Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1910, Image 1

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    The. Omaha Daily Bee
Socs to the homes Is read bf tha
women snUg goods for advertisers.
For Nobras-ra r'alr.
For Iowa Fair.
For wcsthrr rerort. so rag 2.
St V
1 '
Spanking Breeze Forbids Flying, but
Man Tries and Wins Prize
for Start.
Aviator Leaves Ground in Fifty Feet
Four Inches.
Half -Inflated Cantive '
from Its Moori -a
Officials Finally Cilv t'p a
Chance to Entertain and
Ticket Cnrtlss Prom
U 1
Work Orertl
A high wind raced over the aviation field
yenterday afternoon and evening and put
an unfortunate damper on aeronautical
feats. This breese blew thirty miles an
hour at times, was full of gusts and spurts,
and vb much to dangerous for aeroplane
flying. Consequently none was done.
Bit I ho afternoon was not without events.
One of these was achieved bjt, J. C. Mara,
who liroka a world's record In two. Mars
arosa from the earth just fifty feet amU
lour inches from his starting point, break
ing the record for starts for both four
cylinder and eight-cylinder machines. His
own record for a four-cylinder aeroplane
was 106 feet and Curtlss' previous world's
record, made In an eight-cylinder plane,
was eighty-seven feet.
Mars will carry off a silver cup for this
feat of yesterday, for this was offered for
the first ' world's record broken. He has
possession of It even if his achievement
Should be botered today 'or tomorrow.
The other event of the afternoon was the
unent captive balloon, which swept away
xrom its mooring at 4 o clock and was res
cued In trees a quarter of a mile away.
rTlie balloon had sagged out under the net
which enshrouds it. This net is weighted
down by bags of sand, which ordinarily are
. Too Much Air Stirring;.
( Curtlss and his fellow aviators did not
, -appreciate while down town what a breese
was blowing on the high ridge where the
aviation field Is loscated and when they ar
rived on the scene by auto looked gloomily
-skyward. .
There was little prospect that (he wind
would die down by sundown, nor did It
Instead it blew heavily until after dusk.
At 6 p. m. the management decided to Issue
wind checks and there were given the
crowd, . which went ham determined to
return this afternoon.
Mars' brief flight ' was the only on
y essayed and he took It In order to give the
" crowd a little diversion. He pointed his
aeroplane Into .the teeth of the wind and
It was the great velocity of the wind which
enabled him to leave the ground ' so
promptly. Nor did he Stay in the air. He
came to earth as fast as he could after he
knew that the wheels had cleared.
As tt was he took something of a chance.
The wind helped him up, but It Is quite
easy to be helped too much and too fast
In such conditions, with the result that the
aeroplane turns a complete backward
somersault. Such a contretemps has
happened in the past to both Mars and
lng. Ordinarily the aeroplane must skim
the earth more than 100 feet before It grace
fully rises.
Extra Flights for Today.
If yesterday's wind disappointed the
crowds it likewise did tho aviators, ' and
and Curtiss promised some extra fancy
flight for this afternoon wind permitting.
Given a moderately calm day, or a calm
early evening and there will be some great
oaring In the aviation field.
Ely was a disgruntled aviator all the
afternoon. His father had come here from
Davenport to see his son and heir fly, but
there was nothing doing. The wind was
such that attempts at flight meant almost
curtain spills and while Ely and Mars are
wiling to take a clWnce once In a while
A with a sudden gust ofSylnd from apparently
nowhere, and this they Tiiust perforce do
yet they and Curtlus arc not so foolhardy
as to rink a young gale such as blew yes
terday. The government dirigible will be on the
field tomorrow If it has to be carted there
In a dray. Unless tho air is extremely
fav,irhl th ptu.n P.OV.' is tO tu" 11 over,
a squad of soldiers acting as weights be
neath the bulky craft '"
cinrns is hagku to please
flays It Hard to stay Down When
ThssHult Call for Hlu.
