Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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I ! .
rtimnA l.AS'DA ftw bnlni; wliolt
FOR SALE Oklahoma farm and ranch
i. and raiaii: write fur particular. Frank
land. $2V pr arr, in any else tract. Full
I Bills Co., 12b Monro Bt.. Chicago.
Informm-un, writ C. L. WUULVLUTON.
owner, ta Mack. Okl.
oitk Dakota.
OOD Iowa and M!nnit a FOR 8A L& The mo.t and best Improved
. rvw avw .... r, -.. rI i -vi oAuivinfl roost an
Chang for general merchandise and xha ,n! unimproved farma In
war. stocks. Many 'good' bargain, fh t rrom $1 lo
central 8. V.,
ner acra. r or I
Mercantile Adjustment Co..
booklet, map and orlce lilt address It. L.
ter. 1
Hagarman. Pukwana, BtuI county, 8. I.
t a nrTTP mnit CheroKee counties. Kin-
iiariralna In fine Improved farm", best I
bargain In the atnte; corn, wheal, oata
ami alfalfa land": fin Improvement; near
market. Writ for descriptive list snd our
r-rinl nroooaltion to Investors. Matthew
Ac Walter. Owego, Kan.
i'n HAf.lC30 000 acre splendid land;
railroad run through it for V mile. 1 wo
Sets of Improvement, about two-third till
able. Bent colonisation proposition ever of
fered. For a quick SJle, $7.60 per acre Lo
.ntiim rirht. Won't last long. Address
The Alleii County lnvetment Co.. Longton,
THERI5 1 only on crop of land. I own
several tnousand acre cut over hardwood
Inn.lii mirlharn Michigan: It 1 bound tO
inrmuut in value: reasonable cash pay
ment and low interest enable one lo con
trol thin; no safer business proposition can
be presented; 1 have no time to look alter
it C. F. Latimer, ltu Railway Exchange
ldg., Chicago.
MICHIGAN fruit and farm lands In th
fruit belt of Mason county. Aucrtss a- a.
Benson, Tallmau. Mich.
I OWN several thousand acre of choice
fruit. vegetable and farm lands In Lake
Co., Michigan, which 1 will sell at flu to
tj. nar acra on varv mliv Daymen!. Ex
cursion every Tuesday; Pi round trip; send
for particulars. David II. Miller, Kuum eui.
UW K. Madison BL, Chicago.
MICHIGAN farm, 10 acres; large frame
house and barn; 40 acres cultivated; M
acres hay land; 6o acres timber, small
orchard: one mile to R. It. statlonlx. near
kood filming lake. Price 412.60 per acre.
Victor Relnuardt, Nwaygo, Mich.
SELL farma In Oceana and Macon coun
ties: best in U. 8.: fruit, grain, ntock and
poultry. Writ for list. Joun Hanson,
Hart, Mich.
GOOD BARGAIN 1 acres good loam,
tl,. 2 acres In timber. Michigan, neiu:
Chicago and steamboat dock; 1 mile to
school; house, barn; good shad In yard;
fcW poach tree. 41 cherries. tU0 grapes, uu
apples, LOOK uurranta, lfc acres strawberries,
H acres coru. etc. Ijvv casn. terms lor bal
ance. CORY AND CROUCH. First Na
tional Bank Bldg., Chicago.
BNAPS Best 40-acr black land farm In
Michigan, bouse, barn and atock, s mile to
main line K. K. town; clou to urana Map
id, price z.5w. 'A cash.
60-acre first-class lake front, i houses.
barn, fruit enough to pay for farm, close
to towns, schools and church, $4,it0, fauv
Box K, Martin, Mich.
$294 FOR 24 acres adjoining large Inland
lake: best . bargain of the season; very
easy terms. Frank Bereman, Allegan,
40 acr money making farm, main road,
school, church, store close, bouse, barn
fruit, price, $1,150. 1(100 cash.
66 acres black land, fronting on biggest
lake In Michigan, log cabin, big new stone
basement, barn, price, $2,800, ll.lw cash,
Box E, Plulnvlew, Mich, ,
A PRETTY FARM of 20 acres located In
Michigan, well fenced, trees, house new;
barn, cellar, fruit trees, strawberries,
raspberries, excellent water, good markets,
lakes abound with fish, general store less
than eighty rods from house. $l,8oO cash,
direct dealing with owner, no land sharks,
further information given. Address Geo. L.
