i THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY JULY 22, 1910. ' Denver Moves Up Ahead of Sioux City; Omaha Passes Des Moines; Athletics Were Defeated OMAHA' POLLS' rJ)0VS SIODX Second Victory from ' Indians Drops Them from First Race. EOUEKES PUT OINQEIt IN PLAY Devle, Kan; TksftitM' d Merlarlty Wallop Iowa Brand of nail Tat l r, Vvmmm aad Mdtaa. .. Omihi, 10;.BIou Cty, S.. Omaha toV anpiher from Slous. City Yf terdoy, batting to-eitaher out of th bo and dropping. the 'Indians to second place In the leatfi. " , ' " In the -1rni' Inning 'the 'Roerliee took n four runs and all through, had things their own way. After, the vlfltor had been re tired In one-two-three order Davis, the flrat batter for. Omaha, line .it a two-bagger. Corridon bit and-Flnon sacrificed J)bvIb to third and i'orrtdon'ti Yocond. Kane was next and , with a rtiight; three-timer dut aitalnet ttje cepfeiv. 'fjeld ..fence brought In Davie and Corridon. i, Moffcarlty followed with a single, scoring Kana, and waa hm ' aelf brought Irt on a two-ban hU by Welch. Everyone baited In Hie first, . ! In the third Moilarlty, after reaching flrt on Qulllln'a erro and eecond, on a throw to third, was brought hpnieon a single by Welch. ,,- : The Visitors md their first run In the fourth oh a' hrtebgef y" Qulllln, fol-j lowed by a long to 'center by Fenlun. Davis brought In another .fqf the .locals In the fourth. v lie aent out a drive to right field for two bases, vas. sacrificed to third and came In on a balk by Freeman. On a three-Das hit by Thomson and three errors by AIouk 'City,' Orriaha gathered In three more In the lift Ix. Another In the seventh was the last ' In the seventh, Sioux City also took In on, but waited until the ninth for the fina,rrelvH. 3 Miller walked and went to third pn a, double by Neigh bors. Hartman ittppfg. Ja warm one don past second for single,' scoring Miller and Neighbors, llartmah came in on single by Stem. Score: 1 ' J OMAHAi " , ABV R."H. PO. A. Davis, cf. ...... Corridon, sr.. Flood, lo 1 I 3 0 Kane, lb.. Morlarlty Itf,(l..v,4.i1 Thomson. If. .....6 1 Welch, rf, 0 2 Cadman. V.i f T1" i Hollenbeck, p 1 0 ' -l-.il r.- Total., Wj ,J0 12 v . .,-. SIOUX CITr. AB. H. H. PO. ..S O 0 0 A. 0 0 s 0 ' 0 js. Andreas, 1ft" . . . . atem, lb gulllln, Sb..,,... Penlon. Ifv..4. .. i 0 Myers, rf ....'....- 4 1 Miner, c.,.. .;- .1 Hartman, ss..v.v .. V . Ill Hammond, p..Tr..:-,V.-.' f 0'-0t 01. r reriitmi, y p.'.i.v.w v v a a' McLean, a.iH,....v.,J 0, OJO. I .Welch ...U...jf tt.lfi 0 L.1 0 11 1 Batted for McfksrrMn ninth. Omaha . .t- t '; Buns' ....4 0 1110 10 10 Hits 4 0 I I I 1 1 -l. feloux City Buna t 0010 0-108-8 Hits " '..'..'.".0 T 0 1 0 111 110 Two-baBfl hits: rav'.'-VTel(,4t,",Mvri, Kane, Neighbors. Thrt;ti-paa tittg''. Kane, Thompson, Wulllin. First base trl balls: Oft HoDMihecky ,: sf ( itfsoman.-J. Struck out: By-r.!Holldhr)ii'kiV t; .lr.. .f'reeman, S. Left on bv.es Omahj 'S; Hldui City, T. touble- piays: Corridon to.Jlpod to Kane; Flood to Corridon to Kane. H.t with p t(hl ball: By Hammond, 1. ' Stolen bases' Flood, Cadman, Hum. (Wur1lo. hits: Corridon, Flood, Morlarlty, KcnjQn, Umpires; Stern berg and park. T,rrie LSS. . . ' otes of 'the tsaime. ' Today Is ladles" day.',' . " The Bourkes played an errorless game. Keeley and O'Toolewdl be In the box today. Corridon; ' Flood 'nd Kane ' took In . two more doubles. , . Hallenbeck had fine support from begin ning to end. 81a errors were halked up against tho Eloux City lads. Sioux City mad e xt the ten hits In tne iaat tnree iiuius. - Hammond ptU'hodM only four men. Free. man lastwl untH ,'fae- 'seveptn... McLean ,.J .'.l.i ...... Kane 'caiucw'aiU.,.". He lpade four hits in five timerf tiiwn suikiiea, a two-bsgger and a thiee-baggor. H. Welch of flotix City", who holds quite a reputation as a Hitter; batted for McLean In the, ninth, but went to tirst on balls, The game ycuterday changed the position of botti HlouK city and Omaha. The Kourkes mined tip a notch and Sioux City was arivon 01: in top ct tne lauaer. LINCOLX t, i)KPKA,T CUAB1P8 atttnw, lUr, lai Sixth Brlna In t tVrTlt.X" V.., .luW 91 t Unnln Aa tested Lea Muiuea ioluy, 6 to 4, by virtue or a batting rally in tne siKtn inning, which netted two runs. ' tioiri' tntehers were ul u but wereaucoi jau pei,fc . support. Tne -JJ UNCOIL. ' AB. It. II o. s 11 It A. Jude. If Gagnler, as..,. Cole, cf Cobb, rf Cockman," tt,. V I 1 0 '6 0 0 1 ' 8 avtv J ..Hi.. 4 A nomas, 10 WeldensauL io..v tr -. . .. . 1 ' y 3 X 1 "vx,. p..r,.4;.A. I TotsJa.,,..., i i T 3; ' 14 . 3 i.jjw Uomm. ' ' AB, IV H. O. Bader,' rf.. 4.1-1 0 Coiligan, 1 1 Curtis. lf....v t 1 n, Lnvyer, lb.,...... ..... 4 ?o 1 1 Mattick, cf. 4 0 1 Maholf. iu., a 1 Davis, ss..... .v... 4 ' 0 f 0 C'lemnions. C.......J, J I 1 V 3 9, Williams l ll tl) Hersctie, p 0 V U Totals ...J 4 4 U 9 Williams batted' for Clemmon In . the ninth. ; t". . i. v - ' J Lincoln .i.$....M,-.?X O f 0 0. 3 0 0 -3 1S Moines... 4-,i.. :.. "1 1 4 8 V v u o 4 Two-base hits: Cobb, CoLkmun, Thomas, Bader, btoieii buces,. cuautuii, .Mellon. bacntice tnta:v tu 0,' j'lvm, itouoid plays: CoUiguu to un te "uwyer; .Ual- llca to Heracue ii (."'"tua to ClatiMlioiis. barnud itiual...Llilcuiii, .; lH'S jiuhh-b, I. Lett on bane: UliuUlu, a: AJes Moilics, 4. feliucH ouy liy f ox, V; by lieni.u, 4. aase on bitU: Oft ; off lierscue, 4. Vvi.U pl.cu: " iVav luiirf Law. L'nipil'va; bpencvr and flyntj1. i-' t - t ; i ,' . , i OaUTS TWO UO.Vi;HS AD I.OSklS 4 St. Joaeph Ituas Over ' Wlrklta, ' Ten . . tt Til WlCH'T; lisit.. , wuiyt 'iit Two" UOtr.o runs V.erv all li.