Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1910, WOMEN, Page 2, Image 32

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    Till: OMAHA SIXHAV I5F.K: .iri.v 21. 1!)0.
society kees on mm,
All Eye Are Now Turned to
Cieightoa Field.
t.eaeers of mlei) llaie Inuud ihr
Week t isl llu.r. tlir I
nrnrrfr :m.t tiibir
I n a i r H I lu .
Wain lo I'lt.
Familiar plen-.i .: ;.c..
Tu gladden mil nil ml.
W .Haiti Hi.- J...f ft n
Of lhoe t.iat . lili' ii"..
My kingdom ' , i i ii . u:
But gaspril h I .,,1 ... . u
When fli i . ii . .. . ' '-
Mill! l i Ill
And nun the r.n'
re nan t
u.'l 1 1 leiidii r.
MONKA V-Mi '. K. H Hahe-. Iuhc
Mlfl W',.l!el ' i::i.! II. IN.
Joseph Foiear, I'.n lini'i . il(.
cm f "r i
V : -M i -. I
.1 n-'i" '
fur Miss liorotnj- :..u.ii'm; Jl
Tillsnn. liriwl!:iK party ai Field
i I'.ih; :
aviation mee, at l i eiKhion ' i- i.
Tl KrilMV-it'n. I.i-iiii- Harke:. M
Charles Jlaiiin and Mm. Fran1. Mi ti
luncheon ai I-.e d duo; .M"- Fun ta,
lit. at Happy llulio mi Mi-..
Dorothy I.ighin'i; Mra. 1.. II. Unite,
luncheon Field Hub; t.lix il.i. ai
Hsppv Hollow and f ield cum: in ilwc -k
dinner dame at Happy Hollow, av.ailmi
WKDNKfDAT- M". F. H- HocliHteiirr, I
luncheon for Misses Walilier o, Bionl.-j
lyn; Mimra Kulli and Caiollne. Harding, i
afternoon iea; midweek dinner dunce mi
Kleld Huh; asiatloii meet.
THI'R5lA-lilfJ' dav at Happy Hol
low and Field club; dance of Uod and
...... ,-i.,w
SaTI'RPA Y-Dinner daijce ai Happy Ilol-il
low and Field clubs; week end dance
l Rod and Gun club.
Aeronautic are the all abnorbliig iniereitt
Jut now with all eocieiy. And 11tially all
load lead to L'raigbton field. How Ions It
will he before lha airship anpplanla the
land motor cur ii atlll problematic even for
the aeronauts thameelvea, and ao the more
before women will rieeert the steering wheel
of the land care and take up instead the
more thrilling air sport Is atill beyond
peculations. It may come, tout now
Now, the established fact la that society
la fascinated by the flights and assidu
ously attending the Aviation meet at
Cietghton field. All other facts are over
shadowed by this una fact and therefore
the week will be largely a chronicle of
watch-parties to waloli not the flight of
Ihe year, but the flight of the bird-men.
Unlike the winter vigil, thaee summer onea
lake place noi when the twenty-four hour
day closes, but. when the daylight gives
way to twilight. It is literally trua that
the flight Is against the crimson of aunaet
and gains therefore a beautly alwaya' ap
preciated by the watching crowds.
All of the Interest, however, does not
center about this sunset long flights for the
vents of the earlier hours are of equal
Interest; the balloon fllghta and other air
ship events being Included.
News from Hi front Is good news thla
time. The B.xteenib i-egluienl, Infantry,
l, S. A., wbich iccenUy was forced to
leave Ita prized quarters al Fort Crook, and
Journey to the far north, In fact to Alaaka
itself, la pleased, more than pleaaed with
what fate had In store for It there. This news
from front slates that those who were sched
tiled for duty at Fort Seward upon arrival
were pleasantly surprised at lis new quar
ters. Instead of the shacks and appuiten
ances of frontier life, which they had e
pecttd, they found large tbree-sioiy houses,
electric lighted and modern In every re
spect In "qulto the best we've ever had."
Those who go further Into the country
have yet to report, but probably the same
rehearsal of opinion will be made,
Furthermore these letters from the front
tell of Incidents of Interest on the Journey
out. One young officer, whu had found
life near Omaha particularly pleasant, cap
tivating, In fact, had a habit of dropping
off tbe train at stations where the time
allowed for more than a minute's atop,
and take a tunaUtuilona). The observing
noticed that these walks often Included a
visit to the telegraph office.
(At a way station In Wyoming he swung
off the still moving train, hurdled tracks
to the station and disappeared wlthlu. The
Imaginative pictured him twirling the pen
cil scribbling, eiaalng an Utrilr.g to make
ten words cany all he wanted tu say. The
nervous began to worry and consull their
watches. The engine whlatl'd, but the
fleer did not hear nor leave the office.