"Here Is a paradox," said Glenn Curtlss
Monday morning.' "Sometimes It Is harder
not to fly than to fly. I mean that when
there is a big crowd waiting expectantly
' and at the same time atmospheric condi
tions are hostile to flight, an aviator has
to keep a grind on himself rot to try to go
aloft and risk his sweet young life."
Mr. Curtlss was at this n.lnute preparing
a poached egg for a trip up and then
down, a flight which was made wltlveml
nent success.
"I went up yesterday one when I knew
I ought nut to," he added, "and yon saw
the result a small uecldent."
Curtlss was highly pleased over the sue
cm of Sundsy's exhibition and declared
ho Imped for greater altitudes In the re
maining days.
At noon Monday condition looked good
for the third day. The humidity was
lightly greater than on SLnday and the
wind seemed to hint st dying down earlier.
But the wind Is a most uncertain proposi
ti n and predictions with resDect to It are
At noon Ely went down to Union station
to meet his father who Is coming here to
e him fly. Ely was a good deal cheered
by Curtlss' promise to let him try Mar's
machine If Ely's own engine fails to work
on the next Venture. "And If that does not
go well," said Curtlss, "we'll see about
something else."
Ely would give all his earthly possessions
to take a ride In Curtlss' "Hudson Flyer"
in which to date non but Curtlss himself
has gon soaring. 1
Ely comes of u family largely composed
of soldivis and clergymen. He is a distant
cousin of Richard T. Ely, the economist
, and sociologist who Is the son of clergy
man who descended In direct ltne from
ceven other lresbyterlan clergymen. The
military (connection Is more close. Two of
r con
(Continued on $ecoud Paga)
Three Young
Women Drowned
in Sotith Dakota
Party Was Fording Cheyenne River
When Carriage Was Overturned
by Rush of Water.
PIERRE, 8. D., July 25. Special Tele
gram.) The news of a triple drowning ac
cident at Durton Crossing on the Cheyenne
river about 100 miles northwest of here
hss been reported. The victims are Misses
Blanche Atwood, Sadie Turner snd Etta
Aldrlch. The women, with Frank Werner
as driver of the rig. were returning to
their homesteads near Marcus, Meade
county, after a picnic trip in the bad lands
south of i't Hip and were fording Cheyenne
river when a wall of water from the cloud
burst in the Black II'lIs a few days before
swept down the stream, rolling their rig
along the stones at the bottom of the river.
Wagner was saved by clinging to the lines
and being pulled out by the team after
the rig had broken loose. The girls were
all drowned. The body of Miss Aldrlch
was first to be recovered and relatives
near Spencer, la., notified. Tlia body of
Miss At wood was also recovered soon, but
at last reports that of Miss Turner had
not bei found.
Former Mayor of
Ridgeway, Va.,
Dynamite Bomb is Thrown Under
Hammook in Which He
Was Lying.
(RIDGEJWAY, Va., July 35 Former Mayor
A. H. iBousman was assassinated by a dy
namite bomb, which was thrown from the
street under a haramonck In which he was
lying last evening. He died an hour after
the explosion. No clue to the Identity of the
murder or the cause of the crime has
Mayor Bousman had spent the hot even
ing sleeping in a hammock on the lawn tn
front of his residence. About 10 o'clock
the dynamite bomb was thrown by some
one passing along the street. It landed in
the hammock and exploded. The mayor
died an hour later. The news quickly
spread about the town and excitement grew
to a high pitch. The surrounding com
munity is worked up over the murder. It
Is believed if the assassin is caught he will
be lynched,
been found.
