Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIE-'BER: OMAHA, - - WEDNESDAY, JUT A 20, -1010.
Machines Arrive for the Big Amtion
Meet at Week End.
Other Aviator Will Also Be Here on
Time .Manila Are Balll and
idenalla Are I'p Room
for A a to.
J. C. Wlllard'e aeroplane arrived by ex
press from Kansas City Tuesday morning
and Wlllard htmbelf ' will be here ehortly.
It la atlll uncertain whether Eugene B.
Ely will be here to fly with Curtlse and
Mart, and If he does not coma Wlllard will
take his place. Wlllard la Curtiss" oldeat
pupil and one of the moat experienced
aviator In the country.
Jt waa officially announced that Curtlaa
hlmAelf would be here Wednesday, but he
la not expected until Friday. Hla aeroplane
will be shipped ahead and taken to the
A' telegram from Muskegon, Mich., an
nounces that Mars will also coma Friday,
The Immense grandstand, which will hold
10,000 peoplle, was completed yesterday.
Hlx thousand feet or aide wall Is used
to enclose the field. Police protection hat
been arranged for both InBlde and out
of the grounds.
Querlea from automoblllsta living within
a radius of 100 miles of Omaha, received
by Clark Powell, manager of the meet,
Indicate & large attendance of out-of-town
auto parties. Automobiles will be parked
In ar. advantageous position on the avia
tion field.
Special street. ca.r service has been ar
ranged and it is mow up to the bird men
and aeronauts to .do the rest.
Clarko Powell secured another aeronaut
and parachute Jumper In John Waldorf
Hall yesterday, who will compete In hot
air balloon races for distance and altitude
dally against Dare Devil Andrews.
County Option
Tn Open Soor to Prohibition
and the Tolly of the Step
Folate Out W. T. Bryant
Learn Identity
of Woman Shot
by C. W. Rigdon
Widow of Man Claimed to Be Sui
cide Will File Murder Charge
Against Mrs. Emma Young.
CHICAGO, July, 19. jThe woman shot
)sst Friday by Charles W. Rlgdon Just
before he met death from a bullet wound,
(aid to be self inflicted, was learned posi
tively today to be Mrs. Emma Toung,
stepdaughter of an attache of the Nor
wegian embassy at Washington. The
young woman known as Mary Wilson, who
was with Mrs. Young' at the time of the
hooting, is' MIbs Theresa Trojman, step
Ulster of the wounded woman and who
tintll three weeks ago, was an Inmate of
a. Catholic convent near Washington, ). C.
The name of John C. Fetxer, million
aire real estate man of this city, was
drawn lnoie closely Into the tragedy by a
statement of Mrs. 'Young, who declared
Xtlgdoii" had visited the real estate office
two days before the shooting, drawn a
revolver and threatened to kill Fetser,
Following these announcements, an un
vcvitiLi! report was circulated that Mrs,
Anniu , U.iu iwcker Klgdon, - widow, of the
dad ,!n... 'u4ld file a. charge of murder
agaliikt. i -ifoung and file a civil suit
to regain mocks and bonds now held by
Mis. Young and which Mrs. Rlgdon al
leges belonged to Klgdon. A prominent
attorney has been engaged by persons
whose Identity Is surrounded with mystery
to defend Mrs. Young and her stepsister
front any, charges that may be brought
agaiusi them.
A complete. confeslon of her Identity and
of 'circumstance, leading up to the shoot
ing was made today by, Mrs. Young, who
atiil is dangerously ill at a hospital here.
She declared she had been hi the em
ploy of Klgdon at an agent to sell stocks
lor Ilia last six years. During this time
he made several trips with him. Her re
lationship with Kigdon recently had been
severed, she declared, because of his habits
of drinking.
Rlgdon is charged by Inspector Lavtn
with having visited Mr. Fetter's office
with the purpose of Willing the real estate
dealer and the woman. Lavln asserts Fet
ser was the real cause of the shootlna,
According to viu, Klgdon learned that
Mrs. Young had written letters to Fetter
and demanded that Fetzer produce these
letters and explain them to him. The let
ter addressed to FeUei and found In Rlg
dou's pooaet after Ills death la said to have
k. been taken by Klgdon from a bunch of
unopiied letters on the desk of the real
estate tiuan before the letter's arrival at
las office the day It was delivered.
