i: i! II j! i 'i it J J i , 1 - TIIE BEE: OXfAIIA, TUESDAY. .TtJTA' 26, 1010. The Omaha Daily Hee. roi'NDED HT EDWAJID IIOSEWATEIV VICTOR HQSEWATER, EDITOK. Entered at OmiM pcitoffict second eUs mittrr. Initractioni. ' Delegates to conventions are ex pected to carry out the instructions given them by the convention or e emblege by which they are appointed. Instructions constitute the condition upon which the commission to rep resent a constituency is given, and no one who does not want' to recognize such conditions should accept the com mission. The only possible excuse for avoiding or evading instructions would be a charge that the instructions were procured by fraud or other illegitimate means. It develops that for the forthcom ing democratic and republican state conventions the majority of delegates in each are under Instructions one way In TEKMS or ; SUBSCRIPTION. tlly Be (Including Hunnay). per week.. 10 Jully & (without eundar). pr wee.. .100 lei!y lie (without Sunday). one year. WW Laliy faee and Sunday, on year SO DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Evening Bee (without Bunday), per week. Evening U (with bunday), par week....le Hun day Bee, one year ,2! balurday Hee, cna yaar ,": . Addrea all cumplalnts of Irregularities tn delivery to City circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha Tha feee building. ISouilt Omafia Twenty-fourth and N. Council .Bluffs li Pcott fitreet. Lincoln 611 Little Building. I, !- IMS llarauette Building. " - - - . . i . i New l ork Hoomi luu-ura r- " or the other as to county option. iniriy-mira r.r-ri. 1 . ., .nn.ronttt Washington Tib Fourteenth rireei, n. n. iu utwu'i mn. wumumu "vi"'""' CORRESPONDENCE. . rlur melnritr.nf tha delegate are . - . - A I ifflm.ue it Inserting a. county iie,: Editorial Department. 1 option plank In the platform, and only REMITTANCES. ,. , t- ; ..i small minority inairutieu mi u. ....... i n-k. 1l lMhtlnh1nflr ComOinr. I r. KHan' innTnHnn thniA In Omaha and aaatarn esohang. not aooepwu. . minority and those instructed against county option also constitute STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION. . mlnnrlt an that neither would be a HUte of Nebraska. IJougisa v-ounw. .,.w .,i,.. ,v - Uore B. Taschuck. treaeurer 01 1 ns " I majority wnuuui viumuu1 Pubii.hint Company, .na large body of unlnstructed delegates, ..w.ni.i. ,a.. nt Tha Daily. Morning, I There is this difference, however. Evening ana nunflay nee P"m 1 !,..,.. ,.(,. mrta rialats to month of June. 110. waa aa follows: " the land of cotton than ever. if the. world's supply is to keep anywhere near Its demand, as statistics show, but, while it is essential that more land be devoted to cotton and more science be put into its production, so as to increase the acreage yield, it is also important to know that Dixie is destined to become one of the great corn-producing sections if its natural resources are properly developed. Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas the states from which we are told the peo ple are going to Georgia, Alabama and Florida are not suffering. Nebraska, at least, is continually drawing in more people than it is sending out and its available farming land is steadily rising in price and being bought and developed. It will continue to offer superior advantages in the way of soil, climate and market to anybody look ing for a good home. ' ow wicked Omaha la just before the convention. Cheap politicians always play cheap politics. If the assessor' return on automo biles is correct almost anybody ran fiord one. But at that it looks as though f 100 is a little bit low. Still, the assessors must be given some credit for having got on the list 6,500 out of a total registration of about 0,000. ..44,130 the democratic convention and the un Instructed delegates to the republican 44.5SO rt . 41 BOO I L 44,100 the effort was to instruct against a ,44,seo county option plank and no lnstruc- AA Tin .. . . i.ii i.l ...... .... i noes would indicate au luuiuyuiiiuuu w I .n hf lanrth On tha rorillh, B.A30 'v" r 45(iao Hcan side the effort everywhere was to . .4i,eoo I secure instructions for county option, 45,410 and failure to Instruct would indicate . ... 40,000 I, unima.t 1af aral n at Tnnlctna !4,8o county option a political Issue, whether favorable or unfavorable to plan Total .1,381,600 1 The pronouncement against county Returned Copies l,880 ODtion bv the democratic state conven. i - - Nav Total 1.811,180 - " ' . Daily Averaga.. 