Charley Bryan
Names Senators
List of Legislators Whom He Says
', Agreed to Support Initiative . '
and "Referendum.'7
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., July 25. (Special Tele
gram.) For the purpose of correcting the
many misstatements now going the rounds
of the press as to . the number and the
names of tho state senators who pledged
themselves to vote for the initiative and
referendum, should a special session be
called for that purpose, Charles W. Bryan
gave out the following statement: "The
nineteen senators who agreed to vote for
the Initiative and referendum, should the
special sasslon be called for that purpose,
were as follows: -
Smith Ketchum
S. F. Bodlnson
J. A. Oils, Jr.
James A. Donono
Herman Dlers
J. E. Miller
J. D. Hatfield
Frank H. Henry
W. B. Banning
G. W. Fuller
J. H. Buhrman
K. P. Brown
J. R, Cain
C. A. Randall
Tom Majors ,
L. L. Raymond
A. G. Warren
J. C. Gammlll
George W. Wilts
The three senators who agreed to vote
for the initiative and referendum on con
dltlons that as many of their constituents
petitioned them to do as voted for them at
the time of their election were Fred Vo'.pp
and Charles R. Besse. democrats, and J,
M. Cox, republican.
Senator Tit-bets, democrat, and Senator
King, republican, while stating that they
believed In the principle of the Initiative
and referendum, declined to pledge them
uelves to vote for it.
Sharp Rise in
December Corn
Advance of Nearly Five Cents at Chi
cago on Reports of Damage
by Drouth.
CHICAGO, July 25. An extreme advance
of 4i cents was registered In the corn
market hero today. The market was wide
and excited on reports of heavy damage
due to the heat and drouth. The Decem-
ber option was the most violent affected.
.... ni:,fllin Katordav .nd rt,.,.
. " . ' " '
the forenoon today sold up to &c.
September gained :ic, selling at 60Vc, and
May 4c, with the sales at CiiUc.
Sutfnr Hetlner on Strike.
NEW YORK, July 2.'. Four hundred em
ploves of the Federal KiiBar Refinery at
Yonkers. N. Y., struck today. Officials of
the company say they could learn nothing
from the men except that they had re
cently formed a union.
Suitcase is Used as Berth
for Tiny Traveling Infant
From Allentown,
In a suit case Is
Ta., to Denver, Colo.,
a new record set by a
wee baby that stopped over at Omaha's
Union station V for a short time Sunday.
With two holes punched In the top of the
house- and a bottle of milk to occupy it
mind, this Infant happily lets the world
roll by and cares not for the worries of
the wicket outside.
The train came to V stop and the mother
swung grucefully to the ground, turning
down the offers of porters to tarry her bat-g-ige
and walked over to Passenger U. rec
tor Ely and asked hlui about the train
west. Finding out she had a little time.
Troublt in Grand Trunk Strike Not
Over in Spite of What Offi
cials Say.
Cars Sent Over Line Stopped at
South Bend, Ind.
Adjutant General on Scene to Deter
.mine Need.
Strike Leaders Rxnrea I'tmoit Confi
dence la Steadfastness of Ranks
of ' Men Who Are
I Oat.
SOUTH BEND, Ind., July 5.-AJthough
a large fore. of police and deputy sheriffs
preserved order this morning, trouble here
In connection with the Grand Trunk rail
way strike is not believed to b over.
The single train sent over the division
Sunday night In an effort at resumption
of freight service was halted in this city
and several cars were fired.
General William J. McKee of the state
national guard, arrived In the city today
and will determine the need of troops.
MONTREAL,' July 25. Solution of the
Orand Trunk strike problem la now In
sight, according to the company's officials.
It neither Includes they say, arbitration
nor any further negotiations with th 1,900
conductors and trainmen, who struck a
week ago for a wage scale higher than the
15 per cent Increase awarded by the board
of conciliation.
The only essential to be. provided for In
th situation from the company's point of
view as set forth, in- the message sent
yesterday by President Hayes to McKensle
King, minister 6i labor, is adequate pro
tection of the company's property and em
ployes, especially those who have taken the
places of strlckers. ..
While we were desirous of arbitration,"
said President Hayes, "time for such' ac
tion has passed." '
The strike leaders, on the other hand
expressed th utmost confidence In the
steadfastness of their ranks - and their
ability to force the railroad to terms by
an irremediable freight paralysis.
Koad Program Ambitions.
