TIIE BEE: OMAITA', TUESDAY, JUTiY 2fi. 1010. il SOMETHING STARTED SURE tittsburg Women Meet to Discusi Playgrounds Question. CIOA2LETTE SMOKISO COMES UP rraeat Drtrta o Bleached Hair, Brcomn Warm and tha Gather iaaj Brokea Vp Qaleklr. '4 TTEBTJRG, July . Bpecial Tele- ) Representatives of the Women' club of Plttoburc, the Daughters til the Revolution. tha Daughter! of Pioneer, end the Woman' Southern aocletv, met to make pinna for publlo playgrounds for Pittsburg's poor children. "Instead of which," an irate delegate remarked In the heated progtesa of the meeting, "the subject eeema to have been Mra. Alice Roosevelt langworth, and whether or not she smokes cigarettes, and If so, ought ah?" Just how Mrs. Longworth and the reporte that sha occasionally smoked cigarettes tame into tha discussion of playgrounds not ven the delegates themselves can re member, the doings were so fast and com plicated. Imperial observera say Mrs. J. H. Arm strong started It. She thought playgrounds would counteract vicious habits, especially cigarette smoking. Such curbing of the cigarette habit was needful, she said, be cause woniv. who were examples to the whole United States, like Mrs. Longworth, were notorlua smokers of clgarettea. "I look on a woman who smokes cig arettes," aald Mrs. Armstrong, raising her voice so that it could be heard above rising clamor of mixed approval and ob lactlon. "as I do upon a woman who bleaches her hair with suaplcion. I say, with suspicion." For a little while no one could hear any body else. Some of the most conspicuous persons In the assemblage had distinctly brilliant blonde hair. Mrs. Dale of the Daughters of the Revolution, won In tlta contest for the floor. No women of Pittsburfr," she declared In acid tones, which compelled attention "need get up their feathers because Mrs. U-ongworth smokes clgarettea. iet some ,j T-Ardy else do the fussing. We know very IpI1 that our grandmothers aat ' In the I Isomer of the kitchen fireplace In Pittsburg Aid smoked corncob pipes." "Wow." "8hame." "Order," "Madame Chairman, order!" and other cries of dis tress rent the air. The meeting was ad journed to assemble at a future date when the playgrounds plan would have a Jter chance. apanese steamer sinks i and manyare drowned British Vice Consul and Five Other First-Class Pnsnvnarera Are Saved, TOKIO, ' July 25. The Tetaurel llaru, plying between Kobe and Dairen, sunk laat night off Chlndo, Korea. The ateamer had 346 pasaengera aboard, of whom forty were saved. The. othera are mlaslng. Warships have been sent to the rescue. The captain and a majority, of the craw were unable to leave the ateamer. Six first class paasengeia were saved. Including W. Cunningham, the British vice consul at Osaka, as well as thirteen second claaa passengers. One hundred and five third class pas sengers and fifty-seven soldiers were taken off in boats and there Is reason to believe that these boats either reached land or were picked up by the warships. . Officials After Liquor Sellers Ton Saloon Keepers Arrested for Trtifio with Indians on Rosebud Alleged Illegal Acts. LAM BO, 8. D.. July 15. (Speclal.)-Th Interior Department, Bureau for the Sup pression of the Liquor Traffic Among the Indiana, baa been busy on the Rosebud the past month. This week six saloon keepers In Onegory, two hi Colome and two la Winner were arrested by Deputy United Slates Marshall Parmley, of Cham berlain, on complaint of T. K. Brents, spe cial officer of the service. The four latter were tried before United State Commis sioner Ziebach at this place on Friday and all were bound over to the federal grand Jury except one from Winner, who proved a complete alibi and that it was clearly a case of mistaken identity. Sentiment on the Rosebud is very much against the tactics of the government offi cials and many threats have been made that someons will have bad luck If the square deal is not mors In evidence in the future. It is alleged the system of the special officer In this country was to travel around In company with Boss Farmer Moaner, of the White River Issue station, and Special Officer Johnson, son of the chief officer of the department, with Amos Little