Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1910, Image 9

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A. : . ; - : -
Ev' ry - bo dy Reads Bee Want Ads
Farm lata ed Hooat Contlaaed.
PODGE HOTEL, Uth and Dodge, all cool
rooma; special rates by the week.
rate reasonable. D. 7260. 3474 Harney bt
OR SING UK, (or gentlemen, tn Tina Weit
Farnam home; every convenience; nun
be seen to be appreciated. O 466, Be.
NICELY furnished room; all conveniences;
gentleman preferred. Call 8613 St Mary's.
NICELY furnished room. In new modern
house, ' five blocks . from postof lice. 2012
Chicago St ' , . '
COOL, and pleasant rooma 101 N. Uth.
THREE large, beautiful modern rooms In
private family, furnished or unfurnished;
near car. 4066 Grand Ave. Tel. Web. 4734.
TWO single rooms, 12.50 up; private fam
ily. MS U. 2th. .
SIN OLE rooms, $2.50; private family, 411
B. 20tbj. ... ... -
TWO oooJ rooms. 1215 Douglas.
COOL room, nicely furnished, electrlo
light. and fan; bath; phone; nice poroh and
lawn; private nous; warning oistance, su
Ave., ana araam. narney wot.
' LARGE, cool rooms, modern conveniences;
nicely furnished, flu location, walking dis
tance, on Harney line; rent reasonable;
private horn. SB .-ta t
SMALL room; modern; private family;
Cheap. 712 N. Httn.
ratfliHABLK room: beautiful location:
private family! modera, 701 Georgia Ave.
T i i : -h :
FURNISHED rooms; bot bath. 124 8. 16th.
I Flat 12. 3d uppr. . . r
YOUNO MAN" to share comfortable fur
nished 1 room; reasonable Terms, sua rar
nam St." Phone Harney 3073.
VERY large, well-furntshed. south front
permanent parties. 2226 Famam.
NEW . house, up-to-date, modern rooms.
for gentlemen. oi Lake.
(24 S. 20th.
furnished rooma, all modern,
SINGLE rooms, 33 up. (It S. 16th. 8d floor;
flat.- -
ONE furnished room, modern. 146 8. lith
FURNISHED front room: private family,
ill N. 26th St. let ilea uua.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, nicely fur
nished; ClOS in. 143S . win Bt
NICE, cool, pleasant bedroom, second
floor, for one gentleman;- private family
icferances. (10 N. 86th St.
TWO -elegantly furnished rooms; private
nomer-woara K aesi-rea, ouiinw nno.jirfr
TWO furnished rooms for light house-
keeping: also sleeping rooms; modern, walk
" lug distance; 205 N. 23d ' ;
FURNISHED room, suitable for two, 32.60
aer week. oi f sa.
FURNISHED rooms, suitable for twn
gentlemen, 28 8. ltn Bt.; 3d floor, north
east cornur. '
ONE large front and one small room to
gentlemen only. 8U 8. 30th 8t
FRONT room for rent to two gentlemen
St 313 N. tUO St. Tl. ilougia 6235.
NICELY furnished single south front
room; also suigie west .room. 2228 Famam
Bt Flat 3. ' -
TWO Urge, cool rooms; modern; prlvatn
fimllvi walking distance; Is and 310.. Tel.
Harney 2366. Sous Dodge.
vim rmnt room for aentleman: in family
of adults; modern; olose in. 603 8. 22d.
In nice private home; one large alcove
room; all conveniences. 2567 St Mary's Ave.
BIG, cool, modern rooms.
SOU St Mary's. Ave. .
Nlca poreh.
NICELY furnished rooms in new, modern
house. 3013 Chicago tot.
VERY modern, pleesant
rooms. Call
Lvenlugs. . 3110 Chicago 1st
FRONT ROOM, 1950 South Tenth.
FOU RENT Modern, furnished single or
double rooms. '.lull Cass. '
FURNISHED ROOMd suitable for gentle
menId noor; i. i-2 J vr
SINGLE rooms $1.76. double rooms 33 and
83.60. Capitol Ave.
JJoith 17th St. -
8 1.60 and up. 1647
LARGE, cool rooms, neaily furnished. In
muUm home. 314 m. 2Ju.
' AL:OVi3 room. 111;
1215 California. "
single, 3fi monthly.
NICELY furnished modsrn room;
board If desired. 113 Chicago.
NICE furnished modern rooms,
able. 624 Mth. Tel. Red. 772.
TWO well furnished rooms, lull N. 34th
6t.. South Oraaua.
NICELY furnished, large, front
suitable for two., 201 So. 2&th Ave.
NICELY furnished roora-for rent reason
ble. tui aiaaui St, ault 1 'fhone
Jouglas o&U. . " .
FRONT room for two or three persons.
Sis f aniam, -
LA KG 13. cool bed raom. ground floor
nice home-with young couple for Jewish
gentleman. Call evenings. 2003 Chicago St
DESIRABLE room, tine location, private
lamuy, modem. u 3ist Ave.
