Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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All our $5.00 and $6.00 Ladies' Low Shoes
: Pumps and Tics
at $3o50 Paii-
One Day Only, Wednesday, July 20
Dull leather, patent leather or
bronze leather eclipse ties, vel
vet or velooze ;pump$,. tan calf
ties arid pumps; dull and patent
leather ankle strap pumps, vail
this season's styles, no old stock; V
Come early,' no phone orders.
Store Closes S F. IVI.
1518-152U FAUN
(am being In honor of tome distinguished
Cltisen of bt. Joseph. Thoie U one esue-,
dally well groomed inula of aristocratic
bearing, lie led Die way and by certain
utterance., which ore perfectly well known,
but Impossible to describe, for the very
good reason that type can't make the
iound, he acted as drum major on the
way up Farnam atreet. Tha names of the
mules are Chris L. Itutt, Frank Freytag,
John Atbus, Frank Yenawine, H. A.
Spraguo and A. W. Brewster. These
names, you understand, are simply bor
rowed for this occasion that is, .the mules
have been named for this Excursion In
honor of St. Joseph men who. do things;
St. Joseph men who have tiered to. bring
that city up to a rank aLortfc the first
class towns of the west. i. . . , . .
Llnooln also made a t splendid ' showing
In the parade, but, of coufse,' the nqvelty
of tha Missouri mules attra'f-.tcd the greater
part of attention.
(Continued fe-om FiJ-t Fage.) '
Borne of those pupils pie. sentences In
Enrlish that might' well eec,ve 'as copies for
writing anywhere. ')'':-,, . ' -
"In Japan and Korea- Ameri
can spirit permeating- tite Mle ot tha people,
lowly to be sure, bit unmistakably. We
met graduate of J. XmarHjan universities
who proudly named 'jtieli1 ama maters and
made us feeli quite'', a 'kipn and among
friends. In both,' botfiitVie : they are going
forward along lirhf"ily approximating
our own lines ord vvjcjinent. In Korea
American mining 'engineers are developing
tha wealth of the.' earth, while In Japan
and China very -iiiany of the foremost men
are Inspired by American Ideals.
The American Spirit.
"Even the Xmsricah spirit of better liv
ing. If not extravagance, la found abroad
among tha foreign Rations. They are de
manding impr6vJ Conditions, higher stan
daiAa. and tha'effoet' Is hound to be a no A
Of course, In'-thaV'atrectlon this nation cftpsJ
the sheaf, bnt' yery where the desire and
the drift Is apparent
"The the American missionaries
is having a jTjJiidrf ul effect, considering
relatively lie-'jlooja; they have to woflc
with, and &)bseryant traveler from this
country cap ftrUj. to note that fact with
pride and laura,f
Pleading ilsOoig absence from the coun
try on a woridtbuf, with Utile or no op
portunity K? -acciualnt himself with polit
ical., developments. ' the Indlsyia statesman
begged to excused from talking politics
at all. No sort, of, Maneuvering or quesUoo
lng would office ,to draw him out on that
Una. I"-, c.-!.-
The fonder "Vtce-pre'.ident said he had
put himself . out-1!) some extent to come
to the ad mort s convention, simply because
he feels It 3 one: of the agencies for better
things In fHis country. "I hava always
felt." he sain. '.'that wherever I could aid
in that llnal should do so, as every publio
man should, because these Improving, for
ward movnVlte"ehoulI be encouraged to
tha fullest 'aKten!.
No sooner hud Tils arrival become known
than Mr. Fairbanks was overwhelmed with
invitations, tti tak luncheons and automo
bile rides. Mould not accept, he said,
because h''lwas .lit- the hands of the ad
lub oommlitee, and was also under tha
necessity of Ravins; for homo shortly after
4 o'clock. - ."A, -J.
Befora golp'g': to. the Boyd opera house
to make his Vlilvees he and Colonel Lock
wood entered Aarf -automobile with C. C.
Rosewater fof A Vt run about the city.
'. ' ,
Former Vlee rprelet,a Speech, at
Boyd la Wlrdly, Applauded.
No visiting potentau vould have re
ceived a mora resounding .ovation than did
Former Vice President ' Fairbanks in the
morning session of 'the Adt men's conven
tion at the Boyd Ihuater. Three bands
escorted the vast assemblage Into tha meet
ing place and the surging throngs of visi
tors from all over the country with an
enormous representation' 'of ' local men,
packed tha theater.
Though the aesslon prftn&ily was to be
on of serious Instruction .and entertain
ment ot the host, in reallt It took oo the
aspect of a almple receutiou In lienor, oi a
great man. There was Instruction' and en
tertainment, nevei theleM, after the usual
spirit of th ad men's ses.loiii Utioon
cloualy these things came lu vvhlonce of
the fact that "live wires" cannot get to
gether without revolving and giving il
luminating ideas.
