THE . BEH: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .1ULY 2.1, 1010. 3 Nebraska SAKS FEE FOR OFFICE ONLY 6Ut Legal Department Oivei Position Upon Primary Suit. ' JWKET REFUSED ADDED FEES Aetlaar with Advlee, Ha Held Only One Farmeat Nrrrimrr I'rink. list t'oanty People Art Flourishing-, (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 22 (Special.) Attorney Jet.eral Thompson will represent Secretary of State Junkln In the suit brought by Victor Rotewatcr, republican nntlonal com mitteeman, to prevent placing the names of candidates on more than one ballot when only one filing fe has been paid. The legal department will argue that the fee charged for filing refer only to the office and not to the ballots. . For Instance, the attorney general says the law is that candidate for United State senator shall pay a filing fee of $50. According to Mm It makes no difference on how many ballots the candidate's name appears, Just so ho has paid the one 150. In the office of the governor the hold ing tls that the county treasurer has no right to ask what office 'the candidate In tel, ds to file for. If he. tenders his $10 to file for governor Jt Is the duty W the treasurer to give him a receipt for $10 and the ballot on which he runs need not be designated. Then the candidate' may pre sent that receipt to the secretary of state and have his name placed on as many bal lots as he chooses. A receipts was tendered by Rfr. Hitch-' cock as a candidate on the peoples Inde pendent psrty ticket, but It was not ac cepted, the secretary acting under the opinion of the attof general. This Is taken to mean that i last Mr. Hitchcock believed that the fa contemplated the payment of a filing fee for- every ticket upon the name of the - candidate was to appear. Deputy Secretary of State Walt this morning said that James P. Latta had also tendered a receipt for filing fee on the populist ticket and It was not ac cepted. ' Mr. Thompson does not expect to file his answer unll next Wednesday. Treasurer Brian Ketnrna. L. G. Brian, state treasurer has returned fcvlth his family from a trip to Iowa, where M 'visited relatives and pitched a little hay In order to get In condition for the cam pagn. Very shortly Mr. Bran wll go out to Albon and make arrangements for the construction of a new home on his farm near that city as he expects to remove back there when his term of office as tate treas urer expires netx Januury. After Patrick Votes. Governor Shallenbergcr went to South Omaha today to visit the Country club this afternoon and deliver a speech to a Shal lenberger democratic club tonight. Repre sentative Krause of Albright has organised uch a club -and another has been organ ised In South Omaha proper. When suggested that It might be con sidered discourteous for the governor to g3 Into tha territory of V. R. Patrick solicit ing votes, Dave Rowdm, commander of the 8oldiers' home at MUford, spoke right put in meeting. , "Patrick won't get twenty-five votes In ' South Omaha, and I'll bet $100 he won t get 100 votes in Sarpy county." ' ;- ' "Do I know Patrick?" "Well, I should ay I do," snorted Colonel Rowden, repeat l lng the question. "He knows ma, too, but he don't speak to me alnce I fired him out of the women's waiting room of the Union Paclfio depot. I was employed by tha secret service department of the Union Paclfio and was at the Union station. Pat rick and Judge Sutton went, Into the wonv n's waiting room and began to smoke cigars about a foot long. I touched them on tha shoulder and ponlted to . the sign, N Smoking.' Then I went out, thinking they would follow me. I. looked back and there they were smoking as big as life.,-1 fwent baek and told them it was against the rules to smoke in there, , -'the rules to smoke in there." " 'Who are your asked Sutton. "I told him 1 was an officer and he said o am I. . Then I : said so much the more reason you should obey the law. Then Z said it you are gentlemen you will get out and If you don't get out' I will throw you both out, Tou bet they ot out. But ton afterwards apologised to me, but. Pat rick ain't said nothing since to we. I'd a throwed 'em out, too." ... n -Bimiij' m rraikun, In the little town of Macon, on Macon . oralria In Franklin county, a town with Virhapa 100 houses and no railroad, Colonel '2Turaa, secretary to Governor Shallenberger, Who W5t OMt thr to apeak at a political .meeting, said he counted twenty-seven aut omobiles standing around the corner groc ery store. "The automobiles were not owned by pleasure-seekers, but belonged to the