Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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Citiieni Aik Water Board for Price
of Line Extenioni.
Asks the CUT to Lrrr Ti ! Col
lect S33B,484 Da the Cosspaar
That War
Tha Omaha Water company haa started
ut to s"t immediate returns (or ita award
of money for hydrant rentals and haa lied
In tha United States circuit court a man
iimui auit to compel the city to levy a
tax and collect the $22M34.32 that la due.
Tho.clty council baa not been planning on
levying (or a Judgment (und thia year be
cause of the dealr to reduce the general
levy and because the water board on the
advice of ita attorney decided that It would
wait until affairs were better straightened
out before trying to pay up the back rental
bills. Tha $100,000 asked for by the Water
board for 1911 Is to pay the current rentals
and general Water board expenses.
Judge M linger made the -writ returnable
August 10, at which time th city will be
compelled to makei tSs levy1 or show cause
tor refusal.
Tho Water board held a meeting Wednes
day r.lght and discussed the date which
mutt be determined as the beginning of
possession of the water works by the city,
and also the condition of the bond market.
Tha city may' consider Itself as owner of
tha water works from the first appraise
ment four years ago and 'undertake td take
the profit and loss since then, or may con
sider Itself owner from the data of the
final decision which was given recently
compelling the sale. This matter will be
settled as soon as possible.
Bond Market Crowded.
The $6,000,000 bond Issue 'of thirty year, 4
per cents, which the city must assume to
get the water works. Is a heavy burden
Just at the present time, because of the
crowded condition of the bond market, and
the water board is trying to find a profit
able means of 'disposing of the Issue.
A number. of petitions have been received
by the board recently from property own
ers, principally real estate men, who have
been forced by the .water company to put
In their own pipe extensions. Since the
city's taking over the lines has been a
certainty, the, company haa refused to
make extensions, and new houses have been
wiped at the direct expense of the owners.
Now tbey expect the city to Indemnify
them, as tho work would have been done
at the corporation's expense If It had not
been in litigation. The members of the
board are inclined to pay these claims,
but are unable to take any action on them
until affairs are settled.
Solicitor of
Funds Released
by the Mayor
If Turned Loose, as Mayor Said He
Did Not Enow What He
. ) Was Doing. V
C. E. Oflkison, accused by the chief of
police of collecting money from women of
the Third ward on the representation that
It was for Mayor' Dahlmaa's gubernatorial
campaign, waa released Wednesday evening
by .tho mayor's orders.
"bllklaon Is only a . boy of 19 years,"
aid tha mayor, "and seema not to have
realised what he was doing.' Mr. Van Wis,
the . publisher of - the Labor Gaiette, Is
carrying on a legitimate campaign for
funds for his work for the labor people and
I want to help him out He hired Ollkison
to solicit funds and did not know what waa
being done. The letter waa taken away
from the boy and he was released because
we though locking hlim up would prevent
any further work of the wrong klnd."
The petition which waa circulated by
Ollkison and by hla father, W. Ollkison,
stated ..that a . special , Issue of tho Labor
Oaaetto is to be put out and the money
was taken lis a contribution In the inter
est of the labor cause. Van Wle told the
mayor Thursday morning that the special
issue would be put out July 28 and would
be a big loss unless the subscriptions are
collected. A number, of retail business men
are also down on tho list for amounts of
from $10 to $50. No action has been taken
toward returning to the people of the
Third ward their pledgee for money.
Will Have Cbara ot American Mmsle
Hall, When Will Open Auarast
i 4 .... Twntr-.Mtk.
' '
Chajries C. Collin of New York city has
been appointed manager ot the American
Amusement hall, the new theater built for
.William Morris by the Brandcls Interest.
