Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    TI1E BEE! OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 26. 1910.
j ' S i'v "" " " fVl'""" Esry
New Shipments Just Received
From Our Gigantic Purchases of the
Tuesday's bargains from the Tefft-Weller stock will be
extraordinary. Every item mentioned in this ad is an unu
sual offer We conduct a series of special sales from this
pcrchase and every dy will be filled with wonderful bar
$5.00 WOOL BLANKETS at $1.98 PAIR
Tuesday we place on sale five hundred pairs wool blankets
that are one of the biggest bargains from the Tefft-Weller
purchase. They are extra large
ets. If we bought them in the
ij i a Apr .
wouia nave to Ben at ;jj per pair, xuesuay, as
long as they last, we offer them at, per pair. .
So they may go into ns many homes as possible, we will
sell only two pair to a customer.
Pure silk crepe de chine, in new shades, plain and floral
woven effects; 27-inch black llabutai spot proof; 27"inch
al lsilk pongee, silk foulard, and 27-inch fig- fi A
ured messaline wholesale price was up to atf
$1.25 a yard, at, per yard UV
75c and $1.00 SILKS at 25c yd.
Thousands of yards of fine silks from the Tefft-Weller
stock, including yard wide taffeta, in all col" q m
ors on front bargain square, main ) Zjl
floor, per yard
Teift-Weller's 15c Batiste at 6c yd.
Entire stock of trinted lawns from the Tefft-Weller
purchase- This is a sheer quality, made to sell at
15c a yard on sale in basement, per yard ..... . . . . .
Fine French Batiste Embroideries, Edgings
and Insertions from the Tefft-Weller Stock
Choice designs in Irish, Crochet and Venetian point, also
novelty combination effects up to 8 inches r m
1 wide, many to match worth up to
$1.00, at, per yard . . . . . ';
18 and 22 ia. Fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries
Flouncings, skirtings and corset cover widths, hundreds of
tlis season's newest designs
square piled high with grand
up to 50c, at, per yard
50c All Oyer Embroideries at 25c
18-inch cambric and nainsook allover embroid
eries, all good, effective designs for waists, yokes,
etc., worth 50c, at, per yard
Etery Dtj
This Week
Association of Creamery Butter Man
ufacturen So Declares.
Hake mm Eii'wri ia Siup imm Bait
If All Olromaraartn Kxrrpt
Tkat Wblch Has Nt .
Bten Colored.
War mlnit fraudulent sals of olemar
' carina was declared In Omaha Monday by
' ths Amtrlcan Association of Creamery But
' ter Manufacturers, tha exeoutlv commlt-
tea of which assembled at tha Omaha
Commercial club.
The roush draft of a bill was adopted,
which will be presented to confirm at Its
next session. Prof. G.' I McKay, secre
tary of tha association, gave out a state
t ment outllnlne the reasons for the meet
ing and for tha bill, which It ts hoped to
ket adopted. v
"I am resdy to say," laid Prof. McKay,
who was professor of dairying at Ames
. for fifteen years, that SO per cent of what
Is sold for butler lu Chlcsgo Is olcomnr
gartne. Such a condition exluts In many
other places also.
"Our axsoclatlonl desires to protect the
; consumer and the legltipiate manufacturer
as tlio present law does not Under an
amendment to the food and drug act oleo
margarine may not be 'artlflrtslly' colored
unlets a tax of ten cents per pound la
- paid. But tha oloo jnalters are now using
mustard oil and cotton seed oil. evading the
tia and rasslng Uietr product off as gen
uine butter. The bill we wish to adopt
would stop the sale of all oleomargarine
except the uncolored. Unless this Is done
the consumer will never be protected."
At the meeting of the executive commu
tes were theee members: J. H. Itushton and
Charles Harding, Oinuha; J. A. Waiker.
