Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 19

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III I'.Hfly Lore Affairs,
Things You Vant to Know
The llrlllsh 'risi
J doss oi me Establishment
llalfoui', l.t-atlor of
t'.c Opposition.
He Dcr.Mea, Should
He Held Hccrrt.
The Boss'of.the Establishment and his
wife hart gone forth to spend real money.
It will bo remembered that they had reason
to do sd,.fOr tha Boas had won all of $7i
TTn that rarest thing in the annals of rao
Ing a '.'sure thing" that made good.
In the deserted splendor of a lobster pal
ace's dull season the Bors looked about him
with a.,metlow air of proprietorship.
Half a dozen electric fana dispensed a
tropical breeza which appeared to be try
ing to Induce artificial respiration In some
very dejected' rosea left blooming alone
upon the vacant tables.
It was1 a', sizzling evening. But what Is
time or tunepcrature to the mun who has
won $75? The Boss' beamed at tils wife,
whose' ' most- resplendent gown bore tha
WelghV of a huge bunch of sweet peas.
"This Is pretty poor," the Hons remarked
as the waiter filled his glass, to which lie
had signalled c n encore. "I have always
liked this place. I came here to dinner the
first week I was In New York," lie added
remlnlscently. Then the Boss started guilt'
lly and hastily added:. "That was long, be
fore I met you, dear."
A strange gleam came Into the eyes. of
the Boss' wife, but she leaned forward,
smiled blandly and said In her most inno
cent manner: ) - ,
"It sounds so Interesting. Tell me all
about It. I have always been crazy to Hear
of your former conquests and you've been
10 exasperatlngly reticent about them."
The Boss assumed a sphynx-Hke solem
nity that he was far from feeling. '!
don't know what you. are. talking .about,1'
he said. , ,
Yes you do, too," cajoled the . tady.
''We've, been, married long enough for you
tlon. I'll tell you what I'll do you,, tell me
all about the girls that liked you before we
vera married and then I'll own up to all
tha flirtations I ever had.'' .
The Boss perhaps because the bottled
topaz, which Is. numbered, among the seml-
torcciou liquids, hud made many trips from
tm cooler beside nlra to his glass fell Into
jthe trap and she listened' to his tale of
former conquests.
"Well, don't know that you'd call It a
onquest,",' he .began fatuously, "'but-that
. frlrl I spoke of Just now (he hadn't- spoken
of her, by the way) certainly was' a little
peach, pretty as a picture, but ' silly. I
took no Interest In her, oi course, but I
used to like to. see the men turn .'round to
look at her la restaurants." f
"Really,;: said he Boss' wife, "but. why?
You always get .perfectly furious It they
look at me.".
The Bptt'Vglared . ferociously Into space
at the mythical admirers cf bis wife her
words had ' conjured. "That's different,"
he said rt Ms most positive manner.
"Whyfv '-, ...
, "Because ft Is 'different," he replied con
vincingly. . "f never cared a rap for that
girl. I just liked to string her along."
J "Oh!"
ff "Yes,"
said the Boss' wife without ex-
.reiterated .her, now voluble hus-
banil,-T"swas so easy 1 You know when
J vas courting you. I never dared be five late, because I knew you wouldn't
go cut with me If I were. But that girl!
Why,' It .was alt right to call her up at a
quarter to 9 and say I was sorry I hadn't
'met her at 6:30; that Is, unless she had
called roe up first to say she understood I
Summer Etttquette
From Harper's Weekly.
1. Young women who bury their fiances
in the sand should be very careful to mark
the precise spot where the burial has taken
place, so that before leaving the beach
they 'may dig them up again. The penalty
foe a violation of this rule is apt to be the
complete loss of the fiance.
t. It a young lady's hat. Is blown off on
the beach and goes dancing oVer the sands,
do Vour bri to catch It, but be careful to
do so with jv tr hand, and under no circum
stances try to arrest Its progress seaward
impaling it to the earth with the sharp
rule of your umbrella. '
. iyii xnm nine oruiner oi an BiiiMcuve
jouW person shovels a spadeful of wet
san'DI down the toack or your neck, Kiss
voiir hand to nim, aud tall him he is a f!n
fellRW. and later when you meet him in a
dark place where he cannot recognise you,
tejow tuch further attentions upon him
as lou think the occasion aomanas.
