Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1910, Image 1

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    The Omaha- Daily Bee.
New 'Phono Number
Alt tJVjrtmini
For Ncbrnska Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
For weather report see rase 2.
VOL. ' L2': 'jy.
ritESIDBNT lJt,f N
Head of Motion Railroad System
Murdered Early Tuesday Morn
Ing by Burglar.
Police Find Trail of Blood Near the
Heard Noise and Had Gone to
When Members of Family Heach Foot
of Stairway II Is Breathing Ilia
Last Twenty Detectives
at Vork.
CHICAGO, July . Jra O. Rawn, presi
dent of tlie Chicago, Indianapolis A. Louls
Vllle ra'.lroad (The Monon), wit murdered
In his home at Wlnnetka, a suburb of this
city, today. The police are searching; for a
wounded man as the murderer.
While none In Mr. Kawn's home saw the
rhootititr It la believed that Mr. Rawn shot
hi assailant, aa the police discovered a trail
of blood about 100 feet Ions a short dis
tance east of the house. Two shots were
hoard by Mr. Rawn's family, and his re
volver was found with one discharged car
tridge in It.
While it Is origlnaly believed by the police
that ' the Intruder entered the Rawn
home to commit burglary, private detec
tives working on the case, Intimate that
there may have been another motive. The
detectives say that the work of the man
who broke Into the house was not that of
an expert burglar. ' A screen door, through
which he entered, hud been forced open
by breaking off the latches. The detectives
aswert that a burglar could easily have cut
away the tcreen without making a noise,
which may have been caused by the break
ing of the latches. , '
SaMpeet la Released.
One man has been arrested as a suspect.
He Immediately was released. The police
have Bearched al' the suburbs near Wln
netka and several laborers' campa, besides
closely watchtnK all trains.
Mr. Rawn reccr tly wad a prominent wit
liens In the Chicago & Indiana railroad
caaea, In which the alleged real estate
frauds, aggregating Isuu.OOu were charged
abatiiNt former officials of the road. The
case against one of the men still Is pending.
fctutm Attorney Wynian said that he was
satisfied that Mr. Rawn's testimony in
the Chicago & Wester.n Indiana fraud pro
ceedings had nothing to do with the mur
der. Mr. Way man said he had looked over
the testimony and he thought It contained
nothing by which Mr. Rawn could have
gained the enmity of anyone.
Twenty private detectives are now work
in on the case
" "'' '" . ' atttfy of hootlns. "
The story of the shooting of Mr. Rawri
a told hy Ralph U. Coburn, a son-hi-law
of the victim, this morning.
"Mr. Raivn Was awakened .by . sounds on
' ths first Door Of the house," he Bald. "He
Insisted upon going down to ascertain the
came, although Mrs. Rawn tried to per
euadu him not lo do It,
'.'He descended the stairs and had barely
reached the landing when everyone in the
house was awakened by the roar of two
hots fired In quick succession. i
"1 rushed out, as did the others. We
found Mr. Rawn lying In his night clothes.
Wood was ttlckllng from his breast.
"He' struggled, turned -over, tried to
speak and could not. We sent In hurried
calls fur a doctor. Mr. Rawn died within
five or six minutes after the shut had
been fired, tie did not regain conscious
"We Immediately summoned the Wln
netka police, and It was they who found
the mark on the door which established
the fact that the crime had been com
mitted by a burglar. Other than that we
have no clue. -
'The house was occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Rawn, their daughter, Mrs. Blgeiow,
and my wife ahd myself and our two chil
dren. There were also three servants In
the house, the cook, Mrs. Rawn's maid
and Mrs. Blgelow's maid. None of the reii
of lis heard the burglar."
Only one bullet look effect. Ths other
, went wild.
Career of Mr. lUns.
Mr. Rawn ha three daughters, all mar
ried. They are Mrs. Hubert C. Brinkley,
Mrs. Ralph U. Coburn and Mrs. D. N. Btg
low. ;
Air, Rawn was 65 years old, having been
born August to, 1856, at Delaware, O. He
entered the railway service in 1S70. begin
ning as a telegraph operator for the Big.
fcur. After rising to be trainmaster with
that road, he went to the Kentucky Central
railway in 1&3T as master of transportation.