4a,704 action of the republican convention oeorqe b.'tzschuck. will be determined by tne unmstructea Treaaurer. i . . Rnhscrlbad in mv rrestnre and aworn to QeBiea, before ma thla 30th day of June. iio. 48,700 44, 90 43,780 .44,10 41,M 43,80 43,700 43330 44,000 43,090 44,480 .....41.4CO ,,.,.44,400. 44,840 .44,410 1 It. 27. 21.... 2 30 M. V. WALKER, Notary Public. . ahacrlbra leavlaar tke eltr porarllr ahoald have Tke Be tailed to thaml ' Addreaa will fee The Texas legislature Is made up of heroes. It assembled July 18. Where Else Bat Kansas? ' Some absurd antic have been com mitted in Kansas, but It has remained for the town of Hutchinson to cap the climax of nonsense by adopting an or dinance, not only prohibiting the ex hibition of the moving pictures of the Reno light, but barring any newspaper or magazine publishing anything about Tha man hlrda ara rlrawlnr beaut! prize fights fullv. anrl flvlnr almoat aa well. " wuuooa, ol uiuu uiuuc, Kooseveit is associate eunor, recently We fear the weather man has gone contained an editorial written and off on a vacation and forgotten to reset signed by Mr. Roosevelt, condemn bis gauge. Ing prize fights and prize fight mov ing pictures, ayng they should be Let' see, what are those other prohibited in evc.y state in the union things that Mr. Morgan has not yet of course, under thi ordinance Hutch cornered? inson had to bar this paper advocat Ing the very thing the town was get Uncle Sam Is finding trouble In get-Uing after. ting workers to do his official building. This is a simple Illustration of the Hard times, is it not? inrths of folly to which people can go when they give unrestrained license to their emotion and set reason and common sense aside. It was in Kan eas that a sensational minister once undertook to conduct a dally news paper as Christ would to give the people an ideal newspaper. He' took possession of a Topeka paper for one As near as can be learned many oth ers who were at Reno July 4 have had difficulty in coming back. As soon as Mr. Bryan has finished his party in Nebraska he might go to Ohio 'and wind It up there. In Minnesota they always run their state politic on national lines. For instance. Just because Governor Eber- hart is a Scandinavian, the democrats insist on nominating John Lind, an other descendant of that race. the Thoughts on Ingratitude. Inspired by the torridlty of season, we have culled together these few thoughts on Ingratitude well cal culated to stir some of our reader to pensive mood: How ahafper than a serpent's tooth It is To have a thankleaa child! King Lear: Shakespeare. Ingratitude, thou marble-hearted fiend I Mora hldeoua than whan thou showi't thea In a child. Than tha eta moniter! Kin Lear: Shakespeare. A man Is very apt to complain of tha In gratitude of those who have risen far above him. When Jesus Dwelt: Thomas Olbbona. I taught you to swim, and now you would drown mo. Don Quixote. The man Is ungrateful who danlaa that he has received a benefit, who pretends be hat not received It, and does not return It. Cicero: On Benefits. I hate ingratitude mora In a man. Than lying, valnnexa, babbling, drunken nesa, Or any taint of vice. Twelfth Night: Shakespeare. Ingratitude Is montroua; and for the multitude to be ungrateful were to make a moniter of the multitude. Coriolanua: Shakespeare. Ingratitude la always a fornf of weaknees, I have never known a man of real ability to be ungrateful. I Reflections and Maxims: Goethe. If there ba a crime Of deeper dye than all ths guilty train Of human vices, 'tis ingratitude. Brooke. We seldom find people ungrateful as long aa we ara In condition to render, them service. .J La Rochefoucauld. There is nothing new under the sun Poets and philosopher of old could discern the truth and speak It as well as any of u after these centuries of accumulated wisdom. Sapulpa, Okl., announces that It has week, and It took many weeks and a new aviator. Good. It is new to month for that paper to recover from .know that Oklahoma has a Sapulpa. tn effect" f tbe experiment of being an Ideal newspaper. Whatever else it Senator Davis of Arkansas will be was during that week, It certainly was more eager than ever now to conceal not a newspaper.