Fhe Omaha Daily Bee New 'Phone Number All Dapartmants OMAHA DEC TYLER lOOO EDITORIAL i PAGES 11 TO tot "l I t s I i " i ! 2A i ' ) V V I -" 'l "T " I l' "l" " ' ' " - I'-' "J . I .Mlll. I , ' . " ' '" ' I ! 'I I .III I.,. !! I M ! I r -. . ,. ,.. I.I. . I . II . .1.-11 , II- . . I . . -,, .. I.I.I . . -I I - - - - ,. , 1 VOL. XL. NO. 30. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1910. SINOLE COrY TWO CKNT8. Fountain Pen Sale Saturday Who wants a fountain pen! This is one of our extra special offerings ; $2.00, $:).50, $4.00 and flftf, $3.00 pens; Saturday. vJL 2,000 Genuine Carbon Photographs Fine reproductions of old and modern artists, such as Corot, Musonalr, Millet, Gainsborough, Mevlllo, Rubens, Bevine, Jones, Scbryer, Van Ruysdel, Van Dyke, Rosa Bon beur, Alma Tadema, Raphael Relnbrandt and hundreds of others. This Is the first sale of this character ever held In Omaha and by rare good luck we were able to purchase the entire lot. Sizes from 6x8 inches to 20x48 inches; prices 10c to $3.00., To do thU sale Justice you. must see the carbons (on display in the 16th street window). During this sale we will allow 20 discount on framing. TrnTPTxTTVi rts. i i .1 i ii 7 I 111 t i H I II 1117 TTBki" 'iilr i ii!? i Btore Closes at Colook and Saturday Hlghts at lO.O'olook During- JtUy aad August. Best Style Corsets Special for Saturday, one day only, one model in batiste, embroidery trimmed, medium high bust and good skirt effect, with two pairs extra qual ity hose supporters; ouv regular $2.00 kind for $1.29 Another, extra high bust with shir string, with director skirt effect, In coutille only. Extra heavy webbing hose supporters; our regular $2.00 kind, at 31.29 Candy Special Saturday As usual Bennett's new Fluf feata Chocolate, the kind with the soft center; n reg ular 50c value; 9Q Saturday only vU' Our assorted Cream Wafers, regu lar 40c per lb., i4t. only..29 Saturday, Last and Best Bargain Day of Our Great July Clearance SeJe Men's Furnishing Specials New tubular reversible ties, (rn all the new shades; spec ial at . . . . .45c Men's half hose, seamless, black Maco hose, regular 15c grade; special 9c Underwear You' can buy any of our $2.00 union suits, standard makes; lot for, suit .....$1.50 All our $1.50 union suits, at ......$1.00 We will sell regular 50c por osknit underwear Saturday at, a garment. ...... .25c CHOICE OF ANY STRAW HAT IN STOCK Saturday HaJLf Price I if? t M 14 Ha Hen's and Boys' Clothing Saturday Brief and to the point. The whole story is told when we say half price. Select your suit from among 500, pay the man half the price it is marked and the suit is yours. You have saved 100 per cent on the deal. That's fair enough and bear in mind, we haven't an ancient suit in the house. Every suit is fairly bristling with good style and is a marvel of tailoring exactness. Men's $30 Suits, $15 Men's $25 Suits, $12.50 Men's $20 Suits, $10.00 Men's $15 Suits, 7.50 Boys' $5 Suits, $2.50 Boys '$3.50 Suits $1.75 Strong Shoe Inducements for Saturday We have purchased for our Saturday's sale a very fine lot of .women's ' two and three eyelet "White Canvas Oxfords, in all sizes and widths, regular $2 60 value, at........ . $1.48 We also have added to' our stock a very neat line of Women's Short Vamp one and two strap White Canvas Pumps, In all sizes and widths; price .................v...... $2.50 Shoe White, ' for -the white' canvas pumps and oxfords, regular 25c value; Saturday at r . 17 . Look for' the Barefoot Sandal Bargain Table, regular f 1.00' and $1.25 values t B9o We sIho call your attention to the Men's Department,! where we have left from laet Saturday's sale about one hundred pairs of patent colt, tan and gunmetal oxforda, lu all alkea, regular 13.60 value; aale price 93.85 . One lot of Boya' Hljch Grade Shoes and Oxforda, In patent colt, aunmetal and vicl kid. In all atzea,, value 12.50; at. ..v........... .tl.?5 . One lot or Men a Bath 6Uppers. .v. . . .43o Grand Waist Special for Saturday $4.50 White Waists $2.50 60 dozen White Lawn Waists on sale Saturday; - tome have yokes of lace Insertion, others have allover embroidery fronts, low or high neck, long or short sleeves, $4.60 value. ......... .