Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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fyitem Put on Buiineii Basil -by New
York Hotel..
11..T laarrri of Oraft Worked t'
to PefcHrt Beveoo Pro
docer Ravkeoffs I p
Down 1ho Lino.
Tipping furnishes tho smoothest quality
f "vtlvot" that ossses through tho fin'
Mrs of Nw York hotelkopr. Formerly
tor four person at one of the most prom-1 salary of a reliable man-one who thor
Inent hotels means 100 for tho hotel and , ouahly understands the delloate "tunlnK-up"
(if for tips. process necessary every now and then with
aeroplanes i anajes from lis to - a ween.
Two or three odd men are Renerally neces
sary at the commencement of each flight
Tie Kitchen takeoff.
rown In the kitchens of many hotels an
entirely different regime la In vogue. Not
many tips drift downstairs, except as some
departing or permanent patron sends a
contribution to the chef. Light, however,
haa been let Into the regions of the kitchen
In a pamphlet Issued in Boston by James
M. Bishop, who charges that In every city
la a chefs' club, and that all employes of
kitchens are engaged solely through thexc
clubs, which take at least 10 per cent of
their wages. Three employes must also
pay the chef whe takes them on $2o. except
the second cook, who la left Immune on
condition that he agrees net to take, or
strive to take, the chefs position. Mr.
Bishop charges that $2,000,000 Is annually
tba hotol proprietor either took the whole , k . -kitchen araft
roll or forced a division of the spoils. Now Ev(,n tne elevator men ln many blg hotels
the) proprietor sells out the tipping prlvl- are now ,yndloated by one Up taker. On
lege at so much a month or yer to trusted Christmas every elevator gets a full box,
employes, contributed to by every patron In the house.
Coat room privileges In the larger hotels The permanent patrons put up various and
ell for from $6,000 to $10,000 per annum, large sums, tho transients pay as they come
and one hotel Is alleged to have received and go. All this money now goes to the
as high aa $60,000 for Its combined prlvl- one man who has purchased the prlvllegu
leges, let to tip colltctora. Notwlthstaod- from the hotel.
Ina- the high prices paid, the men owning Tips received ln big hotels range from
...wd In more than $100,000 .000 to $250,000 a year-tidy sums to be
JL. ,M vl.itora. divided up among aeveral men owning
from aenerous visitors.
Take a large hotel, entertaining only the
wealthiest persons. Vehicles arrived at
least on two sldea of It. At each entrance
... - 4 . I ov,iia iiiw nuuai 1 II I
stand, the man who help, persons out uk, , New Tork
calls their veruciee wnen siwm.
a ooroe of aasistsnts. The lowest price
paid the hotel proprietor for the door prlv
privileges to collect them. In other word.
a round sum which cannot be estimated.
but which must run into millions, repre
sents the annual incomes of syndicated tip
in addition to the hotel system the tip
taking privileges of large opera houses and
wieaicrs are often sold outright to one
liege In New York Is $71 a month, or $300 man- Jn many apartment houaM t00 on.
for mecaum-siiea noiei.
file-hest Drtce paid la $10,000 a year.
doorman has a day shift and a night ahlft New York Herald
The day Shift catches the big afternoon
tea gatherings, the lunches and day enter.
Ulnmenta. suh as muslcales and lecture
rv, shift rata the diners and the
after theater supper eaters.
Every person arriving In a vehicle hands
the doorman from J6 centa to $1, and some
re even more liberal. There are also many
residents of the city wo go several times
m v tn teas or to dine. These, as a
rule, do not hand the doorman a tip each
cannot get a card taken up to a resident
without first tipping the elevator man.
Hps for Wonld-Be Aviators on First
Cost, Operaton and Maintenance.