- But Kansas knows; the fact that his front name is Jeffries, it knows how and where to lay the 1 ideal for everything and everybody. Oscar Hammersteln ought to recover The prize fight at Reno,, deplorable from his attack of nervous prostration as n was, was nevertheless the blg- slnce the rest. of New York has 0r- gegt piece of news' of the day, and ived. the vast majority of the people were - thinking and talking about it more Cannon, Cummins, Bristow and th . .nythlng else at the time. News- Murdock, all speaking within one had 0 0ptlon about printing! - 1- f.A A. I 1LI... 11 1 1 I weea, ousui iV iu.a iuiuE uvr.y m the) matter; if they fulfilled their mis Kansas. I .. ....mm,. nl rut thxlr reader an account of current history, they were simply compelled, whether they liked it or not, to give them all the news tbey could of this fight, and the Interesting point is that many Phlcaan. that celebrated aumnier r- newpajere iu.i y.iuu ujubl Jack Johnson ha procured an outo license numbered 4-11-44, but it was the other fellow that needed the rab bit foot. anrt lake breexe and all. had It 10J were londeat in their con Sundav. which atlll leaves Omaha In demnatlon of it. and they were per tha ahade fectly sincere and consistent in it, too i . . . . . . i . . . . It is interesting to recall mat u Minnesota democrats are finding it was In Hutchinson where a band of difficult to make one vehicle do for the Holiness folk prayed for the triumph band, wagon and water wagon at the of the black man and also mat Hutch same time. inson is in Reno county. Kans(j. Per haps we may now look for a law Barney Oldfield's grandfather has changing that name died at the age of 97. Barney has been acting as if he were afraid he Migration Adjusts Itself. might live that long. The west has no cause for regret or alarm at the government reports A Copper Trust. From the excellent way In which the country and its copper had been getting along, the uninitiated might Imagine that a copper trust, such as Mr. Morgan is said to be forming, wa not one of the crying need of the day. That, however, is not going to in flu ence the action of those engaged In this gigantic financial operation. The purchase of the Utah interests by the Amalgamated Copper company is re ported to.be under way, If not con summated. The country has had enough expert ence with monopolies to know how to handle them better than it did a few years or decade ago, and It ought not be possible for the copper Interests to gain such an ascendency In the mar kets of the world a the steel and Standard Oil monopolies have for year maintained. From such expert ence as the government ha had. should derive the skill In power and knowledge that would enable it to limit the encroachments of these insti tutions. One of the Utah Independent mag nates, commenting on the supposed merger, i quoted a saying that It will be a good thing for the small producer and for the industry as a whole. the latter there can be do doubt. We are not in the least Inclined to ques tion the assertion that for tbe copper Industry as a whole auch a monopoly would be a good thing, and It may offer some advantagea for the smaller fry to sell out. But how will it affect the general market, the consumers? While, perhaps, this Utah producer, no more than hia friend, Mr. Morgan, has allowed that aspect of the question to bother him greatly. It still ha a cogency which the public will find difficult to ignore. A French duke has been located In that show people are migrating from thla country who Is neither married lt, states to the south and investing In nor looking for an American wife. But iandi aB wen a, cominK from Canada he admite he thinks our women folks to DUy fartns in Dixie, for this matter are fine. He Will do to watch. mlaratlnn U aomethlna: that adlusts I I , 1 XT. malt., m k.l tha T,MjAmnn4 umana a Dase can team na turned Celebration of Germans, Scandl navlans, Roumanians and other rep resentatlve of European nations serve very well to remind us where we came from. Some downeasterner la about to re vive that distressing question, "What Is whUkyt" Why can they not wait until we bare settled thla one, "What 1 a democrat?" It la gratifying to know that even at thi late hour Mr. Morgan et aL have monopolized copper, but lt seems trange they overlooked thi little de tail so long. A New York woman ha aroused much curiosity by "cooking her way' through college. - Nothing strange about lt. If