Two years later he became division super
intendent and superintendent of transporta-
lion of the Chesapeake & Ohio. In ,e
wan madd general superintendent of the
Raltlmore & Ohio Southwestern. He be- J
came general manager' of that system in
laot and In I'Jul was made vice president In
charge of operation of the Illinois Central
lines. About 'a year ugo he was elected
president of Uie Motion.
AssailMut Probably Woaaded.
A revolver with out empty cartridge was
found near Mr. Rawn's body, it later de
veloped. No trace of the second bullet Could
be found and the police believe that Mr.
Rawn wounded his assailant. Two shots
were heard, but it Is impossible to deter
mine whether Mr. Rami or the murderer
fired first. Relict that the murderer was
wounded by Mr. Rawn was strengthened
when the police found a trail of blood about
W) feet along a stone walk cast of the
llawn residence.
Investigation by the police showed that
the burglar had forced open two front doors
lit breaking into the house and that he
was heard by Mr. Rawn before he had time
to ransack any of ihe rooms. The burglar
had apparently just entered the front hall
when he was heard by Mr. Rawn. who
carted down talrs with a revolver In his
hand. Nothing had been disturbed by the
intruder. 1
Coroner Hoffman postponed the Inquest
entil July 8-,
tar Talevs Sentenced.
MASON CITY, la-, July 9V-(Spek'ial.)
-Henry Krlckson and Owen MoCoi n.ack. car
breakers, were picked up by Special Agent
Rousman of the Great Western, and In their
trial Tuekdsy both men pleaded guilty and
were fined Fly arid costs. The former was
picked up at Council bluffs after quite a
long sesreh. while McCorroack was secured
t Blue Keith. Several luoi arrests may
nova follow . - .
Eastern Lines
Delay Advance
in Freight Rates
New Schedules to Be Effective No
vember 1 Instead of August 1
Lints in West May Follow.
WASHINGTON. July 20. Important ad
vances In freight rates recently made by
the railways In eastern classification terri
tory will be suspended voluntarily by the
railroads until November 1 next. This
agreement was made by a committee repre
senting the carriers and by Chairman
Knapp of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion. Chairman Knapp authorised the follow
ing announcement concerning the volun
tary action taken by the railroads:
"It being understood that the commission
would exercise Its authority under the new
laws and suspend all general important
advances made to Increase rates, the prin
cipal carriers in official classification ter
ritory proposed today to postpone the ef
fective date of such an advance rate until
November 1 next. An arrangement to that
effect was made. This will not delay de
cision as to the reasonableness of the pro
posed advances.
"It Is not unlikely that a similar arrange
ment may, be made between the commission
and the carriers In the Western Trunk Line
association territory. Such an agreement,
It Is believed, will be reached before the
end of the week."
Murderer Makes
Threat from Jail
Isador Neuman of New York, Who
Killed Wife and Baby, Writes
to Mother-in-Law.
NEW YORK. July 20.-Accordlng to state
ments made in court when Isador' Neu
man, a 30-year-old East Slder was sentenced
today on his plea of guilty of murdering
his wife and their Infant son, Neuman'a
thirst for blood did not stop with the
double killing. The mother and sister of
the dead woman appeared to ask the court
that the maximum aentence be Imposed
upon the man. Mrs. Neuman's sister said
that since he has been confined In the
Tombs awaiting action on the murder
charges against him he had written her
letters . saying that some day he would
kill her aa he did bia wife.
Judge Foster in general sessions sen
tenced Neuman to not less . than twenty
years on the wife murder charge and is
sued a bench warrant so that the prisoner,
If he Uvea out his first term, may be re
arrested on the charge of cutting bis child's
throat. ,
President Taft
Off for Bar Harbor
Chkf Executive kam , Party"" leave
Eastport on . the Mayflower at .
Eight in Morning:.
EASTPORT, Me., Juiy 20. -The May
flower, having Preldent Taft and party on
board, left Eastport at 8 o'clock this fore
noon and la due In Bar Harbor late in the
afternoon. Urgent - requests have been
made for President Taft to deliver a short
speech In Bar Harbor, and he Intimated
that he might consent to do so Thursday.