Impatient at delay or unconscious of the
officer's ulseace, for ihe engine would not
consciously pluy him men a ttick, the
engine stalled and soon was whirling mer
rily down the Iron way, railroad coaches
filled wltb Uncle Sam's fighting men, fol
lowed. The telegrapher emerged from the office,
found no train, looked about at the In
peopled plains and wondered what he
should,- and could do.
Of course the anxious soon got Into com
munication with the engine and the en
gineer persuaded her to push the trln back
and they eventually picked up the officer
who would telegraph and all that was al
right and forgotten.
But who In Omaha, received the lute
gram T
August 1 Is a date which Is already
marked In large letters In the engagement
' books of society, for August I Is the dste
of the beginning of play In the National
Olay Court Tennia tournament at the Fiell
club. Thla big tennis meet, which ha
Just acquired the dignity of a national
title, having previously been known at the
Midwest tournament, la exceedingly popu
lar with all tannla devotees, those who
wield the racquet and those who only play
the gam as spectator.
For the entertainment of the visiting ten
nis e i petti the prog i am la already an
nounced: Monday evening, gueata at the
Ak-Kar-Ben; Tuesday evening, Gymkhana
at the Country club; Wednesday, dance at
Field club; Thursday evening, motor car
ride; Friday evening, smoker and banquet
at the Field club
In the Stni fest society found its ex
pectations more than fulfilled and the con
certs of absorbing Interest. It Is true that
the presence ot the distinguished musician
was Incentive to several pleasant small
entertainments, but these were, of neces
sity, small and Infoinml. since the con
cert and the rehearsala occupied the
greater part ot their time. The effect ot the
great mualcal 'feat" upon social activity
was marked, since people were so busy
listening to the iniixlo that entertaining
receded little attention.
At the Clubs
4t iae Field lab.
Mi. and Mrs. Charles McDonald enter
tained at on of the U'ger dum-r parties
last evening at tli Kleld club. Their gueat
Included Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McO.Uon, Dr.
and Mr. A. B. Someis, Air. and Mr. It.
C. Hoyt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding.
Mr and Mr Charles R Sherman and Mrs.
A. W. Carpenter.
Mr. and Mr. H. S. Susiuaun entertained
for Miss Dorothy Hutchinson if Keuoeha.
Wis., gqeei of Him Greta Lane. Cover
t .
I'. Ill
Mi -
I'lai-t-d for
liiea IJMI.
I lll!'lltliy lI'JIclllllMill.
Mr. Tnlt AI!o nf I n--Stmniatui
and Mr. and
iroit. M . .-'lev em
Mr-. Sc.nnaniv
Mr. (ienrae Kngler inlertained at uiie of
the dinri..!- pari if la'l eveiini. wlien cov
en wre placed for Mii A my Olimoiv,
Mim Kditli l.urke. fr. and Mm. I'.emena
M.'.YIUIen. 1'npiaiii Hutler of Knit flunk
linsli i .
Other lioslx at th" Kleld club laxt even-
in and Ihe niimbiT of eai li party were:
iileurge Hoonlei. ix; K. W. Knaler. four;
... H Ml.r,... fjv.. i A iiunroe. aix:
' Dr. B. A. McPerniolf. four; ,. V. Kpene
ter, five; H. ). Frederick, ten; Kred Baker,
ilia; Majcir Pundy. four.
Mr. and Mia. (leorae Haverxtlck enler-
lulnoil ttlfyl.t v. ia ! . ,41. ,... a I ll,a r.l.lli
Ml .lexxle Oornian of
Brooklyn, N. T.
41 Happy Hulliin.
Tlmm win, enten-talned at dinner at
Happy Hollow Saturday evening preceding
the dance izn-ludeU Dr. K. C Henry, who
had six Riiets; O. W. Humner. six; H. N.
Wood, four; (ieorge, Klak. ten; H. .
Loiwilis, four; Richard Allen, four; T. K.
Baxter, eleven: W. E. SlKperd. eight.
Mia. ICd ward A. Halflejd will entertain
at an afternoon party Wednesday at Happy
Hollow. '
Pleasures Past
Dr. Klckes entertained a party of five at
dinner Wedneaday evening at the Hod and
Gun oluo, after which they went launch
Mr. A. C. Hart men entertained at dinner
at the Rod and Uun club Thursday evening
for Mrs. A. M. ilobson and R. L. Meier.
The party spent the evening dancing.
