'MMKMmMiiniiiiawnnwmiMMnata iiw, awiiginMian Mini .i ...... 1..Trlt . ..,... . 1 Want - Ads Want ads received at aar time, to laiara proper elnaslflontlon a"" ba presented before lis o'cloeU (or the renin edition, b1' Ti0 alack at pree-ions ea fo MbrnUf aad Sandsr edltioae. Wa.ni ada received alter Back koara wi have their flrat Inserts heading "Te Late to Claaalfr- Cnan st .oao.pa.-7 " ..t ad.. and .a T"U"'Vt. 1." ba aoeepted tar leaa tk flrat Insertion, ,, Hate, apply to .lines Tha Dallr Sandny Baa. Always coaat six Torde te ' CASH KATES FOR WW RKOILAR CLASSIFICATION-" Insertion, 1 1-3 cents per ward . i...,t.B snndo oa odd days, I 1-3 aeate per rord, SI. per liaa per uionth .da far The Ilea amay ba left m ai 4ms: etorea- . I. ro-r ".oner drns"' tkey n . w -i.. for The Bee aad rear ad will ba doaerted Jaat as promptly, nnd oa tha aama ratea the mala of floe la Tha seventeenth aad Faraea streets Albach, W. C. 40th and Beranek, & A., 1403 S. Vi.t-a. Pay ton Pharmacy, 720 So. 16th oU Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Bemla Prk Pharmacy. 31 and Cumins. Blade-Bradlsh, 116 Sherman Ave. V uitliu, tuft v. , aui ---- . fiifinn urn Phirmirv 2213 Military Ave. Hlnterton. Drug Co.. Jlst Ave. and Far. Dam St. Crlssey Pharmacy, 14th ana lax. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 8. 16th St Cermak. Emll, 1264-6 So. 13th St. Ehler, F. H.. 2S02 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl. 213 No. 25th St. Prey tag. J. J., 114 N. 24th 8t FrKKer Drug Co.. 1302 No. lth St Pli.Anf.. rirnir P FlnmnC. Neb. Oreen a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Paolflc Qreenough, U. A., 105 Ko. ltn bu Gremiough, O. A., 10th and Hickory. Havrian William. 2920 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Pharmaoy. luOl S. 23th Ava Holut, John. 624 N. lth M. Huff. A. L ' 2H24 Leavenworth 8t Johanaon Drug Co., 24th and Spauldlng. KounUe Place Pharmacy, 8304 K. 24th. Maree, Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Goldman Pharmacy, ' 24tb and Leaven worth SU. Saratoira Drua- Co.. 24th and Amei Ava. Bohaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and ,-U. I C- ' lii.a hu OH. Srhwefer, Aug., 1 X. 16th. Bchmldt, J. H , 24th and Cuming SU. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming IIUATII AND FliNEltAI. NOTICES. PARRATT Mr. Mary S., aged 66 year, July II, 1910. ' Survived by her husband. Jerome B. Par ratt. and four children. Mrs. Frank B Burchmore. Mrs. Thomas W. Burchmore. Mr. Clarence J. Parratt, .Mrs. J. Burr Tay lor. The remains will be taken to Uaveu port for cremation. Services private. The funeral of Robert Bchaller will be held-at 2:30 Saturday afternoon from his late home, 3002 Davenport street. Inter ment will be at Prospect Hill cemetery. . . . IfilHl fawie-aasaaMOajsaei BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Births Ralph Ford. 403 Bancroft, boy; Arthur Rogers, 1334 South Thirtieth avenue, boy j Eugene Ferrin, 6323 North Thirty-fifth, boy ; Thomas' IS. Rias, 2311 North Twenty eighth avenue, boy; Harry Smith, 1836 North Seventeenth, boy; Henry tiluntz. 3635 Charles, boy; W. A. Haberstroh, 4026 Ham ilton, girl; John H. McGann, boy; G. F. Pyser, 1224 South Seventeenth, boy; A. Bchwarlck, 4545 Grant, girl. Deaths James A. Reld, Primrose, Neb., 24 years; Bertha Serwold, 3710 South Twelfth, S years; .Catherine O'Donald, St. James' orphanage, 2. years; Ferdinand R. Bets, Papllllon. 62 years; Beulah Hardy, Twenty-first and Dewey avenue, 20 years. ANNOUNCEMENTS. J. A. GENTLEMAN CO., embklmers. 1614 ' Chicago. D. 1638, B-16iS. $5.00 Ladies' and Men's Shoes for $2.50. All ; sizes, all widths and Leathers. ALEXANDER, 3d Floor Paxton Block. COUTANT ii SQUIRES. COAL OFFICE. REMOVED TO 210 South 17th St. ' Edward Johnson, Successor to Barrett-Johnson , . TAILORING CO- vnoounoe that aftor August 1 they will be in their new store, second floor City Na tional bank building. I4lg removal sale now on at tha old sture. Jaukson and loth bis. Robertson's Resfaurant S13-1& So. ltiih 1st.. (basement): cool. ' light, sanitary. Quick keivlee, popular prices. For ladles and gsntlemsn. lahle d Uote dinner bunday. DJVIM IU Cleaned, bleached, blocked '''""""KAMisliR. 20 South 14th bt. ED ROTJ1ERY SchUta No. S. Full cigars, care in connection. Ill S. 14th. