THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 20, 1010. t A 1 f i. )' 4 "t I I I ! i I BRIEF CITY NEWS Kr eet r1nt Xt. ,Tat four printing to the Tins!. X'eetrlc ans Surf css-Orendea Co. -'comas W. Blackburn fur cohgre.s. Dry aliening of torment. Twin tii Dy Works, 4V7 fcoutlt I'lf tctiitll. Bom Lmh on lowest terms by ' tirs.ka Buvln'fc end Loan -uRuclntloii. riompt tvi-vlce, no commission, repaid mouluiy. 10 Board of. Trade building. tht Big T.liow carnival, one halt prtt nnd le.'a on broken lot In men a, woman's and children's shoes. VV. 1 Doug lus .Shoe Mure, UU North Sl-lernlh. Bant Mousy, U a landlord's profit. Put Into a iioinc. 11 m&ktit for family hsppl tius. and luUcpendrme. Hea Ncbranka Sar k.i. and Loan Am u 1G0. Karnam, Utnaha. Blackburn Still tartar Writing "Tom" BlHckouin liait written another lengthy epistle, tula time s,UUii'.rtti to the voter instead Of to Judyo tint ton. kin aaya that falling to fitt a reply to his former loi ters he la tryng how to answer tile ques tion himself. , Sunday Sohool Picnics Grace Baptist Sunday school will have a carload of chil dren at its piento M Valrmount park Satur day. The First Baptist Sunday school of Council Bluffs vill have a picnic at lUver vlew park Thursday... Two cars have been chartered for Ue occasion. Oewtore. Crete Bis Vee -Judge Leslie lias decided the malm ot Attorney liiyce Crawford . against . the estate of Mrs. Amanda Patrick and will award hint $760 for services as special administrator, regu lar administrator and attorney. He Claimed 1,000. Mrs. Patrick died about a year ago leaving an estate of about 130,000 to Joseph ine Knaubcr. Z.eoklng . (or the Kayos Charles W. Jiays, who used to punch cattle with Mayor Sahlman In 16, now president of the W. U. and fttl L. railway, stopped off In Omaha Tuesday to see the mayor. He was very much disappointed not to find hirn at bom aa they .cave not seen eaoh other In twenty .years. Mr. Hays returned to his home In Greenville, Mo. Speoat Craards for Crowds Chief .Don ahue has ordered that special policemen be stationed at all howls during the remainder of the week to protect the ad men and the ftaengerfest ylsltors. (Tti hotels are so crowded'1 and the strangers are so thick that the flerd seems 'to be particularly ripe for pickpockets and sneak thieves unless some-precautions are taken against them. uuviuuii iinui ja .1 L iuvu I VI II 1 a UViUU 13 a Torn From Head in Smith Factory tee Stitt, Union Pacifio Watchman Identifies Prisoner. TRIED TO MURDER RAILROADER Detective Halenrr Weaves tfaala at Evidence A boat Alleged Dyna miter that eana latiremk lle at Any Point. That Prank Krdi.ian. now ror.f'ned In the' county Jail awaiting trial for attempt ing to dynamite the Uennlson residence. Is the man ho on Auguxt 30, 1907, Khot and beat Lee Htltt, 30 i0 Halt Cass, a Union PaclfH- watchman, until his life for weeks was but a faint hope, was conclusively proved Monday when Htltt Identified the prisoner as his axHullant. For a month De tective Steve Maloney has worked on the case and finally has succeeded In gathering a trail of evidence which will settle tin question of Erd man's history . without i doubt. Erdman, accompanied by a pal named Thomas, waa stealing brass from the box: cars In the yard.. They came from around a building, and Were there met by the night Liberi Gaetana Suffers Very Severe Injury While Learning' to Ran Sewing Machine. Seventeen-year-old Llberl Gaetana, an Italian girl. Is lying at St. Joseph's hos pital In a critical condition. While working In the factory of the M. E. Smith Shirt company as an apprentice on a power sew ing machine, her hair became caught In a share In a moment her scalp was torn from her head, and with It the eye lashes ind the left ear. Hhe was attended by Dr. T. J. Dnyer, who waa successful in replacing the scalp, though he fears that the operation may not be permanently effective. He has more hope that the torn Peces ot the ear may knit. Though the (Irl suffered greatly from the shook there Is no danger of any fatal result of the accident. Miss Gaetana came to this country