Crow, a breed from the Fort Bel knsp reservation In Montana. They would go Into a saloon, buy the drinks and then the Indian would buy a half pint of whiskey to take along. This the special offloers took, sealed up and presented as evidence. In their operations In Gregory and Tripp county on June 77 they drove from the Whit River to Dallas, Gregory, Colome, Dixon and Winner and then to the Rose bud agency all In one day, and, in the parlance of the west, "grabbed" ten men on the trip. These men they had never seen before In their lives snd they spent only a few minutes in any one place. Then they came back a month later and made the arrests, and on the stand swore positively to the Identity of every man. Assistant United States District Attorney John Holman of Sioux Falls acted as prose cutor In the cases and Bruce Backus of Winner and F. C. O'Hollaren of Lamro defended before the United states Commis sioner here. Pickpockets Get Large Sum from Taft's Admirers Light-Fingered Gentry Ply Trade with Good Eesults Among Crowd Waiting to See President BAB HARBOR. Me., July 26.Prealdent Taft Is once more on the water. He left Ellsworth this afternoon after his visit to Senator Hale and went by special train to ML Desert ferry, where he boarded the Mayflower, which headed for Bar Har bor and the sea. The course from here lies southward and a slow run will take the president to Islesboro, where he Is due to land at 10 a. m. tomorrow. Mr. Taft' strained ankle, after a night In compresses, was improved today and his limp seemed less painful than on yes terday. At Ellsworth President Taft and his en tire party attended services at a Con gregational church. Chief of Police Drummey of Ellsworth was busy late last night and today record ing complaints from the townspeople of losses of pocketbooks, watches and other articles of Jewelry. It seems that a band of pickpockets- four men and a woman arrived In Ells worth Just before the president got there and piled their trade with unusual suc cess. It Is estimated thieves got away with several hundred dollars In the aggregate, although the Individual losses did not go above SIS. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Dr. Niles of Ames Conducting Ilog Cholera Experiments. MAT PSOVE BOON TO FARMERS Roamaalaa Societies Hold All-Day Celebration In Honor of Dedica tion of Banners Inspector MrCana Dead. . NEW ISSUE "IN. WYOMING One Faction of Republicans Will Vre Liquor Issue In Campaign for Governor. SHERIDAN, Wyo., July to. (Special.) With almost startling suddenness in polltl cal circles comes the announcement that one faction of republicans in Wyoming will Virge the liquor issue in the campaign now fairly under way for governor. The men In charge of Attorney General Mul len' candidacy and who are especially Interested In bringing about the defeat, ) U possible, of Judge Carey for the repub i Ilcan nomination, Inlst that the law passed I at the last session of legislature prohlb itlng the sale of liquor outside of Incor porated towns and cities of the state should be repealed. The Mullen managers profess to believe C that sufficient change of sentiment In the w country dlstrtcts has developed to Justify them In making a pro-whisky campaign FOREIGN PURCHASES ARE MANY TIMES INCREASED Importations on I.n.T.nrlea Jinn In to Hure Flararea Americans Bay Aitoi at Homo. WASHINGTON. July 23. -Prosperity In the United State I on the Increase If the purchase abroad by Americana during tha last year of work of art, diamonds, fine furs and champagne can be taken as a criterion. In the flacal year 1909 only 13,- 800.000 worth of art were Imported, but dur ing the fiscal year Just closed art works to the value of 121,100,000 were brought in. In diamonds the increase was from $21,100,000 to 139,800,000. In undressed fur skins from Iil.700,000 to $15,200,000; In dress furs and manufactures thereof, from S3, 400.000 to S1L- While no more automobiles were Imported last year than during the previous twelve months, their value in each case havlmr been 12,900,000, this is accounted for by the fact that most Americans are buying machines of home make; and whereas only $5,400,000 worth of automobiles were ex ported in 1909, this country sent abroad this ibsi year ,n,wu worm, increases are Unlucky Day on Branch Line Four Trains recked in One Day Five Men Hurt on Lake Shore Road. FRANKLIN, Ta., July 25.