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 44 WATCH THE' POSTMASTER MACUARi) Van ti Storatie or Omaha Hunk, tin btorage Co. Pack, move, stOie and snip U. 11. goods. D. Uw. U-24. ELEVATORS REPAIRED: freight, pas eeu.er. J. R. Kennedy, 104 S. 13th. Doug. 2m PTPnrT.TTVr"IIV.ft made to order MW..a.-.u prepared with liouie cooklnt. ckea, pies and cold plea DELICATESSEN mTiwI". es t to arnam (TRF. Ar "ALWATS THE B-JST, WedgtMood Cre. Butter. Harding Cream Co. LAllTONR Refreshing. Medicinal u i j J. KJIX j oummer Brink. Daily ie-.au aeuveiy. ask your doctor. Alaniita. LYNCH HifDS. plumbino and ii 4 aTX a REPAIR WOIUC 70t 8. 16th ek D. 14H. KPAT.V.S Independent Scale Repair Co. kvviixjk Refilling, rebuilding and tet REPAIliEf) " R"ted scales sold. CRTFlt SHEET METAL WORKS j.A.afc , v mov,d , thtir Dtw Plant. UO-U KouJj Tenth bUeeC ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. FOR nAlTFS Watch ur"EP I r UIV AiVXLiO HAYDEN'3 BAKE.R1T DKrT, Try uayaon o iirsu n TlTc TIT vnn rdk innklngr for ft LUUL JT J--' u I om aarvaknl Wmi f dVdnlnaTI. vialt Rome's Vine- yard ana bummer uuuvu, v1'"' . VM" aellifhtful mualo of the HUNUAK1A ORCHESTRA Just Imported from cm. cago for this popular resort. GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH. R CTS. A. JETES. 1302 Douglas BL u . I .rrnnyvT A niDI! win. TKA a largO DOt I tie. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. 622 St Douglas (670. STORE TOUR FINE FURS IN MOTH PROOF FAULTS. Nominal w lvKHT'8, 14th and Harney. n.r.m UAtfn VTTDKnTTTBBl PO . SO DOT I cent less than Omaha prices. 24th ana u sts., South Omaha. ILEB GEAND HOTEL Flnaat In tha went. fl'-.-lrlcV. "PatViol lth and Howard Bta. ilu'uou ; nP T "C1 Brandel. Theater Bite Dentist, located 434 runTrnp l PH1C RtlfLlES RjaLrSltOgTa- I Drug Co., 24th and Ames. W. 116. B-101. ENGRAVED STATIONEliY for the business If l can get a good, hon u ... hi. induittrlnua nartner. One that Will take Weddings, anouncements, calling t-axae. Kotera & Leary Co., JS?UM : GET your WEDDING RINGS at FRED 115 8. lth St., at the sign oi tne wowo. ttniNtih'N' DRUG AND PHOTO DE- ABTMBNtIw? d alt kind, of 'develop- fng and finishini. Films left before noon - a TifltsTUVTrn will be finished same day. nTtciKiroil . 1h and I Mason Sts.. conducUd by M. Newman, has be" purchased by F. Mauro and S. Zag. hint. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Arklns. 319 8. 1Mb, upstairs. B. F. WURN. Optician. 443-6 Brandel. Bldg. 8. H. Cole Sign Co.. D. 3768. 1318 Farnam. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your house and porch screened from THIS. VUAnA A.. L'v ' X A SANITARY NECESSITY FOR EVERY HOME. 624 N. 16th St. Call Doug. 4682. JOHN NITTLER Home Consumers' I Distributer. I LUXUS THE BEER YOU LIKE 3224 South 24th St. Dot-glas 1S99. Red 8632; Independent, A-1420. pest worn. ucMfBiutt, uv r arnam ou 1 TO LOAN LOW MONEY luiic, in sums to suit, uu rsee aiag. 'Phone Doug. 2904. UNION L.OAIN UUMfAMI. ANCHOR FENCE CO.. - Iron and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. I 207 N. 17th St. 'Phone, Red Sit. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail, 1609 Farnam St., Sherwin-Williams paints, oils, varnishes, glass, white lead, wall paper, brushes, glazing and picture framing. IU.LM.: ti&ULt DOUU LAS 4Jou; irtu.. a.-xzi. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. AUTOMOBILES DRUMM0ND Makes the Best Auto Tops fnr the Drice. . AU kinds auto work. Re pairing in wood work iron work. Ba.1 mwtj Via mat. itm We Have the Following NEW CARS . For Immediate Delivery Locomobile tourlnc car 13.500 M.th.o.. roadster. baDy tonnsau 3.0m Stoddard-nayioii. 7-Jassenger touring, a.800 nau Btoddard-Dayton, torpedo body btoddard-Dayton, baby tonneau , 6toddard-Daylon roadster , American Mors : 2300 j'pjv. rS Siftft 1 104 Traveler 1,1U Olignuy ubeu vars aonarfl-Davton roadster : I AOrt Btoddard-Dayton, 7-pasenger touring.. 1,400 btoudard-Dyion, o-paesenger, wun . in .nil limrtnalna bnriv 1 Ann T,maton. 7-passenger 2.200 Stoddard-Dayton. 6-pasaegner 1,000 y "l .T"'.. rr'KS; v: :::::::: .