only about two weeks ago. She was staying with her aunt, Mrs. Alfio Carraccroll, til watchman, Stitt. They beat Stitt until he South Thirteenth street. Monday morning lay for hours unconscious. In making their she began as an apprentice at the Smith escape they left a sack containing seven- factory and at the time of the accident teen pieces of brass which they had stolen, was endeavoring to learn to operate one As Krdman, who at that time was known of the machines. She was unable to speak aa Van Attle, wua climbing over some English, and It was not for soma time Scantling- Not Good for Massage Man ii Given Thirty Dayi in Which Ato hink Up a Better , Device. his .iiould a' loving husband massage wife with a slxrfoot; scantling T This Is a Question that might be fittingly 3lscued on the ."home . '' page" of the laffron-hued newspapers, but It so happens that the ; courts 4ook a whirl at - it first. rhe casa, at Issue Is that of John Kottal, who: stands oharged with beating his wife at their home, 1418 South Fourteenth street. The ' woman Is said t be badly Injured. Policeman CorneaU ' arrested - Kottal and JudgeCraWford;' after having read Beatrice Fairfax and other authorities, decided that any loving husband who massages his wife with a six-foot board ought to spend at least thirty days In jail. And so It la to be. I ' ... ,. Arter Thinks He lr Has a Good Job It Tumi Out to Be the' Offering; of a Very Smooth Banco Han. The firm of Parke, Davis 4t Co. la look ing for a mun giving the name of William Anderson, who Is masquerading as an agent of the company, when, as a matter of fact, he . has no connection with It. Anderson, it alleged, employed A. A. Arter to act as district' agent for Parke. Davis Ac Co., and Arter, acting In good faith, believed himself to be regularly established with the drug firm. Just what object An derson had in thus playing with Arter U not apparent, but from somewhere out In the state comes, a draft . for flOO against the drug house. Which Anderson, it la al leged, had succeeded In cashing. box cars he fell and Injured his side. He was then staying at the Madison home, Nineteenth and Leavenworth, where he said he was a bollor Inspector. In order to make good his statement and avoid sus picion he would, about once a week, don a pair of greasy overalls, and thus attired would go out and make his thefts ot brass. It Is said that he was In the business In wholesale manner, and maintained a horse and Wagon for that purpose alone. Krdinau Was In Hospital His Injury became decidedly worse, until after two months of doctoring himself, he went to a local physician, who cared for him for over a month. The doctor then placed him in the Omaha General hospital, where he remained for nine weeks under the name of Erdman, which was the first time he was known under that cognomen. Dr. Summers was called and operated upon liirn. Old Olson, who knew Krdman, went to the hospital to see him. He knew that he had been In tre habit of stealing brass and accused htm of shooting the watchman. Krdman replied by saying that he had to use his gun to get away. Olson now says' he told some policemen of the matter, but they discredited it and It was not reported. Steve Maloney was then working on the case and was unable to get any ciue as to the Identity of the man. Learning of Erdman as a brass thief and his other history, Detective Maloney worked until the mystery waa unraveled, and he found Erdman was the gouty man. It Is known who she was. Before an Italian could be secured to tell what she said she was In an unconscious condition. The hospital authorities were unable Tuesday morning to state whether Llberl Gaetana would be able to recover or not Her condition Is considered usually criti cal, and of such a nature that It Is Impos sible to tell what will be the result. She passed a better night at the hospital, how ever, than was expected and those attend ing her are hopeful that signs of Improve ment will show themselves soon. DOUGLAS ISAMLS DELEGATES County Republican Convention Does Its Work in Short Order. NO PLATFORM IS ADOPTED