TTTE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 2.1. 1910. 13 i f aie coi f :wo add 4f Inaster , ' Yot and I f i BRIEF CITY NEWS ae Boot Frlnt It, Take your printing to the Timet. Bleetrlo Tana Bnrgesa-Orandsea Co. Thomas W. Blackburn for congress, t Dry Cleaning of garment. Twin t 'Ity Dye Works. 407 Bouth Fifteenth. lodge Holds JMcnlo Nebraska lodge Io. 1. of the A. F. and A. M. held a picnic Uiursday afternoon at Rlvervlew park, i Tha Barings Habit onca formed leada to Independence. One dollar atarta ao oc rount with Nebroaka Savings and Loan Assn., 10S Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha. 'Sues for Work Done John Latenser, rchltect, haa brought ault against the lit;' of Bouth Omaha for H2S. whioh ho lalma due him a tha balance for work f signing the Bouth Omaha city hall. -ow 'roclncto Three new voting pre Incta have been added to the city of maha since the last county election as tollows: First ward. Fifth district, 1901 louth Fifth street; Sixth ward, Fifth dis rlct, 2205 Military avenue; Twelfth ward, Tlfth district, 4418 North Twenty-fourth itreet. Tear of Suicide Leaving a note for lla wife saying, "the Missouri river waa lot big enough for him," William Dlose, South Omaha contracting carpenter, left lomo Wednesday night, and It la feared ka has committed aulclde. Relatives say la was burdened with debts ha waa unable io meet. Two years ago Wlese disappeared uid was thought to have met death, but eiun.ea Home more than a year later, ult Ooea to Federal Court The case f Thompson, Belden & Co. against the Jmaha Water company, which waa cora nenccd soma time ago In. the district court tf Douglas county, was, on Friday, removed !rom that court to the United States clr ilrcult court, the ater company being a iorelgn corporation, incorporated under the aws of the state of Maine. The suit is lor the recovery of J6.5O0 dumages, which t Is alleged the plaintiff company suffered is a result of an overflow, caused by a de fective hydrant. ' More Fookets Picked Thursday night's ale collection of the mail boxes brought :wo additional wallets to swell the already colectlon In the custody of rout- Thomas. Each of them was called nd Identified by Its owner Friday nornlng. One belonged to James Patterson " if San Bernardino, Cal., who waa In the :lty' enroute from llattsmouth to that Jlace. Tho other was the property of J. P. alien, Twenty-fifth and Leavenworth Itreets. Neither one of the gentlemen left '.he postmaster any statistics as to how pat his loss had been from having his okets rifled. Tom Allen and uaniman bonier rwo Erstwhile Speech leaking Cam paigners Are Closeted at the City Hall. Tom Allen, brother-in-law of Wllllan Jennings Bryan, held a long conference In secret with Mayor Dahlman at the city hall' Friday afternoon. The two were still closeted at last reports, and tho situation furnished a senation to a large gathering Of Dahlman men who were in the building. Both Mr. Allen said Mr. Dahlman have i Just returned from speechmaklng cam paigns through the state. It la thought they are comparing notes. Pickpockets Get " Hundred DollarS Ben Davis of Red Oak is Bobbed of a Large Sum of Money by Thieves on Car. Ben Davis of Red Oak, la., was robbed of 1100 by pickpockets on a car going to the Mylum for the deaf and dumb about 6 'clock Thursday evening. He reported to the police the theft had been committed y three men who jostled him on the rear platform, one being a tall man and the other two, ahort. DENTISTS ELECT OFFICERS (rational Dental Association Will Meet Next at . Cleveland 1. S. Uarlord Elected Prealdent. DENVER, July 11. The National Dental association today selected Cleveland aa the next meeting plaoe and elected officers aa follows: President, F. 8. Gaylord, New Haven, , Conn.; first vice president. .Charles 8. But- ter. Buffalo; second vice president, F. R. Warnel, Denver;- corresponding 'secretary," Charles W. Rogers; Boston; recording sec retary, I. M. Brown, Chicago. At a public meeting In the auditorium. Dr. W. At. A. Evans, health commissioner pf Chicago, advocated dental Inspection aa im part of the regular physical examination 1 In public schools. WANT MONEY ASSOCIATIONS eaaaoai y Secretary of Treasury Uete Letters front Banka In Principal Cltlce Offering" to Co-operate. WASHINGTON. July il.-Actlng Secre tary of the Treasury Andrew received let ters today from banks In St. Louis, Louis vllU. Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, announcing that they would be glad to co-operate In the organisation of emergency currency association. The re aponses to Secretary MacVc-sh's sugges tion for the creation of these associations, whch would provide an Issue of additional notea In financial crises, have been en thusiastic, the elimination of the "with drawal abstracts furnishing Impetus for a decided boom Id this direction. Balldlna" Permits. William Heyder, 2727 North Twenty-eighth (venue, frame dwelling, Sl.feu); Daniel Shane. 