-2S L 'I K.UUII I IU J-rait3rfJ. nirPlfiHT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, UHjIV-IVJII. A iS1S farnam street OMAHA, neb. DAY OR NIGHT r : ,i oin.A c i.: Ul'puiiB nuu uiuiago otatiuu 16TH AND HOWARD D. 3248 A-3247 Gate City Automobile Company AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of BROKEN CYLINDERS, CRANK CASES and UAbll.NuS promptly repaired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. UEKT6CH i MO IOK COMPAN Y. Council Bluffs, la. A.nt- 'RpnnirinEr Mo,t complete plant o in tne weat. Diamond Tires, ja-nauu cars, storage, tne faxton- Mltchell Co.. 2'Jio-iB narney. D. i; A-201L Vrp Snia Jlolsman automobile, high wneei; uoncoiu DU) , gooa as now, cruLu mi jucmLyie AutomoLlle Co., 203 Farnam street. - Bargains in Used Cars 8no ,or . . . UMt iiiuiia auio V.O.. bav ruri. FOR SALE One ,-paasenger Thomas Kler and vne Ford Touring Car fur sale or traae tor live stock or land. W. J. biecaei, moomueiu, la. SEND for our list of second-band cara DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1314 Farnam ol. FOR RENT-BRICK BARN for automo bile and storsge. aws ei. jaary s Ave. 1907 t-passenger, 4-cyllnder Franklin tour. lng car. model D. cost new fcl.&OO; without glass front and top, ahk-h are Included in price, tl.iiH. inquire of Wni. Pfelffur. Ir.. iOth Ave. and Leavenworth St. Tel. Red Suit. Anto Painting "MURPHY DID IT" Gat our t.ricaa IN. DREW MURPHY. 1413 Jecksoa. RATfOATVS 6 lightly used cars. Kls- .--- aal Auto Co., iVi 2128 Farnam WRITE for list of automobile bargains H. E. FKEDlUCKaoN AUIO CO., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) COMPLETE line auto accessories and Nr.ak. n.,iok Auto Co.. Omaha. radiatot? rou.KT w auiubiudiugj vrvvxwuAa, w COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO., . win. JaTotoreyeloa. WvUa Wn T Ot tnotoroyclea, VV flte X Of J-dSt w. carry 'a full lln Una f THflR narta. KKRRASKA. C7CLB CO. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OUT In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Baa Uldg. lei. D. Wl. mn KIT .IT U... .A anil furniture tock in good Nebraska town; alao well ea tauuanea miuinery ouiuneas. tui, xu is i. wu bl, wmana. PHTSICIiM wanla at unci a first Class location In Iowa or Neoraaku: will give 126 iu any one citing me to a location that 1 accept. (This is on tne square.; vi full Information in first letter. Dr. A. Crotton' Uf 1 tmcr T I... .nai In adil aeatataa " A IliKJ i-UVtJ lCU IIIG1 c-m I Kn.lnaua InAvaxg In glmuritt Uinirn Plimrt(l over 110,000 In 1900 and promises to be k. . k. i .. f gnn eieiLr dnVthlnaT and hanule tha cor- pond.nce, .. i ! Uw 'P"n "".. -aativ olaar fa.000 to $7.0uo or more per year above expenses. 1 can show that 1 am doing the , bun," but .unless you have thy cash or Property don't answer. Address Lock Box 4M, City, . BVllHIVfl H ill TtiKS FOk HALE Here IS a bargain, lo-room rooming house, all in A No. 1 cpadluon; cheap enw ail rooms well rented, trice, b?6.wl Location, 24th ana Dodge. . LAiHKUr & TOBllN, tu cee. UN HALE FOR 10 DAYS A IU.0UU stock. (about, WKt!AfgJS: U lna chjuicj , lor m , or two young men. dresa -144, care Bee. AN OPPORTUNITY for a capable man to estaoiish himself permanently with one of the oldest and largest farm Implement nia.nui&olurina' compaiuea In the United Slates, owing to txe Increase of business, we lind it necesaiu-v to establish a dia- trlbuung warehouse in the state of No- Ibraaka and have a confidential position to. lul lu connection with this brancn. Only nir.K. ohn ar. lonkinir for a nermanallt connection ana are In position to make in vestment, sufficient to insure same, need apply, j. L. oweus Julfg. Co., Minneapolis, Mino. KY.R 0X1.7 -All nt mv hnainaaa lntaresLs jn Alaska, si. u.. consisting of controlling intareat in loO.uuu brick nlant. one-half In- terest in town site and out lots: three rea- I i.i.ni'.. with. 1 U .(..a. l.nri anil a. flna Han real estate ana rental ousiness. will traae xur iuuu reou.i yroye. .gr v uu,mww in large town. A. Totfieuiiie, Alaska, s. FOR SALE Only grocery stock in good town of tuu. gooa outside traue; Invoice around 4.uuu; splendid opening lor feed and fuel in connection. Owners Ume otherwise enaaaeu. cannot give merited attention, Way consider good farm land. Au oppor tunity oi a Uieunie. Address x-eib J)ee." WANTED Middle-aged working woman good wages, good home. Don't answer un lets you mean Dusiness ana are at noeny to start soon, write for further particu lars. Lock Box 206, Holyoke, Colo. HOUSE movina- business for sale, cheap; taaSngr-. HarUngton. Neb, going away. Write for particulars, ueorge aSO-ACRE farm, five miles from Dun nlna: all fenced. od house and other build ings; small fruits; lake with fish. (3.60 per acre, Address x iu, uee. nnOD PAY IN O POOL HALL: mist be aoid at once legardlesa of price, owtng to accident to proprietor, rnone wtarar , SEE ma. for city and, farm. Investments. 