Mr. ColUn and, Walter H. fieely, vice
jrl5nt of the William Msrrts Company,
will be In Omaha ' Monday to make ar
rangemenu for the opening of the theater,
which will be August . '
The Omaha' theater la the first of Morris'
Dew string to start; Hla Spokane houae ii
announced to open. September 80. Seattle
follows October 8.' The Portland house will
have Its opening bill . a week later, and
October 17 the Pah Francisco theater will
begin. Tenver,s date 1 November 7, Seat
tle's November 14, and In Los Angeles it
Is announced that the opening will be
liecember 1L
If, H
at 10
P. M-)
Sep. 1.
0 Kin!
"" -"v:rr- ?'i
m 5 '?
Final Clearance ofllemnants
Friday we must sell every remnant and odd piece of
summer goods in our stock. Just one day to sell thousands
of remnants. Down go the prices.
Z Regular 50c Silk Poplins 25c Yd.
For dresses and waists. Every shade imaginnWe, both
light and dark, plain and fancy. This is a Cv ES
'rare silk bargain your choice Friday 1 lq ifo
only Main floor, at, per ji.M tLf
For one day only we will sell our $1.00 quality of 27-inch
black oil boiled taffeta, soft chiffon finish, at, yard 59c
One large bargain square filled with traveling men's silk
samples Friday, at, each 2c and 5c
All of the Short Lengths up to 4V Yards in 18-Inch Em
broidery Flouncings, Skirtings, Corset Cover 1
Widths All choice new designs, remnants, . Jr
at, per yard ............ .
t LTl ri 'X sS.eT 4 K 1 U
ill f K IX r"
s II , nil1 Ml M lU ii
Fair. ill urlnic July and Angust ' Store Closes' at I
JjG B 'clo k' 8itP'y at 10 T. M. J
HlS 'rTJPV . ai ! t mA ' M
lh II HI w ll a w .1
AH th odd pattern and odd
pieces in fine embroidered edg
ings and insertions, worth up
to 15c per yard. C
remnants .... ...... . C
Samples and remnants of allorer
' laces and nets, from one-half
to owe yard in each
piece each ,
Lisle and lace gloves of which
we have only onead"Tw'6 r
pair of a kind pair C
Remnant of Torchon, Vals. and
fancy wash laces, in our
basement per yard.'. . . ,
Great Clearing Sale of Remnants
In Our Basement
All the latest styles Printed Lawns, in dark and , 1"
light colors worth up to 10c yard, at, per yard . 2C
Extra fine dark Shirtings, sold always at 120 HI
it, yard ...... f .2U
and 15c yard in large remnants, at
OneJtig counter large rem
nants, 10c and 12Vc Shaker
Flannels special, at, per
yard 5c
Fine mercerized Black Sat
eenworth from the bolt
up to 25c yard, in remnants,
at, per yard ,5c
Odds and ends Cotton Goods,
Silkoline, Calico, etc., as
long as they last, yd. 2V&C
All the 12'c and 15c Dress
Ginghams, Red Seal, A. F.
C, Toile du Nord, etc
new shipment, at, yard 9c
Remnants of Fancy Prints,
the regular standard goods,
worth 6Y2g yard, at. .3J4c
As long as they last we will
sell one lot remnants Dress
Ginghams, worth' up to
12y20 yard, at, yard . . .5c
Bargains in Hair Department 2d floor
Special Turban
Caps 25-cent
Chantecler Cluster
Puffs $5.00
Princess Nets
extra large size,
15c value,
Thonaands of yards will be offered at much less than one-half off.
SILKS "B E? SJaVv01 W,n FHJ.f B.r.
19-in. Colored Tafretas, worth 69c I tia Price
23-in. Foulards, worth 75c. ' p.
Plain Colored Peau de Cygnes. worth 76c , . . A S) fn
Messallnes, best colors, worth 76c. , . M 1 1 H
Fancy Taffeta, check or stripe, 76c. . r V ffJf
Loulslennes. plain and fancy, 76c sf Jr VJ
Bilk Suitings,' Pongees, worth 75c id
Best 35c and 25c linings, consist
ing of best grades of sateen,
percales, Bpun glass, Heather
bloom, in colors and black, Fri
day, at ... 9
80c Natural Linen Suitings, 15
Another shipment of these fine
natural pure linen suitings, also
other colors are included,: the
same grades are sold at 30c.
