The Omaha Daily Bee. NEWS SECTION WEATHFR FORECAST. For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Vnucttled. For weather report nee pace 2. PAGL3 t TO 10. VOL. XLNO. 30. MORMONS SHOWN ( GERMAN BORDER Prussian Minister of Interior Isiuei Orders to Condnct American Mis sionaries to Frontier. GOVERNMENT DISLIKES TEACHING Takes Position Doctrine Advanced Subversive to Morality. AGENT OF POLICE AT MEETINO Rises During Progress, Declaring Pro . ceedings to Be at End. WILL LEAVE FOR SWITZERLAND .anber of Germaas la lorapanr Arrested Given Liberty Late Woinfo Not Detained with Men Anmi Workers. BERLIN. JULT a.-Merr Dalwlts. Prua slan minister of the Interior, on recommen dation of the political police, has signed order for the expulsion of twenty-one Mormon missionaries, moat of whom are Americana or Englishmen, and they will be conducted to the frontier today., The missionaries had assembled from various parte of Germany at tha Mormon headquarters on the eaat aide U meet rinlendent McKay, an American resi st In Switzerland. "C They were holding a aervtca When an agent 01 trie political police wno waa seated la' the audience roue and declared tha gathering- dlsolved. At the moment aev ral membera of tha criminal police ap peared and virtually took the congregation In cuatody. ' . The woman were aaked to leave tha place and the men were examined aa to - their nationality. Those found to be Gar , man subject were releaaed while the othera were requested to accompany tha officer to the police presidency. There after further examination' they were permitted to go to their lodglnga to await the Issuance of writ for their ex pulsion. The atatua of the Mormons In Germany waa taken up In exchange between the foreign office and the American embassy In 1903,' when the government took tha position" that the teachlnga of the mission aries were subversive of morality. It waa then arranged with the Mormon eupertntendont, through the American em bassy that all Mormon mlaslonarlea should withdraw from tha country, within a month, transferring the middle European headquarter from Berlin, to Switzerland. Subsequently 140 foreign leadera departed, leaving German societies, , with a total membership of 1,000, tn tha car of Ger man pastors. Tha authorities aUt that n recent years tha Mormons havd disregarded tha U uvi nvuvtaan w w v iv iiua - Individual nnlsslonarlea have been appre hended and expelled. In auch inatancea they cava not applied to the American era- ' baasy for reliu. nor made a protest agalnat their expulsion. Hnrta ajfanninar ft T I MI A. t rrlTfi Tllnal !ti I ki WOMAN JUMPS FROM STEAMER Mr. Marlon Mayo of New York Commits Salclde While on Way Home from Savannah. NEW YORK, July 2L Mre. Marlon Mayo of Augusta, Ga., reputed to be wealthy and of soolal position, who took paaaage on the steamer City of Columbu from Savannah, waa I missing when the ataamer reached New York today. Captain Johnson of the City of Columbua aid h believed Mrs. Mayo had stolen out of her atateroom during tha night and thrown heraelf Into the water during the voyage. Captain Johnson aaid that yester day Mrs. Mayo waa an Interested spectator of tha burial at sea of a negro cook and that after that she went to her cabin and waa not aeen again. SHARP BREAK IN STOCKS National Lead . and Steel Common Make New Low Records for Year. NEW YORK. July 22. The stock market bowed extreme weakness today, although the decline was not accompanied by tha xcitsiiai uiueiimes seen at auch periods. The cut In the dividend on National Lead which aurprlaed the speculative community yeaterdajr was the ostensible cause for the weakness. That stock broke to tS"4. which waa 84 points lower than the low price yesterday. United States Steel broke Into new low ground for the year at 66H and tha aajfie was true of American Smelting. CHINESE BANK IS ROBBED creat r Thousand Dollars Worth of Bonds Taken from Concern In Sew York. NEW YORK, July t2.