Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
For Nebraska Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report see rage 2.
VOL. XL.-NO. ' uu.
I 1'. IE
New 'Phono Number
All Departments
Lincoln Judge Restrains Secretary
Junkin from Certifying' Candi
date! Who Fail to Pay Fees.
Republican National Committeeman
Seeks to Stop Primary Farce.
Records Do Not Show Fee Paid But
for One Filing.
I. on JLUt of I.eadlnar Aspirants for
Place fa Nebraska Who Are Trr-
Ib to Gala Added Endorse
lueat by , Kvadlns; Statutes.
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 21. (Special.) Secretary
of Stat Junkin waa restrained this after
noon from certifying out to the county
clerks the names o. those candidates who
itiava filed on more than one ticket and
paid only one filing fee. The order was
issued by Judge Lincoln Frost, of the dis
trict court, on application of Victor Rose
water, republican national committeeman,
acting through John O. Yelser, attorney.
The effect of the order. If made perma
nent, will be to prevent democrats filing
on both the democratic and populist tickets
and populists filing on both tickets, as they
have been doing. All of the democratic
candidate for United States senator Mr.
Hitchcock, Mr. Metcalf, and Mr, Reed
have filed on both tickets, and so has Gov
ernor Bhallenberger, candidate for re
election. All of the democratic candidates for con
gress w-orkad in a populist petition and
got on two tickets, as did numerous candi
dates for Uio legislature. One prohibi
tionist candidate for United States senator,
Thomas M. E. Birmingham, got on three
tickets, while a candidate for congress In
the Sixth district. Robert G. Ross, baa
ills name file don four UckefT.
Order of Judge Front.
The order signed by Judge Frost Is as
"It la therefore considered, ordered and
decreed that the defendant be, and hereby
Is, temporarily restrained from making or
publishing the names of any candidates
upon any preliminary notice or upon any
aampla ballot, or from certifying the names
of any candidates or nomination at me
primaries of any political party for Au
gue 16, 1910, excepting only In cases wh. re
the filing fee, fixed in amount by hU.-mT
has been previously pair, as shown by the
presentation of the receipt of the proper
county treasurer at the time of such fling.
aeparately and distinct for each party upon
' which such nomination waa requested.
' It ia furtfiejdrdered that "the hearing' for
temporary injunction Is hereby set for the
17 tU day of July, 1310, at 1 o'clock p. m., or
4a soon thereafter as counsel can be heard;
the said restraining order to continue In
force until said' hearing."
, Teat of Petition.
The petition is as follows:
"Victor Rose water, for himself and on
behalf of ill others similarly situated, plain
tiff, against George C. Junkin, secretary of
State of Che state of Nebraska, defendant.
"Comes now the plaintiff and alleges that
he Is a citlxen. taxpayer and elector of the
atate of Nebraska, affiliating with the re
publican party,
"That George C. Junkin, the secretary of
atate of th state of Nebraska, is charged
, with the duty of preparing the ballots for
the several primaries of the several poli
tical parties to be held on the 16th day of
August, 1810. ' a
"That the defendant la threatening to
place upon the ballots of the several poli
tical parties of the state of Nebraska names
of pretended Candidates who have not com
piled With the laws of Nebraska to be
entitled to go upon the ticket of more than
one of said parties and will do ao unless
restrained by the court
"That the aald persons referred to above
separately filed nomination statements or
accepted positions for nominations for cer
tain offices respectively shown hereinafter
for and upon a separate and distinct ticket
of one of the distinctive political parties
of said state for which the filing fee was
duly paid and which first attempt to ob
tain a position on such ticket is not chal
i.nvod. Rut attempts were made by said
candidates and aome of the' voters of Ne
, braska to file petitions with the names of
aald respective candidates already upon the
ticket of on of said political parties so as
to attempt to be also upon the ticket of one
or mar other political parties without the
payment of the fees provided by law as a
condition precedent to any attempt at fil
ing the same, which act beside being In
violation of the mandatory provisions and
conditions precedent of law, also prevented
voters of the opportunity of examnlng the
office of the county treasurer for evidence
of said aspirants' exempts to become can
didates to enable the filing of protests.
Primary for Back Party.
