Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1910, Page 2, Image 2
THH BKK: OMAITA, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1010. S 17 S Whatever you need for the child- ren may be had here now at: summer clearance sale prices; s V Girls' Dresses Reduced. Girls' Coats Reduced. Children's Shoes Reduced. Children's Hats Reduced. Boys' Wash Suits Reduced. Boys' Blouses Reduced. Boys' Shoes Reduced. Boys' Suits Reduced. r "ni yddh rtoptrs CWNITMC 1518-1520 FARNAM STREET. chairman of the convention. It see mi cer tain Judge Norrle hlmielf knowe nothing of this- move. He will arrive here during the night and It seems very doubtful If he will encourage those engineering this eleventh hour caTnpalgn. Senator Drown' a election' aa chairman seemd to be en tirely . aatlaf actor y to a large majority of the delegate! now on the ground. RECORDS BiiOKEN IN WIND ' (Continued from First Page.) "kly's uncles are officers of the regular army. Major Edward Ely of the Twenty elghtH Infantry, and Eugene Ely, a lieu tenant In the cavalry, stationed at Yellow stone . trk. A third uncle, Aaher Ely, died soma months agp. He was a brevet major when he retired. The aviator saw service In Cuba as an enlisted Imtn In the Fourteenth Infantry. He got a. sunstroke at M.ttanzas and was Invalided out. "For which I was thank ful," .said Ely unpatrlotically. deflated army balloon at the aviation field yesterday. The balloon was under the pro cess of being Inflated from a score of hydrogen tanks connected with a main tube when the accident occurred with spectacular though trivial results. One of the tank tube broke from Its point of connection and aent Its powerful charge of gas into the air, striking" the hapless private. Francis escaped injury beyond the shock, but it it rumored hU left eye may be off duty for any chance dress parade of the next day or two. LOOSE Port ROD BALKS HASKELL KEW .AVIATOR, ATTENDS MEET J. W. Can ham of David City Haa Steel . Biplane. J. W. Cahham, carpenter and embryo av iator of, David City, Neb., was a cynical speota'tor at the aviation field yesterday. Mr. Canham modestly admitted he had a bl-plune, all ready for ' action except the engine at his home, and Intended some day to soar. .' ' Mr. jCanham's machine, from his account, differ slightly from the pets of other aero nuts, In' the fact that it la built largly of steel. .' -" Mars threw up his hands and Ely gawped when tUcy 'heard about the strange craft. "We had'- better charter a battleship," re marked Mars. "If steel Is right rubberized silk hasn't a ghost of a show." Mr. Canham further explained that his bl-plitne -ta'Tlbbed with steel tubes and sur faced .with puraflned canvas and spruce .wood. tv ; ' It's englne-whefl, WW? engine 'gets ther will be three cyHnderg'.iBrtrorig', which Is one' cylinder les pretentious than either Mars' or Ely's aeronautic triumphs. CURTISS OBLIGED PICTURE) MEN Aviator Ripcnted Some . V 'r' '"','1 T j;fTij '' ' Maneuvers' far a Ftii Surprising; I'tirpoar. -His queer antics In the air during the best flight of the' day wotf"for Glenn Curtiss the momentary reputation of being stark mad until it became known that there was method In his. madness. The aviator dipped at spine tingling angles straight toward the earth, gllfled at other unseemly lateral angles and swung his machine Into abrupt turns until the. field jcpectators were running hither and thither In art uneasy, sta,te.. In a moment however, the antics were explained by the attracting of attention to a group of caper mens working wlh an unusual InBtryjnenL, Itl was quickly re ported through the grounds that the aviator was flitting across the scope of the queer camera and that the latter was a motion picture machine. Later It was learned' that Curtiss had promised the motion-picture photograhers he would do some "stunts' for the pictures. Omaha Dtrlclble Started Well, hot Had to Mop. Queer rumblings aud a sudden jamming of the engine caused Lieutenant Haskell to throw out a drag rope frQm the govern ment dirigible balloon and abandon his flight just as he had got the craft within, view of the spectators at the aviation field,' for which he was bound, yesterday evening., It was not till after a searching