Mrs. J. K. Harmon entertained Friday
afternoon for Misa Ethel Harmon of Fre
mont. Thoxe present were Misses F.tliel
Harmon, Mabel Hlnxle, Beatrice Walton,
Mabel Heaton, Pearl Heaton, Marie Hodge,
Lillian Walton, Marion Heaton and Haael
A novel out-door affair was the strolling
party given Wednesday evening at the
home of Miss Teresa Kinzel on Fifth ave
nue. Council Bluffs. The lawn and porches
were strung with Japanese lanterns and
the entire evening was spent out of door.
aoli guest was given a program, whloh
provided for "strolls" with different part
ners, as If for danoing. The forty guests
present Included a number of Omaha peo
ple. ;
Mrs. J. M. Plnkerton entertained at her
home Friday afternoon In celebration of
the fifth birthday of her little daughter,
Dorothy. The table was attractive with a
large birthday cake and decorations of
sweet peas. Those present were the little
Minxes Gladys Fiirtieex, Elizabeth Burk,
Viola Rheau, Martha Zlebarth, Helen Bra
mann, Chu-a Oleen, Marjory Anlxstead, Do
ris Peterson, Dorothy Plnkerton. Masters
Gordon Kurness. Billy Kent, Arthur Zle
bartn, Imlst Nelson, George Killng. Don
ald Furness, Norman Kills, Myron Plnker
ton. Miss Madeline El sun entertained Satur-
of-iday afternoon at her home In honor of Aliss
DiJrvUiy Llghton of Fayettevllle, Ark.
Thoxe present were Misses Mildred Bennett,
Helen Hail. Adeline Wykuff, Mabel Mar
row, Almette Paimer, Dorothy Llghton,
Ruth Harte, Josephine Pardoe, Birdie
Trebilcock, Gladys Miller, Kdna Partletl,
Madeline F.lson. Miss Madeline El son en
tertained again last evening, when thoe
present were Misses Dorothy Llghton, Ruth
Harte, Madeline Elson, Mildred Bennett,
Adeline Wykoff; Messrs. Wayne Belby,
John McCandleaa, Lt Brand Wykoff, Jack
Telser and Philip Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin and Mr. and
Airs. Charles Martin entertained delight
fully at a travelogue party Friday evening
tor Miss Ellla Walther and Miss Helen
Walther of Brooklyn, N. Y.. at the home
of Mr. and Mr. George Barker. Tbe guests
were seated on the wide veranda and the
canvas for the picture was stretched on
the lawn. Stereopllcon views and moving
pictures were shown of the Interesting
places in Italy, Spain and Tanglers. The
guests Included;
Misses Misses
Helen Walther
of Brooklyn. N. Y
Frances I loch teller,
Jeanle Patterson,
Isabel Ibbotson.
Ellta Walther
of Brooklyn, N. ., Marian Tyler,
isabal French.
Brownie Bess Blum,
Kllsabelh Reed,
Erna Reed
Louise Lord.
Elisabeth Pickens,
Eunice Howell,
Gtiald W'hartun,
George Hal ker,
prenllaa I a rd,
Kenneth Palersou,
Ware Hall.
Blaine Your.g.
Franrla Gaines,
Elizabeth sweet,
Gertrude McCarthy,
Pauline Bourke,
Janet Hall,
Dorothy Hall.
Joseph Barker.
.1. Lawrie Wallace.
Biirdette Kirkendall,
Harry Koch,
Cuthbert Potter,
I jouls Sweet,
Ralph West.
Captain Palmer,
Edw aids.
II. Gaines.
Mr. and Mrs. F.
Dr. and Mrs. McMullen.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters
Air. and Mrs. A. V". Klnsler.
Air. and Mr. F. B. Hnchsietler.
Air. and Mrs. George Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler.
F"or the Future
Alts. U H. Kprty will be hostess at a
luncheon Tuesday at th Field club, when
ten guests will be present.
Ml:- Kuti) Hardin; and Alms Carolyn
Haralr.g will entertain at an afternoon tea
Wednesday at their home.
Mis Ldia Bartletl will entertain at
luiichmn Tuesday at Hppy Hollow for
Alixs Doio.ii' ijghlou, guest of Mr. 8.
It. Rush.
An outdoor pieseniailou of "A Mid-summer
Night's Dream." will be given at
Happy Hollow club Thursday evening.
August 4.
Miss Durothy Ligluou, gutsl of Mrs. 9.
R, Rush, will be In nor guest at a luncheon
1 Monday given by Mia. Joseph
PtUar at
Happy Hollow. The latter art of it f-
lei noon Mis. Nannie Tillsoo will .lU.itain
ut a Iniv. ling party at I he I 'ii ld i luh for the
ai.if honor ai.ext.
