TIIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1910. . J- .El . James Dailcy of Percival, la.. Cashes Check I I A M 'ST - Br I L 1 I IIHiln 1 IJ 11. . rW J r M- ST T VS1 '11' r 4 r 1 MFA1RS Al SUUIU 0SIA11A Shamrock Clob Gives Boosting Ban quet Well Attended. OUT FOR THOUSAND MEMBEES Unmrrcltl (.'lab Wnal, Sight Win dow Srrrleo at I'ostof flee Ma a with Mora stolen at Seward la Captured. 4 Tha Shafnrock athletlo association of louth Omaha Kava a banquet last night which proved a moit enjoyable affair. It waa attended by about 100 aiiMt and the occasion waa in celebraUon of tha uniform success of tha association In Its public functions of tha past and In honor of the effort of tha promoters who have suc ceeded In building vp the association to its present great proportions. Tha program consisted of the usual good feed, and after tha banquet speeches were made by numeroua members and friends as they were Introduced by John Kennedy, the toaatmaater of the evening. Judge Calla nan. Judge Caldwell. J. c. Trouton. the officer of the club, Marty Korklns of Chi cago, who assumed the management of Jack Fitzgerald, aa well as Tommy Oary, were among the extensive list. All of the speeches were of the boosting order, and tha greatest enthusiasm was ex pressed for the continued Ufa of the club. Tha club proposes to continue tha cam paign for member, aud lias already visions of a thousand enrolled. Following that It was announced In tha speeches that the organisation hoped to erect a suitable, club and exhibition building In (South Omaha In the near future. Muoh of the enjoyment of the evening was due to the good management of the committee on arrangementsMessrs. Ken nedy, Cunningham, Daly, Fltsgerald, Cur ran, and others. Night Service In' Post Office. The South Omaha Commercial club met yesterday afternoon, at the club room In the regular weekly session. Several ques tion of importance were discussed. Among them waa tha proposition of a night clerk at the South Oomaba posterities. It was thought that a city of the als of South Omaha should have thla accommodation, aa at Des Mollies. The stamp window and the general delivery are open there an night Many times suoh an arrangoment would work a great saving and convenience. This matter will be taken up with the postal authorities to discover tha best metnoa 01 proceedure to secure suoh aa eommodatlon for South Omaha. Alleared Uoraotalsf Tastes. Jesse Canarian waa arrested yesterday afternoon at South Omaha tor the alleged theft of a bors at Seward, Neb. lie was taken at the South Omaha yard with the borsa and buggy In his possession. It I supposed he bad planned to get rid of the animal at tne none sale in progress in South Omaha yesterday. A description waa sent to tne local ponce ana they arrested Can arian on his arrival. Officers Klf elder. Dvorak, - and hnilth made the arrest! Canarian told a story Intended as an ex planation of hi possession of the bors. He said he bad beeo sleeping in a corn crib with the man who had the bora and that this man had hired htm to drive the 1 torse to Bourn umana. - ,' , Joseph Lnwreaee Arrested. Joseph Lawrence, who la charged with having defrauded Mr. Katharine Hess out of 0O, was arrested yesterday at Lenox, la. ! waa , traced to that city through his .baggage. U ..secured . thay money through-' Theodore Larson, 1317 Vine street, Des Moines, la., who had the money in his cars deposited in. a local bank fot Mrs. Hess. Mrs. Hess wanted her money. and asked Lawrence to send for It for her. He did so, apparently, and when it .cajna. bad It addressed to himself, so that he col lected trie draft and left the city with the money. Mrs. Hess had been acting- aa his housekeeper at Twenty-sixth and L streets. Lawrence had been a variety actor at on of the moving picture show. He has two children, whom he sent in care of hi sister to Toledo, O. His wife Is said to be In sane and la confined at Lincoln at the asylum. ' He will probably be brought back from Iowa within a few days. y Masto City Coulp. Colonel V. M. Doty went to Fall City Thursday. , Mrs. . M. Rohrbough Is taking a vaca tion at Keokuk, la. Miss Victoria Vana Is muoh Improved Within the last few day. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Mead have gone to .Mlnden for a few days visit. j. a. Wallwork of Denver Is passing a abort vacation period In boutn Omaha. t T Martin and family left Wednesday for a visit In Missouri, they will be gon two weeks. will meet at Spearman's barn Saturday at 1 p. m. to go in a boujr to -apuuon. Th Ladled Aid society of the Preby tertan church held a successful social last ' night at the residence or juage a. xj. uv ton. 1 BTORTZ Delicious Bottled Be. .- delivered promptly to your residence. Phone 8. liUi. ttrouerics ac AiasiuwsKjr. Claude Dawson. 1614 Madison street, died yesterday morning. 