examina tion If the engine's Internal parts had been made after Its descent that the real nature of the accident was learned. It was then discovered that a connecting rod In the second crank-shaft case had be come loose and torn a hole In the case. Accompanied by 'his engineer, Lieutenant Haskell gut his balloon Into a splendid start from the fort toward the aviation field about ten minutes before ( o'clock. He steered the dirigible In a circle around the fort three times before heading finally for the field, assured of making the trip Inside of ten minutes. However, the complaint of the engine ,ln queer sounds caused the '..fleer to signal his men on the fort grounds, and cast out the drag rope several hundred yards south of the fort. He then shut off the engine and steered the balloon over an open field where the signal corps men pulled it to earth safely. The balloon was then towed back to Its starting point. The lieutenant, after an Investigation of the machine, announced that none of the parts had been broken and that a tighten ing of the loose rod would render the en glne fit for service ' again He said - he would make the flight -to the aviation field surely - Monday' evening between . ( and o'clock. The spectators at the field were moved to a high pitch of expectancy when the announcer suddenly-called out that the gov gromeo V dtrlsttoW hiul, .aorr.a,intx. vie wuThe ueia was ciearea quicxiy in anticipation 01 the balloon's arrival so that the crowds In the spectators' enclosure - might have a fair view of it. After the airship had dropped from sight and a half hpur'a tedious wait betokened an accident to the craft, v the announcer again shouted, a message. He anonunced word from the,,fort that the ship had suf fered a broken propeller shaft a mile from the fort Then all eyes-were turned toward the half-Inflated captive balloon. It win tac itly understood that the latter: would be charged and sent up. However,-this move was'abandohed owing to the lateness of the 1iour. UNCLE SAM FLAYS DIG PART " lgraal Corps Men Assist at Meet Without Compensation. Entering heartily Into the momentous aviation event of the city, Uncle Sam's men of the signal corps at Fort Omaha, are the objects of high appreciation. The local managers of the meet and the aviators' staff . all freely expressed their pleasure over the advent of the army balloons. The corps' will receive ho compensation for its part In the aeronautic program, save the laudits it maw vet from the venture. Lieutenant Haskjell explained dur ing the day that his department was not permitted, to engage In exhibitions for mercenary purposes, but that the corps was anxloua to do any courtesy and render any entertainment possible to. the city. He an . nounced that the dirigible and captive bal loons would be put Into action tor the meet as soon as posalble and would continue to be operated for exhibition; to the end of the BaeeL ' ., RAIN JUST IN TIME IN IOWA Central Portion of State "Receives Welcome Moisture. CORN CKOP ON VERGE OF FAILURE Bnelness Interest Generally Relieved at Treclpltatlon Over Large Ter ritory Aegean Above Tnf Aa;o. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, July 25. (Special Tele gram.) Perhaps never before has any ex tensive rain in Iowa been more welcome than the one which started late today an over the central portion. Reports to the crop service from out In the state show that the corn crop is on the verge of ruin from the long drouth. Considering how little rainfall there had been, the corn was generally good, but rain was necessary to save the crop, fio when; the rain started In today and reports came from all over the state that it was general there was great rejoicing. The weather bureau today estimated the corn acreage at 810,000, a slight Increase over last year. Aged Admiral Takes a Bride Henry Walton Orinnell is Married to Miss Roach, Daughter of His Friends. BOSTON, '"July 2o! Japan's''Yankee nlral," Henry Walton" jlffnnellw as1 r ee ad miral," Henry Walton ;orlnnell,' wad mar ried today, to Miss FlbTence .Mary Hoche, daughter of the late James Jeffrey Hoche, the well known author. The ceremony was performed In the Jloman Catholic cathedral of the Holy Cross. In the presence of rela tives and a few friends. Admiral Grlnnell Is 74 years old and was an Intimate friend of the father of the bride, who Is 25 years old. Admiral Orinnell served with Farragut at Mobile Bay, and later was In the navaV Service on one of the South American republics. He was adviser In the Japanese .naval establishment pre vious to the China-Japanese war, and for his services In that war was made admiral In the mikado's fleet. Sheds Bnrned at Hhenasdoah. SHENANDOAH, la., July 2o.