TTIE BEE: OMATTA. SATURDAY. JULY IX 1010. We Extend a nearly Wei come to All Saengerfest Vis itors Saturday We've Prepared for You a Veritable Feast of Bargains U We Want All Visitors to Make Themselves Perfectly at Home Here. s In dependable Bummer Merchandise of all descriptions offering you opportunities for price saving and quality satisfaction Saturday we do not believe you'll find duplicated in any other store. It's just such value giving that makes this always the busy store. THE RELIADLC STORE THE RELIABLE STORE I i Saturday Specials 50c Patent Leather Belts, av V for $2.00 All Leather Hand Bags tor 08c 3oc Pad Hose , Suspenders, for 19c 16c Children's Bide Sup'rters, 9 60c Hair Brushes, at..... . .25 60c Cloth Brushes, at 25 11.00 Pure Bristle Hair Brushes. Saturday, at 49 Silk Hair Nets, each 5 a t 75c Ribbons 25c .... All Silk Taffetas, Moire, fancy 1 flowered' nd satin stripe Rib bons up to Inches vide, In all leading shades, worth to 76c yard at Saturday at yard, 25 25c Ribbons 12ic Silk Taffeta Ribbons, in 4 and 6 Inch widths, warranted colors t, yard 12K Big Special Purchase On Sale at About Price 1.00 Silk Xoh, 490 Gaute weight, also tan lilies in newest colors, 11.00 values, at 4g. 1.60 011k BJtoeklars, 89o All silk, pause welrht. In black and tan, the the best ever, at 83.80 SUk itookUja-s, 88o Eles-ant qually, In all colors, the barsains of the season at S8o Imported lace and Cause Lisle Xose In all colors; regular 60c and 75o values, choice aeo and 35o Children's BBo Quality Hose Black only, on sale Saturday, pair ISfto CbUdren's Meroerlsed Uele Hose - black, white and colors, regular 60a values, at ,88. Wash Cloths, fringed or hemmed, good size, worth Be each, Sat urday, at for 5 Napkins, warranted all pure Ger man manufacture, worth $3.60 doi., Saturday, 6 for $1 Bath Towels, snow white, heavy and asorbent, hemmed; worth at least 19c, Saturday, each 12ttt Bath Towels, the beet and largest ever offered for the money, worth 30c, Saturday, each.l9 Fringed Bed 8preads, full sixe, with cut corners, assorted de signs, worth $2.98; Saturday, each $1.50 f ShMti fnr ROr. alza R1t00 In- vislle French scam, strong and durable, worth 76c, Saturday, eaoh 50 'Mail Orders Will Be Tilled From Daily Ads While the Stock Lasts. Men's Summer Underwear O Furnishings at Less Than Halt Their Actual Retail Worth. Shirt at c -The very finest qualities in all silk, mercer ized Chambraya, Mohairs, fine imported Madras, French Percale, etc., all perfect, all newest styles and colorings, choice, at 98 75o Shirts, Saturday, a So J50 rtoxrn of them, colored negligee, with or without collar, newest colors and patterns; all fresh, clean stock In sll sizes, choice 86. $1.60 Shirts. Saturday, 4Bo Very tie went style and colors, with or without collars, best known and most dependable brands, made to sell to Si 60. choice 49c 15c FOUR PLY COLLARS, SATURDAY, 5c A purchase of 600 dozen four ply collars, In all newest shapes, all sizes, 12 to 18, all new stock and warranted perfect, the regular 15c kind; on sale Saturday while they last at 5 No Limit In This Sale; Buy All You Want. 78o Quality Books, 8Se Importer's samples and surplus of men's lace, lisle and meroerlsed gauie socks, plain colors, fancies and embroid ered, regular values to 76c, on sale at 10o, 15o and BSo Men's Suspenders that sell regularly up to $1.00, on sale at BSo, SSo, 4o 1.00 Men's Klght Oowns All slsea, end styles, at 4o 88.50 Pyjamas In white and colors. Saturday, at 88e Men's ISo SUk and Wash 8.00 Union Salts, 81.83 811k, lisle and mercerized, In Sterling, Lewis or the American Knitting Mills and other famous brands, regular values to fi.00; In two big lots .at 88o and 91.88 1.60 Union Suits, 49o The well known athletic brand, come early, they can't last long at this price. Balbrlggan and l.lnle Shirts or Drawers, values to J1.2IS; alt col or and slses. at 8 So, 39o and 4o rour-ln-Hand Ties, at 7He An Unusually Interesting Sale of Dinnerware SATURDAY. 