11.1 North Thirty-fifth avenue, Xti.OU); Daniel Shane, 113 North Thirty-fifth ave nue. t,000; J. H. Noyes, S701 North Twenty-fourth, brick houHes, I7.W0; Magio City Realty company, 1324 Douglas, alterations, 110.000; Hugh McCaffrey. 3024 Leavenworth. brick store, i.'.&ou; HulU McCaffrey. 1..I7 Dodge, aacimon, ii.uuu. American Millionaire is i Jailed for Spoiling Fence MKXJCO CITY, July 22 The depart ment of foreign relations, at the solicita tion of the American ambasador, has asked by telegraph for Information relating . o the arrest and imprisonment at Tijuana, i r-allfiirnia. of I). W. McKay, an American millionaire resident of San Diego. McKay la alleged to have run aful of the Mexican authorities through tearing down a portion of the boundary fence on an es tate which he had recently purchased. Am bassador Wilson, anticipating the arrival of the Instructions from Washington, which reached him today, bad already taken the J, RAWN INVOLVED IN SCANDAL Questions Asked in Case Previously Planned to Incriminate. HAVE NEW ACCIDENT THE0EY Private Deteetlvee In Employ of Fara lly Claim Dvnd Man Staaabled and So Discharged Re volver Valatentlonally. CHICAGO, July 22.-Whether Ira Q. Rawn, president of the Monon road, was killed by a burglar In his home at Wln- netka last Wednesday, or whether, as Is stated by the Chicago police, he committed suicide, railroad men- declared today his death occurred on the eve of what may be one of the greatest scandals In railroad history. Questions asked Rawn July 7 In the Illinois Central car repair case all were planned. It Is said by attorneys, with the Intent to Incriminate Rawn as responsible for losses to the road. Rawn, It Is de clared now, knew of the purpose of coun sel and sought by every legal means to delay the progress of the examination Twice on personal pleas he had obtained postponements, but the last effort for de lay had failed and the examination was to have been continued next Tuesday. "His death will not cause any halt In the Inquiry," said Walter L. Flnher, one of the attorneys In charge of tho case. "It Is a civil Inquiry to determine the amount of money involved. The questions asked Mr. Rawn at the prior sessions nat urally were In the way of laying a founda tion for facts ultimately to be brought out." Family See Reporters. For tho first time since the death took place the air of secrecy was lifted from the Rawn home late today and newspaper men were summoned. Upon their arrival announcement was made that a second bullet, the absence of which added to the appearance of suicide, had been discovered The bullet was found, according to C. F, Hately, who is conducting the Investlga tlon. In the ashes in a fireplace, almost In direct line of fire from where Mr. Rawn's death resulted. ' Samuel 11. Greeley, president of the vil lage board of Wlnnetka, also telephoned Assistant Chief of Police Schuettler here, asking him to detail two men to aid in the investigation. A representative of the pri vate detective agency, the men from which yesterday were repulsed at the Rawn home, also was summoned to aid in the invest! gatlon. Tell of Accident. A new theory as to the means by which Rawn was shot to death was suggested by the private detective agency engaged by the Rawn relatives to Investigate the death The opinion was expressed that Mr. Rawn met his death aa the result of an accident, and In fact, but one shot had been fired and that from the revolver held by Mr. Rawn.' "It Is likely that Mr. Rawn heard some noise in his home and with revolver in hand descended the stairs In search of an In truder," said an official of the detective agency. w "When near the bottom of the stairway, I believe he stumbled, and the revolver waa discharged. "This would account for the fact that only one shot waa heard by neighbors and that there was no trace of a robber In the house. Mr. Rawn's relatives knowing h descended In search of a burglar, and then finding him dead, likely, assumed he had been shot by a burglar when the death more probably was caused by the acct dental discharge of his own revolver." - HARTFORD, Conn., July 21. It was as certained at the offices of a local insurance company today that Ira C. Rawn, presl dent of the Monon road, a few days ago reduced the accident insurance policy car rled by him from foO.OOO to $10,000. No reason was given for the reduction. DO NOT INFORM ON TELLER Bank Officials Believe Missing- Ma Will Show Up Think He Waa Affected by Heat. NEW YORK, July al. William C. Duncan president of the Greenwich bank, a atate Institution, said today that Walter Hall, the paying teller of the Herald Square branch of the bank, had been missing since July I. "We did not