The cost of the aeroplane to the ama
teur desirous of emulating Hamilton. Cur
tlss or Paulhan Is discussed at length by
a writer ln the London Dally Mall. He
time, but once or twice a year present him ay that a copy of the Farnam biplane
with tumi of from $5 to $J5. He knowa by Paulhan in the memorable Lon-
.11 of h.. ,uiM natrons and oon-Manchester flight cost $5,000. The pack-
gives them hl beet service. All or me -
tip. taken by the doorman', employe, are "h inery cost A -onopIa.. ,uch
. . wim ,h. tmn iwM ettlne- '" "-" luiuiiug
voyage across the Channel, Is much cheaper
- I th nrlri.a la hut 1? im A klnl.n. I.
Moat Profitable Line. easier for the novice to manaca than th
It la the coat room privileges for which monoplane. An awkward landlna- la llkelv tn
the hotel proprietor receives one 01 ino c08t 110 or 115 for minor reDalrs. a shed t
highest rentals. There la a atory tnai wnen house the aeroplane need not cost more
the palm room of one of the big hotels was tna .cnn Dut . mor .i.borate "hinnr
opened as a novelty several years sgo mo a, th6 aeroplane garage Is styled, may cost
tip revenue ot tne notei averageo. nu,uw muc .a $2,000.
for two years from cnecKing nats ana outer To a beginner who Is not well acquainted
garmenta alone. The very large price of
$60,000 a year was' said to have been paid
by the owner of the tip taking privilege for
checking garmenta alone.
Then other hotels built equally pleasant
palm rooms, dlvldeding the crowds and pa.
tronage, so that the palm room dwindled
a a moneymaker, and now pays ths cor
poration only one-fifth the former revenue.
The afternoon tea 1. quite the biggest tip
gatherer of today. A large orchestra Is the
drawing card, and women find It just the
. place to display their latest costumes. At
the door , of the tea room stands a corps of
valets In English knickerbockers, who re
move wraps from women and take hats
and coata from the men. Elsewhere there
la a woman', cloak room with women
VOne man own. this check privilege both
at; the restaurant doora and the women's
room, for which he pays the hotel corpor
ation not less than $10,000 a year, hi. rev
nue being two and one-half to three times
that .urn. ' Every tip paid to any of his
employe, is turned over to htm. He and all
other men owning hotel and restaurant tip
privileges are employes of the' hotel or
restaurant, receiving small salaries, and
the hotel is responsible for them and for all
garment, confided to their care. The owner
of ' the ' tea room privilege stands among
hi. men, hi. watchful eye taking ln con
liantly the progress of tip gathering.
Making; a Show of Wealth.
The tips received vary from 10 to 26 cents
per person, but these are ofteni increased
by liberal spenders' and on special occa
sion.. Women pay the smallest tip. and
the privilege owner dependa. on the men,
who are striving to make a show of wealth,
for his principal revenue. The "good old
summer time" would be bad for him but
for the faot that he has got an Iron In the
fire at some big summer resort. For about
seven months, however, things are all his
awn way.
The bootblack privileges are divided in
different hotels. In some the shoe stands
are owned by Italians, who are gradually
vetting a monopoly of them. In other ho
tel. the head porter own. the .hoe stand
outfit It Is predloted by some hotel men
that the oorter must go, that la, retire
to the privileges of handling baggage only,
Which Is quite enough for him aa a money
getter. It is better for a hotel, it is as
serted, to sell the shoe stand to an Italian,
who 1. alway. there with hi. assistant..
While .tands run by the head porter may
be deserted time - and again by all the
porters being busy In varlou. part, of the
bouse handling baggage.
. With .carcely an exception all head
porter, of hotel, have rvtlied wealthy from
Up, which they take from all the under
porter. No matter who get. the money the
Up goes to the head porter. Whip a patron
on departure seek, out the head porter and
hand, him a bill of from $1 to $10 he alio
vaya the porter who handles hla trunks a
auarter or half dollar, and thla ultimately
feu Into the head porter', pooket.
Green Hands In Favor
The bellboy privileges Is also drifting into
the hande of one man. although thla ays-
tem ia not yet general. Where a man buya
the bell hop privilege from a hotel he must
take In green boys and train them for their
duties ln order to cet the tip they re
calve. No experienced boy who haa been
acouatomed to receive tlpa would consent
to work for mere wage.. Some day, it ia
believed, all the latter olass will be run
out of hotels and the new regime will take
possession, so that when one fees the boy
for lea water or stationery one will be
really tipping the owner of the privilege.