Cnirrg(lMi of Ennuitl Charch
ineakle rsmslly Meet
Hew Mialater.
Tha cangi-egaticn of Immanuel Baptist
church assemble there last night formally
to wetoooie their new pastor, the Rev. J.
Scott Ebrsalo, who has been occupying
the pu'pA vtace the first Sunday tn the
month. Mn. Ebw-anle was for she years
the paxtcr of the First Baptist church at
Canandalgua. K. Y. and U la hoped that
he will repeat In Omaha the record Iir suc
cessful wot lie attained Outre. He .a de
scribed as an eloquent and practical
preachttr. and Is already drawing Urge
houses. .
Addrenmi. of waioora on behalf of the
congregation were delivered by ii. C Wee-
don, church clark.; C. M. Eaton, superuv
tendeitt of the Sunday school; Mrs. C. H
Thorn, president of the La diet' Aid asso
ciation, and F. H'. luatnn, president of the
Young People's imkm. During tna meet
Uig thuro was .vocal music hy members of
the ctuu-oh and rat naahiuents ware served
Third Arllele.
To the Editor of The Bee. In my
last letter I strove to impress upon the
minds of your readers the stupendous tolly
of trying prohibition in this state. Now, I
wish them to bear constantly In mind and
do not forget It, county option it the open
door to prohibition. In this letter I shall
argue against any attempt to enforce the
moral law by an act of parliament Any
thing of that kind is against the genlua
of our Institutions.
Our government Is not and should not
be paternal. But before I proceed to this
part of the argument, .1 wish to say that
there is nothing Immoral In the moderate
ue of beer, wine, or even whisky and
brandy. Whether it Injures a man to
drink any of these In small doses, I do
not know. We have the englishman. Car
penter, on one side in favor of total ab
stinence. We have the German, Lleblg,
on the other, for moderate drinking. Then
we have dater the American professor,
Atwater, taking the tide of Lieblg. Human
knowledge Is so multifarious that we com
mon peopie can not know everything. We
must talre the word of specialists. Now,
when two specialists disagree, who It go
ing to decide? But grant that Carpenter
Is right, la It proper to regulate any man's
diet? Why not require him to eat graham
bread; to abstain from confectionery; to
take a bath every day; to attend church
every Sunday ;to get up at a certain hour?
This Is paternalism. England had It In
the days of William, the Conquorer. When
the curfew rang all people had ta cover
their fires and retire. Rome had It when
her censors were empowered to regulate
the apparel, the food and the expenditures
of the people. Spain had it under the
Inquisition and God save ' the mark!
Paternalism In Operation.
- About two miles south of Lincoln we
have nearly four hundred men living under
that form of government. Do you wish
to put the whole state under the aegis
of paternalism? But you say that prohi
bition only touches the commerce of liquor
and does not Interfere with Itt use. If
I drive a pOBt In the ground fifteen feet
from a water tank and chain a man by
the leg to that post with a ten-foot chain
and then tell him to drink all he wants
from that tank, am I or am I not prohib
iting cold water? If we prohibit the -man
ufacture of liquor In this state. Its tale here
and its Importation Into the state, how In
the name of all that Is mysterious, are peo
ple going to drink It? Paternalism did very
medieval England. . But It Is contrary to
the genius of American Institutions.
It may be said In reply that we already
have laws against the violation of the first
day of the week, and laws against the use
of profanity, and laifts against Intoxica
tion, and laws against gambling, and laws
against many other things, all of which
amount to the regulation of private morals.
The law against the desecration of the first
day of the . week la a police regulation,
enacted because the state recognises that
large majority of the people consider
Sunday at a sacred day and the state
simply Insists that they shall not be dis
turbed In its observance. The law against
profanity la not passed to' enforce the ob
servance of the first commandment, or the
second a Protestants style It but, to pre
vent a man's making himself offensive to
people who would be shocked and outraged
by his conduct, when he Is not exercising
any God-given" right. The' law against
gambling la passed because the practice
is demoralising to the community. Vol
taire aald, "Every gambler is, has been, or
some time will be a robber."
