Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, .TTTLY 2X 1010. 18 REAL ESTATE FARM AN U itA.MIt LADU TOR IttB hFA.1 PiTiTF "ARM A U HANI II I.ADU FOR IAL" (Continued. Mlehlstaa- L'oatlaara. MICHIGAN farm, 190 acres; large frame house and barn; 40 arrfi cultivated; w acies bay land, M acres timoer; mall oicoard, one mue to R. R. station; nwar good fishing lane, Puce 412 oo per acre. Victor. Reinnardt, Newaygo, Mich. HELL farms In Oceana and Macun coun ties; best in Ij. .; fruit, giaiu, stock and roultry. Vrite lor liai. jonn Hanson, larl, Mich. Aar Meslro. NEW MEXim ran,-h and farm landa. 1.6UI icrm. v under cultivation, wall watered and n-nced, underlaid with coal; coal under option lor more than prica of ranch; will handle, balance easy. lake lor aiock, water, coal under option, ft goes to purchaaei; z.oM) down with term. For Lariirumra write W. H. Thorn. Ha ton. New Mexico. GOOD BARGAlN-lv acrea good loam, $l,Mg, 1 acre in timber. Michigan, neau Chicago and stesmooal doia; 1 rail to fc-iii,ti : hfiuu. barn: uood aiiada In yard; mju im ai ii trees. 1 cherries, vov krapoe, Im appiea, curianls, l acrea strawberries, a acrea win, ale. uW iao, lenua lor out anca. CORK AND ChOuCll, first Na tional ban. Biug.. Chicago. NEW MEXICO THE NKW BTATK Investlxai It fertile imitated land. Other hava made fortune nere. So can you. sell no land. V rlta u for acta. Mate Immigration Hoard. Albu- ueruue, N. M. SNA 1JB-Best 40-acre black laud farm In Micnlgan, house, baru and siuua, i mile to main una R. H. town; close to Grand Kap Id, once IZ-oov. W caab. tf-acre Iirst-cluas tax front, t bouses. barn, iruli enougn to pay for farm, cloaa to town, acbooia and cuurcii, aAiwtl, aov cash. 1L C. DEES. Box E, Martin, Mich. 82W) FOR 24 acrea adjoining large inland lake; beat bargain of the aeaavn; very ey term. 'rank Beremau, Allegan, Mich. Oresoa. FOR (ALE Ideal stock ranch. COO acre. Iinoat level, 16 mile from Oram a Fas, HO acre lu cultivation: deep black auil; 4W acrea fir and pine timber; plenty of out line lange eurucieiil lor ,ouu head or stoca; there In l.Uuv mcne of water, which 1 brought on tne land by ditch; good family orchard; dwelling nouses; 3 large barns; mlie from anool; store building on tha ancn; an Kind modern farm implement; produce, alfaila anj grain, hay; price. 0.W0: terms Hu.QOu. balance i year at per cent Interest. Address U. L. Uersinger, Oram's Fa, on. AI'GUST BARGAINS 40 acra money making faj ni. main road. school, church, store close, bouse, barn fruit, mice. SI. ISO. IriUO cash. W acres black land, fronting on biggest laka in Michigan, log cabin, big new sion basement, barn, price, IZ.aW. casn. FKEO PARR CO., Box K, Flalnvlew, Mich. A PRETTT FARM of 20 acres located In Michigan, well fenced, trees, house new; barn, cellar, fruit tree, strawberries, raaDberrles. excellent water, good market, lakes abound with fish, general store lesa than elrrhtr rods from house, ll.ouu casn direct dealing with owner, no land sharks, further Infnrmstlon given. Address Geo. L. fSrhanfale, 8 Frankla Ave., Grand Rapids. Mich. Mlaaoarl. FOR SALE 331 acrea of tha finest corn land In Platte Co.. with 1 houses, barn, etc., for tenant, with a beautiful lake on part of the land. Thlf. Is bottom land with a levee around earn entirely paio lor. This land can be bought at a bargain; no trade considered. If you haven't tha mean to handle thla land, dun t ua. j. w Farley, Farley, Mo. THE Kansas Clty-St. Louis electric rail road ha been financed and work will be gin Immediately; now la the time to buy land along the route; values have Increased 26 per cent In the last year ana win in rreiia Ut ttr cent In tha next year; aea us for farms along tha route before the price advances any mora, juotta uros. xveaity Co., Blue Springs, Mo. U.000 ACRES colonisation or game pre aerve; location. Eleven Point river, Oregon county. Mo., am pricing- 31. under local prices to aell before Augast 1. 