1 Alek Chapman, tut nevnie aig. u. ik. prosperous Omaha mfg. concern wishes to sell or exchange Us plant with large stock r M A RK-ET A BLE UOODS. MATERIALS. TOOLS, etc. Will take 500 cash and 3,6uU In clear city or Interuroan property. H R. fclLi tw"" Axtiaj. TTC3nni,MWB incorporatb your I A-ixkjo. bualnesa. ahop. land, patent and furnish men to seu your snarea. rro- boiw, m I ' GOOD furniture business; must sell oa account Oeatn in lanuiv. itv uoagt. to but. sell or trade. I BC pVWUVi ea.wweakwv allUf Neb. I tun ualii uwsiiinu, sjiq oiacKsmitn alion eoulDUcU v.itn mocern tools and com. pieie tiutii. w. iwuhui.il, win. uis Karmera blale bank of Aitona, Neb. WANTED young men with caoltal to nromote an Omana invention. 70 now la M w Omaha. Will pay you to investigate this prODOsttlon. K32 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT about Sept 1; central loca ir.n urn at the best business tou-na nf N:. ik:pa2.fonw VSl.ainT'.XbliZ paiiment store. Address Y-14a, Bee, FOR SALE Hotel dining room receipt! Ui lJ a"y; Cllh business; every- thing In NO. I condition; line location. A bargain if taken at once. Addreas P 43s, Bee. HOTEL Lease and Dart furniture modern; good business; u rooms. Address J. L. Kins, bcrtbner. Neb. FOR SALE A money-maker. An old esiabliHlmd harness shop in Hiawatha, N. E. I kin.; employs four men; doing an annual business of ,; a full line of buggies. etc. in connection; gooa reason lor selling. Come and see us, or write for further in- formation If desired. (Office In too block Allen & Hlgglna, Real Estate and In surance. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1605 Farnam St. Douglas 647. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS THE HOUSE REPAIRING CO. Carpenter, papernanguig, brick work, eta low prices; satisiacuon guaranteed. Pbon Harney Void; narcey suiu. THE SOUTH OMAHA ARTIFICIAL STONE COMPANY. Our waterproof concrete blocks are guar, anteed. Phone factory, 8. 601, office pnone W. 2080. OLD POOFS"plrd;,,tlm't,-':,,aU' v-,A-tt7 lluui tlle, graveL Schroeder Humphrey Roofing Co.. D. 6023. W. 1030 BEAVER BOARD takes place of lath and Dlaater. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO.. Uil V amsjn St DENTISTS BAILET MACK. Id floor. PaJtton. D. 103S TAJTT'S Dental Rooms. 1S1T Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. Inc. and bonded, 423- Paxton Blk. D. UU. CAPT. T. CORVACK. 617 Karbach. D. 2M1. DRESSMAKERS TERRY Dressmaking School, 20th and Farnam. EDUCATIONAL THE SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. Prenara for nroflLabla Dosltlons In book keeping, shorthand, typewriting, telegraphy. civil service; sure to be open in tne tan and winter. The year book la ready. Apply for 1C Students admitted any day. BOYLES COLLEGE Bovles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Both Phones. Mosher-Lampman collS Unexcelled course in Suslnss. Short hand. Penmanship and English. Nona but experienced teachers. Day and night ses sions. Most Interesting catalog puDiisnea In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER d; LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41 ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 3S4D Charles. liar. 2382. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN TRFITHS and plants that grow. F. W. AXtXj-TnO Manarav. Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard. 21st and Farnam Sts. r none uainey EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN Ideal summer drink, Alamlto Lactone. KANTTATrYIRI518110 parlors. oainnmnBirlneUo creams used and sold. 801 Paxton Blk. TeL Douglas 4671. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall COo and tl.OO. Sherman te McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. T T r AT TT Drugless. nonalcohollo and VIM V X nonsurgical treatment; it has " .4 th. llvaa nf thnnaanHa of men and women; 400-page book free. SU BRANDEla BLDU.. OMAHA. FLORISTS est greenhouees in west; beautiful flowers for any occasion snipped anywnere m u. o. A. DONAHUE, 1007 Far. D. 1001; A-100L L. Henderson. 