TWO desirable front rooms suitable for
three young men. xioo Douglas.
TWO double rooms for rent 1818 Dodge,
FRONT parlor and bed room, south es
posure; te weca. zan rarnam.
ROOMS, walking distance; strictly mod
rn. 678 a. asm. tiarney wt.
TWO single rooms, ehesp; also room and
alcove; private. 1 frtii nt. Mary s Ave.
' eve
NICELY furnished room. 313 N, 36th.
URNISHED room, strictly first cli
ry thing new and modern; walking
distance. 33i Douglas.
EUtGANTLY furnished single and double
front roouisi also front parlor. liu Doug
NEWLY furnished, cool rooms la mod
em bouse. 314 N. luth bt
TWO suites of light housekeeping rooms,
814 and 316 per month; also double parlor,
tultable for four yuung men or wuoieu, 340.
Its S. 3eth St
NICELY furnished rooms, modern, large;
.tillable tor housekeeping or sleeping. 4u
N. 30d St
FNKNISHED room on parlor floor; suit
able for two, modern; walking distance.
J Uona, Tyler Uii. Sw CaiUorui sUeeb
Famished Rooaaa Coatlaacd.
NICELY flirnlali. .nmm tnAi1pn Urff
lawn; will furnish tor housekeeping for
desirable party. Phone B 2208. U24 N. 17U
COOL, nicely nanered housekeeolna? and
sleeping rooms, close In. 710 S. 14th street.
FRONT parlor, suitable for one or two.
gentlemen preferred. Red 7804. 407. N. 18th.
FURNISHED room for rent for lirht
housekeeping. 2010 Davenport street.
NICELT furnished front room, elbsa In:
modern. 204 N. Uth.
MODERN. M Der month, breakfast If pre
ferred. 1132 N. 20th St
ONE single room. 11.60 week: front par
lor for two, 3 week. 2310 Douglas.
FURNISHED rooms. 14 and tS ner month
for gentlemen: also first floor barlor for
young ladles at 32 per week; gas, running
water, telephone, laundry and pressing
privileges, iei. ntrey . itui Harney.
TWO small
rooms; also parlor.
Dodge street
furnished cool rooms. 1211 8.
Uth St.
SINGLE room, private house, rent cheap.
uu Chicago tt.
walking distance; private family. SOU
2020 Emmet, large room, modern. Phone
Webster 4170.
ELEGANTLY furnished front oarlor.
iirst iioor, reasonaDia, isu unioago.
COOL, strictly modern furnished rooms;
IQio is per montn. zt2s capitoi avenue.
NICELY FURNISHED rooms: gentlemen
oniy. 622 ho. 16th St., 3d floor, i iat 11.
3007 Lake fit.
and unfurnished rooms.
FOR gentlemen, nicely furnished room.
warning aisianoe, atricuy moaern; pnone,
electrlo fan; private family; references re
quired. 612 N. 30th street
.NICELY furnished rooms, modern.
8. 17U avenue.
FURNISHED room for ' rent; modern.
Wis N. 24th street upstairs; Web. 408.
NICELY furnished room, modern, pri
vate entrance, iu xm. street
ROOM, 32.60; private;
630 8. 34th street
modern cottage.
LARGE front parlor, elegantly furnished;
modern, olose In; laundry, light and cook
ing gas xurnisned; references; fie month.
sot . atn avenue.
- THREE rooms, partly furnished; water.
gas ana Dig yara, su. 421 B. aoth Ave.
NICELT f urnslhed rooms for gentlemen;
oiose 111. 210 is. lain.
Red U2S. . . -
1210 HARNEY Sa
FURNISHED rooms for rent 1701 Vinton
Bt. . ...
STRICTLY modern room fof centleman.
u b. 2&tn fit Douglas U2t.
NICELY furnished rooms: terms reason
able. 823 8. 30th 8t
TWO or three furnished rooms. 301 N. 30th
St 'Phone Douglaa 3Ues (Bell), Independent
pnone A-242e.
NEWLY furnished rooms In modern
house, by day and month. 2013 Chicago 8t
NICE clean furnished rooms, cheap at
lsis, unicago.
SINGLE room, private porch, nice bath
si weea. w& narney.
LARGE front room: everything new and
strictly moaein. uia Chicago ot Tel.
Douglas 4V68.
COOL rooms: gentlemen only: near good
boarding place; references required. 1710
N. 35th.
COME to 2563 St. Mary's Ave. if you
want a large, cool room with piano; also
single room. . ,
LARGE room, suitable for two ladles
modern; housekeeping It desired. Out 8.
37th st
FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen onlv
referencee required; near 33d and Cumins,
ii rt. asa bi. iei. xiarney urn
FURNISHED rooms: private family
moaern. 121 . sun.
Hctaeekaeplasj txaaaaa. .