1'he tunerat arrange ments have not been announced. PHONB SOUTH DOS for a case of JET. TfcK GOLD TOP. Prompt delivery to ; any part of city. William Jetter. i Una hundred and fifty members organ ised the local chapter of the Loyal Order ."f Moose in Bouiu umttnu, vteunesuuy night ' fit. Cecelia's eulld and the Women' aux illary of St. Clement' churoh will give aa v cream social on the church lawn Thurs day evtnlng, July St. Vlln Schmlt daughter of John Schmlt. Thirty-fourth and X. died yesterday. The luneral will be hem at p. m. touay. itev. Adama will have charge. navtft Rver. a nloneer of South Omaha. died Thursday morning at the home of bis 'daughter at Papllllon, Neb. The funeral will be held, at f'apiillon, Saturday at I a. m. The Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House, Boutb Omaha, Saturday, July 23rd, opens with 'their semi-annual clearance ssle; great bargains throughout the house. Sale etarts Saturday, July ti, a. m. (See win dow '. . Mlsiisssry Retwvns Hoase. DENISON, la.. July (Special.)-Much Interest Is felt at Denlaon. Charter Oak, Dow City and Arlon, In this county, over the home-coming - today of Miss Mamie Glaisburoer, who went from thla county . five years ago aa a missionary to China, She was sent to an la) and off the coast of China, a hard, taut not dangerous, sta tion. Hole she made good In every way and won the credit of being en of . the best young women ever sent from Iowa. She went from the Northwest Iowa Metho dist conference. Her letters home, which have found ready place to the papers of this locality, have shown her to be of most superior character, a woman in ten thou sand, In devotion to spreading the Bible religion and uplifting the poor people about her. At nearly every Christmas the people of this county have made up a box for her children and helpers. She has at times been near death, but rallied and kept on. With her 'record It la expected that great pressure will be brought by the church authorities to Induce her to return to China. She will probably be expected to speak on missions st many points In Iowa during the fall conferences of the Metho dist Episcopal churoh. Appean in Council Bluffi with Face Bruised by Footpad, Who Had Bobbed Him Near Bridge. When James Dalley of Percival, la., at tempted to cash a check In Council Bluffs for i drawn by himself on the bank of Percival and met number of rebuffs he grew a little lmp tletit, overlooking the fact that his shirt front wa covered with blood, a big wen llke bruise was protruding above his fight eye, While numerous abrasions about his face indicated tliM he had been having a serious time. His Impatient replies to ques tions concerning the validity of tha check led to telephone communications with the police department, and Mr. Dalley wa es corted to headquarter by an officer. There he completed his narrative, and told how he was slugged Snd robbed by two Omaha crooks, who hud followed Mm to the Iowa side of the river, knocked him senseless by a blow with a bludgeon, robbed hlrn of all the money he has, amounting to 117, and left him lying In the willows. The attack was made Wednesday evening after Dalley had visited many of the Omaha saloons and accepted tha sdvlce of two new friend to walk aero the bridge In stead of taking a street car. A telephone query to th Bank of Percival proved that the check waa good and that Dalley had $6W on deposit there. Reference to the police court books showed that Dalley owed 13 on a fine Imposed in police court some time ago for Intoxication. The check was eccepted and Dalley was given 2 to pay for hla ticket home. New Device for Curtiss Planes Mechanics Say They May Change Whole Appearance of Air Craft in Omaha. When the five workmen assembling the Curtiss aeroplanes out at Crelgbton field got well under way in their work yester day It became known that new devices probably will be seen on the machines. Though It Is not defnltely decided the Inno vation will be used, the mechanics feel al most sure of It Elmer Robinson, chief meohanlo, ex plained that the new devloes would com pletely change the appearance of tha ma chines and would render them more easy to handle, with less front resisting force. Mars' maohlne and th McCurdy ma chine were both completely fitted up Thurs day. The Curtis maohlne was expected to be up Friday. KIRCHNER SEEING GIRL WITH ANOTHER MAN, TAKES ACID Bell Bar Tries te Bud Life, but Police urgcoa Palls Him Back to Life. Despondent over the apparent unfaithful ness of hi girl, William Klrchner, who tated that he had been acting as bell boy at the Rome hotel, attempted to commit suicide last night at 621 South Seventeenth street by swallowing, carbqlio acid.. He waa een by hi roommate, James Miller, to look at the photograph of the girl, then put ths bottle to 'his head, drink' part- of tha con tents and He down on tne bed. MUler, who was coming Into the room, examined the bottle, and seeing .that It contained carbolic acid, called up the police station and Sur geon Btendeven was able to save the man's life. Miller stated that Klrchner had be