-The discovery was made today that 170,000 worth of bonds had been stolen from the Chinese bank on Pine street In thla city. ' No partlculara ware available as to tho manner In which the bonds hnd been taken. . Tha securities were stolen within ths last few days, but exactly when the bank of ficials have not discovered. " The officers of the bank refused Information. The stolen securities Include bonds of ths Vnlon Pacific, Southern Pacific. Norfolk A Western and Southern Railroad companies. PULP MILLS ARE SHUT DOWN riant ' Are Mopped Because of Low Water In the loi River. OSHKOSH. Wis.. July 32. -On account of the low water In Fox river, the government liaa refused to permit the waterpoier users on tho lower Fox. to use any water, re auttlng In alt 'of the paper and pulp mills at Neensh. Manaaha, Kaukauna, Dapere, App'aton and Klmberley being cloeed down, throwing thousands of employes out of work, ' FULTON. KY., STAYS "DRY" Majority Against Saloons Is Seven, tren Carroll la tho Wet V Column. LOUISVILLE,. Ky., July 22.-A count of the votes cast In yesterday'a local option election shows that the city of Fulton, Ky.. went dry bv seventeen votes. High license leaders hava not yet decided w hether to contest the election In the courts. Fulton had been dry fur three yeara. Carrolltan, Ky., went "wet" by eighty-four vote Cotton Leads List of Exports or United States Pour Hundred and Fifty Million Dol lars Worth of the Fiber Sent Abroad Last Tear. WASHINGTON, 'July 22.-Cotton. copper, "uininaung oil, wheat these articles In the order named, formea the moat Imnnrtjint articles exported from the Unites States during the fiscal year Just closed. The value of the cotton exported was 46O,0OO,00U; of the copper, $83.500,OuO; of the Illuminating oil. 82,o0w,00o, and of the wheat, H7.C00.0O0. Other articles of export .ranked in value aa iohows; lour, lard, tobacco, lumber, upper miner, corn, Diiumlnous coal and iubrlcat Ing oil. In .nearly ell of tha artlclea of natural production, there waa a marked decline in the exporta of 1910 as compared with pre vious years, while in certain manufactures the figures for tha year are larrr tho for any prevloua year and the total for all inanuiaciurea probably will exceed that of any earlier year. The oureau of sta tlstlca, which have given out theae flgtires, nas not yet completed the total value of me manutaciurea exported. Tha falling off la most marked in wheat, flour and nieata: wheat falling trnJ. I181.000.fl00 in 189J, the high year to 147,000.000 in 1910; coin from 185,000,000 In 1900 to $:,- wv.vw in mo; Hour from 174,000,000 in 1893 to M6,ew,uW ,n 1910. ,ard from ioonoo,, ln "WO to 113,000,000 in 1910: banon frnm tie - 000,000 ln 1898 to 118.600.000 in 1910; freah beef from $32,000,000 in 1901 to 17,760,000 Jn 1910, ana cattis irom H2,000,000 ln 1904 to 112 000.000 last year. Taft Vacation Becomes Strenuous Double Eound of Golf Followed by Speech, Coach Trip, Lunch and Dinner. BAR HARBOR. Me., July 22. -President Tart a vacation cruise I becoming stren uous. He did not get back aboard tha Mayflower until well past midnight, but was ashore again at 8 this morning play ing a double round of the nine-hole golf course. After the morning of golf cams the speak ing at noon to the townspeople, followed by a ten-mile coach . ride to Mra. Mark Hanna's home at Seal Harbor for luncheon. The dinner engagement for the Taft party tonight is with Mr. Charlemagne Two,.- two miles from Seal Harbor. The. president ' waa accorded an enthusi astic demonstration whan ha arrival h. village green. He arrived from the Golf hud on a coacn drawn by four horses. Ha was cheered aa he climbed tha steps lead ing to tha grandstand. ' - Mr. Tf fa apee"cH Was entirely Informal He congratulated his hearers that they were privileged to live in such a place aa Bar Harbor. ' , "The air," aaid the president Is like champagne ln a prohibition state" Tha crowd cheered the sentiment and the simile. And without the uncomfortable consequences that follow the consumption of the liquid," added Mr. Taft New Clue in The Rawn Case Coroner Haa Information that Indi cate Railroad President Was Murdered for Revenge. CHICAGO. July 22,-The theory that Ira G. Rawn, tha president of the Monon rail road, who. waa killed at his home early Wednesday, was murdered by a negro, waa advanced today by Coroner. Hoffman. While the police were Investigating the clue found by Mr. Hoffman, the funeral services of tha railroad president were held. - Mr. Hoffman would advance no further Information concerning his clue. While the Rawn family haa held consist ently, to the . theory that . Mr. Rawn was murdered, Ralph C. Coburn, a son-ln-lsw, scouted the Idea that revenge waa the motive behind tha murder. ''I Know -of no negro with whom my father-in-law ever had any difficulties," aid Mr. Coburn. "I cannot think of any person who would