100-Plece Decorated Kngllsh Porce lain Dinner bets, regular 112.00 values, now at 86.8 S 100-Plece Set Porcelain Tinner Hets, fancy border, gold traced, regular :o value, at til. 95 100-Plece Bavarian China Set, beauti fully decorated and gold traced, SS5 value, at 100-Plere Martin, French China Din ner Sets, decorated In blue, gold fin ish, a 170 00 value 881.88 lOO-Plece Havlland China Beta, new decoration, finished In gold; 136.00 value, Saturday, st $38.88 Cut Star Water Sets, 7 pieces, Satur day, at 81.88 Japanese Wind Bells Be This Store Open Till 10 P. M. Saturdays. Other Days We Close at 5 P. M. 25c Hand kerchiefs 12c Ladles' fine Swiss, lace edge and embroidered Handkerchiefs, worth to 26c, choice. ... 12 M 16c Linen Handkerchiefs. .7c 10a Linen Handkerchiefs . ...5 6c Children's Handkerchiefs t -.aHi $1.00 Lace Collars 4t)t 26c Collars and Jabols. . .12H In the Big, Busy Domestic Room Silk Dresses and Wool Tailored Suits, that were made to sell to $16.00; choice Baturday 85.00 Ladles' Imng Wah Coats, that would sell regularly at $7.50 ..$3.08 $5.00 811k Vnderaklrt. good colors on sale $2.05 $1.50 Moire 1'nderttklrta . . . .05 Children's Rompers and Dresses, 60c values, at IDs Straw Hat Clearance Sweeping price reductions all alone the line to effect a complete clearing quickly. All $1.50 Hats on Sale, choice t 054 $2.60 and $3.00 Hats, at $1.50 Hats worth $3.00 and up $1.05 All Hats ttiat Sold up to $1.00 have been, divided Into 8 lota, t .45. 25 d 10 Kow.'ii' Your Opportunity to Buy Straw Hata at ABOUT HALF WORTH. We do the Business Hardware at One-Halt Price Genuine Llsk brand extra heavy copper bottom Wash Boll- .ers, No. 9 size, only $1.50 No. 8 size $1.35 No. 7 aUe $1.25 $1.60 good, strong Willow Clothes Baskets, large else, 1)8? $1.60 size 16-gallon Garbage Cans, covered 08? $1.25 size, 12-gallon Garbage Cans, covered $5.00 Lawn Mower, 14-lnch, New England $2.40 $8.00 Lawn Mower, 14-lnch, New England, ball bearing, at $2.08 12-quart Granite Chamber Palls, worth $1.00, only . ,(i5 45c sine or brass Wash Boards, only 25 $1.50 Family Scales, on sale for OS $1.50 Climax Food Choppers t)8 75 Parlor Brooms, at 40 $1.25 set Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, only SO 7 rolls 5c Toilet Paper 25 IS. hiv hralrind Clothna Lines.... 1 " Bicycle ball bearing Wringer, 3-year guarantee, worth $5, . cm a- A af. only . . . .. The old reliable Western Washer, only The. .famous O. K. Washer, only The Pan-American Washer, only . Guaranteed Garden Hose, per root 12-quart Granite Water Palls li-nnart Granite Water Falls 1(0 Bread Board No, 7 Llsk Solid Copper Boiler. . i . t2.08 5.05 .'$3.08 ...... ,..10o 3 So 46a ISO 83.33 Corsets Just the model to suit your fig ure, just the price you want to pay. We lead in showings of the wanted corset makes, C. B. A la Sprite Corsets shown in all modes; prices $1.00 to $3.50 W. B. Reduso Corsets for stout women, comfort, style and durability combined price . .... $300 Other W. B. Models, up from. . .