"That the said failure to pay the said
fees and file or present a receipt to obtain
any additional nominations at the primaries
of other political parties prevented the de
fendant from obtaining Jurisdiction to file
or consider the use of aald name upon the
ballots of any political party for the rea
tton that the supreme court has decided
that said primary Is In fact separate and
distinct for each political party.
"That tne non-payment of said feea In
aald attempts at multiplying nominations
of various political parties upon the one
fee paid for nominations on the ticket of
the first party resulted from Ignoring a
plain and Imperative Jurisdictional provis
ion of law sanctioned by the supreme court
and Is not a mere mistake In some detail
of an apparent conformity.
"That the persona referred to above are
named hereinafter with the designation of
the office for which they are candidates,
. with the date of the original filing and
presentation of receipt for the purpose of
the legal fee and also the date of other
attempts to file without the payment of
fees or filing or presenting or adltlonal
receipts to show that they are entitled to
any more than one primary nomination.
(Here follows a list of all candidates who
have filed for more than one party.)
wkr Order Is Asked.
"That the plaintiff Is an elector, taxpayer
and cltlieit of the state of Nebraska and
alii suffer Irreparable Injury and damage
and has no adequate remedy at law If said
trend Is permitted and said names be multl
blltd on said ballots In violation of law.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Railroad Agent
Held for Selling
Stale Eggs
Pennsylvania Officials Begin War on
Practice of Transportation Com
panies Selling Spoiled Stuff.
PHILADELPHIA, July 21.-On the charge
of selling decomposed eggs that were
shipped to Philadelphia from Nebraska,
William J. Wilson, freight claim agent of
the Philadelphia & Reading Hallway com
pany. Is under ball her for a hearing on
Friday. The arrest wat the continuation
of a case In which a commission firm here
was fined fXO for selling bad eggs. The
commission firm made affidavit that It
was acting for the railroad company In
the matter and that It received only a
commission In the transaction.
Upon the arrival of the eggs here from
the west the firm to which they were con
signed refused to arcept them. With the
left on his hands, it Is charged, Wilson
Thirty dozen of them were Dur-
by agents of the state food depart
;nd many were found to be unfit
Cassidy, special agent of the
. . -r "v nd food department, discussing
II S. aM.
1,1 " "tance Is nnlv nn Inrili'stlnn it
he r, s, ot the railroad of working off
" ; V- 'wea foodstuffs on the
"it ' lof
practice is
,i ' are eggs which have deteriorated
In transit handed over to commission mer
chants to soil for what they can bring, but
many other kinds of perishable freight are
distributed by the railroads in their desire
to make up aa far as possible for their
losses in having goods damaged In transit.
'It Is our Intention to break up this
abominable traffic in damaged, unfit, un
healthy and dangerous foodstuffs which
are distributed, to be eaten by the public,
merely to reimburse the railroads for losses
for which they are entirely to blame and
which they must Inevitably expect in the
railroad business."
Alliance Raps
v County Option
German Societies Pass Resolution
Condemning Move Elect New
Besides electing new officers, fa German-American
National Alliance passed a
resolution yesterday declaring itself unal
terably opposed to county option, on the
ground that It wns a step toward state
wide prohibition. Senator Fred Volp of
Scrlbner, chairman of the resolutions com
mittee and a democrat, prepared the reso
lution and announced it to the press.
Val J. Peter of Omaha was elected presi
dent. Dr. Gehrhard of Lincoln vice-presi
dent, John Boeckhoff t of Omaha protocol
seereta'ry, .John Mattes of.-. Nebraska "City
financial and corresponding' secretary, and
Fred Volpp of 'Scrlbner treasurer.
The alliance voted to meet next year at
Scrlbner, and a'djourned. i
Priest Arrested
at Sagamore Hill
Armenian Whose Appearance Aroused
Suspicion Taken in Charge by
OYSTER BAY. N. Y., July 21.-In ret
sponse to a telephone message from. Saga
more Hill today, Charles Townsend, con
stable of Oyster Bay, hurried to Mr. Roose
velt's home and took in charge Reverend
George Nathaniel, an Armenian priest,
about SO years old..