Greek Term for Wine.
I had almost forgotten and they are
heartily worthy of notice the half-baked
exhorters who, like Shapespeare's devil,
quote scripture to their purpose. These
people will tell you that the wine at Cana
of Galilee was boiled elder or some other
intoxicating slop. livery Greek scholar
knows that the word "olnoV'tised In the
Gospel means fermented tome, and never
could mean anything else. ' The fundamen
tal root of the word expresses fermenta
tion. Greek la not and never has been a
dead language, from Homer t6 the present
day. If Plato or Demosthenes should rise
from the dead they could read an Athenian
dally newspaper and understand It. I
have In my office Ixird Byron's poems
translated Into modern Greek. We will take
the line from Don Juan: "Fill high the
bowl with Sarnian wme." The word there
used In Olnos. Take another passage In-
the same poem. It It where Lambro, the
Greek pirate, returns to his Island home
and 'finds his .daughter Haldee, married
without Ma consent, and his servants en
gaged In a riotous banquet, eating up hit
mutton and drinking up his wine. H
comes across a group and on making some
Inquiries, Is answered by a drunken glut
ton who holds up a glass of wine over his
shoulder and remarks, "Talking It dry
work, I have no time to spare." The word
olnos la here used the same word used by
the Gospel writer In describing the mira
cle at Cana of Galilee. Jesut Christ tays
of himself: "The Son of Man came eating
and drinking and they aay, 'Behold a wine
blbler.' "
But I shall waste no more time, paper
or Ink on this btblcal argument. Prohibi
tion la not a religious, it la not even a
moral question. It Is purely economic and
political. But more anon.
Hartlhgton, Neb.
Omaha it Decorated in Honor of the
Ine Special Trains Are Scheduled to
Arrive at the L'nlon Statlem
Daring- the Morning Honre
of Wednesday
"Wlllkommen sum Saengerfest."
This sign Is now being gayly displayed
all over the business section of Omaha
and hundreds more pennants will be hung
up before the speolal trains begin to pour
in Wednesday, discharging the 1,000 singers
of the grand male chorus.
The Union station will see nine special
trains arrive In the morning and a band
will play there continuously. A large re
ception committee will meet the visitors,
who will parade to the Auditorium and
there hear words of welcome from Theodore
Slnhold. chairman of the reception com
mittee of the Omaha Saengerbund associ
ation. The specials are scheduled to arrive as
Two from Milwaukee at 11 a. m.; one
comes via the Northwestern and the other
b the Chicago. Milwaukee and St Paul.
Delegates from Dubuque will be. on board
the Milwaukee train.
One special from Chicago on the Great
Western due at noon. ,
Denver, via Rock Island, at 7 a. m.
Peoria, Northwestern, at a. m.
Rock Island, Mollne and Davenport, via
Rock Island, at 8 a. m.
St. Paul and Minneapolis, via Northwest
em, at 7:30 a. m.
LaCrome, via Northwestern, at 8 a. m.
Manning. Ia.. via Great Western, at i
p. m.
Secretary George Kleck of Milwaukee ar
rived In Omaha Tuesday morning and ex
pressed himself as delighted with pre
liminary arrangements for the convention.
He brought word of big delegations com
ing from Milwaukee, many besides the
singers having booked passage. The same
report comes from other cities and It It a
certainty that there will be many thous
ands In Omaha the three daye beginning
Wednesday. Of singers alone, a full J.000
are coming, so that a really large number
of visitors is assured.
The seat sale at the Auditorium continues
large and there Is a line at the box office
all day long. Work of decorating the in
terior and front of the building has begun.
Railway to Bo IOctrtf ted.
LAKE CITY, 1h., July . (Special.)