Mrs. Taft and others of the party were
guests at Campobello Tuesday afternoon
and H. M. Merrlman took the visitors in
his launch for a deep sea fishing trip this
morning. They returned shortly before the
Mayflower was pointed out of the harbor,
EAR HARBOR, Me.. July 20. The yacht
Mayflower, with President Taft and party
on board, arrived In the harbor here at
2:35 p. m.
Senator Hale came down from his home
at Ellsworth this afternoon and was taken
aboard. President Taft will be Senator
Hale's guest at his home Saturday even
ing. The president will remain here threo
days, leaving Saturday for Bangor.
Meeting; at at. Pan I Will Open Day
Uarller Than Anauaaced Extra
Day for Uovernors.
CHICAGO, July 20. President Taft will
be Invited to open the national conserva
tion congress at St. Paul September 5,
according to a decision reached today at
a conference between tbevexecutlve com
mittee of the congress and representatives
of the twin cities board of managers. It
was also decided to open the oongresa on
September S. Instead of September 8, the
original date. The extra day will be known
as "Uovernors day" and all governors in
the country will be Invited.
Pugilist Flued Fifteen Uoliara for
Speed I nit Hie Antomoblle lu
,ew York.
NEW YORK. July 20. John A. Johnson,
the champion heavyweight pugilist, aa he
described himself" In an affidavit In police
court today, was fined Slo for recklessly
driving his big automobile around the con
gested spaces near Forty-second street and
Seventh Avenue yesterday afternoon. John
sun had an excuse ready.
"I have to go the way I did to dodge the
hoodlums who call me names and throw
stones at me," said he.
Loses His Clothes and is
Stabbed When He Squeals
Harold Duff, who'clalms the Metropolitan
hotel as his abiding place, s out one com
plete outfit, of wearing apparel and ahead
one choice collection of cuts and bruises.
At a late hour Tuesday night Duff, In
order to take advantage of the cool even
ing breezes deserted e doWny bed which
he claims was his at the Metropolitan and
hied himself to an empty boxcar at the
corner of Fourteenth and Nicholas streets
where he proceeded to sleep the sleep of
the just. During the night he was rudely
awakened by two dark-complected gentle
men, who demanded of him the contents
of big wallet and, Uxat favor being refused
Vice President of Grand Trunk Says
Backbone Will Be Broken
by Saturday.
Says New Men Are Applying Faster
Than Can Be Taken.
Union Official Says Road Must Pay
Same Scale as Competitors.
Property Loss Will Be Lares Valeaa
Wheels Begin to Tars Sees
rnsseagrer and Mall Trains
Ara on Time.
MONTREAL, Can.. July 20. "The back
bone of the strike will be broken by Sat
urday." This was the assertion today of
Vice President Fltshugh of the Grand
Trunk railroad In regard to the strike of
its conductors and trainmen.
"This afternoon," he continued, "we re
sumed part of our surburban service out
of Montreal. We are Just setting In motion
a number of freight tralnB. Recruits' are
coming In to take the strikers' places faster
than we can take care of them. No dis
turbances of consequence are reported any
where. All important passenger trains are
moving without Interruption. By Saturday
or earlier our service will be resumed In
Its full capacity."
Vcle President Murdock of the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen and his assist
ants devoted several hours to negotiations
with President Shaughnessy of the Cana
dian Pacific Railroad, regarding final ad
justment of the statu of the conductors
and trainmen employed on that road. It
was reported that a setlement of disputed
points was near.
With the Canadian Pacific railway' situa
tion cleared up It Is expected the union of
ficials will turn their attention to the Grand
Trunk and inaugurate an active campaign.
Moch Perishable Freight.
Carloads of perishable freight are stand
ing on sidings far and near, and unless
It la possible to begin to turn tbe wheels
soon the property loss will be large. Food
supply and crop transportation are vitally
Involved, It la stated. '
A generally expressed opinion at many
Important points on the Grand Trunk is
that the strikers will be able to continue
the freight train holdup two or three days
longer at least.