Th ralitoad officials begin the - week
with an ambitious program. It was an
nounced that freight of all kinds would
be accepted for Immediate shipment. Th
shops at various points, closed a week ago,
were re-opened today. Practically all th
10,000 employes returned to their plaoea.
Several minor wrecks, alleged by th rail
road officials to be due to tampering with
switches by unauthorised persons, and de
clared by strike leaders to have been aoot,
dents resulting from handling of trains by
inexperienced. mri; "have bean called to the
attention of the authorities. .
The local militia at Brockville, which has
been a storm center, is said not to be do
ing satisfactory protective work. The city
oouncll is expected to request th govern
ment to send a detachment of regulars
from Kingston.
The message conveying th position of
the Grand Trunk officials to Mr. King was
sent last night and read as follows:
"Your telegram of the 23d received.
While, as you know, from the many con
ferences urging your action before th
strike took place and from our offer re
peated and urged upon th committee we
are desirous of arbitration and so avoiding
the existing trouble, tlm for such action
has now passed, and It is only necessary
that we should have th protection to
which we are entitled to enable us to
resume the full opeiatlon of the road.
Coupled with this announcement of th
company that th tlm has passed for
arbitration cam th statement that, on
Monday the shops of the entire system will
be reopened, that Instructions will - be
Issued to agents to once more take freight,
and that way freights will be put on and
the manifest freight service lnoreased.
In addition. It is announced by the of
ficials that some of th former employes
who went out on Monday last are reporting
for work.
MordocU la Satisfied.
The answer of VUe President Murdock
to this is:
"We are perfectly satisfied with th way
things are going, and if it Is to be a fight
to a finish, I do not know that I could
suggest an Improvement on existing condi
tions from our point of view. As matters
stand, the traveling publlo is being fairly
well taken ear of, while freight Is tied up.
The report of A. Kennedy, of the engineers
brotherhood to us, Is that only 10 per cent
of the Grand Trunk engineers are on their
regular runs, the remaining so per cent
being Idle."
Move Four Freight Trains.
TORONTO, Ont, tfuly 25.-The claims of
the Grand Trunk railway that matters are
asumlng better shape was borne out yester
day by the arrival and departure of four
freight trains from Toronto. Crews have
been secured to run all pasengers.
""" " irmgni trains, ana
'eight of the latter
will start to
morrow from London, Toronto, ' Strat
ford, Sarnla and Niagara Falls. Three
westbound freights were sent out from Port
Huron today and two eaatbound and two
westbound from Battle Creek.
Everything apparently Is quiet at Brock
ville. Three ringleaders of the rioting of
Friday night hav been remanded to jail
tor a week.
she went Inside and started to open her
suitcase when, instead of the usual array
of wearing apparell, there came to view a
little pink and white baby, who kicked
his heels In the air and crowed his delight
of traveling, to the interested onlookers.
"Well I've seen suitcases used as porta
ble saloons, and they have been left with
bricks In them at hotels for lodging, and
they are sometimes used to carry poodle
dogs, but I'm darned If one used as a room
was ever seen before," said one man.
The woman was the center of the gaze
of many curious eyes as she opened the
case and disclosed th body as happy as a
From the Cleveland Leader,
, , - '
St. Paul Man Says Island is Exceed
ingly Prosperous. .
Cleafnesroa, Where Ha Is Stationed,
Making; Ifnmerona Improvements
Banks Ask for Postal Savin
Bank rands.
(From a Staff Correspondent),
WASHINGTON. July 25. fSneclal Tele-
gra.)-Max J. Baehr of St. Paul. Neb., con
sul at Clentugos, Cuba, was In Washington
today en route to his home in th prairie
state. Mr. Baehr has been located in Cuba
sine 1903, a much longer time than is us
ually given to an American representative
of the State department in a southern
country, but conditions in the Gem of the
Antilles hav kept him there, and, accord
ing to the officials of the State department,
Mr. Baehr ta one of the most efficient offl
oera in service. He has refused two con
sul generalships, that at Buenoa Ayres and
at .Callao, Peru, because of his desire for
an European post. Now he feels it his
duty to remain in Cuba for a time at least.