Both air. Fairbanks and the two other
speakers of the ineettng. -had snappy, direct
and forceful things lo Wll, whicu were In
tha aggregate an education.
air. Fairbanks said in part:
Extravagance in private life at home
and in governmental affairs came in for
some sharp criticism at tha hands of Mr.
Fairbanks. The rivers and harbors bill
waa Instanced as a measure appealing
largely to local pride and local benefit,
and the over-supply ot help In the various
publio departments was denounced as un
necessary and fruitful of bad example.
"The malodoroua muck-raker" was han
dled without gloves. "Ha flourishes for
a time, but he baa come to be an objact
ef contempt," said Mr. Fairbanks, "since
gOa recklessness and Insincerity have be
M0MT3 j
come manifest. No public official however
high, should be-Immune from Just criti
cism, but they should' not be subjected to
much of the abuse heaped upon, them by
-the muck-rakers and sensationally ty, who
are actuated only by sordid, mercenary
motives, or by 'tome other equally ungen
erous purpose far short of the public In
terest. There Is perhaps, nothing more
reprehensible than Uie loose impeachment
ot the motives ot the chief executive; the
downright misrepresentations of his acta,
distortion ot his record by suppression of
the truth or by pure falsehood. No possi
ble good can result therefrom; on the con
trary, In the end confidence In the gov
ernment itself Is undermined." j
Indiscriminate and reckless assaults upon
congress were likewise denounced. "Whole
sale abuse, unfounded utterance, respecting
the Integrity and patriotism ot those who
frame and administer the people's laws,
beget distrust, want ot confidence and
doubt as to the beneficence Of the govern
ment itself. It Is impossible to discredit
and destroy the servants of the state who
are wftrthy without impairing the atate
Itself. Men who will wantonly and ma
liciously assail our publio servants no
matter what their political faith- may be,
and who are faithful to publio duty are
traitors to the state, no matter how lofty
their hypocritical professions may seem
to sound."
Mr. Fairbanks brought a laugh when
he said: "I am a great believer In such
associations and meetings. When your
generous invitation came, I waa disin
clined to accept, but upon further re-,
flection It seemed that a person who has
had something to do with American poli
tics might not be entirely out of place
amidst a great body of advertisers like
this. Men in American political life either
advertise or ge advertised sooner or
"Advertising has been developed until It
has become one of the most prominent
features of our everyday life; In fact, it
has become a science. The American As
sociation of Advertlrlng Clubs, Into which
Is put so much of energy and the 'get-up-and
get-there' spirit, is evidence of the fact
that there will not be any retreat or
diminution In the development of the pub
licity side of American business. The best
advertiser and tha best merchant are syn
onymous, and the poorest advertiser is
usually the one who finds himself in a
court of bankruptcy."
After pointing out some of the benefits
of advertislnfe " generally, Mr. Fairbanks
said: "We .are far, behind some of our
competitors In the matter ot publicity
where we seek the world markets The
Increasing capacity of our manufacturers
emphasises the necessity of turning our
attention more and more systematically and
Intelligently to foreign markets. Much of
the effort 40 advertise our goods' not only
In Asia, but in European .countries, among
people who do not apeak onr language;
yields results which are scarcely worth the
mentioning. There is a failure to. appreciate
local 'conditions and the tastes and preju
dices of peQpleWhose-patroritge Is sought."
The speaker then pointed out that Ameri
can exporters do not take pains to render
their foreign advertising Into the language
of the people whose trade they seek; do
not reckon money In their terms Instead
of ours and treat weights and measures
the same way. He gave details of several
Instance that hava come under his own
rotlce and said American merchants also
hurt and Impede our export trade by care
lessness in ooxing meir goons lor shipment.
"We afe not only advertising our goods
abroad, but we are advertising our pollttoal
Institutions, which are being atudled more,
perhaps, than at any time In our history.
nuiers ana csDinets ana publicists are
making themselves familiar with our gov
ernment, and it Is not difficult to discover
the gradual Incorporation of many of the
prmuiuies ana i ea lures 01 our own more
and more Into theirs. s
"The American spirit Is abroad; there It
no suggestion of the intrusion of the bully
about it. Our diplomacy is founded upon
principles of Justioe and fair play, and
we make our performance square with our
professions. M have .stood for Justice
among the powers, both great and small.
so that no one has any lurking suspicion
of our exalted purpose. While trade Is not
controlled by mere sentiment nevertheless
universal 'respect and admiration for our
country will not fall to have a potential
Influence In enlarging the opportunity of
.American trade In foreign lands
i Turning to another aspect of American
conauct aDroad, Mr. Fairbanks said: "We
ha,ve some travelers abroad who are doing
much to advertise us In an unenviable wny
mere is a certain class given to a vulgar
4pUy gf their wealth, which U fast mak
ing it. costly, and uncomfortable for people
of limited means to travel In their- wake."