OffU-lala of the Newton A Northwestern
steam railroad, running between Rockwell
City and lun H4iu. have beat investigat
lng , the sentiment of the people at the
county In regard to electrifying that porr
tlou, luf thw lla-i between Rockwell . City
end Gwrte, ' It euins now to be practi
cally certain ' that the" 'eoange will take
place. A committee bj" a ready endeavor
lng ' to raise, the . reaulrsd 85,000 bonus,
and It W ' understood . that Webster
county will shoulder H.fcOO of It. If the
electrlfylrg take place cars will be run
between ty tounty-: seat and Des Moines
every tw-o haur ;
lta1trX Tkette Asalast Priest.
PIERKM.. at U. July KV-tSpeclal.) The
people of Foft Pttrre are stirred up over a
hearing whleit, 1 In progress in that place.
In , whic h , Rev. Father Anthony OHarra
has been artte4 era! is being given a pre
liminary heartug on . a statutory charge
which bat been preferred against him by
Helena -Meyyr. a I J- ear-old girl of his
rongregsuW at Philip. 'The bearing It
dragging along and probably wl I not be
completed until some .time the middle of
the present week, as there are a number of
lUifc to be heard yet.
H. Doacktss Tbeaa-ht Have
(omuitttrd Salelde Near
CRESTON. la., July 19. (Special Tele
gramsThe lifeless body of W. H. Dough
ten, a commission merchant for Keith
Woodstock A Leroy, was found by a freight
crew Sunday between Afton and Thayer
with the head severed from the body lying
along the track. It la believed fast train
No. e ran over the mail, but indications
all point to his lavm deliberately laid
down on the track. He was going to Os
ceola to the funeral of a grandchild coming
from Des Moines, to Afton Junctlton and
was seen walking from . there toward
Thayer. , He' was sixty years old. , Hit
watch and. money, were .unmolested.
Snenaerfest Will Begin Wednesday
and Streets Should Look Gay
Illumination Last Night.
The committee of the Saengerfest urges
the business men of the city to begin at
once the decoration of their stores so as
to have Omaha In Its external adornment
form an appropriate setting for the fes
tive proceedings .which begin Wednesday
and continue for the next two days. Visi
tors are already arriving from all parts of
the country and all of the out of town
organisations are expected to reach here
by Wednesday evening. The Illumination
of the court house and the city hall last
night gave an effective lead to the bui
nets lection of the city. '
: It 1 announced, that' the children will
rehearse this afternoon at 3 o'clock In.
stead of 4 as originally planned,. and par
ents who have little ones in - the Juvenile
company of vocalists are requested to
have them early at the auditorium. The
supreme officers of the Saengerbund will
arrive in the city today.
The advance guard of the hosts coming
to Omaha for the Saengerfest will arrive In
Omaha Tuesday, the grand officers coming
In then and a number of others. One of the
Imported soloists. Christian Hansen of the
Boston grand opera company, arrived Mon
day and Is the guest of Rev. Fathsr Her
Sale of tickets has been gratlfylngly large
and every concert Including the matinees
will see the Auditorium thronged with aud'
Miss Grace Miller Is -the new physical
director in charge of the athletic stunts
which are so Important an Item in the
program at Oyrnwock's camp, Carter. She
assumed her duties Monday, and Thursday
is to be the guest of honor at a large
picnic given by the Young Women's Christ
ian association to the Gymock members
and their Invited guests.
The program for the picnic, which Is to
be held at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation park, begins with a picnic din
ner at 1:80 o'clock, girls' base ball game.
at 7:30, racea at 8, launch ride at 8:30 and
marthmallow toast at '30. The houra
scheduled may somewhat overlap tn the
excitement of eaoh event, ' but no event
will be neglected on that account.
Miss Miller ia well equipped to meet the
requirement! of summer director. For the
last two years she has been physical direc
tor at Bellevuo col Inge. This fall she plans
to go east to attend Dr. Sargent's school
t Boiton. At the camp she Instructs the
members In the pleasant art of swimming,
and also gives them pointers on tennis and
other games.
