TIIK BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY 2f. 1010. 11 $46 cart; corn. iUh AM) i'KUullLE MAUKK1 ! J?'r.T0ra NYY0RRST0CRS AND BONDS cal Markets Easier When European Markets Weaken. WHEAT SITUAII03 THE SAME Corn Market the ratnre -Advance V'ts Sham or Hrporti ( CotUd Pry Wmlh'r In Ihe ' , Cum B'K. 1 7 .:..tWn Bel l"5i U'4c; yourg Americas, liSi'tilOc; long horns, lVrilf,ic. I'UTATUh.-Fteady; choice to rancy, i.mi ; fair to good, Kt'TOo. VEAL 8tedv: F.O to 0 lbs., mir; SO to 8S lb., fi9Vtc; 85 to 110 lbs., lofc 104C Crop Damage Reports Disturb Finan cial Conditions on Street. , ,' ' "V OMAHA, Neb,. July 26, 1S10. J.uronean . htt markets showed some lA n oi akmilii;. wniui gave cur maris a an) .itler "opining. I'he situation remains buy-i-U, however, and later early sellers turmt buyers, firming up the market. The piesmire of new wheat la Inclined to checa any marked advance. (Join opened sensationally strong. Con tinued' dry, lior weather run shorts to cover, prices advancing shmply at the opening. Uulla are very aggresen as long s uio dry wealher continues. Then va not much change In the wheat sltuillori, although, values ruled higher early wni'tie- great strength shown In corn. Hedging SHles 'of new Wlifit has been sut fideiit to check any advance, although gu eral conditions have iwt changed. The corn market u the mature ot the grain trade today. The citp scare on dry weather which started last week spread to great proportions when no relief In the way ,f rain ..r cooler temperatures were, re ported -over Sunday. The advance was i . .. . ,iru.M(inr ami was sustained. Prlmurv wheat receipts were l."98,oiw itushels and shipments were 679.HUO Dusneis, gains' receipts last year of 1.847,000 busheis ml snipirreius of b'16.0 bushels. Primary corn receipt were 614.000 bornris and shipments were iM.'Ki" busiieiM. against receipts last year of Ml.OK) bushels and shlpifienla of 226.000 bushels. Clearances were 13.000 busnela of corn, none of oars and , wheat and flour equal to 97.OH0 bushels. . ' . . . Liverpool' closed d lower ou wheat ana Hd hlgner on .corn. Local range oi options: Artlcles'. Opon. ) High. Low. ) Cloae. Bafy. leat j , uiy..,.V 1 lpt... 1 uiy... epl...r- lu7y.'.: t...l Wheat J Be Corn J Oats-. , J Be, 03 1 Ott. 0Efcj. ........ uiy...f ' eb I I ' 6!'- k;pl...r- til-. 61 ' I -. VI , 87HI ! i , , , .. . WKATHEK. IS TUB CiflAI IIKLT Indications Are for Kalr and ontla aed Warm In This Vl.t.iWr. OMAHA, July la. 1910. Very warm weather prevailed through out the central valleya during Saturday and Hunday. and temperatures have risen rapidly throughout the east witnin the last twentv-four hours. Temperatures of 100 or above occurred In Nebraska, Kansas and east over tne central valleys during hatur day and Sunday, and temperaturea-well up In the 90s were general throughout the east durlna- Sunday. The hlahest temperature recorded at Omaha Saturday was 94. and during Sunday 93. Some very light showers were scattered over tfl central valleya dur ing Saturday, but no precipitation worthy or note has occurred west oi tne Missis sippi river within the last forty-eight hours liood rain occurred at points In the unio valley, and some heavy falls are reported in Michigan. Illinois, Indiana aud Jven tucky. Generally fair weather prevails over tho country this morning !l la gen erally clear In the centvsl valleya aud west to the mountains, an., tnu indications are favorable for fair and continued warm In this vicinity tonight and Tuesday ll'lO. l!J0. 1OT. 1907 Minimum temperature.... i i'reolpltatlon 00 .7t) .00 .03 Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees, Deficiency In precipitation since March 1 13.0a Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1909, . of an Inch. Excesa corresponding period In 1908, 2.18 inches. l. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin, For Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. rn., 75th meridian time. Monday, July 25, 1!10: OMAHA DISTRICT Temp. Kain- Statlon. Max. Ashland, Neb 100 Auburn, Neb 99 Hi oken Bow. Neb. 96 Columbus, Neb... 95 BUMPEK CORN CROP NEEDED 'rofltable Harvests Important to Hepay Kitenelv Banking; Credits Throaiahnat Country Affecting .. -llank Heaervn Centers. iyZ iosii U.'mbertaon. Nob.. 90 102'Al, IVi 1 v" lFairbury. Neb...,10U Fairmont, Neb.... 95 37 69T.1 6fT, Ur. Island, Neb.. 96 7 Hartlngton, Neb. ji IIastlnna, Neb. - VtOnska Can frleca. arttv lf-L-Mn 1 'hard. . fBciSil.Om; No. S hard, mbi9:o;. No.' 4 hard, .atcae; rejected ".hard, kaa'JOo; 1Np.. anrlng. WoUSLOO; No. i 4. , r sprlrTg, wxnwso; o.4 spring, "Avi 'OiiN No. 2 whlta, Mo; No. 3 whit. t2 ' Ti'U'c; rNo. i white, l&2c; No. S color. fuUMiJlc; No'. 4 color. buW- No. .2 yel lb viAf.iin-. ?J veliow. 605ri04o; No. Holdrcge, Neb, Uakdale, Neb...., Omaha. Neb , Tekamah, Neb... Alta, la r Carroll, la Clarlnda, la Sibley, la Sioux City, la... 92 96 W 91 9.1 90 88 85 90 Mln. tall. Sky. 8 .00 Clear ij .00 Clear (2 .00 Clear 61 .00 Clear 70 .00 Clear 72 .00 Pt. cloudy 6S .00 Pt cloudy 71 .00 Pt. cloudy SO .00 Cloudy R .00 Cloar ' M .00 Clear 60 .00 Clear 69 .00 Clear 6s .00 -Clear j 60 .00 Pt. cloudy Kti .00 Clear 65 .00 Clear , KS .00 Clear 62 .00 Clear for twelve-hour yellow. 64i)c: No. 2. eoMrC! No. 3, 604) 1 S0Vc: No. -A, 64i0&c; no grade, 48(i65c. OATS Standardr-Hc; No. 3 white. 3S tyxtvwo; No,' whlt, SSfe'Mrc; No. 3 yellow. BARLEY No. 4, 53bc; No. 1 feed, 61 4J2cl rejected, 48i&50o. ; Carlo t Heeclpta. L ... vi , Wheat Corn. Oats. fjhlcaan'.i.-'j.-........'. 128 142 173 Omaha. vi. .' K" kl ' ' U 10 iJulUth,.'.! M " ... CHICAGO GRAIN .AND PROVISIONS Fenturua of tnt'TradliK and Closing ,Pr1ca on Board ot Trade. CHICAGO, July. -25. With temperatures vbovo 100; do rain expected this week and wltrf a. wgter fttmlna" rwported already frmn half doxen cities, fright abhut the corn crop took on serious propor'lona today. Anxiety was Increased by the fact that this cereal had been largely relied upon to maka rood the husre ahortages In the aea- aon'a yield of other grain. A feeling almost akin to panto aent prices wildly upward. and the close was firm at S'A to 4ttc net advance. Wheat aympathlzed VtfTk to la and oata 4a to -il'a'ltte. Provisions also finished dearer, 6 to 2Vc. Most of the extraordinary Influx of or I, dera to fcnv corn came from the country The eendem w?-e'aatd to be chiefly people who had sold agatost the market and were backing the opinion, that the acreage this Minimum temperature period ending at S a. m. . OMAHA DISTRICT No. of Temp. Rain District. Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Columbus, 0 17 Louisville,. Ky 19 Indianapolis, Ind.. 12 Chicago. Ill 26 St. Louis. Mo 13 Des Moines, I a . 