Mrs. Oeotge Barker. Mm. I'rank Martin
and Mrs. ('. W. Martin will entertain at
luncheon Tuexday at the Kleld club. A
color Hcheme of green and white will be
used in the decorations and forty guests
will be present.
Misx Kditli Locke will entertain a xmall
supper party at the Country club this even
Ing for Mrs. Clemens McMillan. Thoxe
present will be Dr. and Mrs. McMillan.
Lieutenant Taylor. Lieutenant Butler, MidS
Amy Gilmore and Miss Locke.
Mr. Moritz Newman and hlx daughter.
Alius Kt leda Newman, will receive their
friends this afternoon and evening at their
home. 2'iJ3 Woolworth avenue. In honor of
Miss V i leda New man, whoxe engagement
wan recently announced to Mr. Kred B.
Weddirig Bells
Mrs. M. avy of Brooklyn, N. Y., an
nounces the engagement uf her daughter,
Lena, to Mr. Sol lvlcln ot Omaha, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dellone announce
the engagement of their daughter, Fred
ericka. to Mr. Edward McNamara of
Beemer. Neb. The wedding will take place
In the early fall.
Henry B. Alien, a son of former I'nlted
States Senator Allen, and Emma Wetzel of
Norfolk were married Saturday by Rev. J.
M. Bothweil. Mr. Allen is editor of a news
paper at Madison, Neb., where they will
make their home.
Tim engagement of Alias Margaret Phll
llppl, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James O. Phlllippi. and Mr. Frank Wll
kina. son of Mr. and Mrs. Waller B. Wil
kina. Is announced, the wedding t- take
place early in September.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alvord will entertain
at dinner this evening at their home, 24116
Poppleton avenue. In celebration of the
first wedding anniversary of their son, Mr.
Frank Alvord, and Mrs. Alvord, and to
aunounoe tbe engagement of their daughter,
Miss Joyce Alvord, to Mr. Julius Koch.
Personal Gossip
Mrs, C. W. Russell and children are at
Clear Lake, la.
Mrs. . J. Updegraft has gone lo Colorado
for the summer.
Mrs. Elizabeth Hitler Wt Friday for
Denver, Colo., for a few weeks' visit.
Mrs. E. A. Hewitt of Minneapolis Is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Arthur Hoover.
Miss Stella Fpragrue has gone to Denver
and other Colorado points for a two weeks'
Mrs. J. A. Davis will leave Thursday for
a two months' visit at Berkeley and River
aide, Cal.
Mrs. C. H Yost has gone to Wstklns
Glen, N. Y., to spend the remainder of the
summer. ,
Airs. J. E. Elder and daughter have re
turned from a three months' stay at San
Diego, Cal.
Air. and Mrs. W. E. Davis will leave this
week for a two months' vacation, on the
Pacific coast.
Mrs. Edith L. Wagoner has gone to Cop-
pertown, N. Y., to remain until the first
of September.
Mr. G. W. Holdrege left today for his
ranch In Perklps county, Nebraska, for a
short vacation.
Alias Beulah Sharp Is spending the week
In Lincoln as the guest of Captain and Mis.
Robert Hamilton.
Ailss Genevieve Baldwin, who left for the
est last week, expects to call soon for a
month in Europe.
Mrs. W. A. Paxton and daughter, Miss
Prairie Paxton, left last week for a motor
trip to Cleveland, O.
Mrs. Frank Judson and Miss Dorothy
Judaon have gone to Fartnlngtun, Minn.,
for a three week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. I F. L. Haller are now at
Nauheim, Germany, where they expect
to remain until September L
Miss Edith Coleman has gone to Bt. Jo
seph, Mo., where she met her sister. They
will visit friends and relstlves In Iowa.
Air. and Mrs. Harry I Oummlngs left
Friday for the east, and will take the Great
Lakes trip, going to Duluth, Buffalo and
Mr. and Mrs. Vf. H. McCotd, Aliss Mar-
Lady Will Send Frt to Any Sufferer
the Sex ret Which Cureid Her.
From childhood I was dlstreesed and
humiliated by an unwelcome growth of
hair on my face and arms. I tried all
the depilatories, powders, liquids, creams
and other rub-on preparations 1 ever
heard of, only to make it worse. For
weeks I suffered the electric needle wltli-
lout being rid of my blemish. J spent a
great aeai or money on various inings
in vain until a friend recommended a
simple preparation which succeeded
where all else failed.