Mr. Nathaniel wanted Mr. Roosevelt to
subscribe $500 for a hospital In the Holy
Land. Today he walked all the way to
Sagamore Hih. His speecn and appear
ance aroused the suspicion of the butler,
who refused to let him see the colonec
Big Moonshine
Still Destroyed
Federal Officials Capture Contraband
Outfit in Home of Candidate
for Sheriff.
NASHVILI.E. Tenn,, July St -A dispatch
from Annlston, Ala., says United Slates
revenue officers have returned from Cle
burne county after having destroyed one
of the largest moonshine stills located In
years. The still was In the home of Charles
Pessnell. one of the most prominent candi
dates for sheriff and who lacked only
twenty-two votes of receiving the nomina
tion. No arrests were made.
JosepJi H. Iscm of St. Loots Adsats
Stealing Geats and Impli
cates Womaa.
ST. LOUIS, July H.-That Joseph H.
Lucas, an electrical contractor, confessed
to the theft of Jewels valued at $6,000 from
the residence of J. C. Jones and Implicated
Mrs. Anna R. Sholes of Los Angeles, who
Is being held in Detroit, was the declaration
of Chief of Detectives Smith today. Jones
has gone to Detroit to claim the diamonds
which were recovered from Mrs. Sholes.
Ball Player's Divorced
Wife Weds Chum of Youth
Childhood romance came to Its proper
fruition In the life of John W. Deters and
Mrs. Cora Freese, former wife of "Butch"
Frees, ball player, when th two were
wedded by Rev. Charles W. Savidga at
the home of Mrs. Pretee, 3910 ' North
Twenty-third street Thursday morning.
The couple had known each other stnos
early childhood, and In those early days had
planned to marry. Their lives drifted apart,
through chance, and the young woman In
time became the wife of "Butch" Freese,
th Omaha ball team catcher, losing track
and memory of her former sweetheart.
The ball player left his wife two years
ago, and tha two ultimately became sep
Make Protest at Detroit Against
Reported Arming . of Strike
breakers on Grand Trunk,
Men Who Are Out Declare Perishable
Goods Are Spoiling.
Declaration Made Freight is Begin
ning to Move on System.
Inability to Secure It In Safflcleat
Quantities Is Doing Heavy
Damase and Strikers Still
Confident of Wlanlsg.
DETROIT, Mich., July 21.-A committee
of striking Grand Trunk trainmen and
members of the Detroit Federation of La
bor called on Mayor Brletmeyer today to
protest against the alleged arming of
strike-breakers by the railroad company.
The mayor satisfied the men that the law
would be enforced In this respect and re
ferred the matter to the commissioner of
police. The strikers assert that forty cars
of meat spoiled In transit was buried near
Sarnla today. f
Sltaatloa Improved.
MONTREAL. July 2L "Freight" contin
ued to be the slogan and the problem' in
the Grand Trunk railway strike today. .
The 6,000 striking conductors and train
men continued to be conspicuous by their
absence not only from their posts which
they left Monday night,' but from publlo
view anywhere. Their leaders, speaking
for them, reaffirmed that all are quietly
awaiting an expected time when the rail
road will find resumption of Its freight
business Impossible and will make such
wage overtures to the strikers aa will in
duce them to return.
At company headquarters, however, It
was stated that the strikers had been elim
inated from the situation. A blrdsey view
of the Grand Trunk's 4,000-mile system from
Portland, Me., to Detroit and In New Eng
land, showed a distinct improvement In
conditions, It was said. It was predicted
that many Important essentials toward re
sumption of shipping would be worked out
during the day.
From the viewpoint of many cities and
towna affected, the freight situation la in
creasingly serious. Ice companies are un
able to get Ice. The Canadian Pacific is
avoiding possible trouble by refusing to
run ice cars on Grand Trunk sidings, and
much perishable freight seems doomed to
destruction. At Stratford, Ont., 200 men
have been thrown out of work by the clos
ing down of packing and nulling companies
deprived of supplies. Owing to a shortage
of coal the electric light company hers baa
put out .street lights.
The Wabash railroad affected as to Its
section over Grand Trunk from Niagara
Falls, Ont., to Windsor, Ont., Is giving
nearly compute passenger service, but
there is no freight moving.
Reports have been received at company
headquarters here which indicate restless
ness on the part of strike sympathizers.