Hnnared lajered In Aecldeat (he
Great Southes at Ateaore . .
Neae Killed.- r ..
DUBLIN, July l.-8everal carSf-an
excursion train on the Great Southern
rail ay broke away from the locomotive
today and running down an incline, crashed
Into a pessonger train. May persos jumped
from the runaway cars and tumbled down
the embankment About one hundred per
sons were Injured, most of them slightly,
Friendi of Atlanta Man Declare He
Will Be Ei-Eltcted.
t'oatrat Is Warm as to Where the
et National (unientloa Will
Be Held Hard rulllim la
Delnir Done. ,
Samuel C. Dobbs of Atlanta will probably
be re-elected preHldcnt of tlio Associated
Advertising Clubs of America. The name
of I. II. Hawjvr of et. IajiiIs may be pre
sented the convention, but the t'ohbs men
have so many votes lined up that the Mis
sourlsn may withdraw from tha race.
-St. Louis men professed Tuesday to be
Confident that the outcome will be their
way, but many other delegations were
fairly unanimous in deckvrlng that Dobbs Is
"It." One thing Is certain, the popularity
of the present president has Increased con
siderably since the convention begun and
he was greatly admired before the session
Milwaukee's chances for the next conven
tion are not burning so brightly us on Mon
day because of the rapid staldes made by
th .candidacy of Boston. Little was talked
i vr ' .- (
' v
v i "
" '
- I-
a..., L.
art' I Mii-fnlni
about the eastern city before Monday and
some of the Denver and Milwaukee men
did not even know that the Back Bay city
was t4 enter. ,
Boston now stands a good show because
ot conditions connected with the future of
the association now holding Its convention.
The Associated Advertising clubs of
America have never been strong in the
east and the big Sphinx club ot Phila
delphia, the Quoin club of New York, the
Pilgrims and the others have not affiliated
With this 'organization. Meanwhile But
falo, Detroit and Cleveland . have a little
association of their own and are angling
for the eastern clubs named, if a union
could be effected, the result would call it
self a national association.
Now the Associated Ad clubs have had
six annual, conventions, have been west
and. south and In the Mississippi Valley
and have ' never gone east. ' For the sake
of turn about and that the Atlantic coast
clubs may be tempted in, this coming
convention . say, many delegates,-ought to
go to Boston. ' ..
Boston Shows Strength.
Considerable voting strength had already
been secured for Boston. The southeas
tern men favor It aa & matter of their own
convenience. The Georgians could go by
boat ' from Savannah. Such easterners as
are In the association now may be de
pended upon to plump for Boston and' a
number of Des Moines men have been won
The attitude of the Chicago delegation
Is enigmatic "Can't get a word out of
them," said missionaries returning from
the Chicago headquarters. A good many
think that Chicago Is pretty well booked
up with Milwaukee.
Denver has made some progress among
the southwestern section - Including the
Texas men, and Kansas City delegates
have privately spoken in behalf of Denver,
although the delegation as a whole la not
yet pledged. Oklahoma City doea not ap
pear lo be in the running.
The convention will probably see a lively
fight on tiie floor over tilts question, be
cause no city may go In with a majority
at the start, although Boston, aa aafd. Is
coming fast Caucuses are now the order
of the iluy and a - good deal of trading
Is going on. Various delegations have can
didates for minor offices, memberships on
the executive committee and so forth, and
these are trying to utilise their vole on
the convention site to advanoe the interest
of their men. LcQuatte of Des Mplnes,
seems to have a good chance to land the
vice presidency. . ,
Show Ne Partiality lu Decorations,
bat Wear Colors front All Cities..
The hero of the second day, of the Ad
Men's coiiNentlon vu, so far as the women
wre concurncd. tx-Vlue President Fair
banks. Instead uf motoring about Omaha 1
In the morning, as urn originally, planned,
there ex-offkiu delegate tnarohi to the
Boyd theater to listen to his address. And
before taking the march fney waited In the
corriiljr at the lloine-huter in order to meet
and roet' this 'returned "voyager. The ex
vice 'pieslji-nt'seeiued to ppreclate thor
oughly, .tfilr reeling 'ty the fair adver
tir -of vtfieir home cliyand though al
ready late tor the .speech-making stopped
to chat a bit.
