. F. C. Babrock of Hast
ings. George C. Glllan of Lexington; Walter
Phillips of Columbus, treasurer. The selec
tion of a secretary waa left to the presi
dent and treasurer.
Mayor Wfcltlock Arrested.
TOLEDO. O.. July tli.-Mavor Brand
Whltlock, and members of his party were
arrested in Handtisky last night, charged
with violation of the automobile apeed
ordinance. AH were discharged after th
Toledo executive had disclosed his
Rear Admiral Hawk.
WASHINGTON, July 2. Rear Admiral
James Albert Hawke, retired, of Bristol,
Pa., died her yesterday, aged 69.
A low
close -fitting
for Summer
Be each, 2 for c Arrow Cuffs, 29
Cluett, Feabody Ac Co., Troy. N. Y.
Coat and Pants
Reduced From 925 and $28
To make room for Fall Goods we
have reduced the price on all our
Spring and Summer Suitings:
xo 825.00
$50.00 suits reduced
to ...... $30.00
Every garment guaranteed per
fect in fit and stylo.
Tailoring Co.
S04-80Q Sonth pixtaentb St.
"Ksaur Fsnuun.
Phone No. 8. 30th tod TStretti
South Omaha. . Nebraska
Omaha I .
nvao r. BXZ.B,
1324 Douglas Street. '
r hon i Bongla 164a. Xnd. A-1M3.
loath Omaha l
a&oa h at
rhone Mo, 868
ind. r-isea '
Oonaoll Bluff si
1013 Main St.
Both rhone, SO
Krug Theatre
Niuht lee-ZSe-SOs
Mstlnee, ICe s4 tie
Matins Today SiSOl Tonlrht 8:30
v . . . Presents
Thursday Th JLIttl -'Vagabond.
Aim rarisi py
vne Mai Commisj
Clare Collin; Harry
I.rool Moving Flo-..-.:
Bl. riD Or.
saai Xllnstsated
ttongsi w s-i-tttres
' Bin., Tnss.,
Thnre. MW ttd
vill gun. and 1
Tbura. 'u
v 1 J JSSS&zl.
i ,. -11'' - i
1 f
' '": '
All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised ;
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
' ' ' -T-. ., :: c...
1210-1212 HOWARD ST.
Thorp's no
"dull sossen
with Nlcoll
Between seasons, we clean tup U . tUa ,
aurplus stocn and keep our best tailors
active by adding 5 , . ''"' :;"
to your suit, order without extra cost.
Suit ind Eitra Trousiri $25 fe' Ytf
A full blue. Black or Grey gerg"Btr!t
with aa xtr pals of trour
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209-211 So. 13th St. o i
Here is a gentle, never tailing
laxative which worlts upcrri.'-the
liver and bowels without griping or
causing nausea or a wornout fuel
ing afterward. . "" ..
It doeB not upset Hie .enUre sys
tem, causing loss of appetite, great'
inconvenience and distress, btit t.
acts like nature acta and you can.
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edles of the great American prug
glats Syndicate of 12,000 druggists,
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tive. In fact, next, to a. reputable .
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fat th
1 '
wua It-ooo QtW Pwa4
A -4
Affair I
Toothache Gum
Tb enly remedy that stop;toCaeb
tiutanUy. ".'.'
Tbeenly teothaebe gum that cleans
tb cavity and prevents 4cay. .,,.,
Imitations do not do the wort., Ste that
Ton get Beat's Taotfcaake aSb 'At all
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Dent's Corn Gem 'SSSSSSf,
... p. a. PENT 00- Petrolt. Mlcb.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
' ' .' ' . i- !
Low Fare Summer Tour
Ticket on Sal Dally Until Get list
Liberal Stop-Over Prlvllogea
For further particulars addrea - ,
W. A. VBESTOK, , , S. XST. AUSTIB, ,'",
T. P. A., Chicago. a. P. A., Qhlcagq.
EL T" CHI r4
Our specialty 133-line zinp half
tone at two-thirds of the
price of copper halftone. ,
1311 Howard Street,
Sylvan Lake Hotels
Near Custer, S. D.? TT,
A delightful hotel situated 'on
wonderful mountain lake aib14 ,.
most picturesque surrounding. ' ' "
Fishing. Boating. Tennis. '
Ponkey Rides. MounUia-ClirnblnA.
Pur air; tplendid JabU; c0I; Vre-,;
dom from hay fever anci mtthmn. i
BaU $14 00 te f lS.OQ pgr WeeS '
T. J. Carroll, Mgr.; Sylvan 'Lake. '" '
Cuater, B. D. " ' ;'
PHONE D. 1(04