Statements that attempts were made dur
ing the night to intimidate Grand Trunk
crews at the Bonaventure yards led the
company to send out special police squads
early today, and strong detachments have
been sent to Richmond and Sherbrook.
Statements current last night that' the
engineers would strike In sympathy, which
for a time caused apprehension, were evi
dently based on telegrams from Chief Stone
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers urging his men to remain neutral
and giving specific Instructions that no en
gineer act as pilot tor green conductors.
Beef Train for Portland.
BOSTON, July 21. With the passenger
service restored on practically every line
In New England the officials of the Grand
Trunk and Central Vermont railroads today
turned their attention to the moving of
freight tralna and the relieving of the con
gestion which the ttetip has caused.
One freight train of twenty cars loaded
with beef is on its way to Portland, where
the stopping of freight traffic threatened
a meat famine.
Because of the strike the German steam
ship. Rhelngraf Bailed from Mystic wharf
today with only , a portion of Its cargo.
Reports of desertion cn the part of some
of the Imported strike breakers are being
received from several points. The railroad
officials claim, however, they have more
applicants for positions than they can care
Panora Banker
is Fatally Hurt
Party of Five Men Seriously Hurt
When Automobile Strikes
a Post.
Des Moines. July 21.-H. Max Culbertson.
cashier of the Panora Citizens Bute bank",
and four other prominent Panora, la., busN
ness men were badly Injured when an auto
mobile driven by one of the party, P. Hart,
collided with a fence post while returning
from the firemen's tournament at Perry
last night The men were found uncon
scious by another party of autolsts a half
hour later. Culbertson cannot live, doctors
said today.
arated by divorce, Mr. Deters, one of the
most noted sheep shearing foremen in
Wyoming and proprietor of a planing mill
at Buffalo. Wyo.. learned of Mrs. Freese's
divorce some time ago. Correspondence
sprang up, and finally he and his early
chum arranged to wed.
The oouple will pass a short visit at the
home of the bride In Iowa and then will
go to Buffalo. Wyo.. to make their home.
Those present at the wedding were Mrs
John Taylor. Ottawa. la.; Mrs. Beth Fair
child. Ottawa; Mra. J. M. Glbbs. Mrs. E
W. Reynolds. Mrs. Christy Jacobs, Miss
Emma Jaoobs. J. R. JJealey and A r
Anderson, -
Is Mr. Bryan Going to Try to "Come Back" Again? ,
- ;
From the Sioux City Journel.
Chicago Police Announce that Rail
road President Killed Self.
Dead Man Was Chief Witness In Illi
nois Central Craft Inqar? and
the Matter Seemed to Welsh
oa His Mind.
. ' '"'.,-. .' . -.
CHICAGO. July 2L-TJia Chicago ipollce
have dropped the Investigation Into the
death Of Ira G. Rawu, president of the
Chicago, Indianapolis A . Louisville rail
road (Monon route), and Herman Sohuett
ler. acting chief of police, said today that
he was satisfied that Mr. Rawn had com
mitted aulclde. Acting ohief Schuettler an
nounced his decision after a long confer
ence with the detectives who had
Investigated the Wlnnetka tragedy. They
declared ail the details pointed to suicide.
Despite the withdrawal of the Chicago
police, the private detectives employed by
the Rawn family continued their Invstl
gation and steadfastly declared that Mr.
Rawn was killed by a burglar.
Tho suicide thory is believed to have been
strengthened by the results of an Inves
tigation by Coronor, Hoffman.
Th bullet hole In Mr. Rawn's night gar
ment had been carefully examined and its
appearance leads to the suicide belief. The
hole Is surrounded by blood stains In which
there are what are believed to be powder
While the private dstectlves announced
yesterday that they expected to make an
arrest today, no one was taken into cus
tody. What the Police Say.
As a basis for their suicide theory the
police advance the following reasons:
They point to the fact that Mr. Rawn
was operating vice president of the Illi
nois Central railroad at the time fraudu
lent car repair contracts were found there,
and' that recently he has been drawn Into
the Illinois Central graft Investigation as
a chief witness. They say that the action
of Mr. Rawn's relatives In refusing to
aid the Chicago detective department to
search for the alleged murderer Is sus
picious. They declare that there exists a lack of
convincing evidence that an intruder had
actually been In the Rawn residence.