$2.50 $1.75 House Dresses One large table heaped full of these hot weather garments, light or dark col ors, high or low neck, long or short sleeves, $1.76 values $1.25 $4.00 Misses' Gingham Dresses, $1.05 One lot of Misses' Dresses on sale Saturday. They are made sailor style with black tie; they come in blue and black shepherd checks, $4.00 values. . . . .$1.95 (35.00 Tailored Suits, $10.00 About 60 left; they are made of fine worsteds and serges, $35.00 values $10.00 $2S.OO Silk Dresses, $10.00 About 60 dresses in this lot, made of hairline stripe and check taf feta, lace yoke, , short sleeves, plaited skirts with 1 plain fold at knee, $25.00 values $10.00 $lS.OO Pongee Coats, $7.05 This garment is 60 inches long with navy, black or red satin collar, $16.00 value v $7.05 One-Half Price Sale Straw Bonnets. Saturday, take your pick of any Infants' Straw Bonnet in the store at one-half the marked price the regular prices were $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.76 and $3.60 Sat urday -.-..'.ONE-HALF PRICE $1.00 Infants' Muslin Bonnets, 25c Satur day we place on sale 200 Infanta' Muslin Bonnets, embroidery and lace trimmed $1.00 values ; 25 $1.25 Children's Dresses, 59c We, have taken all the odd lots of Children's Wash Dresses, 2 to 5 years, that sold up to $1.25 and made one great lot of them for quick selling; Sat urday choice, at 59 Kodaks Film Premo No. 1, post card size, can be carried in pocket. $11. 25 New No. 3 llull's-eye Kodak, for pictures 3x4Vii price. . ,$H.OO Eastman ever popular No. 2 llrownie; price $2.00 Eastman Blue Print Post Cards, per dozen 15c Sliding Wood Tripod 50c. Oil burning Ruby Lamp,, regular. $1 value SOc Photo Blotter Book, for drying prints 25c 4x5 White Enamel Developing. Tray 25c. Drugs Tanglefoot Fly Paper, box of twenty. . five double aheeta. per box. .... .S5o Oood Bed Bug Destroyer, plnt....3oe Hires' Root Beer Kx tract, bottle.. 16e Peroxide, regular 25c alia 8o Lrge Sponge, for house cleaning. ISO 9-row Black Drtstle Hair Bruah...lo All Bristle Hand Scrub Brush 10o Toilet Articles Amoten Deodorant Powder, rerular 25c, for l&a Armoax Bath Powder, delightfully perfuming the bath, regular I5o value .... U Ever Sweet Deodarant Powder, 25o value, now at 18o Hood's Saponacious. 2Bo value.... lao Uetrefle Talcum, In glass aprlnkler . top bottles, regular 10c value.... 5 Lulkln'n Handkerchief Extract, reg ular 76c value, per os 36a Sample Hosiery Special 600 dozen ladies' sample hos iery, the celebrated B. & II. comprising black gauze lisle, black and colored lace and fan cies; values up to 65c; Saturday, 29c Pair Embroidered Pillow Tops 24-inch beautifully hand em broidered pillow tops, in Flos ella silk; rose, poppy and con ventional designs; values up to $3.50; Saturday 1.19 each Sample Silk Scarfs i Shawls Importers' sample line of fine silk scarfs and shawls, $1.50 to $4.00 values; mostly cream, a few blacks and whites;' Satur 98c Phenomenal Bargains in Hardware Department 600 Pocketknrves. different styles, values up to 75c; to clean out.25t Ready-Mixed House and Floor Paint, all colors; gallon $1.00 gallon 55 Quart 30 Sapalin Floor Stain, any color; -pint and quart cans, worth 60c and 75c; to close out 25 35c Whitewash Brushes 10 85c Roofing Brushes 4Gg $2.25 Kalsomine Brushes $1.35 Christy Bread Knives, 50c value 35 Templeton Strainers .-lO Good Meat Saws 17 Scythe Stones 7c 4-gallon Water Coolers, value $3.00 $1.08 SPECIAL All Base Ball Goods Ball Bats, Gloves, Mitts, etc. to close out 25 PEK CENT OFF About 200 Razors,- assorted, $1.00 to $2.00 values, slightly soiled choice . '39 IN THE f HEAT MARKET Fresh Dressed Spring'Chick- H3 ens to Fry, per lb. . ; . . 14 Fall Lamb Legs, per pound'.'... .'. .. Prime Rolled Rib Roast, per pound Choice Pot RoaBCper pound. Sirloin Steak, per pound .. i ..... . Round Steak, per pound.';....... Loin lam Chops, per pound...... Veal Chops.-per pound.'..'........ Veal Shoulder Roast, per pound... Lamb Shoulder Roast, per pound... Lamb Stew, per pound Veal Stew, per pound 2,000 pounds Cudahy'se-Rex Hams, per pound. . . . 2,000 pounds Calumet Bacon, 6 to 7-pound average, OWtf 12K and 10 0 and 7e ..15 150 12 12t 110 ..4H 5? 17W per pound. 20 W Peaches for Canning I Extra Fancy Ellberta Freestone, 4-basket crate Leniona, extra fancy, usual 40c and 46c a dozen; per dozen California Plums, extra fancy, a basket......... Fancy Peaches, fruit basket; per basket Extra fancy, large borne grown Cucumbers, each 50 Roasting. Ears, young and tender, per doscn 1 ft H New Potatoes, per peck. . . ; -250 ...700 27W0 ...400 -150 Home grown Green Onions, four bunches 5 Young Beets, three bunches.. 5 Leaf Lettuce, four beads 5 Wax or String Beans, quart 7H0 Fresh roasted Peanuts, quart 5 Our Great Jewelry Department Offers These Wash Beltings at i Price Regular lc per Inch Belting; special Saturday. c per inch Sale of Belt Pins, 25c Fine Gold Filled Pins, in Roman, green, gold and rose finish; Silver Plated Pins in gray and bright polish all good, heavy stock and heavy, substan tial pins some set with stones and some plain, worth 60c, 75c and $1.00; Saturday only 250 Men's Lapel Chains, with gold button and gold buckle special . . . .' 490 Grand Clearance -of- Ladies'TrimmedHats 250 ladies' trimmed hats will be placed on sale in the Millinery department Saturday. This is ono of the strongest reductions we have ever made on ladies hats. See display in corner of Harney St. window, they speak for themselves. Not one of them worth less than $7.50. Your choice Saturday as long as they last at $1.00 New $1.50 Books 49c Just the Thing for Summer Reading The Firing Line, by Robert Chambers. Aladdin & Co.,' by Herbert Quick.-. : The Forsaken Inn, by Anna Katberlne Green. Jewel Weed, by Alice Ames Winter Together, by Robert Herrlck , Throckmorton, by Elliot Sewell Cowardice Court, by George Barr McCutcheon. Furniture and Drapery Saturday Specials Brass Beds, $11.50 Two-inch posts, full size guaranteed bad. in bright or satin finish. Box Seat Dining Chairs, $2.25 Solid quarter-sawed oak polished, full lV-inch seat, excellent value. Slaughter Sale Iron Beds, $1.60 to $9 Each 25 per cent discount choice at one-fourth off. 15c Silkoline, 8c Hundreds of yards; quality fine, variety excellent. One and one and one-half and two pair lots of Lace Cur tains, Nottingham, worth 98c to $3.75 pair; Irish point, worth $1.50 to $6.75 pair; cluny curtans, up to $7.00 pair all on bargain table at .ONE-HALF PRICE Window Shades, odd sizes and colors all on good spring rollers; each '. 190 Drapery Section Third Floor. Bennett's Big Grocery TBISAT AKS SJATTJKDAT BPXCIAiS. Bennett's Excel jlor Flour, sack t)l.1B 80 Stamps C. C. Flakes. S pkga.. 8o B. C. Baking Powder 6-lb. can 100 Stamps E C Flakes. 8 pkgs...B5o 10 Stamps Bennett's Capitol Ex tract, per bottle... Wo 80 Stamps Iten'a Tourlat and Gra ham Crackers, pkg., 100 10 Stamps Peanut Butter, large jar, at BSC 20 Stamps Pickling Spice, lb...5o 20 b tamps BT7TTXX BAX.B Freeh Country Butter, di rect from tne tarin, lb., at o H. J. ' Helnx Vinegar, : quart bottle 95e 10 Stamps Snlder's Pork and Beans, 2-lb. can lfio 14 Stamps Double Stamps Granu lated Sugar. Snlder'a Chill Sauce, per , bottle 86o 20 Stamps Blue Borax btarch, pack age, at , . . , 10o 10 Stamps ' Corn Meal, yellow or white, 10-lb. sack... 180 Armour's Very Best Sliced Dried Beef. Jar. at 15o 10 Stamps Newport Cataup, boL, lOe 10 Stamps Wiggle Stick Blueing, 6 sticks a 5o ' 10 Stamps Hen Food, per )b..8lio Bone Meal, per lb..Stao Bird Seed. Golden Har vest, pkg 100 6 Btampa Sour Pickled, doz Bo Diamond Crystal Salt, 14 lb. pkg BOo T. W. C. Table Syrup, can iaVo 10 Stamps Imperial Grape Juice. pint bottle Sbo 20 Stamps ( bars of Bennett's Bar gain Soap BBo 6 bars Ivory Soap. . . .S5o Eddy's Horse Radish Muatard, Jar lOo 6 Stamps Gatllard's Imported Olive Oil, small bottle. .. .84o 20 Stamps Medium Bottle 45c 40 b iainps Large Bottle TBo SO Stamps - corns spegiaxs Bennett's Best Coffee. 