4.. Be ; gallant always, and even If you
f suspect that a certain fair guest's complex
ton. la not real, do not yield to the tempta
tion to test the fastness of Its colors by
iduoklhgj her head under water under the
ftretence that you are teaching her to swim.
fc If while you are bathing with your
heart's desire a shark suddenly pokes his
nose in between you, do not lose your head
by; putting tt in the shark's mouth, but
create a diversion from the lady by running
away as hard as you can with a great
plash. . 6harka never were lay killers
Cruelty to our fellow men Is never to
be commended, but If you find your hated
rivaT Intruding between yourself and the
young lady you have come to the sesshore
to visit, it Is no violation of the prescrioea
etiquette of seaside courtship to hit him
playfully on the optlo with a nice fresh
Jellyfish. If the jellyfish Is really fresh
r :
A-'lifll j
r ' t MTtr Vett tny ward, mtarn.
"Well, if. about tltt.oolr thisg
japa ha vent broken..
Lso - VJ
SHe Listened to the . s
Vl t . I V4BV ST
must have a good reason for keeping her
Waiting and that she forgave me in ad
vance." '
"She must have been an' awful Idiot,"
commented tne contemptuous lady and she
Closed her small white teeth In a cat-like
grin. "Oh, I Just- wish you had tried that
once on me!" she said.
"Huh!" snorted the Boss resentfully, "a
woman that loves a man will do anything
for him. Bring another; quart," he added to
the hovering waiter. ,
"But surely, dear, she wasn't the only
one. I'm perfectly positive that hundreds
and hundreds of women have been In love
with you. Tell me, how did you ever win
so many?" . .".
"Win them!" explained the Boss scorn
fully. "It's not winning a woman that's
difficult it's losing her i that whitens a
man's hair. Did I ever tell you about that
telephone girl out In Chicago, or the man
ager of a candy store In Philadelphia? I
don't remember their names, but the tele
phone girl was all to the good. Then there
was that "
"Spare me these terrible reminiscences?"
Interrupted the Boas' wife In. her most
frigid accents. "Realty, If you've had the
misfortune to deceive so many women I
should think you 'would .-efraln from gloat
ing over them. Besides, I don't believe
half, of them were In earnest. They were
simply stringing you," she added taunt
The Boss smiled with unexpected and
exasperating good nature.
"Have It your own way." : he said.
don't care so long as you live up to your
agreement and tell me the story' of your
own conquests." , '
"My conquests I" exclaimed his spouse
Indignantly. "What do you take rae for?
Do you "suppose I had any life till i met
Suddenly, she laid aside' her Indignant
manner, and smiled broadly, .
"I was just trying to draw you out," she
said. "You are not' half so wicked as I
thought you were!"
(Copyright. 1910. by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
at the Seashore
the mere electrical effect of this sudden
contact will product the desired results.
7. In revisiting the scene of last year's
conquests do not assume that because you
were engaged to a certain lady there at the
close of last season you and she are neces
sarily acquainted this year. If you desire
to renew the acquaintance get somebody
to Introduce you as though you had never
met her before, and under no circumstances
refer to your past relation. She may have
married ln?e, and such allusions might
prove embarrassing.
8. If you are out fishing and an extra'
heavy blubfish yanks one of the ladies
oberboard, do not try to rescue her by
grabbing her by the hair. It might come
off. But seize a boat hook aifd at once
rat eh her by the handle ef her vanity bag,
which you will find firmly attached to her
waist, and pull her slowly, but surely back
Into the boat again.
. If on the morning after she has ac
cepted you, you discover that two other
men to whom the lady is engaged to be
married have arrived, do not commit suicide
or challenge your rivals to a duel. Bide
your time, and some evening when you sit
down for a friendly game of bridge to
gether suggest the lady for a booby prize,
and If you really want her do your worst.
. 10. If In a fit of absent-mindedness after
bathing you find that you have entered
another man's bath-house and put on his
clothes instead of your own, and have not
discovered the fact for several hours, good
form requires that you should at least re
turn to the owner such private papers ai
you may find in his pockets, his watch.
and. If your means will permit, a con
Biddable portion of the money found in his
wallet. To avoid ostentation It were well
that this were done anonymously. As for
the clothes, much will depend upon ho
well they fit you, but the safer plan Is to
let the matter rest In abeyance for a while
until the other fellow has had a chance to
cool off. In any event It will be bad form
to wear them publicly until you are sure he
has gone back to town.