Mra Rawn, wife of the dead man; R. O.
Coburn, his son-ln-law; Mrs. Cob urn and
two children and three maids were in the
house when the tragedy occurred. Mrs.
(Continued on Second Page.)
The weather has
nothing to do with
it. Advertise.
In rain or shine advertise.
If you want to sell a thing, tell
everybody about It.
People) read your ad more in
gloomy weather than (air.
Now Is a splendid time to get a
good servant
It Is a good time to secure a
desirable place.
Use these little want ads. Use
them freely. 100,000 people read
Bee want ads will, rent your
property, sell your land, find bar
gains for you, start you In business,
take you out of business.
They will do a thousand and one
services that can't be done any
other way.
Call Tyler 1000 and a
cheerful staff will wait upon
k ify- the. no
Coronation of
King George V
is Proclaimed
Heralds Announce that the Ceremony
Will Take Place in June of
Nett Year. .
LONDON, July 51-The plcturestrae cere
mony attendant upon the accession of King
George, waa re-enaced today when the vari
ous officers of arms proclamed his
majesty's pleasure that the coronation of
the king and queen take place in June, 1911,
on a day to be later determined.
Sir Alfred Scott Scott-Gatty, garter king
of arms, mounted tha colonade of the Fri
day court in St. James palace and read the
royal proclamation. Grouped about him
were the Officers of arms, the high bailiff
of Westminster and the life guards. The
duke of Connaught and others of the royal
family looked on from Marlborough house.
The proceedings were repeated at Charing
Cross and at Temple Bar, where admit
tance to the ancient city of London was
solemnly demanded, and at the Royal ex
change. Taft Plays Golf
at Bar Harbor
This Afternoon the President Will
Hold a Reception for the
Summer Colony.
BAR HARBOR. Me.. July n.-Another
day of Ideal weather called President Taft
early ashore from the Mayflower and be
fore o'clock he was on his -way to the
golf links of the Kebo Valley club.
Mr. Taft will hold a reception for the
summer colony at the club this afternoon.
Some time before nightfall he experts td
have a conference with Chairman H. C.
Emery of the tariff commission.
The regular residents of the Island here
are keenly disappointed over the evident
Intention of the president to devote the en
tire time of his three days stay to the fash
ionable cottagers from New York.
Mrs. Marlon Mayo of New York
Commits Salcid While on Way
Home from Savannah.
NEW YORK, July ll.-Mrs. Marlon
Mayo of Augusta, Ga., reputed to be
wealthy and of social position, who took
passage on the steamer City of Columbus
from Savannah, was mlsslnr wh.n . -
steamer reached New York today.
captain Johnson of the City of Columbus
said he believed Mrs. Mava hurt . ...
of her stateroom during the night and
mrown nerseir into the water during the
voyage. Captain Johnson sail tht v..
day Mrs. Mayo was an Interested spectator
01 me Dunat at sea or a negro cook and
that after that she went to her cabin and
was not seen again.
China Calls Attention to
Treaty of Portsmouth
PEKING, July a. China's reply to the an
nouncement of the recently concluded Russian-Japanese
convention was delivered at
the legations of these two countries today.
As had been expected, the Peking govern
ment does not fall to point out Its satisfac
tion at th expressed purposes upon the
part of Russia and Japan to adhere to the
terms of the Portsmouth treaty, and over
the mutual pledge of the mantenanc in
Manchuria of th stat; s quo and the prin
ciple of the open door for commercial de
velopment. In this connection China lays special em
phasis upon article 1 0f th Portsmouth
treaty, which reads aa follows:
"Japan and Russia mutually engaged:'
Are Planning the Formation of a Na
tional Association.
Representatives of Several Western
States Present, the Meetlns. Be
ing Coincident with tha
-w..,..-., fcaensrerfest.'
Thursday morning was the time set for
the opening session of the tenth annual
convention of the German American Press
Association of the West, which is meeting
lu convention with the Saengerfest. The
exceedingly long practice which tho singers
held at the Auditorium and the fact that
at a late hour last night the place of meet
ing was changed troni the .-tome hotel to
the German Maennerchor hall at 1320 Far
nam street and proper announcement hud
not been made, prevented th transaction of
any business In the morning.