Conductors and yardmen In the employ
of the Wabash on the tracks that road
leases from the Grand Trunk, between Ni
agara Falls, Ont and Windsor. Ont., op
posite Detroit, have gone out and as a,
result the Wabash la having considerable
trouble in moving its passenger train over
that division. No attempt is being made
to touch the freight.
. . No Serious Disorder.
Freedom from serious disorder continues
to characterise conditions.
. Only at two points has trouble been re
ported. Strike sympathisers roughly handled
two railroad employes at Niagara Falls,
Ontario, and late last night at Sherbrooke
an acting conductor of a Montreal bound
.train was attacked by a crowd. Two
policemen and the station agent finally got
him to his train, which then proceeded.
, Both the Grand Trunk and the Wabash
are recruiting men. Vice President Fits
hugh, who is in charge for the company,
said today he expected partial resumption
of freight operations before night, but that
any widespread movement could not be
expected for a few days.
Vessels With Half Cargoes.
The congestion' of west-bound freight on
the docks at Montreal harbor is increasing,
while shipping companies say that sue
ocean going steamers which leave this port
Friday and Saturday for Europe will go out
with no more than half loads because of
the delays to freight from the west.
The strikers admit the company's present
ability to keep a majority of Its' passenger
trains moving, but say that if the pressure
of the freight tie up on which they have
relied proves insufficient to force some
satisfactory settlement within a day or two,
a strong effort will be made to get the
railroad telegraphers to quit.
Leaders on both sides say all thought pf
arbitration or compromise baa been aban
doned. The postoffice officials report the mall
service practically uninterrupted. ,
Wabash Trains Interrapted.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., July SO.-Vlce President
and General Manager Henry Miller of the
Wabash received a telegram today from
union officials that the ' Wabash service
will not be Interrupted with to any extent
by reason of the strike en the Grand
Trunk. The Wabash operates Its trains
from Detroit to Buffalo over the Grand
nun raiis auu n wm noi accept cr de -
liver any traffic, passenger or freight be -
tween Detroit and Buffalo during ' the
Chicago Wanted to "Get Kirn"
with 111k Fireman Who
Chased Him.
CHICAGO. July 20. Because a "big fire
man" chased him away from a fire engine
house, Leroy Holsener, 13 years old, today
admitted that he set fire to seven build
ings. The fires caused several thousand
dollars damage. The boy said he set the
buildings on fire In orrtir to "get even"
with the fireman who chased him.
them, showed no hesitation in making
away with his clothing, which he had
doffed on retiring.
Realizing the embarrassing position which
would be his lot when day dawned. Duff
txtended his vocal powers to the utmost
In an attempt to secure help from the res
idents thereabouts, but the only persons
hose attention he attracted were the col
ored men, who returned and manifested
their disapproval of his actions by bruising
and severely cutting him ia several places
about the face and body. The cuts win
not. it Is thought, prove fatal, but Duff
will be on the hospital list for gtvarai
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Speaker Says Insurgent Movement is
Ha Says He Is Peetina; Better and
f .Wttl Tnh-rACf2,Hnt fsfcam- .;
palaTn In '"'Illinois aad
Other States. '
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 20.-Speaker
Joseph G. Cannon arrived In Kansas City
at 7 o'clock this morning from Marlon,
Kan., where last night he closed his Kan
sas stumping tour In behalf of "standpat"
republican congressmen who are seeking
Speaker Cannon left for St. Louis on the
Chicago & Alton road at 9:30 a. 'm. ' He
will go from St. Louis to his home In Dan
ville, III., either tonight or tomorrow morn
ing. He was pretty well worn out last night,
but when he reached Kansas City he said
he was feeling well. Despite his 74 years
and his temporary collapse at Wlnfleld last
Saturday, the speaker la determined to get
into the fall campaign.
Speaker Cannon will stay in Danville a
few days, but before the end of the month
will go to Mackinac, Mich., for a rest of a
week or ten days.
Campaign In Illinois.
"The Illinois primaries will not take place
until September 15," said Mr. Cannon today,
"and as far aa I know there Is no opposi
tion to my renomlnatlon. .1 expect to
spend about two weeks campaigning In my
district, but I shall probably do it before
the primaries In order to get the matter
out of the way before the heavy work of
the fall begins.