-(Speclal.)- Fire of unknown origin at midnight de stroyed the remainder of the old cattle sheds belonging to the Shenandoah Fair association. The loss, which amounted to several thousand dollars, was partially cov ered by $300 lnsuranoe. Secretary Goldberg said this morning that this loss would in no way Interfere with the fair to be held the week of August 8, and that the asso ciation would put towork a force large enough to replace the sheds by a modern cattle barn. The new sheds adjoining the old one3, and which had just been com pleted, were not damaged. Hundred and Two Years Old. IOWA CITY, la,, July 26.-(Speclal.) Mrs. II. B. Clark, aged 102, is dead at Forest City, la., owing to -paralysis. She conns of a long-lived race. Her father died at 104. Seven children survive. Isaac Clark of Omaha Is a son. Catholic Bishop Meets Indian Every Reservation in South Dakota Represented in Congress at Chey , enne River Agency. PIERRE, July 25. (Special.) Bishop Busch, the newly appointed Catholic btahop for the territory west of the Missouri in South Dakota, held an Indian congress of his charges among the red men at Chey enne river agency, and It was attended by representatives from every Indian reserva tion In the state. The attendance reached fully 2,000, and the congregations were as attentive, and as earaent in the church work as any could have been. Beside Bishop Bunch, the missionary priests who were present and titgk a part, were Rev, Fathers Llndebner of Fine Ridge; Orote of Rosebud; Ambrose of Crow Creek, and Bede of Standing Rock. The reports made by the heads of the societies of the church among the Indians showed thirty-six St. Joseph societies and the same number of St. Mary societies, which two turned over S2S0 to the bishop to aid in his work. At the meeting nineteen persons were baptized, and keyerity-Beveh'-connr'rned.' Resolutions were adopted providing for committee of two from each society to find out what can be done for the benefit of the societies; giving to the Crow Creek Indians all the rights of the session of the congress, as those which are located on the west side of the river; and the sclec tlon of Sam Charger as a delegate to the general meeting of the Federation of Cath olic societies of America, which la to be held at New Orleans ,late this fall. The next meeting of the congress jvlll be at Pine Ridge. MAN WHO WAS KILLED FLIES Announcer at Aviation Field Startles Crowd. ; y Some local newspapers received a bitter cut from the announcer. t the aviation field yesterday., when that' official fell Into a mirthful whim in' .Un announcement "Cy's" little quip had the elements of satire, to a few auditors mystery. "The next event will be a flight by the man who was killed In Canada," he an nounced In a subdued tone After waiting a moment for this start ling news to sink In, Cy added. "The ntxt event will be a flight by Mr. Ely," In a louder tone. Thereupon a chorus of soft laughter CMiia fuiu Ilia k-iwwua. It waa recalled that .Ely had been reported by mistake as fatally . Injured In a flight at Winnipeg shortly before he was to appear here. That two ribs in his machine were broken and not In his body was a devel opment long since made known. ELY MEETS WITH HARD LICK Flapping: Aileron Brlnsrs Ills Machine to Earth, Damaged. Something not in the regular program o aeroplane tricks happened to Eugene Ely when he came to earth In the disastrous accident that put him out of commission for the evening show yesterday. Ely de clared after he reached the ground that his left aileron had flapped like a broken wing while he was In midair, and ataggered the machine helplessly downward. To the spectators the perrofmance seemed merely to be an unfortunate piece of land ing