Pining room tip privileges are absolutely
In the hands of the head waiters, who,
while not taking all the gratuities received
by waiters, receive a liberal share. Enter
' almost any dining room ln New York of
.the first class, and It will be seen that
the beet tablea are always occupied by the
beat spenders, and the same waiter, al
way. attend those table. These are the
preferred walUra of the dining room who
are aivtnc un the largest percentage of
their tlpa to the head waiter.
New York haa a 'large and growing claaa
of spender of whom every first clasa din
ing room keep a Use No matter what the
occasion, even the New Years Eve dinner,
when all' the tablea tn New York are re
served, let one ot these spenders telephone
for a table and he will get It, and a good
ane., too. A spender means from $15 to $3
a plate for each one of hla party for the
hotel. It means $5 or $10 for the head
waiter personally, $1 to the captain who
takes the order and $1 to the waiter who
serve. The coat man who checks the
party, outer apparel and the door man
who opeu. their vehicle before the col la.
tloa and help lift them In after it get at
least $1 each. A aampi midnight dinner
with aeroplane motors the services of
special mechanic- will be essential. The
to assist In maneuvering tne aeroplane
from point to point. The actual cost of Hy
ing while In the air varies enormously.
ccordlng to the engine used.
On my Farnam. with the Ononis motor,
Mr. Orahame White said. 'I una 1 u.
four gallons of petrol In an hour's flight.
At la 2d a gallon this represents 4s M.
Then there Is quite a gallon and a half of
special lubricating oil to add to this, repre
antln,r a cost of 7s 6d. Thus the total cost
of an hours flight Is Us 2d. During an hour
should have traversed forty-five muea.
Therefore the cost of my flight would be
slightly less than Sd a mile. Some otner
motors consume more petrol, but far less
oil. It Is a question of construction and
power. But when the aeroplane Is quite a
practical machine, flymg will be far cheaper
than motoring. There will De no nw
tire bills and no wear and tear from the
vibration of the roads."
Sufficient fabric to reclothe the planea 01
Farnam machine costs about $. Minor
renewals Involve little expense.
careful handling, experts agree that an
aeroplane should last quite a long time
certainly longer than a year.
Bankruptcy nlt at .to" Falla.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. July 22,-(Speclal.)
One of the most Important bankruptcy
m.m men in ina leoerai wu, 1.
for some time, so far aa the amount of
assets and liabilities Is concerned,, ha Deen
filed by Ole Tufteland. a generaf merchant
of Dell RaDlds. In the schedule accom
panying his petition he placea Ills liabilities
at I14.9f7.34 and his aasets at $13,61. Of
his assets, property to the value of -.&
la . iuim,l tn hit evemot. Among his
creditors are firms at St Paul, Minneapolis
Rloux Cltv. Omaha and a number of other
,MH.a of the west and northwest. ine
case will be adjudicated by Henry A.
"MnlUr referee ln bankruptcy of bioux
Falls, to whom it ha been referred.
Crop Conditions
in South Dakota
Wheat is About Three -Pourthi of n
Average and Corn Full
PIERRE. 8. D.. July 2J (Special. Su
perintendent Moulton of the Chicago A
Northwestern road haa Just made a trip
over all the lines of that road ln thla state
and hla opinion is that the state will har
vest about 75 per cent of an average wheat
crop and barring hall or early froats, will
harvest fully an average corn crop. In
fact, in his estimation, a better one than
for last year. While there are a few spots
east of the river where the drouth has
been severe and the crop very short, they
are small In extent, as compared with the
whole state, and In many other locatlona
the crop la ahead of what It was last year,
which will go a long way toward keeping
up the average. The eastern and southern
part of the state is reported to be good. An
area between Iroquois and Desmet has been
hard hit. North of Redfleld, toward the
state line, the crop will be short except ln
a circle about Columbia, where It Is above
the average. While the straw Is short In
that part of the state the grain heads are
well filled and the grain of good quality.