Friday .., 15
Best quality of BatUtes, full 31
inch wide, in pretty new styles,
navy blue grounds, with white
polka dots, etc., exact of foul
ards, pretty tans, etc, Fri., 10
12Hc tnd 16c fabrics of every
description in remnants, all
the odds and ends, batiste,
ginghams, chambrays, madras,
the best grades, one large table
loaded with remnants, ..QVis
Fifty pleres of Kimono
Crepes, the bet quality
you can buy for 18c, full
pieces, buy as much a
you want, Friday,. 10c
Black and white checked
mercerized suitings,
various sizes, launders
like new, Friday.. 7Vio
S6c Cotton Voile, navy
blue and brown only, ,
' the fine sheer mesh, for
dresses, Friday .'...10o
Hand Crochet
Doilies, 6 and 6
Inches wide, 15o
3 for . . , .25?
Linen Laces and
Insertion, 1 to
4-inch wide, per
yard ......3
One Lot Neck
wear, worth up
to 19c....,!.5'ir
25c Corset Cover
per yard, 15
Ladies' 60c and
65c Lisle Hose,
plain black lace
boot and BQlld
colors, fancy
weaves, per
pair .
Femr Golfers to Represent This City
at the MlaavaIls Oelf
Four ef Omaha's crack rolf players leave'
for Bt. Paul" Saturday over the North
western to Uphold tha Kolfinf reputation ot
this city In the annual middle west tourna
ment tote held there next weok, The four
men are- Dr. H. V. Sumney, Albert Cuhn,
J. W. Hill and W. N. Chambera They ex
pect to show the -players congrecated at
the tourney that- Omaha stands wall in
golfing.' . j.
Asslstaat City Easlaeer Cmsb II aa
Orderrd Daaaeroas Vladact
(1m4 tej Travel.
City Engineer Campen has closed the
Eleventh street viaduct until further orders.
While making- some repairs Mr. Campen
found dangeroua weakneaa In parts of the
structure. . The railroads refused to assume
responsibility for any damage and Campen
immediately ordered the structure closed
to traffic .
Teething children have more or less diar
rhoea, which caa be controlled by giving
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. All that is necessary Is to give
the prescribed does after each operation of
' the bowels more tbaa natural and. the a
castor oil to cleanse the system. It is safe
evaura. Bold by aU dealers.
All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the best
manner and punctually delivered when promised.
and other work executed at prices lower than usually prevail
, ;' elsewhere.
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated
1210.1212 HOWARD ST. , PHONE D. 1604
10c Women's
Ribbed Vesta,
each . . .'. . 5
Women's White
each. ..' 1J
Fries to Divert
Song to Politics
Jud;8 Cooley Cauies Ire of German
by Interpreting: Song a
Shout for "Jim."
Six' youths, gladly clad ' and ' supporting
big Japanese parasols and innumerable
Saengertest badges marched dawn. Sixteenth
street abreast yelling for bt." Paul.
"Judge" Cooley stood on, the eorner of
Sixteenth and Farnam talking- pollthlcs.
He beard the boys yelling- and marched to
the curb. "Hurray for Jim," he shouted.
"Hurray for St Paul," said the boys, and
they both ' yelled ' together "bo ioudly that
neither knew what the other' as yelling
'There, can't you see," said the Judge,
oontlnulng his political '. argument. "'It's In
the air, everybody' Is entbuslaatlo about
Jim's campaign.'. .' . ' ' -. 4
A stout German on the sidewalk over
heard and broke into the con vernation.
"Tou're wrong, frent," he . remonstrated,
"day are singing for St, Paul, Minn., pot for
any Jimmy. Can't you hear ldT" ,'
The "Judge" was very, bland and kind.