work on the part of the aviator. The machine teetered stdewiae several times in the descent and struck the ground left side foremost The damage consisted of a broken rib and stay. ' Ely announced he would have the machine repaired soon and would be able to fly Monday. YORK WOULD fclCE MAM BIRDS sanannnaina V Offers Prise of MOO fash for Klleht from Omaha to York. Offering a prise of taco to the first avia tor who shall fly from Omaha to York Neb., a telegram was received by The Bee Monday afurnoon. The offer Is made by the York fire dtpartnmnt. It stipulates that the postlble candidate for the prise must carry a message fryin Mayor Dahlman of Omaha to Mayor ylflrk patrlck of York and drop It Into the latter town. W. D. Fisher, chief of the York ftre department, signed the message. WOMAN FAINTS FROM THE HEAT Bratlns Hays of the San Too Mneh for Mra. Aim. overcome by the Intense heat and the exnausung strain or standing up in the crowd, a woman whose husband gave the name of Aim, fainted at the side of the aviation field yesterday afternoon. In her sudden fall to the ground Mrs. Aim struck against another woman, causing her also to fall, and created a small commotion In the throng. '(tie unconscious woman waa fanned and her forehead bathed with water by those standing near. She revived In about fif teen minutes ana was able to remain to the conclusion of the aviation program. Trolley Cars Collide in Dark Conductor Shuts Off Current to Stop Fight and Man is Killed in Wreck Which Follows. ST. LOUIS, July 23. William Hoffman died In a hospital today from Injuries re ceived when a heavily loaded street car, returning from Creve Coeur lake, early this morning, crashed into another car. Seven teen other passengers were Injured, some of them seriously. The accident was caused by the conductor of the car in front pulling the trolley pole down to darken the car when two men began to fight. The car coming from behind ran into the darkened car at full speed. MURD0CK ON INSURGENCY Conareaaman Defines It as Movement to Protect Property and Industrials. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, Mo., July 25. Whal is Insurgency?" ' This question was asked this morning of Representative Vic tor Murdock of Kansas, who is here trying to recover a voice lost at speaking In Kan sas. "The movement upon which Kansas folk spoak their minds," Mr.. Murdock said. "It proposes to take this nation out of the hards of the; spectaj' Interests and put It Into the hands -of the -people. It Is' not a movement to .Imperil prosperity. It Is not. a movement to tear down .the Indi vidual, it Is'first of . all, a movement to protect the property, to build up the Indi vidual and expand and uplift the democ racy. "On one side' Is . the Kansas Idea, on the other side the Rhode Island Idea, the stand pat, standstill state Idea." EASHNIW5fSWfcIHrN Sunday is Hottest Day of the Season in City of New York. SAME STORY FROM KANSAS CITY Monday Opens with Teniperatare of Elabty Itandred and i N la. ,la , ; Healstered at Enid, Okl., Snnday.' NEW YORK, July 25,-After Its record rise of 94 degrees yesterday, marking the hottest day of the season, the official mer cury hovered above or not far beneath the fcO degree mark all night, registering a mini mum of 78, and at 8 o'clook this morning Handing at "9, or I degrees above the figures for the same hour on Sunday. The prospects were for another sizzling day. Ithough something of a breozo from the southwest and a less percentage of humidity tended to alleviate conditions. Despite this, prostration cases began to be reported early. Five deaths which occurred In the last twenty-four hours are attributed to the heat. Thousands of tenement dwellers were unable to stand th. heat of the crowded districts during the night and fled to the parks for refuge. A degree of comfort was found in the open spaces, where the breeze that sprang up in the night had a chance to get In Its beneficent work. Report from the Brooklyn hospitals this morning added four to the list of dead from the effects of the torrid wave. Several Deaths at Chicago. CHICAGO, July 26. Average sumner weather prevailed here today, following the record breaking temperature of 102 de grees, recorded