In. tracts Delegates to Keen County . Option riank Oat of the Plat form at the State Conven tion at Lincoln. The Douglas county republican conven- , tloit met Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock In court room 1 at the court house. On motion of Harry 8.. Byrne the dele gates to the convention to be held at Lin coln on July ZC were instruced to use their best efforts to keep the question ot county local rptlon out ot the state plat form. On motion of Victor Kosewater, the chairman, M. L. learned, was author!! to appoint a committee of five to select the members of the county committee for the ensuing year, one from each voting district In the county. James Hammond, as chalrma of a com mittee named by the county committee at Its meeting last Saturday, prevented the following list of delegates, which was adopted as read: John L. Webster, John L. Kennedy, u irni. A. A. C. ol A. Welcome to Omaha and trie Greatest Clot.tiinfj Storc In the West OUR SENSATIONAL SALE OF Stum m r Douglas Street Property Sold Kennedy Sells a Lot Bought a Tear Ago at a Very Neat Profit. Twenty-two feet on Douglas street, be tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth, on the north side, has been sold by John E. Kennedy for $50,000. The purchasers are Thomas A. Fry and Robert Rosenzweig. The property was part of a purchase a year ago by Mr. Kennedy and the re-sale stands him a pro fit of about $9,000. The property Is now occupied by the Singer Sewing Machine company for stor age and salesrooms. The building is small said that on one iccaVn, ay-Bight Erdman and not new and It Is the expectation that wrote- a note to Olson, who he knew was Messrs Fry and Rosenswelg will Improve well acquainted with his true character and I " ln the near future. They control forty; Whom he feared would divulge It, asking four feet to the west of their purchase, ln Olson to meet him on thd Douglas street eluding the Dyball and Holmes stores. bridge at the toll , house. It waa only The property sold by Mr. Kennedy Is the M Victor Kosewater, . w. .erteris, E. G. McOllton, F. A. Urogan, Luther Drake, Harry Zimman, C. F. McOrew. E. M. Bartlett. G. VV. Wattles, W. M. Glass, Harry Fischer, Vac Btiresh, B. S. Baker, W. J. Connoll, C. A. Goss, C. E. Herring, T. A. Hollister, Alvin Johnson. John C. Wharton, J. O. Yeiser, J. It. Presson, T. E. Brady, John 8. Helgren, to. R. Leigh, P. J. Tralnor, John F. Schults, Frank Koutsky, Thomas Kozlol, Joe Uvlck, George Johnson, Swan Larson, Georgo McBride, H. C. Murphy, George Kennedy, Louis Berka, Loula Burmester, Fred Schroeder, J. B. Hummel, A. C. Kugel, -W. J. Hunter, F. H. Hoye, W. F. Wappich, Frank A. Furay, E. F. Brailey, F. W. Handle, W. C. Crosby, Dr. E. Holovtchlner, F. M. Penney, W. A. Foster, .Charles Unitt, Fred Shot well, C. H. T. Riepen, Jsmes Hammond, Harry 8. Byrne. Harry Cowduroy, E. F. Grimes, Dr. R. 8. Anglln, E. L. Plats, J. C. Kinsler, S. A. Pearle, Nelson C. Pratt, E. F. Schurlg, Cadet Taylor, N. R. Swanson, B. , F. Thomas, C. B.' Little, C. 8. Scranton, ' C. O. McDonald, E. F. Morearty, A. H. Miirdock, Fred Klenke, Fred L. Smith, C. M. Davis, C. J. Karbach, Hans Bock, A. C. Thomas, James Walsh, Peter Mangold, Henry Schomer, Lewis Larson, William Stoltenberg, Wm. von Dehren, jr., H I. Plumb, William Altstadt, Georue M. Tunison, L. L. Kountxe. Frank B. Stone, .Monris Milder, E. M. Morsman, Jr., Bryce Crawford, I. U. Barlght. Bibulous Man Takes Hat through his wife's persuasion that Olson did. not go. To a man who was placed some time ag with Erdman In jail ho told that It Olson had come when jie wrote he would never have lived to do him any In- Jury, Mr. Stitt, who identified Erdman, gave a detailed description of hi m before seeing him. Since the time of the assault he has never fully recovered. east twenty-two feet of lot six, block 10C. Mrs. Pratt Would ome ack Home Files an Answer to Husband's Petition ' and Offers to Forgive His Misdeeds. Julia Montgomery Pratt, ln an answer to the petition for divorce filed by her hus band, James H. Pratt, says she la ready and willing to return to his home and of