This simple remedy, a harmless, solu
ble liquids, enablnd ma permanently tu
find entire relief from all iraee of un
welcome hair and forever end all embar
rassment. It I simple, sale, sure and
can be used prlvuiely at home, without
fear of palu or bleiulsl). It makes tne
electric needle entirely unnecessary.
1 will tell In detail full particulars to
enable anv other sufferer to achieve th
same happy results as I did. All I ask Is
two-cent stamp ror r.piy. A'l.nesa
roline IKlO'iii. 127 9. Old P. U. til..
providence, H. 1.
. ( ,'A
I . V v. f, ' 1 ! ;
L..ra... I..I.H in.
.l.i! M.i'.itd t.tiir. V.. i 'ui il li lt .
ur.iiiy f . .Mlatit.c oust to spend the
-1 i ' in . ii tiini'M .
Vr. anj Mi, ii. V. We I. Irs i ml Jir. mul
111 .1 I :. Hi m i-i I to Iimm' Fiidov
I'c Mi!' I.'ti.ic I.. -t t.iey will ! II..' am-li
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N.i-.'i in ii .VI XH-." .1
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hi w.'"k'
li.e In
i n I Weill iif. II!
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l'. m 1
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md .Mm. I.n'.ilh I Minn li.iv c
Ki'lK' lo
,11.1111111. N. V.. win 1 1' tiny w ,11 Join a
, ai'i.v i.r Hl'ii.l-i a ml t.i k- mi 1'Xti'iiniM'
mul.i.'lnc trip llmiiiali New York, M linr
; am! Ilii- W'lillo mnniiiuliif
i Mm. dun le Maei i' h ml Mrs. W II.
1 It J,-., n' Niiv Yntk. v lme Im-cji
I . i.-lir.'i; Mr. H'lil .Mm. A. .Mi Milium leave
'thin w.rk with !lo .M.MIIIuii for mii ex
: I. nilf.l l-i I'l l.os Aiiffk-o. B I.
! Mi'. M. A. t'liMi-y. wlin ha I'oo.i viyHiiiy
Personal Notes
Gossip Still Connects Kermit Roosevelt's Name with that of Mrs. Van
deibilf s Daughter Don Jaime Said to Have Real Eye on the Morgan
Millions Newport is Making Real War on the Intrepid Camera Men.
NKW YORK July j:l -(Special Dlxpatch '
to The Bee.l-Dexplte the proteatatlons nf :
Kermit RooxevtU w hen he sailed away that ',
there wax no sweetheart behind l.ix trip to j
Kurope. I learn from Pari- that In- Ix pay- ;
i lug devoted atteiillou to Ml" Margarei
Kutherfurd. ihe daughter of Mm. S lllluui j
K Vanderhllt I
When Kermit was In will, hlx j
father and mother on their way home from j
.... m luj ..fnid -M.l .,-
parently smitten by hr charms at mice.
They danced together, rode nut .he city In
each other's company and were seldom
apart. .
Consequently when young Mr. Roosevell
suiled away recently It was Immediately
suggested that he was going to meet Misa
Rutherford. However, he said that this
was not so.
Alias Rutherford is a typical French girl,
although she h. the daughter of an Amer
ican woman. Kermit will return lo America
In September.
I'ioiii Newport comes tne Interextlng
The report that Dim Jaime has been very j ,pWM of the engagement ot Mixs Kditli
attentive 10 Miss Anne Mnrfcan abroad Is j 1'mker I'eacon to George l'eahody of
not allowed to die out. Reynolds, a British H mtott. Mlxr Deacon, who wan Intro
liewapaper agency, sends the following to j ..,( to society by her grandmother. Mr.
America: Charles H. Baldwin, who made the an-
"It Isn't at all unlikely. Judging from the j mnincement of the engagement, is a
frequency with which J. Plrrpont 'Morgan's j daughter of the late bMward Parker Dea
daughter Anne and Don Jaime of Spain are i con, a member of a leading Ronton fani-
seeii louether that ihev will soon' make a
match of It "
Reynold's Mammeut Is generally consid
ered as the discreet method of repeating a
definite rumor.
Don Jaime de Bourbon is 40 years old.
the son of the late Don Carlos de Bourbon,
find Is therefore pretender lo the Spanish
throne. He Is an officer In the hussar regi
ment of Grodno In the Russian guards. Aliss
Artie Morgan Is Interested In sociological
work in 'New York. She naa been In Eng
land for two months -traveling alone.
f Mrs. Aa Astor now plans to be next
winter In New York and has not renewed
the lease of the house she has had In Lon
don for the last year. John Jacob Astor
and Ms son, Vincent Aalor, have gone to
Newport. They will occupy Beechwood,
the summer horn for years of Mr. Astor'
mother. Vincent Astor will enter Harvard
In the autumn. Mr. Astor sisters. Mrs.