85a value, special price, per lb. 80s Bennett's Golden Coffee. ' 26c value, apeolal price, per lb. aao Bennett's Kellable Cof fee. 18o value, special price, per lb l&e TEA SrECIAX. Teas, large assortment, 68c value, special price, per lb Me Teas, large assortment, ido value, special price, per lb 480 Tea Sittings, 16c value, special price, lb. pkg., ut 18o CKeese, full cream, per lb aao 10 Stamps Cheese, Virginia Swiss, per lb BBS 10 Stamps OOOXXB BFSOXAXf French made delicious creams, honey, lb., lao Sugar Wafers, very fine. package, at IBs 10 Stamps Uneeda Biscuit. 8 pkgs., for IBo 10 Stamps PROTEST AGAINST SPEEDING Omaha Automobile Club to Make Re newed Efforts. SPEED EES ARE TO BE FXPT.T.T.F.T) t - Officials Also Sur Somet-laar Mast Be Don la the Way of Preveai 4 tlwa Well as Pa- - ' iahmcat. The killing of Harry Drefi has brought forth renewed protests against speeding of automobiles In Omaha. Even more feeling lias bet-n aroused than by the two previous accidents within the last nronth. E. II. prague, president of the Omaha Automobile club announced that his or ganization will make renewed efforts to rtop tpecdlng. "We shall set our own watch and at once expel all offenders from the club ranks," said Mr. Sprague. "It la necessary for drivers to use extra caution with respect to children. Older people can be educated to use ordinary care In crossing streets and this Is all that fair drivers expect of pedestrians. Children will run all sorts of risks, running across the middle of the rtrett without looking to right or left and even tt a car Is Just creeping along the Ufa of children la often endangered. "For iNs reason, with respect to children, drivers most keep a constant match. It Is the only thing that ran be done aa long aa children are allowed to play In the streets. Kverycne knows that they cannot be kept rff and since the automobile Is here to stay, extra precaution la the only available means of preventing more distressing ac cidents.' WasU ' More Meiorejeles. Mayor rahlman says tie deplores the fact that lack of funda prevents putUng out luoie policemen on motor bicycles to watch for sptedlng autca. "We have only two." said the mayor, "aud we ought to have six or eight. The police department Is to be tven renewed orders to arrest every motor car speeder and to exercise every ounce of diligence to pevent speeding. "The death of the little Drefs boy is most distressing. It la the third fatality within a month aud It brings a shook to everyone that a 6-year-old boy should be thus sud denly killed. A serious sense of responsi bility must be Inculcated in the driver of every car and offenders must be punished as severely as possible. The slaughter of children in the streets must stop." County Attorney English Bald that "at the present rate prosecution of men for kill ing people through automobiles bids fair to become much the greatest part of our work. It Is Just a month since William Krug's Ufa was snuffed out. "Prosecutions will go on vigorously, but this Is certainly a matter where prevention of accidents is more desirable than regrets afterward." , Licenses Are) Needed.' Judge Estelle of the district court says he thinks the ordinary fine imposed on reckless drivers Is not a sufficiently heavy pen-lty. He favors a Jail sentence which caimot be escaped by the payment of a fine. Sheriff Brailey believes In requiring all drivers to first secure a city license and bacll It up with a bond sufficiently large to make the penalty in case of a violation of the law one which the violator would really fuel. Judge Kennedy of the district court fa vors the adoption of a license system, the license to be withdrawn from any person violating the speed laws. A heavy penalty should also be Inflicted upon' persons who drive cars without a proper license. Issued only after an exacting examination as to the qualifications of the applicant. Robert Smith,' clerk of the district court, gives his 'opinion that the present speed Imlt of twelve miles is too low. He advo cates the lcense system to be granted only to persons ha are