farm- jcra who live around the town, and some tot them were driven Into town by farm ers who a few yeara ago settled in Frank lin county and used oxen with which to plow. The oxen soon gave way to horses, and now the horse haa given way to the lautomoblle Insofar as traveling is con cerned. Tha land on which these farmers live la now worth from I1U0 to $lu0 an acre, and thla year it II producing from fifteen to thirty-five bushels an acre of wheat Corn la looking fine and around Mason there Is going to be a good crop. "Instead of holding a regular delegate convention, Franklin county democrats met In maas meeting at Macon, which la near the center of the county, and there dele gates were selected to the state conven tion. The meeting waa held in the school bouse, which is also the town hall. There la no railroad within eight or ten miles, but tha ball was crowded and many stood Nebraska REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS ON COUNTY OPTION For. Adams 13 Antelope llanner Boyd Buffalo Hurt . Hutler Cass CVrtar 11 Cherry t'tievt-iina ciay is Cnllai Cuming , Custer 1 liawes Dawson IMxnn loi!ge Lun ulas .. liundv I Fillmore Franklin Frontier 7 v Furnti T ' Oage 25 Oarden Uosper Greeley 7 Harlan 7 Hitchcock Lancaster M Loup Lincoln 10 Madison , Merrick Nanca T Otoe Nuckolls 10 Phelps 10 Perkins Pierce Polk a Red Willow 8 Richardson 14 Hallne Saiov Saunders Seward 13 Ptanton . Th.vee Thomas ,. Thurston Webster York IS Totals 284 Inst ructions Against None. !! 14 91 14 ft is 154 201 TWISTER AT BEAVER CITY Sniall-fHsed Tornado Shakes Up Small Buildings In Western Por tion of State. BEAVER CITY, Neb., July 22. (Special Telegram.) Preceding an electric storm last night a small tornado formed over the went part of town and did considerable damage to small buildings, vehicles stand ing out and poultry. A large tree at the residence of E. M. Munger was struck by lightning and Utterly twisted to pieces, leaving nothing but a stump. A windmill tower of O. W. Shatter was struck, and another bolt killed a horse for him. Grain stacks on the farm of Ralph Hard ing were burned during the storm, sup posed to have been struck by lightning. SALINE! TABLES LIQUOR QUESTION Majority of Delexates Selected by Reunbllrans Oppose Option. ' WILBUR, Neb,, July 22.-Special Tele gram.) The republican county convention or Saline held here today was well at tended. The delegates to the state con vention are: Hugh McCarger, F. R. Dutch, Joseph Kuncie, A. B. Kenyon, Charles E. Troyer, Henry Besse, W. T. Morse. C. H. Justice, George B. Hcnton, J. H. Orlmm, Charles Simacek. Peter Waldorf, J. w. fiustmry, Ira Moulton. The resolution renew allegiance to the party with an unbroken chain of national achievements from the time of Abraham Lincoln down to W, H. Taft. Senators Burkett and Brown are commended for their support' of administration measure. F. J. ' Sadllek ef Wilbur is recommended for favorable consideration for state treas urer on account of education, abllty and experience. C. H. Sloan Is endorsed for congress. R. M. Proudflt of Friend was elected member of " the state committee. Majority , and minority reports on the liquor question were laid on the table, 69 to 40. A majority of the delegates are against county option. at tha windows, unable to get Inside.' BUFFALO COUNTY WANTS CAPITAL J ad re Oldham Bitter in Denunciation of Option Move. KEARNEY. Neb., July . (Special Tele gram.) The democrats of Buffalo county - met In convention today and selected seven teen delegates to the state convention. County option was ignored and left out of the convention for discussion. A resolution Uwtl passed in favor of submitting the ques tion of capital removal to tha people to Vote upon. Judge W. IX Olmstead addressed the convention just previous to its closing land declared. In a burst of eloquence, that lh r.mihllrun carlv waa trvinff ta itrw confusion and diskvuiilou among the deuv -verata by bringing In minor Issues of i moral and religious nature which have no part In partisan politics. The convention was punctuated by many speeches of office aeeklng democrats. No lnatrnetlona lor Hepnhllrana. , SIDNEY, Neb.. July 22. (Special Tel s-am.) The republican county central com mittee selected the following umnstructed delegates to tha stata convention at IJn coin: County Commissioner L. K. Barlow, Ir. Lincoln, Simon and Adam OJurderson Tha county central committee for the en suing year la Paul R. Borgquist, chairman, and Frtd tiapen, secretary. Visitors to Omaha cordially invited to its most modern and beauti ful clothing store. Youl) not he urged to buy a thing. 