' preaideat of the Blue . Valley Creamery
; company, Chloago; Elmer Forney, Abilene,
. Kan.. R. E. Cobb, St. Puul. and George
, Haskell, president of the Beatrice Creamery
company, Lincoln.
Many other Omahans were at the meet
ing Including Secretary Hector at the
Omaha association and avid Cole.
stables Straaclea
by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. Ma aSd 11.00. For sals by
Ii salon Drug Co.
"TISUJi SX L I'm 1 "
11-4 size scarlet wool blank
regular way, they
m 1
a big bargain .
values, worth
Wa ch for
smjj!Mi,'i .nun, 'i n mii
Pickpockets Are
' Caught at Work
Sleuths Nail TwJ as They Are Plying
Their Trade , on Crowded .
Street Car.
Detective! Emery and Fleming watched
two men pick the pockets of three others
on a Benson street car while the car was
passing three blocks, and then arrested the
men at Twenty-seventh and Cuming streets.
Saturday evening. The prisoners, awaiting
trial, give the names of Louis Bexart and
Charlea Sherwood of Chicago. According
to the detectives the pair failed to got
anything from the pockets of those they
attempted to victimise, chancing to pick
the pockets that were empty.
Sherwood is the man, the police think,
who had a part In tlio allesrod picking of
Tony Donahue's pocket some time ago.
The charge on that occasion was not proven
owing to lack of evidence.
I T. Hoffman of North Twenty-fifth
street appeared at tha station Monday
morning and Identified the two men as tho
onos no saw on the car, and who were
Drushlng against him as they entered. Mr
Hoffman was holding his child In his arms
at the time that tha men were attempting
to toucn mm.
Frank Roaere, who was picked up by
Detectives Ring and Murphy Saturday
night. Is still held for Investigation. The
police believe that In the trio they are
holding that they hare the men who have
been operating In Omaha for the last few
weeks. Several hundred dollars have been
picked from various pockets during that
lime ana It la probable that many who
have been victims will appear to Identify
the men.
Odor of Wild Anmala Krlghtras Pair
f Hemes aud Wnt Kirltement
Fallows sit Parade.
Two big horses hitched to s grader's wagon
threatened to break up the Seils-f'loto
parade as It cams down Douglas street
this morning. The horses did fairly well
until the wagons containing a oouple of
tigers got 00 the windward side cf them.
Then their old range Instincts told them
that their name was a combination Dennis,
and putting on steam down the street they
came dashing through tha parade, nsr
During July and August Store Clears at
5 O'clock. Saturday at 10 P. Al.
Buyers and
An entire week of all over the house
sales. Department managers are put
ting forward their best bargains. Ben
nett's is the bargain center of the west
this week.
fjJ Embroidery FlounclDg 27 In., 24
rO 18 In. Swiss and Flouncing, 18
bric Corset Cover Embroidery, 3 to 6 In. embroidery
Bands, values up to 49c, Tuesday, per yard.........
1,200 yards Swiss allover embroidery and 27
inch Flouncings values up to $1.00."....'...
18-inch corset cover embroidery and 15-inch
Flouncing; 25c values, at, yard. . .... , . . . . . .
Allover Laces, worth up to 59c, yard. . . . . 5oC
Corset Cover and Swiss and Cambric Edge and Insertion,
19o value, yard .'.10c
Linen Specials for Tuesday
The Linen Man Has Some Splendid Offerings for Tuesday:
Bleached Twill Crash Towel
ing, 7c value
Hem Huck towels, large size,
red borders, 10c value
Bleached and Unbleached Table
Damask, 60 in. wide, $,9c. Q
value Special Sale
25c Madras, White Grounds with Colored Stripes of various
widths,. 3 4 in. wide. Best Colors, Tuesday......
Best Domestic Dress Ginghams, A. F. C. and Toll-du-Nord
-qualities, worth 12c and 15c, Tuesday,.
714 South
We Sell on Small Monthly Payments or a Cut Price for Gash
You Get &. World of Comfort
Out of a Cold Storage Re .
frigerator This Extreme
Hot Weather. .