-t based Vklcmta now being snui ut by at.jjMpira pla ing ai:u liiiico luuiufc lyuay, . Score; i - . At iOJHt'A. v, All. it. H. U. A.K. Belden,- If. aliudu'lon,T. Claue, s Hughes, th Kovrner. lev 1'etugrew, rf. .. ...Ml. . U . U 1 0 9 2 2 . 1 . U 4 0 v- 9 1 - U 2 9 9 1 1 ... 4 ... 4 ... Waauriil. .... ....... ,4 Jokeist, ot. .'... ,...x 4 a0 s 1 Duiham. pv a vl Hi Totals. !." ,.,;'. 8 14 8 11. if. D A . 1 .1,4 0 Powell. If. .-,..,.. 6 3 0 Jones, lb T. ,."., ;.i . 'U Mo.'he5neycf... J ., 1 1 .4 0 0 Corhan, sa. -....'.,..'.. 3 1 - I '"O 4 1 Relllv. SK 4"4 1- 1 r--S.-"4 ur, rf 3 10 10 STANDING OP: THE, TEAMS. WEST. LEAOL'E. I NATL. I.RAOUR. W.L, Pet I W.I,.Prt. Denver S2 Chlcaai M T Hloux City.. M 32 New Tork. . . 15 H .570 Lincoln 50 37 Mfi Pittsburg ...4S M .W Wichita .....47 M .Sf. Cincinnati . .4? 40 .MI Pt. Joseph.. .37 "I .'3 Phila 3S 40 .47 le Moines. M .1" Ht. Un a 37 4R .41 Omaha ro .4ri Hrooklyn ,...st .4)5 Topeka U ,33 Bodton M 51 .?M AM Lit. LKAOt'R. I AMER. ASSN. W.LPct W.KPct. Phlla. SS .:Mlnneapollg..5 :l .HZ Nfv Vork...4 31 .11I St. Paul 56 89 ,5M Boston 50 3i ,I2I Toledo 63 40.570 retrolt .;....44 40 .MiKn. City. ...45 46 .5"0 Cleveland ...31 42 . tl'lolumbus 41 48 .41 Wnsh 13 41 Milwaukee ..40 51 .4V) Chicago 32 43 .1'IridlanspollS..Jf .T .3"7 Ht Ivouls 24 64.3(NLouisvllle ...14 W .30 NBBi LKACMJK. "l MIN1C LEA O Vi? . W.L Pct I .. W.LPct. Fremont M 25 .SrClarlnda 0 .B4- 4 Gr. Island. ..33 27 .550 Neb. City. .1.81 2 .5,4 Htiperlor ....32 l .5'W Kalis Cltv....2 H .frO Heward ..,...! 30 .5WlAuburn ...... T M .fl Ktarnev ,...30 3-: .47 Hhonandoah 2S 31 itt Huntings' ....23 32 . 47 Mary villo ...ilii .ibd fTrtliimtius ...27 34 . 44:( Red Cloud ...24 31 .42H Yeaerdr'a ' Hrsalte. ;' WESTERN LEAOUK. '' ' 1 Sioux City, 6; Omaha. 10. Des Moines, 4; Lincoln 5. 1 , A m. Joseph, 10; Wichita, 2. v- Topeka, i; Lenver, 8. ,- V AMERICAN LEAdeE. -V . Cleveland, 1; Washington, 8. ChicaKo, S; Phlladelpnia, 2. 8t. Louis, 2; New York, 19, Letrolt, 0; Uoston, 4. NATIONAL LEAUCE. Brooklyn, 1; Pltisburg. 6. Hecond game, Brooklyn, 0; Pittsburg, 7. ... Boston, 0; Chicago, I. New York, 0; Ht. Louis, 2. " Philadelphia, 3; Cincinnati, I. ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City, I; Columbus, 4., Mliwsukee, 6; Toledo, 0. MlnnegpollK, t; Indianapolis, 2. St. Paul, 4; Louisville, 3. ' NKBHA8KA LKAQL'E. Fremont, i; Superior, 1. Seward, ; Red Cloud, 2. Columbus, 3; Hastings, 4. (Twelve In nlngs -. - , tirand Island. 2; Kearnev. 1. MINK LEAGUE. Shenandoah, 1; Maryvllle, 8. Auburn, '!; Falls City, t: f Nebraska City, 6; Clarlnda, 4. .. Games Tqgar. Western League-Sioux City at Omaha, ls MoIiks at Lincoln, St. Joseph at Wichita, lopeka at Denver. American League Cleveland at Washing ton, Chicago at Philadelphia, Bu Louis at New York, Detroit at l!pton.v.j i.A 1 National 'League Phlla4dph!' at Cincin nati, Boston at Chicago, 'Nef York at St. tLouis. t ' . kj 7' .' ..t 1 American Association Kansas City- at Co lumbus, Milwaukee, at JCaJediiLinBBapolls at Indianapolis, St. Ittul at LoulsVllle. Nebraska State League Columbus at Hastings, fieward-'' at Red Cloud, Fremont at Superior, Kearney . at Grand Island. Mink League Shenandoah at Maryvllle, Clarlnda at Nebraska City, Falls City at Auburn. Frambee, c. Manske, p. , .. 4 .. 2 kl ' S 0 0' Totals 34 10 10 27 11 2 Bt. Joseph 0 S 1 0 0 1 0 0 610 Wichita 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 t Left on bases: 8t. Joseph, 4; Wichita, 4. Sacrifice hits: CorHan. Rellly. Manske. Two-bsse ,hlts: Claire, Koerner, McChes- ney, cornan. Home run : Jones (2), Clairs, Durham. Stolen baser ' Mlddleton. Double plan Corhan to Fox to Jones. Struck out: By Durham, 4; by Manske, 2. First base on balls: Off Durham, C; off Manske, S. Timer . 1:50. Umpire: Haskell. DENVER TAKES THE LEAD Step tip Akaal of itoux City by DTXVER.- JtilV 21. Denver .,-aron . .from Topeka today,. to- S, by tleneryhHtlhg and snappy base running and took first place In thtperoentage table.. "Qlmstead reeetvqd iii-eieu nuppuri: ocore: TOPEKA. AB. R 4 " H. O. A. - r o Walsh, Sb 4 I 3 1 0 2 Q . 1 3 Rellly, ss Thomason. If.. .... 4 .... 4 4 3 3 a 2 0 -1 :.j..-.iit 0 0 1 2 2 4 4 1 0 Landreth, rf.... Abbott, lb 1 - White, 2b Kerns, o Harris, p Jackson, p Holes, o Totals .....1 8, 24 '17. DENVER. AB. R. H. O. 4 2 2 0 11 1 2 6 0 A. 6 1 S 2 . 0 0 0 1 1 Lloyd, 2b.... Waldron, If 6 0 to ... 3 k..'8 2 ...31 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 .0 1 2 8 2 3 3 2 0 Cranston, ss Dolan, 3b Lindsay, lb Beall. cf Cassidy; rf.... ... McMurray, o Olmstead, p Totals ....... 8 13 27 . 15 Topeka J. 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 02 Denver 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 3 8 Stolen bases: McMurray (.1), Lindsay (2). Cranston, Cassldy, Waj;Vl.v Two-base hits: inoretn, AnDott. watarow. Home run: WalBh. Sacrifice hits: McMurray, Olm stead, Abbott, Lindsay. Passed ball:'Kerns. Struck out: By Olnibtead, 3; by Harris, 3; by Jackson, 3. Base on balls: Off Olm stead, - 1; off Harris, 1; off Jackson, 2. Double plays': Waldron to McMurray, Cranston to Lloyd to Lindsay, Lloyd lo Lindsay. Left on bases; Denver, 6; Topeka. 4. Hits: Off Harris, HMnfht Innings; off Jackson, 4 4n two Innings. Tiroes 1;&0. I'm' plre: Mullen. . a- THREE-t l.KAt;l RESULTS Danville, Peoria, aj.j.-i-!a sad Dloomlnaioa Witt. DANVILLE, ill.. July 21 -Spectacular fielding and clever, base running, won the game tooay lor Ajanviuo. ecore: n.ii.n. Danville U 3 0 o O 1 1 0 6 6 1 Waterloo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 03 4 Batteries: Loomls and Wolfe; Patton and Harrington. PEORIA,- Ul , July Jl. Hovlik allowed hut two hits and Peoria won the first game from DiivoiiDort. 