seek to aveng: any wrong, real or fancied, by killing Mr. Rawn." Farmers Pay Fines of Ten Prisoners Scott County, Kentucky, Wheat Rais ers Secure Men to Help Save the Crop. . .. GEORGETOWN. Ky.. Julv 22. A nnv.l method, to save th wheat crop of Bcott county waa resorted to today when a num ber of farmers appeared before the count) Judge and paid the flnea of ten prisoners in tne jan m oraer to get help to harvest the crop. In several Instances the flnea ran aa high as $30. All of tha prisoners went willingly. PUEBLO SHOWS BIG GROWTH Increase la Population for Decade Is Nearly Fifty-Eight Per Cent. WASHINGTON. July 21 -Census reports issued today show ths population of Puebln, Colo., to be 41,395, as compared with 91,157 In 1MJ0, an increase of (7.7 per cent Pueblo county, Colorado, has a population of SS.2U7, aa compared with H.8 In 1900. Beats Wife for Using Soap and Insists It's Right Admitting that he had beaten hla wife and explaining it was because shs per sisted In using soap, Louis Cohen, 1124 North Twentieth street declared he would go to Jail rather than comply with the judge'a order to pay hla wife enough to live on. Mr. Cohen' plea that Cohen had given her but t to 10 conta a day to OMAHA, SATURDAY BRISTOW CLAIMS LEAD TARIFF BAD Senator Charges Cannon and Other Regulars with Manipulation of Schedules. LN INTEREST OF MONOPOLY Denounces Speaker's Statements in Regard to Himself. EFFORT TO REDUCE FAILED Vtm?it "Uncle Joe's" Reasons for rrevions Actions. SMELTING COST TEN DOLLARS Ho Bays Difference Between Daty on Lead and Lead Ore Is ' Greater Than Entire Cost of Man nfactare. MANHATTAN. Kan. .Tnlv 91 K.t. josepn l. ; Bristow. in a speech here last igni. cnarged Speaker Cannon and th aianapat congressman with minimii.iu. of the lead achedulea of the tariff bill In aupport of the "Smelter truat." an.nallad "A duty not meaanrln in. 4iir.itn. In th cost of smelting at home and abroad as nrv-tm 1 -a4 in . u .,, . . " .im? repuoucan piauorra, but from 2.60 to M higher than tha .ntlra wosi oi smelting ln this country was Im posea on lead." the senator aM "This was done not In tha inf - f. protecting a struggling American Industry,' ui in tne interest of a monopoly, con trolled by the Ounanhalm. Ko k- .h- iiocaereiier financial Interests. 'Because ' I presume tn nh tn m aort of thing, Mr. Cannon oalla me a demo crat, a demaxoirue. a I Pockt. Mr. Cannon, holding the great of- apeaaer of the house, second In Power and dlsnitv in ! .tu.nn..! been routed over Kan.-. . .' i - ui uuHtwr or days denouncing the insurgents," my -on in particular. Instead of indulging In vituperation, whv d HASn't has aHlaa rhn a-Am- sons why he Insisted upon Ignoring th Min, specmo declaration of the repub lican national platform? Why did he stand ,n senate ln tha lntrnt nt th. uuggenheiroer "The. duty on 1aA in .u. ...iJ kill A ... ' 1011 um passea tne rxiim. ... tin . - . " fjtf m iuu, im amy on pig lead, or lead bullion, waa tha .am, ins bin cam to th senate and was referred to the gamniiiu n ij VW Ull .11 1.1 1.. V . -.v:n air. Aldrlch is chairman, and was "f"" ck with tha duty on jlg lead increased from tan tn u . ,., difference of 112.50 between the lead In the ore ana tne lead bullion. Therefor, eo cording to tha rannhlixan n.ttn.t - J u-uwiiM V1.- v. MU our campaign pledges. 112.60 a tun snouia measure tha itrt.i-.n in cost of smelUng lead in the United States and In our comixilnr ommtrt. -V'BdwarU B. uu generai maag:el.fot nincan oraeitmg and Refining com pany, an organization whinh mntni. on cent of th lead smelters of tha United mnies xeeunea before the waya and means committee of tha house that the entire cost of lead from the or to bullion from actual fig-urea ranged from $5.66 to 110.08 a ton No wltnes before the waya and mean committee gave as tha entlra vt ., i. lng a greater flgura than $10 a ton. A moat vigorous effort waa mad In th senate to reduce tha dutiaa r th. bill back to those .provided in the house measure, out without . effect. To protect our struggling American industries A duty not measuring th difference ln the cost of smelting at home and ahrnari h,.t . a of from $2.60 to $6 a ton more than tha en tire cost of smelting at horn was Im posed." Cannon Calls It Ravin. DANVILLE. 111.. Julv wh- ,'-..