fully qualified and wbo are. over ;i years of age. A I. lie I'rablem Solved ' bv that areat health tonic. Rlvclrln Rlrtara is th Anrlphininl nf nnr thin ,lf4 . n .4 4 strengthening tne weak. too. Far tv 1 Beaton Urug Co. Ingratitude is Shown by Two Omaha Doctors Former Recipient of Favon from World-Herald Boost Willii . E. Reed. Another case of base ingratitude has come to light in the distribution of a cir cular signed with the names of five doc tors, In the Interest of Willis E. Heed for United States senator. The excuse for the circular, which Is going by mall to medical men generally, la that Reed promises to put a doctor In the cabinet as secretary of health, and the queer part of it is that It signed by at leaBt two republicans, although Reed Is running for the democratlo nomina tion. The two republican doctors whose signatures are affixed are A. B. Somers and S. R. Towne, who have been recipients and beneficiaries of persistent booming by Mr. Hitchcock's World-Herld, but for which they are now returning him his empty shell. MORE RAIN HELPS THE CROPS Falls la Greart quantity Over the Easter Portloa of the State. Rain fell In considerable quantity all over Nebraska Thursday night, but the showers were scattering and some of the portions seeding It worjt were not touched. On all the ra'lroad lines showers were reported In the eastern section, with fairly Ijeavy rain from Omaha to Uncolu. In aouineasurn Nebraska the rain was geneial, but not heavy and all along the South Platte valley showers were felt. Crete, Mlnden, Mc Cook, Lincoln and Long Pine w-'e centers of rain, but west of those points very little rain fe'l except on the Burlington line between Alliance and Edgemont. Crops are reported to be progressing and In most sections, especially along the Rock Island en average crop is expected. Corn will be larger than the usual amount It the weather does not ret too hot from now on, but the wheat will not be quite up to the average yield. Wheat Is weighing sixty-one pounds to the bushel and averaging sixteen to eighteen bushels to the acre. Two Oil Cars Knocked Over Engine Strikes Train and Damages Tank Cars, but No Oil is Lost. Two cars were turned over and a small amount of damage caused by a collision of an engine and a string of oil cars at Seven teenth and Pierce streets Thursday evening. Union Pacific engine No. 1202 bumped with considerable force Into ' the side of the cars at a switching point. Though two of the oil cars were toppled upon their sides, not a drop of oil waa lost. A wrecking crew righted the cars in a few minutes. TO SHOW RAILROAD SHOPS Public Will Be Invited to Inspect the Union Pacific Plant, M'KEEN SHOP ALSO TO RECEIVE SCHALLER DECLARED SUICIDE Corooer's Jury Flnee Ha Took Bilco tlae Fames While Vadcr Meatal Strata aad Despaadeat. Suicide waa found to have been the cause of Robert C. Echaller's death Tuesday by a coroner's Jury Friday morning. The Jury returned the following verdict: "We find that Robert C. Schaller came to his death by taking nicotine fumes while laboring under a mental strain and de spondency." Mr. Rchaller's body was found in a cellar at the home of a relative. 3002 Davenport street, Tuesday evening. He had appar ently taken the fatal poison between 6 and ( o'clock. t Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Visitors Will Be Galded Throagh H. chlaery Departments Jaly SO aad laterestlBK Things Will lie Explained. Omaha people are to be given a rare treat by the Union Paclfio Railroad and the McKeen Motor Power compunV on July 30. On that day both shops will be thrown open to the Inspection of the people from 9 In the morning until 4 p. in. Capable men will be In each part of the buildings ready to explain to the onlookers the purpose arfd manner of working of each piece of the great machine shops. ' When the plan of letting the shops be open for an afternoon was first thought of, It was thought that perhapa only the employes and their families would be per mitted to pass through, but A. L. Mohler, vice-president and general manager, haa