A cross country motor trip was the treat
given a dosen of the boys of the Social
Settlement Vacation school Saturday even
ing. Mrs. George Hoagland and Mis. Kmma
Manchester donated their motor "cars,
and the lads, who during the week Indus
triously ply their hammers and weaving
tools, thoroughly appreciated the Joys of
Mrs. C, M. Schlndell, corresponding sec
retary of the Nebraska Federation of
Women's clubs, who Is now visiting In
Maryland, la expected home the first of
August. Mrs. . Schlndell ' has been visiting
tn the east since attending the biennial
at Ctnclnnattl.
Woman suffragists of Brooklyn have
adopted a novel plan for calling the at
tention of the housewives of the borough
to their fight for the franchise. They have
had 60,000 paper, bags prepared and sent
out to the grocers throughout the borough.
They ask that the grocers use the bags In
delivering their goods. The bags set forth
the object of' the organization and ask
every woman to Join In the campaign.
The first of the evening meetings which
the Woman Suffrage club plans to hold
each month, will be given Wednesday
evening at the home Of Mrs. Lottie- Rath-
bun, 3701 Dodge street. These meetings are
open to all Interested In the subject of
discussion, woman suffrage. The plan of
the club is to hold one evening meeting and
one afternoon meeting eaoh month.
Cora Exchange National Among; List
Seeking; Fonda from Mew In
stitution. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, July 19.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The following today filed appll
cations to be depositories of savings bank
Nebraska Com Exchange National bank.
Omaha; First National bank. Mitchell.
Iowa Century Savings bank, Det Moines
Second National bank. New Hampton, and
First National bank, Lyons.
South Dakota Commercial bank, Salem.
The following, postofflce desire to be
designated as depositor-tea for postal savt
Ings; Superior, Neb.; Centervllle, la., and
Laramie, Wyo.
Ralph H. Case of Yankton, S. D., has
passed his examination for admittance to
practice law before courts of the District
of Columbis. Mr. Case for several years
has been with Senator Gamble a one of
bis confidential stenographers, and im
proved bia spare hours In the study of law,
graduating from National Law school about
a year ago.
Pleasant Waya for bammor Daya.
Grand Trunk-Lehigh Valley, double track
route. Chicago to New York via Niagara
Falls, Grand Trunk-Central Vermont, Bos
ton V Maine route. From Chicago 4U Bos
ton and the Grand Trunk Railway System
to Montreal, Quebec and Portland. Double
track from Chicago to' Montreal. '
For particulars of special low round trip
Summer fares, descriptive literature, etc,
apply to W. a. Cooksoo.. A. G. V. A.. US
Adams Bt , Chicago, 111.
Charles Seta river Commits Snlclde
After Beadlns; Letters to Ohio
DFADWOOD. S. D.. July IS. Registered
as Charles Scbrlver of Chicago, a man
about 20 years old was found dead In
room at the Franklin hotel her this even
lng by a bellboy, who broke Into the room.
He unit here last night from Hot Springs,
where he spent yesterday, arriving there
yesterday rooming. Some time during the
night here Schrlver had swallowed a
quantity of strychnine, but had carefully
obliterated all clues to his identification
and left no letters. He was well dressed
and wore a straw hat purchased In Boone,
la. He was apparei.tly tn good health and
the affair Is a mystery. It Is learned he
aent a letter to Mrs. Emma Schrlver of
Lamarvllle, O.
Woman's Work
Activities of ' the Organised.
Bodies Along the Lines of UB
dertaatng of Concern to Women.
Thunder Storm
Stops Meeting
Dry Farmers'-Congress Cannot Pro
ceed for Noise, So They Sing
Doxology for Bain.
RAPIR CITY, S. DV 'July l.-(Speclal
Telegram. The , heaviest ' thunder storm
which has visited western South Dakota, this
season burst over the. city this afternoon
and for a time stopped' the deliberations
of. the dry .farming 'ngrest In Besslon.