14 Minneapolis, Minn. SO Kansas City, Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 19 Hiuh temperatures throughout the corn and wheat region Sun- ay. An i average ot iuu aiove again oo- urred at twenty-two stations In the Kah- saa City district. . Good rains occurred In the eastern districts within the lust twenty four hours. Excessive rains occurred at two stations In the Chicago district,' one station. In tbe Indianapolis district and one station in the Louisville district L.. A. WELSH, Ijocal Forecaster, Weather Bureau. 88 72 . 20 . 88 . 68- .50 86 72 .60 92 M 1.20 92 72 .30 94 70 -.00 86 56 .00 100, 74 .00 94 64 .00 NEW YORK, July 25.-The reports of daiimge to li.e corn crou greatly uiaiuibed ne linaiiciai uisiiict louay. Uial reiunce ua oeeii piue.u uu the sutce oi tn com lup to h.aae up tn ueucieiicy in bpriug wneat anil to redeem ins agi.cunuriu !.- turn lor me year. ine inuoriuiice or profitable harvests Is oiMiiiJerru great Bincu the puuiicanoii last week oi tne lontiollers lepoit, as tne years protits ot agriculture will oe le- quiied to repay tne txtensive banaing cred- ia throughout the country, alluding bana eserve centers. A prospect that the hoped-for bumper crop of corn might be In jeopardy wouid put a new face on tne financial condition, even from tne point ot anticipation of bau results to which the stuck market lias coma. Weaknesa at the closing whs tne reinsertion of this influence of depression. It was evident that speculative holders of United rJlates Steel were adopting pre cautionary measures against a possible un favorable efiect on speculative sentiment on the iiuurterly repoit of earnings, to be published alter the meeting of the di rectors tomorrow. Estimates from Pitts burg sources were In circulation of a ma terial decline to be shown In the earnings, telling I nlled States Steel was under ac tive selling and was one of several promi nent stocks to sell at new low levels for the present year. The weakness was not confined to the common stock, but pre ferred stock aso was sharply depressed. The common stock furnished a large pro portion of the total dealings, and when to them were added transactions in Union Pacific and Reading the rest of the mar ket proveu dull by comparison. Copper securities showed effective re sistance to the prevailing depression. The belief that developments In the control of the principal copper producers and In the direction of the output might be masked under the general movement of stocks, had u part In the attention paid to the group. int money market in Mew York showed growing ease not only from- call, but from time to close. Discounts declined In Lon don in spile of the division between New York , and Berlin of arrivals of South African gold and great anxiety over the stock market there tomorrow. Redemption of British treasury bill will release too, OOO.ouo to the Lonuon money market In a month's tMtie. The London Statist affirms: "We have made careful . Inquiries and we are in formed that America's indebtedness to Eu rope has been fully satisfied by the sale of permanent securities and that It Is In a position to draw the proceeds ot Its large shipments ot produce, which will soon oe made." The London money market Is unperturbed by the prospect of this -requisition from New York. Bonds were easy. Sales, par value, $1,699, 000. U. S. bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were: Trust Funds 4!oM coin. 167,626.000; silver dollar. 4V.fl,O00; silver dollars of ls90, $3.64n,f; silver certificates outstanding, i4".0.'!O,0fA General Fund Standard sllver dollars In general fund, S3. JC57.7S2; current liabilities, Hl.Jl.1,8?!: working balance In treasury offices. Sai.Srf-.O1"; In bsnks to credit i'f treasurer of the Vnlted States, SW.488.027; tubsMlary allver coin. $20.1tiu.24:; minor coin. il.l:,023; total oaiance in gen eral fund. IJ.777.38. t. n York Money Market. NEW YORK, July .-MONEY-ON rail easy at Wa2 per cent: ruling rate, S .per cent; closing bid, 1 per cent; offered at l per cent. Time loans very dun anu steady; sixty days, AirVA ' per cent and ninety daya, 8Vrfl414 per centi six months, lxtin per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 64 per cent. . STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at S4 4.83t for sixty-day bills and at I4.8560 lor demand. Commercial bills, H.83'u-4.M. SILVER Har. 54lic; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, ateadv. Closing quotations on bonds today were as lollows: V. g. r.t. Ii, rf ...l'KX Int. M. M. 4s 14 do coupon li sJrsn 4i ' t'. t. U. r 101 do 4H M- do coud.hi .x'K. (- So. It S t V. 8. 4. M( IMS 'I., 8. d-b. mi... Z do coupon I1HU A N. pnl. 4.... M Allli-tDsl. lit U..'.. ts M., K. A,t. ll ,4s.. 7"4 Am. Af. M i"m an sm. Asi. T. T. e. 4.. HiMo. PlcllW 4s 77 14 Am. Tobacco 4t 9N. R. R. or M. 44. Mil du iotN. y. v. 1. aw Armour A Co. 4s. do drb 4t 5n Airhlsnn sn. 4...,. SN. V.. N.- -M. H. do ct. 4 :uii4 cv. 13 'i do cv. Bs lduN. A W.' 1st c. 4.... :t At. C. L. lt 4 J do c. 4i,.- 7 . IMiNo. I'arlllo 4 10O . du 3a TO . tViO. 8. U rrd. 4a.... . i;'Pcn. cv. Ia !'... .104X rio con. ta...: W MWKaadlns fcfl. 4 t OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Heary Receipts of Cattle, Mostly from Western Ranpe. HOGS MOSTLY FIFTEEN LOWER Vrry Liberal Receipts of Sheep and l.aanbs, - trlth Desirable Kinds Aetlve and Ten to Twenty ins Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. July 25. 1910. Receipts weie: Cattle. Ilog. Sheep Estimate Monday 8.526 4.S.H) Same day laat week 9,270 8.402 Same day 2 weeks ago.. 5,647 .4Mj Maine day 3 weeks ago Same day 4 weeks kgo.. 8,99t 7."i0 Same day last year 4,741 8,Ou4 Holiday. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dais as compared wllh last year: 1910. 1!. Inc. Dec. Cattle fU.60 493,626 40,030 Hog 1.232.M5 1.M2.956 t0,OVO Sheep 822,546 729,3o7 93.1S9 The following table ahows tns average prices of hogs at South Omaha lor the laat several daya, with comparisons: 16.000 17.2iO 13,4ul !oii ,78 ilal. Ohio 4a do iAn do Si w. im..,. Bra. Tf. c. a Can. cf Ua. ba Can. Leather 6a.... t.1. of N. J. f. fta.. Chta. A Oklo 4a.. do rat. 6a Chicago St A. I4a. C, U. A U. . 4a.. ao sen. 4a... .131'. k. a. K. II. 4a. do (an. ,ta ll' oa"St L, Hi W. c. 4a.. 70 do lat gold 4. ... 90 96H Baaboard A. U 4a.... 11 H to. faoiric col. 4a... C. M. ASP. E V 31V do.cr. a 5 C, R. I. P. c. 4a.. W do lat raf. 4a HV do rrg. 4a II 80. Hallway as Oit Colo. Ind. 7SH do n. 4a 74 Colo. Mia. &a aa Union Pacific 4a. C. A 8. r A 4Ha SnVi do ct. 4a.... 1"1 D A II. CT. 4a 97 do lat A nt. 4a M 1. A 11. O. 4a t.'HU. Iv Rubhar Ot 101 do raf. (a I. Itael 2d Oa Plulllart ta Va.-Caro. Chem. 6a.. Erla p. 1. 4a Wabash lat aa....,..l)7 do n. 4a a ao iti at ex. aa iwt .lo ct. 4a, er. A.. Waalarn Md. 4a...... Wl do sarlaa 11 ) wat. Klec. ct. 6a.... M Oan. Elac. ot. a..,.13im,Wla. Central 4a 1 III. Can. lat raf. 4a. 7 Mo. Pac. ct. (a cifa.. 34 Int. Mat. 4 Ha Bid. Olfared. " - London Stork Market LONDON, July 25. American securities were dull during the early trading today. First prices were about unchanged from Saturday' New York closing. An upward movement followed, but realising near the end of the first hour caused a reaction to the opening level. .... cinaina auotatlona on stocks were: Conaola. mortar .. II 11-14 IxiulaTilla N H4H . . iim., .. -"'a .. 