"When the regular congressional cam
paign opens, I shall be at the service of
the national republican congressional com
mittee. .
"I feel able to go through the campaign.
I always dislike to enter on a campaign,
but after I am into It I like it, because It
ia a thing to be done. After I have been
at it a week, my nerve hardens to the
Most of Speaker Cannon's tour was In
the Fourth congressional - district, where
the hottest primary contest in the state is
j iMu;i,r waged. This district Is the home of
1 vaiWtt A. White, the Emporia edl.tor,
' vv,v t a way. Is the campaign manager
for Kansas Insurgents, and Attorney
Gemi.'i J i" -ed S. Jackson Is making a vigor
out c)Uf;tlgn against the renomlnatlon of
Corifjr mi-nan J. M. Miller, a member of
(Continued on Second Page.)
The wants
Wade through
them today.
You will find an
interesting batch ot
all sorts of things.
Everything from a lost
stick pin to a thousand acres
of land.
Homes for all.
Jobs for all.
Places to borrow.
Places to buy.
Bargains of every description.
Tbe bee's want section furnishes
reading for a half hour pleasant
reading and profitable.
Call Tyler 1000, when you aro In
These Can "Come Back"
Aeroplane Struck
by Lightning
During Flight
Machine of Aviator Ehrmann De
- stroyed by Bolt in Spain, but
V Ee.JEscapM Unhurt ,
.!-. . V. .. I. 4. . MMMftM 1 '
BARCELONA. July 20. While he was
making a cross-oountry flight today Aviator
Ehrmann's aeroplane was struck by light
ning and fell blazing to the ground. The
aviator escaped uninjured.
There has never been a more startling
aerial exhibition than that which Ehrmann
unwillingly afforded. He was sailing along
at a '-moderate height when he got In the
path of a sky bolt. Instantly the aero
plane was enveloped In flames, its canvas
wings shriveled up and clinging to the skel
eton of his craft Ehrmann came down with
a thud. ' ' .
British Railroad
Strike is Growing
Ten Thousand Men Quit Work Tues
day Night and Each Hour Adds
, to Number Out.
NEWCASTLE, England, July ,20.-The
strike movement against the Northeastern
Railroad was strengthened today. Ten
thousand men had quit work last night.
Every hour since has brought reports of
further desertions. .
Along the River Tyne, scores of coal ships
are tied by unable to obtain cargoes. Many
factories in the vicinity have shut down.
The strike Is founded upon dissatisfac
tion In the conditions of employment.
Amerlcaa Cltlsen la Jail in . Mexico
Charged with Cutting; Boun
dary Barrier.
WASHINGTON. July 20. A hole cut In
a wire fence threatens to become an Inter
national Incident between the United States
and Mexico.
Protests have reached the State depart
ment from California against the arrest
In Mexico of D. W. MacKay ott the charge
of havlnK cut the hole. It Is alleged he
placed a gate on a boundary fence near
Tijuana, a little town just across the In
ternational border In Mexico. The reports
are that MacKay not only was arrested.
but had been refused bail pending his
The State department today cabled the
American embassy at Mexico City for a
full investigation of the incident.
What! City Editor is Robbed
of $140 in Real Hard Money
How any city editor, or any running mate
of a city editor, ever Individually or col
lectively acquired S140 at one time. Is a
mystery thus far unexplained, but it Is re
lated from the Paxtun hotel that Leroy
Boughner, city editor of the . Unnespolis
Tribune and Mac Martin, a Minneapolis
publicity man. were robbed last night.
The theft occurred in a room at the Pax
ton jointly occupied by Messrs Boughner
and Martin. Being ot accommodating dis
position, they left their uoor unlocked so
that other ad club delegates might be ad
mitted, without ceremouy to the private
bath adjoining. Clothes were doffed late
In the evening, and two tired boosters did
the act with a buoyancy of
conscience well befitting Innocent children.
Ad Club Convention Adjourns After
Spirited Meeting;.
St. Loalslan Moves Vnanlmons Vote
.' for Hie Opponent After Aon .
Inattona Had Been
President Samuel O, Dobbs, Atlanta.