When the storm had passed,' at the sugges
tion of Chairman Lee',' state engineer, the
entire audience rose and lustily sang the
Mark O. Rick of Fall River county was
the most Interesting speaker of the set
sion, his subject being "Raising of Alfalfa
Without Irrigation." He had with him
specimens of corn, oats,, wheat and alfalfa
raised on his ranch without a drop of
moisture other than that reoelved by rain
fall and dew. Mr. Rick raltet his best al
falfa on sod, and this year, which Is the
dryest known in western South Dakota In
a decade, he will cut three crops.
Prof. C. Larson spoke of the value of
dairy . farming in conjunction with raising
crops. He showed by statistics that every
time a load of hsy is taken from the farm
from to to $8 worth of fertilizer goes with
it, and that hay fed to cows will produce
butter of double the value of the hay, and
It Is easier to handle.
Prof. Clifford Willis spoke-on the subject
of careful seed selection and Intelligent
tilling of the soli. .
The morning session was , devoted to
discussion of the water resources In the
Black Hills, how 'they may be conserved
In the basins In the hills and distributed
over the plains when needed.
A paper by Prof. C. - C. Chara of the
School of Mines on "Flower Culture," and
"Beautifying Home Grounds" was Interest
Ingly -talked of by John Robertson of Fall
River county. John T. Burns of Spokane,
secretary . of . the National Dry Farming
congress, read a paper. on the history of
dry farming and showed It to be the world
movement In which all nations are taking
Interest and getting practical results.
Body of Yonng nan Found In River
With All Means of Identifies,
tlon Removed.
i ' '
WATERLOO. Ia.. July 19.-Speolal Tele
gram.) The nude body of a man about 22
years of age was found by fishermen Sun
day In West Fork river four miles from
New Hartford. A coroner's Jury found the
man bad been murdered and trl;yed.
Every means of Identification was removed.
Hundreds of people are lnterestetd and
are seeking clues to the crime. The man
had a ruddy complexion red hair and mus
tache, and was five feet, six Inches tall.
That "Mate"
Is Going
It1 eattsre
to Move
One Hundred and Fifty
in a phenomenally short space
of time. Every day exceeds
the day previous in the num
ber of members enrolling. .
This, our latest "Club," is possessed of a new,
"Money-back'plan that enables members to buy
A $325 Huntington Piano
At Saving of $108.50
"What Is this 'rebate' feature." did you ask?
Well, it Is simply a reward for early payers.
We have figured that members should receive
back 16 cents per week cash for every week's
payment made in advance. It's our latest
"Club" feature.
Thus, the "Club" member who pays ONE week
in advance is rebated, 16 cents in cash; if
he pays TWO weeks he receives 32 cents in
cash; If he pays THREE weeks in advance, ho
receives in cash 48 cents and so on.
Those who pay ALL the weeks (17B) In ad
vance will receive a cash rebate accordingly;
175 times 16 cents', or in other words $28.
This $28, combined with the regular "Club",
savings, brings the cost of your $325 Hunt
ington Piano down to merely $216.50.
But, mind you, you hare full "Club" privilege
even if you DON'T take advantage of the
"rebate" feature; you . still have the oppor
tunity to buy a $325 "Huntington" at $244.60
a saving of $80.50 and you have 175
weeks to pay for it in payments of $1.36 per
Whether you pay on the "rebate" "or regular
"Club" plan, you may TRY the piano a WEEK
before you buy. If satisfied then, you make
your FIRST payment of $6.50... and $1.36
per week after that.
Even after you BUY the instrument, you STIL1
have 176 weeka to Judge your selection, for,
if at the end of that time the "Huntington"
is not all you expected, exchange it on ANY
of the numerous other famous makes w ,
carry. ; '.
You GET tire Piano when you JOIN the Club
and you get o rigid & year GUARANTEE also
Enroll today See Pianos In 3d floor Section of the
16th and Harney Sts,
Omaha, Nebraska
-T fT 71 TUT 75 H O TaT'EPIAr C 1509 Howard
VJlVlrlXiri. AJTjTLO INUi W U Street. .
ummafiA .- -i -.-ii ....wwowimw
Cabinet Gas Ranges
We have on exhibition at
our office Cabinet Gas Ranges
of several types.
This type of gas range is the
highest development in the art of
designing and building gas ranges
and combines the best points of
all other types.