$1.00 Warner's Royal Worcester Corsets, R. O. Thomson's Glove Fitting and all other most popular makes shown1, at up from ,. . ... $1.00 76c Summer Netting Corsets, all Btxea, at ., 404 Grand Clearance ot Summer Underwear An opportunity to select from vast assortments at prlcea far be low actual worth of the garments. Only a few of the many can be here mentioned. Beautiful Muslin Underskirt that Bell regularly to $5.00, embroid ery and lace trimmed, cut full, finely finished, Saturday at 3 lota, at $1.50. $1.08. $2.50 Pretty Combination Suits of plain and checked nainsooks, daintily trimmed, worth to $3.00, choice 08t Mnslin Drawers and Corset Gov. era Regular values to $1.00 all sizes, big assortment, at 304 Jersey Knit Union Suits Gar ments worth 60c, at 254 mas, Brlllantlnea, Mohairs; black or blue, neatly trimmed', riae Uale and Cottoa TTaaerrests Fancy yokes, lace trimmed, etc.; on ale at 3 So, lo and 13He Ladies' Pants or Tests Karsey knit, 60o quality, on sale at BOo Wl flillKM I ... 1 . . .u mym, ill nil colors ina white, beautifully trimmed, on sale at 88e Cambrio (towns, Worth $8.00 All styles, made long and full, snap, at 88o 5.00 BATKUTO B17ITBJ, a.8 Pana- I? Travelers' Supplies Right now when tlxe vacation time la at hand, just when you want them most, we're offering- you bis; price re ductions on Trunks. Grips and Butt Cages Cow Hide Bags, leather lined, IR-tnch and If -inch alee, resular !. val ues, at 84.7S Delle-ntfal fcnlt Case V sines 880, fl.60, tT-Se, 83J0 B0J6. Several Blf Trunk Vseolais 83.S8, B3.ta.iB.i8, 8.7S to 8H-4B 10 T9W Cent SteooTin Batnrday oa Any Trunk In Stack, READ OUR BIG GROCERY SALE FOR SATURDAY 18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar, $1.00 9 bars Beat-'Em-AU or Diamond C Soap ...... ...25o 6 lbs. whole Japanese Rice, ... .860 The best Domestic, Macaroni, at a package .-r.-.-. .. v Bc 3 cans Lavaline, the great modern cleaner ...10c Burnham's Jellycon, pkg 7c Tea Slf tings, lb 16c Blended Tea. for Iced tea only ..86c fresh, crlBp GlngerSnapB.Jb.. TftoJ BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT HAYDEN'S AND SAVE FROM 25o to 50fo ON YOUR PURCHASES. Hayden Bros ' S-lb. can . . OOMT, FORCST Diamond H Coffee, ' 'i . t. n ! IK T 1 1 . . . . .. .. ma nee, i ine pest owus wn, m nc owuu i raronte vegetADie maraei .48c Goldea SantoB QotteQ. lb.' 16c 5 buncbea Green Onions 5c TOY BVfiEH'SF IRST Z PAVQ 5 bunches fresh Leaf Lettuce. .. ,6c 3 bunches Beets 6c Large heads Cauliflower,, 6c, 7 ft a 8 bunches Radishes 6c Fancy Wax or String Beans, lb., 7 He 1 doz. Home Grown Greea Corn, 16c 3 beads New Cabbage 10c Large Cucumbers, each 6c New Peas, home grown, qut...7e 2 bunches Parsley 5c 3 large Green Peppers 10c Large; Juicy Bananas, dot 16c INSURANCE AGENTS MEET "Will CouTn in Omaha Monday for Annual Session. PROTEST CUT DT THEIR FEES Imm Rates Have Net Boost Be- 4oce4 mm Entire Itedoetlon . Comas (rent. Comnttastosui f the Agents. TMw inaiirenc men from all over Ne braska will meet In Omaha Monday for the ......... 1 Mlln. .f th. N.hMflkL Aaaooia- inn Af lvel BMra inauranco Agents. Aside frpm routine business the most Im portant matter to be considered la a move ment started among fire Insurance agents against the proposed action of the large In- V suranoe oompanlea to reauoa ineir espenscs 4 by reducing commissions of agents. & it has tM,an Intimated. Omaha agents say, that the larce'r companies are seriously eon- alderinc such a sten. They will, If they follow out their present plans, considerably decrease the commissions of their agents without ohanaing premium rates, throwing the entire loss vpon the agents. All or ganlsatlons or agents which wu'l 1 it footed In the event of suob action are peoted to make ft strong fight against It. Beaalea Lasts Dar. ti-k. uuim wtn iait only one day. Ao kava haan coming In rapidly dur ing the last few days and an attendance of about 100 la anticipated. Memo-re win u uondav morning at B:ll at Martin Eros., Fifteenth and Fernam streets, and . hra te the Field club. The v.. -i ...dnn at which the regular bust uiwiiiin. w.-.