9 irTQ rv "fi-st .M-r Cci The Home of Quality Clothes. EXTRA All Boys' and Children's Straw Hats HALF PRICE In our great 2d floor Boys' Department. 50c to $2.50 Hats for 25e to $1.25 The sale that doesrit grow old Men's, young men's, boys and children's suits at HALF PRICE Most sales flash up like a meteor on a dark night and command attention about as long. Their force is usu ally spent in the first advertising flash and late lookers see frothing where a lot was supposed to be. How dif ferent this sale of ours. Our determination to start 1911 with a stock entirely new our generous and "fair-to-all" reductions--the high quality of our suits the enormous stock con cerned the pleasantness and efficiency of our most modern store service are but component parts of the unseen force that removes this sale from the "Meteoric" class and makes it revolve around into view week after week with an attractiveness such as only a King-Swanson sale can have. . . . 97.BO a-piece suits 10 and 3- pieoe snixe tia a and 2- pleoa salts $15 fl and 3- pieoe salts 18 a and 3- plaea auits 90 a and 3- pleoa salts $3.75 $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 $9.00 $10.00 aa a and 3 '. piece suits $11.00 98. a and S piaoa suits $12.50 30 3-pl.oe anlta $15.00 $38 3 - pieoe nits $17.50 About the Suits on Sale Fancy Mixtures We have had only desirable colors, fabrics and models for this season. This store tolerates none but genteel clothes. The fancy suits included in this sale are of that kind and one pur chased now can be wurn next season with perfect satisfaction. True Blue Serges Our True Blues established a new standard for Serge Suits. They have been incomparable. They will be incomparable another season. This selling them at half price makes the few hundreds still remaining most incomparable bargains. Fancy Blues Included in this half price sale are the light and medium weight Fancy Blues so immensely popular this season and which bid fair to be even more popular next. They are good for now, ' good for fall wear and good for next season. Several hundred of them insure a perfect fit for any fellow. Amy StipsrwF oir IPaurnsiinniai Mali $1.50 to $7.50 Hats for 75c to $3.75 Last year we sold every hat In the store. Not an old one left when we started the present season. We propose doing the same thing this year. June let,-we had 410 dozen. Today we have 39 10-12 dozen. We feel that the fairest way to sell them Is at half price, rather than to let the "wise" buyer pick the "plums" at a low price and the "unwise" buyer pay within 6c or 10c of the regular all season price. SHAIXENBKRGER GETS CHEVEXXE Democrats Also Endorse). Hitchcock sad Knock Ootlon. SIDNEY, Neb., July 22. (Special Tele gram.) The democrats of Cheyenne county met in mass convention today at the court house and elected the following delegates to the Grand Island convention: Joseph Oberfolder, ' John Daughcrty, Charles P. Chambers, James Tucker, J. W. McDanlel. ' I The delegation Is opposed to county op tion, favors the initiative and referendum, endorses the candidacy of Governor Shal lenberger and Senator O. M. Hitchcock. The county central committee Is composed of Joseph Oberfelder, chairman; Frank X. Rihn, secretary and Fred Lehiukuhl, treas urer. Harmony and the best of feeling pre vailed throughout the meeting. Richardson Acalnat Option. FALLS CITT, Neb., July 22.-Spec!al.)- The Richardson county democratic con vention met here yesterday with about 100 delegatea present. Congressman Hitchcock made the principal address. The fight on county, option as a, hot one. George Abbott and Frank Leichty lead the move ment In favor of It hlle it waa opposed by Edwin Fallon, Ferd Harlow and Ralph Clark. . Abbott and Harlow had a wordy war and came near blows. The county op tlonlsts lost by over two-thirds vote. The delegates to the convention at Grand Island were Instructed for Hitchcock for senator. McGuire for congress and Ralph Clark of Stella for . lieutenant, governor, against county option and In favor of the Initiative and referendum. The following delegates were selected: J. H. Moorehead, 11. C. Luvls, R. E. Watke, J. F. Walsh, J. B. Davis, J. 8. Lord, Otto Kotouc, R. A. Clark, Jacob Auch, Henry Qerdes, C II. Nolle. John Gagnon, J. A. Hutchings, Charles Brecht and Edwin Fallon. -Kcbraskav Aevrs Nates. NEBRASKA ClTY-Mlss Rachael Keooler of North Branch precinct, an aged woman. has been declarea Insane and taken to the asylum at Lincoln tor treatment. NEBRASKA CITY Ray Castelberry of Omaiia