1M Farnam. Doug. 1251. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 141S Farnam St FURNACES AND REPAIRS LAWN VASES. Marvel Coal Chutes. Fur naces. Combination Warm Air and Hot Water Heating, Water Fronts. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WUKK.3, 1206-8 Douglas St. Both Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad. Office. WANTED First class saleswomen in the rubber department of Brandels. must be experienced. Apply to superintendent. WANTED Experienced salesgirl in the art department of Brandels. Apply to su pertntendent. Housekeepers and Domestic. LADIES WANTED Take work horns: apply transfers; $1 tj 84 dos.; work guar anteed. Trieber'. 1S Brandels Theater Bldg. GERMAN girl for housework; good waa-es: small family. Air a. oeorge E. Mlckel, 3331 Harney St. Phone Harney 29Jft. COMPETENT girl for general houBework. Three in family. Harney 4J6a. 604 bo. 3ttu StreeL iviNTUD A neat vounr airl to assist with housework; two in family. 4S01 Dodgs SC WANTED Experienced cook, with refer ences, 'pnone naxuey oo. u nwui win oi. WANTED Good girl for general house work. Inquire 48u8 Davenport St. EXPERIENCED girl, no laundry. Mrs, W. J. Hynes, 3818 Harney street, 'Phone, Harney 470. GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt 6L WANTED A competent girl fr sreneral housework. 810 Second Ave., council Bluffs. WANTED Mlddle-sged woman for house wprk. 'Phono Douglas aw. GOOD girl for general housework. 6018 Cass St. Tel. Harney 13JL HOUSEKEEPER In small family, at once. A. D. ferry, n c r-ieroe ot., council Bluffs. 'Phone Ind. laoo m. COMPETENT girl for general housework gcod wages. i22 a. 3Sth fat. 'Phone H hli. COMPETENT woman or glri for general hnnaework: no wasning; -i per month Call at 333 Board of Trade Bldg. GIRL tor general housework. 2111 Doug las St. GIRL to assist with care of house morn intra and evenlnss In exchange for room and board; close in. Tel. Harney 4795. WANTED Good experienced second alrl. nice place, good wages. Louis R. Mela, 61 S. 2'Hh St. WANTED Girl or woman to do plain sewing. Call Harney 1724. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 1116 N. 23d St., South Omaha. Thine South 44. GOOD girl for general housework; good wapes; with or without washing. 615 S. 2Dth St. WANTED Girl for general housework; one who enn go home nights. 2614 E St, South Omaha. WANTED Man for general work. S. 19th St 621 NURSE girl wanted to take care of child. 1X Capitol Ave., rear. WANTED Good girl for housework; good wages; no washing. 32)4 Sherman Ave. GOOD cook wanted, at once; good wages; no laundry work. Apply X-i S. 37th St. GIRL to assist with housework. 34th St. 110 8. WANTED A girl to help with housework and care for babv; can go home fights. TeL Douglas ISO. 641 Central Blvd. OLD lady or gtl wanted, Dodgs st at one. 1311 HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers sued Penaeatlca Cont'd. GIRL to work. 128 N. 31st St WANTED Qlrl for sreneral housework. 3302 F SC. South Omaha. WANTED Experienced elrl for general housework, good cook, small family, (30 per month. 108 N. 31st Ave. GIRL for cenerai housework: three In family: good wares. TeL Webster 2373. WO N. 16th St. WANTED Washerwoman for Monday end Tuesday. Apply Mrs. R. K. Hall. 3224 Farnam St WANTED At ansa, ru-1 to assist with housework, care of child. 'Phone H K6. GIRL for sreneral housework, brand new house, fine room; place will ba open Au gust 15. TeL Harney 660. WASHERWOMAN for every other Mon day; young colored woman preferred. Tel. Webster lsas. . WANTED-KJlrl for reneral housework; good wages. Inquire 721 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. A reliable airl tor aeneral housework; cooking plain; permanent place to right girl. 4123 Farnam. Harney 3440. GIRL for general housework. DO S. 34th. GIRL for general housework. 'Phone Harney 6008. Mrs. I. Elllck. WHITE washerwoman. 114 N. 23th St. WANTED Washerwoman. (11 S. ISth St ONE dining room girl and one dish washer. 30 a month, board and room. Wlokwlra Hotel, Hooper, Neb. WANTED A good cook: no washing or ironing. Mrs. E. W. Dixon. 