TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1010. . ) r - .3 I at t to pita nt h. .Ion t til' fro i ( ' 4 10 ;o ro o iO 50 iO )0 ;o JO o iO a lut 17 in. 4 r i inaj ' ma 3 . ft I'M- i ''7 o.:.BJUEE.C1TY..NEWS (ALL FARE WELL IN OMMlA fcoot mat - t prutlsf to ta VUn.. Bltrla Ta Borg-OraBd Oo. Them. W. Sla.kfeur for congr.. DTy Claaalnf of carincnts. Twin ' City ! Work. 401 South klftcath. Ti. ir.bfaak kUTlaf. and Loaa A 'a. ' " loan J on homes only in DougUa county. Srvlc prompt, trrma reasonable, uoard " of Trad Bid., 1G0J Karri am ht., Omaha. ttmktr Ootupany XncoryotaU Amend ed rtlclri of Incorporation liava been filed ' ty tht Walroih .t tflirrwood Lftimber com ' panjr." increavlng' th. capital stock to $tZ rirat Tenant la Waw Baak Ball .nf The Occidental Building- and Loan associa tion ta tu firm tenant to Ret located In tho City National Ilank building. A large .number qt piUeit will move In Saturday X th piToroa Court Minnie A. Dod . uu Jiua atnrted suit fpr dlvorca from Oeorre B.1 Itodson on grotinda of extreme . cruelty. Alice M. Daugherty aika a divorce from .Thomas - B. Daughtrty on a atmllaf ohargev , ,'0djr Fropertr AppraUed -An appraise ment of Uie will-of the late Henry P. Cady shows the estate to amount to $100,37. Of tthl dmoVnt was In the form of shares In the Cady ' Land company, with Ijtherpropertlea t amounting to $r,J40. ataha SCrktn Qualify Three members- of Company L of the First Nebraska National Ouard qualified a marksmen at the, recent jiboot at Ashland. These w ere ClyaVHUl,' Harry Carlson and Mao Park rnson, alt of whom scored W out of a poa ibT lipt !0tt 0u and 500-yard ranges. Large ul for AUeged ajianderA suit fpr $2J,000 has grown out of a controversy .oyer jtha aniji '. ,of . 56. ' Maranda J. Steen, formerly Maranda J. Wlnoh. has brought "aolt' for"' this 'amount against Clevlua C. , KcnaaJl on i '.Charge of defamation of char acter. 'She. claims that Kendall threatened tier Hrfest. Ourtlsa Talks to the Boys The Boys' Aero dab of the Young Men's Christian as sociation will hear an address by Glenn It. Curtiaa. .at -the association building Tit- dny evening at S.80. The meeting will be hefd on' the sectnd floor. An Invitation to.be present has been , extended to mem hers ot the Aero 'dub of Nebraska, rrotrt on Wooden Blooks The coun oil met In con.mlttee of the whole Monday afternoon to prepare for action at the regu lar meeting' Tuesday night on several mat ten that have been . hanging fire. The Sixteenth street' creosote paving came up for dlKsussion, as the council la waiting for the protests that are said to bo due, -Bids - on Bridges Bids on tho yearly bridge apd culvert construction and re pair work In Douglas county were opened - Monday morning by the Board of County Commissioners. When let the contract will ' eatt-'Ior between rf,TO0 and $10,000-In new work and repairs. The Standard Bridge ;oii)pany was,: low bidder, but its figure has1 not been given out. Big Events of Last Week Are All Magnificent Successes. COKE OUT STB0N0 ON FINANCES At Mea'a (osvrstloi, Sarnserfeet and Aviation Meet Testify Ike fttartlinar Worth of Omafcn. Omaha's recent activities are financial successes. The Ad men, the Saengerfest and tho aviation meet are all wholesome financially. The last Is, of course, not yet over, but attendance has bern sufficient to make It certain the aviators will get their guarantee and tnat expenses will be met It cost a little less than IS.W0 to stage the Ad club convention. Of this umount $l,bO0 was spent to secure the convention and advertise It, and a like aum was ex pended in entertainment of tho visitors. This did not, of course, cover tho whole entertainment, the KnlghU of Ak-Sar-Ben and the newspapers contributing materially In this resoect. Of this 13.000 part was raised by tho Omaha Ad club and part was expended by tho Bureau of Publicity of the Omaha Commercial club. Tho saengerfest dealt In larger figures, This was nothing less than a $20,000 propo sition. It coat this sum to pay tho big ex penses. Tho Auditorium rental wae about $400, an amount less by $200 than Ml Msry Munchnff, Marcus Kellerman and Christian Hansen each secured for warb ling hers. The expense of tho stage was ooi slderable, advertising oost a big sura, and conductors' salaries ran Into tidy money. The musicians Imported from Chi cago to fill out the orchestra wera well paid, and they got their traveling ex penses alsot The local Instrumentalists also had their recompense. The financing of the affair was conducted by tho Omaha Saengerbund association, wl.lch hue not yet balanced Its books, but will soon. The outlook Is that $W0 to $1,000 will be cleared. The Curtlss company will carry off hslf tho gross receipts of the present meet, with a guarantee that' this will com to $6,000. It Is likely that this will be met by the Income. Curtlss' assistants get pretty good money for risking their necks. They will probably receive sometlilnir like S1.