- Cannon was shown th speech made by .a.ior unrow at Manhattan, Kan., last night and asked what to make, tha speaker said: "I do not care w niscuss or to pay any attention to the ravlnga and statements of Senator Bristow and those who co-operate with him ln an effort to put . tha republican nn ... - business. I endorse the Payne tariff bill as tha beet tariff measure ever exacted." Oregon Indians to Be Examined Competency Commission Will Deter mine Status of Natives on the Umatilla Reservation. WASHINGTON. Julv aT h..-i the extent to which the Indiana on the Umatilla reservation ln Oremn ..., IMU.f of bearlna tha tferaonal rn.nnn.ikiiiii citlsenshlp the Interior department haa ap pointed a competency commission whl.h will ezsmlne the three trlhaa nn th. ervatlon. The membera of tha commission ers are: P. J. Sommervllia, Pendleton. Or.? Wrtwtn L. Swartalander, auperlntendent nt th. Umatilla Indian schools, ann rh..iu m McCheaney, special Indian agent There are about 1.200 rei mn In.,.)... J --"was MiTUITfa, belonging to the Cayuse, Umatilla or Walls walla tribes. The report of the commission will Indi cate who are capable of managing their personal affairs entirely free of govern mental control, those who are qualified In thia respect under restrictions concerning the alienation of their lands, and those who I are wholly incompetent and must be re garded as wards of the United States. I This is the second competency commission to be appointed, the first operating among the Omaha Indians. The result of th ex periment among the Nebraska Indiana dem onstrated, in tne opinion of Indian officials the wisdom of this means of determining the qualifications of the red men and ul timately 'It Is expected all of tha reserva tions will be likewise examined. run th houae. took PA away from hr arid otherwise persecuted her, likewise were all admitted by th prisoner. When Judge Crawford commanded the man td return $100 to his wife and than revise his methods so that his wtf got at least 60 cant a day, Cohen became hotly Indignant "I'll go to Jail first." he said U want to Jail. JIOHNINO, JULY 23, 1910 MAN LOS ARE GATHERING Humid Weather is Good for Some Spectacular Flying. GLENN CURTISS HERE SATURDAY ICxperta Have th Machlaes All . Ready for tho gtartp Standa . Are Batlt Bands WII Piny., '.. .' V ,'" , Humid t Tea, decidedly so. .But it Is good for aviating. Glenn H. Curtis chuckled' loudly' Friday morning when ha waa Informed . .over. theJ long distance telephone that the "humidity had . Increased here and that ' tha wind is not running high. Atmospheric conditions at. pWsan't are" U thai caul, b desired."- "I shall probably bring .iny along with ma," said Curtlas from Chicago. "H is her now, but whether he will fly is not certain.",- With Ely there will be four aviator at th field, th other two' being McCurdy and Mars. The four are due to arrive Saturday morning at 7 over th Rock Island. Under tents on ths aviation field stand four aeroplanes all set up and ready for operation. Curtiss and his allies will give them a thorough inspection in the morning. but the work of assembling the parts, sep arated for transportation, haa ' been done by tha Curtiss company's skilled mechan ics, who have grown expert at taking apart and reconstructing these machines. Balloons of various kinds are being hauled onto the field and tank set up for in flating. Besides the dirigibles the hot air balloons have been brought over and a race between two of theaa Is one of ths first events for Saturday afternoon. The Band Will Play. Th first day'a program will begin at S m., when the band wilt strlka up. "Some thing doing every minute" is tha promise of the management and enough events have been scheduled to make good this promise. Everyone connected with the meet Is genuinely confident that the aviators will make good. Curtlaa himself has never been unable to fly at any of his appearances, and, with the weather as promising aa It now is, ro duubl exists about th others. Tha Increased humidity gives a far greater grip to the propellers and th planes of each machine will aohisve far mora lifting power. . "It moans some record will be broken here." declared Manager Clarke Powell. The attendance Is expected to be enor mous, particularly ao ll tne mgnta ot Saturday and Sunday are ln any wise spec tacular. The avlators ar well aware of the Importance of mklng a good start and, as the contracts calls for a percentage division, they have every incentive to do their ut most Besides, between Curtiss' me and with himself, considerable