Dyspeptic Philosophy.
A crank is merely a person who doesn't
see things as we see them.
Lou of people ought to be sent to the
North pole, wbeie they would have leas
It's the unexpected that happens,' and
even then there is always some cue to say,
"I told you so."
The luck of a seventh son may constat of
having to wear all the cast-off clothes of
the other six.
One man may admire another man al-
aiost aa much as one woman admires an
uiner woman s domes. ,
It Uu't exactly foolish question No
LSM.4UI to ask how much it cuala to build
one of those II. W0 bungalows.
Iambi Among Woltcs.
Text l.uko x:3. "Oo your whys: Behold.
1 send you forth as lambs among wolves."
Jesus had by this time a congregation
Of seventy dlxclples sll of whom he could
send forth to teach and to preach, saying
to all men, "The kingdom of Uod Is come
nigh unto you."
Their mission was an Important one and
therefore. He requires them to make hHHte,
saying, "carry neither purse, nor scrip,
nor shoes; and salute no man by the way."
They Deed help and shall seek for others
to take up the work with them, as He
further says to them, "Pray ye the Lord
of the harvest that He would send forth
laborers Into His harvest." It Is Common
among tradesmen not to care how few men
are of their craft, and some militate even
against their own class and sometimes kin
dred to keep the number few. The Christian
hot so. They are to seek help of men Who
are divinely commissioned; men whose lips
shall be like Isaiah's, "Touched wjth liv
ing coal from God's altar, whose iniquities
are taken away and their sins purged, and
they come and say, "Here am I, send me.' "
They were to start out expecting perse
cution and trouble. "Behold, I send you
forth as-lambs among wolves." '
And 'so they found their enemies bloody
and cruet ' as wolves, ready to pull to
pieces the humble disciples, as they did the
meek and lowly .Savior Himself, e. g.
Bee how they stoned Paul at .ystra
till he Was taken for dead, dragged as you
would drag a dead animal out of the city,
cast as a carcass Into a lonely valley to
be eaten by birds and animals. But Ood
hod more work for Paul to do, and yet
more sufferings awaited him, and God
brought him baok to life again and out of
the valley of death and on to other cities
of sufferings. Ere long he and Silas came
to Phllllppl, where even .the magistrates,
like wolves, rent off their , clothing, and
men, like bloodthirsty wolves, rent their
flesh with scourges till they had suffered
death' many times, and then hurried them
In the deep, damp dungeon, of Phil. But
God had still more- work for them to do,
and -yet other human wolves were thirsting
for their blood. .Therefore, God so shook
the earth that It rent beneath the prison
walls and set the entombed disciples free,
only to go and preach again and suffer
more at the hands of .beastly men.
To such a career Christ sent forth hH
disciples. Wherever they Went they found
a few enemies, who, like howling wolves
would gather opposing Jews and Gentiles
in great mobs. But he tells His disciples
"you must be lambs, peaoeable and patient,
though made an easy prey." It would have
been very hard thus to be sent forth as
sheep among wolves If he had not endued
them with His spirit and courage.
We have much that Is new today In the
realm of science and Invention, but not
much in the realm of history.
History only repeats Itself largely. Christ
U11. sends forth His disciples as lambs
among wolves. But the wolf, like the fox,
is cunning. Thy both belong to the canine
Items of
Girls who can knit should turn their at
tention to the new kind of sweater that Is
so useful for evening wear on cool summer
nights. 'It does not take an expert to do It.
The stitch is large and simple, and there
are no complexities about the shape.
It la made on the outline of a straight
kimono Jacket, with long back aud front,
knitted straight across the shoulders, and
wide panels for sleeves. These are worked
out from the center In sufficient length
to form a sleve to the elbow. The side
of the two panels and the back of the
sleeve cure sewed up with a crewel.
As an added touch of effectiveness there
s a blue, a pnut or a vioiei ooraer pui
around the neck, the fronts and as a turn
over cuff to Ahe kimono sleeve.