-", - ------ - ness and annual election of officers will be ..i... .,n will pommanca at IV o Cioc aim V M 1. w.. -' - .ni k. nii.wl bv a noon luncheon. la the afternoon the visitors will be the guests of the Omaha insurance men at the Mld-Weet Aviation meet. Special ears will .ia-a .tartina- from Fifteenth and U V yiw.iu.-i " ..rata. in the evening the visitors will be taken out to the dta ae guest" of Ak-8ar Ben. Watches Clock for Two Hours Kiitouritn Eefuiei to Take Eii Eye. from the Clock Until it it Train Time. Horse's Back is Broken by Fall Tripped by Beins, Animal Falls in Agony and it Shot to Death. , Attempting to run. with a rein caught under Its hind feet, a horse was tripped and Its back broken at Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets about 8 o'clock Thurs day evening. The horse and buggy It was drawing had been rented from the Nebraska Livery company by J. 3. Huntley, a grocer. The outfit was being driven by a de livery boy from Huntley's store when the accident happened. Frightened when he saw his reins beoomlng tangled around the horse's legs, the boy jumped, causing the animal to run. The horse was shot to death when the police found the na ture of Its Injury. i 1 If all travelers were so careful not to miss their trains as a "show me" Mlssourlan who went out to Kansas City Friday morn ing, the troubles of the stetionmastor of the Burlington station would be as nil. J "Say Mr. Station Master, what time does the train for Kansas City leaver he In. quired at T a. m. "I'm from Folk county, Missouri, and I'm going home," was volun teered also. On being Informed that be bad two hour te get ready In. aa the train left at B:lf a, m., ha said, "Well, you can't fool me. I am a good Missouri democrat and my place from now till o'clock Is right here where I can watch that clock and see the min utes go." From that time on his gase never wan dered from the face of the clock; nothing could disturb him, and when o'clock had reached the second be tnarthed out arid was toon ea le way te borne and mother. WOMEN HAD A GREAT TIME Oae of tne Llaeola Womb Writes Most Bataaslastlcallr of Treat neat la Omaha. The visiting women at the Ad club con vention were Ueaied lOillj" and that they were appreciative of that fact Is shown by the following letter from a Lincoln woman who was here: LINCOLN, Neb., July II. Editor Omaha Bee: There la much to be said ot the titn eoln Ad olub on ite trip to Omaha Tuesday, which was one of the moat enjoyable events one could wish tor. I am sure It the wives, mothers and sweethearts could have seen their boys marching from the Omaha depot, with til a band In the lead, whiuh was a credit to the club, with their little Dutch caps and smiling faces, such smiles as only Lincoln boya do have, tfieir hearts would swell with pride. Tou would not soon forget the showing the ad boya made, with their red, white and blue umbrellas hoisted up and down, keeping time with the music of the band. There was not a cleaner, brighter or hand somer set ot boys In Omaha than was our Lincoln boys. Wives, you ought to be proud of your boys. Don't stay at home any more. All the boys lacked was your presence beside them. Another thing you mlased greatly was the royal entertainment the Omaha ladles gave the Visiting lames. i o iauia ouuio nave entertained more royally. They spared nothing In their kind, clever and gracious manner. Every lady on the entertainment committee faltered not In the happiness and welfare of eaeh guest. Much Is to be said In regard to the manner in which they entertained. Aa many ladlea aa were oalled for responded most wllllngl' with their large touring cars, and it Is to be said that the Omaha ladies are skillful