rivalry exists. Curtis I to drop a valuable diamond ring provided by the .Ryan Jewelry company Into the crowd at the aviation meet on one of hi flights, th ring to become the prop erty of th person securing It Alleged Leader of Mob Arrested Joseph Bush, Wanted at Newark, 0.. Found Hiding in Home of . a Relative. BELLEFONTAINE. O., July M Joseph Bush, ..alleged leader of the mob which hanged Carl M. Etherington at Newark, O., on July 8, was arrested at Harper, a village near here, last last night and placed In the Newark Jail today. Buah had been In hiding at the home of a relative. Remember a small key opens a large door. A small advertisement, if it fits tha reader's requirements will bring sat isfactory returns. The Bee's classified columns are perused by tens of thous ands daily. Try out "Want," "For Sale," "To "Rent" or "Lost" ad colunma. - ... '' J From th Philadelphia Inquirer. . - J TWKXTY I'AOKS The Pipe of Peace Sixteen Sanitary Enameled Ware Concerns in Court Eill of Equity Filed at Baltimore Charges Violation of Sher man Law. WASHINGTON. Juy 22. Sixteen concerns manufacturing sanitary enameled war and their offioera located In nlno atates were proceeded against today by the Department of Justice in a bill In equity filed against them at Baltimore, Md., under th Sherman anti-trust law. . ' The conoerns were ohargsd with being a combination In restraint of trad. It 1 aid to control 85 per cent of the output Of waafr bowls, bath tubs. Lavatories, drink. lng fountain and other aanttary enameled Iron war. ',' Forest Fires Near Negaunee Blaze Reaches Limits of City in Northern Michigan Many Farm Homes Destroyed. NEGAUNEE, Mich.,' July 22.-Poret fire last night reached the city limits today. Many homesteadera have lost their boms. John Carlson, living near here, waa driven Into Little lake by the flrea las night and wun water up to nls neck he stood all night ad watched the flames wipe away hie borne. He la in a serious condition from long exposure. ... WAUSAU. Wis.. July !2.-Th. fires at Galloway, which caused disastrous losses yesterday, in that vicinity, are reported today to be fairly under . control. The flame are still extending for five miles esst of Eldron to Pike Lake village. - The loss yesterday I estimated at 1600,000. BEACDETTE. Minn., July 22. Forest fires around th village ofBeaudette have been checked. It la reported U.t iwo little girl in th Rainy river district wan dered into the forest and were burned to death. FAST TIME BYJRURAL CARRIER Tweaty-FIre Miles In ElghtyFlve Mlaatea, with Slxty.Seven tops. IOWA FALLS. Ia.. July 22.-(-SpeclaI ) D. C. Hadley, a rural carrier out of this city, has established what Is thought to be a new reoord for the delivery of mail ln rural communities. Mr. Hadley usee an automobile on his route when the weather and roada are favorable and aa a result the patrons on hla rout hava their mall be fore many of tha people on th city carrier route are erved. Friday , morning Is the heaviest delivery of the week because of the delivery of the Cltlsen, a local paper, and man of tha outside papers and maga slnes, yet Mr. HadUy recently drove twenty-five and a half miles over his route and delivered mall to sixty-seven boxes on his route and returned to tho postoffice here In eighty-five minutes. Shore Batteries Imaginary FORT MONROE. Vs., July 22.-Although death had silenced on gun and eleven men were killed or fatally Injured, by the terrible explosion ln the De Russey shore battery here yesterday during the target firing on the Imaginary hostile fleet which waa passing up Hampton Roads, to attack Washington, the battle continued until the enemy was sunk. The practice, which was the most xtenslv aver attempted, was computed with flattering auoceaa to th coast' artillery corps. Within thr minute after th first gun had been fired th two cheea cloth target. 