-It was an off ag'ln Flnnlgan" day on the Franklin branch of the Lake Shore railroad. Four trains were wrecked; five men were hurt, one perhaps fatally. First, a westbound freight crashed head- on into a double header, piling up three engines and seven cars. A wreck train rushing from Ashtabula, Ohio, Jumped the track near Jamestown and was ditched. Three locomotives con plea together run ning to the telegraph office for orders col' lined near the roundhouse here with an other engine, one locomotive being demol ished and the others badly damazed. Will iam Dye of Ashtabula, engineer of the wreck train, was seriously Injured. Four other engineers were hurt, but not seriously. PAID FOR CADET SERVICE Retired Brigadier General Geta Two Hundred and Forty Dollars After IV earl r Forty-FlTC Yeara. WASHINGTON, July 25.-For services rendered nearly forty-five years ago, Brigadier General Parry R. Anderson, a retired artillery officers, is to receive from the govenment $240. This is because of the fact that General Anderson served as cadet at West Point from July, 1S64, to January, 1863, six months and eighteen days. YOUNGSTOWN, O., July 25.-In a scram that this service in the academy was actually service In the army and that Gen- showmby the figures prepared by the 1 AnaerBon to pay lor the bureau 'of statistics ' in" imnnrt. At , I time he spent at West Point. - other article; and the total increased from $1, $11,800,000 in 1909 to $1,658,100,000 last year. The Imports of manufacturers materials during the fiscal year 1910 were the largest on record. The exports of manufactures for the year also exceeded those of any previous year. The value of the exports was $1,740,000,000, an I n ore as e of $72,000,000. The Increase in the Imports was $2tf,0u0. Dr. Niles of Ames. Ia., has arrived in South Omaha and is conducting the long promised experiments to test the efficacy of a new serum as an antl-toxine for hog cholera. Friday and Saturday a number of hogs were Inoculated with the genuine cholera germs and placed in the quarantine division of the Union Stock yards. They will be cared for there and when the cases of cholera are well developed, several other animals will ba Inoculated with the hog cholera serum, and these will be placed in the pen with the sick hogs. the. object is to see how .much better the latter animals resist the Infection than hogs which are not treated in this manner. Should the scrum prove adequate it la likely that the government will aid in stamping out the disease of cholera effectually by this means. The Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha Is bearing the expense of the en tire experiment. It will require the better part of two weeks to complete the experi ments after tha cases of cholera are well developed. Bulletins of th progress of the experi ment will be published dally. The breed ers of hogs are invited to be present and watch the progress of the experiments. It is likely that the Industry of furnishing the necessary amount of the anti-toxin will be a thrifty Industry should the experiment prove a success. Roumanian Celebrate. Th Roumanlun societies held an all-day celebration yesterday In honor of the dedi cation of two banners. A Roumanian ban ner and an American emblem were dedi cated to stand In the lodge rooms of the Roumanian National society at Twenty sixth and N streets. The Roumanians marched to their hall at 9:30 a. in., where the religious ceremony was held. At noon the society, led by Franek's band, paraded the streets, marching to Thirtieth and Q streets and back by way of Twenty-fourth to Rushlng's hall. They were Joined at Twenty-alxth and Q streets by a delegation of the Servian societies, which also bore two elegant banners. At Rushlng's hall a fine banquet was spread and afterward, a long musical program was carried out dur ing the afternoon. Mayor P. J. Tralnor and P. C. Caldwell were present and made addresses. The mayor expressed some sur prise