110; price $3.26 per acre; terms, $1.75 per acra cash, 76 cents In six months, 75 cents one year, rxtr cent. Full Information address be low. Also 440-acre sheep ranch Christian county. Mo., at $10 per aore; hi cash, bal ance lona; time, ( per cent; timber on ranch will cut 30,000 railroad ties. Address t. tr. Robertson, 8. b. station, cox bm, bprlngfleld. Mo. RANCHES. 700.000 acres Mexico; splendid Improve ments and well stocked: on uuic coast well .watered and timbered; price 1.60 per acre. 25,000 acres western land; fin grazing proposition; good water; adjolna good rail road town and river; price 13 per acra. And others. RE1TZ BROS. IN-VEBTMENT CO. 1306 Cotntneroa I lids. Kansas City, Mo. -r 6t ACRES, close to- Cleveland: good land good lmprovementa: plenty water; nice farm; 177 to. Itft acrea between Greenwood and Ray more: nlaa small Improvements smooth land; good water; all to clover and timothy; aoma blua grass; bargain; posses sion any time; tM. i. G. Shackelford, Pe culiar. Mo. UO ACRES 214 mile of Lea's Summit, 14 mile of rock road; plenty ot fruit; fair house; every foot smooth and under culti vation. Price, lioo per acre. 100 acrea 3 miles of Greenwood: well Im proved; land la fine; a bargain at 9100 per acre. 414 acres, with 6 -room house, cistern, well, barn, cellar; plenty of fruit; fine shaded lawn. Ad Jotnp town of Greenwood. Snap. Price, 31.600. Todd M. George, the Lnd Man, Lee'a fjuromtt. Mo. Ktbraaka. 1 All But One WANTED TO BENT We Axe Getting Numerous Calls For Houses of All Ktses. LJst With Ua NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., M. X. Ufa Bids. Pbooe Red im "Wanted to Kent A 3 or G-rnom hn'use In good neighborhood. Phone Douglas 437 and call for Mr. Kngei- brecht. RAILWAY TIME CARD Suatla laala. FOR PALE The most and best Improved ud unimproved farms in central ti. D at prices from 316 to 4U per acra. For booklet, map and price list address . It. llagarman. Pukwana, Brule ooumy, H. I). FOR SALE 10.000 acres of choice acrl- cultural laaula in the famaua rhita Hiver Valley tt JLynian county, toe have had an bundance of rainfall and there Is no place where you could make a mora proflt- oie investment than In tins famous valley. Wa want some good live agents to represent us. Liberal coinmlMions paid. Write for ull particular. Uudley Scheffer Lund Co.. Vivian, B. U. Wiacvastu. YOU can buy land for 310 a month good land at from S to 20 an acre In Vilas and Oneida counties, Wisconsin. Wa charge no Interest. We pay the taxe. Insurance clause in the contract. Best opportunity in the country for the man of moderate means to own a farm and be Independent. Writs for map and book to lept. . u. if. ban born Co., Kagle River, Wis. FINE FARM LANDS Wisconsin, timber or clear; nice lakes and rivers; best market of America; tl per acre cah;Jarg or small tracts. Ernest A. Arnold, buperlor. Wis. BEFORE buying, selling or trading, see copy of our paper. In its seventh year. It describes many farms and business oppor tunities norm, aoutn, east or west, with names and addresses of owners; many will exchange, blngie copy, 10 cents; three months, 25 cents. Address