&00 apiece for their five days' work r.ere. Woman Sentenced for Taking a Grip Minnie Wjtm Confesses She Stole Suit case and Burned Valuable Papers. . SPECIAL SERVICE AND AUTO RIDEJF0R OLD FOLKS ' ' UalteoV Brethrela Charcot Scene of ta Isnresive, ' Old-Faaktoaed r..l. -,. CsMBISari . Rev. M. O. McLaughlin, pastor of the ' United Brethren ohtirch at Nineteenth and Lothrop streets, invited 'all tho members of p tho Old Folks'. -Home of Omaha to attend hU services Sunday. Automobiles were se cured to bring tbem to the church and ' backhand after the service a short ride was on joyed by alt tho old people. . Tbe service was especially carried out ac- :'jd ACW$ln.A i H fltttt ? u-f ojna,1ld-:tashlonifid nymns being sung ana communion serveu ' : to' them afterwards. ' Many of the visitors had' hot been Inside a real church and gone through th service In that way for years. and, their faces lighted up with tho un wonted honor" don thern. ... Tho hoary head la a crown of glory If it hall bo found In the way of righteous ness," was the text of tho sermon or short talk preached by Mr. McLaughlin. He ap plied It well to tho lives of the elders, show- Ing that as they had lived a righteous and Christian life so would their heads be crowned with glory. "Lovo. service, beauty, wisdom and lm ' mortality are the flvo golden points of the starry wown'of glory," said tho minister, Th .Infinite Jove of God. th services wo render to others, beauty of a noble char acter ahown In the face ,ts,e wisdom of what Is rlgh$ nd ood nd' la,t'y- th crown of Immortality which can bo gained only through tho belief in Christ, are th essentials ot a perfect nfe. , "Jesus cam . Into tho world to say us, and premised we should ono day be Ilk unto , Him. Th farther wo go on Uf' rocky way and. tho older wo become In year th deeper and stronger Is our be- ! lief In Immortality." Saengerbund Acts Against Prohibition Resolution Passed in Business Meet in; Urpes Strong Fight by Liberal Element. Following Is a copy of tho ' resolution touching the prohibition question at th business meeting of the Saengerbund of th Northwest, held at th German horn last Friday: The Northwestern Saengerbund, In con vention assembled at Oniana, Neb., July U, mo, hails with satisfaction the formation of a Nebraska branch of mo Uerman Amerioan National alliance, with the aim of organising the Ur man-American popu lation ot the elate, and also to unite an liberal minded ultisena of whatever na tlonailty for the masses as ecunonilcal results of orohlbUlon, we sympauiise Willi tne nuerai element of Nebraska In their elcorts to maintain the cause of personal liberty and hope they may succeed In defeating all further re strictive legislation, and may eventually accomplish the repeal of now existing un reasonable limitations of your unalienable rignts ana uoerties. m uiiiBcua ui tt ,im wTi .la the purpose of enlightening s to the Injurious moral and Circus Parade Startles Crowd Sells-Floto Aggregation Becomes Di vided and Two Processions Are Seen. TRYING TO. FARM TOO . MUCH Hach ' ia t'ho Obaorratlon of I,. W. Wakelrr on Trip Throoga tho Northwest. Dry farmer who have depended on tho rain to help, them . out for moisture ln- etad of jweeHMnf summer tillage methods and saving th last year' rainfall win havo very light crop," aays L. W. Wakeley, general passenger agent of th Burlington, who ha lust returned from a tour of th Burlington lines In th west. Mr, - Wakeley' trip was ot eight day and took in tho territory In tho Yellow ton Valley... Montana. Big Horn Basin, North Matte, valley and Cheyenne and th general condition of th country In tho section : dryer than It ha bean for th last flv years. "To soma extent the cause of th farm' rs losing moTiey cn their farm 1 because . tcalous real estate men havo sold them 180 ' acre of land to farm when they could not possibly tak