' ONE extra large front room: large closet
newly furnished for housekeeplnat oath
phone; iu; walking distance.- -u Caldwell,
wen. J.
LIGHT, Tell furnished housekeeping
rouins, in range ana oaiu. enquire mira
floor, 161 Howard. . . ;
SUITABLE for dressmaking. il7 N. loth
TWO housekeeping rooms. 614 8. 32d.
MODERN, clean, airy rooma In fine rest,
dence. Close in. 2104 Webster Bt
FRONT room and back parlor for llrht
housekeeping; ground floor; modern. 2163
Harney. .
TWO newly papered housekeeping rooms.
44. i no. iiin.'
k'RONT and back rooms for sleeping or
nouscKeepiiig. narney.
HOUSEKEEr.lNQ rooms: reasonable, su
n. aa.
MODERN housekeeping rooms; gcod
nelghborhoou; walking Olslatice. . 2t3
. ONE or twoi rooms complete for house-
Keeping; ice Dos ana gas. aiu uougias.
TO young coupia, modern rooms, un
furnished or partly furuished. 1620 M St
South umana.
NICELY furnished modern front house
keeping rooms; ulhnr rooms, close In, 547
a 2itn Ave.
TWO modern housekeeping rooms,
1504 Davenport.
TWO or three rooms, furr.lshed com Pie 1
fur housekeeping; modern. 2100 Farnara
gas and linens furnished.
FOUR furnished or unfurnished rooms In
modern brick building; good neighborhood
ma witnin wanting omtance. si a. 3sth St
SUITE of large, handsomely furnished.
cool rooms; modern, rhade, walking dis
tance; iv ana si, sot a. ran.
LARGE rooms, also light housekeeping
TWO front rooms, completely furnished,
SUV PU. CQlll AVS. . .
NICELY furnished modern front house
keeping rooms; other rooms; close In. 647
a. stth Ave.
LARGE dining room and kitchen; house
keeping; modern. 423 N. 17th.
TWO furnished rooms, modern.
AOS Miami St ;
TWO modern bousskeeplng rooma 4ut a.
itth Ave.
MODERN light housekeeping rooma SulS
81. Mary's Ave.
FRONT parlor and lining room for lirht
housrkwptng. all complete. eu8 HuulU 2aih
St Tel. Uaruey UVS, . ,
Hauaekeeplac Raoaai
TWO rooms for llaht housekeCDlna-: mod
ern. 624 a 28th.
TWO nice rooms:
range, laundry
privileges, tm larnam.
ICJ.TCHKN and bedroom In haiammit ii
per week. 16.17 Dodge.
THREH fllfn!ah llh hnnu.
keeping; modern. 4244 Harney St ,
NICELY furnlhd all moilarn
able, two a lfth St
THREE modern ' furnished housekeeDlna
rooms, en suite, 1823 Chicago.
TWO nice, cool room for houMltMaintf.
t621 Harney. Harney (428.
STRICTLY modern room. Aomnlat for
housekeeping. (42 8. SSth.
THREE rooma tu ruin.
160 Grace.
B-2427. . .
TWO front room. houaekeeDlne.
rooms. 2018 Leavenworth.
REDUCED rates: furnished housekeeping
rooms, all modern; shade trees; all oui-
siae rooms, 12.60, 82.71, 8. 2022 Burt St.
Tel. 4402 Douglas.
TWO rooms. 87: 1 rooma 810: modern.
2624 Capitol Ave.
THREE ntcely furnished housekeeping
rooms, 4111 N. 2th Ave.; cheap If taken' at
once. Call 1310 Dodge St for Information.
THREE nlCeW urnlshad rooms: modern.
with new piano. 3666 St. Mary's Ave.
TWO rooms, bath, furnished complete for
housekeeping; modern; 2d floor. 22 N. 22L
HOUSEKEEPING rooms: modern, reas
onable.' 262tf Capitol Ave. 1
TWO nice front rooms. 1421 Dodge.
TWO furnished housekeeping room.i. gas.
ink, refrigerator; no children. HIS a. lath.
SUITE of housekeeping rooms, newly pa
pered, modern, walking distance. 2u01
HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 113 S. 24th St
ROOMS for light housekeeping, 818 N. 17th
TWO modern front rooms, furnished com
plete, refrigerator and sewing machine.
307 N. 16th St '
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. 814 8. 17th Ave.
MODERN rooms.
2210 Harney St Red
HOUSEKEEPING! rooms, single or en
suite. 615 N. 20th.
CLEAN, cool rooms; housekeeping al
lowed. 2013 Harney.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, mod-
tun; references. 2113 Chicago. ,
HOUSEKEEFINO rooms: furnished. If2&
Capitol Ave. ... . . n
FOUR - rooms, .furnished conDleta Jor
housekeeping no children: and references.
m N. 40th. -
THREE furnished light . housekeeping
rooms. 608 N. 16th St
FOUR unfurnished ground-floor rooms:
modern, except beat: close In; rent- 812.50.