"I see that you' are a stranger In the
olty, sir, and you don't - understand eur
customs. That is political enthusiasm. Jim
pIssmMcfvl Caadaet "
of liver and bowela. In refusing to act, la
quickly remedied with Dr. King's New Life
PUla. Ko. For sal by Beaton &ruf Cox
The Talk of Omaha!
Salo of
Shoes and Oxfords
Regular $3.50. 54ed1 $4.50 Sradss
Buair evry. day olosing out
the line at the
i otrtm iiTX nun,
Pearl Buttons,
worth up to 60c
a card, Friday,
at 10
Fine Embrolder
lea, 18 to 27
lnch, value ' up
to EOc 1 (
per yard 25
Lawn Dresses, 83.95
About 100 4n the lot, maae of
white lawn with black and col
ored figures, plaited skirts and
border trimming, square neck,
ahort aleevea, trimmed with
lace, value to t.U0 3.5
$6.00 Junior and Misses'
. Dresses, 352.05
We have made oivj price on all
Junior . and Misses' Wash
Dresaes, about 100 In the lot.
for girls 12 to II years, values
up to l.00 sa.s
92.00 White Lawn Dressing
Hacks, 050
Friday morning we place on sale
our entire stock ot white lawn
dressing saoka, values . up to
$2.00 o
$ii White Lawn Hacks, $l.du
4 and $5 White Lawn backs,
$1.25 White ouirt . Waist,
50 ;
Friday morning Ha wtU place on
sale about iO0 ladies' white
siilrt waists, culled out from
our $1.6 lines. They, are
slightly mussed from handling,
while they last -.- .600
We have on . our bargain table
aoout SOO pair of wumen's pat
ent colt, uuined . oxtorda aud
sun metal vuiups, oxiorus aim
lu and tmee eyelet ties, sixes
to,4H! vaiues $.v0i and
$a,60, at
Wo have picked out about tuo
pair ot buretoot saudaut tor otir
Friday's bargains, not odds and
ends, but irom our reguiar
sioca, slsea to . SVi tu
vaiue i.u0, at .......Mo
White tor your white canvas
pumps and oxtords, regular io9
value. Krlday, at ....... v ; . 17o
85c Nlckef Plated ' Tumbler
holder, at . . .
tba Mcael Plated boap
ygcv Nicael plated Wall boa p
Pish, at Mo
8oo Mckel Plated Robe Hook.eao
sue Nickel Plated Tooth Brush
holder, at ..........
$1.60 Nickel Plated Olasa Holder,
Soap IMsn,' at i ...-. .aao
60o Nickel Plated Toilet P"Pr
Holder, at
fl.50 Bath Spray, at
2oc Tub Seat, at ........ "
8c Nickel Plated Towel
Our regular . $1.00 coraet In
batiste or.coutllle, in medium
length bust and hip, good for
house corset and warm days,
two pair hose supporters, 9o
Another model for the well de
veloped figure in high bust,
extra long skirt effect, hose
supporters attached. In batiste
, or coutllle. regular price $1.60,
. f 10,000 PURCHASE OF
Bonrbt at 40o' on- the Dollar.
We purohased from Brow ley A
Co., Chicago, a magnificent lot of
fancy decorated French China,
manufactured by - such - well
known makers, as F. V.
Limoges, B. D. A. Limoges and
Avenlr, known ' the- world over
ss the best manufacturers of fine
This lot comprises: ' Punoh
Bowls, Chop Plates. Trays, Fern
DUlies, Ice ' Bowls and Plates,
Salad Bowls Tankards, Juga,
Strainers. Hair Receivers, Choco
late Sets, Tea, Bouillon and
Chocolata Cups and Saucers,
Candle Sticks, Powder Boxes,, In
fact everything made In fancy
china. The entire lot will so on
sale Friday at.... MAX WUXOM
86-Inch Heavy,
Strong Un
bl'ched Muslin,
8ttc value, 13
yard limit, per
yrd 5
Bleached Pillow
Cases, 42 x 36
Inches, good
wearing ones,
16c value
Best Calicoes, all
colors, yd., 5e?