at the street level yester day. The mercury at 9 o'clock stood at 79 degrees. Reports of several deaths and many prostrations of yesterday reached the authorities today. Hot Day In Southwest. KANSAS CITY, July 26. Yesterday was the hottest day of the season in the south west, according to the forecaster at the local weather bureau, and today all through the southwest is starting out to beat yes terday's record. In Kansas City at 7 WIRELESS OFFICIALS CITED, FOR CONTEMPT Men Who Refuse to Testify. Mnat Explain io Federal ,i .Court. NEW YORK; July '. The federal grand jury having experienced trouble in the ef forts to get -ee-jrtain books of the United fiRietrrrS?''a' toplier CV 'flitofrrbreslaent 0f the com pany; Samuel S. Bogert, vicej president; Francia S." Butfefirid' Cloyd Marshall, sec retary, cited, before Judge Hand in the United States circuit court to show cause why they should not be punished for contempt. Terre Haute Man Shot by Burglar Negro is Identified as His Assailant and Threats of Lynching . Are Heard. TERRE HAUTE, Ind., July 25. George M. Lints, dying in a hospital from a bullet fired last night by a burglar, has Identi fied Albert McGowan, a negro, as the man who shot him. After the arrest and identi fication, McGowan was taken to jail and there Is fear that an attempt may be made to lynch him. Men are gathering on the street corners and the sheriff is preparing to defend the jail. SECOND ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE SUCCESSFUL Lead Man, Who Jumped from Fourth Story Window, Strangles Hlm . . self with Sheet. . PEADWOOD; S. D., July 85. (Special Telegram.) While recovering from an at tempt at suicide last week, when be jiunped from the fourth story of the Snead hotel In Lead, Walter Vanderhoof. a clerk, aged 24, strangled himself with a bed sheet at the county hospital this morning. He was Insane and would have been sent to Yank ton as soon as he was able to travel. DEATH RECORD. CATHOLIC LADIES' ELECTION Mlsa .Frances E. McGee la Chosen Second Supreme Vice Pres ident. ,. ' CLEVELAND, July 25. At today's session of the convention of the Ladies' Catholic Benevolent association here. Miss Frances E. McGee of Scranton, Pa., was elected second supreme vice president; Mrs. A. J, Boyer of Erie, Pa., was re-elected supreme recorder, and Mrs. Mary E. Coatello of Brooklyn, N. Y waa elected supreme treasurer, defeating Mrs. Felice Glrardot of Detroit, who hejd that office for twelve years. CAPTAIN GUYSMITH ON TRIAL Officer Recently Returned from Phil ippines. Before Court-Martlal at Fort Leavenworth. LEAVENWORTH,- Kan.,- -July M. A court-martial to try Captain jGoy H." B Smith of the Foutfttj Jnfantry,- stationed at Fort Crook, Neb.-onvened here this morn ing. Colonel E. li Bolton, commander of the regiment, and, Second Lieutenant C. T. Griffith, officer of. the regiment have been summoned (o appear as witnesses. 'The Fourth lt!fantry returned late in. June from two y-ears' nervlc4n the Philippines., Cap tain Smith was commissary of the regi ment until relieved recently. .. daeer. Fly ion , Kanaaa Corn. READING, KAV,, July 25.-The appear ance of a queer fly on the corn here Is causing nnxlety. ttenorts received here to day suy that the Inflects are cutting the tasneis rrom tne corn, causing considerable damage. DAUOOMSTS RACK TO EARTH Drop Simultaneously to Earth from Balloons Ulan In the Air. ' Parting from their balloons almost simultaneously George Hanson and John I!. ("Curly") Adams figured yesterday in the oddfcxt race second to the aeroplane race ever seen hi Omaha. 'The two balloonist undertook a paraohute race to earth. "Curly" Adams won the strange content. The hot air balloons both made a -pretty asoenslon to a height of 3u0 feet but a short dlBtance apart I'pun a prearranged plan, Adams waved his hand sweeplngly outward as a signal and dropped. Hanson did not succeed In getting away so quickly. Be sides losing the contest with Adams, he was also beaten to earth by his own emptied balloon. EXPLODl.XU UAS HITS PRIVATE Signal Corpa Man Is Struck by a (lut of Hydroaea Uaa. Struck full in the face by a gust of hydrogen gea, PrlvatH Francis of the United States signal corpa was knocked legser'ng backwards while at work oil