at th strength of the Roumanian society and aald he liked the combination as Illustrated by the dedication of the two banners. The exercises continued in the Roumanian language all the afternoon., In th evening the day waa given over to the younger people and dancing and merry making continued nearly all night. Inspector John McCann Dead. John McCann, one ot the oldest Inspectors In the point of service in the South Omaha branch of the bureau of animal industry, died Sunday afternoon after a Very long and painful Illness. He was suffering from a complaint of the liver and a complication of dropsy. For days his life had clung by the merest thread and might have ended at any mo ment He had been a resident of South Omaha for twenty-two years and during the greater, part of the time, had, served in the capacity of Inspector. .The deceased is survived by his wife. There are no chil dren. The funeral; win , bp,$eld irom th WICKERSHAM AND NAGEL ARE ON WAY TO ALASKA Two Cabinet Officer Arrive at Van couver and Take Government Steamer for North. VANCOUVER, B. C, July I5.-United 8tate Attorney General George W. Wicker sham and Secretary of Commerce and Labor Charles Nagel arrived from the east this morning and left Immediately for Alaska aboard the fish commission steamer Albatross. The Albatross was lying in the and asking th next legl.l.tu. to. restore h"bop ttB "V t0 Proced . .h- .,.... ,n.. h. when their train arrived. The cabinet of- .1 they formerly were. , However, tha church veoDle and manv aethers here are thoroughly aroused In op position to the move of the Mullen cam paign manager and a new alignment of forces prepared for battle at th primaries Is piomined. They propose to fight any attempt to repeal the sntl-liquor law ap plying to country town. .They point out mat police lobulation cf Hlnnni Is inade quate to , cope with, the situation In th dUirlcis affected and that without such places law and order is better preserved. The new Issuo precipitated comes at a time when It was supposed neither fac tion -of republicans would become Involved In a liquor fight; during tha present guber natorial campaign, and has caused a tre mendous stir wltjiln party lines in Sheri dan county. - ' " ficlals expect to be gone until September. WOMAN BURNED IN BONFIRE Sirs. Hannah Reynolds Found Smoalderlnar Embers In Woods liar Re a Murder. In residence. 6'S North Twenty-fifth street, to ?t. "Afmrs"- church, Tuewdwy -at S0 a. m. -Totuinr Hresnahan to Weil. Tommy Hresnahan. popularly announced as the pride of the tshamrock club of South Omaha, the doughty little huxer of the Mnglc City, Is to te married at 8 a. m. Tuesday, at St. Mary's church, to Miss Mary Mechan. Immediately after the cere mony a wedding breakfast will be served at the b'ome of the brldo's mother. Lester Murphy Is to act as best man and a younger sister of the bride will act as her bridesmaid. Stanley Ketchell will be pres ent at the ceremony. The heavy-weight boxer Is an old-time friend of Hresnahan. Mucin City tioasln. Miss Margaret Lewis Is spending her va cation at lewls, la Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Mead have returned from a trip to Minden, Neb. Miss Marie M. Shultx has gone on a visit to Kennard, Washington county, for a few weeks. Harry Boyd has returned from a visit to New York, where he spent nearly a week on business. ' Miss Grace Stlllwell leaves today for a visit at Shelby, Neb. She will be absent several weeks. ' Mrs. W. B. Tagg and son, Richard, left Saturday evening for a month's visit at Louisville, Ky. 8TORT55 Delicious Bottled Beer delivered promptly to your residence. Phone H. 1431. Broderlck A Maslowsky. The Southwestern Improvement club has newlv organized and win meet lueeaay at Forty-eighth and W streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cribble entertained a large dinner party at the South' Omaha Country club Friday evening. 'PHONO SOUTH 868 for a case of JET TER GOLD TOP. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. William Jetter. Hank Elsfelder will begin his annual va cation today. He says he la going for the Platte, and will get cooled off if It takea all summer. Anton Vampole was arrested Saturday night for raising a disturbance at Franek'a hall, owing to his objection to hi wife' dancing there. Mrs. Paul Hennl and daughter have ar rived safely In tvwltserland. where they went to visit Mrs. Hennl' mother, who la In falling health. , Henrv 13. Allen, editor of the Madison Tost, and Miss Emma Eetzel were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. J. M. liothwell, Saturday noon. The South Omaha government Inspectors had their photographs taken In a body Sun day morning. They were grouped on the north side of the postofflce building. Louis Lucas irrationally flourished a knife In the face of bystanders at Twenty fourth and W streets Saturday night and frightened Mrs. Frank Macek into a faint from which she did not recover for ssveral Hours. ... The regular meeting of the South Omaha Central Labor union will be held this (Mon dnv evening at Brennan's hall. Twenty fifth and N streets, and a full attendance cf the delegates I desired as the semi-annual election of officers will be held. At the Theaters J. H. Mallory is Brought Back 1 Head of Omaha and Connoil Bluffi Transfer Company Arrested in Wakefield, Neb. Deputy Sheriff Leuoh of Council Bluffs went to Wakefield, Neb., yesterday after Sheriff McCaffery had received word that the town marshal there had J. H. Mallory, 191 North Twenty-fifth street. Omaha, under arrest. A bench warrant was Issued for Mallory by Judge Wbeeler of th dis trict court at Council Bluff mora than a week ago, charging him with th embezzle ment of $r26 belonging to the estate ot hi deceased wife and ro hi oar a guardian of their children. Mallory ha been the chief owner and head ot th Omaha and Council Bluff Transfer company and waa expected to be found at his place of busi ness here. He wa away, howver, and wa not definitely located until Saturday. Notio ot th arrest waa not reoeived here until very late Saturday night. Mr. Mallory consented to return to Counoll Bluff without the formality of a requisition and was due to arriv there on a let train laat night On July IS h wa removed from th guardlanahip and H. G. MoOee of Council Bluff appointed by Judge Whelr after a full hearing of complaint mad by rela tives that the fund left for th car of th children wor not being properly admin istered. The court refused to allow a claim of Mallory amounting to $1,440 for the care ot th children and ordered him to pay the new guardian at once $526.05. Mallory neg lected to comply and Ignored th messages sent him. This led to the Issue of th war rant for his arrest. Counterfeit Dollar buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buy Dr. King New Llf Pill, for constipation, malaria and Jaundice. For aale by Beaton Drug Co. Th CJIrl and th Gambler- at the Kris, Th girl Is on of those lovely, forlorn and peraecuted creature at least occasion ally met with on th tajie. Th gambler I a second Jack Hamlin. Having no other vlcea than fondness for a faro layout, he 1 to be depended upon to rescue th maiden all forlorn from th machinations of tha villain. Th struggle I over a mine. Tha play which th newly organised Miller Stock company la presenting at th Krug ha some situation which are not start llngly new, but th company Is of pretty good quality and met with favor at It first appearance yesterday. Miss Laura Tam men played th distressed damsel and Mis Maud Hallar, late of th late Rocedla Stock company, appeared In an Ingenu role. Jefferon L. Smith was tha aalntly gambler and J. P. DeForeat wa another manly person of th sort. Summer Vaudeville at th Oayety. Don't overlook th show at th Gay sty th first half of thla week. Th Mal Commla are Juggler extraordinary. Th strge I filled with article for them to Juggle and when they get through there I very little left, but a whole lot ot satis faction, and that Is In th audience. Th range of article seems to cover everything from a mission clock to a live puppy dog. Clar Collin demonstrate that she I a charming In man's attire a ah probably Is In feminine frUls and ttxln'a. She make an Ideal chappie, and her song are all sung with a decree of enthusiasm that show she means it. "A Romance ot Reno ' Is probably on of th most