care of more than forty or . lxty acres. All th t-lgatlon projects be- , , Ing Introduced by ','. government or bringing big returns to th men In those section and It alxjws that all must com to this point In th end." lUHlOAD or NEW CARS. The Oarforta Uearla o Arrlre y th .... Carload for Tale Market. ' Charles Bassett, special representative of 'th StudebakeMJarford 0a, received today a solid carload of machines and expects several more during th week. Thia is ' oti of tho popular new cara In this part of the country. A special exchange prop . . oaltlon la made by th special represent . tive, allowing every purchaser of a Oarford cr to trade In his old on, no mattes '' what manufacture It may be. Mlnnl Wyss was given twenty days In th county Jail Monday morning by Judge Crawford, for stealing a suit case belong Ing to Roscoe Griffith. It was alleged Griffith, who is a stranger in th city, set th case down on th sidewalk Saturday morning for a moment, while he stepped Into a store. Upon returning he found It had disappeared. He happened to find a street car conductor, who had taken the woman' far and In that way traced the case for a distance. It was later recovered by the police, who unraveled th affair, and brought the woman into me station. Borne .valuabl paper, whloh Grlffth said on Saturday he was th most anxious to recovery-er missing, and- updn a ques tioning the woman confessed that she had burned them. They were of no valua to her, so she put them out of the way. The remainder of th good wa recovered. Workman Struck by Emery Wheel Clemens Fitch in Serious Condition from Accident in Machine Shop. Struck about the face and head by flying fragment of an mry wheel, Clemens Fitch, a helper at th Bharp Machinery company, 611 South Fourteenth street, was seriously Injured hortly after I o clock Monday afternoon. Fitch wa at work on th wheel grinding a tool when a defect caused the wheel to fly apart and pass with sreat force In every dlreotlon. The Injured man wa taken to tne ponce sta tlon and attended by Surgeon Loveland. It wa found h had suffered a possible fracture of th lfead and numerous lacera Hons. He wa then taken to th Omaha General hospital. Pater Stllllns, another employ of th machlno hop, wa nar rowly missed by a larg portion ot th disintegrated wheel. JOHN S0UKUP TAKES ACID AN.D IS DEAD Porter at Prasroo Hotel Found After SvraJIOTTlng Poleon with ! cldal latest. John Soukup died yesterday evening at th Prague hotel. Thirteenth and William street, from carbollo acid poisoning, and Coroner Crosby, who has taken charg of th body, think It la a cas of suicide. Soukup wa a Bohemian, with no relatives In thla country, and had been employed at the Fragu a porter alnce Easter. He had not been In 111 health and liothlng has so far been discovered to Indicate any reason for his taking his fe. He was found in on of th room by two other employes of th hotel, F. J. Hasal and Frank Sttashy. who had been attracted ther by what they described as a peculiar odor. Dr. Charles J. Nemeo wa summoned, but the man died a rolnut or so before he got to the place. He prorounced death due to carbolic acid poisoning. Th bottle ha not been found. Two parades mled ot on wer what crowds along Douglas and Eleventh streets saw wheh th Sells-Floto aggregation be came divided at that point Monday morn ing. Th proceeekra of elephant, animal wagons, bands, calliope and other things formed an Impressive spectacle on It reg ular merit, but the unexpected maneuvers lent considerable interest. About half tho procession, which com prised the load went astray by merely keeping headed forward east on Douglas and caused temporary bewilderment by not turning south on Eleventh, street a In tended. Th latter half section turned It proper corner according to orders, and two parade resulted. Several messenger wera dispatched ahead when the lapse was noted, and the forward section was caused lo double in It track and proceed back to Eleventh and get in line again. Th result was that what had been the vanguard in th beginning became th rear guard tor the rest of th way. Flaying "Put On Tour Old Grey Bon net," and several other up-to-the-minute popular airs, the callope musician of sells Floto's circus established for himself the reputation of being th cleverest callope man that ver came to Omaha. The artist handled th key of his ponderous musl cal Instrument as adeptly