the Baron Albert d'Anethan, the Belgian nut. later to Japan, 1 dead. Jla was ap pointed In lifS. KOVEMSKTI OF OCCAJf STEAMSHIPS. Fort. Arrt.Kl lallia. NEW YOKK Arblc NKW YOKK Due 111 Uanuva.... NKW YORK P. K. Wllhtlm B'H'TH AUrTu.N . Ntw York. LlVl'ltpooL I'anaU '. Lavranlla. lilHHALTAK Ilrrlln SI'KZ Protnalln...M - (jl tKNST'lWN , .. .Bltl. tl KKNSTOWN . ..Omnia. CLAiWOW ..oramplaa. '"'. Mrs. Bertha Meyer. Mrs. Bertha Meyer of 1811 Webster street, aged 68 years, the widow of Joseph Meyer, died at her home Sunday night following an extended illness. Mrs. Meyer has lived In Omaha for more than forty years, and was one of the well known old time resi dents. She Is survived by her sons and daughters: Mrs. Joseph Hummel, Anna Meyer, Mrs. Thomas Baker, Oeorge Meyer and John Meyer. Tha funeral arrangements have not as yet been completed, but the ceremony will probably be held Wednesday afternoon with Interment at the Gorman Cathollo cemetery. Edward Whitehead. AUBURN, Neb.. July 25. Edward White head, the oldubt man In the vicinity of Juliun In the northern part of this county, Is dead at the ajre of W years and S inontha, after suffering a paralytic stroke. Mr. Whitehead never married, and seventeen years skd made an arrangement to give George Wlibergtfr his eighty-acre farm for caring for him until death, lie had been a resident of Nemaha county for forty years. Hear Admiral Looker. WASHINGTON, July 23. Rear Admiral Thomas H. Looker, a veteran of the Mexi can end civil war, and for many years paymaster general of the navy, died at his home here last night at the age of 80. o'clook this morning the temperature wac SOT'TTTf filpfiest 'north of the Gulf of Mex ico, the forecaster pays. The lowest tem perature through last night was 7. At Wichita It was 79 at 8 a. m. today, at Ok lahoma City, 7; at Ablllne, Tex., 7S. The nihhest temperature through the snuthwept yeaterday wa at Wichita, Kan., and ot Enid. Oik., where It waa 109. Hundred at SI. Jih. ST. JOSKTH, Mo., July 2:.. -The heat record for several rears' was birkcn today when at 1 p. m. the mercury was-V0 de grees In the shade, .firrat damage Is re sulting from heat and drouth, as there has becnno rain here for six weeks. Fisheries Case Nears the End Argument! Begin Monday British Lawyer Will Speak for First Week. THE HAGUE, July 26. The long drawn out arguments In the Newfoundland fisheries case before the Arbitration Tribunal reached the summing up stage today. Sir W. S. Robson, the British attorney general, will conclude the case for Great Britain, and United States Senator Ellhu Root will clone for tho United States. Sir William, who haa the first say, will occupy tha present week. In opening he took the questions before the tribunal seri atim. Dealing with No. 1, he denied In toto the claims that the United States exercised any sovereignty over the fishing grounds. GUARD FOR RAWN RESIDENCE Village President Says Effort May Be Made to Suppress Evi dence. CHICAGO, July 85. A guard with Instruc tions to preserve all evidence as It stands In the case of the late Ira G. Rawn was placed In the Rawn residence today by order of Samuel H. Greely, president of the village of Wlnnetka. In an explanatory letter to Mrs. Rawn, Mr. Greely explains that the guard la neoes. sary because he says effort "has been made to suppress material evidence as to the facts concerning his (Rawn's) death. A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Not only Is Mother's Friend a sf and simple remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition its use produces makes it of ines timable value to every expectant mother. Mother's Friend relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on the different liga ments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents backache and numbness of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands, and in every way aids in pre serving the health and comfort of prospective mothers. Mother's Friend is a lini ment for external massage, which by lubricating and expanding the different mus cles and membranes, thoroughly prepares the system rf or baby's coming without danger to the mother. Mother's Friend Js sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD CO.. ATLANTA. GA. lit delicate flswor and bouquet delights the taste, affording exquisite pleasure A MrTf r .1 W. Vt mm The American I Chasnpagne Jf J Bettor thorn torotam fA H eoatataao nodutie tffTft.f' I 'sr-'jW Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povifor cleanses, preserves and beauti "fies the teeth, prevents tooth decay and imparts purityl and fragrance to the breath. 