was united In marriage In thla city yesterday to Miss Very Pearl Kessler of this city. The young people will make their future home In umana. NEBRASKA CITY Mra. Jessie Erwln fell whlie at work at home yesterday and broke her arm aud about the same time Mrs. D. NV. Chinn, residing In another part oi tue city, leu aiia sprainea ner ankle TECUMSEH The new newspaper, "The Sterling ClUsen," will make Its appearance at Sterling on August b. Mrs. T. VV. Lally is me puoiianer vi ine paper ana Its editor. The publication will be weekly, and the paper win t uiuepenaent in politics. SCHYULER-Charles H. Williams, who was managing the Maplehurste hotel In this city, sold the turnlture in said hotel and rented the building to Mra. L. C. HIte of Colorado. Mra lllie took Immediate charge of the hotel and Mr. Williams ia going to umana. ie.uivAivA mi-josepn Killer, an aged resident, who was placed In Juil soma time since on the charge of assaulting his family, is now charged with being inaane and will have his hearing next week. He haa been a resident of tills city since ISZl ana nas a wue ana tamiiy. TKCUMSEH-Mr. Orvls T. Tupper of Lin- coin and miss coral nice or Tecumseh, were married at the home of the bride's parents, air. ana ura. a. n nice, at o clock p. m., yesterday afternoon. The ceremony waa performed by Rev. U. G. . Miller of the Baptist church. BEATRICE TUa case of Daniel O'Don ieU of Wymore against the Rldgeley f ro tectlve association, suit brought to collect on a policy held by him, was decided by Judge Waldon yeBterday. The plalntitf wua given Judgment for f646. SCHUYLER Adam Parr and his brothers had filed a petition In the county court ask ing for an appointment of a guardian for the person and estate of John Parr, their father. They allege In their petition that on account of the old age and physical weakness, he Is unable to take care of him self or his property. FREMONT N. L. Freeman, who la serv ing a thirty-day term in the county Jail attempted to escape last night by crawling up through a note in tne rooi or me gaii, but Just as he got his body about half way out he found himself confronted by the Jailer and had to go back. Several shots were fired, wnicn created a nine excite ment at the time. SCHUYLER A Judgment for $17,000 was filed In the ottice ot tne cleric oi tne dis trict court of this county against John M. Devine In favor of Mrs. Emma Devlne. Mrs. Devine obtained a decree of divorce In Lancaster county, and a decree for all mony In the sum of $17,000 for which she filed a judgment against ner divorced nus band, John M. Devine. NEBRASKA CITY William Bennett and Miss Ruth Bauer, two popular young peo- Dle. were united in marriage inursaay evnlnr at th home of the groom's brother. Charles Bennett, manager of the Nebrasna City Telephone company, xne groom is as sistant manager for the telephone company and an expert electrician, while the bride is the youngest aaugnter o: Mrs. f rana Bauer. NEBRABKA CITY At a recent meeting of the city council Dr. J. u. Houston, mem ber of that body from the Third ward, be came a little too noisy and said some things which did not please Mayor Jackon, also refusing to subside when ordered to do so. The mavor had him seated by the chief of police and taxed up a fine of $10 against him. Mr. Houston appears in tne limelight at the council meetings quite often. TECUMSEH Miss Gertrude Smith, a pro fessional nurse employed by Dr. C. D. Barnes of this city, was severely burned at tha Barnes home Thursday. She was en deavoring to kindle a fire and by mistake took a can containing gasoline lor coal on. The liquid was poured into the stove and came in contact with some live coals. As a result Miss Smith's face was terribly burned on the left side, her hair was singed, her arms were burned and her clothing caught fire. Members of the family quickly extinguished tne Diaxe. TECUM EH Mr. Thomas Churchill, who lives near Sterling, and Mrs. Emma Mo Lean ot Falrbury, were married by County Judge James Livingston, at the court house In Tecumseh, Wednesday afternoon. The groom Is 75 years of age, while the bride is 62. A company of friends accompanied them to thla city. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill went to Lincoln and Omaha on a honey moon trip. They will make their home on the Brooms farm near Sterling. Mr, Churchill being one of the very early set tlers of Johnson county. yf'JII'VT Xi'VJ Attn Unman tt ntltn.. Neb., who was wanted by the sheriff of Hamilton county, for disposing of and re moving properly by chattel mortgage from the county, waa arrested by Sheriff Kunkle and Deputy Sheriff Chrastll about four miles east or bcnyuler. Sheriff Kunkle and his deputy received a letter from the sheriff ot Hamilton county, describing Human and a reward of $6 for his arrest, and in about an hour after receiving the letter came across him and put him under arrest. They Immediately notified the sheriff of Hamil ton county and also asked him to bring the $ reward with him. He Is expected ta be here to take charge or the prisoner to morrow morning. FREMONT Yesterday evening Post master Swanson moved the office to the Morse block, at tha corner of Fifth and Broad atreela, which building will be oc cupled as a poatoffice until the repairs on the present building are finished. The old office la to be enlarged by an addition on the rear at a cost of about $4o.0u0. and will probably not be ready for occupancy until next winter. The lobby room haa for some time been too limited and since rural free delivery haa been established, the work room haa been crowded. The temporary slta gives an adequate working space and more lobby room than In te old building. On account of the large number of normal students the lobby Is parked regularly every Sunday during tna noon nour. lias Price In fact, some of the pianos to be offered In this sale will be sold at not less than one-fourth of original cost Read carefully our reasons for sacrificing the pianos offered and you will see that by taking advantage of the low prices and purchasing a piano from us at the present time, we are, besides doing you a favor, only doing for ourselves what we are compelled to do. Our first reason Is, that, having contracted with decorators to redecorate our rooms, we have have also decided to rearrange our display room. It Is necessary, la order to do the work of rearranging and decorating, that we sell at least 250 of the Instru ments now on hand. Reason number 2 Is, that we have received word from the factories that manufacture the Knabe, the Sohmer, Chlckerlng Bros., Fisher, Estey, Wegman, Schaeffer, Prlce-Teeple, Milton, Smith & Bond pianos, also the makers of the Knabe Angelus, Emerson Angelus, Angelus pianos, Aogelus piano players that within the next ten days they will begin shipping orders placed for fall defllvery. Reason number 3, having disposed of our warehouse, we have no other placa suitable to place these large shipments except at an enormous expense. Instead of paying storage, we prefer to give our friends and customers the benefit. . A careful perusal of the following bargains offered will be of Interest: ' Terms cf payment can be arranged with us to suit the pocketbook of th purchaser. We guarantee every piano sold for a period of from 6 to 20 years. We guarantee during this sale to give you more and better quality for less money, on easier And more suitable terms, than has ever been offered In the history of the piano business of Nebraska. An Investigation will prove Ho the in vestigator that everyone of the foregoing statements Is the truth. ' 3 1 Vose & Sons Upright, regular price $050--our price . .$135 1 Vose & Sons Piano, regular price $335 our price ..... , , j125 1 Chickering & Sons, Boston, regular price $500 our price , . .. : '. ". .250 1 Chickering & Sons, Boston, regular price $450 our price , ,. $200 1 Emerson Piano, regular price $300 our price , ,. ., .$95 1 Harrington Piano, regular price $300 our price .Jj598 1 Melville Clark Piano, regular price $350 our price : , .$175 1 Steger Piano, regular price $200 our price , $137.50 1 Schaeffer Piano, regular price $350 our price $250 1 Knabe, Flemish oak, slightly used, regular price $500 our price .'. .,' .$325 1 Weber Grand, regular price $750 our price , $250 1 "Weber Grand, slightly used, regular price $8007our price , , ...m $275 1 Knabe Grand, slightly used, regular. price $850 our price i.. $325 1 Smith & Nixon Grand, regular price $750 our price ; , ". $350 1 Smith & Nixon, regular price $850 our price .' $375 The above pianos are all in first class condition, some being only slightly used. Others having campara tively no wear at all. A few prices for piano players and player pianos: 4 Cabinet Players 25 rolls free each $38 4 Cabinet Players 50 rolls free each $50 1 Cabinet Player 25 rolls free each $78.50 2 Cabinet Players 50 rolls free each ; '. . . .$115 1 Cecilian Player Piano, used slightly 50 rolls of music free $325 1 Farrand Cecilian Player Piano, slightly used 50 rolls free $300 As an extra inducement we will include free with each piano a beautiful scarf, also stool. 1