(31 S. 25th Ave. , , ,
Uafuralsaed Rooma.
THREE strictly modern rooms.- unfur.
nlshed, for light housekeeping. 475s N. 24th.
FOUR nice housekeeping rooms: 91 N.
34th St, nesr Cuming; price 312.60. Apply at
office. 1714 Webster St.
MODERN, 8 rooms, 310 unfurnished. 346
8. SSth St
FOR RENT T-room strictly modern, close
In; 2021 Webster St
UNFURNISHED rooms; modern.
614 S.
th St Harney 4348.
THREE nice rooms, water and u.
per month. 8103 N. 27 tit St Tel. B-2W1,
Apartments mad Flare.
ELEGANT 3, 4 and (-room apartments.
Strehlow Terrace. Webster 4238.
NEWLY papered S-room flat; modern.
except heat; 313- 1600 N. 20th St Conrad
Young, 1518 Dodge utreet
SERVANTS problem solved: S rooms eon.
densed Into 6; steam heat; electrlo light and
laundrv: hot and cold water: wall bed. safe.
gas stove, refrigerator; janitor service. The
Hunter, 26th ana Doage. iei. Douglas .4122.
wtTRNIflHED apartment of S rooms, first
floor; modern; piano, tetepnone. eta xogg st
Mary's Ave.
vrr.Y b-fti!!fil apartment : West Far.
nam district; modern and compute, fer-
rine woicott v sranaeis j. neater.
Paralaaed lloases aad Flats,
SEVEN-ROOM furnished modern home.
in West rarnam district, lor lease lor a
,ur t40 ner month: lawn, shade, barn, etc
Furnace heat. One block from cars. , Address
Box L 42s, care umana Deo.
WILL rent our furnished home for month
of August to a congenial couple. Refer
ences required. W. D. Williams, phone
Doug. S270.
llaaees and Cottagres.
HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt Brandels
Theater Biag.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded:
cheap freight rates; moving and storing.
Expressmea'S Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. itn.
FOR RENT Eight-room brick house,
modern. 8 minutes' wsik to city ball, avti
Capitol Ave. Tel. Doug. 4a
7-ROOM house, modern except furnace
tbSi Davenport tJw. Tel. Duug. 2710.
OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move,
mm household goods: storehouse. 1120-4 N
Uth; office. 300 . 17th St. Tsl. Douglas 156s.
TTrtTTQV.S n an parts of the city,
v-" Craigh Sons a Co.. Bee Bidg.
FOR RENT 4-room cot laid, tlt Capitol
Ave.: oatn; goou wumuum, goou repair;
nearly new, - mn.
NINE-ROOM modern detached brick, 1414
Gherwood Ave., . ratierson, iuhi far
nam St
v-UT choice e-room house .entlralv miui
m hardwood finish; four bed rooms an.i
sleeping porch; tile bath room; located la
Field cuio aistnct; suuui ana west ex
posure; 860- reiers irusv co.. xm. y. ut.
S-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum
mer or longer, i-vii.
403 N. 26TH 8T., S rooms, modern except
neat HI. 1
4t4 N. 38th St., S rooms, mcdern except
heat, 123. 1
StilO Jones St., S rooms, all modern', 136.60,
8446 Ames Ave., 3 rooms, modern, 310.
4120 N. 2tith Ave., 3 rooms, all modern,
322.60. '
84fi California, S rooms, all modern, 333.
3212 Mason St., S rooms, all modern, 335.
3X'7 Fowler Ave., 1 rooms, modern except
heat 111.
Hut s. 32d Bt, S rooms, modern except
beat te
421 Bee Bidg.
Phones Douglas 4754. Independent A -1761.
S ROOM houses strictly moaern, 12s. jza,
Ponylulou Ave .
Hoaees and Cottn'i Coatlnaed.
FOR RENT Just completed, fcew, elegant
l-room all modern brick house. It has 8
rooma, with an extra room on the third
floor proviued with hot and cold water for
the servant besides a neat room for stor
age. This house is beautifully finished in
quarter-sawed oak, latest nickel plumbing,
and a perfect little gem. Sea It 316 N.
list SI.
I will also have several nice, new, brick
houses ready for ocoupancy In a few days.
They are located on the corner of 20th
and Davenport streets, right In the best
residence section ot the city, these houses
are especially well built. They have eight
rooms with additional servants and store
rooms on the third floor. Including extra
bath room for the servant. They are sub
stantially and elegantly finished tn hard
wood with mantel, book cases, etc. in fact
there Is nothing better on the market See
them and you will want one. For price,
apply to C. M. Backman, 426 Paxton Blk.,
Phone Red-2623. Residenc Phone, Doug.