"Cuba Is very prosperous," said Mr.
Baehr, after hie call upon Mr. Carr of th
State department, "owlrrt--to the largest
sugar crop ever rriaaienth island, and
because of better prions realized. Develop
ment of th country Is progressing steadily,
especially In th city cf Clenfuegoe, which
Is the largest exporting port In Cuba. It
has Just completed a fine system of water
works and sewerage at a cost of KOOO.OOO
and has built a new electric tramway sys
tem. Elections ' In December.
"Elections for governors, provincial coun
cils and municipal officers will be held in
December. While there Is a good deal of
disaffection throughout Cuba over the
forthcoming emotions, I believe the govern
ment is well sble to take care of any
contingencies that may arise.
"As to politics In Nebraska, I am hardly
In position to say anything as It has been
two years since I have been away from my
post. Of course. I have read the horn
papers and know of th candidacy of Mr.
Cady for governor and I want to say he
would make a splendid governor and being
from my home town, I would Ilk to see
him win. He Is on of th ablest men In
th stat. I want to see Senator Burkett
win, too, for ' he has made a ftrst-claas
representative and is entitled 'to re-election."
Mr. Baehr left this afternoon for his
home, having- been called to th states on
account of the serious illness of his daugh
ter. Pops and Coontr Option.
Th following banks in Nebraska today
rnaae appiicatloln to be appointed de
positories for postal savings bank funds:
First Natiolnal Bank of Cro. Citizens
state Bank of Bloomfield, First National
Bank of Auburn.
Th First National Bank of Indennndeno
la., and First National Bank of Iowa City
also hav mad application to handle sav
ing banks funds.
The postmasters at Clinton and Lannx
la., have made requests that postal savings
banks be established In their offices
The postmaster at Beresford, S. D.; today
made request that a posta.1 savings bank
be established In his, office.
irnr Orders.
Army Orders Just Issued are as follows:
Captain Edward Thartmann, Fifth In
fantry, Is detailed to fill a vaoancy in the
quartermaster's department, vie Captain
William D. Davis, quartermaster, assigned
to the Fifth Infantry.
captain Arthur Cranston, Thirtieth In
fantry, is detailed to fill a' vacancy in the
quartermaster's department.
Major General William H. Carter, of the
General Staff, is assigned to duty as
assistant to the chief of staff.
Leaves of absence are as follows: Captain
Robert H. Westcott, Eleventh Infantry,
one month: Captain Westley H. Hamilton,
Coast artillery corps, one month; Major
William Lassiter, Inspector general, four
months; Captain Charles R. Lawson, quar
tei master, two months.
Capital Gossip.
The First National bank of Floyd, la..
has been authorized to begin business with
capital. George H. Jackson la presl
dent. A. S. Griffith, vice-president and O. C.
Klndlg cashier.
Earnest K. Hamilton has been appointed
postmaster at St. Anna, Frontier county,
Neb., vice O. A. Sjmerville, resigned.
Record Yield of Wheat.
AUBURN, Neb., July 23. (Special.) Al
fred Aldrlch threshed and delivered to L.
L. Coryell at the latter'S elevator In Glen
Rock wheat that went forty-two bushels
to the acre and tested sixty-three pounds
to the bushel. Mr. Coryell states this Is
by far th best wheat he has ever bought
during a period of sixteen years of grain
buying In Nemeha county. Mr. Aldrlch
received V0 cents a bushel for th wheat
th land thus produolng 127.S0 per acre.
Note: The West Has Gone Dry
Politicians Arc
Leaving for the
Big Conventions
Douglas County Republicans to Meet
at the Lincoln Hotel Tues
day Morning.
Part of the Douglas county delegation to
the republican state convention left Man
day morning for Lincoln, but the largor
part of th delegation will go on the early
morning train Tuesday. A call has been
made for a meeting of th delegation at the
Lincoln hotel Tuesday morning at U o'clock
to organise.