Bchanfele, 8 Frankla Ave.. Urand Rapids,
Mich. '
tt ACRE8, close to Cleveland; good land;
good Improvements;' plenty water; nice
farm; $27.60. 120 acres between Greenwood
and Raymore: nice small Improvements:
smooth land; good water; all to clover and
timothy; some blue grass; bargain; posses
sion any time; $40. D. U. Shackelford. Pe
culiar, Mo.
120 ACRES 2M miles of Lee's Summit, U
mile of rock road; plenty of fruit; fair
house; every foot smooth and under culti
vation. Price. $100 per acre.
100 acres S miles of Ureenwnod; well im
proved; land Is floe; a bargain at $100 per
4W acres, with 6-room house, cistern.
well, burn, cellar; plenty of fruit; fine
shaded lawn. Adjoins town of Greenwood.
Knap. Price, $l.Co0. Todd M. George, the
Land Man, Leo Summit, Mo.
12.000 ACRES colonisation or same D re
serve; location. Eleven Points river, Oregon
county. Mo., am pricing $3 under local
prices to sell before August 1. 1910; price
j k per acre; terms, per acr cash,
'! cents In six months. 75 cents one year.
( per cent. Full Information address be
low. Also 440-acre sheep ranch Christian
county, Mo., at $10 per acre; ft cash, bal
ance long Time, a per cent; timber on
ranch will cut 80,000 railroad ties. Address
C. F. Robe'-'son, 8. 8. station. Box $3,
opringueia. ua.
THE Kansas Clty-St. Louis electric rail
road has been financed and work will be
gin immediately; now Is the time to buy
land along the route; values have Increased
Z5 rer rent in the lant year and will in
crease 60 per cent in the next year; see us I
for farm along th route before the price
advances any more, 'Bolts Bros. Realty
t o., lime spring. MO.
TOO.Ofw aeres Mexico: splendid Improve
ments ana wen stocked: on Qulf coast:
well .watered and timbered; price $1.C0 per
lii.000 acres western land: fine grazing
proposition; gooa water; adjoins gooa rail
road town and river; price $.1 per acra
And others.
i 1SUH Commerce Tlldg.
Kansas City, Vlo,
FOR SALE 331 ocree of th finest corn
.land In Piatt Co.. with 1 houses, barn,
etc.. for tenants, with a beautiful lake on
part of the land. This Is bottom land with
a levee around same entirely paid for.
This land can be bought at a bargain; no
trade considered. If you haven't the means
to handle this land, don't bother ua. J. V.
Farley, Farley, Mo.
00-acr fsrm, for farmer only; all farm
lind $37.60 per acre. J. E. Webb, Choteau,
FOR KALE Improved stock fsrm. l
acres; Custer county: close to station; m
per acre; do trade. Box A. Oconte. Nib.
TEN THOUSAND acres of corn, winter
, wheat and alfalfa land for sale In larg
end small farms in Sherman, Custer ami
Buffalo counties Write for r rices. J. T
Campbell. Litchfield. Neb.
New Me ilea.
NEW MEXICO ranch and farm land.
1.660 acre. 3u0 under cultivation, well
watered and fenced, underlaid with coal;
coal under option for more than price of
ranch; $10,000 will handle, balance easy.
X20 acres. S5 being vultivatud. natural
lake for stock, water, coal under option,
H Ron tu purchaser; $.000 down with
. term. For particular writ W. U. Thorn
Raton, New Mexico.
Investigate its fertile irrigated lands.
Other have road fortune here. Bo can
you. We sell no lands. Write us for
facta titate Immigration Board. Albu
querque, n. at.
tOR PALE Ideal atock ranch, 600 acrea.
almost level, li miles from Grant a Pass,
60 acres in cultivation ; deep black aoll;
40 acrea fir and nine timber; plenty of out
side range sufficient fur 3,000 head of stock;
tntre is inches of waur. which Is
brought on the land by ditches; good family
orchard: $ dwelllna- houses: 1 lar?a hams:
4 miles from school; store building on the
rancn; ail Kino modern farm Implements;
iroluce. alfalfa anj grain, bay; price.