The association, which comprises most of
the editors of German papers in the stiites
Of Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Minne
sota, Illinois, North Dakota and Missouri,
and has about sventy-flve members, haa
been in existence over ten years. At the last
convention a start was made toward the for
mation of a national atssocatlon of German
newspaper men, and Invitations have been
sent all over the country to these men t1)
meet with the western association. As a
resulC- many of these men are in the city
and before the convention adjourns there
la every prospect that It will be resolved
into a national organization. Adolph Peter
son of Davenport la., the president; Valen
tine Peter of Ornahr, the flist vice president,
and Henry Hetn of Muscatine, la., the sec
retary, have otstu iiiu.ruig in their efforts
to bring about this result.
Announcement of the change of meeting
plaoe was made at the Saengcrteut sessions
on Thursday and the German Journalists
hope to' get their meeting In full swing
on Friday morning when they meet at it
o'clock at Maennerchor hall.
Three Unndred Persons Driven from
Their Homes by Blase In
NEW. YORK, July fL-One person was
killed, another Is missing and 300 tenement
dwellers were driven from their homes In
a panic as the result of a fire which early
today burned out the three upper floors
of a seven-story factory building at Lewis
and Rtvlngton streets, near the Manhattan
end of the Williamsburg bridce. Th. aa
man was Harrish Kdged, a watchman,
wnose purnea body was found on the sixth
floor, where he had falle n While (rvlnv A
escape. An unidentified boy, who was
given permission to spend the night on
the roof, is believed to have perlshod.
Although threatened, the surroundln
bulldlngs wtr untouched by the flames and
the panic-stricken tenants returned to
their homes aa soon as the fire had been
extinguished. The monetary loss Is com
paratively small.
(1) To evacuate completely and simultan
sously Manchuria, except thB territory ef
fected by th. leas, ,,f the Llau-Tung
peninsula In conformity with the prevision,
of additional article 1. annexed to Th,.
treaty; and (2) to restore entirely and com
pletely to the exclusive administration of
China all portions of Manchuria now 1 the
occupation or under th control of th.
Japanee or Russian troops, with tho ex
ceptlon cf th territory above mentioned
Th government of Russia deHares that It
has not In Manchuria any territorial ad
vantages or preferential or exclusive con
cessions In impairment of Chinese soy.
erelgnty, or inconsistent with the principle
cf! opportunity,"
Saengerfest Comes Into Own with
Burst of Melody from Two
Thousand Voices.
Huge Auditorium is Packed for Great
Privileged Few Hear Rehearsal of
Chorus in Morning.
St. I'nnl and Sllnneapolte Drlearatloaa
Cite serenades ami Win Votes
fur ext Vrar Sleetlun One
Serenade In Ilea Pudding.
The great Sanngerf-st came Into Its own evening, nlu-n tho grand inaatcd mala
cIlolUM was heard fur Ilia Tm.i
thousand trained voices poured out a glor
ious tonal mass which welmlgli swept aud
itors off their feet, figuratively cpfaklni;.
Yesterday was. tluournoiit. kii.iIi mil.
sical day as Omaha has hardly ever know n
before. In tha morning a privileged few
heard tho grand chorus rehearsing; In tha
afternoon came the aitlsis' matinee and In
the evening th first concert.
At boln cuntiurlu i1,a u.ain ..u.iUn.u
the great building vaa laxcu. At 'night th
rtuoiiorium inust nave contained lO.ouO peo
ple. Two thousand alone wcro massed la
serried ranks pn tho great stands built at
the east end where tho stage usually Ilea
From the tioor ir the very roof was tlor
after tier of men singers. In a compara
tively small space at their feet sat the or
chestra of sixty. The rest of the big bulld
liu: ma filled with audit
enthuhlaHtio kind, row after row on the
........ . . mum vicii mica rows in
the balcony.
The two programs gave exhibits of all
the po&bibllitiea of tho vocal art, both as
to solo singing ana choral, and In the latter
some splendid contrapuntal work. The ap
plause was equally great for soloists and
chorus. Of the former, Noma men and
women of international renown wr,re heard.