her college 1 In session right now. Thua far we have not heard that th governor of Texas has suspended any official of Dallas, where that negro wa burned at the stake. Army Gossip Matters ef Inter at ra aa Back of ths rirlag XJaa Ctleaaet from the Army aad Jfavy Beytatar. PERSONAL NOTXl . A.m.A th. under any eondltlona. Tom. IMrk an Harry rnment la gclng to demand the J.? aril t1 " o.d I. ardent and infant , I shutav his bed room door and aenda down wcrrfl 'that wH sea wa-ewara-heap Java Tha governmen dissolution something which certainly ought to ba When Bryan grabbed the vote that should have gone to Watson nothing wa said about robbing the populists of their representation. Setllaar 'Km Rlarkt. Pittsburg DUpatch. Nebraska papera think Bryan may bolt Not o, the Nebraska democracy may bolt, but Bryan, never. Bo All Mar Know. Springfield (Maes.) Republican. Mr. Bryan's candidate for senator from Nebraska Is not tha editor of th Com moner, but the associate editor of the Commoner a distinction with a difference. rnaallaat Unci Sana. Uncle Sajn wanta a lot of typists, but specifies that there must be male. Uncle doea not mean to be ungallant, but the matter rests) on a business basis. Ths feminine typist la fairer o aee than the man of her kind, but leas amenable to discipline, pouts at censure, takes refuge In tears, and at the most Inopportune time for the public Interests gets mar ried. ' Can't Do Without 'Eta. Springfield Republican. More automobiles were registered in Ne braska during the first half of this yaar than In the whole of last year. Thar was clearly no waiting to aee how tha crop would turn OUT. crops or no crops, ina people would have automobiles. Th Omaha Bea flaurea out from tne registration, ug- urea that there Is one automobile in tha state to every twenty families. 8cbednU a Crowning; Event. Baltimore American. King George V of England and hia queen are to ba crowned next June that la, if in tha rapid march cf events characteristic of th day there Is still a kingdom to ba crowned in. As the event will be a big business proposition as wall as a political event, tha probabilities are that lt will duly take place. But lt Is also probable that coronations will ba out of faslon by tha next century. its face In the other direction and la now winning games Just aa easily as It waa losing a little while back. All it needed waa to get started right or trend is or has been, the west con tinues to grow in population, wealth and resources and, -while it steadily pursues its mission of empire building, lt la entirely willing that the south A 5-year-old "child was hurt in a Bhould ake up and Bhare the Kener1 runaway at Jennings, La., and two nuran- postofflce robbed at Bryan, Tex., on or " ,B " "-uui Ihe same day. You lmply cannot ionai. not a even ui.ir.ua- keep that name out of the spotlight. uon 01 weun lo" oe" levenug i-ro- ess ror any country, ana it is impos- Governor fihallenberger' campaign Ulble where one section Is retarded in for re-election may now be considered officially opened. It remains to be aeen whether his mud-slinging at Omaha will gain him much support In the state. Speaker Cannon had to ease np on his speaking In Murdock'a district be cause of th heat, and Mr. Murdock was forced to the wall by a sore throat They certainly must have been golqj some. its growth because of dormant effort or resources. The United States needs the elements which the south pos Besses, and therefore It is necessary to get more people with money and en terprlse Into the south. Land there can be bought and cultivated cheaply and much of It is maiden soil, or com parattvely so, so that lt has all of its productive strength and period before It. Dixie Is and must become even more Crnel taek of ysanaithy Cleveland Leader. It is certalo that tha present conditions in tbe stock , market are leas dlcluroing to bankers, leas Intoxicating to 'he ooun try, safer and. sounder, than the boom of 1908. Ths change Is" bad forWall atreet traffic, of eourae, but tha country is not greOyconcer.ed with that phase of the situation. It does (not matter to farmers and merchants, manufacturers, mechanics and other workers that theiarket value of a seat on the New York a took exchange has dropped to about $06,000 from $04,000 not many months ago Indeed, that de- din in market values looks Ilk more prudence, more common sense and more saving on tha rrt of tha American people. Tha rifle teams representing th infantry and cavalry are preparing to go to Camp Perry, O., about July SO, the cavalry team from Fort Ethan Allen and tha Infantry team from Camp Logan. 