2 to 1. Pcort. ' . R.H.E. Peoria 01001000 02 8 4 Davenport 0001000V 01 2 . Bstterlee; Hovilk and Jacobs; Nelson and Wolfe. HPRINGFIELD. 111., July 21.-Longer alid better hitting won the rirst game or the neries for Springfield, SiKire;: . H.H.E; Springfield J.... i 0 4 9 I 3 0 V 0 8 8 1 1 Ubuquo y 9 0 i 0 0 0 0 0-2 4 1 Batteries: Hamilton, Mlddleton and Hart ley; i sber and iSouuhet. ilLOOMINOTON. 111., July 21 Bloom ing'.oii not five of lis seven hits' in two luinniis and each hit scored A run. Rock Inland whs shut out. Score: ft 11 K. BloomlnKton 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 -6 7 2 Hock l.sjaud 00000009O 0 6 0 Latteries: Davidson and Nunamiiker; Cavet and O'Leary. v ItAVILV AM) WILLIAMS WINXEHS rioy I.eaaT Line Of Contestants la tea. olatloa Doable. Itayley and Williams fought their way from the semi-finals In the consolation doubles, through the finals and became winners of the aeries In two matches Wed nesd.iy. The first game, or the one ln tho semi-finals, they won over Adams and beckctt in 0-3, t 3; and the second one was over Mot. ague and Htick lu the fiual. the score being 0-1. b-10, 0-4. iioth muichc were hard ones and were rlon, Lut the couple played f ile lentil all through and piirsevervd to win. Kay ley playi-d a fine, net game and Williams a fliic game back on tne court, and a a team they worked finely together. t'roases Want fjaroe. 'The 3. Cross hose ball team would like to book games iili any fast amateur team on the folluv!rg dutes Jutv 31, August 14, 21. i September 11, 18. !5, October 3. The. nine would especially like to nrrauKe R. Hues with the Americans and HurliiiKlou Heil ffcix. Address all ccnnnunlcatlona to Kd A. Kaiser, manager, S'T t'orby street, telephone, Visicr tM after :J9 p. tn. -. 1 "Jimmy" O'lloarke Kpeerhleaa. COLUMBIA. O., July 21 "Jimmy" O'Rourka, third baseman -of 'the' Col union American association nine, who was. hit In the head yexierday ny a pitched bull by 'Vinegar" Bill Ki-slck of the Kansas City. nine, is still speechlese at Orant hoe- plial. ' . BROWN PITCHES FINE BALL Chicago Takes Opener from Boston, Three to Nothing. STEINTELDT LEADS WITH STICK Cabs Make All Their Scores In Sixth Inalna; and Drive) Froplc from the Blab Two Three. Bnga-ers. CHICAGO, July 21-Brown pitched a bril liant game against Boston toda', winning me opener. 3. to 0. Stelnfeldt led In the bat- ung witn two singles and a triple In three umes up. -rock was hammered from the slab In the sixth, when the Cubs scored atl their runs. Score: (-H1CAUO. BOiTON. AU.H.O.A.g , n..." s 0 :vra. lb. .. 4 lit oootiins ir.... 4 0 t 0 h.rkrit, i 1 0 0 esnan. lb 4 1114 lorman, lb.. I 0 14 0 OShnrpa, lb.... 4 1 10 Iftaumont, cf 4 oMlllr, H....4 0 10 1 vpi, 8 Hofmi HM,,r steinteidt,'. Ik. I I S tAbb'tlchla. 'sa 4 111 I i I : v"r- " ! I i Kiin. e I 1 4 1 8enr, is.. I tl o Brown, p....f I 0 I OFrock, p I s I 0 1 p.,.. v m imran&m. i 1 i u Totals 515 Mmrte o Knisr .... 1004 Toui. 51551 Batted for Frock In the seventh Batted for Burke In tha ninth. 1 Chlcaao aaaaaiaa l Bh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o-o iwo-base hit: Beck. Three-haae hits: I Dl.L..lJl C I. . . 1 . ,11. r . . . 1 1 , oiiuii-. nin; rrocK, o in six innings; off Burke. 0 In two Innings. Sacrifice hit: Hofman. Double play: Tinker 10 t-vers to ttorman. Lrt on bases: Chi- ". . uoeion. v. tiase on bans: urrining m slower tim- r rocK. 1: orr MurKe. 1: off Brown. 1. Htrurk I out; By Brown. S. time: 1 -.40. Umpires; Klem and Kane. Poor Fieldlnsr Beat. CI..I...4I. pimpi watt m u eiin- ,.. Cincinnati and rather otinortuna hlttino- hvlwlnn,nt heats In 1:154. Philadelphia allowed the latter to win to- I aajr. rkore: I "".. v...v.... Thomu, of... 4 010 DBeKher. it... 4 ' ' l' 0 i Knaba, lb.... I 10 1 0R(an, Sb 10 18 0 Tltsa. rf 4 1 3 0 OHoblltaal, lb. I 0 10 1 0 Miih, if.... 4 3 3 0 OMitcbeii, rf.. 4 l o o o Grant. Ih 111ft APaabaH t I A I a A I . a i i s opaaken, of... o I o o 'Jlii SJSES; "..I .403 OMrMin.n, ill 0 I M -1-2 o"pS: l'".) I I l Ji w 17 10 t'Miiiw , 1 0 0 0 0 uTt..1. i! I IXES: ,b::. till P'tn, o 4 o i OMrMitun, ul 0 I 4 i : ' " v . -'i . vi, .as v m v V 1 Jawrv, p. i WI4 4 tHat3 - f - .I..L . t Phlladelohla 11.10oAft nl Cincinnati o A a o n n n a ft"nKI- '. Three-base htt: Beseher: Hrts: Off Rnwtn 10 In six innings. Base cn balls: Off Moore, and Brennan, k.iim ui.i. x- r T T.nms Tnitf n h.ii- .k. tors sareiy throughout and received excel- i?m support, eoore: T. ifui. NEW tork. Hugglna, 3b.. 4 0 3 ' OSnodgraaa. If. 4' 2 3 0 i Kllia, If 3 3 1 0 0 Dot la. tb 1 0 0 0 1 iaa, CI A V IIFiatonar, 1D..1 V 1 V 01 KnnM.h, lk. a a 11 n a..n,..d' . a a . Bvana, rf 8 oil oMun-ajr. ' rt.V. 4 0 3 0 o MowrV'. H I K 'ik:: I Haaaar, aa.... i 1 1 -4 jMarkla, lb.... I 0 10 0 eaiiea, p.. . 1 0 0 8 0M;an, 3 o 3 I 0 Totala M 7 17 1 IDrucka. o.. 0 0 0 0 0 Bchlal 1 0 0 0 0 . . , . . .. - ivuil . a I. a a "i .or rrnujo m me eiKiim. i. i.iuis , o v o o o o I 0 2 bw low 00000000 001 Two-base hits: Snodarass. Ellis. Mowrev. Three-base hit: Mowrev. Bases on balls: VII W Jlte..2: .off Sallee- 2.. Struck out: By"Sallee. lily Wlltse, "1: by' Druoke. ma. vi t lYiiiBt, o hi seven innings: on Drucke, 1 In one Inning. Time: 1:40. Um- pires: Klbler and Emslle. . Plttabiri Takea Two. DfWCDrTOrl T , . l m TM. ...... took both tlmill of 1 foilhla.haa1ae aaalli, ' . A fcVJ. .Ul. ,1, rillDUUn I LHIH V from run Score, first game: , PITT. BURG. HROOKLYN, : AB.H.O.A.g. AB.H.O.A.B. Bvrna. lb 110 1 ODalton. rf ... 