Vice President X. B. Sawyer, St. Xiouis.
Secretary P. S. Flora, Indianapolis,
Treasurer Mao Martin, Minneapolis.
Samuel C. Dobbs was re-elected by ac
clamation president of the Associated Ad
vertising Clubs of America and after a
gruelling fight Boston was awarded the
next convention, in the last session of the
convention here yesterday. The executive
committee was chosen as follows: F. E.
Scotford, San Francisco; J. Osborn, St.
Paul; H. S. Houston, New York; R. E.
Sunderland, Omaha; J. Montgomery
'wn. Fort Worth, and L. E. Pratt,
ts. r iorea, Indianapolis, shared the for
tune' of President Dobbs in being unani
mously re-elected to his office. Mao Martin
of Minneapolis was elected treasurer.
In the voting for convention place, Bos
ton received 204 votes and Milwaukee got
110. -
I.. H. Sawyer was chosen vice president
by acclamation after Dobbs had been
elected, both votes being unanimous. Mr.
Sawyer's naino had gone before tho con
vention and many seconding speeches made
for each. It was plain that the Atlanta
man would win re-election in a walk and
the other man pulled down his name. He
was then rewarded with the second office.
Warm Flaht for ftext Convention.
The sensations of the day were those
cropping out of the fight for the conven
tion town. Fiery bpeechea from both fac
tions, and a third, Denver, which quickly
withdrew, put up stirring fights for their
respective towns. Boston's plea was that
the east had been overlooked In the choos
lng of conventions In the past, and there
fore It was for the interest of the associa
lion to travel Into that section. The hold
ing of tho convention in that city, it was
argued, would do more to make the or
sanitation national than anything else.
Milwaukee contended that it was more
nearly In the center of the largest mem
bership sone than Boston.
Kx-Governor Harper of Colorado made a
talk for Denver, which he turned Into a
polite withdrawal of the town from the
race and announcd that It would make a
big fight 'for the year after next conven
tion. All the resolutions of the convention were
(Continued on Second Page.)
At some time In the night, while they
slept, there came the thief. He ransacked
the clothing of the sleeping young nien
and carried away 140. A few dollars In
silver was left for breakfast money. Along
In the forenoon telegraphic communlratlon
between Omaha and Minneapolis was
opened, and the loss of the !4o will not
necessarily break up the aa men's conven
tion. , "Why," said Curtis Masher of St. Paul,
a little tli ii g like the the.'t of a few hun
dred dollars i nothing when you consider
that moiiey actually grows"
But just then one of the Bt. Joseph mules
set up such a nee-haw that the remainder
of the Mosher utterance was wufted away
In the direction of the river bluffs.
Thus far there Isg no clue to the thief.
First Concert of Biennial Meet
Heard by Thousands at Audi
torium Last Evening.'
Robert Strehlow" and Mayor Dahlman
Submit Remarks.
Otto Rohland of St. Paul Thanks
Local Men for Work.
Trntnlnnd After Tralnload of German
Vocalists Vnlnnd at t'nlon and
BurllnKton Stations Dar
ing; Morning.
The great Saengerfcst Is on.
Throughout tho Auditorium there
sounded lant night tho harmonies of a
mixed chorus of men and wimen, all
Omahans. These will be r"plared tonight
by the 2,000 male singers who arrived yes
terday from all oer the middle west.
The opening concert, vocally a great sue
cess, was opened by two orchestral num
bers and then the Omaha male chorus
saiiK the "Welcome," written by Moehrlng.
Followed three addresses. Robert Streh
low, president of the Omaha Saengprfest
association, welcomed the visitors in be
half of the association which Is their host
Mayor Dahlman followed In behalf of the
city and 6tto Rohland of St. Paul made
response as president of the National
Saengcrbund. The musical program then
proceeded. Between 1.000 and 6.000 peoplo
filled the great building.
Sinners Pour In.
Hours before the twenty-fourth biennial
of the Saengerbund of the Northwest began
Its sessions, the delegates had captured
Omaha. These singers began pouring Into
Union station at an early hour, special
train after special train discharging hun
dreds of singers.