111. Doth teams, since tha selection of their personnel, have bean engaged on preliminary practice at thai two places named and will continue tha work on tha Camp Perry ranges. It Is probable that th teama will tak part In soma of the Ohio state matches which oc cur before the national meet An Important experiment in army for age to be undertaken at tha instance ef the military autoiitlcs and upon the recom mendation of officers at Fort Riley. In cluding Lieutenant Colonel Kit V. Hoyle. of the 6th field artillery. Lieutenant Col onel Daniel E. McCarthy, of the quarter master's department, chief quartermaater , of the department of the Missouri at Omaha, has been authorised to Invite bids for the oats, corn and hay, of various claasea, for us In those experiments. It Is expected that there will be Important re sults In demonstrating the moat economical and otherwise satisfactory feed for army horses In different sections of the country. The War department ba decided to make a protect against th decision of the comp troller which prevents th army attending surgeons In Washington from making uae In tha discharge of their dutiea of motor vehlclea. This decision would prevent the use of an automobile by any officer wbo is entitled to the allowances for horses. The comptroller permits tha purchase of automobiles, but refuses to permit the use of them under certain circumstances. An effort will be mad to have the comp troller modify bis decision so that tha automobiles, th purchase of which ha been authorlaed, may b uaed. Another automobile decision has been rendered this week b ytha comptroller. The payment of tha coat of auppllea, for repairs to the auto mobile of th superintendent of the Mill taxy Academy, Is held Illegal. Ther are excellent propspects that. there will b an unusual number of qualified candidates for the army medical corps aa a reault of the current examination and the examination to b held in September, The examination boards in session at various military posts throughout th eoun. try will continue their organisation so as to conduct tha examination of additional candidates, who will present themselves on September 6, and th examination of whom will be completed In time for those qualified to join the next claas at th army medical school, where tha course be gins on th first of October. Th War de partment authorised 1S1 candidates to apr pear before the boards now In session and of these candidate twenty-flv were In' vlted to present themselves to the board at Fort Jay, N. T of which latter num ber eighteen are now under examination. Those who are qualified In the two ex. amlnatlons of this month and early Sep tember will be commissioned as first lieu tenant In the army medical reserve corps, in which grade there are now thirty-four who have met all the conditions. Th pros pect la that the next claaa at the army medical school will be composed of not lees than sixty members. An army corps to deal exclusively with aeronautics la being formed by the British authorities at Aldershot The nucleus of the new organisation will be th two ex- eating balloon companies of royal en' gineera and the London territorial balloon company, and experts will be Invited to hold commissions on th same principle as exists In tha army motor reserve, which has proved a great success and la over establishment strength. It la understood that branches of tha corps will b astab lished at Salisbury Plain and also near the moat important dock yards and arsenals, Experts in motor engineering and the piloting of both heavier and Urhter-tban- alr machines will be Invited to Join th territorial section of th corps. Th two establishment at Farnborough (th army baloon construction works and the army aeronautical training school) will become permanent and distinct Institutions with separata governance, thouxh the civilian exports will work hand In hand with th engineers. cleaned out. General W. II. Iesslg. a friend of General Orant and territorial surveyor general of Colorado In the 'V died at Mont Vleta. Colo. II was born In Pottsvllle, Pa., and served In the civil war. A young; Russian woman. Mil. Bandurln, Is