I.G.Ouo; terms $J0.OUO. balance $ yeara at t
per cent interest. Address H. L. Herslnger,
Craut's Pass. Or.
REMEMBER It takes but a few strokes
or the pen to stats that you saw the "ad.'
In Th !. Th advertiser wants to know
TOTT can bur land for 110 a month rood
land at from iS In t20 an acre In V lias and
Oneida counties, Wisconsin. W chart Do
Interest. We pay the taxea. Insurance
clause in the contract. Best opportunity in
tne country for the man of moderate means
to own a farm and be Independent. Writ
tor map and book to Lept. s. U. F. Ban
born Co., .Eagle Klver, W .
FINE FARM LANDS Wisconsin, timber
or clear; nice lakes and rivers; best market
of America; fl per acr cash; large or
mall tracts. Urnest A. Arnold, buperlor. I
BEFORE buvlnar. selling or trading, see
copy cf our paper, in Its seventh year. It
describes many farms and business oppor
tunities north, south, east or west, with
minis and sddrexses of owners; many will
exchange. fcingle copy, 10 cents; three I
months, 25 cents. Address FARM KR,
Mathsws bldg., Milwaukee, wis.
TRADE? Or do you want to buy one"
Make your want known through THE DES
MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium of
Iowa: Rates: 1 cent a word for each Inser
tion, ( cent a .tne. 70 cents an Inch. Cir
culation, 41,000; largest of any Iowa dally.
Give us a trial. Address The Capital. Land
Dept., Ds Moines, Iowa.
GARVIN BROS.. $d floor M. X. Lit. tmt
te lluu.uuu ou unproved property., nt aeiai
WANTED City loans. Ptrs Trust Os,
WANTED City loans and warrant. VV,
rarnam bmtih Co.. 1ZM aroam Ht.
LOANS to bom owners and home build
ers, wita privilege oi makiug partial pay
eaautji senil-anoually.
101 First NatlouaV Xut Bldg
$100 to $10,000 mad promptly. F. D. Wsad.
Weud Bldg., wtn ana jrarnam.
IUI0 to $5,000 on borne in Omaha. O'Keafs
Real Kstat Co.. luW N. Y. LUe. Douglaa
r A-UU.
MONEY TO IX)AN Payne inmwtmaat C.
I, C and 7-room bouses. If price are rlgat
w can sen your property tor you.
bull W N. X. Life Bids.
8-ROOM. all modern: lot 71x186: navad
street: concrete walks; near Field club and
Hanscom park. Clear; trade for improved
land even up or will assume. Price, $4,000.
658 New York Life Uldg.
Phone Red
SOUTHWEST corner oi 34th and Deca
tur, two 8-room houses, clear. Want to
trade for gooa rental property closer In:
will put In some casn or assume. Nowata
Land and Lot Co., Is New Jiora Lite Bldg.
rdune, nea iaaa.
40 ACRES extra level land, olos to rail-
road, in Box Butt county. Nebraska; wld
exchange lor merchandise; price, $j pr
acre; wtu carry 4,wA A. su XBouipsua,
uoiarag. imd.
D. SOoft. v 421 Be.
7-room house for automobile. This house
pay rent every month. Your automobile
costs $30 to $40 per month to own it. Come
In and see us.
60s New York Life Bldg.
Phone Red lv99.
820 acres North Dakota land, free of in'
cumbrance, for good Omaha property.
Phone riarney iajo.
IMPROVED farm, at cash value, for
clean stock of general merchandise Invoic
ing $10,000 to $12,0(10, or for good stock of
hardware same size. Address. Box 473.
Alma, sxeo.
Old Oold, etc. NATHAN. SU b. MUt Bt.
BE8T PRICE paid for
furniture, carpets, clothing
Pbone Douglas tOTL
and bea
Won nc in TOnv
We have several clients for 6 to 8-room
ouses; we want them from owners only,
Act quick. Phone Douglas 4379 or call at
1710 Farnam St., Bee Building.
Fates One large and one medium sis
tar, state size and price. M 2M B.
BKST rrtre for rrl-hsnd clothing, n 44.