as If he were sitting at a. piano. Th tone vibrated throughout the business section of the city. Six monstrously big and splendid animals oomposed th famou Armour team of gray, which wer th most notable feature of the parade. Owned by J. Ogden Armour, and the possessors of countless horso show first prizes, th horse are lent to the cir cus for exhibition purposes. It was an nounced that the handsome cups and other trophle won by them will be on exhibition at the circus this evening. Th Sells-Floto parade was distinctive particularly in th appearance of It animal wagons. These conveyance are coated with gold leaf- instead of the usual barn .paint used on most circus wagon. It Is said one ot th band wagons, resplendent In gilt bears an outlay of $1,100 Worth of gold leaf. MOVE TO REMOVE DONAHUE Governor Orders Suit to Oust Chiet and Three Members of Board. KARBACH FILES THE COMPLAINT It Charge that I.lqaer Is Illegally Id at My Places that Officers Rfoe to Tak Any Actios. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Neb., July . (Special Tele gram.) Governor Shallenberge this morn ing directed th al.'orney general to bring quo warranto proceedings to oust from of fice Chief ot Police Donahue of Omaha, Fred Hoye, William J. Hunter and William F. Wapplch, member of th Omaha Fir and Police board, for falling to enforce th liquor law in Omaha. The governor acted upon a complaint filed with him by Charles J. Karbach, member of tho Fir and Pollc board. In the complaint It ta charged that houses of prostitution to th number of S6S have taken out government license, to sell Intoxicating liquor and hav no city license, and that they ell beer at all hour or th day and night and on Sunday. Karbach allege that he per sonally visited th red light district and wa oIiolted to enter th house by girls, and that he Informed Chief Donahu of what he saw. Th reply th chief made to th complaint, he says, was thla: "Your a liar and don't know anvthln about It Th women wer probably tuck on your whiskers." Karbach allere that liquor ha been old Illegally at th Dahl man club, th City hoteli Dolly Green', Master Coffee house, Mr. Pat Moran'a, Th Colonial, Wroth' Chill parlor, 118 ouuin lentn street. Th XfMo,.., hit Douglas street Owl oluh'e cluh Jnnm.. Sixteenth and Leavenworth; Mehanim' club, 1U Farnam street, upstairs: 10 Jackson, Seventh and flrc, Italian grocer; Bourk. Tnth and Davnport; 714 "".in oixieentn, upstairs; 15a Dougla. aloon; Big Four saloon, 216 South Four teenth and Ninth, and Douglas. ue compiamt alleges that Mayor Dahl man know all about th Illegal sale of lquor, but refuse to do anything. In his ittr to the attorney general the governor f-V'u, t r,ven ,h Pllc mP' " ., J1 f 1 Clean up' ut th onl has failed to do so. John H. Gibbons -is Laid at Rest Body of Well Known Former Member of Police Force Laid Away in Holy Sepulcher. Numerous and representative wa the gathering of mourner at th funeral yes terday afternoon of the late ox-Sergeant John H. Gibbons, who wa on of th most popular and respected members of th city pollc force. Th cortege, which wa headed by a platoon of his late comrades in th department commanded by Lieu tenant Hayea, and followed by a long line of carriages, left the residence, S62S North Twenty-eighth avenue, at 2:90 for the Church of the 8acrd Heart Th burial service there was read by Father Judge, following which the body wa taken to Holy Sepulcher cemetery and placed In a reoeptlon vault, pending, th arrival of th brother, Michael, from West Chester, Pa., when th Interment will be mad. Th pall bearers were: R. J. O'Brien, Captain Dunn, Detective Dan Davis, Officer Pet Dillon, and Cornelius Farrell and Frank MoCul- lough, representing th Ancient Order of United Wuikmon, of which organisation Sergeant Gibbons was a member. Oltsans Mas Hart. CRESTON. Ia., July 25. (Special.) While running at a high rate of speed an auto mobile driven by E. W. Phillips, near Ot tumwa, missed a culvert and went lnU a ' ditch, ' taming turtle aeveral time over. As a result K. W. Phillip, Edward Low nber and O. A. Edwarde are badly bruised, and E. H. Canton, a well known business man of Ottumwa, Is seriously hurt and In a bospital In that city. Th auto was badly wrecked. A Total lCrllpae ' Of th function of stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. '1 quickly disposed ot with Electrlu Bitter. 