404 V. 'Y. Ontral.i...i..ll4 47 41 84 do scoount inul. Cnooar Anaconda Norfolk A W... Atchlann V ao pro do pfd iivuniano m w . Baltlmora A Ohio.. ..110 Pannajlvanla . Canadian Pacific ,...1N4 Rand Mluas . KHW YORK GENERAL MARKET Unotatlona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. July 23 FLOUR Steady. Spring patents, J6.7;u6-h; winter stralgnta, 8-i.6oy4.D0; winter, iNitents, s4-6o&4.t. Rye Hour, steady; lur to gooa, a.iu'ui.ao, cuuive to fancy, 4.4o4.60. Corn M.EAL steady; white and yelllow, Sl.MXnl.&a; coarse, Sl.itxjl&O; kiln dried, 44.40 hi 3 F.I1 W HEAT Spon market easier, No. I red new HI OH: eiuvHtor to arrive c. 1. f.. arid year would prpidixfiCprd-breaklng. totaXla.. f. oc bi uf loat. No.-1 -4ir4rrem Sl.80 I Kneculators Who hid been Impressed by h drouaht havoo to . spring wheat, es- t,-JbI1v. unit were pessimistic In equal do- . .. gree as to corn, supplied the great bulk of 1 the of ferlng ' today. Handsome ' profits were realised on this basis ty a relatively few daalarav Strong wlnde and high mer cury were believed to have Inflicted much rfuftnaara ta Dastures. aa well as to corn. Kansas and Oklahoma were reported to have aurfered worst. The advance greatly Increased the sales of old that was still In the hand of farmers, . but quotations shewed ilUle-signs of yielding, in come o,,, fca aoma ODerators who, tempted by the hope of a break., had sold on the bulge ariv - torlav. were confronted by a neces sity to buy back aa the session neared the ,lThe September option ranged from 64o to 6fi'4o and closed S'io to SV,c up at 664c to Khic The casn marKet was airuin.- vo. J 1lnT xlnaed at' RtlVfflCTc. ' f .rVkimti-v nroentanrtes of bids for wheat to- Iflay were the largest of the crop year, but the actual arrivals were disappointing. In ..uiinri ' ti bullish excitement In corn spread. ' !n . a.- measure, to. wheat. Cool westlier, following rains,. In the Canadian nnrhw hnl a bearish Influence. e.,i,.nnnn the ni-f nn-MiaB are aupplles Xi were shown to be now less than S.OOO.OoO biishsls- behind, last year. beptemDer riuc tuted . between 105Ho and 106ic, closing firm uf iufiiAffil0fiN.c. a gain of V'Ac to 'AC. f Oats reflected the corn advance, but met trim-eased hedging sales on tne raines. Price vorlatlona for- the September option . 1 : .. .. i,.w l.i.al. , . r- nnd !19n 1 naa as inn'i ii - - jajvitn tne inueo 1 - -- V8'itled figure. "' " - - JVrk Used c to- 22Hc ip, lard- Bo to lOo and -rllia. 7H-to -Wte., .-; Lea4lng. future ranged, as follows: continued general Articles. I OP" ! High. Low. Cloae. Sa'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. May Corn July Sept Dec. May Oats July Sept. 1 )ec. May Pork July Kept. Lard . July Sept. Oct. Nov. Riba-r July Sept. - Oct. - Jan. r 1 0fS-6 1 07V8I I 117 6 IB4 j b4'u6o. 1 0K4 1 0K7, 1 12ViS 654 ti5 ; MS 41 4m 39fc'3.l' ilSra'. r 15 75 I 21 624 11 2Vi 11 60 11 56 11 25 11 85 U 46 W 90 20 -l.-v. 2S t 08 I 1 09 1 08V, 1 M l 08"4S 1 OS'dV 1 7VS.1 WT1 07t 1 114 64 62 b4 1 1241 U t4K 814 664'&4i62Vo74 64''aicll o. b. wheat was inactive, closing ni l&lVic net advance. September closed 11 ll- December. 11.14'i.. ' tUKW-Bput market, strong; o. 4, ioiv, Nominal elevator, domestic, basas to ar rive c. I. f. Option market was witnoui transactions, closing 34C net' higher. Sep tember closed 76c. OATS Spot market, rirm; mixed ca to si pounds, nominal; natural white, 26 to 32 pounds, 4Snj)oic; cup pea wnue, i4o. HAY Viuiet; prime, J1.224A1.26; No. 1, S1.174&1.20; No. t, 1.10(&L124; No. 8, 1.00 .. u-T- IlUr'S IJU11; state, common 10 1909, 20Q23c; 1908, nominal; - Paclflo coast, 1909, 9ltic; 1908, nomlnaL HIDK8 Quiet; Central America, 2021o; Bogota, S0VW&214O. LEATHEK Steady; hemlock firsts, 25 27c; seconds, 22&24o; thirds, 1922c;. rejects, 194i'20c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess, S2B.B0 26.00: family, S26.0026.5O; short clears, $24.W 4i25.75. iieer, ateaay; mess, ro.wn(n.w; famllv. 819.0oai9.50: beef hams, S22.004f24.00. Cut meats, steady;' pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lhs.. 817.0041 19.00: pickled nams, iia.uwi.ov. Lard, eaaler; middle west prime, $11.65 11.76; refined, steady; continent, $12.50; South America, $13.26; compound, 9.&uw.io. TALLOW Steady; prime, hhds., 7o; coun try, 64ij7Vic BTJTTEK Steady to firm. Creamery spe cials 28411 2Sc; extra, 271i&28c; third to firoi- ii-,i27c: state dalrv. common to finest. 22W27c; process second to special, 222o4c; western factory, 22'u23V4c; western imitation creamery. 24fi 2oo. . ' '" ' . , CHEEES Steady; state, wnoie milk, spe- elals. lnoilftc: fancy. 144c: average prime. 14-!il44c; fair to goo, 124134; common, ui-wiiip: skims, full to- special, ZV40120. EOO.S Steady ; state.; i-ennsywania ana near bv hennery white, 29Ca32c; gathered hit ?lVH29o: hennery brown 26ia28c: gath ered brown. 22ti'26c; fresh, gathered extra Hr.t Kirhiiv.c". tirsL iiiii::sr: irnw. iiwiic. pdULTUY Alive. unsettled; nearby broilers, 18c; fowls, 174c; turkeys, 10fcl4c. Dressed, firm; western broilers, 18&lc; fowls, 14J)184c; turkeys, iwazvc . - Balaa. Hlh. Low. Cloas. Allla-Chalnvera ' pfd 809 IS 28 28 Amalsamatad Copper 41,600 6 47 MH American Asrlrultural .... too 18 8 8,'H American Bactt 8uar....... l."0 27H r74 Amor li an can 4.400 774 7' 7 American c. A F 8.0U0 4V4 44 44 American Cotton OU 1,000 S&H 664 (54 American H. A U ptd soo MVi 88 12 Ain. lea securities l.suo ' n 10 A mar lean Llnaead 100 11 il 1014 Amanoan MconiociTS i.ww an 114 11 American S. A R 17,400 44V. 44 48 Am. 8. A R. p4 , 404 100 100 M am. steal Kounrtrlea. 100 41 44 44 Am. Suaar Radnlna 200 1174 117 114 American T. A T 700 1114 181 IMS American Tobaeee pfd ,. .. 91 American woolen 2f Anaconda Mining Co too 87 17 ST Atohleon 84,400 124 MH Atoniaoa pra 7W n m Atlantis Coast Una 400 10714 107 lo Baltlmora A Ohio. 8,600 107 1044 104 uetnieaem steal ............ iw a -a Brooklyn Rapid Tr 7.400 744 73 71 Canadian Paclflo , 2,400 1804 180 17V uaiKrai uatntr ,... s,iw mo w ao Central Leather pfd.....(,. ...... 101 Central 'ot New Jaraey f Cbaaapsaka- A OhJo....,... ,0 04 ; 4S tpieaao t Alton. .... wut. 9a. - Z4JL 24 Chicago Ot. W,,"m..i '600 B- ' 11 814 u. u. w. pro.. too 700 8.800 600 SU0 4.400 t.WO 1.000 700 400 800 24 1V4 1,800 10) 9,600 187 1.100 114 S.700 4 1 48 8,000 65 694 83 800 102 102 107 4 47 41 86 86 84 8,100 100 10,100 111 10 104 l.two 41 40 U 90. 11 75 11 80 11 674 11 40 11 90 11 674 11 10 20 41H 4IT, 4H4 39 39 8t ' 404 404 89; 42 43464 24 25 75 2a KT 21 60 I 21 bO 21 674 It 6?4 11 76 11 70 11 574 H 76 11 674 11 474 11 624 U 80 U 224 U 35 11 85 11 90 11 60 11 40 11 574 10 90 11 10 9 20 9 20 Vn ' tash quota Hons were as follows: t'liirn-tilow: winter patents. $i.25; win ter straights. $4.srm5.00; spring patents, best hard. $6.iu7.00; bakers, iwun.w. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 524r63c; fair to choice malting. ."titi9c. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $2.41; No. 1 northwestern, $2 61. Timothy, $5.75. Clover, $12.76. I'HOVlSltlNS Mess pork, per nbl., $l'5.00 4j26U. Lard, per 100 lbs., $U.i5. Short ribs, Idea (loore). $11. 70 u 12.124. Short clear sides (boxed). $l3.0u 13,25. Total clearances of wheat and flour were .equal to B7.OU0 bu. Primary receipts were 1 9;.O00 bu., compared with 1.847,tM bu. the 'corresponding day a ysar ago. The world's .vlhlble supply, as shown by Bradstreet's. decreased 4Wi,000 bu. The amount of bread stuff on ocean pasage Increased 272,000 bu. Kstlmated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat, $40 ears; corn, 214 cars; oats, 247 cars; hugs, J.2,000 head. . I'hii-mo Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red. 1 tw4l.ll: No. S red. $1.09' 1.104; No. 2 hard, -$l.l-0l4; No. S hard. $1076104; v.v 1 northern spring. Sl.264Sl.28; No. 2 ....ik.rn hoi Ins- tl.19uil.25: No. 8 spring. tl 17A1.22. Corn: ' No. 2 cash, 65V'! N0- 1, . tnfiHf,i..(-: No. 1 white. 7fitHc: No. ;: No. 2 vellow. WVtfTc; No. 1 vellow. 6tn6;4c. Oats: No. 2 cash, 400 -:,..Vk.-n:i wKila. 43.l444e: No. S white, 414Vr424c; No. e whlw, 41042c; standard, m-iTKR Steady: creameries. 23C27c; deli ies. ;?ito- racainli. 10 910 rases: piafk. casea Included, lOjTHc; flrsU. 15o; ajtiine firms. 17c. POl'LTKY Steady; turkeys, 80c; chick . ens, I5u:' sprint:. 14c v.Car, Lpta Iteelpts-Today: Wheat, 128 ersi cyr. 1U .cgrsi, oals. l.S. cars., Esll- Ri. I.oula General Market. ST. LOUIS. July 25. WHEAT Futures higher; July. Sl.OS'i; September, $1.044: De cember, 41.0IR4; casn niguer; iraca, no. 1 red. 81.04'(il.Oo'i: 10. I nara, i.vii07i.iii'. CORN Futures higher; September, 654 657Ac; December, 634c; casn nigner, track, No. t. 64V4io5c: No. 2 white, 674i6r68c. OATS Futures higher; September, Me; December, 884c; cash steady; track, INO. 8, 3ii40c.: No. 2 white. 404 42c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $5.80 (i.60; extra fancy and straight, Z4.70t3.b0 hard winter clears, 83.4OU3.90. SEEl Timothv, $5.00. CORNMEAL-$3.28. H 11 AN Lower: sacked, east track. $10. HAV-I-rfjwer: timothy, old, $l.00i 20.00; new, $14.0it 16.00; prairie, $13.0014.&0. BAOdlNO 8 7-16c. TWINE Hemp. 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, $25.76. Lard, higher; prime steam, $1L4244 11.624- lTy salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts. 134c; clear ribs, 134c; short clears, 13:aC Bacon, lower; boxed extra short, 144c; clear rlhs. I4c; snort clears, n-c. lOULTRT firm; cnicaens, i.iic; springs. 16c; turkeys, 18Q20c; ducks, Brt2c; geese, 6'fr'. Bt' 1 1 11.lt eneauy; creauici. wW EtXJS Higher at 17c. Receitvts. Shipments. 14,200 4,900 270,0(10 46.01MI 99,000 W.Oifl 11,000 14,000 Chicago A N. W ;., C, M. A Bt. r O.. C, C. A Bt L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern.... Conaolldated Oas . 1..... Corn Products Delaware A Hudaon Dearer A Rio Orande... A R. O. pfd........... Ulaullara' Bacuritlas ... Brto Brio let pfd Kris 24 Did General Klectrlc Oraat Northern pfd Oreat Northern Ore ous. Illlnola Central ......... Interboroufh Mat Int. Mat. p(d Int. HarTaatar ........... Int. Marina pfd........... International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City 80 K. C 80. pfd Lacleda Oaa Loulavllle N Minn. A Bt. Louis M., St. P. A 8. B. M... M., K. A T.. M., K. A T. pfd Mlaaourl Paclflo National Blecult National' Lead N. B. R. of M. Id pfd. New York Central N. Y., O. A W KoMolk A Western North American Northern Paeltlo Pacltlo Mali Pennejrlvanla People's Oaa P., a, C. A Bt. .L..... Pittsburg Coal .......... Praaaad Steal Car.'....,. Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Bprlng... Reading Republlo Hteel Republlo Steal plo Rock laianoi C o Itook laland Co. pfd.... Bt. L. A B. T. 84 pfd.. St. Louis 8. W W. U . V. pfd Bloas-Bhafnald B. A I.. Southern Paclfla Southern Railway ...... So. Railway pfd Tenneaees CloppMr Taxaa A . Paclflo T., Bt. L. A W T., Bt. L. w, pra. Union Pacifla Union Paclflo pfd... United State Realty... United Stales Rubber. United States Steel U. 8. Bteel pfd Utah Capper Va. -Carolina Chemical Wabaah Webaeh pfd Weeiem Maryland Weettnghoue tteotrla Western Union whealins A L. av Total sales for tb day. 874.404 sharaa Dates. I 1910. 11908. (1908.11907. ilScfl-lliWo.llS0- July 14.. July In.. July 16.. July 17.. .uly if.. July 19.. July 20.. July 21.. July 22.. July 2.4.. July 24.. Juiy zi 6 671 a to: 8 6i S bl! S 25T4 7 7 481 I 8 34-litj 7 821 6 Dll S 71 S 27'A 7 83 S 87 76 1 7.74 6.441 6 72 8 S5V I 40) 8 69 S bl S 84' T T6 it 11 51 8 7 7ni 6 331 6 801 4 4, 8 ) 7 70, 6 271 S 4S a i-t7 r.. u lilt T irvT 7 67 6 34 59 8 521 J 4 94 .1 J 7 67 31 6 94 6 t o ill ' .1 1 1 n 24i a 95 Ui b t b 04 8 471 t O 5 641 S IS 14 18 C 66 6 Ml 5 II t 63 4 IX 6 59 S 03 b bli b 10 8 48 b 0i Sunday. T)..nini and disDOHltlnn of live stock at the L11I011 Stock laids, Oouta umaiia, for twenty-four hours ending at s p. in. juiy 2i: RECEIPTS Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... A ... 2J ... 2 ...143 ..lw C. M. A St. P -VliKsourl Pacific cnlon Pacific .-...... C or N. W., east C. dc N. V went C, St. P., 1. t O C, B. 01 g., east C, B. ot west C, H. 1. A P., eaiK C, K. 1. ot I"., west Illinois Central Chicago Oreat Western. Total receipts.. 343 DISPOSITION. Cattle Omaha Packing Co fewiu and Company Cuaahy racking Co Armour v to Cuuauy, irom St. Paul, bwiit, trom country. ... Muipny tHhlppers) , w. H. Vansaut Co Beiuuii Vansant A Lush.. 261 4 14 1 11 64 729 ..1,21 ..1,490 .. 900 114 Hons. Sheep. iti 1.120 99? 1,418 l,&o8 2,5 pared with Saturday's bulk of $S20,)8 50. llepreyentatlvs sales: l. M 44 : J 6 6 1 u SI A 14 V J : 46 4 44 44 M 43 0 an 42..... 78 4 I! 4.1 44 TO 46 A. Ch. ...440 ...ii .. IJb ...ts ... ...J4 ...111 ... Ja. . M 111 .. I 00 .. 11" 8 10 ) 10 .. 10 an n in 0 8 11 1. 0 Via 1 14 . 1U 40 I II . .178 ! I 't . l.i lao 8 14 , .31 HO t IS ..?d l 1 16 49 40 I IS .,..t ... 8 I-'. " ... I 18 ...2T7 M 4 14 ...:;7 m 1 to ...2: an 1 : .. .244 tU 8 M ...:; n 1 to ...47 40 t 10 ...K.J )l0 I 10 ...;'7 lJcl I M ...Ml 114 t :o ...28 !i 11 ...2t ln I 21 ...tr.8 140 8 20 ... M ...141 m I to ...276 140 1 n . ... 8 21 ....T ... 8 Mt. ...24S 40 8 22 ...2M 0 8 11 120 8 25 .. 241 Ml It 26 ...143 124 8 36 H .! 7 iy'.'.'.'. 74 4J at .... U 70 J .... r.i t: t) 7i l (2 to 77 7J 47 72 47 11 44 73 IS IS 73 16 71 4 M 71 : r.j 74 77 , A. h. IT. ... I isU I ?. ..? ... n ..2i !:') S ;! . 241 4-1 t V. ..242 40 I -'i . ,fM 1 2.1 .."-8 40 3 :i . . 2..I ... ti n m ...ii4 I"1 !7 ...2t m 1 .;' ...24., ao t (7V, ...J.'l lbO I 0 ,..? . . so ..l.i 2' I so ,..J.t 111 l , ..51S ... ( ...MS ... I SO ...2.10 lm 8 So ...242 m I : ...IM 1J 30 ...2i'S yn 1 M ....'"4 120 6 S ... t .is ...?IJ 170 t J ...t;i 1:0 t m ...211 4D 8 37 ...tH ... 8 40 ...:2 ... 8 40 ...1 4 40 40 ...313 ... 