Interesting film shown at th Gayety thu far thla summer. Tomorrow all the plcaure will be changed; on Thursday another set ot vaudeville acta will supplant those now ap pearing. The theater wa packed. Boundary Line Fence- Cut. KIMBALL, Neb.k July 26. (Special.) A dispute growing out ot a boundary line re sulted In J. A. Slmones' fence being cut to piece laat night. Slmones had his land surveyed recently, and th survey cut Into E. J. Pesters' farm. Slmones ba sent tor bloodhounds. Slmones formerly lived In Omaha. Th Key to the Situation Bee Want Ad. Why Omaha Real Estate Is a Good Investment If our large corporations like our Railroads, Woodmen ,of the "World, and our wholesale houses, who have their head men of the highest standing in the financial world, can see a good reason to invest in Omaha, why need any one doubt the stabil- lt7 TheUwrUer'asked one of the owners of the New City National Bank Building "what he considered the property worth today," and he said, "he personally would not favor selling at a half million dollars profit." He also said, "that of all his holdings, he considered this property the safest legacy he could leave to his children for their future protection. This is the confidence needed by all, d this man believes in Omaha, because he has studied the conditions open to everyone. Our advantages are unequaled by any western city and it only lies with 0urselves to ke advantage of these opppr- tunities. BYRON R. HASTINGS, President, W Hastings & Heydon, Bis; Price for South Dakota Land SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., July 25. (Special.) au rormer records lor prices paid per acre for Minnehaha county farm land were broken a day or two ago, when George Barkley, an Iowa farmer, pair $112.50 per acre for what Is known as the T. M. Mauseholder farm of 160 acres, situated three miles northwest of Sioux Falls. This Is the top price ever paid for Minnehaha county and South Dakota farm land. Thla is not Mr. Barkley's first experience with farm land in this state. About a year ago he made a trip here from Odebolt, la., and purchased what Is known as the Manley farm, near Sioux Falls, paying $65 per acre. Less than a month ago he sold this farm for $92.60 per acre. If I I FUNERAL OF JUDGE KEITH Body of Late south Dakota Justice to Ue laid to Rest Tuesda y. SIOUX FALLS, S. V.) July 16. (Special.) The funeral of the late Judgn Hosmer II. Keith, who died at the family residence in this city, will take place from the family residence next TuesJay afternoon at $ o'clock. The delay In holding the funeral Is tor th purpose of permitting a son to arrive from the Pacific coast. There will lt large delegations of Elks and Masons at the funeral, the deceased during his life having been a prominent member of both orders. He was a thlrty-aecond degree Mason and a past exalted ruler ot the local Elk lodge. It Is expected that a number of attorneys from points throughout th state v.111 ttSDd.Oio fuiii.ral. NEVADA TOWN BURNS SEATTLE. Wash., July !5.-The body of Mrs. Hannah Reynolds, an aged woman who lived with her two sons in this oltv. waa found in the smouldering embers of what had been a hug bonfire in the woods near Ravenna park today. Investigation has led th authorities to think that th woman, who had shown signs of mental derangement, had taken thla method of destroying herself. The theory of possible murder Is being looked Into. YOUNG WOMAN KILLS HERSELF Mia Pearl Brown of Chalk Butte, S. D., Commits Suicide by Shooting. STURGIS, S. D., July 25.-(Special.) Pearl Brown, aged about 21, stepdaughter of David Brown of Chalk Butte, committed suicide by shooting herself through the heart with a revolver yesterday afternoon. No motive for the deed Is known. It seems she had been away on a visit, and returned home and told her slstor she came home to kill herself, which she did shortly after wards. It ta said she smiled when she made the above remark. d Pros Hlah Wist .rasa name an pert Are that Town Will Ba . Wiped Out. RENO, Nevada, July IS. Wadsworth, a town twenty-five mile east of Reno, on the main line ot the Southern Pacific, Is afire, and reports at 11 So this morning indicate that