This is what Mr. Memetx, 1302 South
12th street, eays: "My 160-lb. ice ca
pacity Cold Storage keeps cold with ten
rami worth of ice ter day in hot weather.
Nothing has ever epoiled In It. It is no
wonuer 11 was iwiruau ursi. pn& m.
the St. LoQls I'.xpoaitlon. 1 have charged
of loading refrigerator cars at one of
the packing houses. Tha best cars we
load aro tliona ivented by Mr. Hurd, the
Fame ma that invented the Cold btorage
Refrigerator. Tnat is tno reason
bought it.
rowly missing several of the show people
and grazing children until it reached
Tenth street, where the driver was able to
steer the frightened animals down onto
the 'bridge where they stopped. .
Pony Becomes Frightened at Hand of
Mode and Plunatrs Into Pedes
trian Damage is fillahi.
A pny frightened by the elephants In
the circus parade end swerving suddenly to
avoid the band, which began playliur as
it passed him. and an unwary pedestrian
were together responsible for tho peculiar
sccldent of which Mrs. Tom Dennlson,
la07 Ystes street, was the victim. Mmday
Mrs Dennlson, accompanied by M!sj
Marie Freeiand. had driven down to see the
parade, and were driving east on Farnam
street, approaching Blxteenth street. Tha
did not like the looks of the ele
phants and began to be restless. However.
Mrs. Dennlson controlled him until tho
band, which was passing, began playing,
and then the pony Ignored the reins and
started forward with a Jerk. A man, who
was either about to cross the street or to
step aside, stf-pped Instead Into the wheel
and became entangled with its spokes.
thereby suddenly checking the pony's pro.
giess. This threw Mrs. Dennlson from the
csrrlage to the pavement. The abrupt stop
also cstapulted the little poodle from his
place on the seat, but M'M freeiand suc
ceeded in maintaining her place.
Mrs. Dennlson was taken to the office of
In. all Over Swiss,
In. Swiss and . Cam
12Mc. 40 in.-' Victoria Lawn, ex
cellent for lining purposes, I .
yd.........;v. ;..0iC
Hemstitched Pillow Cases, 42x36,
46x36, 20c and 22c values 10
each lUv
Bleached Muslin' Sheets,
72x90 In., 59c value, each.
of Madras
I6tK Street.
Read Below What People Who
Are Uairig It a.nd Have
Tried Others, Say About
the Detroit Ideal.
Mr. Turner, 413(1 Mason. bought a
Detroit Ideal gas stove of us the second
of last May. This Is what he said In
June. The fore part of April I bought
a gas stove of one of the leading con
cerns. Vften I paid my gaa bill the first
of May I made up my mind that I did
not buy an economical stove, so I let it
go back and bought the Detroit Ideal.
No one wi'l believe what a difference
there is In the two stoves until they
compare them as I did. I consider the
Detroit Ideal the best gas stove mads.
Dr. Davjd, A. Medders, In the Erandels
building, and it waa found her Injuries
were only slight. The man who stepped Into
the wheel limped away without giving his
name. ' "
Transl tetl.
"Popper." said little Willie Billups. "what
does the paper mean nlien It says that
when It comes to getting ne;:t to the peo
ple, Colonel lilnHs has all the other i-andl-
dates lashed to the mast?"
That is the slang way of saying, my
son, returned Hlllups, that for keeping
his eye peeled old man Kinks has his op
ponent nklnned av mile.
1 here are people in mis worm ror whom
the Kiiglish languaKe is not good enough
when they come to the expression of what
row Ideas they nave in tneir mental gar
ages." Harper s weekly.
To Aid
Half a teaspoonful of Ilors
ford's Acid I'liosphate in half
a tlaBS of water males diges
tion natural and easy.
Strengthens and invigorates
the entire system.