The democratlo delegation to the Grand
Island convention mot Saturday and eleoted
I-L B. Fleharty as chairman of the delega
tion. The delegation also decided to pre
sent the names of Charles Fanning, George
Rogers and Frank Good as members of the
state committee.
The democrats will leave on a special
train over the Union Pacific Tuesday morn
ing at 6:16.
General Alarm .
. for Ernest Wider
Missing Cashier of Russo-Chinese
Bank Six Hundred Thousand
Dollars Short.
NEW YORK, July 26.-A general alarm
has been, sent to the police throughout the
United States and Canada for the arrest
of Ernest Wider, cashier of the Russo-
Chinese bank, who Is charged by the bank's
officers with having taken $70,000 in bonds
from a safety deposit box. Reports today
say that Wider has taken securities far In
excess of ' that sum and approximating
Counsel for Wider late this afternoon ad
mitted that th young man's defalcations
amounted approximately to $600,000, the
greater part of which was lost In stock
Son of President of Oil Company Con
victed of Bura-lary at) Kansas
KANSAS CITY, -Mo., July 25,-John Wll-
hoit, 18 years old, formerly a student of
th University of Georgia and a son of
W. F. Wllhoit. president of a cotton oil
company of Atlanta, Os, pleaded guilty to
a charge of burglary in the criminal court
here this morning and was sentenced to
two years in the penitentiary. Wllhoit said
he run away from the unlvoiUy because
he had a d slro to travel. He confessed to
having stolen goods valued at $226 from a
furniture ttore here.
Ifesrress Who Kept Resort at Monroe,
La., Probably Drowned la
Oaachlta River.
MONROE. La., July 25. Unidentified men
broke Into the city Jail here ear.y today
and carried off Iura Porter, a negro wo
man prisoner, keeper of a resort .where
white men afe reported to have been robbed
on several oocaslons. It is generally be
lieved she was thrown Into the Ouachita
river and drowned.
Ohio Republicans Will
x Agree on Governor
COLUMBUS, O., July 23.-A series ol con
ferences between the requbllcan leaders,
who are sccredlted supporters of the na
tional administration began at noon today,
the result of which it Is said may be an
agreement upon the candidate for gover
nor before the party's state convention
opens tomorrow.
Senator Burton today expressed the be
lief that unless a radical change takes
place, either Judge O. B. Brown of Day
ton, or Warren G. Harding of Marlon,
former lieutenant governor, would lead on
the first ballot.
Republican leaders and delegates who are
here for the state convention were today
frankly awaiting word from James R. Gar
field, leader of the "progressives."
As the majority of the delegates are un
pledged, th state leaders are Interested tn
the number of voles which Mr. Garfield will
claim for the "progressives.-
It Is considered that this will have a
direct bearing upon th platform to be
adopted, and hence upon the candidate for
governor. Tba only considerable divergence
Protest Against Proposed Reductions
in Agents' Commissions.
Also Take In th Aviation Meet at
Crelghton Field Of fleers for
th Emnlnf Year Are
Twenty-flva insurance writers from out
In the state and seventy-five of th Omaha
members of the state association met at
the Field club Monday to elect officers and
dlrcuss the movement on foot among east
ern companies to reduce commissions. The
meeting Is the annual gathering and was
begun with a lunoheon ana ended with
th election of offloers. The aviation meet
was visited In the afternoon and in the
evening the Insurance men were added
to the victims of Halley's comet at the
Th speakers at the afternoon meeting
were Caption H. A. Palmer, H. N. Wood,
V. T. B. Martin, A. J. Love and C. C.
Pollard of Fremont. General Cow In was
expected to speak on insurance law, but
was unable to be present Th reduction
of commissions Is a movement which is
threatening soma of the western, "favored"
cltlesV Hks Milwaukee and Chicago, where
rth agent's share Is unusually large. The
companies are discussing reductions there
and the Nebraska men are not certain that
their own commissions will suffer, too.