1819 N. 86TH ST., 4 rooms, 812.
1508 Yates St., 7 rooms, modern, 827.60.
32:'s S. 23d St., two-story, containing 6
room, modern flat on first floor and S-room
modern flat -on second floor; steam heat;
splendid arrangement for two families; will
redecorate; 30 for both flats.
612 8. 27th St, 6-room modern St Louis
flat, 135.
311 Brandels Theater.
Houses for Kent
We have houses for rent In all parts of
town. Seo us first we have what you want
Engelbrecht & Raver,
1710 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 4379. Omaha.
8-ROOM house, 113 N, 26th St., 330.00.
NEARLY new six-room modern house,
hot water heat, water paid. 826. 3303 N.
Twenty-seventh street. '
8-ROOM cottage; large yard; 1 block from
high school or central; 335. 2113 Douglas St
8 rooms; city water on both floors, well
and cistern. Suitable for two families.
Will Dut In a-ood reuaira Look at 3401 Da.
catur nd 1710 North 34th and make aa
offsr. We want to rent . tneiu. Nowata
Land c Lot Co, 624 si. 1. Ufa Bldg.
Pbona Red U03.
S-ROOM cottage, close In, 10.
6 rooms, clear In, 811.60. -
7 rooms, brand new. on Capitol Ave..
Close in, ee.
658 New Jork Lit Bidg.
'Phone Red 1399.
NINE-ROOM modern brick house, north
part 01 city, va.
l-room apartment 1917 Clark, 310.
8-room apartment Ui7 Clark. 3V.
4-room apartment city water, toilet 313 50.
s-room apartment, l&Bk fi. Kin, ill.
C. M. BACUMAN, 438 Paxton Block.
'Phone Red in; Residepce Doug. 6O118.
S-ROOM cottage, close In, 310.
b rooms, clear In, 312.600 ivt-''
7 rooms, brand new." hwCaoitol Ave..
. t'.r mi -
068 New York Ltt Bidg. ,
'Phono Red im
Houses, flats. Oarvln Brog. 3d floor N. T. L.
Bulte 624 N. y. Lit Bidg. Red ISO.
HOUSES, flats.
Garvin Bros., 3d floor
N. Y. L.
8-ROOM brick flat
1404 South Eighth
street Forest Hill.
NICE 8-room house' for rent; modern ex
cept heat 4J5U Cuming street. 'Phone, Har
ney I60B.
NO EQUAL Centrat" location, 4-r, corner
flat Apply 220 North 3M. 'lizard Block.
NEW 6-ROOM brick house; medern;.828
. 24th St Owen Mot 1 trey.
2403 8. 17th Bt. A modern 8-room
bath cottage. F. R. Qoaney, 080 n. 1. -
Bidg. D. 4334. .
7-ROOMS, modern. In good repair; large
corner lot: 1502 Ohio St.; 328 per month in
advance. Apply 1818 Lothrop St. 'Phone
B. 3244.
tores and Offices.
6TORE-ROOM-1807 Farnam St
Semi-basements, well lighted. U07 and 1808
Farnam street.
Store room. 618 If. 24th Bt, 80. Omaha.
THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge log.
Both 'Phones..
Uneaualled Opportunity Grocery and
meat market with fixtures complete: no
equal. Tlsard Block. Apply za N. 23d st
we otter 1 or rent me one-
story and basement brick store
room at 914 Farnam. This prop
erty baa trackage facilities in
rear. Apply
17th and Farnam.
FOR RENT about Sept 1; central loca
tion nna of beat business towns of Ne
braska; modern store building, 10,000 feet
floor space; now buuaiug; suitaoie lor de
partment store. Auami ua, m,
(12.00 Large office room on 16th St,
p. O., No. Crounse Blk.
Conrad xoung,
408 Braudels Annex.
WELL LIGHTED store. 22x100. 103 a. 10th,
Carter Sheet aietat noraa
If you have anything to sell or trade
advertise It In The Bee Want Ad col
umns and get quick results.
Second hand pieces as follows:
One flat top walnut desk,
One 18-drawer 3x5 card case.
One waste basket. ,
Five office chairs.
One rug. I .
17th and Farnam
. Typewriters.
BUY sn L. C. Smith Bros. Typewrite
B. F. Swanson to., Distributers, 131
t-arnurn rt.
YOU can rent sn OLIVER TYPK.
WRITER with oak sisnd, (3 monthly. fro,n
manufacturers, most Interested In satisfae-
OUver Typewriter Co., pff; mt
Typewriters for Rent sfi.?
1316 Fsrnsm St. Omaha.
'SECOND-hand typewriters sold, repaired.
CeuUal Typewriter fcicuanga, ujj Farnau!
Musical iDStroraeate.
PLAYER attached; - full octave; leaving
city, must be sold or traded for land at
once. J 443, tsee.
LEAVING city and want to dispose of
my new Steinway baby grand piano; will
give time on part Address O 4, Bee.
The Economy -oufcrr..hSIf1!