Acid Phosphate
' (Boa-Alooaolic)
Drexel's Cut
Price Oxford
Sale Continues
You havn't as good a
chance of getting just what
you want Tuesday, but wc
are yet able to fit you in
most any of these "giving
away" oxfords.
Special for
Another 200 pair of Men's Ox
fords, In tan and patent leather,
broken sizes you fit yourself
no exchanges no delivery but
they are only
6 60 Men's Oxfords
Sb.ou Men s Oxfords.
Klin Mnn'a Oxford S3. Bo
44 60 Men's Oxfords
13.50 Men's Oxfords S3. 66
15.60 Women's Oxfords S3.86
14.00 Women's Oxforda fl.BO
$3.60 Women's Oxfords SS-65
3.00 Women's Oxfords S.S8
fi.bO Women's Oxfords . . 1.00
Ten lines misses' and children's
buckle strap pumps, and all our
boys', youth's and
25 Oil
little gent s
oxfords, now
!6.00 Women's Canvas Oxfords MSB
3.00 Women's Canvas Oxfords 81 .80
2.00 Women's Canvas Oxfords $1.00
Women's pink and blue can
vas Oxfords. ..... $1.00
Drexel Sboe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
Agencv. Tou are familiar with the
standard grade and the factory
standard price stamped on tha soles.
S3. BO, 94.00 ana fs.uu if
We cut them in one lump your gj
choice , . i t
Vnnr in some line but not every I
size in every line for they are going!
fast at the
ta the gaopplg
8 Hotel Kupper
lit ad SScSsa
Kansas City. Mo.
In the Shopping District.
Dear all the Xlteatexe.
800 Beautiful Booms.
100 Vrirate Baths.
Kot and eold water la all rooms.
Bpaoiona Xobby, Parlors.
Telephone la every room.
Beautiful Cafe, Perfect Cuisine,
$1.00 to $2.50 Per Day
Zuropean Plan
Kuprjer-Benson Hotel Co.
T. A. BENSON, Mgr.
bAll.l.NG. OUCHES 1H.,
Unique nea food Culslna,
iOHTht-BO .tloiMltuu.. L.arin.1 Mili
tary fust nn tne Atlaailc Coast .
lUarTON KOAKa, tue rtenuvous
of Hie Xatluii Warjiiipa.
gpscial Weekly Bates June to Octob.i
Booklets at Chicago, Bock Island ft
I-aoific and Wuasi Jtnllroads.
Or saureas UHO. r. ADAMS. idUk,
rOMlaVtitUS atOHMOiJ. vi.
Hotel Rome
European '
Cor. ICth nud Jackson Sts.
Two blocks from leading
department stores and all
H theater.
ItO.Mi; Mlf.T.KIL
t. 11th ait
fWsV KoOee, oa
I Veticoat
We close at ft
p. m. 1H
your buying
In Omaha's Basement Suii Department
$25.00 Tailor SuiU $10.00
300 of them, in serges; fine
suitings, plain and fancy
colors, very newest styles;
great snap Tuesday. . .$10
Children's Wash
Dresses, $2 values
all sizes to 14 yrs.