The turnover collar Is also rather pret
tier than tha straight band, and it la tied
in front with a -large bow of ribbon to
6 1 ri- J J A 111 i
Root. taught Ji I fAt: To AtAtTiN 'ierov'
H4 KncuMATteM- lWntMi4coTB,vAcri
t a upf a. 6 oiiJ
a fwi J"hn7v" ) t 1.-1
eBPTajiT. itm it
hit5 - "IB
J j - Y. i Jo
B. .n5
mar. m. i.. mkxxcx,
- Pastor Oraoe Lutheran Church.
family of animals. They show their relation
In their cunning nature. I have more than
once figured with" both to catch them,
but they always outflgured me, and I am
not the only man that has been chagrined
by the cunning of the fox or the wolf.
They are hold when In a pack, but cowardly
when alone. I stood a big one off one night
alone out on the prairies, about fifty miles
weft of here, by forming my coat Into
what ho evidently took to be a big club,
which, when I waved at him, he receeded
When weak In-number Is when they bring
their cunnlngness into play.
Several years ago there was a lone one
on the bottom, Just east of Lincoln. He
was of uncommon size and strength. He
killed much of the farmers'- stock. Llko a
dog, they can put on a very friendly coun
tenance, so that I saw them when only at a time among my father's cattle.
and the cattle no more alarmed than If It
were the family dog. The big one on the
Lincoln bottoms would go at night first
to a farmer's house and make friendship
with the dogs on guard, and perhaps en
tice them to go with him to the yards
for his prey. Farmers all around offered
a reward fcr his capture.
One night he caught Mr. T., my brother
In-law, lost and alone on the prairies, and
for about an hour made life dear to him
and, but for an ax In his hands, he might
have suffered much.
This made him and another friend de
termined on capturing that wolf. They
did It one night by shutting up the old
watch dog and getting the young and play
ful one loose. The wolf came, and, while,
In play with the dog, they wounded him
with a gun shot, and then turned the old
dog and themselves loose on him and
killed him. They lived then in a dugout
with a sod roof. They mounted the big
wolf on top of this house that everybody
could see that the old cunning terror of
that part of the country was slain, and
that the people might know to whom to
Interest to the Vomcn Folk
One provides light wraps for summer
evenings which may unexpectedly prove too
thin. At summer resorts, especially In the
mountains, a loose sweater like this Is emi
nently satisfactory. It does not crush the
frock and It Is not too warm under a thin
If one has no use for it for one's self. It
makes an admirable gift to a girl who Is
going away or to a bride-elect.
In France women are taxed from $10 to
$12.60 a year for the privilege of wearing
men's trousers. This, however, does not
accord to every woman willing to pay the
tax the right to don such garments. On
the contrary the government confers the
right only as a tribute to great merit, mak
ing it, in fact, a sort of decoration given to
women, as the ribbon of the Legion of
Honor la given to men.
The only women to whom haa been
granted the right to wear male attire were
eJ. U A I
TNf iff mm m n ing m t a m (ntw ton huau
bring their offered big rewards. Ono man
brought them one-half buahel of potatoes.
But our text speaks of men a wolves.
Human wolves act tlie same way. Whan In
packs they go In the courage thnt the howl
gives them, othorwlr they do their work
with cunnlngne.
Christ says to, all young ministers of
Omaha tuday In the words of the text:
Go your way; behold 1 send you forth as
lambs among wolves."
The human wolves are -jetting so reduced
In numbers compared with the better peo
ple that they must about all do their work
In. the cunning nature of xatan. They say
to the lambs and sometimes even to those
who stand guard over the lambs. "Come,
let us play together. I mean you no
harm." Here Is a fame, Innocent In Itself,
come let us play.