29c Bleached and
Table Damask,
10 good pat
terns to select
from, yd., 19
6c Knitted Wash
Cloth,-, plain
white and col
ored : border, . 1
dozen limit,
. each It
15c Huck Towels,
2 2x46, red
border, heavy
each .... 10
10c White Goods,
check, stripes
and figures, all
clean and fresh,
each .... 10
25c White Craalt
Salting, 86-inch
wide. .:.8tt
2,000 Genuine Carbon Photographs.
Fine reproductions of old and modern artists, such as Corot, Mnsonalr,
Millet, Gainsborough. Mevlllo, Rubens. Bevlna, Jones, flchryer. Van Ruys
del Van Dyke, Rosa Bonheur. Alma Tadema. Raphael Rembrandt and
hundreds of others. This Is the first sale of this character ever held in
Omaha and by rare good luck we were able to purchase tha entire lot
Sites from 8x$ Inches to 0x4 inches, prices lOe to $$.00. To do this sale
Justlcs you must see tha carbons (on display in the llth street window).
. Curing- this sale we wfll allow to per eat diaoonat en framing-.
Bennett's Big Grocery
rxiOAI ass saTvawai m,
Tc Bleached Cot
ton Twill, red
borders, fast
edges, ea., 5
Flour, sack
$0 Stamps
C. C. Flakes. S pkga.
B. C. Baking Powder.
6-lb, can .X
100 Stamps
B C Flakes. S pkgs...6o
10 Stamps
Bennett's Capitol Ex
tract, per '- bottle . . . lao
$0 Stamps
I ten's Tourist and Gra
ham Crackers, pkg., 10a
10 Stamps
Peanut Butter, large jar.
at aOe
10 Stamps
Pickling Spice. lb...85e
20 b law pa
Fresh Country Butter, di
rect trout the farm, lb.,
at Bee
U. J. Helns Vinegar,
quart bottle .BSe
10 Stamps
Bnlder's Pork and Beana.
J-lb. can .16
16 Stamps
Double Stamps Granu
lated Sugar.
bnlder's Chili Bauce, per
10 fitampe
Blue Borax blaxch, pack
at 100
10 Stamps
Com Meal, yellow or
white, 10-lb. sack...iae
Armour's Very Best
Sliced Dried Beef, jar,
at !
10 Stamps
Newport Catsup, bot, 10s
in b tamps
Wiggle Stick Blueing,
sticks a3e
20 Stamps
Hen Food, per lb..SHe
Bone Meal, per lb..SV
Bird steed. Golden Har
vest, pkg lOe
a btamps
Sour Pickles, dos Be
Diamond Crystal Salt. 14
lb. pkg aoo
T. W. O. Table Svrup,
can UH
10 Stamps
Imperial Urape Juice,
pint bottle aae
10 Stamps
t bars of Bennett's Bar
gain Soap See
( uare Ivory Soap, . , .tse
Eddy's Horse Radian
Mustard, jar lee
6 Stamps
Galllard's Imported Olive
oil, small bottle,. ,
10 Stampa
Medium Bottle ase
40 Stamps
Large Bottle 7S
(0 Stamps
conn ncxAx.i
Bennett's Best Coffee.
Itc value, special price.
per lb .SOa
Bennett's Golden Coffee,
26c value, special price.'
per lb Be
Bennett's Reliable Cof-
fne. llo value, special
price, per lb........ Me
Teas, large assortment.
8c value, special price,
per lb .tae
Teas, large assortment,
6sa value, special price.
per lb ae
Tea Slftlnga, lie value,
special price, lb. pkg.,
at ...lie
Cheese, full cream, per
lb. , aae
10 Stamps
Cheeee, Virginia Swine.
per lb Sse
10 Stampa
ooosxa araaiAX.