Three delegates were elected to a national
convention which the Insurance men will
hold in Chicago th first week in Sept em
ber. Resolutions of condolence were passed
for Mrs. Paul Oolson, wife of President
Paul Colson of Fremont.
Officers of the association re-elected for
1910 were Paul Colson, Fremont, president
W. S. Clapp of Kearney, B. L. Baldwin of
Omaha, Alfred W. White of Plattsmouth
O. W. Palm of Lincoln. Fred Heller of
Nebraska City, T. F. Horn of Auburn, vice
presidents; C. O. Talmsge, Omaha, secre
tary and treasurer. The out-of-town vis
itors wer J. A. Axtell, Falrbury; C. C.
Pollard, Fremont; Fred C. Laird, Fremont;
William Madgett and W. A. Pielstlck,
Hastings; Gus C. Becher, Columbus; C. A,
Burk, Central City; C. W. Brlnlnger and
Mr. Beecher, Grand Island; T. G. Lowe,
South Omaha; Arthur Truesdell, Fremont;
Wlllard S. Harding, Nebraska City; M. H
Collins. Nebraska City; W. L. White, York
Lom Tlbbetts and Joseph W. Walt, Lincoln.
Man Who Blardered Danahter and
Another Who Killed Brother
Par Penalty,
OSSrNINO, N. Y July Is. At Elng Sins
prison today two men were electrocuted
for murders committed in New York City.
They were Carl Loose, convicted of the
murder of his daughter, and Gulsephe Gam-
baro, a fractrlclde. Both men met death
calmly only one shock of th electrio cur
rent was required In each case and' the
tlm which elapsed from beginning to end
of th exeoutions was less than ten minutes
Loose was convicted In New York of the
murder in November 1908, of his daughter,
Mata. He killed th girl and shot his son,
th Kev. Frederick William Loose, after
shooting st his wife, who escaped Injury.
Loose was C8 years old. He was a baker.
uambaro on February g, 1909 shot and
killed his brother Vincenzo, whom he
blamed for loss of a good position with a
glass novelty company In New York City.
between the platform suggested by Mr.
Garfield three weeks ago and that outlined
last night by Wade H. Bills, one of the
"regular" leaders and a friend to the presi
dent. Is in the endorsement of the present
national administration and th recently
enacted tariff law, which Mr. Ellis Insisted
The fight of the "progressive" has been
thus far wholly for an advanced platform,
and It was expected that Mr. Garfield
would today indicate how far the sugges
tions made by Mr. Ellis for an extension
of referendum and other state reforms,
coupled with an endorsement of the presi
dent snd his policy, will satisfy the "pro
gressives." Senators Burton and Dick
have not been actively In league with the
campaign for the nomination of Judge O.
B. Brown cf Dayton, who Is supported by
Georgd B. Ccx and it was stated that an
acceptance by th "progressives" of some
other than Mr. Garfield on a modification
of the platform suggested by Mr. Ellis
date. He Is making a campaign for secr
ruent of th leaders aside from Mr. Cox.
Brother Charlie Says His Plans' Will
Not Be Affected by Hostile
Democratic Majority,
Former Senator Wants to Heal tho
Democratic Split.
Majority Wonders Just How to Hold
Him in Line.
Advance ttnard of Democratic and
Populist Conventions Kill the
Hotel Corridors with
Maeh Talk.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July 26.-(8pecial
Telegram.)-Demoerate from mora than a
score of counties now here oompose th
sdvance guard of the delegation to th
state convention to be heid here tomorrow.
wntle practically all the leaders of the
party who are here express the belief that
Mr. Bryan will ba defeated in his fight for
county option, they anticipate a fight at his
hands. The fact that forty delegates mora
than a majorty have been Instructed
against county opUon will make no differ
ence In th plans of Mr. Bryan.
"Our fight will be mad just th same,"
said C. W. Bryan. "Th fact that it Is
claimed that there are more than a major-
Ity or delegates pledged against oounty op
tion will not change our plans."
Allen Promotes Harmony.