We Are Getting Numeroui Calls
For Houses of All Klsea. List With Ua
CM N. T. LIU Bldg. Phone Red 19t
, Wanted to Kent
A S or fi-room house In Rood neighborhood.
Phone Douglaa 4379 and call for Mr. Engel-
We want a number of small houses at
once, from $10 to $16 per month rental; we
have clients waiting.
- Engclbrecht & Raver,
'Phone Douglas 4379. 171 )Farnam . St.
WANTED To rent by elderly lady $-
room heated apartment or i rooms. Ad
dress B 604 Bee.
These wheels are in condition
to give good service,
and are bargains:
One Fletcher Special
Thor engine.
Z4 H. P.; wheel In
fair condition;
rear tire new; price $ 75
One Mcdel $ Thor, In good condition;
rear tire new; price 100 I
One Market, In good rldeable condition.
8'i H. P. engine; price 100
One Excelsior, 4 II. P. engine; rear tire
One Thor, model A, In first-class con-v
dition; price 160 1
new, general appearance of wheel
good; pries 150 1
We carry a full line of parts and sun
dries for motorcycles.
15th and Hsrney 8ts.,
'tnaha. Neb.
A young man called to se you this
morning shortly after you left," began the
wife of the Boss of the Establishment
He was so insistsent about your office ad
dress that I gave it to him to get rid of
him. At first I thought you might owe him
moriey, but he finally persuaded me that
he wanted to talk to you on an Important
business matter." and the lady smiled good
naturedly. "He asked for the head of the
house, and I did the best I could in your
absence. I hop he hasn't sold you another
set of books."
I should say not!" denied the Boss in
dignantly. "You didn't take that young
man for a book agent, did youT Why that
is on of the finest, most intelligent young
fellow I ever met. He knows mora about
muslo than ten musical critics. What he
can't -tell you about the famous composers
has never been written I Did you ever hear
th story about Mozart and"
Stop a minute!" commanded th Boss
wife, whose amazement at her spouse'
sudden musical enthusiasm had grown
with every second, "what did th young
man sell your'
The Boss started guiltily, but a sudden
uproar outside his apartment and th Im
perative ringing of th door bell saved him
th necessity of answering.
Instrode, he strod through th hall and
flung the door open to a reincarnation of
th Cardiff giant.
"Th planner, sur!" announced the red-
shir ted apparition.
What planoT There must b some mis
take!" exclaimed the Boss' wife.
"No," said th Boss, "there Is no mis
take. I bought it! If you'll go back to the
dining room and sit down quietly these men
can take charge of the moving and you
need not bother about it."
Th Boss' wife smiled quietly, and then
meekly did as she was told. Her wrath.
like a much advertised bottle, was war
ranted to keep warm for twenty-four hours.
Bo sh felt she could afford to wait.
Whil sh was reading comfortably th
Boss bustled to and fro happy and per
spiring from th exertions of bis favorite
occupation bossing.
After half an hour had elapsed and the
exponents of the Piano Movers' union bad
departed, th Boss called triumphantly to
his wife;
Com on now and see bow great it
And the lady trailed leisurely back to the
living room.
'It looks nice," she conceded, gazing at
the very new, very shiny piano, "but you
know I can't play a note! Suppose you
oblige me with a little music."
The remark was intended for. biting sar
casm, for the .Boss' wire well knew his
musical'' repertoire consisted of a single
piece with an old-faehloned tinkle about
It, known as the "Charming Walts."
Imagln her astonishment, therefore.
when th Boss said lightly: "Surest thing
you know!" and began a Chopin etude.
which, to here astonIehedVars, was master
ful to the verge of vlrtuouslty.
Isn't that a marvelous musical picture?"
inquired the Boss enthusiastically. "Can't
you see some forlorn, deserted lover wan
dering about among fallen leaves, mourn
ing his desolation? Can't you hear the
steady patter of rain as though th skies
were mourning, too?"
Th Boss' wife could stand selections
from Chopin, but not from th rhapsodic
young vender of pianos from whom the
Boss too obviously quoted.