4 60 ...H'l M I 50 .. .K7 ... IM ...Hi ... Il ...' 4) I 42 80 8 fS . . . 8 0 41 47'i 40 8 47 .2"S ,.21)1 .119 .111 SHEEP-Liberal supplies of sneep and lambs arrived today, but mutton Quality was none too . plentiful, fully half of the run showing up In feeder flesh. I-amtn made up a very fulr portion of fat Ktock offerings and met with an eager Inquiry from all Quarters. (Strong prlcts prevailed aa might be expected, some of the stuff showing net advances of 10(20c over prices t last eek s close. Uood grass lumoi sold lit $7.2.',, $7.35, $1.40 and on up as high as $7.50. Heavy sorts of sheep on most days last week found carcass hooks pretty well filled and while freeh supply was by no means excessive, the demand did not ap pear uuite as lively as It was 011 Wednes- day "stiil Thursday. Movement was rather quiet theieughout, bulk of sheep oiiertngs Belling on much .the same basis aa that of Thursday. Feeder trade was slow In getting started, owing to the delay caused In bhuplng up recelpta ready for the scales, but country orders were tminiTous and outlet easily ample for tlilti and half-fat grades. Gen erally firm prices were maintained, feeder yearlings bringing as much as $4.ST. Year ling spread Is very narrow, however, owing to thn fuot that competition centers on this class of nock. Keeder lambs would have to be crackerjacks to bring over $o.8.')Ou.00 and1 feeder ewes and wethers range Irom $2.tt5 to i.i.75. with wethers quotable at the high pilccu. Quotations 011 gia-is stock; Uood to choice lambs, $7. 14V.J T.t0; fair to good lambs, $6.5tXi( t.10; feeding lambs. $6.24Sf.iv; handy welcht yeBrllngs, 4.50ry5.00; heavy yearlings, $4.00aii 4.50; feeding yeuiilngM, $4.10C(i4.Sj; good to choice wethers, $3.754.10; fald to good wethers, $3.35i3.75; feeding winners, $:1.2Mtj 8.60; fat ewes, $2.7uiS.65; feeding ewes, $2.26 tis.oo. sacks, pi. r bu., $1 00. t'.,liliaKu. Kov tA.I fornla and southern, per lb., 2c tlnlons: tell'iw. In saeKv, per in., 4 l,a:llt: l-.xua fancy, white, per IB.. ISc; I4d, per H.. h.KK plant: raney Morion, per il": . : m n.'inl. roniatoe.-: 1 eiiiiisee. per 4-lkcl iistr. $1.10. Suing and -wax Ivan'; Per hi niper, aliout 2.. lbs., II, .0. maiket buski-ts. no. ctienmnei s: not house nnu nome giown, per tlor... 73c. IHLMK - (1HOWN Vr.tlKTAIII.KS li.i l Ishetl: h:xlra futiey, per. dos. bum lies, ZH Littuee: l-'.xtra famy leaf. xr dos., .1"c. Paisley: Pam-y, per dos. bunches, Sc. Illiu barb: Per dos. hunches, 4.o. Asparaxus: Per dos. bum-lies, 4Cir:-tK-. Creen onions: Per dos. bunches. 25c. Turnips: per market basket, 40o. Carrots: Per market basket, fide. Ileets: Per markot banket. (Oo, Ureen peas: Per market basket. $1 1". -MISCMLLANKOl'S Walnatsi H'ack. por lb. 2c; California. No. 1, per lb., 17c; Cali fornia. No. 2, per lb., 14c. Hlrkoryauts; Large, per lh., 4c; email, per lb., 5c. Cojoa iiuis, per sack, 4500; per dox., 660. I'.vnpora ted Apples and Drlrcl Krilti, NKW VtiHK, July 2.". Kvaporatrd -plits are utiiet and firmly held, tin tne siMit lancy Is quoted at lO'tti 114c; choice, sW.ic; prime, 7isc; common to fair, twne. Prunes are Inactive, but storks are light and prices are firmly held. (Quotations range Sii-"c for California.- up to 30-40's and 4'iHJ0l4io fr Oregons. Apricots are firm on reports of advancing priors In tho west. Choice. ii 10-c; extra choice, lOUTillc; fancy, 10ftl24c. I'eaches are quiet and steady. Choice, SVutUfcc; xtra choice, 7JJ74c; fancy, 7 1-6 &'.2c. Kalsins are Inactive, but prices are sternly, Iooe muscatels are quoted at 3' Sc; choice to fancy seeded, 44)i4f; seel!ess, S'y44c; Loudon layers, $l.lsii 1.25. .Mlnneavolla tiraln' Market. MrN.r.APOLIS. .Tulv 23. WHKAT-July. $1.24T; September. $1.15HV1.16': December, $1,144. Ca-Hi: No. 1 hard, $1.28r; No. 1, northern. $1 . 20-iiti 1 . 2SM : No. 2 northern. tl.iJI-Vtj t.Zfl-V No. 3 northern. $ 1.20-Vir 1.2.1 V rtiHN-Ni). s, yellow, 6J41WC. HATS No. 3, white, 434440. HVK-No. 2. 72if7lc. HIlAN-ln ino-lb. sacks, $2O.O0530.50. PIAIUR Flrnt patents (In wood, f. o. b. Almneapolisl. $fl.loi'i6.80: second $5.9()fi.lo; first clears, $l.M4 76 Clears, $3.40H6.70. patents, second Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July - r. -Cofiee futures closed steady, net unchanged . to $c lower. Clolng bids: July 4.8.'.c; Auitusu O.Vic; September and Ottober, .90c; Novcnilier, tilWc; Leoenilier, 7.00c, Spot: Steady. No. 7 Klo, 8.5no; Santos No. 4, 9.50. Mild: Quiet. Cordova, 1051.114c. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, July 25. HAY No. 1 upland. $1200; No. 2 upland, $11.00; packing, $9 00. Straw: Wheat, $7.00; rye and oau, $b.00. New hay, $13.00. I,0u3 2,01 1 2,ui tio 0B2 10 rliii eon Zl4 I Stephens Hros 61 P. tt. Lewis 1104 Huston 6x Co J. 14. Koot A CO J. H. Bulla L. b Huss L. Wolf , McCreary A Carey... S. Werthelmer H. h . Hamilton Sullivan uros MONEY 14 Pr cent. - . . ... , ,.inr,m The rate of discount in the open market . Kan Calt Co Chea. A Ohio.... Chloago Ot. W... C, M. A B. P.... Da Baare penvar A R. O.. do pfd Brie do lat pfd do td pfd Orand Trunk. .... Illlnola Central 71 Reading . 228o. Railway .. .lta do pfd . 16Ro. Pacific .., . 24tnlsn Pacltlo ..70 do pfd , . SBHU. Steal... , 40 ear- pfd, v.... . SO Webaeb ....... . S6 do pfd .133 Bpanlah 4s ,. ..161 .. Ki '.. ..117 .. 14 .. 38 .. 12 81LVKK Bar. steady at. 28d per ounce, for short bills Is l'A per cent; lor three months' bills, 24 per cent. col Legan. OUier buyers. (.rat awe an ilea. Quotation-! furnished by Samuel Burns. Jr., CSS New York Life bulWIng. Omaha: Sid. Aa44. Beatrice Creamery, pfd Beatrloo Creamery, torn City National llank Bldg. 4a. 1180.. Cttr of Omaha V, lt Oolnmbua Clee, Lt. 8. U84 Cudatar Packing Co. 6a. 1984... - ianoaii Fire inauranoa 267 . Ml .144 . i2 . hi . 99 . 80 . 86 .. 164 . 36 7 . 60 42 1 . 39 . 10a .1,166 .7,645 6,014 409 Idaho wethers 107 4 10 26 Idaho lambs 61 7 00 21 Idaho lambs, culls 10G 3 00 121 Idaho ewes 80 3 76 242 Idaho ewes Ill 3 75 10 Idaho ewes, culls 108 2 75 9 Idaho yearlings, culls 78 4 26 140 Idaho lambs 70 7 40 609 Idaho lambs 70 7 40 69 Idaho lambs, culls 67 6 25 134 Idaho lambs, culls 67 6 20 419 Idaho lambs, culls 67 7 60 49 Idaho lambs, culls 60 7 15 8 wethers . 1 101 3 75 6,421 18,361 . 40 la M K4 t 7 , lis) Iowa Portland Cement let mtg. 4a.... Totals CA'iTLl!-Kecei&ts of cattle this morning were very large, 841 ears being reported In, aa against a42 cars on Monday 01 last week and 224 cars two weeks ago. it was very evident this morning that the heavy run of range cattle that Bet In one week aso waa still In evidence. Arrivals consisted lararelv of enmmnn tn medium kinds OI cow,. .... .,u.. ei rjurj 111- ,.BT-i,mru a ) aturr fajuii-a HaiIIv desirable beer. I e t .... ' ; . i...-, ,',, .,,'..., ,,-. W- " - . ... - , I v.ov.IKIIIUD, IIMll V, ai.Ulll I ,TV, cat l, wi.trv areera ,r. In van moderate SUDDly. M-'niii ""71T."