During the afternoon W. V. Allen, ex-
United States senator, took It ojito himself
to bring around some kind of harmony be
tween Governor Shallenberger and the
Dahlman forces. It was reported that
Dahlman's lieutenants would not stand for
a specific endorsement of th 8 o'clock clos
ing law, though lis would not object to an
endorsement of th administration. Friend
of the governor were afraid that Dahlman
and Bryan might make somo kind of a
combination and prevent th endorsement
of the daylight saloon law, but Charlie
Bryan scouted the idea that the Bryanltes
would fight such an endorsement When
the governor was asked about harmony b
aween himself and Dahlman said:
'I don't give a d n what the other fel
lows stand for; I am for an endorsement of
the 8 o'clock closing law, and I am ready
to fight In the convention on that Issue."
All of this talk was being don with
Dahlman not yet In th city.
Mr. Hitchcock is buby writing a plank
about national Issues which he expects to
load the resolutions of th convention.
What to Do with Bryan. , ..,
So sur are the antls that they hav Mr.
Bryan whipped that' they hav begun to
talk about how to lot him down easy, but
so far no one seems to hav solved th
problem. Judge Shoemaker of Omaha In
sists on throwing him over th transom,
while others are evincing some alarm last
liryan do that to the candidates after th
primary, if defeated in the convention.
No one tonight Is talk seriously I. J.
Dunn's proposed fight on th Douglas dele
gation, but those who are Interested art
waiting for Dunn to get here. Governor
Shallenberger denies that he had anything
to do with picking out a second delega
tion In Omaha. The governor seems con
fident that C. J. Smyth will be made th
permanent chairman of th convention,
with little o no trouble.
Several Banks Applt.
The populist convention will fight over
county option. .Chairman Manuel of th
state committee will lead the fight for a
plank which provides that the party, still
adhering to the principle of county option,
believes the way to settle tho liquor ques
tion is by the lnltiatlv and referendum."
W. V. Allen will attend th populist con
vention and urg the delegates to ignora
county option entirely. Elmer Thomas will
be baok In th fold and fight for county
Mayor Dahlman Ik expected some tim
during the early part of th night and
Mr. Bryan will be here In th morning.
Leaders and Delegates mt t.lncola
Talk over Convention's Work.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 25. (Special Telegram.
Delegates to the republican stat conven
tion, which meets here tomorrow, began
to arrive on the early trains today. To
night probably on-thlrd of th whol num.
ber are In town, Informal conferences
have been in progress all day among th
leaders and delegates now her. Th
County Local Option league has headquar
ters in a store room at the Llndell and is
keeping open house.
While It seems fairly certain that som
sort of declaration touching county option
will be made in the platform, Just what
shape it will take is still very uncertain.
No one seems to have a clearly defined
notion on this point, but the sentiment If
growing In favor of a temperate, sensible
plank. Many dulegates express the view
that the state convention cannot bind leg Is
lative candidates If It would, and th final
conclusion Is likely to take th form of a
mere recommendation that the legislative
districts shall handle the question as they
may deem best, with the stat convention
giving expression to an opinion favorable
to the passage of a law permitting a vol
on the question where public sentiment de
mands It. In any event, sine so many
delegations are under Instructions either
fot or against county option, this Is bound
to be the only test vote on any question,
since all delegates seem to be practically
agred on all other points.
A. E. Cady and C. II. Aldrlch, guberna
tnrlal candidates, are both on the ground
and are the center of groups of admiring
friends, who have advice freely on tap.
fclnce the arrival of delegates from Har
lan, Clay and Greely counties It has de
veloped that they are not really under In
structions to vot for county option, but
that when the conventions hsd practically
finished their work atid many delegates had
left, motions were ostensibly put and carried
instructing for county option.
The make-up of the committee on reso
lutions Is net yet decided on, as the dis
tricts have not jet signified their choir.
John L. Welisti-r will represent the Second
district on tho committee.
The eounly optlonlsts are holding a mas
meeting thlu evening in the auditorium.
A movement was fetarted today to make
Congressman Ueoig Norrls pcrwaueaA