60c For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Swedish People Have Big Picnic Annual Event , at Kelson's Park is Voted a Fine Sucoess by Those Who Attend. CHIEF TALKS OF THE MOVEMENT Say HI. Book. Are Opea mn Kar hmch Know What Haa Been Don. I can t ay anything about such mora, boaus I don't understand It," said Chief Donahue. -My records, describing th work we hav been doing, the means w hav u.d, and our success in .nforclng "', nv been before the board- -.. ua tney were sent to th gov ernor when he desired Information. I haven t seen any of th board .Inc. this IV? .T 1 ioa't know wh thy think about it. Certainly Mr. Karbach know, and 1 ti '"cord s what I hav. been doing, and It has been all that could be done." ing enforced," say, Mr. Wapplch, on of th. member. Included In th accusations. A th.y and if anybody expect, m. to to18."! tU"J lJloy m '"to doors to see whether or not som on 1. drinking W. can t put an officer before every cafe and dun in town; the police fore has otb.r u.lng, to do and it 1. too small for t. ordinary dutle without rclslng any. thing mora than a reasonable .up.rvl.lon over th sal. of liquor," ' .2 T.b! rythln rlghi." a a . ' Wjamiy wa. much .ur prlsed and until I am, ,erved wltn fc bona fid notic and see Just what th. oh.. ar I can't eay much, about It A far as .... ior .uca on action are con ' nv a"y dea of what they might be. I hav been inM nhW0 e,8Ctl0n iod" on 8 Prt of know." C0Ur" W don,t "Thl Is not being don In th Interest Zri ""Ior0Bment" J Mr. Karbach, 11H uaen aosoiuteiy no rnv..n.. on th matter between me and any liquor .-k..,.iuvbs. i oo Know, however, that the non-enforcement of th law works a real hardship to the brewer and their In terests. It I manifestly unfair for a saloon keeper to pay his 11,000 and obeerv the closing laws and have an assignation house upstairs above him sell as much liquor at all hours and pay no license fee at all "I have never given up this campaign against th. non-enforcement of the liquor - " ii. in. cni.f .ay. that I agreed to an endorsement of the reply he mad to th governor, letter. I did not endorse It and I would not. I have been fighting Chief Donahue ever sine I have been on th board and .hall continue iu uw so. in iroubl is that all th. t.. cusslon goea on In executlv session and never get Into th records. I have not charged the chief with a or anything Ilk It. I simply a,Mrt tnat th law. hav not been enforced and that much 1 tru. I havn't bought liquor after vse nor nave X seen It sold, but v.....vc.dCU menus or mine, many of them, hav aeen It and ther will be plenty of evidence. Th, governor has Dlentv nt nranf v...-..... i. . . nas naa men up her getting It for him. The governor told me that he knew of places that sold lquor after hour with policemen standing Th thirty-first annual plcnlo of th Swedish Library association held at Nel son's park. Forty-ninth and Leavenworth, Sunday afternoon, was attended by 600 Swedish citizens and their families. The day was spent In general picnic amuse ment and a musical program wa given BENSON GIRLS PLAY BASE BALL Practice the Great, Xa tonal Gam a the gobnrbaa Town Before a Large Crowd. Out at the Eagle park at Benson Sunday afternoon ther wer some feminine fan practicing baae ball and were thinking seriously of organising a feminine base ball team In Omaha in the near future. Some of the Kir Is were pretty handy with their mitt and were very v enthusiastic about playing base ball, as It attracts the crowd. Next tsunaay artcrnoon the girls are JAMES TRACY IS BURIED HERE Body ot Mm Killed at Grass Ielaad Breagkt to Ouaka. James Tracy of 1 Boulevard avenue. aged 46 years, died In a hoepltal at Orand Island Sunday evening, following a railroad accident which occurred a few days previous. Mr. Tracy at th time ot the accident was seated on a platform next to the track, when a train approached un expectedly and he wa struck. Mr. Tracy haa been a resident of Omaha twenty years and Is survived by his widow. Th funeral services wer held from St. Patrick's church Monday after noon at I o'clock, and Interment made In Holy Sepulcher cemetery. by the Norden Singing society late In the day. The master of ceremonies was Fred I going to practice again and a large orond V Flodman. expected to see the girls play. Women s Secrets Marriage Lloeasee. Permit, to wed hav been Issued to the following cnuples: Name and lU-sldenc. . Age. William E. liriscoll. Omaha U Vera C. Kindred. Florence, U Hugo Schaad. Columbus K Verena Kcltt Colunibu...'