decided that this should be made an op portunity for everyone wishing to view the famous shops to do so. SIcKrra Shops Also. President McKeen offered to open the Mc Keen works on the same day to the public as they are in the same lnclosure with the Union Pacific works, and were formerly connected with them. Several motors are now In course of construction and as many people, of this city have nevor seen the new cars, the chance to see them will be accepted with pleasure, It Is ex pected. "Omaha scarcely realises the vastness of the works nor the great number of men that are employed at these shops," re marked T. M. Urr, assistant general mana ger. In speaking of the coming day. "Of course we reculve many requests from In dividuals and different societies and clubs to allow them to pass through our shops while In operation, but this Is somewhat dangerous and one of our chief reasons In setting this day is to allow everyone to see them who wishes to." Offer bi New Fire Auto Taken Five Thousand-Dollar Machine Will Be Purchased Ed Morris . New Warden. A new fire automobile tor the Omaha de partment wll' Le purchased by the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners from the Seagraves company of Columbus. The con tract was awarded Thursday evening from the bids on combination hose and chemical motor cars that were handed In to the board Tuesday. The price is to be V.iM. A contract for a horse-drawn hock and lad der truck, to cost 12.660, was awarded to the American l.a France Engine company of Elmlra. N. Y. As a settlement of the long dispute over the appointment of a fire warden, Ed Mor ris, the mayor's last appointee, was glvtn the Job. The board hus been holding back front giving anyone a chance at the J1.DO0 salary until it could be determined whether or not the holder could be held responsible to a higher office. The city attorney gave as his opinion that the warden would be responsible to the board that appointed him, and the appointment was made on that basis. BOYS FAIL TO APPEAR Abernathy Lads Engage Itoonis at llrnshan, lint Un Not Occupy Them, as Expected. Louis and Temple famous by their trip Oklahoma to New Yor did not appear in Oman Ing to schedule. They at the Henshaw hotel, that they were merely unknown reason. Abernathy, made on horsebnek from k to see Roosevelt, a last night accord had engaged rooms and It Is supposed detained for some Explosion Jars NewStreet Car' Power House Basement of Building at Fifth and Jackson Damaged Five Hundred to Thousand Dollars. Following the explosion of dynamite un der a derrick at the new power house ol the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, Fifth and Pacific streets shortly after midnight, Friday morning, Assistant Manager LeuBler give out an interview declaring his belief an Incendiary had per petrated the damage. "From the manner in which the explosive was evidently placed, from the threats that have come Indirectly to our ears and from previous violence which has teen en acted upon the contractors, 1 believe the explosion was a malicious piece of work," he said. Mr. Eeusjler estimated the damage at $1,UU) and detectives Maloney and Vau Uusen give it as their belief as amounting to not more than M. "The Wisconsin bridge and Iron com pany, which la doing the construction work," said Mr. L.eussler, has suffered from a number of dynamite crimes In the last sevcrul years. The company had trouble with structural Iron woikmen's unions and lias been employing only nonunion rnau since. It is believed dissatisfied workmen for this reas n have been doing the dyna miting." I.rUBsler then explained that the dyna mite charge at the powr house had been placed under the shou of the derrick boom. Intended probably to throw the huge boom agulnst a wall and destroy both. That this did not occur as completely as expected, he said, probably was an accident Mr. Leussler announced the street rail, way company had offered a reward of MM for the conviction of the perpetrators of the deed and the construction company offered a like rewaid.