Once Noted Fighting Leader Leading fer to forgive u his misdeeds if he win oimpie .uiic, otty x ormcr v ice Agiiinaldo Tills the Soil Nqw President Fairbanks. duot with two women and prays that his suit be dismissed. More Help to Run .Down Joy Riders Qhief Donahue to. Ask for Two Ad , j.. ditional Motorcycle Po 4 ... - - licemen. , VWe canpot keep watch of the automo bile speeder utiles w have some new motor cycles." says Chief of Police Dona hue," and I. exyeot to ask .the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners to furnish two mora men: The two. Officers that do th york now, Relglewan and Morgan, are aubjec to ' all sorts of emergency calls which they oan Jake 'care of with their spttdy motorcycles without making It nec essary to call out the automobile patrols and whn they are busy In that way they have no time to chase Joy riders. With two new .men who were, espeoially trained for speedy, riding we ooutd run down fast cnrs.oq the boulevard without any diffi culty. 'That, Is the'' pnlyfhtng I know of to save the situation.' MERRIAM & H0LMQUIST SPLIT Each Partner Takes an Elevator ln Omaha and Will Contlnne In Bnslneaa. Dissolution ot the Merriam-HolmquUt Grain company has come about by the pur chase by J. W. Holmqulst of Elevator"B at Fifteenth and Manderson streets, and by N. Merrlam, president of the company Aguinaldo, the one-time famous fighting leader of the Filipinos, is now conducting a large estate In the Interior of the Island, about forty miles from .Manila. Former Vice President Fairbanks met the former Insurgent chieftain on his recent visit, "Agulnaldo drove la from his estate to meet us," said Mr. Fairbanks. "He Im pressed me as having the desire to keep out of politics and the turbulence of public of eIevator ..x .. at 8evenW.ntn ad Nlcho- me. xie ia vuuuui:iiiib m mmer exienaive plantation and giving himself assiduously to the work. I believe, after' a long drive and conversation with him, that Agulnaldo r now favorably Inclined to the American occupation ot the Islands and feels that his people are making very aubstantlal prog ress, conversing with him, one gets the Idea that he U a fairly close student ot affairs and Is taking a large view of the movements going on about htm. He leaves no doubt that farming is his business now, ana that he is devoting his energies to It1 las. Separate companies bave been organised. the Holmqulst company and the Merrlam & Millard company. The former has con nection with twenty lines of elevators, and the Merrlam & Millard company will at once set about acquiring such a line. Both companies start with a large paidup capital and will do grain receiving and commission business as well as regular elevator business. PROMOTION FOR J. C. NELSON Governor Joins Newsboys' Club MAN WHO CAN ."SOME BACK" John Stairhead Retnrns'ta Serve an . Vntlnished lestese Omaha : . Chain fGanav Superintendent ot Western Union Is Made General Superintendent Of Monntaln Division. J. C Neleon, superintendent of the West ern Union Telegraph company, at Omaha, Kb. l.u.n tf,mAtA t n fhtt ,w.l,l.n nf Minnesota Chief Executive is Now a I eral superintendent of the Mountain divi sion of the same company. The head- quartera of the Mountain division are in Denver, where Mr. Nelson will be located after August 1. Mr. Nelson is now In Denver in connec tion with the change. ' He night have lived happily ever after, John Mulrhcad might, except for the fact tlit"-4n police 'found "him. At the time af the discovery. Alulrhead was employed by' local coal dealer, and the skilful (".' manner la which lie "shunted the lambent boulders -M enough to'ehdeor htm to the heart ot his' boss. But. Just prior to his acoepejice,vQf aervtoe - with the ooal man, Mulrhead was a bibulous person. Dally ing -with the brew (hat-cheer and simul taneously loebrlafes he fell Into the hands f the police. Later Be went with the Chain gang. Still later, he left the chain gang loft It an Joae S3 without permission. Now he must go back and finish his un finished chain gang sentence. Meanwhile, some other fellow will heave oh heave the tool. , , . , Full-Fled j-ed Member of "Do Gang."". Governor Eberhart of Minnesota Is now an honorary member of the Newsbos olub ot Omaha. .'