The wheat yield for last year wa 40.000.000
bushel, and 7$ per cent yield will put it at
30,000.000 bushels.
In the Missouri valley In this part of
the state the oat harvest I. on, some good
samples . being brought In. The country
north from central Sully county across Pot
ter and Walworth Is reported to be making
the best showing It has come through with
for years. West ef the Missouri there are
local spot, where the crop Is a practical
failure, one of these being between Fort
Pierre and Midland. Another 1. In the
Blsr Ranch ia SoM.
YANKTON. S. D., July $2. (Speclal.)-The
W. H. Stearns ranch, eight miles west of
Yankton, consisting of 1.260 acres, was sold
this week to Virgil Winfrey, the present
occupant, for $90,000 cash. This ranch, once
the home of the cattleman whose name it
now bears, is regarded as one of the finest
stock ranches of the county, and there are
few left It is finely situated on the Mis
souri river.
northwest corner of the stete, including
Harding and parts of Perkins counties.
Other S;-ots which re.-eived timely local
rains report a better crop than for last
year. The crop estimates for past years
have not taken In much of the western
part of the state outside of the Black Hills
section and whatever is secured In that
section will be In the shape of a general
the corn crop generally all over the state
is reported to be In good condition and late
rains have helped along the situation
creatly. with the Indication now for a good
Commencement Kaerclsea at Pre
aentatlon Academy at Abcr-
ABERDEEN. S. P., July U. (Special 1
At Presentation academy hero eight can
didates were admitted Intj the sisterhood,
six novices made their flnsl vows and
twenty young women were udmltted Into
the order as candidates for the veil. The
occasion was an Important one lit Roman
crop generally unless caught by early catholic church circles and Bishop O'Oor
frosts. The corn yield for last year waa mi)n 0f g0ux Falls and a lnrge number of
put at S6.000.000 bushels and It Is expected
to be up to normal this year.
Government Files "nit Against the
Itock Island Railroad at
lonz Falls.
SIOUX FALLS. S. T., July 22.-Speclal.)
That the federal government proposes to
hold the rallroada to a strict obedience
to all national lawa Is shown by the nature
of a suit which has been Instituted In the
United States court here by direction 01
the attorney general of the United States.
The government Is the plaintiff In the
action, while the defendant Is the Chicago,
Rock Island A Pacific Railway company.
The railway company Is charged with hav
ing, on lta line In South Dakota, violated
the provisions of the act of congress ap
proved May 80. 1908, commonly known a
the ash pan law. It Is alleged in the
complaint In the action that the railway
company on certain dates permitted the
use on Its lines of locomotives equipped
with ash pans which were so constructed
that they could not be dumped or emptied
unless employes of the company went
under the engines, this being a violation
of the ash pan law. The government asks
that It be awarded a Judgment In the sum
of $200 against the railway company for
this' alleged violation of the law.
priests of South Dakota were present and
participated In the exercises, as well as the
Rnv. Father Charlevoix, president of the
Blateur Father, of Chicago; the Rev.
Father Handley of the Vnncentlam Fath
ers of 8t. Louis, tho Rev. Father Rever-
tolre of Chicago and the Rev. Father
Urumrntll of Aurora, .111., whose sister was
among those taking ine unui vni, in
eight receiving tho .sister's habit rame
respectively from Flandreau. S. D.; Mon
treal, Can.; Harbor Main, New- Foundland:
Kilkenny. Ireland and Aurora, III. Bishop
O'Gorman preached a groat sermon and
beautiful music was a feature of the ceremonies.
Renalrlna IHUe lit Yankton.
YANKTON, S. D., July 22. (Special.)