come despondent after seeing the girl walk ing out with- another man. DRIVES GOATS MANY MILES California. Man Teams Angoras Over Fesf Thousand Miles on Wager. WASHINGTON, July 22. Having driven a team of ant-. J- goats a distance of more than four thousand miles, as the result of a wager. Captain V. Edwards, a ranch owner of San Diego, Cal., arrived here from San Diego today. With Captain Ed wards are six young men and a pack team of three Mexican burrors, hitched to a canvas-covered wagon'. If you have anything to sell or trade advertise it In . Tha Bee- Want AA eol vinna and get Quick results. Iewsv News Motes. ESTHERVILLE Albert Thompson, a former resident of Esthervllle for fifteen years, died of typhoid fever at his home in Minneapolis. He was 9 years of age. GRUNDY CENTER In a twelve Inning game, Grundy Center defeated North Eng lish by the score of I to 0. The batteries were: Grundy Center, Croxton and Myers; North English, Hardly and Roller. ESTHER V1LLK Haying In this locality la about finished and the farmers are now busily engaged In harvesting the oat crop which Is the best for a number of years. Barley is an harvested, being a fairly good crop, corn is growing nicely. RED OAK Charles Clarke, of the firm of Boll A Clarke, publishers of the Red Oak Bun fr the last twenty-six years, ba sold a half interest in the paper to P. J. and C. W. Boll for H,eoo.. William Boll, senior member of the firm, will be a member of the new firm also.. 'He has been connected with the firm interests for forty years. DENISON Mr. R. A. Romans, one ef the most successful business men of Denlson, took his departure this week tor Aberdeen. S. D., where he 1 president of one of the national banks of that city.' Mr. Romans has been a heavy lnvester ire Dakota lands and has made a large amount of mony in and about Aberdeen. On buying a control- lng interest in the bank it became necessary lor nirn to move to Aoeraeen. LOGAN Sheriff Rock, whose business keeps him on the road much of his t me, report the small gram In Harrison county as gooa, especially ine wneat; snort straw but the beaas well iiuea. Mr. KocK also re ports th corn crop of Harrison up to standard for this time of the season. It Is thought that the acreage of corn this year will surpass that of any previous year in the history of the county. MUSCATINE Judge James Howell Vail, a prominent Jurist of the west, is dead at Muscatine, after a long Illness. For several years he was a member of the city council of St. Louis and assistant circuit Judge of the Fll'taouih Judicial district of Missouri and Judge of the court of appeals. He was also district Judge In furtii Dakota for a number of year. Hla wife was one of the most prominent W. C. T. U. worker in the west. MARSHALTOWN Grocer of th city, representing the Marshalllown Retail Gro cers' association, have lauuenea a move ment here for a standardisation of quality In butter and egss, and propose to estab 1 sh a uniform price to be paid the farmers for these products. The intention is not to corner or beat down th price but rather to have one price for each grade so that all retailers of the city will pay the sanid price for produce of the aame grade on the same day. CRESTON Roy Fuller, a former resident of this place, has Just won a 110,000 damage ult against Budd M. Robinson, a wealthy mine owner of Joplln, Mo., for the aliena tion of his (Fuller's) wife s affections. The Fuller were married in this city several years ago. It being the childhood home of both, boon after going to Joplln trouble be gan and the suit aa Instituted, which has been hanging fire In the courts manv months. During that lime the couple wei divorced, and Mrs. Fuller married the mine owner, Roblnxon. Th suit ha Just termi nated in Fuller favor. Am 1 air Gash should be covered with clean bandages saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals - burns, wounds, sores, piles. S5c. For sale by. Beaton Drug Co JSllf Ever Itfli rry y foody $35.00 SUITS, J317.SO Straw Hats Cheap Knowing this popular store as they do, know that our merchandise, our meth ods, and our published statements are deemed worthy of the great confidence they have inspired and we feel assured you will heed this appeal to you as the exact time to make an investment that GUARANTEES 100 interest rate. The more you buy the more you make. From every point of economy view you should be up and doing tomorrow. Hundreds of splendid suits patterns and styles that will' suit and please all comers. Judge From ttie Windows $25.00 SUITS, $22.50 SUITS, $20.00 SUITS, $18.00 SUITS J312.SO S 11.23 SIO.OO 3Q.OO 8gBL.,T,,.T,m.mi dir , ,,.,aiiisai8 $30.00 SUITS, oicoo I-J'"' J. ; .'4rie.V "I7r - . $15.00 SUITS, J37.50 Buy the New Straw . Today $5.00 Hats at There are plenty of straw hats to be had in Omaha these days at all kinds of sacrifice. But Notice the Hats. It's no wonder we sell about half the hats sold in, Omaha and when we come to view some of the displays