superintendent of a big engineering firm. A graduate of the Women Technological Institute In fit. Petersburg, she I the only woman In Russia who haa proved her blllty In practical work. Dick Ferris of Loe Angeles,' widely nown mining operator, theater owner and promoter and th manager of th recent vtatlon meet In Loa An galea. I a candi date for the republican nomination for lieutenant governor of California. Franklin Adams, editor ct the Bulletin ef th Bureau of American RepuMIca, wbo ar rived In New Tork from Santo Domingo, brought for the national soo at Washington, five aolenodon, buahy-tailed, rat-suggastlve creature about eighteen Inche long, with snout resembling thos of anteatera. Captain V. Edwards, a ranch' owner of San Diego, Cat, who dror a team of Angora goat from San Dlege to New Tork City on a wagwr, arrived on th outskirts cf Washington on his return trip. An axle on hi wagon broke just beyond th district Un and he was compelled to camp out ther for a day. TRIALS OP I'lfCLB JOB. Rla Dash. Tkreagk Kanaas Hl(4 by Rekheraeeks, William Allen Whit In Emporia Oasett. It is probable that Unci Joe Cannon enjoys tha sort of life ha is leading. If he didn't enjoy It, he could easily quit it, for he la rich, and might live In quiet and luxury the remainder of hi days. A man must be peculiarly constituted to enjoy such an existence as he Is leading. To say nothing of tha political worrlea which afflict his old gray head, and the thousand annoyances of traveling, and th trouble of swatting th file In Chautauqua tenta, be goea through an ordeal every day that would kill a sensitive man In a week. From early morn until dewy ev he ( at th mercy of rubbernecks. Thar la no refuge for him, or for any man who make a trad of politic. He can't afford to of fenij, a single Tom, Dick or Harry. He cornea to Emporia and takes a room at a hotel, and that reom at once becomes as public a place as Humboldt park. No mat ter how tired, sick or discouraged he may be, he muat receive Tom, Dick and Harry when they come rubbering. Ha must shake band with them, and pretend to find some thing fascinating In them, and say a few foolish things for them to treasure In their memories, and hand down to their grand children a precious heirlooms. If Old Jo Our Birthday Book And now our democratic contem porary,, the World-Herald, throw fit over the ballot form sent out by Sec retary of State Junkin, and Insists that Rosewater 1 to blame for it. When Mr. Junkin turned down the protest against the misbranding of Mr Bryan's presidential electors the World-Herald hailed him as a great man whom not even Rosewater could Influence. When an Injunction was sought to prevent Mr. Junkin from certifying candidates who had not paid their filing fees Mr. Junkin wa again a great man because be would not let Rosewater use him. The fact la the restraining order doea not prevent the secretary of state from certifying Vie names of any candidates whose filing fees have been paid, and there is noth ing to prevent him from certifying the democratic ballot in the same way that he has certified th republican ballot. We freely admit that the no tion that prompts the secretary of state to withhold the name properly filed a democrat because they were illegally filed aa populists has about as much common sense behind it as the ruling that a man may have his name printed on four tickets on pay ment of one filing fee. It is merely a coincidence that Gov ernor Shallenberger discovered just July 86, 110. Robert Fulton, for whoa Invention of tha steamboat the centenary waa celebrated last year, was born July U, 1706, in Penn sylvania, and died in IMS. While he waa th author of a number of useful Inventions his fame rested with tha aucceaful experi ment of the Clermont which steamed up tha Hudson river In 1807, and laid th way for steam Invention. John D. Archbold, the' active head of the Standard Oil, was born July 35, U48, at Leesburg, O. Ha became associated in business with Mr Rockefeller In 1876 and has been one of his right hand men ever since. George B. Cortelyou, former secretary of the treasury. Is celebrating his 48th birth day today. He Is a native of New York and climbed up the ladder of fame from tha po sltlon of stenographer. Ha la at the hitad of the Consolidated Gas company In New Tork, Oeorge B MoCutcheon, author and hum orlst. Is Just 44. He 1 another mem. per of tha