Simple Fluids That Will Make
If it be understood before beginning that
there Is no certain way of making hair
stay In curl, but that some locks are at-
fected by so-called "curlers," then a girl
may like to try experiments. Hair .waves
. . , , , .
or curls naturally only when it Is a cer
tain texture, mat is, unevenly conairucieu,
one side of each hair being a little tighter
than the other. Naturally this pulls it
into a kink, and without this Irregularity
all grows In a straight Una. Whatever ap
plication curls does so by affecting th
whole tube evenly, and that is why, when
dampness affects It, the hair become
Now, when there Is th slightest tend
ency to irrriiirity or growtn some or
the drying agencies will kink th locks
until, one in a whil, they form th habit
of waving, as it were, far more than as
though nothing were put on. This Is the
best result than can be hoped for by the
girl whoa hair appears casually to be
straight and unless this happens ther Is
nothing which will do more than to hold
the wave In temporarily. '
Another point to be taken into consid
eration Is that hair which is too dry will
not wave, no matter how uneven It la.
There are scalps which require oil to make
th locks stay in place, and, given this,
they form in waves. To be specific, a
person not infrequently sees a young child
whose hair bushes, fuzzily, all over her
head. If that child had a little oil rubbed
Recipes for Amateur Cooks
Carried Fowl.
Boll a small fowl till tender, seasoning
with salt bnd a little garlic. Stand aside
to get cold, then disjoint, removing all skin.
Mix together one' tablespoonful curry pow
der, one teaspoonful dry mustard, a pinch
of cayenne, one tablespoonful Worchester-
HeDo you think your father
fcvill object to my suit?
She I don't think so. He wears
one almost as bad himself
Pi 1H0T1ES.T tAY -"feL WHAT 1 wiLl J? I
(J) C-Xr " 1HE EAR!r X PLANT IN IjH V ' j
LU-OK. WHENW6T LV1 ' ,HAVE HlTX tail!.)
Yirmfji t ' HAVE QUITE h c- WHERE 'A.y-'VY
S W -rt-25? Vr Vr"7cfty. f v
"How much did you pay for the hurdy
gurdy?" sh asked blttngly.
Th Boss quailed visibly.
' haven't paid a cent for It," he re-
r-raarked conclllatlngly. "I only told th
young man we'd glv tt a ten days' trial.
It'll b $S0O If w Ilk It at th end of that
"At th and of that time!" And suddenly
a bright light struck th Boss' wife. Sh
changed her manner completely.
"Why, that's cheap,. Isn't It? sh ex
claimed, "I believe I'll try It myself!"
At half-past ten she was still trying It,
and , th record she had started with was
still unchanged. Over and over and over
again the Boss heard th shrieking calls
for help of th Intermezzo she was mur
dering. At half-past eleven he suggested that th
neighbors might object.
"Oh, no, dear, they love It as much as
you do," his spous answered sweetly.
At midnight, helpless and muttering to
himself, th Boss wandered off to bed, and
the muslo was still going on.
The self-playing piano kept th Boss at
horn exactly on night For when he re
turned home the next evening and found
his wife again strumming the Intermezzo
with slightly increased enthusiasm he re
membered a dinner engagement downtown.
"At breakfast his wife remaked casually:
"The landlord says all the other tenants
have complained of the piano, and he says
he must ask you to move ft the muslo
keeps up."
The 'Boss made no reply, hut two hours
after he had left the house the piano was
on a moving van In the street
It was a very doleful wife that greeted
him upon his return home.
"They took away the piano!" she walled
with a fair imitation of grief, "Just when
I was getting attached to it too!"
"Cheer up," said, the unsuspecting Boss,
"we've saved so muoh money by sending
back the lnfernV thing that I'll treat you
to a roof gardenshow and supper!"
And it was not" until the middle of a
vaudeville monologue on the management
of husbands that the Boss, detecting a
smile of . vivid appreciation on his wife's
face, thought ruefully: "I wonder if th
little devil was conning me all the time?"
(Copyrighted, 1910, by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Hair Wave and Curl
Into her scalp dally, her hair, before long,
would tak on waves, because the oil would
hold it a little, and being irregular in con.
struotlon, it cannot become straight Th
same holds good In regard to the heads
of elders, but scalps of th condition and
hair of that texture are more uncommon
than those which are oily and heavy.
When th scalp is oily and the hair not
too dry, it may sometimes be helped to
wav by using rosemary tea. Rosemary
water, in th amount of half a pint has
in it twelve grain of carbonate of potash.