Among the first to arrive were the men
of the United Singing societies of St Paul
and Minneapolis, headed by Otto Rohland,
president of the Saengerbund of the North
west. He and all the other visitors were
whisked away to the Auditorium, where
In the great basement room on the north
east side breakfast was served.'
Women of tho Omaha singing societies
and the Omaha Saengerbund association
were the hosts at this continuous breakfast,
which lasted from 8 to 12, nearly 1,000 men
and women being served.
The Omaha Maennerchor was also a
host at the affair,
"The outlook la for the greatest fest
In the history of the saengerbund," de
clared Presdent Rohland, "and this is
fitting, for this fest celebrates our semi
centennial, you know. ,Thia great bho- '
olatUm Is firtyiyw. BltLand J twtting
bigger ana better every two years. An,
Immense amount ot preparatory work Is
gone through wlln. You know how all
the societies rehearse the music they will
sing for' two years before we all come
together in a grand fostlval of song, un
der direction of each bund'a own director
and then under the fest director who
travels from city to city."
President Rohland complimented Vice
President Peter juoux of Omaha on the
preparations which the Omaha Saenger
bund association haa made for vhls meet'
lng. An immense amount of detail work
has had to be carried out.
In Gain Attire.
Omaha during the day finished the work
of putting on gay attire for the visitors and
the city Is being decorated as it has not
been since the Eagles were hare last Sep
tember. Thousands of pennants and ban
ners were hung out In the breeze and the
German trl-color, red, white and black,
mingled with the red, white and blue of
the United States flag.
The early arriving delegates wasted no
time in bursting Into song. Little groups
of them would slug In the corridors of
whatever hotel they happened to be as
signed to. Tho big delegation .marched to
the Rome hotel looking for Governor
GUerhart, whom they Intended to sere
nade. Although disappointed at finding
him gone home) they gave their songs any
how, 200 singing with muJesUa volume.
The Rome was a cosmopolitan place at
this hour. In the convention hail Arthur
Brisbane wa addressing the ad men's
convention, the Germans were singing In
the lobby, while .'n the women's dining
room a reception was being held for the
Right Rev. H. O. von Scheele, bishop of
Sweden, and Lady von Scheele.
Meantime, in the Auditorium, the Omaha
women's chorus was having final rehearsal
with the orchestra and several hundred
sweet-voiced girls and young matrons were
singing for dear life.
The front part of the building was as
animated aa the basement breakfast room
and the stage. In the several offices In- ,
coming delegates were registering and re
ceiving tickets and badges. Also hun
dreds of people were in line at the boa
Societies fiom all the points of the middle
west came Into the Oniahu stations In one
continuous stream. Both stations were
aceiita of excitement and on Tenth street
one or more groups of the singers were to
b3 seen any time marching along or bolng
welcomed by Omaha friends.
Uuvrnport Is Present.
Davenport, la., sent a number on thi
Rock liiiand cany TueaUay morning, fol
lowed hy delegations on the Northwestern
from Peoiia, 111.; Milwaukee. St. Paul,
all on tpecial trams. Chicago and Mil
waukee sent a combination special on the
Chicago, Milwaukee & al. Paul and the
(JicaL Weaicin iiad a train from Dul)uu,ud.
on thu Burlington road, Burlington, ia.,
and Ke.v.inee, 111., and Lincoln, Neb.,
tucii sent fiom forty members, the largi-st
number - coming from Burlington. The
singers ot Denver were expected in at t
p. rn, this afternoon with two tars.
The firs', concert will be given thin even
ing. It Is the "reception concert" for the
visitors, and Omaha choruseu and soloists
will be heard, 'ilia program Is as follows;
St. Paul litis sent a delegation of 180
iingeis and boosters and Minneapolis a
ninny more. Part of them are at Hotel
Rome, where the Concordia Singing society
hr.s e:Ubl)shed headquarters, and the real
are at the Millard.
St. Paul now has the president of the
Haengerbund, In the persun of Alderman
Otto Rohland, and Is after the f-st for
next year. The Minnesota capital city Iial
always been one of the leaders In bund af
fairs and wjiim years ago had the fest.
Hesdquurlers have been opened by the
is i. Paul bunch at room ( la Labor Temple,