even call In the police about the matter," Mr. Duncan added, "because we believed that Hall was simply touched by the heat and will turn up sooner or later. we nave naa an tne nospitals watched, as we believe that there he will eventually be found." MUTINY IN MADRID PRISON Soldiers Snbdne Outbreak After the Fight Haa Lnated Three Honrs. MADRID, July 22. A grave mutiny broke out at the prison here today. The flghttn lasted for three hours and was only ended by calling In of troops. The soldiers in timidated the mutineers by firing In the air, Alomlnnm Aeroplane Falls. JOPLIN. Mo.. July 21. An alumlnu aeroplane from which great things were ex pected cy r M. uecnenne. its Inventor, came to gilef at the aviation field th morning when the gasoline tank exploded during a short trial flight Dochenne was uninjured. National Banka Increase. WASHINGTON, July 21 A total of 7.145 national banka In the United Statea re sponded to the call of the comptroller of the currency for reports on their condition at the clone of buHiiiens on June 30 laat. .This Is an Increase of 219 banka since June 23. 10. Uldcone Meet in Detroit. DETROIT, Mich ., July 21 Gideons from all over the United States opened their convention In Detroit today. The Gideons are 7. 600 or more traveling men whose slo gan Is "A bible In the guest room of every hotel." A. H. T. Moore of Cedar Rapids, la., is president of the organisation. Alleged Swindler Sent to Jail, PHILADELPHIA, July 22. -When ar raigned for a second hearing here today John R. Marshall, charged with conspiracy to defraud the National City bank of Cam bridge, Miss, was held In $10,000 ball for trial at llnntnn. In default ot ball he was sent to prison. matter up with Foreign Minister Creel on a communication from Los Angeles signed by several promirtent residents of that city. McKay s ortense. according io the under standing of the ambassador from the mea ger ibcis in ins possession. Is alleged to constitute trespass, which, under the con atructlon of the Mexican law, Is a crime, not a civil offense, and Is punishable by Imprisonment. Mr. McKay was today released on ball at Ensenada, according to advices received by his attorney, J. F. Wadbam of Ban Diego. Forty-Two Years on One Ball Team T. 7. Kelley of Denison Holds Record for Continuous Service Upon Second Base Ball Sack. CRESTON, la.. July 22.-(Speclal.)-T. J. Kelley, formerly owner of a shoe store here but who also for many years was a business man of De'nla.on, according to sta tistics, holds the world's record for the length of time he has played base ball In the same team and In the same position. Mr. Kelley was In the city yesterday and gave some Interesting data about It. He aays that for the last twenty-seven years he haa played second base, and In the same team continuously, on an average of three games per week. Mr. Kelley haa lived In Denison for forty-two years, and Is 44 years old. He aays he keepa up exercise during the winter season and keeps In good condition the year around. He enjoy perfect health and attributes It largely to his habit of regular exerfttse. When he had been in the team twenty-five years he was presented with a silver medal by the members. He snys he intends to follow the game until he reaches the golden an niversary, which will make him 67 years old. The team he playe -with Is an Inde pendent one and all the members are much younger. "There ia not a man on the team who waa born, when I began playing," was the statement he made yesterday. HEART THROBS OF NEW YORK Not as Stony na It la Plrtnred When the StrnKKllnar Needs a Hand. ' Fifteen millions of dollars annually are spent In New York city In the Interest of poor young men and women who ore pass ing through tho ' red sea of their Initial destiny, to keep the tides of poverty, dis sipation, commercial greed and benighted Ignorance from engulfing them. Aa one millionaire put It bluntly; "A young man who goes hungry In New York, proves that he may be either a criminal or a fool; that he la without education proves that he Is both." It was Emerson who said that man owed his fellow men something besides his purse and his counsel; he owed him himeself. And today few people realise how many "highly educated and otherwise busy men of the upper walks of life give up a portion of their time to the betterment of young men, personally instructing them, personally in quiring Into their needs, not patronising, nor making them feel the gap between the patrician and the proletary, as It were. but from a profound Emersonian sense of duty man to man and a deep conviction that we are Indeed In a measure our brother's keepers. These are devoting not alone money but service In the cause of hgher cltjcenshlp and loftier manhood. "Come, with me and we will continue this conversation at our leisure," said a famous lawyer