round town we realize why so many people come to this store for their hats. i A Coat and Trouser Snap Two-piece suits quarter lined, half lined and skeleton summer suits, that sold up to $22.50, in all the new grays, mixtures and blue serge in stouts, 6lims, regulars and extra sizes; all at one price Saturday cEix) So if you have any use for a fine, cool, genteel suit for hot weather come and get one of these suits before they are all gone at less than half. Now's the Time to Buy Shirts Right in the season when you want a soft cool shirt we're giv ing a shirt benefit that is out of the ord inary; we've the best shirt made from the best shirt . makers we are selling them at two prices, 85o and $1.35, that are greatly under their regular value. if .vv- mm s . ...$3.50 3.50 and $3.00 (JO Aft Hats, at $.VU $2.50 and $2.00 CI Aft Hats, at ...$I.VU Very low prices on a few Panamas that are still left. Shirts that sold up to $1.50 nre now 85c Shirts that sold to $2.50, are now S1.33 Don't wait until the best patterns are "gobbled" up. Drojpping th6? Prices n Mmh Facie jiffocds ' , At Drexel'o Right now in the very hottest weather, when youcan get the most comfort from an Oxford with two months wear ahead of you, we make this great cut in prices. You buy them now away down, but you get the Drexel quality and style the only difference between today and yesterday is the price that's all in your favor. You get your choice of the very highest grade of Oxfords in Omaha the Hanan, Clapp and Boyden Oxfords for men, th Hanan, Foster, Wright & Peters, and Arm strong Oxfords for women. This is what this reduction sale means to you your choice of .the best Oxfords in the world at less than the very ordinary kind. $4.25 34.00 $3.05 $2.99 S2.55 For ten lines of Hanan, Clapp and Boyden $6.00 and $6.50 men's Oxfords. For ten lines of Hanan 's $5.50 men's Oxfords, Russia Calf and Kid. For fifteen lines of MacDon-ald-Kiley, Forbush $5.00 and $5.50 men 'a Oxfords. For fifteen lines of Howard & Foster and Tilt $4.00 and $4.50 men '8 Oxfords. For twenty lines of miscel laneous makes of $3.50 men's Oxfords. For fifteen Iines of Hanan, Foster and Wright & Peters $5 and $5.50 women's Ox fords. ' ' For twenty lines of the cele brated Armstrong $4.00 wo men's Oxfords. For fifteen lines Kippendorf and Selby $3.50 women's Ox fords. For ten lines of miscella neous makes of $3 wo men's Oxfords, 200 pair $2.50 and $3.00 wo men's Oxfords, in broken lots and narrow widths- $3-85 $3.90 tj)2i55 2.25 il.On 100 pairs $5 imported bronze Kid Pumps and Oxfords for. $2.50 Ten lines Misses' and Children's Buckle Strap Pumps and Ox ords, tan and black All our Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' Ox fords in the store if Per Cent Reduction 100 pairs small sizes $3 and $3.50 Women's Oxfords for Four lines White Canvas and White Buck Women's Oxfords, $3.50, $4 and $5 $3 'White Canvas Women's Oxfords for $1.75 and $2 White Canvas Women '8 Oxford3 for All our Women's Pink and Blue Canvas Oxfords at SOcts $1.90 $1.00 $1.00 I hoo uTujpaimy 1419 Farnam Stroot Rent an Of f ice ' in the Heart of Omaha Bee Building There is some available space for rent at the present time. Iloora 623 Located on top floor, facing court, with. 370 square feet. Including vault, which rent! for $23 per month. Ground Floor Offices Just off court, which glvea eaiy accesa from Farnam street Thla apace will ba remodeled to ault tenant. Rooms Available August 1st Room 017 Court room, 8x14. KenU for f 10.00 per month. Room 540 Eaat front, 11)4x19, good light. (22.00 per month. Room 548 One of the beat suites, cf offices lu the city. In the corner of the building facing 17th and Farnam. Thla apace is divided into three room with tiled partition, giving a total of 670 square feet, and la fitted with large vault. Rent, 860.00 per month. Rooms 218 and 220 Nice suite offices located In north, west corner of building. The larger room is partitioned so as to afford two private offices and reception room, and is provided with vault This makes a good combination of rooms and has been occupied by Insurance company; may be rented for S52.00 per month. The Bee Building Co. R. W. BAKER, Supt. 17th and Farnam twysJ" 1 !'.! "'."Mil'1- LJL1 ...1JL.JJJ.1 J ! .. ...J.UJ.uini nun i i m i , iinnni m,. y;- J VT. --" "3zzn Consult The Bee Land Columns When in Douht ALL STRAW HATS $1.00 WHEN??? ASK HATTY BLACK AUD BROTHER BE.! THEY'LL SAY SATURDAY Panamas $I.0Q also. (OS So. 1 6th St. 6 J THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOOIA. nu nas paid its members Six Per Cent per annum for the past 27 years, and today Is better prepared than ever to protect and foster the interest of its members. Try a saving account with it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly payments or lump sum not over $5,000. Ask for Booklet "A" and other information. ASSETS, $3,600,000. RESERVE FUND, $64,000. Address, 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha. Neb. .