With splendid Impartiality the women
wore Des Moines carnations, Sioux City
badges, St. Joseph streamers, boosted for
Denver, Milwaukee, Oklahoma City or Bos
ton as offered boosting symbols.
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The motor ride about Omaha was the
afternoon attraction. This Included a visit
to the Country club, an organ recital at
the George A. Joclyn home and dinner at
the Field club.
Those attending the convention are Mrs.
II. W. Hill of Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. B. E.
Dunning of Council Bluffs; Mrs. A. W.
Lawscn, Mrs. T. W. Letjuatte, Mrs. II. W.
Maeey, Mrs. E. 1 Meredith, Miss Helen
V r k
Kneedles, Mrs. G. W. Todd, Mrs. Larson,
Mrs. Guy Botsford of Des Moines, Miss
Durr of Fremont Miss' Sophia Probst,
Hancock, Mich.; Mrs. C. A. Hall, Mrs. M.
8. Horner of Minneapolis; Mrs. J. II.
Oameron, Mrs. A. C. Barclay, Mrs. R. 8.
Trachell, Mrs. A. G. Samuel, Mrs. Earl
Kearby, Mrs. F. R. Rose of St. Joseph, Mo.;
Mrs. E. J. Simpson, Mrs. George H. Smith,
Mrs. G. H. Scruton, Sedalla, Mo.; Mrs. J.
A. Pound, Mrs. W. E. Bushor, Mrs. J. E.
Shuff, Mrs. W. E. Daggett and Mrs. L. J.
LeRoy. 1
Vessel Which Collided with the Baltic
Catches Fire fn Copenhagen
t COPENHAGEN, July1 19. Fire broke out
trxWy vu th'e.VQarman tank steamship
Standard, which 'recently arrived In the
harbor with a ' cargo ' of petroleum from
Philadelphia. The oil' was soon blazing
fiercely. ', ' "
The authorities ordered all the ship
ping tie up here to be prepared to quit
the port at a' moment's notice. After a
har.4 fight the fire, was controlled.
The Standard nan been in hard luck since
sailing from . Ameirlici. On June SO It was
In a; collision wttri ahe White Star liner
Baltic, but was able to continue Its voyage
unassisted.- - . J: ?
Disturbance . Follows Attempt of
American Company to Operate
Traction Lin.
BOGOTA. Colombia, July 19. The Ameri
can company resumed operations on Its
street car line today and rioting followed.
When the trouble began, Maxwell Blake,
the American consul general, mingled In
the mob. He was received respectfully.
XI Is not believed that demonstrators will
do great damage to American owned prop
erty. Popular feeling Is strongly against
the operation ot the line, which Is being
strictly boycotted.
Stands fiqaaireir Back : of Man Mr.
.tttiHa trd.
BLUE HlLt..-Neb".4-bf3fxl8-Speclal Tel
egram.) The JemojfatV of Webster county
met in. ooufi(y . ponventlon in the opera
house at Blue 'II11 today. The meeting
was called to order; byL. C. Perslnger. E.
II. Cox' was elected chair-man and George
W. Hutchison, aecretef y. The following
delegates were elected tji the state conven
tion at Grand Island jifext Tuesday:
Bernard McNeny, Lr fc.'Perslnger, George
W. Hutchison, C. B, Hale, O. R. Pitney, C.
Farsler, George Koepler, Frank Del hoy,
V. 8. Hall, E. H. Co$;U.- F. Jones and
James Eggleston. ...
' E. H. Cox was electee as chairman ot the
county central committed and V. 8. Hall,
secretary. "';,-.'
, The following resolutions, were adopted
by the convention: '.':.' ;
We, the democratic par;ty of Webster
county, reaffirm our position, on the ques
tion of tariff reform and believe, that the
democratic party should continue the fight
against protected monopolies.. .
Ws are opposed to county option and In
struct our ueleKatea to the state conven
tion to work for a platform- declaring
emphatically against this policy. We recom
mend the. work of Senator Charles R. Besse
in the last legislature and xpreps to Sen
ator Besxey our thanks for-the able and
fearless manner In which he represented
the people of this senatorial district. We
believe that the paramount issue In the
campaign should be tariff - reform. We
heartily endorse . the present democratic
governor and his administration.
" ."'"
' ' - : -
Recommendation Made 'ftnestton Co
Before- Convention.' .
ALMA, Neb., July 18. (Special Telegram.)