to a newspaper man who was Interviewing him at the University club one snowbound winter night last win ter. Taking a carriage, the pair were driven down to a boys' club on the lower East Side. There the eminent authority, whose legal opinions were worth $100 an hour, delivered a lecture on medical juris prudence to forty young men of the dis trict all evening students of law, who worked by day as clerks and laborers for low wages, some of them even supporting parents and educating brothers and slaters on their pittances. And yet In the same Institution there are thrice a week seven equally distin guished gentlemen who are doing the same educational work without money or price, and above all, without flourish of trum pets or newspaper spread heads. It Is that sort of helpfulness tendered to the stranger that tells mightily In the making of our future metropolitan, whom a city and oft times a nation delights to honor. Sociologists affirm that the most im portant period of a young stranger's metro politan career is the first few months. It Is then that fresh and Impressionable mind of the neophyte takea In the chief charac teristics of a great aggregation of archi tectural effects, as well as divers razes and conditions of men. New. York Is a vast panorama, a perennial show place, where there are thousands of diversions of every kind, as many or more varied occupations Interests, scores of languages, religious beliefs and customs peculiar to every climate and country of the world. It la no wonder that youth is improssed by its vastness, Its staggering activity, Us multiplicity of conditions, resources and ad vantages In whatever department. One thing must be borne In mind by the young stranger at the very outset. Making application for assistance, at any of theaa welcoming Institutions In no wise compro mises his pride. He Is nowise regarded as an object of charity. In accepting help he still retains Just as much of his self respect as if, being a member of a gr;at fraternal order, he felt entitled to enter a lodge wherever he might chance to be on the broad earth. In approaching them he must cast aside all thought of being re garded as a weakling and an Incompetent, or an object for eleemosynary considera tion on the part of his betters. He Is not so looked upon or patronised. Wise and wealthy men ' have placed in competent hands great advantages for his use snd Improvement. They are just as much his to enjoy as are the parks, the recreation piers, hospitals, and the hundred other in stitutions which Father Knickerbocker has thrown open to the world without moniy or price. A year or' two ago a young man found himself homeless and penniless on a sleet blown March night in the neighborhood of Madison square. He was at that point of mental anguish and despair when, men commit petty crimes and suffer Imprison ment just for' food and shelter. He was casting his eye abt ut for a loose stone with which to smash a window when a hand waa upon him. After hla story was heard the policeman directed the youth to First avenue and Twtnty-thlrd street, the Muni cipal lodging house. Here he was ques tioned, given a bowl of coffee and half a loaf of black bread, led up to a shower bhth, then up to a clean, sweet bed In one of the upper dormitories. He slept soundly. By morning his clothes had been fumigated, brushed and laid out, he was given a good breakfast, and the superintendent, seeing that he was a man of no ordinary breeding, sent him out to a department store, where he found work. Today he Is receiving 14,000 yearly salary there and seldom misses a month that he does not call at the Muni clpal lodging house to Inquire if there be not some deserving young man who has found himttelf In the same terrible plight aa he found himself on the bitter night. In March, when It was the toss of a bad penny whether he went to glng King or was saved to useful cltixt-iishlp through a kindly hand at a crisis In his career. Father Knickerbocker' Is not altogether unselfish in his protislon. For 1 It not wlbtr, more humane and cheaper to afford such a one a few days' meals and lodging to tide over bitter crista than to send him to prison and pay hts maintenance for a term of years? Cleveland Plain Dealer. If you hav anything to sell or trade advertise It In The Bee Want Ad col umna and get quick results. After a IVIost Successful Sale, Which Hats Lasted on Entire Week, We Still Offer Our Matchless nn mm nun b ip Which gives you a choice of SUITS worth from $10 to $15. And an assortment in which you will find almost every desirable shade and pattern shown this season at their original prices. There's a size for everyone in this lot. We Have Cut the Price on PATENT OXFORDS " For IVIen and Women And now you may choose any patent colt leather Oxford or pump in our store at this big