8060 feet, representing the vital of battleship and towsj 6.000 yard away, were a sorry sight. On was not worth (hooting at, while th other waa badly r!ddld. Firing waa than at an and. fh fata! reault of th first atUmpt to dlscharg No. X gun. of th De Russey battery of twelve-Inch gun, waa not known to th other batterlea, cattrd for nearly si.NciLK ACAINST COUNTY OPTION German Editors on Retford Against , Prohibition as Well. NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECTED Place of Next Meeting- Is Left to tha ' Discretion of tha President : " nnd Secretary of the ' Order. " ' ' ' Ther was nothing backward about th attitude which,' the German-American Press Association of the West, holding Its annual convention at the Paxton hotel, Friday, took on tii prohibition question. In a set of resolutions adopted at th attovnon. ses sion, tha' ostanntble" purpose of which was t6 commend the German-Americans of Ne braska on the formation of a branch of the German-American National alliance, the German scribes met the issue squarely urg ing these people ln the resolutions to work against the adoption of any form cf prohi bition, Including county option. They also Urged the newly formed alliance to work against any interference with home rule In cities. - At the afternoon session th following officers were elected: , President, Adolph Petersen, Daven port, Ia. First vice president. Valentine Peter, Omaha. Second vice president, Peter Klein, Aurora, 111. ' Secretary, Henry Helns, Muscatine, Ia. Treasurer, August Hllmer, New Hamp ton, Ia. i The selection of a place of meeting for th association next ear waa left to the president- and secretary. After a day of strenuous attempts to hold a meeting and heart-breaking failures, the German Press Association of tha West held the first session of Its annual conven tion at the ' Paxton hotel Friday morning at 8:30, o'clock. The meeting was ad journed to the Paxton from the German Maennerchor hall, for which place It had been slated. About twenty-five membera of the asso ciation wr prexont at the morning session, but little business of importance was taken up. 'The reports of the secretary and treas urer were read and accepted and ten new member were taken in, eight from Ne braska and two from Iowa. Considerable time was rpent in discussing the relations of the members of the association to the larger 'advertisers. Another session-will be held Saturday morning -at which It Is expeoted the bus! ness of tha association' will be concluded. SHERIDAN LOSES EASY BERTH Chaaaplon Athlete la Traaaferod from Marshal' Office to Pa trol Doty. NEW YORK, July 22. Martin 8herldan, world's champion all-around athlets, and John Flanagan and Mathew McGrath, both champions ln hammer,' shot and discus throwing all of whom are police patrolmen assigned to duty In the marshal' office, lost their easy berths today, when they were transferred to patrol duty. The only reason given for the transfer was "the good of the service." Destroy Hostile Fleet a milo along the ahore, until after the conclusion of the firing. The men at the other two gun of th De Russey battery did know that an accident had occurred but they kept on firing at the Imaginary enemy In the channel, three or four mile away, Jut a If It wr In fact a hostile fleet. ndeavoring to pa as through to attack Washington or Baltimore. Officer who wltneaaed th test say the practice demonstrated that a fleet, attempt ing to pa th fort, could not have lived five mlnue In uch a fir aa waa poured into th towed target. No additional deaths are reported as a result of the accident. The board of In qulry, which Is Investigating the cause of th xploion, ha not yet completed It work, but may be able to make It report to Washington tomorrow. All tlaga on th reservation were placed at half-mast as soon aa the accident was know corr two cknts. mmm fest DRAWST0 CLOSE Musically Great Biennial Saengerfeit of Northwest Ends with Two Great Programs. PARADE AND PICNIC TODAY Societies Will Start from Auditorium at Ten O'clock. KRUO PARK THIS AFTERNOON ' Children's Program, with Voices, Great Success. 2,000 SAENGERFEST PROVES WINNER Artistically, ainerlcally , Flnaa dally and lu All Other Waya Sesalon Jnst l loalua laa Been of Hlahrat Order. Musically the grat Saengerfest ended last night with a rousing drinking song whloli the male chorus and orchestra gavs to gether. There remains today the graud paraue. which will march from the Audi torium at 10. and the big plcnlo this after, noon at Krug s park. The business meet ing oilglnslly scheduled for this morning was changed to yesterday afternoon, so that it would not Interfere with the parade. The concert last night was a glorious an affair as that of the night before, nor did the Increased heat and humidity Inter-' fere with either the chorus singers or tha soloists. To the former It was again an especial privilege to listen. Soloists even of the first rank one may hear