Q. Oglivy Haig and Mrs. Orme Wilson, are
now together In Paris.
Newport doesn't take very kindly to pho
tographers this summer. Several camera
men working either for newspapers or to
get pictures for themselves, have been
roughly handled. Recently Whitney Warren
chased a camera man down Bellevue ave-
Shoe Prices
That Make You Think
; AT '
We had a big day Saturday and every shoe buyer
went away with a genuine bargain. And why not? The
choicest Oxfords in our stock are being sold jn this reduc
tion price sale.
Ilanan, Clapp, Hoyden, Foster, Wright & Peters and
Armstrong Oxfords, the best in the world, are in this sale.
Monday we will continue the sale. Come early and be
Bure to get what you want.
100 pairs Men's Oxfords, $3.50, $4 and $3
small sizes, broken lots; neither fitted, de
livered or exchanged. ............ . .
For ten lines of Ha nan.
Clapp and Hoyden J6 00
and 10 50 Alen's Oxfords.
For ten lineie of Hanan'a
$5 i0 Alen's oxfords, Rus
sian calf and kid.
For fifteen lines of Mac
Donald, Ktley and For
bush 15 00 and lo.&O
Men's Oxfords.
For fifteen lines of
Howard Foster and
Tilt 14.00 and $4.50
Men's Oxfords.
For twenty line of mls
celsneous makes of 13.50
Meu's Oxfords.
100 parls $5.00 Imported
Bronze Kid Pumps and
Ten linos Misses' and
Children' Buckle -Strap
Pumps and Orfords. tan
and black. All our Boys.'
Youihs' and Little Gems'
Oxfords In the store
Per Cent
am. otrm womxst mm awo
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam Street
I'll il.i n l 1 ;li l . Mrk. .1. .1. i la nix hi'ii. Iia- ,
Kinii to Salt Lake Ciiy ami uiin r w.Mi i ui
pninl f"i Ht Hiiinnii't'. .l i' wa ut c.nii-j
panli'd liv Ma.-ti i 'U IIhiiIkIh
Mi-.. ('il T. Sli'Mly a id twn i'l' i'.li. n.
uc'i'im'TNinlril l Ali-K. S'i vci-' ninliii''. M. '
J ,1111. s I '"I l. ill. J'-IHi' tills l I'l I. Ill I
I ." Tiv. wlirre lln-y will Join Mi. j
St- i i . a ii '. ai.'- I. i'l" fiitiiii' i.i'ini'.
Mr. m - I Mis. .Villiur I', liraiul.'.x. it' -1
i .mipaiili .1 Py Ki'lne aii'i I .c la 111 a 'nlris. !
v ili K im Mi inlav f'n Nih link, wil l'
t . wlil l.i- Jnilliil hi .ills.- liillli iwanui'iM
ui il mil lot two innitlltV hip ulimail.
M;sk Aliii' Womlw in III, Mr. .lulin Wnnil
wonli. Mis' KMlur lin.iMiill of ali-iii. .,
imd MIck 'la livlli llri'M Ivavp Saltiriluy
Inr I'lattxtiiiiutli. wlin.' Ilirv will Miti'tid a
liotMe pMit.v tlvi-ii In' Mn i:iHn I'ollink lit
In r linini-, "llllli "v-l.' 1 1
l Mr.. I'l'.ipi i Sinlili. wlio lum In 'ii liini l-1
inii in I'.nvl.uid imd ii now in
f ti ik. and will mi from lint'' I" H.'fiin. '
Miniii ::. and lit', n Inln w ilm i land j
I;.il. Mr. mill Mm. Wain-'i UlaikwHi
iin.l Mm. Mai l!.. i Ilia. I;w i ll Ii n I ri n ,
tiHvi'lii'i! ia the xi inr itl I1H aim.
from Gotham
nue. waMng his cane and xlinuting tntetux.
The same camera man a little later in the
day had a wordy battle with latwrenoe V.
tllllexple in front of the Caali.o Al a big
ince the guextx gav.- a vole -f thanks to
Mohxix Wanen and liillexpie f..r chaxlng
n'" i" '"' "-
Allxa Dnrolhy Taylor, granddaughter of
" l'"e tiover.iur Mower, la ..)..., to he
' brl.le of J. Hal.... Bloomer ot Uncln-
natl. She is now l-i I arix preparing for
her wedding by vlxitx to drexxmakem.
Mlxxi Taylor la the clnHet friend of Mia.
Uulph Thomas, who was Mrs. Kiank
Gould. Although he has been enguiied
In bualnex.H. In thla cliy for some ears
Mr. .uomer ix beet knuwn a a mot ball
player, having been guard on a Yale team.