4 0 10 1 Laaeh, cf 4 I 3 ODaubart, lb.. 4 3 11 0 0 Cltrk.. It..:. 4 1 f 0 OWhaat, It 4 13 0 0 tX . jr a. 1 a 1 a (lHumm.l .k . 1 k Flynn lb.... a is (.uavmaon, tr 4 0 1 0 0 Wllaon. rf 4 0.1 0 (Lennox, lb... 4 114 0 Oltiaon, a..'... 4 1 11 0 0 8ml tit, at McK'hnla, lb I 1 I I 0B.rn, a .... I 0 0 10 .3 0 0 0 Camnita, p... 10 0 1 0rwln p...l o o orwiii. e......o 0 3 0 0 AJraaau, p A 1 Totala Totala 13 ( 4 11 ' l RattAd for Tturknr ln fifth. Pittsburg 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 """"'" avwwvuvu V 1 .nu-uuo "in., .-.j un, uauuin, uannra. Three-base hits:. Bryne, Gibson. Base on rrit'M bV1 ssssrs: ! "isss 1:40. iimpires: Johnstone and Kaston. ' ""K"-n . . ukoo' . ' Byrna, lb I 0 0 I ODalton, rf.... 4 0 t 0 0 Laach, af 4 10 oDanbart, lb.. 4 1 4 1.0 -ia,raa, ii.,..a a a v vwnaat, U....4 1 0 0 0 Waanar. aa... a 111 uHummel. lb., a Ilia Kiynn, lb.... 4 ll o oMurch, ef....4 l I l o Wllaon, rf....l 0 3 0 oLannox, lb... 4 1 I 0 0 o"on. a 4 I I 0 OSmlth, aa.... 4 0 4 0 V .. "L' SI1 J i i .w,Tkni ! MS! Ws'UVP 3 0 0 4 Whalm, p.. 3.1 1 I 0 t-Knatanar, p.. 1 th 0 0 . Totala I 11 31 10 0 ' Totala 14 1 14 13 0 Pittsburg 0 0 1 O 4 0 1 1 7 Brooklyn 0 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 00 -two-base nits: Leacn (2), Clarke, Dau ber t. Three-base hits: Wheat, Krwln. Home run: L,eacn. liases on oaua: (Jir wtlhelra 2; off Knetser, 2. Struck out: By White. :; hy iiiiiii, l; oy ivnetzer, 2. Time: 1:36. empires: .bason and Johnstone. LAY PLANS FOn AUTO RUN Omaha Motor Clob Will Hold Contest la Aaiatl Tentative nOana for the first armua.1 en durance run of the Omaha Motor club were made public yesterday. While the date for the run has not been definitely decided, It will begin on a date close to the middle of August and will continue for three days. In the course ot the run a part of south- western Iowa and the eastern half of Ne- braska will be traversed. According to present plana the first day of the test win carry tne contestants a.cMf will spend the night, covering a distance of I approximately am mues curing mi oay. 1 ne Crete and Howard, with the aton for tha night at Kearney. This day's run will total Zlb miles. 1 lElZXFc 5 .rerf n tha third rtv win h. ahnut .o,..i to that of the second. - The board of directors of the Motor utomoMe deaTeri' of "'the' cUy w... m.A. at 1 o'clock on riday arternoon at the of- . .... v. ii. A,nmnhii. . .. the corner of Nineteenth and Farnam strets to nertect further the plans for the .... iJn. h.r h...in... h... ..in V. selected at this meeting, the car which will act as patnrinder ror the run and which will. It Is expected, cover the pro- posed route or tne tour Monday or l ues day of next week. Tale Stadeat Wlas Shoot. PHILADELPHIA. July 21. George Dlinmocli, Jr., of Ll Isabel h, N. Y., a Tale student and a member of the Vale dun emu won iiitj .iiriiiiii.ii, .i.ii.ii.ay ninny Iiv the Kstitom Handicap Target tourna - ment at KdKe Hill. Dlmmock broke ninety f rru gui ui iv". i.inni, a. .i.ivrn yami rlHa Ilia nearest comoetltora amona- tha amateurs were J. H. Vandever of Brooklyn the Brooklyn.. Leach madi a home Aul. a Jlu?;. with the bases full ln the second a-me. wt.JzZTrT.W''" and J. K. tiranam 01 ingleaid. III., who) broke nineiy-ix escn. anoever shot from the iti-yard nit ana uranam stood at n-yard murk. - alarahall ins t ea came-. HAMIirrtU. Ju v 21 Frank T. Marshall, th American champion, won his came to day In the third round of the' International i,eaa tournament bv defeatlna the German I champion, Tarrasch. 'Srhieohter now leads ln rhe tournament having vhlf a point the advantage over naiwe.. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Raiurna, Baron Dillon, jr., Wins Race with Colonel Axcypne Iowa Trotting Bullions Battle Fire Heats at Nebraska City De Ryder Breaks Ankle. NEBRASKA CITT, July 2L-(Specll Tel. gram.) Baron Dillon, Jr., defeated the great little trotter. Colonel Axcyone. In a nve-heat race hero, yesterday. It was one of the most bitterly, fought battles ever seen on a half-mile track and before It was over the Nebraska Qlty track held a state trot- ung record for -Its kind. Both horses, are owned in Iowa, the win ner at Centervllln nt nninnel Axrvnne at We don. Rnlh hv k..n nnlerf for ttelr ,edlne" and courage as well aa u c,r leainess and courage as well aa their good speed. The latter stallion Is a full brother t. kilvmit tmu that wntiriar. , . Drolner w Axcyeil, 2.08. that wonoer- f ul geldl.ig that 1 as a .chain of victories to creau both on half-mile and mile tracks, . . DroKe" oneeand Js believed capable 01 trotting In two minutes If his game leg W0Uld "t,nd th" "PP."''Colonl Aoy0ne naa almost equally as few defeats to Ma credlt" Baron D'"on. jr., Is a half-mile track veteran and can fight out a race lwltn the best of them. The big horse Wort tha' nonntr In out friends of hfa opponent thought It was not a true vaeHiet in ih. ..nA it " ww. seemed that thev"'.r rlht for little r. , !" ? ""7 ? ,'" Alcyone trotted a whirlwind mile ana came back In the next. win. ti,. -. . ... ' "T -"",ua sianion, nowever. was not on aDd though .both horses had the KMn eda wor" their speed, he fought out the race like a demon and trotted two In the J: 20 pacing race there were eight rtarters and Vnn a i . ... t-. ukiahoma, won easily, with Brother Will. owned by R. H. Brown of Sioux Falls, second. In this race In tha third heat the Ynrmm. k " , , m ,, V , liore" became mixed un close to the start ana me sulky of P. D. Ely of Maquoketa, JV wh0 WM driving hit own horse, had a wheel broken and he and his bOrs were '"w befr "r other horse going at a 0", O. I Da Ryder of Pleaaanton, Sf.n triaa a..lL-.. V t. m..' -at m X . . - a. BUinr Ul . 