.Iris number Is I. and he Is fully entitled to ail the privileges of the street as a "newels, It he eares' to exer else them. The Minnesota' governor made a talk to a bunch of boys following his eleotion, and assured them he would take pleasure In trying to have a similar club organised In 8u Paul. Afterward the governor said: "The pos sibilities of a bunch ot hustling lads like the paper sellers for good or evil can hardly be overrated, fcvery man who wishes his country well should spend some time and effort to see that their thoughts and ensrgles are turned in the right dlreo- i iwvHmstin, 1 B- . i rm I ;i flit H t mum t i',l 1 . 1 S if FOR MEN AND YOUNO MEN WILL CONTINUE Despito the groat crowtls, which filled onr store Saturday, we ytt have hundreds of splendidly .tail ored, up-to-date Suits to fit men of every, size, ago or taste. So this record-breaking sale goes on until every 6uit is sold. Come now before another secures the suit you would prefer. '"?.s"!T3r..... $6.50 $18.00 to 125.00 SUITS- JT-JQ Q (Q) STORE CLOSES AT 5 P. M. ig'" " " ,- -Miff lifts Chapeau for Which He Has No Use from Hayden's Ex position. What Is the fascination of the large hut? The question has been usually considered one which Included a, study of .its effect upon woman kind, but now It Is vividly shown that the hat fascination extends be yond tho. realm of ,tJja Uytured wearers thereof. A man. has .-ceoitaltted theft that he might obtain a hst, a large bef lowered and berlbboned hat. - To be sure the man was not entirely himself whan he attempted the deed, but was artlflcally stimulated by a too generous unblblng of the fruit of the grape or hops. Staggering Into Hayden's Tuesday morning he escaped the notice of the attendants ln the hat department, who were looking for more likely customers, and was able to lift one of the hats from its pedestal.' Care fully buttoning it beneath his coat, a shabby coat, he tottered back to the ele vator and safely reached the main floor. But before he had gained the outside door a bit ot ribbon which refused to be held beneath the coat, betrayed him to a watch ful detective and the rest ot the Journey waa made in the city's public carriage and was without the solace of the stolen hat. A Mother's Gratitude 'The Neal Treatment Is A messing sent Straight From Heaven To My IJojr." '10. e HIT BY A MESSENGER BOY Woman Has Faee Badly Cat When Lad Itnns Her Down on Par aam Street. John Burdlsh. Western Union messenger boy, skidding down Farnam street on a bicycle Tuesday morning, crossed to the wrong side of the street to avoid a collision with a wagon, ln so doing, he ran dowa Jennie Wllman, 1002 North Thirteenth street. The woman suffered a painful cut on her face. The boy waa arrested. PICKPOCKETS ARE FINED Get Ninety Dnrs for TonenlnaT Yessg Man en Street t'sr Came front Slonx City. FIRE RUINS ICE HOUSE BARN Several Jtree.Hae Narrow Kaane fre-a Death la the Rnrnlnc tract are. Fire Tuesday afternoon shortly after I 'clock' totally destroyed a bam at Forty eighth and Leavenworth streets, owned by the West Omaha Ice and Coal company. The origin ot the fire bus thus far not bet-n ascertained.? The floss is partly cov ered by Insurance. Several horses were In the barn when the (lie started, but they ' aero rescued. Damage about S2.0UA. .- ' -- George Cameron and Joe Conners, who held up George Tyree and were captured by the victim, were given ninety days by Judgn Crawford Tuesday morning. It seems that the pair of light-fingered gents saw Tyres flash his money at Sioux City and followed him to Omaha, where they gut the money while Tyree was riding on a street car. . , Mall-lnar Permit., j John Brandt. IWS South Tenth, frame dwelling, t-.uou; hi. 1. woodward, 6104 North Twenty-seevntn, tram dwelling. .v; Mrs A. B. Wakley, frame eot age, fX.Suo; A. I, latrlck. 