compara tively often, but such choral singing as this occurs not often; about the only ouuor- tunlty in the middle west Is when the Na. tional Saengerbund of the Northwest is holding such a fest as that of the last three days. The order of the parade Is as follows: Formation at Fiftoentli and Jackson streets! north to Harney; west to Eight eenth; north to Farnum; east to Twelfth; north to Douglas; west to Sixteenth; nortlt to Chicago; countermarch- on Sixteenth to Douglas, east' to Fifteenth; south to the Auditorium. About 2,000 men will be In line. Financially the Saengerfest has been a big success. Local attendance has hn all that was desired and the made here for the entertainment of the visitors have elicited hlch nri. fn them. Tha children's matinee held yesterday afternoon was another artistlo success, and the opening number, the singing of "Amer ica" and "Th Star, Spangle Banner," by tha 2.000 or more glrla and boy was an In spiring affair. ...... Children's Mallare Kplendld. ' ' " Chlldren'a matinee by official designa tion and children' matinee In predoml- naice of children, both aa singers and audience, the Friday afternoon matinee program of the Saengerfest was one of the most enjoyable of the aeries. To the thous and and more of children' who occupied the precipice of seats reared, on the platform, the event was one which towers high above all other events. They shewed this fact in their manner of entering and also ln their careful observance cf the proprieties of singers ln a "Saengerfest chorus." It was a pretty slht. this crowd of b rlbboned and brightly gowm-d young girls and sprinkling of lads, nnd when at th much anticipated moment the orchestra diuctor lifted his baton and waved to them, tha children and siadually the entlra chorus responded, ro.u and stood ready for song, it was an especially prettv sight This slightly fluttered respond to the d. rector's baton, this slow spreading of th realization that "it's our turn now" was humorously pleasing to the audience and It gave the little singer the same aprecl- atlve applauso that It gave the-. older singer for their Immediate and simul taneous response to the same signal. Ther were thrill, too when these little Americans trilled their lov for Amerlca'a rocks land rills, .her woods and templed hills, and also when they qurrird with real vim, i'Oh, Say, Doe the Star-Spangled Banner Tet Wave?" The audience .. divided in It allegiance of these two Amer- ican nymna, some recognizing "America' by standing during Its singing and other reserving their patriotism for the ". Spangled Banner." The third chorus whlrh the young singers gave, "Die Waoht Am RJ.Ine," was given with good spirit and cmplctd the program for the audience. The choru Itself remained on the seats to be photographed. Almost as Interest- as the member of the choru were tho numorou little folk In the audience who. after th excitement of locating friends hart aubslded. enjoyed thoroughly the role of audience. Prof. Reese was director of the chorus. In Its organisation and its preparatory re hearsals. Miss Fannie Arnold. Instructor of mualo ln th schools, laid th founda tion for their uccssful work in the Seen gerfest. MEAT DEALERS TESTIFYING More Eastern Wholesalers Appear Tie. fore the Grand Jury In ' Chicago. CHICAGO. July 22.-Mor wholesale meat dealers from other cltlee wer today tsken before the federal grand Jury now conduc ting an Investigation Into the workings tf the Packing company. The out-of-town men who testified were Harry Lewis of Jacksonville, Fla.; Alfred Mark ham of Springfield. Mass., and E. A. Southwlel of Bridge, Mass. CONGRESSMAN IS CONVICTED Maasaehaaett Itepreaentatlvo Foand Gnllty of Vlolntlnar Election Law, BOSTON, July 22. Representative Joseph O'Connell of the Tenth Massachusetts Con gressional district, was convicted In the Dorchester court today of violation of the election laws of tho state. It Is claimed that O'Connell distributed cards at on of th polling stations In Dorchester during the city election last January, contrary to law. Judge Churchill Imposed a fine of $30. The congressman appealed th case. Cleveland Celebrates Hlrthday. CLEVELAND, O., July 22-Thls city Is celebrating Its l!4th birthday today by vot ing pn a 2,000.0uo bond Issue to abolish grade crossings and a liSO.OW bond Ixsue t build, a tuberouloslR hospital. A nonparti san campaign ln favor ot the Issues waa conducted,