1 M. ILIV Ot IUaV41UUB,rjkB, "h -ivlh. -h own hor... a wheel broken and he 4ml hie horse were Cal.. passed OVA I t fa a m it ri tsinfl kt rtraux Vt tg 3k Vr in th -,,iw -- ..w - m -n (IU Jllljt VBUfsT.yffU nun t"'.P Woun1 nd W broken In tha 2:30 pacing race there ware twenty- Ohtrles, only twelve. of the horses sUrt- 11 "at Luoyone. a biawa mare, owned y H. H. Brown of Parsons. Kan., won ln three straight heats, with Billy Links, a "uwl1 aeiaing owned by P. H. Albright of winiieia, Kan., a close senond. In the running race, a one-mile dash for PurBe of 'If. Lady Beaqrard won In 1:45, with Burlington a close second. TliiYlnVi-Au. im ....,.- - " " ntuiMia tAiy day ano oovortteen horses ' are Jantered In the 1:15 ten in the 3-y ear-old pace and thirteen ,n trot. Friday is another bis: dav hd the program Is as targe with as many " Jur "ursaay. auiiimaries ronow I I !l, u. 9 9f 1 r,, f.,.1 t , ..n.r I IQUn. A H ..II. k 'm. -. k.. a - t iue .vaer) .....j.ij.. a t a romer win,- b.aat.. - by Ye wood (Drown; lit Ul:0 Poititer g. m., By Star Pointer -J1 Ryder J I iia, tcsa. oy Kiechlta vltt - ai .Metceri, ,,r.,. X. T S " T' ' w?htr,"1iib' h" ? Wonefeone (Ely).. 6 "Vi : " "' "r uneioa jr. ","UI"er" . r .,......,. ds 1 ' I .. i .".".V U : 1'L"' : ion tatrtckler) 1 i 1 colonel Axycon (Wallace). 2 112 2 nuiu wiiuams, o. sr., hy Jack. den (Owens) 3 3 3 3 Aom omnn, p. g.. by Conrad (Douglaa) 4 4 4 4 4 Mo'".e"oi, o. m., oy nomeion i." - -; sic Time: :13. UWA, 2:16, 1:16, 2:165, . Class 2:30. racinir. nun. (Ely) 4 Sds Lucyone, b. m., by AllervHine (Brown) 1 1 1 rir. ' 1, , ' l, tl.i. T-.- t,..j--v a . , u. uj .iiiui. nyuaii . . xeaay nooeveit, D. g.,,Dy Kaymona tJUaa) '...t 4 4 3 SlVr nArX.l k"""' ''klf ' " 0 I U 1 1. (. k m K . . . . . . , 1 1 a m P.tchen Frlenrt T " " lime: 1:13), 2:13S4. 2:15.' . ' tennis at the- gun club Toarnamen of the Omaha Rod .ad " -lnb Starts rrlday Doubles Next Week. The second annual -tennlB tournament of the Omaha Rod and Qun club will start Friday evening. The entries for the singles eio"i Wednesday night. And the drawings ar, fnllnwsr are as follows: F. Myers plays P. McCullough. D. Jones plays J. Bertrand. R. McCullough plays R. Farrell. D. Clark plays B. Bierman. M. Wallerstedt plays J. Gardner. R. Kelley plays K. Hatch. E. Bedford plays O. Thompson. S. Hamilton pis ys F.' Whit more. Dr. Thompson plays K. -Adama,-J, Adams plays S. Voroe. O. Nlelaon plays R. Harburg. E. Abbott plays- P.' Negley. J. Munro plays J.. Oo'hara. H. Wlesen plays M. Weber. U. Bierman plays C. Gardner. O. Drefold plays D. Melchor. The winner of this year's tournament wilt have to play D. C. Oould for the club championship. The boys have been ptac- tlolng for some time, and there will no doubt bo some very interesting matches, The committee, has secured valuable prises. which will serve to bring out the best there Is In every player. F.ntrles for the doubles will close Mon I day evening I NI GARY DRAW Go Tm Reeeds, wttk No Adraataare ,or Eltfcer Prellmlaary. Is " Stepped nslTyJmahan V $X OSS aM,enuTdraGw'rVAt0 h.C.l,Cd"'o0f 1 the battle Referee Ford raised both men ,iov.s much to the satisfaction of the ma. J"" "."" 7"' and each seemed to have learned from their former battle, to few p..n Not J'Tl'T?".. ... kiT when Bresnahan' lips were bleeding. L M?ft of Vl '".VJ. U,h by Breenahart and a quick rally by Gary I and a repetition of the same through the round. The men were In -clinches roost ef ln" ln w uru" rushing the other to the ropee. - I rrciiniiii.i. V t ,5 a "" ana nmivy. nm .u o.uihi, stopped by Chief lirlggs because they were nr., .I'.nlv matrhad. E.I Martv Cutler. I rorn Jack Johnson's traln- lnl caiim. was nrenent and Issued a chal i.n n anv nna in tha heavvwela-ht rla.a bairlnc Johnson ana l-.angroia. i - I r-i ii Birti LINCOLN PLATER Pitcher Gelet Returns to Chicago at Close of leasee CHICAGO. ' July 31. The Chicago Na thl.tnn.i -i,.k .r,,,,..t h.r. tndav ih. mi,. ctiase of Outfielder. Keener of the Spokane vn.ihw..turn ltiti Plh'h.r Weaver fr.m Louisville- American association club l and Pitcher Lrelst from the Lincoln Wast- - I em league club. Weaver and Gelst were I members of . the Chicago squad on the serins- Iraliilrm trip, but were sent back for further seasoning. These three players will Join the Chicago squad at the close of I iue season witn man uwitun iuii. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big I Return rg today re1! "' " ... IVJ11 ijlllunj ,r Dy ttaron un- SOX WIN FROM ATHLETICS Score All Bans in Eighth Inning and Hold Locals. PHILADELPHIA GETS TWO t'bleaco Takes Game oa J, Collins' Triple, Dougherty's tingle, a Base Balls aa Error by Davis. PHILADELPHIA, July l.-Chlcago de feated Philadelphia today. The visitors scored all their runs In the eighth Inning on J. Collins' triple, Dougherty's slngle, a base on balls and an error by Davis. Score: CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. A8.H.0.A.K. AB.H.O.AE. Parent, rf.... 10 10 Hartsel, If.... 4 110 0 Balder, lb.... 4 til OOldrlns, of... 4 1400 J.Oolllna, rf.. I 1 I 1 0C colllna, lb. 4 0 0 1 0 Dnufhart, If 4 1 10 0nk.r, lb.... 4 10 3 0 Mullln, lb.... 4 11 OUavia, lb I 1 I I I Purtall, Ik.... 1 0 3 0 lMurphy, rf... I 0 1 I 0 Tannahlll, aa 4 3 4 T 1 Barry, as 3 1 I I 0 Sullivan, ... t 0 11 Irnnroaa, a... 4 0 10 0 0 Walah. 