FARMER. DAIRYMAN AND STOCK MAN, E-88, Mathews bldg.. Milwaukee, Wis. IN ION STATION Teatb. aa Masoa. t'alaa Pacific Lear Arrlvs fcsn Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 3:13 a. m. 11:30 p. m. China and Jaoan Fast Mall 4:10 a. m. 6:43 p. m. Oregon-Waxh'gton Ex 4 00 p. m. : p. nv is Angeiev Limited. .12.46 p. ra. :w p. m. Aliamiu Express .4u a. m. I Denver t-cectal 1:47 a. rru U SD a. In. Colorado Special 11:48 p. m. 7:41 a. in. Colorado Express t.'A P m. t oo p. in. Chicago-Portland Sp'1.12:6 p. m. 3.30 p. ra. ast Mall (mail and express only) 3 30 a. m. 6 40 p. m. North Piatt Local.... 3:16 a. m. 4 46 p. m. Grand Island Local 1:30 P. m. 1W:3V a. to. Llncnln-Hantrira local (b) 11:40 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Grand Island local via. Valparaiso (b). .12:41 p. m. 1:10 p. m. t iauy except bunday. Chirac. Mllwsskt A St. Paa Overland Limited aU U pm 7:63 am Omaha-Chicago Expreaa.b 7. 13 am 30 am Omaha-Savanah Kz a 7.16 am 3.30 am Colo-Calif. Exp a 00 pm 3. ft pm Colorado Special a 7.6 am 11.33 pm Perry-Omaha Local b 6.16 pm U.06 pm thtvagr Ac Narthwastsrat NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express a 7:o0 am alO M pm 8loux City Local a 3:o pm a 3:23 pm Minn, at Dakota Ex a V:00 pm a 3:16 am Twin City Limited a 3:00 pm a 7:30 am EABTBOUND. Omaha Express a 7:00 am ai2: am Chicago Local al2:06 pm a 3:28 pm Colorado-Chicago a 6:20 pm a 3:23 pm Chicago Special a 3:01 pm a 7:66 am Paclflo Coaal-Chicago...a 3:00 pm a 3:28 pm Los Angeles Limited a :i0 Din al2:20 Dm Overland Limited all:i pm a 7:44 am Denver Special all: 40 a in a 3:31 am Carroll Local a V.SM pm a 3:60 am Fast Mall - a 3:36 pm WESTBOUND. Llneoln-Chadron a 7:60 am all:00 am Norfolk-Bor.esteei a 1 -W am al0:46 pm Lona Plne-bo. Platte. ...b 2:16 pm a 3:30 pm Hasilngs-buperior b 1.16 pm b 3:30 pm Deadwood-Hot bprlDgs.a l.ia pm a 6:W) pm Casper-Lander a 2:66 pm all:00 am Frsmont-Alblon b 6:30 pm a 1:66 pm Chlcaao Great Westera Chicago Limited a 6:48 pm Twin City Limited a 8:30 pm a 7:63 am Twin City lvxpreaa a 8:00 am a 8:30 pm Chicago fcxpres. ........ a 8:46 pm CklcaeTO, Hue It lslaa as Paelfl EAST. Rocky Mount'd Ltd.al3:38 a. m. Iowa Local Pass.. .a 3:3a a. m. a i: a. m. bl0:3a a. m. Mtacellaneoaa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE OR TRADET Or do you want to buy one? Make your want known through THE DES MOINES CAPITAL, the want medium of Iowa: Rates: 1 cent a word for each inser tion, 6 cents a ,lne, 70 cents an Inch. Cir culation, 41.000; largest of any Iowa daily. Give us a trial. Address The Capital, Land Dept. Des Moines, Iowa. POULTRY Screenings, $1.25 per 100. Wagner, 301 N. 18 SILKO CLUCK FOOD la tha best In the market for young; chick- SS. Mads from pure grain. A. W. WAGNEE, - 801-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Pbonaa: Douglas U42. Independent A-345. PRINTING LEW W. BABEK, Printer, Bes Bldg. Entrance on Court. niES-UALL Ptg. Co.. 108 8. 14tb. A3U4. Ind. 'PHONE IND. A-2629 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing CoM 16th ic Capitol Ave, MILLER phones. at Jamlason, 1211 Doug. Bota . REAL ESTATE LOANS OARV1N BROS., 3a floor N. Y. Life, 3Mrt to 3100.0IM on improves prvpanx. no a slat WANTED City loans. PaUrs Trust Co. 10:30 p. m. a i.M p. m. a 3:46 a. m. bl0:13 p. la. Chicago Day Ex... Chi. Local rass... Des Moines uocmi Paasenger a 4:00 p. m. Chicago Express. ..a 4:40 p. m. Chicago Llutited....a 8:08 p. m. WEST. The Mountaineer.. .a 2:60 a. m. a 7.