After an Interval of nine year, the gov
ernment which haa utterly neglected Its
costly riprap and dlko work in the river
here, haa commenced some repairs. Tho
steamboat. McPherson, Cnptaln McFarland.
and a well known pilot, Henry Keith, were
on board. The pile driving began Thursday
and one dike will be extended 400 feet Into
the river. This dike has lost 1.400 feet in
the last nine years. The repair work plan
ned for by the engineer, Mr. Hones, will
tako about two months to complete. Fore
man Clarence Douthitt Is in charge of
tho work.
We Do Dulln
ess On R
Safe to US and SAFE
You know what you are getting
before you PAY for It.
EYES that never knew comfort
hefnre are made to work, and
with no pain or discomfort.
We prove we are right or it
will cost you nothing.
213 So. 10th Street.
Get tht Original and Ginulna
Tho Food-drink (or All Agts.C
For Infants, Invalids, and Growin g cluldren.
PureNutrition,up building the whole body.
Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged.
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
A quick lunch prepared In a ruinate.
Take no substitute. Ask for 1 10 R LICK'S.
In No Comblno or Trust
Bor Accidentally Killed.
ABERDEEN, S. D.. July 22.-(SpectaU-As
tha result of a rifle shot through the
abdomen, Willie Newton, a 14-year-old Mc
intosh boy, died at a local hospital yester
day. The weapon was accidentally discharged.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
Have Your Ticket Read Burlington
Round Trip 30-Day Tickets.
New York City, standard .routes: .$43.20
Mew York City, other desirable routes. ... . .'. $40.50
Atlantic City , .......... .$40.70
Portland, Me., through Canada. or Boston...... $42.35
Boston, direct route ........ $40.60
Round Trip 60-Day Tickets.
New York, diverse route, one way via Old Point Comfort,
with ocean trip, the other via direct route $49.40
Boston, diverse route, one way via Old point Comfort, with
ocean trip, the other via direct route $52.20
Round Trip Season Tickets (Limit Oct. 31).
Mackinac Island $31.80
Boston, and Portland, Me . .u $58.00
Atlantic City .-..$55.00
Buffalo, including Lake trip on Steamer Northland $-44.50
St.' Louis '.. $17.00
Round Trp Convention Tickets.
Chicago, August 5 to 8, inc $15.00
Milwaukee, July 29 to August 1, inc.... .$15.40
Send for free descriptive publications. Write or call, Indicate your
proposed trip and let us help you plan the most comprehensive Journey
at the least cost. ' ;
Chicago trains: 7:15 a. tn., 4:20 p. m., and 6:80 p. m.
14 Years Leaders of Music
ui a m m a
ijj jf 12. -t. ' "
j 1!
$6 and Up a Month Pays for It
J. B. BimrOXiSS, City raaaaag Agent,
1601 farnam Mtreat, Omaha.
Our Plan
of Selling
Mf60, 41.85 and 43.2p
u Hew York City
SnGO and 44.60
U Boston, Bass.
$IQ35tnd 46.35
& Portland, Lie.
$9Q00, 33.00 and 34.00
6i Buffalo, II. Y.
WinTOand 41.00
u Atlantic City
$-fl60, 32.00, 33.00 and 34.00
Toronto, Ont.
U nnnfrAnl fliifi
l.aWlill WUIJ M Wl
$0900,33.00 and 34.00
Niagara Falls
Tickets on sale daily.
Ticket Offices
1401-1403 Farnam Strut
Liberal return
limits and favor
able stopover
Fast trains at
convenient hours
make direct con
nections in Chi
cago with all
lines east.
TRIP now
Direct from
Factory to
rv" - - .. . -..- v
janDaraMMLaaal V
ajar IBaj caas mt
lUoaiianr irtllant
r UaM lor irrai mr
m vrtuag waaa,slzj
boBSKT CjcLowWY. Prssasnt and Oanaral Martar,
RECEIVED at 212 Sooth lftb8ti&6ra&&a,K&.
CH ON 155 NL 10 Pm.
Minneapolis, Minn. July 16
a short crop in certain
been the mdst active we
B. Segerstrom,
Mgr. Segerstrom riano wiig. 00
Omaha, Nebr.