4 I 0 3 OPlank, s I 0 1 0 Total II I 1711 I Touis .7l"r5wl Chicago 00000003 0-8 Philadelphia 00001100 0-2 Two-base hits: Mullln. Tannehlll. Three base hits: Walsh, J. Collins. Home run: Barry. Base on balls: Off Plank, 4. Struck out: By Walsh, 5; by Plank, 7. Time: 1:68. Umpires: Egan and O'Loughlin. Beatos Blaaka Titers. BOSTON, July SI. Boston shut out De troit today, 4 to 0, making It four wins out of five games. Karger's home run waa the deciding factor In the oonteet. For disput ing a decision, Simmons waa put off the field. Score: BOSTON. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A.P, Hooper, rf.... 1 0 0 0 0D. Jones, If . I 0 3 0 0 Bnsl. tb 4 1 1 I CDu.h, aa 4 0 I I 1 Rpaaker, of... 8 3 10 ICnbb, cf t 13 0 0 tahl, lb 3 0 11 0 OCrawIor. rf. I 1 3 0 0 Lord, lb 4 1 0 3 0".' .room, lb. I 10 3 0 Lawie, If 4 0 3 0 i.thers. lb.. 3 0 110 W.piar, aa... 1031 lO'Laarr. 3b.. 41400 Cfcrrlsan, o... I 0 I 0 IT. Janet, lb. 4 0 0 0 Kariar, p.... I I 0 1 OrUanaia, a.... 4 0 4 4 0 stroud. a. .. 1 1 Totals M 4 37 I 1'Mullln ,., .. 1 0 0 0 0 Totala.... .31 4 34 11 1 Batted for Stroud In ninth. Detroit 00000000 0-0 Boston 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 Home run: Karger and' Speaker. Sacrifice nits: speaker, D. Jones. Stolen bsjie: 5. Base on balls: Off Stroud, ; of if Karger, 4. Base on error: Detroit, 1. Struck out: By Stroud. 2; by Karger, 4. Time: 1:58. Um pires: Connolly and Kerin. Washington Bunches Hits. WASHINGTON. Julv 21. Washlnirton bunched hits on Link in two innings today and easily defeated Cleveland. 8 to L Reis- llng kept the hlta scattered. Score: Washington. olbvbland. ab.h.o.a.c. ab.h.o.a. . Milan, of 4 0 8 0 ONIIaa, rf...... (13 1 Lallvelt, If... I 8 10 ldranar, It.... 4 3 1-00 Conror. Sb... 4 0 11 OTurnar. aa.... 4 181 Oaaalar, rf... 3 0 10 OLaJota, 3b.... 3 3 110 McBrtoe, a.. I 0 I I OKaateriy, o... l a a e Kllllfar, lb... 4 3 8 4 OStorall, lb... 4 1 11 0 0 Vnilaab, lb.. 4 8 1 0 tBIrm'ham, at I 0 I 0 0 Beikanoort, II M I OParrlni, lb... 4 0 0 1 O Ralallnf, ... 4 34 OLInk, p 8 0 0 0 0 ToUla S3 ll (I 13 1 Totala S3 1 14 11 1 Washington 04000004 8 Cleveland 0 00100000-1 Two-base hits: Kllllfar, Relsllng, Lellvelt. Sacrifice, fly: Birmingham. Sacrifice hit: McBride. Double plays: Lajole, Turner and Stovall; Unglaub unassisted). Left on bases: Washington, 8; Cleveland, 5. Bases on balls: Off Link, 2; off Relsllng, 2, Base on errors: Washington, L St Lon la Inamped by Sew York. NEW YORK. July 21. St. Louis was over whelmed 19 to 2 today by New York. Score t . '.NEW TORK. IT. LOUI. , . AB.H.O.A.B. . AB.H.O.A.B. nanlala. If... ISO OBtona, It 100 Woltar, rf .... 4 I 3 0 Hartaall, lb.. 4 I 4 1 Knlsht, lb... 3 3 0 OOiissa. rf.... 4 0 10 1 Laporto, lb... 4 3 0 0 ONawnam. lb. I 1 11 1 0 AuatlO, 3b.... 1 0 '3 1 OBchwaltaar, ill 1 1 M Oaranar, 8b.. 2 1 4 Tniaaoala, SO 4 1 1 .8 0 Craa, cf 8 3 0 0 OSt.phana, s... 0 0 1 0 0 Roach, SS.... 4 1ST Allan, S 0818 Mitchell, a... 8 11 OKIIIIfar, .... 3 1110 VsusiAS, p.... 4 0 0 0 OMee, aa 8 8 4 Rar, p 0 0 0 0 0 Totala......! 16 nil (Ballsy, p 1 0 0 0 0 Klnaalla, p... 0 0 0 0 0 Bpaxla, p i 0 0 Totala 13 T 34 14 3 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 New York I I 1 1 I t 1 1 11 Two-base hits: Laporte, Mitchell, Mee, Cree. Three-base hits: Laporte, Daniels. Home run: Wolter. Struck out: By Kin sell. 1: by Vaus-hn. 4. Base on balls: Off Bailey, 3, off Klnsell. 2; off Spade, 3; off vaugnn, 6. Time: . 2:10. umpires: jsvans and Dineen. EVESTI ON RUNNING TRACKS Favorltea Split Ereats vtrltb Oatslders at Salt Lake. SALT LA KB CITY, July H.-Favorltes and outsiders split today's card at Buena Vista. Tne racing was marked oy som olose finishes. In the first race four horses finished noses apart. Results: First, race, flv and a half furlongs: Lillian Ray (102, Belden, 10 to 1) won, Chanute (UK, Buxton, 10 to 1) second, Cava lena (103, Augayo, 109 to 1) third. Time: 1:06H. Bill Mayhem, Gellco, Belle Kinney, Charles J. Harvey Allvra, Judge Bhortali and Sadie H. finished as named. . Second raoe. flv and a half furlongs, selling: La Petite (Itf, Kederis, 18 to 6) won, Mlnnedocla (16, Nolan, 8 to 2) second, Reuben 1104. Ivors. 83 to 1) third. Time: :. ualene Gale. David ioiand ana Gabriel finished aa named. Third race, five furlonss. selling: ratner Stafford (10y. Smith, 6 to 2) won. Honnis nut. Taylor, t to 1) second. Tube ttoae (, Gaugel. 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:01V. Sain Fox, Titus ll, aounest, Lawnoaie ueile and xelo finished as named. Fourth race, one mile, selling: Roy Junior (118, Denny, 7 to 10) won, Melissa (112. VosDer. I to 2) second. Warner una well (107. Carroll. IS to 1) third. Time: 1:41L Ak-Sar-Ben, Buckthorn and Glaucua linmnea as named. Fifth raoe. one mile, selling: Tansy iiuu. selling, 4 to 1) won, smiley aietsner (uw, i ay lor. 13 to 11 second, ixetting titK, uux- tan. I tn 11 third. Time: 1:43. Dr. Mayor. Santhla, Miller's Daughter, Wlckett, Youn Belle. Altair, lixie uixoa ana Biased also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs, selling: Hidden Hand (1W. Vosoer. 8 to 1) won. Hamper (107. Klrschbaum, 8 to 6) second. Silver Htocklna (107. Ivers. 8 to 8) third, lime: 1:14. Patterson and Burleigh finished as named. EMPIRE CITT RACE TRACK, AN. I., July 21. Everett, backed from to 1 to la to 0, easily won tne test nanaicap, one mile, here today, defeating a nign-cioss field. Tho race was marred Dy an un fortunate break by the favorite. Rest! gouche, when the barrier was sprung. He suits: . . First race, five and a half furlongs: T ad a sett a ih to 1) won. Hectaffon second. The Hague (even), third. Time: 1:07. Second race, mile ana twenty yaras Gliding Bell (13 to 10) won, Falcada sec nd. Noon tniro. 