1U North Fortv-second. brick dwelling, SS.S00; F. E. Ooff. 4H-4J0 outh Fourteenth, brick hotel, KB.OUO; Ca-xell Healty company, 1011 Farnam, alterations. I4.UV; Anton lrot 1430 South Seventeenth frame dwelling, tl.304; W. T lieimny, 1,10 "Des Koines, Iowa, April 20, "Hon. James E. Bruce, "Atlantic. Iowa. "I will say that I cannot express my feeling of gratitude to you for what the Neal Cure did for my boy. The Cure Is a blessing sent straight from heaven, since he was cured of the drink habit, for everything Is light now where It was darkness before. I wish you great suc cess and prosperity in your good work of saving men. (Signed) " " The Neal la an Internal treatment without hypodermto Injections, that cures the drink habit In three days, at the in stitute or ln the home. No Care, No Pay. It Is the moral duty which every person addicted to the drink habit owes to his family, relatives, friends, society and the public also everyone who la Interested la r knows of one who la addicted to the drink habit, to call upqn. write or phone the Neal Cure today for free ooptes ot their guaranteed Bond and Contract, book let, testimonials, endorsements and bank reference-, which will be cheerfully fur nished. Address The Neal Cure. Institute, UOJ Bouth 10th 8t. Omaha, eh also Des Moines. Davenport and Stoox City, Iowa. BIHTIIS AMD DEATHS. Births Guy Stockton, girl; Charles An derson, 1111 North Klghth, girl; William Henry Clark. Wl Ohio, girl; Harry Stein berg, SOU Paul, boy; Louis SchnUts. im South Twelfth, boy; Harry Wohner, IMS North Sixteenth, girl; William Hteffen. 4t37 Maxcv, boy; Krdman 8. Parker, 7701 Bris tol, girl; Sidney Mi-Coy, IV 11 North Twenty seventh, girl. Deaths-fitter Vary Johanna, St. Joseph's hoepital, S years; Kdward K. Ucl'hwion, Henvllle, 8. .. 4 years; George W. Ferris, to years; Mary C. Blgelow, Lead. 8. IX, IS years; Mrs. Julia Hoi-vat. K46 North Eleventh, 27 years; Charlea F. Titylor, Florence, 43 years; George A. Cauikins, Aurora, 17 years. Marrlaae I.leenaea. The following marriage licenses have been aranted: Name and Residence. Howaru H. Green, Norfolk Alvla L. Utile. Norfolk Charlos H. Lewis. Omaha Anna Splcer, Omaha Abraham Schrader, Omaha badie Ftshklnd, Omaha Charles A. Connelly, Omaha Houora M. He.old. Billings. Mont. Age. ,... ,... .... Frightened Into Fits Kort. alterations. Im, E. A. Talt. !tl Cam-1 by of appendicitis, take Dr. King's den avenue, franm dwelling. II, Nut'; J. O. Hradford. 40) Kouth Thirty-ninth, super structure for brick building, fU.OOU, New Life Fills, and away goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed Uc. For Sale by Drlus Ce Is a perfectly safo and baruiless remedy wtich has been carefully and scientifically compounded by the great American Druggist! Syn dicate of 12,000 responsible drug gists (or the puriose ot enabling those people who cannot see a physician to get the next best treatment for the kidneys and take it at home. Its action Is Quick, pleasant and thorough, and you should take It In preference to experimenting with patent medicines, . which, neither you nor your druggist know anything about. Get It at any A. I). S. drug store. FINANCIAL STATEMENT As Required by Law of the s The Cooservati Savings (l Loan Association Of OMAHA. NEBRASKA For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1910 The Conservative Has the Following Fine Record: Growth since June 30, 1909 . .-. 1,198,225. Dividends credited to members in same period 'Jd, Increase in Reserve Fund in past twelve months - 5,000.00 Value of Real Estate mortgaged to Association to secure loans ,10,843,003.00 The amount of Insurance in force and assigned to Association as security for - v . - loans 5,958,840.00 Amount of present Reserve Fund 125,000.00 h lust twelve months. 411. JUHU.iUg uuoiia uiub v -, . ' - irgeiftO") H Total earning since organization ' ,':'S?' o t H .otal Dividends eredited to back memDcrs unce orgamzauon xoxx The Conservative Is the Largest Association of Its Kind in the United States ASSETS First mortgage loans Stock loans ' Real estate Certificates of deposit la banks Cash Accrued Interest Foreclosure account, face of loans ana cost paid Real estate" sold on contract ........ Office building and lot $4,846 85 1 133 266 IS 60 ,941.25 ,721.08 ,740.50 ,060.00 ,345.04 .1.1.54 ,390.06 464.23 ,000.00 r in. Dlt fft Total Receipts and Expenditures for the Year Ending June 30 1910 LI-VBIHtTIES Capital stock paid ln and dividends added thereto -. Reserve Fund Undivided profits Due shareholders on Incomplete loans. Other llabllitie 14,985,519.77 125,000.00 . 18,208.03 273,045,90 None Total ,$5,401,773.70 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 1, 1909 $ Dues Interest Loans repaid Accommodation account . . r-, lfl..Qta inf deDOBlt . i ii""- Real estate sales on contract Foreclosure account Rents, commission on Insurance and loan fees ; 329,375.09 2.714,924.64 298,282.18 1,422.001.84 193,477.49 127,189.06 1.614.61 4,046.39 13,257.74 Total t tM $5,104,06.04 EXPENDITURES Loans Expenses Stock redeemed Cash on hand Accommodation account Certificates on deposit . Foreclosure account . . . Real estate account . . . . $2,732,262.70 36.918.37 1,806,710.42 265.345.04 193,180.41 70,189.06 8,041,12 . 1,021.92 Total $5,104,069.04 tQS SSSZI 8 1 UlBl .... rvu n -vHv receives funds for Investment from all over the world, recent remittances reaching u. from Sana Tnd PeX The mall business of the association is constantly on the Increase. , Present dividend rate 6 per annum. GEO F G1LM0RE President PAUL W. KUHNS, Secretary. Offices 1614 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb. 111) 511V U H) Gun. Stop, whtili.r xtm I. ..M.nt lfmreT (lllr. li. Or loMS IIS Strwst-. Km. Ittnt-ftoM. for euwrs-Mtc.. lm UUou. duc't Ua t work. err bext TMT-cwt ecu. . . .'.I rn.rr1.t. U CCflt-. Or bT Bi.Lt. n i f Cirw Coral rf VZm s curu ,.iMu nriiT a r.o.. Drtratt. Klloh. AtwU Affair. BAILEY MACH DENTISTS Best equipped sntl offlc. ln the middle west Highest crtd d.ntl.try at rsuunsbls prtc.s. Forcstsla fillings. Just Iks ths tooth. All tnstruai.ots csr. fully aterllla4 flr iMt FLOOR. PAXTOji BLOCK Corner 10th and Farnam Streets. rWcNTIETH CENTURY FARMER ItrukM the Lire Stork 1IOTF.I.S AID RESORTS Uefcfer ims s la ths Drvst-sT Wks- ASSOCIATION Sylvan Lake Hotel Near Custer, S. D. A delightful hotel situated on a wonderful mountain lake amid most picturesque surroundings. FUhinu. Boating. Tennis. Donkey Rides. MounUln-Climblng, Purt air; pIwHil tablt; cool,- fr dom from hct'j evr and atlUmrx atM S14-00 to Sis.oo pr T. 1. Carroll. -Ir., Sylvan Lake, , Cuaisr. . IX SCHOOLS AND OOLLEOH. VJcntivorih r,U!Itary Academy Oldest and Largest In Middle West Government Supervision. Highest rating by War Department Inlarttry, Artillery and Cavalry Drills. Courses ol study prepare for Universities, Government Academies or (or Business Life. Accredited by North Central Association ol Schools and Colleges. Manual Training. Separate Department for Small Boys. For catalogue, address The auwretsiry. Bos A, Irlyt t Mo, R OWN ELL eiABt. HStlSsA H ALL EPISCOPAL SCHOOL FOR OIRLS with all the advestacel of Kaatern IsL IMS schools. Certificates admit without eaamlnetlen te Wsllsalsy. Smith. Va. nar. ttc. Ais-nrt1o and Co1!rwl-te ,i, All. rtri in .a-vl-,1 eii.r- c UJ MAP.UlKN. PrluolpsL Omal.a. Nsb. rurses;, ari, aomssoo uinnu, pymnM. bouse-motnsr. Tsar-book sent upon rsqusst. BLEES Military Academy HA coir. vo. jtxx anation saonrs SXS,T-lMS.a SI, IS10. roa. CAT LOU, ADD-LESS St-X-la -lUT-ST AOAJ.-1-tT. UivUH, MO. Hnd your young pbpl to TAbOR COLLEGi. An crhool of ths hlahsst stand Irs, ln a community remarkable for Us clean, whuli'.ome, upllftlna Influence. A Trained Faculty ot Bpeclallsta. Low Cspense Beet Vaclllttea Kali Term Opens Kept Itth. Bend for Uteratere. tAUuK CUbLKUi-, Tabvr. Ia. TWIf TQl1 Domestic Sdei.ce, mUlJii Art, Expression. ,i..u,. i i n, .in i. ! Rpo(j OounM. Konnal Oounea tor T.acbsrs. roll Course ISadlof to IMploraas. ' The Best In.truotton. IUiuodsM. Bstes. Hsaltbtul aad tlslplnl Oollusa feu-rroundlnss, Woman's Co!l.g, B U Jae.-U, O. in t i ' JevlS Tbe b.M IB ell toiu-Miel.l (kinrL l.l.Mru nnltm It. SI. BKTAM H-U Uauataa; o. .11. AaArrtA T, 1're.liUai When yoti have -.nythlng to sell vr trail, advertise It In The Bet Want Ad columns eiMl e.t Quick results. I. n ! !!