French made delicious
creams honey, lb., la
Sugar wafera, very fine,
package, at
10 Stamps
U need a Biscuit. I pkse..
for ls
10 Stamps
Vejccns Sanorfcsl iVisiiori io Omaha ( and to
iho Oiishsi Spot in Cnaha
a - t . . - ..... P . , . . . .
We eloae at
5 P. M. no
Yoar Baying
r n
Hemrinbrr lo
do Vonr lln.v
inK N-fof .1
, -!. M. on
: Kr4dv
Friday is Remnant Day in tha Domestic ; Room
wl)l go
REMNANTS of Toweling, Muslins, Sheetings,
KEMNAMo of Table Linen good lengths, worth up to $1.00 jard--
t . S5t 39 -19f
IlEMNANTS of Wool Dress Goods that sold up to 1.50 a yard aic-
clal at, a yard . 50c
AT 9:80 Remnants' of Organdies, Ginghams, Lawns, Batiste, etc.,
worth up to 12 He a yard, all at one price 5c"
AT 2 P. M. All tbe remnants of Wash Good's and .White Goods from'
out high grade stocks goods worth up to 89c, at, a yard . . . 10.
Mercerised Foulards Good colors and patterns, worth S5c a' yard.'-
Friday at. a yard . ; .' . . ; ; . .'"s . ".10i
Organdies Complete line of patterns,-always sells at . 15f-Frliiai .
at, per. yard 7 t
percales 36 Inches wide, good patterns, mill lengths' 'worth lc a
yard, per yard : .4 ' ' ' j10t
Aberfoyle Ginghams One Table of White tioods Including plain
lawns, fancies, dimities nainsook, long cloth madras, etc., worth u;
to 26c, at a yard ' 10
Bath and Face Towels, the 35c values, at, each ... ,vr.f 18J
72x90 White Wing Sheets linen .finish, at, each ...U9f3
In fha Busf Domestic Ream
Suit Department
Wash Dress Skirts, values
iip to $2.50, at. 08c
$1.25 Wrappers, choice. 69c.
Long Kimonos, made to sell
to $1.50 on sale
at.... ......70C and '40c
Dressing; Sacqnes, sold reg
ularly to 50c, choice. .10c
Housfl D r e s s e s Made to
sell at $1.50, choice. . .08c
Ladies' and I.Iisfls' Wash
Dresses, $3.50 values. $1.95
W6ol Press Skirts Values to 15,
on sale $3.08. e52.08 81.08
Women's Wash Waists Well
worth $1.60, choice. 70t
Cravenette Rain Coats Big snaps
for Friday at $2.05
Children's, Wash ..Dresses , , All
sizes, g to 14 years and 'values
up to 12.80 Friday; your choice
for . . . . . . . . S1.50 and 0g
In tho Busy Domestic Ran
Furnishing Goods Depi.
7Sc Shirts at 2Sc 200 doz. Men's
arid Boys' Shirts, In light, medi
um and dark ' colors, perfect
goods, EOc to 76c values, your
choice for , . . -25
Men's 1.00 Quality Work Shirts
In Amoskeag Cbambray aU r
black sateen, all sices, Friday,
choice ...... 40V
SSc Bilk Ties, 7 He 300 dozen of
them In the lot all good style
and perfect light, medium and
dark colors Friday,-choice 7 M
Boys' tlalbrlggari Vnderwcar 35c
quality shirts or drawers, in Fri
day's sale, per garment. . .'. 15TJ
Price and Lees. ': All the best
makes in all styes lncuded la
. 'this' sale. ' ' ;' ;'" ' .