Th hair Is wt evenly with this and
dressed loosely. : Th locks on th head
must b laid In wares, whil th hair is
moist and a. It dries It may hold the
form. '
Making a loose coiffure and placing the
hair as It is desired It should dry has much
to do with successful, "natural" waving.
One of the simplest agents, which is
sometimes effective, consists In moisten
ing th hair with water or grease, as may
be required, and dressing it loosely. At
once a thin Veil is tied over, bandanna
fashion, and the net . being transparent
one sees through it to pat the hair on the
head Into wave. The veil stays on for
fifteen minutes or so, keeping the locks In
place as they dry.' This habit of tying on
a veil after the hair Is dressed will some
times emphasize any irregularity of the
locks and aid in developing waves.
shire sauce, the .same of oil and melted
butter. Spread this over the pieces of
fowl and broil till brown over the gas or
clear fire. Serve Imbedded In rice.
Mutton Carry.
Cold mutton becomes transfigured when
fixed over Into a curry. Cut the meat Into
small pieces and fry brown in butter, drip
pings or olive oil, together with two onions
and two sour apples sliced. Turn In i
tablespoonful curry powder, two teaspoon
iuis sugar, a teaspooniui ot salt a scant
tablespoonful vinegar, and three cupfuls
gravy or stock. Simmer for half an hour
and serve with boiled rice. Another mut
ton curry has for Its foundation a pound
of mutton minced, but adds to its attrac
tlons by combining It with vegetables. Take
a small, fresh cauliflower and separate into
flowerettea. Cut one turnip and one carrot
into small pieces and chop fine one onion
and two cloves of garlic. Fry the mutton
a few moments In a little butter, adding
a tablespoonful curry powder and the car
rots. Add a pint of boiling water, a bay
leaf, and a few cardamon seeds, and slm
mer half an hour. Add turnips and caull
flower with salt to sesson snd simmer all
slowly until the vegetables are done. Serve
as usual with boiled rice.
Carry Powder.
While eurry powder can be purchased
very reasonably at any good grocer's, It
can also bo prepared at home, If desired
from the following formula: Pound to
gether one ounoe each tumeric coriander
seed, white ginger, nutmeg, mace and cay
enne. Pass through a fine sieve, bottle and
cork well.
w I , g . 1) S f - Ssv - Ha 'Una. TaV ' SBJ a I I ST jar m W X 1 t:
.H JUr
I . 1 ' " -
1 win
1 ME r OK A WHUt LErvr;
i? J YZf f- MS C V MEMBER.! BUT 3Ml
1 f I S llBllsi.sWssMllgls.lllWIWssW I I a. A 1 i ITT T 1 I aT g4aWa-s-ssss.i ss.
Thursday. I'm going back to the hotel on
Monday. Mother writes that a suffragette
has arrived. It will be such fun, as I shall
pretend I want to be one and try and get
her real ideas on the subject. Molly re
fuses to discuss the question with me at all
now. She told me she got very much Ir
ritated and said I evidently understood
nothing about It.. I have received a postal
card from Tom. every morning sine I've
been here. He knows I hate them. -
If people don't want to take th trouble
to write you a letter they send you one of
those things with a picture on it that you
don't In the least care to dee. I used to
send them to Tom all the time in answer to
his letters. When I got th last one yes
terday morning I tore it in a thousand
piece at th breakfast table and threw
them on the floor. I wish they had been
th kind of pieces that would have made
a big crash. Molly took m to a dinner
soma neighbor or her's named Deerlng
gave tho other night. The man she says
would make a splendid husband for me
was there. I knew I shouldn't like him n
tho least.. He wss worse than I thought
the kind that would make such a good
Items of
Lovers of feminine beauty in London are
crowding to the exhibition of photographlo
portraits of "Five Hundred Fair Women"
which Madame LalUe Charles, the well
known artist In portraitures. Is giving at
her studios fn Curion street, Mayfalr. The
exhibition Includes exquisite studies of a
large number of royalties, beautiful women
of title, and notabilities of society, and the
gallery shows examples of the most varied
and alluring types of our fairest women.
Among others may be specially mentioned
a charming set of studies of II. R. H.