'rime: 1:11. Third race, six furlonars: Jeanne d' Arc (t to 10) won. Sixty ( to 1) second, Royal Onyx (8 te 1) third. Time: 1:11V Fourth race, one mile: cvereu tu 10 a) won. Apache second, Restlgouche third, Time: 1:80V. Fifth raoe. sis furlongs: iNoveuy i to 0) won. Star Charter second, Beth third Time: 1:13V- SOUTH DAKOTA TBKNIS TOURNEY Plarers from Several States Will Take Part la Matches. BIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. July 21-USpeciaI.) Preliminary arrangements are being made for tha annual tournament of the South Dakota. Tennis association, which will be held next - week on the grounds of the Sioux Falls Tennis association, wnue it la a atata tournament, it is expected tha a number of players from other states will ba nreaent and Darttclnate. It Is believed Minnesota will have perhaps the largest number of Dlavers here of any ot tne out side states, wt.ile others are expected from Iowa. Wisconsin. North Dakota, Nebrask ad -Mia.ouii. Barton ard Phillips o Sioux Falls, the present holders ot the titles In doubles and John Barton, state champion at single, will have much to do to hold the places they have won. Branson and Smith ot Mitchell are male Ing a determined fight to win those luu rels for themselves, and have placed them selves in escellrnt condition by atiendln several of the bin gatherings of plavers in th states of the west ana northwest. Seward Trims Red Cloudcrs; Decisions Close Score Stands Six to Three, and Umpire Comes in for Left Handed Bap. RED CLOUD, Neb., July 21. (Special Telegram.) By getting advantage of sev eral close decisions, Seward defeated Red Cloud by the score of to 8. Score: R H E Seward OOS0100IO-4 10 1 Rod Cloud 001000020-3 2 Batteries: Stewart and Waldron; Jarrott and Moss. Struck out: By Stewart, 8; by Jarrott, 6. Bases on balls: Off Stewart, 0, off Jarrott, 2. Two-base hlta: Qulgley (2), Parker, Hose, Booth. Double plays: Booth to Neff. Time: 1:38. HASTINGS, Neb., July 21.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Waldron and Hamilton waged a great twelve-winning battle. Singles by Car ee and Harms won for Hasting. Score: 1' R.H.E. Columbus 0 101000 1 0000-3 7 8 Hastings 0 1003000000 14 S 2 Batteries: For Columbus, Hamilton and Agnew; for Hastings, Pickering, Waldron and Donnelly. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. July 2i.-(Spclal Telegram.) In a game twice delayed by rain and marked by ragged work on both sides Kearney errors were more costly. Oreen kept the three hits off him dls-' tributed over as many Innings. Score, R.H.K. Kearney 00000100 01 3 2 Grand Island 00000101 3 7 8 Batteries: BalUett and Townsend, Oreen and Carroll. Umpire: Fleming. SUPERIOR. Neb., July 21. (Special Tele gram.) Fremont won the game today from Superior by the score of 8 to 1, Fremont winning by better batting, Bonner's hitting being one of the features of the game. Superior played an errorless gome. Score: R H E Fremont 101001000-811 i Superior 10000000 01 0 Batteries: Fremont, Herndon and Bon ner; Superior,- Snyder and Bartley. Struck out: By Snyder, 6; by Herndon, 4. Three base hits: Bonner (t). Base on balls: Off Snyder, 2; off Herndon, 2. Umpire: Griffith. RESULTS IN MINK LEAGUE Aubarn Defeats rails City. Four to Three Maryvllle "Wins. At Falls City Score: R.H.H. Falls City 1000800003 6 Auburn 00003100 4 8 7 Batteries: Finch and Poteet, Hlrsch and Erdtnger. Umpire: Myers. At Shenandoah Score: R.H.B. Shenandoah 00000000 1-1 1 8 Maryvllle 80000010 -8 9 8 Batteries: Cocoran and Castle; Ford and Diets. Umpire: Fletcher. At Clarlnda Score: R.H.B. Clarlnda .....0100 8 0000-4 7 8 Neb. City 01200001 1-6 13 1 Batteries: Casey and Ludwlg; Johnson, Collier and Waller. Umpire: Ryan. TEX JONES AND ROY CORHAN SOLD Holland Gets Four Thousand and Foar Players for Men. WlPiriTA T.iK. at Tal, Unll.nit ,.wna of the St. Joseph base ball olub, haa sold Tex ' Jones and Roy corhan to the Chi cago American league club for 38,000. It is the first blar sale mado ln the Western league this season. The terms of the sale re 34,000 ln cash and four class a Dan Dlavers worth at least SLOW eaon. Ht Joseph Is to have first call on the services of both Jones and Corhan, provided) tney fall to make good with the White Sox next season. They will remain witn St. Josepn this season. . : . Syracuse Shots t Btarr. . CYRACUES. Neb.. July 3L (Special Tel- egram.) Cyraouea shut out tha strong Burr amateur team at the Woodmen's plonlp here this afternoon by a score of 2 to 0. The notable incidents of the game were the hitting of both teams and the effec tive Ditching of botn twiners, cyraouse has one of the fastest amateur teams ln the state and is anxious to get chances to meet other fast aggregations. Toledo Oat of Form. IPOttpno fulw 91 Tnlaitn hlavul nMivltf n the field and at bat Milwaukee blank ing them, 6 to 0. Score: MILWAUKEE. TvUDO. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Bpancar, cf...4 1 I 0 OHallman, rf.. 110 0 1 Charles, 2b... I 3 0 1 OHI'chman, 2b 4 0 13 1 Randall, rf.. 4 3 8 1 08ulllvn, cf.. 4 0 4 0 0 McOann. lb.. 3 0 13 1 OHickmaa. If.. 0 0 1 Clark, lb 4 I 1 I orraman, lb. 4 1 10 I 0 Lewia. aa 4 Oil 1 Butler, aa.... 4 0 4 8 0 Bro.n, If 3 110 OLand, c... 3 18 8 3 133 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Ludwls. C....4 111 OEIwart, b., Douhertj, p. 4 0 0 I OBaakatta, p. Bolca, p.... Totals Ull 37 11 l'Abbott .... Totals II t 37 34 4 Batted for Bolce ln ninth. . . Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Milwaukee 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1-0 Three-base hit: Clarke. Stolen base: Hallman. Sacrifice flies: McGann, Randall. Sacrifice hits: Wnencer. Charles. Ludwls;. First base on balls: Off Baskette. 