He has been attentive to Mis Taylor for
I years, but it wax only recently that ahn
j conxenled to man y him.
No dute has been set lor l tie wedding,
I but before Mlsx Taylor went abroad ehe
confided to friend, including Mrs. GoOl.i,
(hat she was going ovef for her trousseau.
liv. and long Identified wttli .-Newport
Alls Deacon haa spent the last lew
summers at Newport with her grand
mother, and haa taken an active pail in
the social and outdoor UTe of the famous
summer resort. She Is very fond of
sports of til kinds, and la a very beauti
ful and attractive girl. She U now visit
ing the family of her fiance in Hoston.
She is a sister of Princess Radzlwill. who
was married In London recently.
One of the Interesting items of news
ia the announcement of the engagement of
iulss trene Sherman, elder daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. W. Watts Sherman, to Mr.
i,awrenc L. Gillespie of New York and
Miss Sherman and her sister. Alls. Mil
dred Sherman, ara among the best known
of our young women of society. They
were Introduced about three years ago
and are exceedingly popular both in town
and In Newport, where they spend their
summers. There la only a year's differ
ence In the ages of the two girls and they
resemble each other so cloaely that they
are often mistaken for twins, an error
the more easily made on account or their
custom of alwaya dressing exactly alike.
For the last year they have been seen
little In society owing to the family being
In mourning for Airs. Shermans mother.
For fifteen lines of Tlan-
n, Foster and Wright
Peters 15.00 and $u.iu
Women's Oxfords.
For twenty lines of the
celebrated Armstrong
$4.00 Women's Oxfords.
For fifteen line of Klp
pendorf und Selby tS.bO
Women's Ox fords.
For ten lines of miscel
laneous makes ot $3 00
Women's Oxfords
;00 pairs of $2.50 and
$3.00 Women's Oxfords
In broken lot and narrow
widths. $2.99
lull pairs small sixes $3 ml
and $3 60 Women's Ox
fords Four lines White Canvas
end White Burk Women s
$3.50, $4 and $5 Oxfords....
$3 no White Canvas Wo
men's Oxfords
$1.75 In $.1.(10 White Can
vas Women's Oxfords
uvi cajttab oxro. i oo.
Mix. Ji.Iiii ('avt't llri'Wii. r.if two imi
Wl'llll'll ii.lM- lilluT flll'llMil'X lllllll
llii if tiinlri mil kiii ndnii't tier. 'I'lu'lr liall-
lers. i-liliilii'ii i.f
Mi'.'n lltxt
tnat l l.iai-, am Ml?
M i s, Noi i ir Si' I l.i I .
1 1 in '1I liriiwn und
-V:. -I'l.' ; i
i;. .ii u, i.. i;ii:. i t
nxliinutun. I '. i'.
1 1 a l .1 ; il. i l.iss ni
Ma.inr ! in I ul
A., ri tii.-il. of
a Ki H'lil i !' i'f
IW ami a ini-ni-
li.r if tin- I'liinii .iilil
liiii'"! i a nl i I 1 1 m nf Ncm
III 'St I'f I 111' III In1 1
York. 11 N puxl-
li nl nf tl i I 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I Tilixt ( '.inipain .
'"I'll i
ix In K'tiopi'."
I Ill'lHViU. V III!
M ui'iis i-l.l :ijl.i'I'
ili" und ii"i'
.i. i I !u fin nrt mi xiiri'iiw
siinl Mix. Ijilii 'nii aik
luix hi-en it.iliiK at tne
I'litlaui'. In N'-w port, xlni'i'
lii.sliiml x' pa i a I' il at 1 1""
I'l.i.-u I In; i'I in i hix city.
Thi ii' me hII kliulx nf lunnrx ax tu t",v
iHii.-e i.f the m pa i .1 1 l"li tine wax thai
Mm a I kiMiliiiis ii wax inn I'.lruins.ui!
u i I lum '.ill th'x iiuilil Iciiilly lip, lor xt'e wax
Miitih J.'i.iii i.i in In h. i mi n rUiil lufiiip
niBi'virin. Aiiithcr ruinm x.ihl that the
1 1 1 IK tH li III'! llllle pilllll'd llTHUxe hix Wllf
nlinwiil mi nil p. until. c nf hemrlf In he e
ull'ii'il .:i a I'ifth iivi'iMie r simp wlnil.iw.