Here are the long, paved streets, the
oiled and bordered boulevards, conneotlng
Into one vast whole the many parks of a
great city all calculated for pleasure. And
in play and pleasure there Is no neces
sary evil. The whole face of God's creation
smiles with It. The birds sing It from
the tree tops, the bonnles play It In the
grass, e. g. A favorite bird in Australia
Is called the bower bird, because It builds
many beautiful bowers out of twigs for
Its play houses. The little spotless lambs
skip it on the hill sides, but all the while
the cunning, wolf lays In wait, for he
feeds on these. Joyful creatures. ,
Where sntan brings In the cunning danger
of the wolf Is often hard to see. Some
people today cannot yet see how he tried
to ,iay It on Jesus as he tempted Him In
the wilderness. And where he plays the
game on millions today, and captures them
Is by his teiling them that they may have
the Lord's day for pleasure. Some play
with the wolf all of the Lord's day. Some,
after early mass, play with the wolf the
rest of the day. Some, after morning
service, perhaps holy communion, play
with the wolf all Sunday afternoon and
night. '
My dear friends, as you cross the
threshold In leaving God's house today
Christ says, "Go your Ways; behold I send
you forth as lambs among wolves." But
He also says, "I will not suffer you to
be tempted above that which ye are able
to bear; but with the temptation will alBo
make a way of escape." Again He says,
My grace Is sufficient for you." The wolf
will ask you to roam with him over tho
city and he will steer shy of God's house.
Yield not to temptation, for yielding la
Each victory will help you some other to
Fight manfully onward, dark passions sub-
L.ook ever to Jesus, He'll carry you
Shun evil companions,
Bad language disdain; ,
God's day hold In reverence,
Nor use it In vain,
' ' i
Be thoughtful and earnest.
Loyal sons, determined and true, .
Look ever to Jsiis,
He'll carry you. through.
George Sand, .Rosa Bonheur, Mme. Dleula
foy, the Persian archaeloglst; Mme. Foucalt
and the sculptors, Mesdames Fourreau and
La Jeanette.
An instance of the Jealous care with
which in France this right has been
guarded was shown in the case of Mme.
de Valsayre, the woman who some year
ago became so well known by reason of
her propensity for fighting duels and her
endeavor to get eleoted to the French as
sembly. Her petition to the government
for the right in question was refused time
and time again.
Women are becoming more changeable,
The divorce courts prove it. ,
Even the new woman Is not averse to
hearing the old, old story.
Many a woman's only Idea of economy
Is to have her ball gowns out tower.
ctxu ru insm.
Arthur James Balfour, leader of the op
position In Parliament, captain of the con
servative party, and the political head of
the Cecil family, Is the Incarnation of all
that one has been taught to believe goes
to make an Englinh gentleman. As a mat
ter Of fact, he Is not Engllxh nt all, but
Scotch. He was born In Itoi In a house
hard by Castle Douglas, whore the sad,
tragedy of Mary Queen of Scots was in
acted. On one side lies the picturesque
slope of the l.amermoor, and on the otfirr
he banks of tho Firth of Forth, which
flows toward the North seu, to be seen In
the distance. It has been said that this
birthplace, with Its historic and aristocratic
traditions, has had much to do with shap-
ng the IntelWctuul personality of the great
Tory statesman.
Mr. Balfour Is a strange combination of a
strong man of action, positive and de
termined; and a dreaming philosopher.
hever quite sure of anything. These traits
may have come to him when he breathed
In tho Sootlsh mists burdened with tales
of romance and strength, stories of mys
ticism and fanatlciHtn.
But If he owes his mental makeup to his
Scottish birthright, it Is certain that he
owes his political prominence to tho fact
that his mother was a Cecil, a daughter of
the second marquis of Salisbury. Mr. Bal
four's mother, before her son was out of
kilts, began to train him for the public ser
vice In that practical fatthion practiced only
by British women of the "ruling classes."
From the time he could talk he was mudc
to take an interest in agriculture, and his
duties and responsibilities as a landlord
were never forgotten. When he was 12
years Old, young Bulfour delivered his flrot
speech an address to his tenants. . He
never has progressed beyond the precepts
of his mother, and his notions concerning
the relation of land owners to the nation
are the same which he expressed In that
first speech when he was a lad of 12. This
fact, in Itself, Is an Indication of Mr. Bal
four's fitness to command the complete
and unquestioning loyalty of every BrltiMh
His mother possessed the highest Ideals
of her ctaxs, and while insisting always
upon her peculiar privileges, she never for
got, nor did she permit her sou to forget
the debt owed to the lower classes. Dur
ing the terrible cotton famine caused by
the' civil war In the United States, Bh
made her son, Arthur, do the work of the
house, black the boots and clean the
knives. This was to show her sympathy
for the starving laborers. But only a
British n'lnd, tory at that, can explain
why, when half of England was starving
because there was no work for the work
men, Lady Blanche Balfour should have
economized by making her son do the work
of the servants. Nevertheless, the story
Is told to show the keen sympathy of the
Balfour tribe tor the unemployed.