-06 a, m. Chicago-Nebraska itia. for Lincoln a 8:25 a. m. Colo. & CaL Exp.. .a 1:26 p. m. OkL & Tex. Exp. ..a 8:30 p. m. Rocky Mount' n Ltd.aW:10 p. m. Wahask Om.-St. Louis Exp. a 6:30 p. m. Mall and Express.. a 7:80 a. m. Ktanberry Loc'l (from Council Bluffs). ...b 6:00 p. m. blO:U p. m. Illlaala Ceatral Chicago Express M..a 7:00 am a 1:46 pm all. 30 p. m. a 1:16 p. m. a 8:03 a. u. a 3:47 p. m. a 4:30 p. m. a 1:20 p. ra. al2:30 p. m. a 8:!8 a. m. allot p. m. Chicago Limited.... Mlnn.-St, Paul Ex.. Mlnm-tit. Paul Lid. Mlsaoarl Paelfl K. C. St. U Ex.. ..a 3:00 pm a 8:00 am ..b 7:80 am ..a 1:00 pm a 8:00 am ..a 8:40 am a 6:38 am WANTED City loans and warrants, farnam Smlta 4k Co.. 1233 Far nam at. Our regular weakly excursion to th Scott's Bluff country returns this evening, Report from there Is alhat sales were made to "all but one" of ttaoso who were In tha party. HO SHORTAGE F, WATER Do these sales look 11 Ice a drouth pre vailed In the Scott's BlulX country? Do tbess salsa look Ilk there has bean any exaggeration made of. tha productivity of that country? Do these sales Intlmata, that people are over-emhuelaalto about 1 irrigated lands T ON THE CONTRARY ttheae things seem to bear out everything that has been aald in favor of tha Scott's Bluff country. It has beat, our aim In talking about the Scott's Bluff country to Insist that a man Investigate for himself. Go and see. That Is the way to find out what the country Is, what tha water supply means and what It wlli produce. Why not prove to your own satisfaction T Go with us on our Next Excursion Tuesday, July 26. People all over this dry part of the coun try are looking for land where they may control their own water supply. Ws want TWO CARLOAD on our next trlpl WbyT Because ws are anxious to close out all tha remaining lands wa have ' listed In that valley. If you are going on th PAYNE SPE CIAL, you better get ready to go . next week. Remember, tha trip Is quick and ww get you baok to Omaha on Friday. It la eaay. pleasant, as wa show the land by automo biles, and everything is dons for the cus tomer's comfort ami pleasure. Tolephoua ua, writs ua or come In and talk th matter over with ua. Send for free copy of the ' LAND OWNER." Lkjn't believe everything you read In tha papers about shortage of water in the lrrl station ditches. There are always plenty of knockers la every country yelUng their beads off. All we ask Is that you go and sea for yourself. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., S. E. Corner 16th and Far nam. Douglas 1781, Ind., A-1188. "Put Landless Man on Manleas Land." LOANS to noma owners and boms build, ars, with privilege of making partial nay. anauta aaml-annuaUy. W. H. THOMAS, 103 First Natloua Mank Bld 8103 to 810.008 mad promptly, a". D. Wsad. Waad Bias.. IStn and Farnam. 8609 to 16,008 oa bomes la Omaha. O'Keefs Real Fatal Co UWS M. T. Life. Ueusiaa ar A-X1L2. MONEY TO LOAN Payne investment Cs. REAL ESTATE WANTED ,WE HAVE BUYERS FOR I, 4 and 7-roora bouses. If prices are right w can sell your property for yon. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, - Suits 8W N. T. Ufa Bldg. SWAPS SOUTHWEST corner ot 34th and Deca tur, two 8-room houses, clear. Want to trade for good rental property closer in; win put In some casn or assume. Nowata Land and Lot Co., auH New lork life Blug. pnone. Red im. K. C fe SU L. Ex all:15 pm a M pm BORLIIfGTON STA loth sua Maaaoa Barllaatoa Leave. Arrlva. Denver and Callrornla.a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm Puget Bound Express.. a 4:10 pm a 8 10 pm I Nebraska points a 8:10 