1; off Dougherty, 1. Struck out: By Baskette, 1; by Holce, l; by Dougherty, x. Hits: uir tsaskette, in tnree innings; orr noice. 7 In six innings. Double plays: Land to But ler to Freeman; Randall to McGann. Left on bases: Toledo, 6; Milwaukee, 8. First base on errors: Toledo. 1; AiuwauKee, 1. Hit with pitched ball: Breen. Umpires: Blershalter to Ferguson. Time: 1:60. body. ' Made by hand into long filler smokes chock full of enjoyment and satisfaction. Think of your pleasure! Then of price 5 cents. , RtcommtndtJ by McCORD-BRADY CO. Omaha 'Hit? liii.t' (o)Mte ' T'ltS?ii' 'Jifl?Jl fL5t. Starr. 1260. Udependecl B 1281. MILLERS TAKE EASY CAME Visitors Outhit and Outplay Indian apolis. Without Trouble. SCORE IS SEVEN TO TWO Battle Averages Fattened Three Two-Base lilts Get Four Scores In Seventh Inalnsr Other Games. INDIANAPOLIS, July 11. Tho visitor outhit and outplayed the locals, winning easily. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. INDIANAPOLIS. AR.H.O.A.R. AB.H.O.AE. Clrmar. ef,.., 4 13 OChaitn'rne, ef 4 0 8 0 (1 Altlier, aa ... 4 3 T 8 OO.Wil'ma, lb. I 1 I I 0 Craralh. If... I 110 OHarden, rf... I 1 I 0 0 J.WII ama. lb 4 3 4 3 OCarr, ll I 0 lloaaman. rf., I 0 0 0 OPelahanty, If I 0 4 1 0 Perrla. lb.... I 0 8 0 OHnwIay, cf.,..4 13 0 0 "HI. ID 4 13 OMurrh. lb.... 43110 Owens, a I I I 4 eonffev, aa..-..l 0 1 8 1 llufhai, p.... 1 0 0 0 OObarlLn, p.... 110 3 0 Totals 3 10 21 10 0 Totala ."tTw"l Minneapolis 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 10 7 Indianapolis 10000100 02 Two-base hits: Owens. James. Altlier. Three-base hits: O. Williams, Carr, Havden. Struck out: By Hughes. 3; hv Oberlln. 2. Base on balls: Off Oberlln, 7; off Hughes, 6. Time: 1;46. Umpires: Hayes and Guthrie, Columbus Ranches Hits. COLUMBUS, O., July 21.-Columbus today defeated Kansas City, 4 to 3, by bunching three hits in the tenth Innlna- nrf ttrandr,,, Sltton kept the hits well scattered, but Ms support was not the best. Score: COLUMBU8. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.C. an u n a a Wrattan, lb . 4 III Olhannon, if.. 4' 0' I 0 0 Hlnohman. If I 0 I 0 namnot rf t n 1 a a Ctini-alton, H I 0 1 OHuntar. lb,... 1 1 1 A Downs, 2b.... 3 11 IShar, 8b. 4 1 T I RIIIt, of..,. 4 3(0 ORaft.rv. -f . A A a a a Odweli, lb... 4 1 ( 1 ojamaa, a 3 114 1 mamma, as., a a a B Dlllttar. a I A A A a Arbosaat, 0...4 0 t 1 1 Barbaau, m .i I 4 4 2 "" p a 1 I ODownla, lb. 1118 0 swann, p. . . Total It 11 N 11 IBrandom, p t'oraah . . . Love '30130 1 0 0 3 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 14 61 1 Totals... Two out when wlnnthg run scored. -nan lor James in eighth. Love batted for Swann In elahth. Columbus 1 00000110 1-4 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 03 Stolen bases: Hlnohman. Sliav Kani-I. flee hit: Wratten. Hinchman, Rellly, Makling, Downle. Two-base hlta: Relllv. Congalton, Cownle. Double play: . Barbaau to Shay to Hunter. First base on balls: Off Hltton, 1; off Swann, 3. Struck out: oy eiiton, e; Dy swann, 1. Hits: Off Swann, 4 In seven Innings; off Brandon, 6 In three Innings. Passed ball: Arbogast. i umpiies: Owens and Bush. Time: 1:60. t St. Paol Wins. LOUHSVILLB, July 21. Despite the fact that Weaver struc kout thirteen batters today, Louisville lost to St. Paul. Hughes' home run ln the seventh with two men on bases tied the scorn for tha Inn.). hni Lelse' triple, followed by Autrey's single I won out for the visitors ln the ninth. Score: 8T. PAUL. LOUISVILLE. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A. S. Clarke, If..., 4 110 ORoblnana, aa. 4 1 I 4 0 Brain, lb 4 114 OPIrkarln., rf, 4 0 J 0 0 Murrar, of... 0 3 0 OMuuiler, Ih.., 4 1 I 0 I MoCorm'k, as I 0 I 8 1 Howard, lb.. 3 0 7 0 Lalaa, rf 4 110 OFlournor. If.. 4 10 0 1 Astray, lb.... 4 I IB 0 CFiaher, cf.,. 3 10 0 1 Boucher, lb.. 4 0 0 1 IMata. 2b.,.. 4 021 Kallj, e 4 0 4 0 OHughas. "1 11 1 0 ' Bran, p 4 1 0 4 loWaarer, p..,. 8 0 1 4 j Totala...... 84 3 17 14 I Totala 81 S rf U 4 Louisville 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0-3 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 1-4 stolen bases: Clarke, Heward, Autrey. Sacrifice hit: Fisher. Sacrifice fly: Mc Mormlck. Two-base hit: Stanley. Three base hit: Lelse. Home run: Hughes. Struck out: By Weaver, 18; by Ryan, S. Bases on balls: .Off Weaver, 1; off Ryan, 1-. Hit with pitched ball: Howard. Wild pitch: Weaver. Left on bases: Louisville. I; St. Paul, 6. Time:' 1:60.1 umpires: "Chill and Cusack. Newcastle Defeats -Iona. " , NEWCASTLE. Neb.. July SL (Special.)-' Newcastle defeated Iona here todav by the score of 4 to 0. Batteries: Thnmnann ami Partridge; Cook and Pomeroy. Struck out: By Thompson, 8; by Cook. 8. This is the second shutout for Newcastle In the Ust ween, naving aereated Allen, 2 to 0. f A .. Whitney Horse Wins. LIVERPOOL, July 21. In the all-aged selling plate of 100 sovereigns run over the , new middle straight five furlongs here to day. H. P. Whltney'a Jinks gelding won over Soldier, the only other contestant In '. the race. TRADE MARK INOFALT BRIAR V ew back draft principle. Plre enclosed. OuaranUted not Co rrack or burn Uiroua ARK TOUR CKALER S. M. Frank 4 Co., U'f'r. N. X. , XL 'a JK ' AW sasok. aw u'i . saSi . Men wKo havfi smoked imiporte3 cigars will appreciate the saving. Men who amoke domestic cigars will appreciate the more delicate aroma and richer flavor. IDOLS are cigars of imported tobacco for every -"' i" -ajpsiss-OT .istavariasS -jsaas );'- Supplied by Phnnei U'.htte. J