&xiSf p-Vi w at
i ;rili fk-
Cluster k'uffs
Cluster fluffs. strictly
fine quality hair, notnr
allv curly, easy to redeems
and will alwava rIbv cur
ly. KeKiilar selling J, t(i
price $6, thla week'P"'
Hunch of seven cluster
curls, naturally curly;
fine quality. C Cft
at -
W. claNxe In everything
n ii-'. ..V'-ih
manicuring, chiropody, electric. . facial and scalp treatrnen ' by com
petent operators. Prompt attention to mall orders. Send for Illustrated
catalogue of hair goods and men's toupes,
Appointments by Phone Doug.
You have
using the best
have not tried
(Toilet Water)
This superior perfume rivals the living blos
som in delicacy and lasting fragrance. A large
bottle (6 oz.) retails for 75 cts.
Many imported Lilao perfumes cost more than this
for only one ounce. Once you buy ID. PINATJD'S
I'1 II.WMI j
LILAC VEGETAL you will never be without
it. Eeflned men and women everywhere use and endorse it.
Ask -your dealer to-day, cr tend us 10 ct. for a miniature
testing bottle.
28 CD. PINAUD Bldg.
It affords ua great pleasure to
announce tbat we have secured
the personal services of
Mr. R.Sherman
Keceutly of New York,
Who will take complete cliaree
this aeagou of the
Mr. Sherman is a cutter of un
tisiial ability and tne name perfect
workmanship and lone attention
details that has made our tall
oritiK depart tnent so popular in
the past is uaaured you this "ea
fion. We extend a cordial invitation
to all ladies to call and tee the
new fall styli-a In Suits, Drenm-g,
Walnta and Gowns.
Hayden Bros.
Annlh. ,' I'l pml, a:nl uv far II. e in. in in
let i xtlnit mi . wan that unknown worn -t I.
had piiixnned Mr. Van alkeiibui gii s mine
auaii'M hix w'fe.
Mninhem i.f the I-our ILMtiilred who cle.
In xta mi Ihlx xlde i'f the Allant'c tmi
xeaxnii iiae xiM'iiretl n new eetixiitl'Mi ti
wlill.. awiiv ill.- ti iliuiix luiiii x at New pm t
I! ir lliii Inn. und Na rr.ifUi nxet I IMei . I'l l
xin.ini.iii ix I'l'imtei-x Thiunaia de Swlrxk;
I ho II ixiau ilaneei , w lu made S'lcli a lilt
Inxt ai ui t H- Mi't iiii.iti tail C'pera llo'ii"'
V here x.n .ipiMViied In IN Ii rial, titrek. am
Ituxxi n thimvx. Vrtuiii Tiixi anliil il
set ibex her nx ha mi; ih- "moxt tnu li.i
i.nui'" he ever hehelil
Her hiHiuiy ul fm m und grace nf nnilini
llHVC enlnnl lr the I Pi OKHlt Ion of tii
sm. ill ml, und frmii nnw till the legulit
t lie 1 1 1 1' lil xeaxnii iipi ne she him lieon en
gaged In appear privately in the exiluxhi
Hiicial iltclix nf tin' Knur llunilied il I
an firm since a!u. apnea nil m )V Metrn
pnllian laxl season have been In il.-niaml
In ilutMpe. ax wi'll ax Ameil.a She le
centlv letiirinil from I "arts, where xh
danced Inr llaruti KnthRchllil and inirilii t
of the Krench ii'dillily.
Try a glass of
It's red, rich,
sparkling, exhila
rating, j refreshing.
It drives the cob
webs from the brain
and clears the wea
ried mind.
It's pure, whole
some, delicious.
It's the drink that
helps you think.
At all fountains arid
in bottles 5(
Liaceln, N.W.
Nebraska Outribut
Clearance Sale of
Hair Goods
LtYitin All Thi. We.k
This Is a grand opportunity for every
thing In our Immense stock Is included
We bow some swjnple price below.
Hair Switches
All tne following are' of pure flnjual
lty wavy hair:
Inohes. regular price il SO K1 KQ
thl week ouly
Inohes. regular prloe $5.00
mis weeK oniy .
: Inches, regular price i$7.00 t Art
this week only i
18 inches, regular price $.0O . CA
thla week only JW..1
pertaining to hair work. Hair dresaltfg.
never experienced the delight of US
medium priced perfume if you tj?
Liestlietizjr Mettioa j
i..-u ,.f Unirnrr Swivne. Paris i
V Ul"" " - -
$ STUDIO Kooms T-S Davldg. Mlk.f
If vou uffer. call or write me at one
and learn of something you will be grate
ful for the balance of your Ufa.
J. G. McBRIDE, Stella, Neb.
s anxiously awaited by
those who are specially
interested in lands, tlie
hurt that buy and sell
and encourage others to
do likewise.