-."iI"' " .TJ.a I. at W"-- pvuieuiy iuiiupui. y wa mw 1 Monday, when receipts were so iaro, n Kansas Cltr Live Stock: Market. trauo waa slow ana late in uvw'a- , . , i.-ANJAu cimV ii -r. citti.i,'ii. 41 41 100 KM l tl CHICAGO I.IVR STOCK MAIIKKT Shippers Find Hall and Lower Market on All Block. CHICAGO, July 2C.-CA1TI.E-Rccelpts, 28.000 head. Market, dull, mostly 10c lower. Heeves, $4.90(u.50; Texas- steers, $2.00j5.0; western steers, $5.006.70; stockerS and feeders,, $4.1m6.3n; cows and neuers, i2.uun, 6.55; calves, $6.768.75. HOGS Iteoelpls, 34,000 head. Market, 10c to 15c lower. Light, $8.55W8.95; mixed, ta.U .$', heavy,. $7.6&t;8.60; rough, $7.8niia..tk; good to choice heavy, $8.06(i4t.60, pigs, $s.6o (uS.lv: bulk of saies, tS.OojS.bo. SHEEP ANU IAMBS-ltecelpts, 30,000 head. Market, 10c lower. Native, $2.tH'(r "'"; " . , h,7.in as ceipts, 28,000 head, including 4,0u0 southerns; "Sflr. Vw II. -.VI- k.Ti ,h ..nerai Lressed beef and export oteors, $6.7oBi8.w; tOO 44 44 44 .. 1.9U0 140 140 1st .. 10,400 180 118 m .. 100 70 TO 7S 400 tS, IS 87 100 61 41 44 .. 10,600 ltl 127 127 .. 1.S00 18 12 124 ... tOO 146 163 168 3,000 27 26', j6 4 54 65 87 t 84 it tl 21 84 87 14 84 it 21 1.200 140 181 13V 4,000 121 121 120 104 4.1 44 4444 60 U ltd 130 6,0110 14 14 16H. 4 to 14 I 88 fair togood, $4.80S.60; western steers, $4.60 ty7.U0; . Btockers and leeuers, 3.ooi8A.f)o; Southern cows, $2.50X1)4.50; native cows, $2.26 (U&-0U; native helters, $.uo; buns, 4j.204i1.by, lows Portland Cement eon. 44. 41 lot Kansas baa da Klee. 1 per soak ste...- 44 104 Kanaaa 44. B. aa. 1148 N Ltnooln Traction Co. 4 por east, 1881.. 46 44 Morrla Co. 4a, ll......iJjui...... Mob. Tel. stock 4 par cenC..,L... 44 . 10 Omaha Water Co. 6a, ia44....7r...f..;. 41 Omaha Oaa U, 111!..., ..XV...... 14 44 umaha-ailao. 1.1a U4 4a. lSM..t....i... 4 JMl Omaha Ktoo. Light (d 6 pea cent....- M tl Omaha A C. B. St. Ry pfd $ pr cant II 41 Omaha A C: U. Bt. Ky. da. l ' Omaha A C. B. My A B. pfdtr. ...w 44 47 Paclllo V. T. to. .Ml 44 44 twlft A Co. 4a. 1914 ststa teauraiioo Ca, 114 Beattla. City ef, (a, U24 ... 101 Trl-Clty K. A U Ce. aa. 148.: 44 Tri-Clty R. s b. pio. atooa, por eent Usloa Steak Yards stock. Boata Onuvae 44 . Hank ox ufriaany gtaiemcai. r --- -rt- I a.iot.o. ewen, BEKLIN. July tf-Th. .weekly state- j . wh ,ch ' Vr'Slledr'the Uede., $2.604.00. pastures In the farming sections so mat wis 8ti Lou i,ve stock Market demand is not as Drisa as n. wouiu. CT T.riiTiH t.,iw k PATTl.Knlnn, veirv small. - On the other hand, the general run of the medium kinds was lOo lower and in some cases possibly 15o lower. The yards were full of cows and heifers, ana gooa timers were iar no calves. $4.00f(.2o. and as a result cattle oi mat ae8''"u" HOOS-Recelpts, 5.400 head( market 6&;10c lower. Bulk of sales, $8.46ii8.76; heavy, 8.36 lwi were steady or at least close to steady. "u The general run of cow stuii. nowever, wia. feg 60 pack(.rg ,na butchers, 86.408.(5: 104il5o lower tnan last week's close. uHht. 18 7urak.82i. ! Feeders and stock cattle were also in I cun-vo ami. t imuc n.n..ir.e ' s verv larKa auu r ana Liiey ncio itnui i v. , ... .. L. ... u, . -ww, t. , rmt. as much as 10-ij15o lower than last week. t4.2,w;.66; yearlings. $4.5OSi'6.0O; ' wethera! ine ary weatner pnviuni m u -'b'.26; ewes, $3.604r4.10; stockera and tl 4 8S 14 4 81 44 41 is 146 264i 68 44 114 ..... 84 116 116 84 136 8.400 100 46 at) 48 46 . 4,400 111 116 114 400 83 29 83 . 84.100 itt 126 124 . 1.0U0 106 106 104 .' "8fl4 . 804 .' "'too .187,704 . 8,800 . . 18,804 . S.404 . 400 100 , 804 lot . 81.100 104 106 104 " to to 4 ment of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes: . . . , q. JuM AftA .. u I . casn in nana, increaseu m.vuo.?? ... . ,.h,. ,,. hence the lower . "i" y"-. Loans, decreased ;...2l,07,ooo marks r . s.uwo neao, including o.ouu reaxna. jiiarKei, Olscounts, decreased 66,892,000 marks tendency of prices. .. , h. lOo to 25o lower. Native shipping and ex- Tressurv bills, decreased. .. .39.913.0u0 marks Quotations on native cattte: Opod to choice steers.- $7.258.4o; dressed beof and Notes in emulation, d-. . . SSSlSS .'motoVair butchers' steers.. I..0U97.W; steers under creased 73.Bl.ooo maraa V,..p, Yr.e-is. Vood to DU11S Deposits, decreased 18.M9,W marks rn-fed calve8, $8..00; Texas and In- Gold In hand. Increased .1. r" cows and heifer $4.007.25; cows and heifers, New York Ml.lugr Stocks. d feVerT" S4.2fr&5.50: fair to HOUS-RecelptS, 6,400 head. Market, 10c MOW YORK. Jul- 25,-Cloetng quotations wood atockera and feeders. 83.50&.4.26: com- to 15o lower. Pigs and lights, $K.0OD.6; - " . - I " . '- . - - . . I ..i,.k.,.-- t. . V. , U -7R. hnlxhr. u hao h W mon to fair ato'ikers ana leeaers, i.uo i v-v" -u-.-'. 3.50; stock heifers, $3.00f3.85; veal calvea, -i A.Tr. t a $3.606i7.u0; bulla stags, etc,, 88.out3i6.8S. i' IliififBllAns An wm craA fiBTf IA1 I4rifin in in.au, n.;, 'vt tv auv lunvi. choice grass beeves. S6.50i.25; galr to ,ood muttons, $3.754 10; lambs. $6.267 50 culU beeves. $4.60e6.60: common to fair beeves. " bucks, 82.50-&3-50; stockere, $2.6083.7, $3.7544.60; good to choice cows, H-wiJ4.o: - Dli 4fvsiriu avja v v a ttv ta hi 8tri4 ST. JOSEPH. July 25. CATTLE Receipts 8,300 nead, market 10s lower; steers $4.&ouv 7.75; cows - ana neuerB, a.mao.w; calves, $3.008.00 HOGS Receipts 4.000 head; market loo lower; top $8.75: bulk of sales. $a. 40-11 8. Oft. cMJiKP' AMU LiAlMUH UeCelptB 3,000 head; marite t -steady ; lambs, H wnl.li. on mlnlnsr stocks were: Alice JW "ueaaTiiie uoo. Brunswick Con 7 "Little cniei ... Com. Tunnel stock... 88 MextcaA do bonds Ontario ... Con. Cal. A Va , 44 Ophlr ,...v...... Horn Silver 44 Standard Iron Sllrer 146 Yellow Jacket . uttered. .. 40 16 It 14 8 87 81 ' 164 80 21 8 187 136 136 ! 28 S SSVe 85 SS't 87 31 n to 70 It 87 tt 82 It 88 40 64 64 41 87 44 8,800 tot) too 1,104 80 60 80 34 404 44 4.1 80 ar 80 H 20 48 ..1. .181,400 164 166 U4 W0 IS l , "iii 'ioii ,810,400 14 44 (4 , 8.40O 114 118 -lit , 8.4110 41 41 41 , 8,000 47 44 e , 1.200 14 14 14 . 8.8'X 82 II 31 800 42 42 48 , 1,100 44 48 84 104 40 64 48 4 Boston . Stocks ass Bonds, BOSTON, July 25. Closing quotations on stocks were as follows: Frour, bbls Wheat, bu Oorn, bu Oats, bu Kansas City Orsra aad Previsions. L-iKDis CITY. July 25 WHEAT July. $1 004; September, $1,004: December, $1.08. Cash, unchanged to lo lower; No. 2 hard. $1.0144jl.O8; rio. t. wou4-vi, iw. a ru, ai.vi til 02; o. s. sscsjai.vi. CORN July, 664c; September, 66 4o; re cember, 6240; My. 644c. Cash,-Vi81o higher; No. 2 mixed, 64c; No. $, 6&4c; No, 2 white, 66c; No. 3. 4t4o. OATS Unchanged: No. S whits, dlfitSc; No. 3 mixed. S34U344o. RYE No. 2, 73&750. HAY Unchanged to 60o- lower; choice timothv, $14-00a 14.00; choice prairie, $11. BUTTER Creamery. 864c: firsts, 24o; seconds, 22c: packing stock, 804c EGGS llrsts, 84 80; seconds, $3; current receipts, new cases, $4.15; miscellaneous $4.10. Allouei Amal. Cop pac ... A. Z. L A S.... Arltona Com. .. AtlanUo ......... B. O. O. A C... Butte Coalition Cal. A Artioria. Cal. A Hocla.. Catvtennlal 88 La Salle Cap.. . 