the town will be entirely wiped out A high wind Is sweeping the flames from on building to another. Dakota Kettablteaaa rulnatrweted. DAKOTA CITT. Neb., July 25. -(Special.) . The republican convention of Dakota county yesterday elected W. P. Warner, Judge W. H. I:ya4. J. W. HaaelgreT. Au guat llaaaeo and L I Rjckwen delegates to th stat convention. Th deieaatloB la Finds Letter, Khoots Hasbaud. DENVER, Colo., July 25. Pressing a re volver against the templo of her husband, Frank V. Ferrea. as lie lay asleep today. Mrs. Lulu Ferres sent a bullet crashing through nis brains ana a few minutes later blew out her brains. Clutched In the woman's hand was found a letter addressed to her husband and sirned "Marie." H waa couched in endearing terms. lovrav Aevra Aulea, CRESTON-Cilfford, the D-year-ol'd son of William bninn of iteiiogg, was druwnea in tim Norm Skunk river Saturday alter noon. Atnlmson, the 11-year-olu brother of Ciittoru, aiso sank in Win watsr, but he vas rcfeusciiated. 'MA60.N CITY Albert Bryant, aged 17 yean, presiaenl ot the lall grauuatlug class of tne Aianou City ingu nuiiooi, aied at 6 o'clock Saturday at lei noon. He was one vf the excellmii ana popular young men ot the oily. Vue remains will be taken to bauulu tor burial. MARSriALLTOWN Mrs. W. L. Staves ana giauuuaugiiter. Vera VValkupt agod la years, were oudly injured this morning, wntu they wore tun uuu by a touring car driven by Jonn D. flumb. The accident happeiieu while Mrs. btaves ana th chilu wet crossing a street Intersection. ' OSKALOOJSA M. Curry, a wealthy, re tired farmer, aged 70 years, waa touna dead in hlM apartments at Okaloosa atter he had been missing- several hours. &ix tnou sand dollars in cash waa touud in a pocket book on his person, by the coroner who took churge of the body. Death was the result of Heart trouble. MAKdHALLTOWN Charles Miller, alias Janiee KroiUn, alias William Ellis, who U believed to be wanted at Watertown, , wi mooing vne .urin western aepot. who Is also wanted lu Chlcaao on ana numerous charges of then and burglary, la unuer arrest here. Miller admita that he has eerved a term in the Jollet peniten tiary. 11ARLAX Mrs. Nathan Booth and daugh ter, Ci.arlotte. were throw u from a ouks last evening and painfully injured. Mra. Booth and daughter were riding with Mrs. L. F. Potter about the streets of Harlan, and aa they drove down Durant street one haft of the buggy broke, letting tne buggy run uiio me nurse. l no noiae began to run and plunge, and Ihiew the occupants uum me ouBgy. mra. mom received aev eral deep cuts about the head and waa Dauiy bruised about the body. Th daugii ter bad her ankle badly sprained. HARLAN George Smith, the lS-year-old burglar who waa captured laat week after ne had roora a hardware atore at De fiance, twelve miles north of here, has con fessed to Deputy Sheriff McMahon that his re.il name is Norbltt Klnkhon and that his parents reside at Wheatland, la. Corre tViidniee with tha city marshal at that place confirm his confession. When be was given a preliminary hearing here last week he told some sensational atorles about hla family and himself, and claimed to live at beattle, wash. The confession waa ob lainea irom mm upon suspicion from a postal card found on his person from Wheatland and on which he bad achatched out tne postmark.. I. T ML U&K . 1 A r i i v v ' 1 ..4, .jry ' s . a r&s vh, x ' - nf rr teaming Hot m i mm i-:7:W:-S3K:S:S-:-' When you begin to think it's a personal matter between you a and the sun to see which is the hotter, it's jv nign time you oougnt yourself A Glass of C55'TT SrMie3f ml mi in Ik y -! K Positively, it's and thirst and a liquid breeze that blows away heat fatigue and touches particular palates with vigorous deliciousness. Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching 5c Everywhere A wholesome building-up food for growing children. The combined nutritive properties of Wheat, Rice, OaU and Barley. ' Ask Your Grocer. Send for our interest- 3 ing booklet, '"The Truth About Coca-Cola" THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Atlanta, Ga. l-B Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola jcinatrucud oa tb option