H. Welrlch Fixture Co.. all kinds of
mill work. ,
FOR SALE Two high pressure Kewanee
steam boilers 86-horse capacity each, else
90 Inches by 16 feet. We can show a Boiler
Liability Company's inspection or these
boilers as late as July 12th, showing the
boilers In first-class condition and the
company approves a steam prensure of 135
pounds per square inch. Hollers can be
seen in oommlBslon and will be ready to
deliver about September 16th to October 1st.
Offered tor bale on account or putting in
larger power plant. John G. Woodward &
Co., "The Candy Men," Council Bluffs, la.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables. Wa lead the world In chp
bar fixtures; easy payments, orunswica-
ttalke-Collenoer, ui b. ivto at.
rwi ft ot cottqnwood lumber and
V,UW brick for sale. Corneer
Broa, 14th and Dorcas Sis. .
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
sates, all rises and makes; bargains.
American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St
WB HAVE on hand a number of Ink
barrels which we will sell for 60 cents each.
They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call
at press room. eee uuiumng co.
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. ISIS Farnam.
PP. WHY '7 suitabla for butcher
DJA. r .-rocer. 'Phone Doug. Xfea
Standard Produce Co., 416 8. Uth St
FOR SALE 6,000 shares Uncle Sam oil
stock, transferable on company books for
8200 cash. A, L, Delbel, Pierce Bidg., St
Louis, Mo.
liKUGa at cut prices; freight paid on all
810 orders; catalogue free. - Sherman A
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE A practically new Wales vis
ible 8225 adding machine. Reasonable pries.
818 Little Bidg.. Lincoln.
Filters Missouri Filter Co.. 131a Howard.
15 H. P. GAS ENGINE for sale. Web.
About 40 feet of 29 Inch diameter No. 20
gauge, galvanized pipe, with four 4a-inch
elbows and T. This was used for ventilat
ing purposes, and pipe Is in good condition.
The Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam,
60 FEET shelving-: 80 feet counter. In
quire 1046 So. 20th. Phone Doug. 7228, be
tween and 12, mornings.
WANTED Street carnival attractions
nd concessions for sale. Old Settlers
Plcnlo at Newcastle, Neb., August 33.
Write J. P. McGrath, President
Alice Johnson, 306-8 Brandels Theater Bidg.
B. 8. Peterson, 818 Brandels Theater Bidg,
Kathryn Nikolas, 834-6 Brandels Theater,
JOHN DE VOX. 820 Brandels Theater,
D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
W1LLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
tn u. p. fat. t.'rnco. 818 paxton jbiR. it rai.
muBBagv wioauuenr siomscn injuuto.
Margante Halloran. 228 Neville Blk. D. 778L
RtpifViPQ frora combings, 81.60. Mrs. S.
DWlltlies Mathews, 304 Neville Bk. D. 6263.
HINDOO 'TAB BETS will build.
sirengioen. ouc jbuul puuu CIA
MRS. EGGERS" private confinement
borne, 1616 Martha Bt, Omaha, Neb. Tel.
uougias bz).
utiaitu in every glass Aismaa lActona
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers are invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building at
Seventeenth St and St Mary's Ave., where
they will be directed to suitable boar din ir
places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our
traveler s aia at me union station.
MMB ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt
glow and massage. 1806 Dodge St, oppo
site posioiiive. eu uuur. leu uuui. iqqo. .
YOUNG lady employed during the day
wants board and room In return for com
panionship at night; will be willing to work
some. JN 44(, aem.
RTRICTLY private boma
for . confine.
ments; excellent care; babies fof adoption.
IbH Davenport
RVT?TMflF.Sl Rubber goods by mall; cut
alogua. Mxcits-Diuon urug jo.. oinaha.
GROW new liair by Using Mme. Frayer s
delight Hair f ood. Megeaih Stationery
i- i -
WK icai and repair ail Minds uf aawins
macnines. ina, a-xwu, xoug. jwu,
litth and Harney Uta -
Room sus Old Boston Store Bids.. 4th
floor, elevator entrance, uv H. 16th St
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bidg.
PRIVATE HOME during confinement
babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani
tarium. 740 ut Ave., council Bluffs, la.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off
clothing, In fact anything you de not need
We collect repair ana sen at t.14 w. nth
Kr for cost of collection, to the worth
poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 aud wagons
win can.
PIT TTSi cured without operation or pain.
tTlXitUO rjr- Maxwell. 624 Bm Bidg. D. 1424
litatmsa.. Mme. Smith.
422 & lllth. ThlrA E1!...
WrtflC and toupes for men. Griffith.
IU(3 u an(4. j, FRENZFR BLOCK.
308IB WASHBURN'S book. "The Under
world newer," at all book stores; price si ta
MAGNETIC i"inu, .Urotu ai
EXPKRT china packer; wedding preaont
i specialty. i vaveupori. mo, 1-riv
When you have anything to sell or trade
dvertlse It In The Be Want Add columns
S. M. SADLER A SON, 308 S. 18th St,
GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1822 Farnam.