Dear Sir: -Owing to indications of
Tonalities where our dealers have
are caught with our factory overstocked with pianos, we
will immediately ship five carloads to Omaha, this
together with the enormous stock you already have on hand
we realize is going to be a hardship on you but as you
know these pianos must be disposed of before you receive
your regular shipment, we will authorize you to dispose of
these pianos regardless of cost, giving the people of the
state of Nebraska and adjoining states the benefit. We
wish to have the famous Segerstrom piano into every home
in your territory and this is your opportunity to make
yourself solid with the people of Nebraska and the adjoin
ing states. We will honor every advertising requisition
that you issue, our advertising fund for your seotion is
little less than half exhausted. Your truly,
Segerstrom Piano Mfg. Co.
Is Covered
by an
- J T -.111 matr fht tVlA ffrCat
., . , ... I. welcome! dj me, sua i
TlliS OPPOrtUnity t sacrifice Bale of fine piano, that has ever taken.
Place In America. It 1. a bona fide sale, no beating around the bush .
s raTgnlfeglt mate and honest, I know every piano in our -lock and
I know what I am talking about. I know the value of the pianos that I
i anow wnai a ! t ther dealers must charge for the
StfftlfiSri belVve'rbeolden opportunU, to
selves firmly in the heart, of the people of this and the adjoin ng .ta es.
DUr POliCy a customer well satisfied so tomorrow morning, at 8
o'clock, w, are going to open our door, to the public and again prove
to that we believe in-good, .quare methods, and by giving better
ialu for Us' 7&J I- obtainable under any ordinary clrcum-
. . . . , ...til V.av aen the
n j r.,1.. Do not Duy a piauu uuu.
Rtt fin H jnfl FanV v.,.m. that we are offering. It makes no dlf-
r: ;3;o:offe;;dhere. . win . be
With All Due Respect
nrnunion to dealers wbo are less
fnriiinata than we are. Inasmuch as they
. . . . .L.l I A.ila, n fair, flllvflll.
... not manufacturers, we must insist on, iu. m
U o tt P S- now offered, you must have in your possession an ad
TerUslng SeJuUltlon certificate. These Issued to all customer,
durina this sala by our factory advertising manager, who will be with
SadSrinJ thta Tenure sale. Thi. advertising requisition cost, you nothing
-It 1. merl 1? prSf of our desire to do Justice to all concerned.
Wo ArO ManilfaPflirPrC Bn1 can ffo"d to sell our pianos at rock
tlG flIC mailUiaUUICId bottom wholesale prices and still have. a
small profit, or rather a difference between the manufacturer's cost and
tbe wholesale cost, but even tMs item of profit will be entirely lost sight
of during this sale.
Our main object in this section is to get our pianos betore the people
where they can see and hear the GENUINE SEGERSTROM PIANOS,
which have already created no little comment throughout the northwest.'
Another Promise Made Good, ;?rtS5?i
I stated that I would not offer a second-hand, shop-worn or bankrupt
stock piano as long as there was a dollar left ln our factory advertising
fund, and tht. we need not do, as we have our store crowded with brand
new, up-to-date pianos, and five carloads on the way.
Our Easy Payment Plan ti7in?.2.?i
are at liberty to take advaatage of, even durng this great sale. Do not
stop to reason how it is possible for us to do this at these prices. Call
and investigate.
If it is not convenlnt for you to call at our store, write for catalogue
and factory-to-home price IM.
Thon WO MilVP U8ed Plan08. ,uch Bebr Bros, Bush & Gerts,
HIGH IIC llfllC Mathusek and others, which do not come under
the head of our special sale bargains, as used pianos can always be
bought at a reduced price.
Do not delay In making your selection, as this .ale will close as
soon as the stock has been reduced to its normal state.
1 51
"tow r4 M
'"v mm m mm
kHJaWT af .1
No Advertising Requisition Will O Issued to Plane Dealers nor Their EmpUyes.
Store Open Evenings During This Sale. A Bok of National Songs Will De Given to Every Caller
Segerstrom Fiano Mig. (Lo.
1808 Farnam Street, Omaha. Nob.