Hoosler school of literature and wa born on a farm In Tippecanoe county, Indiana. "Oraustark" Is probably his best known production. J. C. Eugene Duval, better known a ''Gene," assistant general western agent of th Chicago Milwaukee 4t St Paul railway, la celebrating his 48th birthday to day. He was born In Toronto and brought to this country as an Infant, starting ou In tha railroad bualneaa at New Haven, Mlchs In 117ft, and going up ever since. D. I Johnson, lawyer, with office in the Bee building, was born July M, 1K, Ha was educated In tha Ohio untvealty a Athena, O., and atudled law while teach Ing sihool. He was admitted to tha bar In IBM, looattng four years later In Omaha. Marshall 11. Craig, city paaaunger and ticket agent for the Chicago 4 Ureit West em at Omaha, Is ZS years old today. Ha waa born at Allison, la., and first served the Great Western In the engineering de partment, and was also In tha engineering department ef tha Northwestern, going Into tha passenger trafflo department of th Great Western In 1WT. The experiments In mechanical flight which have occurred at Atlantlo City have called attention In a somewhat spectacular way to th prospect of making military uae or the aeroplan. On cf tha exbibi tlona In tha tournament, which appear to nave Had soma of the characteristics of an entertainment for the visitors at that cele brated resort, was the depositing- of mis slles from the elevated machine so aa to show th sccuracy of aim and tha certainty wun wnicn an object could be placed in Its relation to a tarcet to ba attack in time of war. The report of th demon atratlon is quite conclusive. Th aviator. Curtlss, uset orange and lodged them in cloe proximity to a small boat In motion Deiow him and also within a prescribed area on shore. It must still remain a Question whether thla win worts out in actual service aa satisfactorily and whether the aeroplane can be depended upon to carry aloft sufficient supply of destructive ammunl Uon In any form which may be readily handled and deposited In the places where it will produce th most effective results It I certain that th government should take up th question in a thorough and systematic way. THRKB IfOTABLB OLD MEN, Hoaora and Years A bare the Aver tare. New Tork World, Three aged men who had accomplished something In different spheres of activity have Just died. Curiously enough, one passed away on the Atlantlo seaboard, an other midway acroas th country and th third on tha Pacific coast Aloys Wirschlng, who invented the stock quotation telegraph ticker and forty-one years ago Installed th fire-alarm aystem that Is still In use In this city, died In Brooklyn Thursday night aged 78. Zephanlah B. Knight who waa aald to have first suggested that the now doanln ant party be named republican at tha Michigan .State convention In 1S64. died Friday In Omaha, aed 89. H boasted that he voted the straight ticket at every elec tlon and never acratched the name of G. O. P. candidate, as fine an Instance of "standing pat" as could be found any where. E. H. Dyer, known as the "father of th bc-et sugar Industry" because In 1870 he established the first plant for the manufac ture of sugar from beet that waa built In th United States, died Friday at Al varado, Cal aged 88. In each case these men accomplished early In life that which caused their deatha to reculvo attention. olutocrat nd they'll go out and cainpln against vcrybody wh I frtendty to th j speaker. This thlnf of meeting rubbernecks U after day, and shaking hands with them, and Inquiring about th health of their Uncle Ebeoeters, Is about aa exhausting as any work under tha sua. Jo Cannon 1 tending w under It all th Utn. ia bote), 1 on th train. In th market place. He ha forgotten what privacy I Ilk. Any shack be Inhabit becomes a forum and a recep tion hall and a padded cell. Teopl who are obscure, who ean travel without attracting attention, who are of no Interest to the1 rubberneck bav much to b thankful for. CEEEBT CHAFF. "Would you Ilk a fin family eowf "That thing T Sh can't glv mar than four auarte." Tain't th milk. Bha'll git right In front of an auto, n ehe'o good for law damages a season to any family." Judge. Th rirat Horse Well, ther' en In dignity thVll never put upon us.' Th Second Horse What tnatT The First Korea They'll never call on us to dra a stalled airship Out of a oggy cloud. Olerelaed