PETER JESSEN. JR. Tel. Douglas 12 J'
' REED AHSTItACT CO., fcst 1M; prompt
service; get our prices. 20 Brandels tliestrr
BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brandels Bidg.
Tel. D. 1271- St3 Ramge Bidg. New houses
1201 Farnam. Ground Floor.
After Aug. 1, City Bank Bidg.
Bemis Park Beauty
Neatest home von nan finA tn ma11
family, 3 rooms and square hall down, 3
and bath upstairs. Hot water heat pretty
lawn and terrace. Occupied for a few
years by family of two. who have left
city. Price 34.S0O. We are going to sell
this, maybe at lower price, and on terms
that will suit you. Bee It today.
1008 N. T. Life Ring.
Douglas 1162; Evening or Sunday, H. 6134
60x136 ft. on Davenport St.; near 61st! all
specials in; only 946.
4-room cottage with new modern plumb
ing; full cellar; only 3fK cssh, balance
monthly payments 117.60. 85th and Mason; 1
block to car. Call and
These lots are onlv two blocks from car
line, and In a location where houses rent
well. Single lots adjoining have sold for
11,000. Eastern owner wants to sell quick.
668 New York Life Bidg. Red 1969.
Choice lots in different parts
of pity, $1.00 cash and 50 cents
per week. ,
Tel. D. 786, 836 N. Y. L. Bidg.
Lots 1 and 1. block 1. and lots 1 and
block 4, McCormick's 2d. Both corners.
- 608 New York Life Bidg.
'Phone Red 1999.
HOME In Dundee, strictly modern: ex
ceptionally choice; owner leaving city: in
quire on premises, ou umcago ou u. a.
FOB SALE it a bargain. Modern 8-room
house, good location; east front; hot water
heat; cistern; laundry and barn. Inquire
Douglas 668.
7-room square house, brand new, all mod
ern, large lot very (.neap ana on easy
SSS N. Y. Ufa Bidg. 'Phone Red ltftS.
DTTMDEE home, t rooms, strlctlv mod-
ern, very tins oak finish; price 83,860; very
easy terms. 'Phone owner, Harney 6210.
FOR . SALE Best building lot in Field
elub district; corner 88th and Poppleton
facing club; 100 feet frontage; high ant
sightly; 83.300. Phone Doug. 3274.
Cool Lots
Where tba Ylew and breezes are.
North 38th Ave., high ground; all
specials paid; 60 ft; only 1 2,4.00
Money to build.
California, just east of 38th, street
Jut payed, full lot, needs a little grad
ing; or would ask $1,600, but this
owner writes us to sell for $1,100.
. 1003 N. Y. Life.
Doug, or A-2152.
Houses for Sale
Tf vnn want a bargain see us, wa have
several this wesk from 8000 up. See us first
if you want real bargains.
Engelbrecht & Raver,
1710 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 4378. Omaha
5-ROOM cottage, just north of
Bemis Park, near Harney car.
Both combination gas and elec
tric light, barn, south front lot,
40x127, laying nice. Only $2,100.
W. H. Gates, 644 N. Y. Life.
Phone Douglas 1294.
GOOD COTTAGE, $1,650 (
irivin-room cottage in good repair, gas
and city water; cistern, barn and buggy
shed. Near SOlh and Franklin SU. Lot
36x140. Reasonable terms. Ask to see it
City, Suburban, Farm Property; Fire, Tor-
nado, relate jws imui .
Bonds; -Factory Sites and Busl-
ODoortunitles at Ralston.
300 South Seventeenth Street Both Phones.
all modern: lots of shrubbery.
shade and fruit trees; nice lawn, large lot;
3,&U0; terms easy.
68 N. Y. Lite Bidg. Phone neo jw.
lrnn SALE Two-story dwelling. In good
repair, with two large barns, situated on a
one-acr tract, within the corporate limits
of Bradshaw, Neb., in the center of the
richest section of the state. Has been used
bv the owner for several years in tho
norae Otisineaa. ' 1 mm . n w" w.
fifty miles around as a reliable place for
the buying or selling of horses. Call on or
address, First National Bank, Bradshaw,
Third lot west of 37th on the south side
of Manderson St. Owner wants to sell
badly. Look at It and make offer.
tat N. Y. Life Bidg. Red. lw.
AM LEA VINO OMAHA Will offer my
home for 8 day at a sacrifice. If you tha most homelike cottage In the
city, look the property over quick and make
an oiler, uu-' i.iiiiurnii oi -
Best Bargains
Best Terms
On New Modern
Only One-Tenth Cash
1L30 S. Itth St.. t-room, new attractive
cottage, U modern but furnace; on east
front lot. 40 feet wide, on paved street and
car line. Price 3,3ul; U3) cash; 11 W a
month pays born principal and Interest.
l.VMi S. 24th St., T rooms, new, all modern,
piped for furnace on lot 40 feet wide. Just
completed and a dandy home for someone.
prloe. UMK; 3340 cash; 333.46 a month covers
Join principal and Interest.