reduction in price. We have not even reserved our celebrated "Regals," but have included everything in this sweep ing reduction. They are worth up to $4.00; Saturday your choice at Men's Summer Shirts g at Reduced Prices ,$1.50 TAILORED SHIRTS REDUCED TO 85c These splendid shirts comprise Madras, Percale, Pe nangs and Dimities, In all Btyles O C ' and patterns choice OilC . at . www $2.50 AMD $2.00 CUSTOM TAILORED SHIRTS $1.35 Made of Imported fabrics and In exclusive fr y patterns any style or size you all reduced to. STORE CLOSES ; 5 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY 10 P. M. "The House of High Merit." AUTO KILLS LITTLE BOY Five-Year-01d Harry Drefs Struck by Car Driven by C. SundelL OCCURS JTEAB 27TH AND HAMILTON Owner at Wheel Seys He Was tiolne; Elshteen Miles mm Hoar, bat Officer Declare Speed Twice That. Harry, the 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Drefs. 2618 Hamilton street, was hit and almost Instantly killed last night before his parents' house by an automobile driven by C. Sundell. 2B45 Bouth Thirty- fourth street. Sundell, who was arrested Immediately after the occurrence by Of ficers Weti and Cummlngs, Is held on the charge of manslaughter. Sundell, who Is In the real estate busi ness, was out, showing some property to Mr. and Mrs. Bash, 1518 South Tenth street They were accompanying him In his auto. making a tour of the locality when the ac cident happened. Sundell says he turned Into Hamilton street at Twenty-fourth street, and admits that between there and Twenty-fifth street he waa traveling at the rate of twenty-two r.illec an hour. This Is his estimate, as he haJ no speedometer on the machine. He slo' vi Dwn, he says, between Twenty-fifth a.'.'l Twenty-sixth streets aa there was a crotrl iv the street Between Twenty-nlxth Twenty-sev enth streets, where, he VK 'Jt was not go ing more than eighteen ii'i'.fi' an hour, he saw the child and another playing on the street He declares hi toenailed with the horn three times, and that the children ev idently heard it, as one ran south while little Drefs took to the other side of the street and was struck by the machine. The child's head was cut In two places and there waa every evidence of fracture ot the skull when It was examined by Police Surgeons T. T. Harris and Loveland. They hurried with the little boy to St. Will Throw Indian on His Own Resources to Aid Race WASHINGTON, July 22. In pursuance of its aim to raise the Indian to the plane of independence occupied by his compeers of other races, the bureau of Indian affairs will materially decrease the rations to be distributed among the red men this year. The officials are engaged In apportioning the Indian appropriation for the current year and will reduce the number of Indians receiving gratuities from the government by 10 to IS per cent. This year the rations, It Is said, will be confined largely to aged and Indigent Indiana. Fop IVIen and Young IVleri at We do so simply and solely because we are determined to sell every summer suit now on hand, regardless of cost. In spite of the hundreds who have attended this sale, we can yet assure you of a splendid assortment from which to choose, and a style, pattern and size to exactly suit you. 9 ZBtosSSflSflBeflsl I 2.75 Your aPIcR Of Any 50c Necktie In Our Store at Saturday (Blacks Excepted) -wisn 3 I . aj ll Joseph's hospital, but life was found to be extinct just as the child was about to be placed on the operating table. Officers Cummlngs and Wetx, who were sitting on a porch In the vicinity where the accident occurred, say the automobile was traveling at the rate of forty miles an hour. The body has been taken In charge by Coroner Crosby. The father of the child is employed In the cigar store of Philip Q. Moeller, 1703 North Twenty-fourth street . N orris Brown for Chairman Executive Committee Selects the Sen ator to Sound Keynote of Convention. Senator Norrls Brown will preside over the republican state convention at Lincoln next Tuesday, and will deliver the keynote speech at the opening of the meeting. Senator Brown was chosen for chairman by the executive committee w the state com mittee last week, but announcement was deferred awaiting his return to the state and Indication of his acceptance. Senator Brown sent word from Kearney yesterday to Acting Chairman Learned that he would be glad to accept the Invitation, HYMENEAL Shepherd-Matt. RAPID CITY, S. D.. July 22 .-(Speclal.)