Plain Dealer. Teacher (of Blent school) Do yea know that in tha atmosphere of thi town the lung becom black T Shaggy Haired Pupil Dunes 7 I know three or four dot en ct 'em, all In tha laundry bualnesa, and they're Just as yel low a wnaa tney earn arv-'nicagi Tribune. Chollv had wit on hia necktie snd waa looking over his nirnly of hosiery. , "I wonder, now,- ne eaua. turning peie. i "whether the sock have to match the tie or whether the tie ha to match th socks:-' Chicago Tribune. Bella I wonder why that good-looking) doctor avoids roe o and I so cool to me when we meetT Nell I think It I because Ned throught lesaly told Mm what you aald about him. Befle What did I say that ha didn't Ilka? Nell Tou said, don't you remember, that he had auch killing way. Baltimore Amer ican. THE CLOVEB, Pinch it to me a bit of tbe blossom. Just sol With th lawn dotted o'er and In th 4 air Tha scent of Its soul breathed rrywherk Ten me i mere a man aoes net car For ths clovert More would I have; no stint of a nlggtn for ma If a be on the wlnr may slo and 1di Then why may not I with a lover-lip Take a deep and a uu deeper oip "t In tha clover T ' Girt would I be; oh, try not my coaxing; to tyl For I know when tl gone, 'tis ton, and I May cleve heart t In twain wKh mighty sigh Tat vain: so her and now let m 1i in the clover. - 3. E. FRET. ht4 Talks for people who sell things 1 When a man loses anything of value that purpose. To. sell more good tq almost the first thought la to advr- more people. ' tlae in the newspaper for it recovery. There Isn't , merchant la Omaha Even merchant who will not adver- but could do more bvslne, serve mor tlse their store do this. people. Inspire more confidence. If he They must believe that people read would only put this treat power to) advertisement, even small ones in the work for him In the right way. "lost and found" column, or why ad- We will be glad to discuss a plan vertise their loss? with some alert, ambitious merchant There is no getting around lt ad- to set the business that Js solar bez-. vertlslng is the greatest, most active ging every day right here In Omaha, power In the worldUMd right, Jt will 'Phone Tyler 1000 and we will call bring to a successful Issue any legitl- on yon and prepare plans, suggestions mate undertaking. and copy that will "do thing" In thev Every merchant In Omaha wants to way of waking public interest in yoa Increase his business. He 1 here for and your store. Its Real Saving is not in the price alone, but also in the unequalled amount of good and the certainty of Rumford Baking Powder. It never spoils a baking never fails to give good results. Its never varying and uniform strength Is One of Many Merits of Rumford Baking Powder. Besides it saves in health because it always makes your food lighT and digestible because it adds to food only wholesome and nutritious ingredients. The price a$ cents a pound. TnTTmTTi7nTrDm baking POWDER Tbe Wholesome Powder No Alma A PoIIOeal Raaalalseeae. Cleveland Plain &ealer. That low an who claims to poeaesa the longest whiskers In th world may feel aad when he remembers that tha political party which Would have recarded hia whlskera as a certificate of fraternal good faith has passed away. Have Your Ticket Read Burlington 1 n n n trn in n r1 u uuv La Round Trip 30-Day Tickets. UR era r?3 n W -ASS New York City, standard route , S43 0 ew York City, other desirable routes ' SLin'sUi Atlantic City alftft Portland, Me., through Canada or Boston 1-342 35 Boston, direct route i $4060 Ronnd Trip 60Day Tickets. . New York, diverse rout, one way via Old Point Comfort, with ocean trip, the other via direct 'route '$40 40 Boston, diverse route, one way via Old Point Comfort, with ocean trip, tbe other via direct rout. .$53;20 Round Trip Season Tickets (Limit Oct. 31). Mackinac Island H Rrt Boston, and Portland, Me aaiartrt Atwic city ;.; ; ggg-JjJJ Buffalo, Including Lake trip on Steamer Northland. . .... 9laa'ki BU Iul Sfi'XX - - - -- - -- -"ws))ie)e at h m n Round Trip Convention Tickets. Chicago, August 6 to 8, Inc Milwaukee, July 29 to August 1, Inc. S 15.00 15.40 Bend for fre decriptlv publlcaUon. Write or call, Indicate your proposed trip and let us help you plsn th most comprehensive Journey at tbe least cost iililiiliiliOlil ill'mil: Chicago train! 7sl8 in., 4:20 p. m., 0:80 p. m. amoui, OHy Vasseag! Aa 108 r arses atreet, Osaaia. . S. 0 (