64 Miami Ooppar .... . 81 Mohawk . lNarada Con. .... . 4 North Butts . 11 North Lake . 17 Old Dominion ... . 41 Osceola .611 Parrot t g. AC... 16 Qulnoy Copper Range C. C. 64 Shannon . Eaat Bulla U. U o aupenor Pranklln Olroux .Oon Uranbr Con Greene (-ananas Iale Royalo Copper Kerr Lake Lake Copper 11 Id. Aakeo. I Superior A B. sf... 4t8uperlar A P. O... II Tamarack 4V. S. & A O 14 U. 8 S. R. A M. 7 do pfd I , 88l'ua con ,. 4 . 11 ,. 44 .. 10 ,. n .. 77 .. 18 ..117 .. 18 .. 10 .. .. 87 .. 6 .. 14 .. CO .. 88 .. 36 .. 44 .. 70 Receipts Shlp'ta .8-U.00O lSl.OoO , 64,000 UO.OUO . 12.000 St),0 Wheat bu. Corn, bu. Oats, bu Rlaln Batter Mark. ELGIN, 111.. July 25. L UTTER Firm, 72c. Output, $67,700 IbA .... S .... 4 :...ii4 ....lot ....110 .... 4 .... 64 6,003 Native Bank Clearinas. nMlHA. Julr 28. Bank clearings fdr to day were $2.940,044.3, and for the corre- m,, sponding date-last year. $28,$04.$4.,, ti.... Metal 'Market. NEW TORK," July' 26". Standard copper lull am a no juiy. iii.hwvu-w Ainuat, 111 7rWii or.: Serjtemb4sr. 311.80418.10; October, $1.20013.16. lnaon cioavu aicsuj-. oii 4iu ari: futures. ' orlce. 56. Ar rivals reported tut New York today, 100 tons; custom House returns inwn rvort or z.oOS tcAs. meking 18.284 so far this month- Lake copper was quoted at $12.24jil2.874; electrolytic at sii.iitwjijj.bu, and casting at gii.jjwjut.au.s- Tin Hinulv. Moot. tui.lBWtP.vi. (v: juiy, $32.04f 23.76; August, $S2.4tU 32024; ep4m fr. aCiiaVTO .nA OrhiUr. 838.itkAia8.8a U. -a MM. AT B WCOnB. AUIUII LI - - - -w $32.00. London closed firm.. Spot, 14S 2, K fevers. .1104 4 75 aa. .,r 160 6a. 0 feeders.. 768 60 fair to good grades, S3.25&4.00; cannera and cutters, $2.60033.25. Representative sales: BEEF STEERr. At. Pr. 1121 4 48 1473 1 16 6.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 7.. 11.. I.... 1..., At. Pt. No. , 1027 8 46- 17 , 806 4 76 44 COWS. IC4 2 60 1 IZ7 8 14 1 , 1017 3 86 HEIFERS. 704 8 16 8 720 8 26 CALVES. 840 3 00 4 202 4 00 3 6iuCKE3 AND FEEPH-RS. MS 3 86 4 HI 8 14 440 3 44 14 78 3 44 710 3 10 4 K 4 04 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. ,...1044 8 88 ....1V60 . 8 46 788 8 86 14T 4 60 140 . 7 04 Stock In Sight. Receipts ot live stock at the five prln clpal western markets yesterday; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 8,625 4,650 16.000 St. Joseph 3, W0 4,000 3,000 Kansas City 23, 000 5,400 8,500 St. Louis, ,. 9.0U0 6,400 6,0110 Chicago , 28,000 34,000 80, uw I ' Total receipts 71,850 63.450 63,500 cows 935 t 86 VAlZZtS. u M MA K.w Tork: S4.27V. 1 Hull 1210 8 86 .it ir.-t tit tvMiia Tendon soot. 12 lis I S calves 233 S 75 td; futures, A 160 6s T-ead OulMt: S4.60 Id.' Spelter tiuleti 85.Wa6.40 New York; $4 96 !eederf- 21 ! S? U-OO Ksut St. Louis. London spot, 32 T eJor.. 801 S 35 .j 3 heifers... 620 s Zo Iron Cleveland warranta. vsu wa in jmi- " XTi 5 don. LocaHy ttie tnarltet was quiet No. 1 cows 9li t 7b fouridry. northern, SlS-UtfUUb; No. I. $16.00 1 ca'.ve...... 178 26 iiir.. Vr 4 tlllyWl 7K- Nrk 1 S OOWS 900 S 20 southern, soft. 316.00iiils.t5. S calves. . . 377 S 60 . calves... 2f.2 60 1 heifer.... tlQ I 50 60 feeders.. 766 4 50 S3 cowl, OMAHA uianfcUAt. MARKET. icaivei-.-.m SM Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 26. COTTON Spot. closed quiet, 6 points lower; middling up lands, 16.76c; middling gulf, leoj sales, 30,947 bales. Futures closed, old easy; new firm. Clos ing bids: July, $15.&S; August, $16.18; Sep- ir.R.ii-i'sri.rr.T:- zr?."in : s cow. 993 s us $ co.. fie.uv, i-n.niuc, , e-e, - , " Wm ft rusry, 313.24; March, si.et; May, la.os. ST. LOUIS. July 26, COTON Steady; middling, l&o; sales, none. Receipts, 121 bales; shipments, 2.6 caies; stock, l.m bales. ... Prodaoe Prices Far yera aud Wholesalers. 4 feeders.. rT 8 76 BUTTHill Croaiuei y. No. 1. delivered to 7 t..Am 714 i in Uii retail trade .u 1-lb. cartous. Ahj; Jiu. 1 a f...n' s-is ini la 30-lb. tuitA vo; No. i. la 1-lb. artuiia. hull. 4, i tin Sao; No. 2. in oo-lb. tuoa. 274c; pa cuius 43 os. A lis. 834 S 60 Vn-. ollu pack, 21o; dairy, in 60-ib. tuba. 4 oalves... 225 6 00 1 'r"1 coatiges every u.i. 19 oows .... 825 2 40 CJiavJiiiJiU J. wius, liw, young Auserioas, jupc; umi; , aot;, irijyiuis, xev iiiuueigai WESTERNS SOU7TH DAKOTA. ut0' wo 1 oriok. lio; imported bwias, sue a j ,.u i it a h.i,. ik a no aomeatio ewiss. aa: Dioca bwias. n iruiii..ii t ....c...., vv u,,m uv ..:..! imil. i,... i - 8 ca ves... 171 8 60 4 calves... 246 4 TO . . 22 cows 859 2 55 S calves... 218 4 00 L"0! cocas, iic; uucks, isc; geese uc; tur Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. July 23. WOOL Unchanged! territory and western mediums. iHr,.'u.c- 'fine mediums. l'ti'17c; fine, laij-lto. . RIVAL SHOE MAKING MACHINE liny State Combine Goes Into Court to Shut Oat Competition. Suit has been Instituted in the supreme court of Massachusetts by the United Shoe Machinery company against the Thomas O. Plant company and its president, Thomas O. Plant, manufacturers of shoes. The Plant company Is declared to have stopped unliig patented shoe machines In qlleged violation of the terms of leases it held from the plaintiff, and to have sub stituted other shoe making machines in their places.. The United Shoe company seeks to enforce the covenants in thn leases ith the Plant company, and asks for in junctions to restrain It from using ma chines of other make in substitution for the leased machines. . ..... An accounting lor the rentuls or royalties or April or May, duo under the leases. nd damages fur ulleecd violation, of tho leases lire sought. The validity of the covenants are to be questioned. The plaintiff has as counsel Fish, Richardson, Herrick & Neave, W. B. Farr and E. P. Howe, and Sherman L. Whipple is counsel for tho defendants. A subpoena'has been Issued on the bill, re turnable the first Monday of August. The United Shoe Machinery company as serts that It has spent millions of dollars In acquiring patents and in perfecting them. Instead of tielllng Its machines outright it leases them, avoiding. It declares, the necessity for tiio shoe manufacturer having us largo capital as would bu required to purchase them. The total market value of machines owned and leased by the plaintiff Is $25,- 000,000. The leases were mado to the de fendant company In 1902, and they have not yet expired, It la asserted. The leases are declared to contain agree ments that the defendant company should use the machines to their full capacity. It is claimed that by ceasing to use the ma chines In April and taking In and using other machines In substitution this cove nant was violated. Violation of another agreement hi the leases by refusing to pay royalties In May on shoes which were not, but should have -been, made on the machines Is alleged. Another provision of the leases Is that the defendant company should purchase all duplicate