. SI I Jotph Hadak. South Omaha X 1 Mary Kllpa, South Omaha 20 J There is on man in the United States who ha perhaps heard more women secret then any other man or woman in th T - ' country. Tbcs seorets are not secrets of fuilt or shame, but p R. V. Pie roe in tbe hop and expectation of advice and help. That few ot thete women hav been disappointed ia their ex pectation is proved by th fact that 98 per cent, ot all women treated by Dr. Pierce or hi able staff, hav been absolutely and altogether eured. Such reoord would bo remarkable if th cases treated wer numbered by hundreds only. But when that record applies to the treatment ol mor than balf-a-mil-lion women, in practice of over 40 year, it is ohenomsnal. nd entitle Dr. Picro to th gratitude accorded him by women, s th first of specialist In th treatment of women' diss. Every sick woman may consult us by letter, absolutely without charge. All replies ar mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without any print ing or advartieinf whatever, upon them. Write without (ear as without fee, to World' Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Piero, President, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. , DR. PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION Mabioa WeaU. W omexi Btronc, ESlolc vv omexi Well. Now for a crush of "Hale" Shoppers! Mid-Year Sale of Mee9s Onimod Shoes and Oxfords has its commence ment tomorrow, Tuesday, and YOU You can't do better tit W37 rost V.n f Sale includes all of tht 'frfcy and a)) of tht 'tamM stylet. Ttrth iTmilfftr wishfls it known that he HASN'T reserved a sincle rmir of low shoes; that tho styles are "up to snuff" (Bob picks 'em himself) and that a LARGE number of pairs of HIGH shoes are in the selling. 4 4 Bob" doesn't abuse the sale idea he introduces sales seldom then they 44stick out." Frankly, this is to be the strongest MAN'S shoe event of 1910, and early buyers are best off. IP for odds and end. and broken sixes "Ppf Wen's and Boys' Oxlordi and high shoes that hare sold at from , $2.50 upward to $4 a pair. if C for choice of hundreds opoi hoa drfds pairs of .Ws $3.50, $4 aideTen $5 Oxfords. The Terj cream of all "Onimod" lines.' Cyi Qaor cn0ice ma0J 1Qea 01 Aeas ? -t$2.50, $3.50, $4 Oxfords; also oroaen tines ana oa sizes oi nuii 1st aualitied hith shoes. ? li Z for choice ALL Wen's $5 and $6 00-1 el Oxfords including also the famou j 'Dr. Reed's" Coshion Sole Oxfords, indeed wonder raises. THE EEGENT SHOE CO, 205 South Fifteenth Street OSSCOTLfllt'tt One-fourth off on all our light weight clothing for men, boys and children (full dress and tuxedo suits excepted). This is a big reduction on such high grade clothing, especially when our prices are right at the start. v This is an opportunity to get a good suit to finish out the season and make you a good second best suit for next year. ; ; SHIRT SPECIALS All our high grade Shirts (white and soft negligee shirts not included.) have been divided into two lots to clean up. ' $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts are now. $1.25 $2.50 and $3.00"Shirts are now $1.85 You will find other interesting reductions in hosiery, underwear, etc. STRAW HATS We are closing out our straw hats at 33 1-3 per cent discount- , During July and August we close at 5 p. m., except Saturdays. 'BrQwninaitfng & cq B KCtj0TH,N0 IMKNWHINaS AND HATO, FirrEEN "P DOUQLA8 fiTREETfl. & S. WILCOX, Manager. The Store Of The Town. OMAHA GAS NEWS 1MiS"a Long hot days and lots of them are here. There is no time like, the "' . . - 1 vpBMayai;r r"A present lo prepare for them by selecting your GAS RANGE The Cabinet Gas Range is Ideal Its ovens are at exactly the right height and heated by one set of burners, thus saving gas. . Its burner top is ample and there is a shelf below that is a great convenience. Built like a graceful piece of furniture, clear of the floor so that you can sweep mder it and around it, it is Sanitary as well ,os good looking and, best of all, it is economical. We have all sizes and styles from $9.00 up, but the Cabinet is the range you will insist on having, when you've seen it. If you are prevented from visiting our office, send for our representative to show you )ur 1910 catalogue and explain the different ranges. Omaha Gas Company Consult The Bee Land Columns When in Doubt