YoUhg Balfour went to Eaton were, cu
riously enough, he was fag to Lord Lans
downe, who now is the conservative leader
In the House of Lords, second in com
mand to - Balfour In theJ tory ranks. At
18 Balfour entered Cambridge. Ills health
was delicate, and he took no part. In the
college sports, this being the only blot
on the record of his youth which even
tory enthusiasm cannot wipe out. He be
came a recluse and devoted himself to the
study of philosophy and the writing of
When he became 21, according to ancient
custom, he gave a great feast for his. ten
ants at the Manor of Whittlnghame. At
that festival the late Lord Salisbury, Mr.
Balfour's uncle, was present. Young Bal
four made a typical speech to his ten
ants, and then, still according to custom,
the spokseman for the tenantry humbly
thanked the young squire for his gracious
words and prayed that the' young man
would follow In the footsteps of his father
and take the first opportunity of enter
ing Parliament. This appeal of the ten
antry was seconded by Lord Salisbury,
still according to custom. But young Bal
four's tastes were not political, and Parlia
mentary life held no charm for him.
However, Lord Salisbury, whatever he
may have thought of the divine right of
kings, had an abiding faith In the peculiar
fitness of the Cecil family to rule over
England. He continued to Insist that his
nephew enter politics, and at lavt, in 18T8,
Mr. Balfour yielded and was returned
without opposition as a member for Hert
ford. During the first two years he rarely
attended the sittings of the House and
spent most of his time in taking a trip
around the world. It was not until the
third session of his membership that he
made his maiden speech. His proud uncle
gathered all the members together to hear
Arthur Inaugurate his great career. The
young man arose and read a long and dis
mal treatise on bimetallism. His friends
were grievously disappointed and his uncle
waa ail but furious. He continued to do
nothing until 1879, when he went to the
Types Ve fleet Every Day
Says Trivia. "Picnics may be fine,
'Neath straggly tree and thorny vine,
But after having spent the day
In picnlo fashion let me say
That I prefer a solid root-
That la both bug and waterproof.
Old Khayyam stretched the truth I guess,
Singing about tha wilderness.
" 'A book of verses 'neath tha bough,'
Sounds rather pretty, I allow,
But if tha author of the book
Is with you and in a shady nook
Reads on and on, what could be worsa
Than his long-winded dribbling verse
That halts and struggles more or less.
Singing about tha wilderness.
- 'A loaf of bread, a Jug of wine,'
Well. I'll admit that dot sound fine.
When quoted at some pleasant' feast
With courses five or six at least.
But at tha picnlo in tha wood
The wine Is warm, tha bread not good,
And caterpillars on your dress,
Disturb you la tha wilderness.
" Then wilderness were Paradise,'
Oh, yea, the words sound very nice,
And Just to make them seem mora true, .
A nasty snake comes crawling through
Tha underbrush and scares away
Your poet with his face turned gray.
Hereafter he won't care, I guess.
For Khayyam and his wilderness.
"But after I get home at last, -With
all the picnic pleasures past,
And In a cool, frtsh Paquln gown.
At my on table sit ma dowa
Berlin congress as secretary to Ms uncle
who, with llrat'li, represented liimlnnd.
There ho acquired a t.vtc for foreign poli
tics, and began for tin- fleet time to show
promising slxns of a career.
When he returned to England ho created
a great stir, and made a considerable naint
for hlmcelf. but not in polities. He pub
lished a hook entitled "Defense of Philos
ophic Doubt." For this he was denounced
an atheist on the ono hand and lauded
as a profound philosopher on the other. '
Hut the dawn if his political cut eel waj
at hand. He attached 'himself, with Sll
Henry Wolfe and Sir John llorst, to thf
political fortunes of 1onl Randolph
Churchill, forming the famous fourth
party, which althoUKh It never had hul
four members, changed forever the current
of HrltlHh politics. Lord K;imtotph
Churchill captained the many filibuster
undertaken by the tiny, party, whlh' Mr.