am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 8:10 pm Northwest Express all: 26 pm a 1:00 am Nebraaka points a 8:20 am a 8:10 pm Lincoln Mail . ..b 1:10 pm all: 16 nm Nebraska Expresa a 8:16 am a 8:10 pm Lincoln Local ' b 3:OS am Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm a 7:60 pm Schuyler-Plattamoutli...b 3:, pm bl0:30 am Plattamouth-Iows a 8:18 am a 8:60 am Beilevue-Plattsmouth ..all:80 pm a 1:40 pm Colorado Limited all: IS pm a 7:08 am Chicago Special a 7:16 pm all:06 pm Chicago Express ...a 4:20 pm a 8:66 pot nicago x mi &arreM,.a e:oi pm a s.uu am Iowa Local a 8:16 am al0:80 am Creston-Iowa Lccal a 8:80 pm al0:30 ant St. Louis Express a 4:30 pm all: 46 am K.. c ana uu josepn....aiu:4 pm a 8:46 am K. C. and St. Josepb...,a 8:16 am a 8:1A pm i. aou Ob iesepu....a :su pua M 1 WEBSTER STATION Flfteaata aad I Wehster Mlssoarl Paclflo Leava. Aerlra Auburn Special ..b 8:60 pm bll:l pm laicaajot sc. ran, aisstssaiia at Osaaha Sioux City Express b 1:00 pm bll?4l am Omaha Local 8:24) pm dioux i-assenger D f :W pm a win iij raBiuir.B i:n am . Slouz City Local e 8:36 am Emerson Local b 6:65 pm b 6:10 am a Daily. Q Dally except Sunday. WANTED To exchange, fifty acres of land In northwest Arkansas for four-passenger auto, two or four cylinder; must be In good running condition. Wrlto J. R. Crawford, Green Forest, Ark. 434-AC RE ranch, 30 miles from two large cities, afford beat possible market; railway station on laud; properly managed, fays easily 84,003 per annum net. Prlos ll.OUO; clear; want income property In Omaha; will put In some cash or assume. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 68 New York Life. Phono Red tm. "Tl. ."'t RSwWftSiit .Lv-.-v .... jw '.? 9 f sW . r- kj J XT BT .)- 'iw-- . w ay ,, v.. a. -vt-ar jr w , .-m v. ,'-" 1 1 n . W ' ' " TriJ T a V"l 1 S w-A' IX r" 'f 1 ft J -4A -l-V -am ij 'wrVVWVr . ""' lj 48 ACRH8 extra level land, elosa la rail, road, la Box Butts county. Nebraska: wld xohangs for msrchandlse: price. 8JI per aore; will carry 84.008, A. K. Tnompaoav UoMrage, Nab. Douglas County Farm 100 acrea, all under cultivation; 7-rooiri bouse; barn; granary, etc; located about 14 nillea northweet of Omaha; must be sold to settle estate; will sell cheap. Sea ua for further Information. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 708 N. Y. L. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WANTED A buyer for a homestead re linquishment of Uu acres of Irrigated land near Soott's Bluff, Neb., that must be sold. A big bargain If taken at onoa. Why de pend on rain when you can get an Irri gated farm at your own price, where you I alas a crop, rain or no rain. SCOTT'S BLL'FF REALTY COMPANY. Morrill. Neb. rOK SALE Improved stock farm. SU4 acres; Custer county; close to station; (17 par acra; no trade. Box A. Oconto, Nab. TEN THOUSAND acres of corn, winter wheat and alfalfa land for sals in large and small farms In Sherman. Cuatar and Buffalo counties. Writs for prloea. J, T, Campbell. Lllebfleld. Nab. Oklahoma. FOR SALE Oklahoma farm and ranch lands, 820 per acra. In any sis traota. Full Information, write C. L. WOOLVERTON, owner. Red HXk, oai. Whsa you have enyihiag t sail or trad sgverUs It la Too Waal Add columns 147 ACRES Morrill Co.. Neb., clear. Tou know land In this locality is selling at 616 per acra cash. Will trada for residence In Omaha. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 068 Nw York Life Bldg. , Phone Red 111. IMPROVED farm, at caah valus, for clean stock of general merchandise Invoic ing 310,000 to Itf.oou, or for good stock of hardware same alxa. Address, Box 471, Alma, Nsb. IF IT IS ANY KIND OF TRADE, 8EE A. B. LATHROP. D. 3X4. 