1 aiiniifflM At Fountains & Elsewhere Ask for "HORLICBT- Tht Original and Genulna 1 MALTED Y3 ILK Ths Food-drink for All Ages. At restaurants, hotels, and fountains. Delicious, invigorating and sustaining. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Don't travel without it. . " A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Take no imitation.' Just say TIORLlCK'S.''w In No Comb I no or Trus( The Papers Testify ' Daily That There Are Freebooters Abroad They do not go around armed to the teeth as of old, but their methods are just as ef fective. - . v Prudent people keep their money and valuables beyond the reach of thieves and fire. ' Let us have the custody of jour's you . cannot always guard them; we can, its our ' business. " ' Boxes can be rented cost ing you $1.00 for 3 monttfs. In our modern, burglar-proof safe deposit vaults. .i BI'D'O , AMERICAN SATE DEPOSIT VAULTS -2ieS0 umjt. John Says: 'Air full of airships, Crowds fall of flee. All smokin' TBVBT TJBTBBB That's fine for m, "TJtTST BtriTZBl are stUl So no raise la price on account of the Aviation most." Central Cigar Store 321 So. 16th St. To Get Close to Nature nd to appreciate the beauties of the wilds one must get away f ronvthe regular beaten paths. At such a time a shack in the woods eclipses the luxuries of a palace. A case or two of will materially assist in making these outings brighter and happier. No camping outfit is com plete without it Bottled only by the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, Mo, U. S. A. . Anheuser-Busch Co. of Neb. Ceo. &rug, Gen. Mgr. Omaha, Neb. Beautiful Tooth There are but few people who tiave them. rood Teeth, every one might fce If they would no to Dr. Bradbury. The oulukt-st, easiest and least painful ara. the only methods employed by us 'aud hundreds of our patients, both in, and) out of the city will gladly tell you about, (ho good dental work and our up-to-date, way of doing things. Crowns and bridge, work from 16.00 per tooth. Plates i the fit from ft. 00 to 12. SO. Painless extrac tion ot teeth. Nerves of teeth removed' without hurting you. Work warranted ten years, OR. BRADBURY, THE DENTIST- MOfl rarmam St rhona D. 175' IT years sanv looauoa. AMUSEMENTS. " J' 63 A tns9arWhssi DAI tuSf Bs Omaha vs. Des Moines ', . ( July 23-24-25-26 ; Vinton Street Park1 ; MONDAY, July 25th. LADIES' VAX GAMES CALLED AT 8:43. i 7 Special car leaves 15th and Fa mam at 3:30. ' :-i , Night 10c-2e-S0e MatlDce, 10c and 24 Starting Matinee Today KILU STOCK COMPACT ,' ' Presents THE GIRL AMD THE GAMBLER Thursday The Little Vaciibond. Knig Theatre C3TO.NIGHT I I 1o5!:J'tfTn!Alli2SS5Aii I FILES fJW'.lffsHCTI PAY WHEN CURED -FISTULA All Rectal Dlaaaaaa eared without lurmr. I opetatioa and (iuar ant.ed to lau a Lifetime. No cliir-loriu, thar. or other a .naral anaptlbatic uted. (.lamination free. Wilt, for tree Book. DR. E. R. TA1Y 72 Rra Bltlg, OMAHA. NED. Jf you have any...lng to sell o rtrado advertise It in The Bee Want A4 col umns and get quick result MudlavlaTrtatmint Draws Out Pain and PiMmb itt tb.bBon Mnl buln Tknaia Sav. t oiimt. h'tt H..U.I ULMaal) imi. baud tu Buuk. atna. a. V. sTMiMkk, I-na., tnas, 14. SESSI. V What Mr. Bassett Says: I am unloading a carload of GARFORD Automobiles today. I expect another to-; morrow. The Garford is one of the best cars made. It is a 4-cylidner, 7-passenger ma" 'chine with extra invisible seat and platform springs- We make for this superb car the' prettiest bodies in the United States. The price of the GARFORD is $4,300, delivered. SPECIAL NOTICE I will take any car that buyers of GARFORDS may have to exchange, allowing lib-' eral prices for them. I have been overrun with demonstrations of this superb car since coming to Omaha, adviseable to act now. CHAS. H. BASSETT, Special Representative Temporary Headquarters, 312 South 18th. r V (