parts, extras and devices needed or used in operating, repairing or renewing the leased machines from the , plaintiff, and it Is asserted- that this covenant has been violated. "; 1 ' ' '' Tho Plant compa.ny la ths first of the New- England munufaeturera openly to defy the shoe machinery combine and Introduce the shoe making machines of a rlvul patentee. The United Shoe Machinery company has capital of $30,800,518: Its profits for eight years, 1902-1909, amounted to $13,411,135. lt divided less than half of this, and piled up a surplus in eight years of $15,014,899. inve years ago the United Shoe Machinery cor poration was formed to take ever the com pany, with an increased capital, in order to absorb the accumulated profits, which It would not look well to divide. Tbe cor poration Is not able to get rid of all its profits without attracting too much at tention to Its exuberant prosperity, and lt has just made a stock dividend worth mora than $8,500,000. The profits of the Shoe Ma chinery company in eight years were 136.26 per cent, or a trifle more than 17 par cent a year. 17 calves... 162 25 J. M. Frlsta-Neb. 15 feeders.. 71S 3 30 J. McMlchaels Neb. 12 feeders.. 76 S 86 1 bull.. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, July 25. CORN lo higher. Re ceipts, 88 cars. No sales. OATS Lower: No. 2 white. 434c: stand ard. 43c: No. 3 white. 4M4c; old new. 40oi No. 4 white, old. 4143c; new, 39o; No. 2 red, new, 36c; No. S red, new, S74o; No. 3 mixed, new, 874c; No. mixed, new, v40; No. 4 mixed, new, 874C. . . Liverpool Grain Markot. LIVERPOOL, July 28. WHEAT Spot, keys, iue; plgauns, per dos., 41-60; iioinaf squabs, per uox., $4.00; fancy squabs, per dos.. 64. Mi; jno. jl per Qua., taw. Aliv broilers, IGijisc; hens. 12o; old roosters, 7c ..1330 S 38 old ducks, full feathered, 11c; young ducks. 780 Sobl1-! geese, iuii icauiercu, xuc, luiaoys, xav Wm. Ooodlng Neb. guinea fowls, 200 each; pigeons, per dos. 4 steers.. ..1100 4 00 feeders.. 841 S 26 noiueji s, per aoa., t-iw. bu.us, o. 1 f ut 111 sa he, furs... 701 S M mt Qua., ai.nu, a, per uu., avu. WS'WTff.RNR-WYIIM I Ml. XBJt, tarn imuiif-riuanci, uu; willio 2 bulls 1310 S 40 t steers... .1082 4 86 . "c; piae. wc; trout, joo; rge crappiea. n .,,r. ma a 'J. Ijoo: Bpanisu macnerei. lac; set, iso; naa- Smlth JFolsom w yo. i uuv, w, umiwiii, ov. SO feeders.. IMS 4 30 27 steer... ..U0S l VLKS-.?! J. A. WlllellB Wyo. auiuweue, , - . 17 oalves... 27 4 50 12 calves... 192 I 00 eacn. suaoxoeai. pr pur, aw. uwi .cas. jr 4 1M 1VMR 411 1 BO I OtlS., WU, MIlUWM, MM, Calves... IU aw i ,,Tn-ti oiu. xt. I ir.w. vt a Wlllard Ripley Wyo. . I "r.rr v.uac -o. a, wmu, . a, 24 steers.. ..1230 6 60 U steers.. ..1107 ? '-S-lfi.-Jt' 7 HOOS Hog trade opened lOftlbo lower I a. w.. ti.... Mr,,,,. i nu.. v.. than Saturday's market and closed ltti 20o u- ic" tt u. i-i,- m.. i' 7,-- tin. ' lower, the big end of receipts selling at the 6c; No. 3, 4c. ' " , fruitbV orana-es: ca forma cainelia New York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members or Mew York Stock exenange, tia coutn oiiteenin sireer. Omaha: 18 Inaplrstlon 11 Leroee 3 Nerada Con llNewbouao luhla Copper lRawbMo Coalltioa 44 nar central 31 Swift Fag. Co tt Superior A P .. 4Tonopah Mining . .. lTrlnltr Copper ... 3 North Lake .. 1 Bohemia .. 1 Bay Stat Oaa Butta Coalition ... Cantus Ctilno Chief Con Darla-Daly Blr t antral Kir Con rranklln Olroux tloldlleld Coo. .... rxildrield Plorena Ooldneld Polar ... (jroena Cananaa .. Treasury Statement. The condition of the treasury at the be ginning of business today was as follows: 4 14 67 1 14 3 10s 10 4 4 T4 4 run at Chicago, no very definite reason was mArmnr.A fnr Iri. hrti lr moil huvan claim. dull; No. 2 red western venter, no stock; ,ns. that prtCM were too high and reduo- ruture, urni, vuij, i - ' a" wvww., i tions logical. $'d; December, 7S to. Recelpta were normal, quality tip and brand Redland Valenclas, loo site, per box $4.00; 126 size, per box, $4.50; 160 slxe, per box, $4.50; 176 and smaller sizes, per box, $4.60; Havana Mediterranean Hweets, 209-216 CORN-Spot, firm; old American mixed. usual and 1 demand from all quar- ?er boxV40u-. Lemu: Uraoniera, 8s 6',, d: old American mixed, via Calves- n ra"t her backward I ppari bouTht "tr tncr' ml"- c"olce' ton. Is 64d; new kiln dried. 6s bd; futures, f.ry sparingly and the dearihoe wi. feft t . -' . IS.Ooi8.60; 240 sire, boo per t!xiWtoo.r. oe uo. t pBuer. most of the hog. selling be- fUiirl ffi steady; September, Skin i an , i I KUJatr Milwaukee Grain Market. Llarnts and heavies were hit eaually hard. Jumbo, per bunch S2.7ofc8.76. Canta- utt wiTTtftrir. Julv SS. FLOTJR flteadv. h..t form.r la meetlnar with lot-pea: caiiiornia, m sixe, tM.Mi; o ataoa- WHEAT No. L northern, $1.36V,oiK4; popular demand and selling more readily rds. $5.60 Apricots "t?-W- No. 2. northern, $1.23461 H: September, than heavlea and rough mixed. Hangs tiiit crate' sVbO Hlu? Drini.'- p $1,064 of prices was not quit as wide as Sat- P".b.V5, p.uw c.ii? nia JLVstiin OAT8-434TJ444C. urd.y's range, but narrower apread 1. V'1- Texai vUo ' ' ee wrTbMk.i B A RLE Y Samples, 808680. . . aacrtbed to .mall.r as.ortment, in.t..d of U'? VrTei .-basse latat aad Molaases. NEW TORK, July 16 -HUO AR-Raw, firm; musoovado. W test t4c; oentrifugal 94 test 4.36c; molaasae sugar, 8$. teat 8.61o; refined, quite: crushed 6 86c; granulated, b.l6c; powdered b 35c less cautious buying;. Uood heavlas sold around. $3. UV78.20: heavy packers, $8.10 and under, good mixed j moved around $8.26tf6.8b and lights com manded the high figures, selected bacon hogs selling aa high as $8 674. A large share ot receipts went at $8 16fj8.J6. as corn- crate, $1.40. Pears: California liartlett. per box, $2.60. Watermelons: Texas, lo per lb. Lates: Anchor brand, new, 80 1-lb. pkgs., In box. per box, $2.00. VEGETABLES Irlch potatoes: Wisconsin and native, per bu., Uc New potatoes: In TBXB OS XBQ7JXBT 1910 CODE BOOK (260 pp. 44x7 inches; 22 pp. Illustra tions; bound In red leather.) OOKTAIJXSJI Complete cipher code covering New York and Huston Curb, Mining and Miscellaneous Securities; Rules for trading. Explanation of market and technical terms; Direction lor Margi nal Trading; Purchasing for "Averag ing Out," etc. Complete statistical and historical data on 200 different Blocks; Complete tables of the range of prices, showing the "high" and "low" each year from 1907 to April 1, 1910. THIS BOOK IS A COMPENDIUM OF USEFUL INFORMATION ACCU RATELY COMPiLha, AND AR RANGED Ft)R READY RBFER KNCK. IT IS INVALUABLE TO THOSE WHO ARB INTJCRKSTFID IN CURB, MINING. AND MISCEL LANEOUS SECURITIES. A copy will be mailed FREE upon request, (Jliarlfs A. Htoueliam & Co., COMMM8IOB7 STOCK BKOKEBS, 54-e Broad Bt, JBW YOBC Herbert B. Coooh Go Brokers and Dealers OSVAIaf TAOTISJOXgW STOCXI OsoaAa OffU3, Sit Board of Trad Bldgr. Jtall Vbobo, Doug, gall Sad. A-ai V-a ObUSlIT AJ8B T-AJIUXST KOCB2 US I'AjTs atXATSk