In handling their autoa. One of the most remarkable chauffeura among the many was Miss Loulae Lord, cine Is a famous autolst and much credit Is due her In the cheerful and pleasing manner In which she took her part In the entertainment. The ladies were most gracious In this feature of the enter tainment. They drove miles and miles over some ot the best boulevards In the west, notwithstanding the aauents and descents were quite steep along the route. Much Is to be said on the part of Mr. and Mrs. Joslyu In the entertainment. They opened their beautiful home with all the kindness and Cheerfulness becoming to their kind and generous hearts to Hie ladies of the Ad club. Kvery lady appreciated the de llahtful muslo and entertainment they re ceived from them. And then the dinner and lunches at the club houses were of the finest and best. We were sorry that all of the ladlea con nected with the Lincoln Ad club could not have shared theae many good things. Don't miss theiu again, ladies. We wish to thank Omaha for Its kind and pleasing entertainment en behalf of the Llneoln Ad Jub. . ON1C OF THB W1VEB. Aa Aaterlraa ! la the great king of curee, Dr. King's New lUncovery. the quick, safe, euro cough and cold remedy. Wc and Sl.OO. For sale by yieaton Drug Co PROTEST WOODEN BLOCKS Property Owneri Seek to Withdraw ' ' . Their Signatures. QUESTION ' IS UP IN THE AIR Lestal Department Refuses to Be Drawn Into the Controversy Letter, from Indianapolis Of ficials oa Pavements. , The question of paving South Sixteenth street with creosote wood block for its new paving, which everybody thought was set tled some time ago, has again arisen like a ghost from the dead, having been stirred up by the contractors - for old line solid paving. The petition for creosote was banded In to the olty clerk July 18 and was presented to the olty council and approved the next night The paving contractors, however, refused to give up, and during the last week C B. Farming's office sent out to all the property owners who signed the creo kote petition a circular letter , which waa received from the Indianapolis city authori ties In response to Inquiries. The evidence ottered tn the letter Is rather bad for the wooden blocks and a number of the signers have expressed a tentative deirire to withdraw. An attempt has been made to find from the city at torney's office if a withdrawal la possible, but the city legal authorities, anxious to avoid being . drawn Into the controversy, have refused to make any suggestions. In the meantime the ordinary process of the law will provide for advertising for bids on creosote and the objectors will have to make an Immediate protest If anything can be dona, Lost Watch Turns ; Up Where Hidden Judge Had Simply Hid it Too Care folly and Then Forgot About It. Awaking at 6:80 Thursday evening In bis room at the Hotel Rome, where he had se cluded himself from the world and partaken In an innocent slumber. Judge N. B. Mavey of Muskogee, Okl., found his nap bad addpd to hla troubles, as a valuable watch be longing to him was missing. . Now to be La a strange city and be deserted by the little god of time Is at least discomforting, so immediately the judge Instigated a search for the missing watch, and after several hours ot additional lost time he appeared at the pollc station and reported that during his sleep he had been robbed. -. He stated that the watch had been taken from bis pocket by some one who entered the room as be waa visiting the land ot nod. A description of the suspect waa written and the whole tragedy spread upon the police records. Deteotlves Fattullo and Davis were detailed to find the thief and return the watch to Its owner, which