117 S. 3tli St. WANTED An experienced laundress: pre fer colored; Mondays. TeL Harney 198. Factory and Trade. WANTED Two experienced bindery girls. I. A. Medlar Co.. 414 S. 14th St WANTED Experienced sewing girls. Ap ply at Theodore Lieben or 1410 Howard St. MlsoelUtncona. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary's avenue and Seventeenth street. where they will be directed to suitable boarding Places or otherwise assisted; iodx lor our traveler a aid at union station. WANTED Woman of srood education as house-to-house demonstrators; must be con scientious, enerxetio and willing to travel; straight salary, permanent work, good op portunity; experience not necessary. Apply any morning 8 a. m. . B. L. Rice, Grand Hotel,. Council Bluffs. HELP WANTEDMALE Agents, Salesmen nnd Solicitors. WANTED A good bustling subscription solicitor to go on tha road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation. The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED First-class lot or stock sales men to sell high graee irrigated vineyards In the famous Pecos Valley of Texas on installment plan, ' FORT STOCKTON IRRIGATED VINE' lAKDo CO., HAMLIN, TEX. TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVES (hustlers) wanted at once in soutnern and western states, handle our splendid line tailored-to-order men s suits and garments. Liberal contract and complete high grade sample case outfit supplied. Clothing knowledge not necessary, but state business experience and reieranoea. Auareua i s&g, Bee. WANTED Agents to sell South Dakota lands. Hartwlck Land Co., Brownell Blk., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Men to sell shares, Omaha oomDanies we incorporated: beginners taught good pay. Promoter, 610 Paxton Block. LIVE asents wanted to sell Sacramento valley fruit lands, subdivided into 10 and 20-acre tracts; 10 per cent commission oald. all literature furnished; for informa tion see or write Superior California Fruit Land Co.. C. A. borlie, agent, . Council Bluffs, la., care Ogden hotel. WANTED Experienced Dress Goods Bailsman. Address y-Z7 Bee. SALESMEN WANTED Must me good talkers. Apply to Mr. Wilson, Room Uicr.elor hotel, ZCU ...a i.maui, oetween 8 and 10 a. ra., Saturday. WANTED 6 real estate men for a North Dakota proposition, immediate returns for a hustler., can :au to iw p. m. at sis no, 30th st Clerical nnd Off too. BOOKKEEPER, $125. ASb'T . BOOKKEEPER. 875. LEDOER CLERK, 866. SHIPPING CLERK. 85. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER, $60. STENOGRAPHER. $75. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., INC, 762-4 N. Y. Life Bldg, (Est. 8 years.) POSITIONS tor several good bookkeepers and stenographers, bee us at once. PAR SONS EMPLOYMENT CO., 613 Bee Bldg. OUR Dally Bulletin gets results. - Give us your record and it will secure the position you are adapted to. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 6,3-75-77 Brandels Bldg. GET your record on our dally bulletin and secure the position you want We have 43 openings today. Call and look them over. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 673-76-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bes Bldg. WANTED Stonecutters, planermen and sawyers. Andres btone Marbls Co., Mil waukee, Wis. A. E. ROBERTS, reliable emp. agent. Successor to Martin Co., 1611 Capitol Ave. WHEN answering advertisements In Th Bee Want Ad column, kindly mention the fact that you saw tne aa. in The Bee. WANTED, at once, first class barber: lis half over $23. Wire, 'phone or write, Bruce Andereon, correcwonviwe, iix. WANTED Good cook for first class cafe out of town. Address at once, W. H Marsh, Atlantic, la. Mleeellaaeoae. GOVERNMENT employes wanted. Write for Omaha examination schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. ioj n, Kochester, N. Y. WANTED Men or women for nermanpnt mall order buslnesa; IIM.OUO seWIng orders on hand at 836.000 profit: $i0 Investment required; you hsi dle the money; It's secure, absolutely no risk. Address A 4s6. Bee. WANTED Men with emperisnce In vase tables and to ds odd work. VINCI NT CATS, lit a Hansy Sls. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Six good agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha. LAUNDERERS CLEANERS OUR sanitary system la death to germs and life to you; protect your family by sending us your laundry. Phone Douglas 3530. Omaha Steam Laundry, 1760 Leaven worth St. YOU MISS the best laundry servloe If you fall to patronise ua. National Laundry. ISla Cuming St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uoraea and Vehicles. THREE 6INGLB BUOOIES-Twd with rubber tlrea, without top; one steel tire, with top all In good order will be sold less man their worth. Also two sets sin gle harness, one flv net will trade for good two-horse, second-hand express de livery wagon, lft or 1 axle; must be In good order, not badly worn. Call Stuben's Livery Barn, Woolworth and Park Ave., Omaha. 1.400-POUND TEAM harness, waaon. disk cultivator; bargains all. W. F. Shear, 43d and Francis. Rebuilt W,KB. f V?JL 25 PER CENT OFE on LEATHER HORSE COLLARS. Big bar gains in xiArtiN f .oa ana f Lx NETS. HAY DEN'S, Harness Dept. BASEMENT. CHEAPEST FEED In town at SIDMAN'A The Cut Price Feed Man. 618 8. 13th St Cows, Birds, Doss nnd Pets. AM LEAVING OMAHA-W1I1 offer for quick sale the finest Jersey cow In Omaha, for family use. Derfect net: also oeavy pieces and miscellaneous items of furniture. 2629 California St LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear. . HUB WAKJNjbJY BT. . BOTH. PHONES. WILL party who phoned Tyler 10S8 Wed. evening about shepherd dog please phone again. LOST Pocketbook. either in Rlvervlew park or between there and Murray HoteL Finder notify John A. Kelser, Templeton, la. Reward. MEDICAL FREE medical and turcica! treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and D.vea port Sts.; special attention paid to ooa flnoment cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas lie?. Calls answered, day and night Dr. McGrew Has given his entire professional life to the treatment of all forms of chronlo and spe cial diseases of men. For 35 years he has been known and trusted by all. 28 years in Omaha, Charges low. If you have no money, call or write, anyway. Dr. McGrew Co., 216 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; beat rem edy for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c postpaid; samples free, biiar- man ec Mcconoell Drug Co.. wmana. BEST nerve braoer for man. Gray's Narva Food pills, $1 a box, postpaid. aher man 4t McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. St MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. Cash Quick on Easy Terms Have you ever thought of borrowlna money on youl furniture, piano or team? If you haven't lust think how easy it is to get a loan from ua and have your pay ments so small that you will not miss them 81.20 is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for 60 weeks. Other amounts In the same proportion. If you have a loan at present and the company sulta you, stay with them. If they don't suit you, come in and let us explain our 60-week plan to you. We are dally .taking up loana from other companies and advancing more money. Why not let us do the same for tou? Money saved Is money earned. Phoat or mall applications receive our prompt at tention. Private awl reliable State Mortgage Loan Co., Footi If, Arlington Bik.. 15U',i Dsdg St Phono Douglas 46 MONEY! NEED AMY! OO TO Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 114 Board of Trade Bldg. Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam Sts Telephone Douglas 2)6. Rates cheaper than any advertised. w e can prove iu j$w M?w;n; mtKKUit;u$tuuimti NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC CHEAP MONEY. FOR YOUR SUMMER VACATION. $10 TO $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD $$ FURNITURE, PIANOS, SALARIES, U THIS 13 JL nnw una, it Organized by the REPUTABLE $ 1$ BUSINESS MEN of this city to pro- $f 18 tect honest wonting people ui neea ss 1$ of temporary help from the exorbl- $1 it tant charges of the so-called loan $$ it comDanles. We will loan you all the $t U money you want and charge you only $1 St 10 per cent a year. $$ THIS MEANS YOU PAY II 8$ $1 lntereet on $10 for 1 year. 1 f W interest on 2S tor 1 year. i 8 $10 Interest on $lu0 for 1 year. $! 11 And all other sums In proportion. $1 11 Essy Weekly or Monthly Payments. $1 is Reasonable Appraisement cnarges. w $ A glance at the above rates will $1 It convince you how much you save by $1 IS dealing with us. $ (4 NO RED TAPE. NO DELAY. 81 11 MONEY IN YOUR POCKET $ 88 WITHIN AN HOUR. $1 It ROOM 304 WITHNELL BUILDING. 