-John Shepherd of Castle Creek, who for many years, under the name of John Post, was a well-known stock detective In Wyom ing and Montana and quite well known In the west, was married here by County Judge lewla to Mies Katie Matt of Hill City. For some years past Shepherd has been Interested In mining In the hills, but Is now going to locate northeast of here and' raise fancy stork. Besidos being a stock detective. Shepherd worked for some time In the south aa revenue service agent for the government. The Indian bureau believes that In de creasing the rations so far as possible It Is lending a helping nund to the Indian in his combat for self-support. The goal which the officials see In the not distant .future is a total abolition of ; these gratuities. Lant year 17.868 Indians received rations at a coat of 1412.142. This cost, It is expected, will be decreased by $28,036 this year, and the officials claim that the decrease would have been much greater had It not been for increased cost 1 vt living. IlPipiicie On All Our Boys' Wash Suits They Were Formerly Sold at 95c to 53.95 Now 48c to $1.98 All Our Straw Flats Cut to Less Than Half Frlce Straws, sold up to $2.00, at 9Sc Straws, sold up to $5.00, Men's High Grade Un derwear Cut in Price $2.50 and $2.00 Union Suits , 4 tf- reduced to ..IslO $1.50 Union Suits 'qp reduced to ; . .OwC $1.00 Union Suits tZtZ reduced to UuC 60c Shirt; and Drawers reduced to Ot)C 35c Shirts and Drawers 1fl reduced to IOC Our Letter Box Contributions on Timely Bufejeeta Vot Xzoeealaf Two Hundred Words Are invited from On Beadera. Science and Animal Maarnettsm. BOSTON, Mass., July 30. To The Editor of The Bee: In your Issue of the 17th Inst you publish a Boston dispatch containing the following words: "It was announced simultaneously that Mrs. Eddy would per sonally take part In the movement to drive out of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, the malicious animal magnetism which has been disturbing the peace of that Institu tion." First I desire to say that Mrs. Eddy never takes a personal part in the dis ciplinary affairs of her church. Such mat ters are always handled by the Christian Science board of directors. The strange Illusion of "malicious animal magnetism" t in this statement doe not mean anything to Christian Scientists. The use of the term In your report Is evidently Intended to be facetious. The term "malicious animal magnetism". In Cnrlstlan Science parlance refers to the human opposite of Christian Sclonce, the mental malpractice which undertakes to ape after Christian Science even aa quackery undertakes to follow the practice of 4he honest physician. Mrs. Eddy does not believe in the power of evil, but she has discovered that certain persons do believe In certain deceptive men tal operations and she has taught her students how to protect themselves against such deception by understanding that God Is in reality the only power. ALFRED FARLOW. Diarrhoea 1. WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM has been used In millions of cases of Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus and Cholora Infantum In the past 4 years without a single failure to cure where the slnipledlrectlon were fol lowed. I. WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM Is the one well-known diar rhoea mixture that does not depend upon dangerous and habit forming drugs. . WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY ALSAM Is the one diarrhoea mixture that does not constipate tha bowels. It leaves them In their regular state. 4. WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM Is delicious to the taste, and can be used with safety for people of all ages. Children love It 6. WAKEFIELD'S BLACKBERRY BALSAM la recommended by Doctors and nurses. Every csreful mother keeps a supply in the house for "sudden calls." U?t SI iJWlM IL. yery wharaj. 83SX8 1 at Which gives you a choice of SUITS worth from $18 to $25. vAmong which you will find some of the most stylish and handsomest suits in town at their regular prices of $18.00 to $25.00. There's many a style, shade and pattern that would become you. STORE CLOSES 5 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY 10 P. M. THE SUNDAY BEE Is anxiously awaited by, , those who are specially . interested in lands, the sort that buy and sell and encourage others to do likewise. MOTELS. in the Bhopplg District. lit l Coo, on "revtlooat Lau iMmUlltiCtiSBE? :M D r. nflffim- Hotel Kuppor llth aad MoOee Ka nsas City, Mo. Xa the Shopping XMstrlot, If , Hear all the Vueaters. J 800 Beaatifal Xeoma, ' 100 Private Baths. Hot aad oold water In all rooms. Spaoloos tobfcy, rarlora, -Telephone la every room. Beautiful Cafe, Perfect Onlslae. $1.00 to $2.50 Per Day Xaropeaa Vlaa Kupper-Benson Hotel Co. T. A. BSVSOX, Mgr. OLD POINT COMFORT HOTEL CUAftlBERUN UOATING. IUTHD.G, PISHING, BAILING, OUCHESTIIA, TENNIS, GOLF. Unique sea food Culslna, FORThLfia UUfthui, L,areC Mill tary tout ou the Atlantic Coast. UAall-TON llUALio. I lie Itendesvova ot tha Mauuu's YVaraulpa. Saeelal Weeklj Bates Jaae to Ootoket Booklets at Chicago, Bock Xslaad ft raciflo, aad Wabash Ballrvads. Ol auafess UJBO. JT, ADAMS, aauB foatstits koaaoaj va.