Foremost in local interest was the singing
of Miss Mary Muenchhoff by reaaon of her
Omaha residence, but sharlnr in i..,..
equal nieasuro were Alius Myrtle Moses.
iiose-epioue, unrlstlau Hansen,
MarcuB Kellermaii and A. F. titecliele, tha
last named a violinist.
Serenading; Is Fentnrc.
The serenading "by the fit. Paul unH ui..
neapolls sonsateru: Minneapolis i working
ioiuii- ui mo waenjierteat yesterday, and
tha united societies are making many votes
this way for tit. puul In 1313. Uesldea visit
ing many doJeuatioit headquarters, the ser
enades yesterday 'afterTVotTgave a concert
in the rotunda of The Uee building. Denver
men Joined in with tho St. Puul and Mln
neapolla snogsters. Minneapolis is working
hard for St. Paul, Just as tha two cities
pulled together In an earlier gathering of
the week. "
The Bee building concert was listened ta
with delight by several hundred men and
women, who awafnied out of bf flees on
eveiy floor to the corridors and perched
on railings and stairways to hoSr the sweet'
voiced singers.
Artists from Abroad introduced at tha
Matinee Evfiilnn Program.
The second concert ot the baengerfest.
styled as "Artists' Jlullnee," was th
means of Introduction for tho Out-of-town
soloists engaged in the festival. Th.
gram opened with a rendition of Richard
".iers vorspiei- n0ni "Lohengrin"
The results achieved by the orchestra wlta
this number were Hula short of remarka
ble. They entered Into the spirit of tha
immortal music with almost reverential
sympathy. There was! n evidence perfect
balance of the different instrumental sec
tions, very intelligent phrasing, and trua
beauty of tone. Tho nluv.r.
- - ."wabVIVU in
grandeur of the Wagnerian muslo with
equal facility aa the mor naive and dainty
harmonics of the Momt n Uinn du.
tasia, or the fiery and effervescent rythma
of a Hungarian Dane by Brahms, per
formed later in the afternoon. The work
of the orchestra reflects great creditsupon
their conductor, Mr. Reese, who hum lit
erally done wonders witn his material.
Mish Myrtlo Moses, the first soloist to ap
pear on the program at onca gav proof
Ihut she hus grown In many waya sine
she left Omaha to study in the east. Her
voice Is larger in volume al well aa In
range, she Interpret artistically and has a
clear and careful enunciation of the Ger
man text. She sang a group of three songs
and aa encor Greig's "Laut der Welt,"
which is a gem of lu kind. Her suoceaa
with the audience was manifested in num
erous recalls.
Of the many "Second Schumann-Heink'"
now before tha American public, few hav
as Justified a claim on that title as Mra.
Hesse Snrdtte. Hera ia a rih ..
. wvuirAito
voice of great power, brilliant in Its higher
register ana lorciDie in th middle
nd low
tones. Her "Resltative." t,in.
" iroiu int iTopiiet, ' was a
masterpiece of dramatic Singing. w??ne per-
T J . . . J." S ..n.i ...
teci legato pervaded the eantabile
sages. Tho urtlst has command
colorutura quite exceptional with
of a
tralto voire, and broad, ncn temperament
Bhe addfd to the aria a boitlful song by
Kami, "Duheim."
Mr. Christian .-ansen, hitherto unknown
to fame, though announced as "principle
iniur oi ir.B uoston upera House 1
dered "Walter's Prlxe Song," from '
terslnger." His high tones avnk.H
longed applause from th audience
brought about
n encore whch was cheer-
Miss Mary Muenchhoff V.
as star soloist for the festival, returning
m u aner renew co succesa abroad,
re-entrance was greeted with nih
applause by her. Omaha
proudly regard her as tlielr own. She quit
captured her audience by her pleasant per-
suimiuy, ner technical skill ripened by
long years of exDerlenca on th. .
platform and by her bell-lilt vole, which
was. as ever, warm and beautiful, vibrant
with color and foeling, though perhaps,
somewhat marrtd In Its top register by a
slight Indisposition. Tha artlat .
eneoie a delicate song by Ci,i Goldmark.
Mr. a. r. stecheie made an excellent im
pression by his performance of the difficult
Uaeh "Claccana." He exhibits a very re
spectable technique and entices from hi
violin a sonorous, singing ton and acceaw