nil colors.. 95c
crepe nnd chal
lis, $3.50 vnlues;
Tuesday, 1.95
Infants' Vear
50c Long
19o Padden
Greatly Underprlced 50c Booties
Panama Dress Skirts In
black and colors, very latest
styles, $7.50 values. $3.95
Summer Fabrics Greatly Underpriccd :
One Big Table of Fine White Goods, Including Lawns
Madras, Dimities, Organdies, Batiste, etc., regular selling
price up to 20c yard at, yard 10c
18c Organdies, in big assort
ment of very handsome pat
terns, yard 12V2C
Amoskca Ginghams
The best;, in Tues
day's sale . . . .7 J4
Bhirting Prints Big
assortment at, choice,
yard ..5
French Percales In good, long,
mill lengths great value Tues
day, yard 10
18c liath and Fsvce Towels In
Tuesday's sale at 11c
Remnants of Muslins, Towelings, Etc ABOUT HALF
75c Brooms on Salo for 25c
14-qt. Gray Enameled Dish Pans,
now at 15k
$1.60 Galvanized Wash Boilers,
now at ..... '. . 89
$1.25 Galvanized Wash Boilers,
now at 75t
Grocery Department
Th Texas Elberta Peaches sra shout
jpBJiB jou asi4 noA uoi
bought, do so now. We have soma
very choice ones; per 4-baaket TQa
crate w
Bushel baskets 91.79
Choice California Burbank Plums,
banket .360
Large California Blue Plums, per
basket 4Bo
ctrrTRY (lAYOEO'S FIRST "ayo
$in50, 41.85 tad 43.20
U Her York City
$fl60 and 44,60
qu Boston, Hass.
$! 9 35 and 46.35 V
qd Portland, tic.
$000, 33.00 and 34.00
A- Buffalo, fl. Y.
tMflTO and 41.00
J. Atlantic City
$5Q60, 32.00, 33.00 and 34.00
U Toronto, Onf.
ou Montreal, Quo.
$400, 33.00 and 34.00
Niagara Falls
Tickets on sale daily.
Ticket Offices
U01-1403 Farnam Stmt
Omaha, Ntb.
Compare for yourself
Measure The Bee against other local
papers in respect of quality as- well as
quantity of timely news and interest
ing articles from day to day and The
Bee's superiority will he demonstrated
21 BBS'S
Sterling Blue Tubes give more
service than any other. They
are the strongest tubes made, are never porous and do not oxydize and
grow brittle when not in use. Combined with Sterling Tires the-cut
your tire troubles to a minimum. Dea'.ers everywhere. Rootlet and
price list on request. Sterling Rubber Works, Rutherford. JN.. ,
For Kale by Paiton & Gallagher Co., Tenth Htreet Viaduct. Omaha,.. '
Cultivate the habit of news
paper reading in your children,
but take care that the paper
educates and does not demor-alUe.
Kxiepllnu Sat
unlay, w e close
t 6 . in. '
PurlnK J"'
and August.
I Ml
$20.00 Silk Dresses $3.75-
500 beautiful dresses, in
fancies, checks, stripes and
plain colors, foulards, etc;
$20 nnd $23 values. .$8.75
House Dresses and
Wrappers, lawn
nnd percale, $1.50
vulpes, at . ,98c,
blips and
and Lace Trimmed Bibs.Tl? .
and Infants Kimonos. 35c
Wash Dress Skirts that sold
at $1.50 and $2; great .val
ues Tuesday, choice. . .9&C
12l2C Organdies, in good as
sortment of colors and pat
terns; on sale at 7YtC
Shirting Gingharoa--fine
selection r on sale
at, yard -j v - v.8H)
"Teaseldown" Bleached Musllo
Kegular 8 Ho Val0. 3G Inohes
wide; Tuesday at, yard. . .(Js
45-Inch French Lawn The regu
lar 19o quality; at, yard. ,10
Mrs. Potts' $1.SS, E-placa Sad
Irons, at ............ . GOs
$1.00 Hose Reels .........494
$10.00 Bplnner Wash Machine
now at 87.50
atraoiaxa its ova rsaiTULB 1
Omaha's VaTorita Market.
t bunches Beets , Be
t bunches Turnips.... 60
8 bunches Radishes 60
Large heads Cauliflower, .60 and THo
6 bunches Ureen Onions So
I bunches Leaf Lettuce So
Larae Cucumbers, each... So
Large gg Plants, eacli.BViO and 10o
wxu oobtuipb rom TTTSKDAT.
Liberal return. -limits
and favor
able stopover
Fast trains at ' r
convenient hours
make dirict con
nections in Chi '
cago 'with all
lines east.
trip now
Reliable . .
Taft's Denial Rooms
Hi w