84 I INDEPENDENT LOAN CO. U t$ D. 6046. N. E. Cor. loth and Harney. 81 tt H H. L Hale of New Underwood, South Dakota, a prominent real estate man, writes: c "Send me the Bee for one year. It ig Invalu able as an advertising medium. So far as my ex perience goea It It the only Omaha paper." MONEY TO LOAN Snlnry and Chattels Continued. aiATTEL LOANS AT BANKABLE RATES. ' "' NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Room 7 Crounae Block. ' Corner 16th and Capitol Ave. Opposite Postoffloe. Both Phones Doug. 1366; A-13M. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W. 0 FLATAU, 1614 Dodge. Tel. Red 66 IS. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 68 principal cities. T'olman, room 613 New York Life Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans carpets on your floor. Electrla vaouum system. 80S S. 17th. TeL D. 156a. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport 8ts., warehouse, 2307-09 Ixard St Whitewashing SJ!S5 Wm. McRea, 81U. Half Web. bt. Har. 8406, OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Hooma. BOARD and ROOMS Nice location, walk tng distance. Ladles preferred. 2018 CaiK (ornla bt CHOICE rooms with board, plara." 1818 Capitol Ava. "Tha Tern. LARGE south front room on flrat floor; running water; private entrance on th summer lawn; also other rooms. 128 8. 86th Ave. COOL eat front room, with board. S. 36th St. Phone Douglas 8138. MADISON HOTEL Rooms or room and board if desired. 8103 Chicago. THREE or four elegant connecting rooms, suitable for ladles or gentlemen, with board. 2S3S California St Douglaa 616L FURNISHED rooms for lla-ht housekeen. lng; also room and toard. TeL Douglas 3048. 811 N. 26th St ELEGANT rooms and board. S639 Cali fornia St Tel. Doug. 616L ... fT.lTAM filmland r.nrr.rn mr,A Kn -A German (Christian) family. 1811 Capitol Ave, THE LIVENGOOD STUDENT, lady or gentleman, to wait table for board and room. 714 N. 18th St MODERN rooms, with board. 48$ S. 24th St Douglas 6438. BOARD and room. 84,60 per weak. 8420 Da. catur St TaL B-6SSL TABLE board nnd rooms for two. 171S Chicago. ROOM and board in private family; home eooking. 418 N. Sid. BOARD ana rooms. 8007 St Mary's Ave. LARGE room, with board; suitable for two; private. 114 8. 18th. SOUTH front parlor; also on other room, for I gentlemen or married eouple, with hoard. 1614 Dodge. . THE LANDON. Booms wKh board. (U S. 24th. WANTED By young married eounhv e child, 10 or mora years, to board. 4701 Davenport St ROOM and board for gentlemen sad lady or two gentlemen. Addreas G-44L Btssv NEWLY furnished rooms, with ameUani board. 8618 Bt Mary's avenue. TWO or torse bright, clean, rooms, tfial Harney 8t Fnrnlahee; Aetnnma. LANOE. HOTEL, ROOMS las AMJ TJI. THREE rooms, modern, except heat; tvr nlshed complete. 8338 So. 12th. Phono L 6666. 4-ROOM modern apartment Tel. Web. 628, O. M. B. haul trunks. Phones D. (11 A-1SU( ..v.mw ..ihimjiii iwiui ivr Mali woo. era. coolest part of city; walking dlatanct J wholesale d 1st riot and depots; 111 uerf month, -rnone Douglas 1368. ' leot u. sts Bt, corner of William. NICU clean, atrlatlv vnu!arfi rsssa ta beautiful location; also suite of these rooms lor light nouaekeeptng. Tel. Douglas 714. 8196 Cass St TWO alegant furnished rooms. Ilrht and cool, all modem, in private family. 808 hi, list St DO DOE HOTEL, 11th and Dodge, all oool rooms; special rates by the week. THE COMUS NICE HUMMER ROOMS; rates reasonable. D. 7366. 2474 Harney St TWO EXQUISITE ROOMS, ENSUITn OR SINGLE, for gentlemen, in fine West Farnam home; every convenience; must be seen to be appreciated. O 466, Bee. NICELY furnished room; all conveniences; gentleman preferred. Call 25U St Mary a. NICELY furnished room, in new modern house, five blocks from postoff Ice. 2013 Chicago St COOL and pleasant rooms. 101 N. 18th. THREE large, beautiful modern rooms In private family, furnished or unfurnished near car. 4066 Grand Ave. Tel. Web. 4734. liro? o!Dth.rom'' M 80 upj prWt' twn" gBINGLB rooms, I2.M; private family. 631 TWO cool rooms, till Douglaa - " THE BACHELORS , 80TH AND FARNAM. EUROPEAN PLAN COOL room, nicely furnished slectrtn light and fan; bath; phone; nice porch and lawn; private house; walking distance! &th Ave., and Farnam. Harney 4608. , 51 .1 ! f . I I X if ! S i I.! !; Tl 9 v TJ' .ii