It as without an equal for
convenience and economy.
T has two ovens of amole size and a warming closet above:
them, ail heated by the same burners, thus saving gas, and' all:
at a convenient height, thus saving trouble and rendering
stooping unnecessary.
Five burners, set in a roomy burner top, afford ample
space in addition to the ovens. ,
The design is graceful and pleasing to the eye. v
Price, delivered and connected, $30.00.
Omaha Gas Company
A Blar, Affair
la lung hamorbasa Mtop it, ana cure weak
lungs, oouKha and colda, with Dr. King's
Naw Dlacovary. the and 11.00. for aal
by Baaton Drug Co.
Budwelacr bear la hcarthtul. trnarthntna
and rfrliln. Call I- BoaanXuld Cu. and
ordar a caaa. Fbooa Ba
Itlchard J.aiwa, Living; Near
, Inaton, Sr r tonal r Injured
Walla la FUld.
Richard Jannaen. a farmer living six
mh north of Irving-ton, waa aarloualy In.
jurad by a fork falling: off tha oarrlar of a
hay tackr Saturday morning. 11 r. Jann
aen who renta tha ppllng farm, waa at
work tacking hay, when In aoma manner
the fork became looaened and fell, pierc
ing hla abdomen, caualn- internal injurlea
which may cause hla dath. Dr. Lord waa
called, and went immediately to the farm,
where he performed an operation. Ha aald
laat evening- that ha baa bop of klr.
Jannaen'a recovery.
; liiillf
I - ..v.-'.'.A
I , -. '
Manila Cigars at Wholesale Prices
We have just secured the distributing agency In Omaha for
The Leading Factory of Manila, P. L
The removal, under the Payne-Aldrich bill, of the duty on cigars
brought in from the Philippine Islands makes it possible for us to sell
these cigars at less than one-half the former prices. The import duty
formerly was $4.50 per pound and 25 ad valorem. We handle these
direct from the factory. No Jobbers' profit.
Each box bears on bottom an Import stamp, showing port of entry, name
of veiHel bringing In that particular shipment, etc. At the St. Louis Exposi
tion Cigars from this particular factory took first gold medal. The prices we
placed upon these goods are so low that the smoker can well afford to an
ticipate hla wants by the purchase of several boxes. An Inspection will con
vince s to value.
Rome prims on leading brands (all Imported from Manila):
Londres 3 for 10c 10 for 25c box of 100..... : 2.60
Panetella 3 for 10c box of 50 $1.50
Media Regalia 3 for 10c box of 50 $1.60
Republicanos 4 for 15c box of 50 ,....$1.75
Perfectos 5c straight box of 25 .$1.25
Favorites 6c each 5 for 30c box of 25.... $1.50
Preaidentes 7c each 5 for 35c box of 15 $1.76
La Florentinos 8c each 5 for 40c box of 12 90c
iDTlnclbles 10c each box of 25 $2.50
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodfe
Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney
Tell your wants in the Bee Yant Ads
Who wants
those dirty,
oily worms
in their face?
T Blackheads
A perkon with blackheads might not be
considered clean, as these little worm
are the reoult of dirt In the pores.
It'i s bit tauemw Is UM.yoar f1nr nslla
r nistaJ teals W squwia out bUrJilMMft.
Blood poiatu er nml skia trosbl mlatil
SAtt'i sucintui) ot.vatt
Is s eltnUfta srsdstt that l cwrantM to
tmm&vm blacfchaaiia In ! js, at all
ratfists er tmu far lie us tuba.
Aseptic Chemical Co., Chicago .
in Waabtpgua Street
FOnn FOR Weak and nervous men
I UUU WR who find their power ti
NFRVFK ork J youthful vigor
ll&IVV4 . result ef eve
ork er mantel exertion should take
(.lurn NICHVli IUOU PILLS. They
will make you eat and sleep sod be a
auaa agst i.
i Baa kczee- SCAO by wall.
Ces. ltk and Xtocre Btreela.
evt sacs comvabtt.
Gas, lata aad Umsmtf wsaaka, aTa,