Ladea' Cause Vesta Worth to
25c, Friday 74 nd 0J
Ladles' Sunbnnneta, worth 26e, oa
aae Friday at ........... 5
85c Quality Gingham Aprona 10
Rousing Silk Bargains Friday
Beautiful. Pongees, , in an immense assortment of colors,
polka dots in blue and white, black and white, browil and
white silks that would sell regularljr to 75c km sale Fri
day while they last, at,' per yard. . . . . .'. . . . . ........ .'29c
$1.25 Black Pean de Sole
' 36 inches wide, beau
tiful quality, great bar
gain, at. yard . . . .g5e
20c ' White Jap
Silk, 82 inches
.wide, at, per'
yard . . 17
Great Clearance of Remnants In the big Domestic Room-
yard; . .-. :. A : . . . ...... .S5c and 38c
Black - TaffeU $1.00
quality, Qil ; boiled 36
Inches wide, big bar
gain at ..... . . . 60
25c laces, 3ic
A Stupendous ' Clearance of
French, - German and Nor
mandy VaL Laces, Venetian
and . Irish Applique . Edges,
Bands and Insertings, Net
-Top iand Point de' Pari
;Edges arid Insertions, black
' and white Chantilly Laces
and T 'pufe linen Torchon
Laces actual value to r25o
all in one lot n
at, yard.... 32 C
Iloticn Day in the ,
Dcoestic Roep
Gold Eye Needles, paper Is
Pearl. Buttons, per card . . . . .la
Shoe Strings, per. pair ....... 1
Paper of P!b. for . ,','.' , l
Darning Cotton, per roll
1 Nursery, Fins, all sizes, Friday,, 3
cards for .. , ....5
200 yard Sewing Thread, Friday,
, I spoola for. 5
Best English Pins, 8 papers Fri
day, for ...5
10c Corset Steels, each 4 He
lOo Metal Back Combs . . .4Wf
10c Curling Irons, each . . . .4
Prloss that Will Uu You Money
and Gtvs You Satisfaction at
Haydsn's Grocery Dept. Friday
1 pound pkg On .Timat tarch.4c
I lb. pkg. Defiance Starch. . .7 He
Laundry. Starch., pound. . . K. .4c
can Blackberries, worth 20q,
.only . , ;.. k. . lic
';. 3 rieuns. . . 10c
bars B. M. A. or Diamond "C"
Soap . . .' . .'. , . i . . . . -i- '.'. 26o
'" '(aanulated Sugar $1
Oil or Mustard Sardines .. .4c
1 lb. .cans Pink Salmon . . . .,. 10c
1 lb. cans choice Red Alaska
. Salmon . . . '. . . ....... . .'15c
Butter and' Cliieese Department.
Best No. 1 Creamery Butter, por
pound ...... . . . .. . . . . . .'.
Best No. 1. Country Butter, lb.
Best Dairy Butter, pound , , . . 26c
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dosen . ,20c
Full Cream New .York Cheeee,
per' pound '....'. .1 ; '. ; . 20c
Sweet Cream Brick Cheese, lb. 20c
Domestic SwIbs Cheese, lb.., ,26c
Bay Yonr Vegetables at Hay
den's Omaha's Favorite , Market
I bunches Carrots 5c
6 bunchea Green Onions . . . . 6c
3 bnnches New Beets ......'.,6c
8 bunches Radishes , . . . , . ?.. ,5c
5 bunches' Leaf Lettuce 1.,' . .h -6c
Large Cucumbers, each .". .... 6c
3 heads New Cabbage v. '.V. . ,10c
Large, beads Cauliflower, each,
at .. : . .6c and THc
8 stalks fresh, crisp Celery.. J0c
Wax or String Beans, lb ..... 7 hi 0
New Corn, dosen .30c
por I
30o I
IB? tlflYDHl'S FI2ST?,
t TION has paid ita members Six Per Cent per annum
1 for the past 27 years, and today is. better .prepare J
than ever to. protect and fostor the interest of itj
members. i .. : -( ',
Try a saving account with it, $1 to $25 accepted in monthly
payments or lump sum not over $5,000. Ask for Booklet ' ' AM and
other information. . ,, ......
ASSETS, $3,600,000. RESERVE FUND, $64,000.
Address, 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb, . ,.
- ,i, ,!, ,....', ,
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