they iuiiuMtait ant abvttt to da. Arriving at the hotel the two detectors' of clme began overturning chairs, tables, drawing back the rugs and looking under the bed, and finally the missing little watoh waa found where It had been hidden by the judge before he went to sleep. Its hands shielding Its face and Its inside shaking aa If It would break wth laughter. A shadow of chagrin passed over the judge's face aa It was returned to him and be found he had not been robbed during his stay In the city after all. E3E3 HI LIT .111 awBhvtf Eatau ' allien 3 ninil asaBw JtsByjaw-iy 'Ma'WewaBywraeeeaB lamin msb j as.saaeaa, efc-W i,mJ n s. isin mn J tin s.n aiil wm isatsw rt' f" peaivsissjllespFi.avalMe bjssm m , i I I J A f H7 33S9 f i i f r n n r ttt nrrnt a i 1 i r-i. ri KM 1 A O.V 7 I 1 111 I VV Yl I V W,DT. m'4 mw1' mtn' n Marriaa-e Licensee. Licenses to wed have been granted the following couples: Name and residence. Age. Foster Kost Omaha. 3S Badle Jarmaa, Bellevue 23 Henry K. Harris, Omaha S3 Gertrude Hlchardaon, Omaha. 24 Low Rates to tae Beat Via Nlokcl " Plata Iteae. From Chicago to New Tor and return. $25.60. Boston and return, Reduced rates to other eastern polnta. Liberal stopovers. Tickets on sale dally. Thirty, day limit. Inquire of local agent or address John T. Calahan, General Agent. 107 Adams street. Chicago. Best: Bi-eaEtvastFood mm MM A food compounded by scientific knowledge, from WHEAT, OATS, RICE and BARLEY, so as to retain those elements which are absolutely necessary for the efficient sustenance of the human body, making it the most palatable, nourishing and healthful food ever introduced. Promotes vitality, health and endurance. Ask your Grocer, Those who purchase a "HUNTINGTON" Piano via the Bennett Co's "CLUB" Plan have actually the privilege of DECREASING the cost of their pianos in proportion to the number of advance payments they make. The instruments In the first place, are absolutely standard built $325 planoa, but "Club" mem bers purchase them at $244.50 In payments of $1.36 per week and have 17S weeks In which, to pay amount. But "Part Of Tour Money Cornea Back" If you make advance payments. Pay one week In advance and you receive a CASH rebate of 16c; pay two weeks and receive 82o In cash; pay three weeks and re ceive 48o and so on. Should you pay the ENTIRE 175 weeks In advance you get a CASH rebate of $$8, something previously unheard of. Mind you, this brings the price of your $326 "HUNTINGTON" Piano down to $2 16. SO. You cannot beat this proposition elsewhere anywhere In all America. You cannot beat the price, the terms or the grade and make of the piano at the price. Own a $325 HuntingtoiY Piano for aa little aa $216.50' Give the "Huntington" a try out of a week. Make a first payment of $6.50 if it suits. If It Isn't all we claim at the end of the "Club" period. 175 weeks, well then, ex change It at full purcbaee price on any of our other thirty famous makes. Enroll Now! A Score of Privileges awaits members of The "Club" You get the piano at once upon Joining. Every Instrument guar anteed five years. It's a modern style a high class make you run no rink. You partlclpao with 149 others to bring the 'prices "down. Bee these ruperb "Hunt IngtonB" today. Piano Dept. The Bennett Go. ir The Thing To Do E.-TQ-r-r-a-T-.T-is- "i TS If you lose your pocketbook, smbrella. watch, or some other article of value, the thing to do Is to follow the example of many other People and advertise without delay In the Lost and Found column of The Bee. That Is what most people do when they lose articles of value. Telephone us and tell your loss to all Omaha In a single afternoon. 1 ji iiaasaam-B. Put It In The Bee JlLJHg