421 Be. 330 acres North Dakota land, free of In cumbrance, for gtod Omaha property. Pbone Harney 1336. 7-room house for automobile. This hous pays rent every month. Your automobile costs 330 to 840 per month to own IL Come In and see us. NOWATA LAND at LOT CO., 58 New York Life Bldg. Phone Red U08. WANTEDTO BUY BE8T prices for BROKEN WATCHES. Old Gold, StO. IN A 1 11 AN. Ill B. "lU Ol. New Cabinet in Nicaragua from Zelaya's Friends Consul Olivarei Intimttei Strongly! that New Miniitry Hay Be Un friendly to United States.. WASHINGTON, July 21-A new cabinet has been formed in Nicaragua, according to cable advices received her today from Consul Ollvares at Managua. Its personnel consists with a single exception of adher ents of Zelaya and men who were offi cials of the former president's government. consul Ollvares strongly Intimates that tha new ministry Is likely to be unfriendly to th United States. The appointment of Benjamin Zelcdon to be sub-secretary of war seems to be the most significant In a cabinet of Zelaya supporters. Mr. Ollvares advised that tho r.ew war minister la bitterly antl-Amert can and Is the author of a number of In cendiary articles against the government of th United States and American Inter ests In general which have been published recently In tha censored press at Managua. Dr. Louis F. Corea, representative of Ma- diii here, has arrived at Managua, the con sul reports, but any confirmation of the story that he left a peace proposition In behalf of Madrix at Waahlngton Is as un confirmed from tha report a It Is from In-1 veatlgatlon hers. Modesto Barrios and Sebastian Salinas, the commissioners who hav been sent to I this government bearing what Is reputed to I be a proposition for peace In Nicaragua, were due In Washington today, according to an unofficial schedule. They had not been received nor had they appeared when act ing-Secretary of Stat Wilson left the department- No official knowledge of their coming la In possession of ths department I and no agreements havs been made to re ceive them. EST PRICB paid fsr second-baa (urnlta re, carpal. slotbwS aia4 aasea 'bos Douglas 8W1, .Wanted to Buy W hav several clients for 6 to 3-rorm houses; w want them from owners only. Art quirk. Phone louglas 4378 or call at 1710 Vamara St., Be Building. Safes On larga snd on medium alas at, state else and prica. M BEST price) for 3d nana dotMas. IX 8444 Let This Be Your One Aim. Buy land! Buy it now! G0MPERS ANNOUNCES DATE Asaerleaa Labor Peaeratloa (ostrs. tlea Mo Held Nsvenabcr 14 I.eacthy raafereae. BT. LOUIS, July tt Tho data for ths opening of tha annual convention of the American Federation of Labor ber was an nounced for Monday, November 14, by Pres ident Samuel Gompers today. Th an nouncement followed a lengthy conference with local labor leaders. Every man should own a lot of land. Certiinly every young man should own some. The opportunity is greater now than it has been in fifty years to realize on good property. In The Bee today many tempting offers appear. People who acquired large estates are willing now that others may share with them. Wide awake dealers are advertising these liberal propositions today. Take advantage of it! 1 Do it now! There is no possible way for you to ever regret it. For further information regarding this property call Doug las 238, or address The Bee Land Department. ( Vt' . tV