Princess Patricia of Connaught. Wa pro
duce above one of Miss Lai lie Charles' por
traits of Viscountess Msldstone, Who was
Miss Drexel, and whose recent marriage
was one of th prettiest and most fashion
able functions of the sesson.
Nothing ta so uncommon
as common
sense. Th moment when a man Is show
ing signs of Interest in another woman
Is generally the tiro chossn by a stupid
JIU 15'
i I
corrftiurr. wnniHiH vow cvai tcumijpew vqk Hemio CD-
effJammer Girt
corrnajrr. iio. it the new ysm evcnim t&euui
husband you'd forget you were married to
him in no time.
He didn't even look as though he'd talk
about ths weather in an interesting way.
and he at such a lot because the food was
so good, not because he wss hungry. I
usually hate dinners, anyway. If you are
sitting beside some one you don't like, you
can't escape, and have to make conversa
tlon. If I am hungry I want to eat and
not talk, and If I feel like talking, I don t
want to eat at th samo time. I must be
a sort of a pig, I suppose.
Molly was having a lovely time as she
wss sitting next to that hideous Captain
Danvers, whom she flirts de&peratel? with
and says she likes on account of his Intel
lectual powers. She says he Is one of the
few men she could have a friendship with
that could be really platonlc. I do envy
)) H'
Interest to the Women Folk
wife for making herself thoroughly un
attractive by Jealousy,
Jealously Is rsrely a sign of love. It
rather implies want of confidence, which
Is an Insult. Also a wife when she shows
Jealousy, should remember that she may
be playing the other woman's hand for
her better than she could play It herself,
says Home Chat.
Persuasion, you know, is Aprodlte's
daughter. Coax then; don't drive.
"Thare is only one thing worse than quar
rels in public," says Conan Doyle, "and
that Is caresses.' The only sort of caress
a woman of fine feeling should allow her
self In public Is that of which Swinburne
ssys: "I looked and saw your heart In
the shadow of your eyes."
Cross bar scrim Is now being used
great deal for bed spreads, curtains, small
covers, etc., and Is very pretty when trim
med with lace. It Is quite expensive, how
ever, but if one has the time th plain
to pick op a matchJ 0 r
mew tom hbulo co i mat i
Molly the quality of being able to tell th
most fearful lies and absolutely believing
herself. I csn He Ilk anything when I
want to, but I can't believe myself. Why
she makes tears come Into her eyes if sh
wants, In fact, she ran act In any waysh
tries to, even if she doesn't feel llk It.
Sometimes I find that utterly Impossible.
That night last summer when Tom tried
to hold my hand I would have given any
thing to have immediately stood up and
waited, with an air of cold and simple
dignity, for him to apologise for dreaming I
that I was the sort of woman who would I
permit such a liberty. Just as I was find- '
Ing that. In spite of my most superhuman
efforts, I couldn't frown, he proposed
which was, of course, an adequate apology.
Now, it was awfully easy to be dignified
with Godfrey under the same circumstances. '
I simply took up a flowerpot and told hint
If he didn't instantly apologise I'd throw .
It at him. He knew I meant it, too, and
humbly asked my pardon in a great hurry,
though he didn't propose. f jg
He has been scared to death of m evt
since. I am quit anxious to go In swim
ming again. Mother writes that sh can't
understand why Mlss'Haddon Smith doesn't
seem able to learn to swim, as she has had
so many lessons. Shs says father even
tried to give her a few points, but sh
didn't seem to progress at all.
scrim may be bought and the squares
formed by drawing threads, say from five
to eight, and finishing the edges with a
hemstitch, using a colored mercerixed
thread. Other means of decoration is to
replace ths drawn thread with those In
a color, darning In and out, or again baby
ribbon may be run through with good
effect, though It would not wash as well
i.s the colored threads.
Olrdles promise to be worn with th
summer frocks this season, so that girls
who are handy with their needles should
first look around for bargains In bits of
handsome trimmings in motif or medallion
effect, ends of brocade and short lengths
of soft ribbon, and then work small rem
nanls of fringes for trlmmlnga Th sash
ends of ribbon, too, must not be over
looked. ,
Most of th new girdles ar made quit
high In th front Ther will b a deep,
long motif of some handsome fabrlo ta th
front caught with soft ribbon.
.str- dT ill
' x I I