W14 Haruey SU
New Home
Must Be SoloV
34 OflO for 1518 Lothfop street, vri-room,
two-story, modern, square house, oak fin
ish; lot 60x126 feet. One-fourth cash, bal-
ance like rent. Owner on premies, in
vestigate st one. ii i
Only $500 Cash
And the balance in easy monthly ay
ments will buy you A 7-room, all modern
residence on Dewey .Ave., near 33d St,
only two years old; in excellent condition;
nicely decorated throughout. Full south
front lot 60x100; for further particulars st
The Byron Reed Co.,
Both Phones.
sua 8. Uth Bt .
Unequalled Bargain
Substantial 8-Room Homo
Near Florence Boulevard
This Is not a "Built for Bale"
proposition In fsct such a house
could not be built today, as the .
cost would be prohibitive.. It's a
nous of large, light airy rooms,
with timbers of 2x studding and
rafters, instead ot 3x4. and 8x12 ,
floor Joists, instead of 3x or 8x10,
all of white pine Instead of yellow
pine, as Is used nowadays. The .
entire exterior ..finish and siding
are also white pine. The house
is not new, but has been delight
fully modernised, with very best
plumbing 8-foot tub combination ,
fights throughout and lM-lnoh par
quette flooring in hall, parlor, liv
ing room and dining room, all of
. quarter-sawed oak, wax finish. It
has roomy front and side pordhea.
the latter soreened in, looking out .
upon a beatiful wooded glen; full
basement nicely cemented and di
vided Into various rooms for stor
age, furnace, laundry, toilet etc.;
paved street, permanent walks,
fine lawn In fact, everything In -A-l
condition. Owner Is moving
to western Nebraska and must
sell. Here's your -opportunity. ,
Payne, Bostwick & Slater,
Bole Agents. th Floor, N. Y. Ut Bidg.
Home Acres
Half-Acre Lots
7 Half-Acres Left
You will have to hurry If you want oat
They are selling fast to people who knoi
a good thing when they sea it. . ... . ..
Very Low Prices
to Close Out
$275 to $350
$10 Cash $10 a Month
- Only six blocks to street car Una, thret
blocks from paved road. You can't miss U
buying ground close to a growing city 11 kf
Omaha. Each half-acre equal 3 addition -lots.
Automobile service to show- this addltloa
The Kind of Home
Which Doesn't
Appear on the market very often
for the price. v
Wa don't usually talk snaps, but
this Is so evident' that we can't
help It .. . i. . .
We have an S-room,' all mod ens
house In Bensonhurst
The house Is situated on a good '
boulevard. Is new, heated by hot :'
air, finished In oak,, with a fine
large living room the width of the
The lot Is an extra, large, -one, SS
ft. frontage by 36 ft. depth.
The owner will hot rent but will
sell on payments, whlon will about .
equal rent ;: .-
We hold the place at 33,800 and
you can arrange practically your
ewsj terras.
A P. Tukey & Son,
445 Board of Trads. Phone V, I18L '
House and 3 Lots
Corner 45th and Ohio, opposite the -newly,
platted Crelghton traot (Clalrmont). Well
built S-room house; built 8 years ago; all
modern and finished in bard wood; beauU
ful shrubbery and, trees. Price 8&.7&0.
New Bungalow
On Grand Ave., near Florence Blvd.; very
unique and attractive only 83,760, Door
open; terms to suit you. . .... ' .
The Morrison Home
S. and E. front on Florence Blvd. and
Orsnd Ave., Is now as good or better than
new. We have snent naarlv r nno m
It right up-to-date, Including hot water
heat. The grand old forest trees and tha
beautiful view over Carter park are still
unchanged. We don't like to rent It; the
occupant of this
piaoe snouid own It
Nine large rooma
Price 37.600, Any
reasonable terms,
Harrison Si, Morton,
tit N. Y. Life.
Tel. D. Ill
New Cottage Homes
Brand new modern bungalow, five
very large rooms; best of plumbing;
fine combination lighting fixtures;
large basement; .very large lot; well
located; close to North 24th ear line.
Price 13,760; $600 cash. -
Brand new modern 6-room cottage,
well located, close to North 24th car
line; bouse well finished; rooms all
large; base of house 34x88 ft.; beet of
plumbing and lighting fixtures; large,
good neighborhood. Price ' $2,860;
$500 cash. - , , .
Also another new modern house of
five rooms, only one year old; rooms
large and all newly papered; fine
south front lot; only one block from
Ames Ave. car. Price $2,600; $400
cash, or will consider building lot ai
first payment.
J. W. Rasp Co.,
' 689-91 Brandels Bidg.
Doug. 1663; A-2663,
i 'at