Balfour devoted himself to foreign at fairs.
When the Irish question became vital Mr.
Htilfour suddenly aud without wuriilng. as
sumed the lead and made a terrific, attack
on the liberal government. Ho was hailed
.i a man of rising power, and three ycurs
Inter his uncle, Lord Salisbury, then prime
minister, took his nephew Into the cabinet
wlthnit protest. Ho filled M-vcral minor
places Iti the mlnlMry and in ISMl leca;o
first lord of the treasury and assuriied the
leadeisl Ip tit the conservative party In the
House f Commons. When Gladstone Wat
returned to power In IMf he became the
leader of the opposition. Ills party returned
to power In 1SU3, and seven years later lis
succeeded his uncle us prime minister and
held that poMlion until the liberal purly
returned to power. Since tliat lime lie has
hern tho ucknouioducd head of his p.U'l)','
and as such Is now leading the forces op
posed to the I'onlltl.n of liberals, lahoritee
and Irish Nationalists.
As an admlutratlve officer in the cabinet
Mr. Ituifour was 1 !ghly successful. HIS
greatest trial wus during tho dark d;tr of
the South African war. England was
wholly unprepared for the struggle with
the Boers which was precipitated by Eng
lishman who relied too much upon tlielr
Inherent superiority .and paid too little at
tention to actual condltl' ns. On the whole
It may be taid that Mr. Bulfour came
through the urdtal the only member of the
government Increased In stature and wis
dom by the events of that humiliating
period. Certainly he was .most successful
when contrasted with the Inefficient Lord
Lamdowne and the incompetent. Lord
Mllner. " ' Whert the 'Boer war was over
Lord Salisbury, heavy with years, retired
frcm public life and his mantle fell on the
shoulders of his nephew while the whole
tory party applauded. It was another proof
of the peculiar fitness of the Cecil family
to rule over Ei.gland.
Not long after Balfour came to the pre
miership. , Mr. Chamberlain revived tha
war against free trade by bringing for
ward his scheme for tariff reform. The
tariff question had been regarded as settled
for a half century and Mr. .Balfour begged
the question. . Then came the revolt of
Winston Churchill,- and the recrudescence
of the ' liberal party. 'The conservatives
were overthrown and tha liberals came
back into power with an enormous' mt'
jorlty. i
When the lords forced tha dissolution of
parliament last December by Ignoring con
stitutional precedent and rejecting the bud
get, Mr. Balfour was placed In a peculiar
position. Although professing to be a
"House of Commons man" he was com
pelled to go back on the record of hit
speeches for thirty year's and take up the
cudgels In behalf of the lords.- Ha was
forced also . to adopt Mr. Chamberlain's
tariff reform scheme.
He fought through the ensuing general
election campaign In a masterly fashion,
although it was plainly to be seen that he
had no heart for the tariff reform program
upon which he was forced to , base his
hopes of success. His speeches In the
campaign are monumental examples of
"how not to say 1t." But Mr. Balfour was
mightily.' In earnest In the belief that the '
ruling classes In England must be . con
firmed In their political privileges. He was .
earnest In the belief that democracy means
ruin, ond thut any attempt to. disturb the
relation between property and government
is to Invite anarchy and chaos. And because
he believed these things the torles followed
him gladly.
Mr. Balfour Is a Celt. He never has been
anything but a Scotchman, and Scotchman
will he be to the end, but his Celtic blood
tells most in his love for controversial the
ology and a good game of golf. When It
comes to politics he Is an. Englishman and
a Cecil and believes, as did his uncle,- that
It Is the peoullar business of the Cecil
family to regulate the affairs of the Bri
tish empire.
Tomorrow The British prlsls, ilX
Sarld Xiloyd-Oeorge. .
The Girl at the
And feast on dainty summer fare.
A careful waiter by my chair.
Then I'm prepared to say 'Oh, yes,
Indeed, I love the wilderness!' "
(Copyright, 1910, by the V.. Y. Herald Co.)
Was at the rare.
He dreamed a dream, then woke up
And laughed, for It was funny.
He dreamed his wife had written him
And did not ask for money. ,
T. E. M.