The republican county convention Tues
day elected delegates and passed resolu
tions as follows: .. . . t
We, the republicans of Harlan county, In
convention assembled, ftgalri -toledpe our
selves with renewed faith in-the- principles
of the party which have brought such 1 re
bounded prosperity to the. people of this
oountry. The wise legislation -enacted Into
law by the republican party .dprng the
last fifty years has wrought such wonders
that the people of this country iow enjoy
the admiration of the entire civilised world.
We extend greeting and good: wiM to our
honored president, William H.. Taft, an
commend him and tho republican congress
upon their success in sO faithfully carry
ing out the platform pledges of the national
convention of 19U6. and we'plodge him our
loyal support to those policies to which he
stands committed, v
We favor county option-but recommend
that this subject be Submitted to the con
ventlon for its endorsement. '
Delegates to state- convention: Allen
Elliott, T. L. Porter,; A L. McConnel, E. J.
Lcrg, B. R. Claypeol, -W. C. Smith and
Thomas Klrtley. -A
motion to Instruct for county option
carried by eight Votis. after a bitter fight,
with eight townships not represented.
Republican Delegation Mended by
Author of ttnekett Law.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The republicans of Gage county
today held the most harmonious convention
In the-'biulory ot the county, nearly every
township, being represented. Resolutions
favoring -county oplton. the Initiative and
referendum and endorsing tha administra
tion' fit President William Taft were unanl
rauualy adopted. The following delegates
were selected to attend the republican state
H. E. Sackett. J. R. Quein; W. M
Thomas. O. Sherman, O. E. Bishop, D. W.
Carre, H. M. Miller, Charles Walker, L. W.
Colby. H. K.- OJen, O. L. Mill, It. J. Mel
rlk. Ed Juhnsun. O. K. Jones. II. L.
Vother, J. K. Cobbey, A. H.sKldd, Thomas
Huston, I. H. Clayton. J. Q. Reed. W. it.
Kllpalrick. D. K. Calkins. P. 11. James, J.
A. O Keeie ana uiyae r uier.
When the stemacn falls to perform Its
functions, the bowels become deranged, the
liver and the kidneys congested,
numerous diseexe. The stomach and liver
must b restored to a healthy condition
and . Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets can be depended upon to do It
Easy to take and most effective. Sold by
all dealers.
London Police Deny Reported Cap
ture of American Doctor.
Canal Will Re Drasrced In Hope of
Finding- Rones Which Were
Removed from
LONDON. July 19. Th rumor circulated
In the United States that Dr. llawlcy H.
Crlppen had been captured at Canterbury,
England, la groundless.
Scotland Yard found today what Is be
lieved to be a clue to the disposition of the
bones, which with-the flesh unearthed In
the cellar In Hllhlrop Crescent once formed
the body of Belle Elmore, tho American
actress, wife of Dr. Crlppen.
As a result of a tireless search union .
the frlehds and known) anqunlntances o.
Ethel Clara Leneve, the typist who din
appeared recently with Dr. Crlppen. the de
tectives found a woman who said that Mis
Leneve had been her friend and "had talked
to her In confidence. The typist, the wo
man said, had spoken to her of mysterloun
visits paid by Dr. Crlppen to the neighbor
hood of Regents Park.
The theory woven from those circum
stances by the police Is that the disjointed
bones of the murdered woman may have
been carried In small parcels- to Regents
Paik and deposited In the Regents canal.
The authorities ordurd that the canal be
Woman Probably Innocent.
This development has strengthened the
belief of Miss Leheve's friends that if Mrs.
Crlppen was murdered the woman who Is
said to have won her husband's affections
was Innocent of any knowledge of the
At the Inquest yesterday the physicians
who examined the dismembered body testi
fied that none of the bones had been found
and that their analysis Indicated that the
flesh had been Skillfully carved from the
It has been deemed of great importance
to' discover the missing members. Including
the head, hands and feet In order to com
plete the body and thus establish legally
the case of murder. With the evidence at
hand the experts have not as yet been able
to determine so much as the sex of the
Today the authorities offered a reward of
fl,250 for Information leading to the arrest
of Dr. Crlppen. -
No Important Clues.
Reports of Crlppen and his woman com
panion having been seen In different parts
of 'the country are frequently received by
the police and there are occasional rumors
that the two had been arrested. Thus for
Superintendent Froest of Scotland Yards,
who la directing the search, does not admit
that any important discovery has been
There .Is stlU hope that the fugitive pair
may be found, aboard the Red Star liner
Kroohland, which sailed from Dover on
the night following the disappearance of
the doctor and which is due at New York
tonight --
The ports of France are picketed with
detectives and so closely brave the lines
been -drawn that the British officials be
lieve it 'Will be Impossible for Dr. Crlppen
to flee this country without detection.
The - impression . is strong in police cir
cles that the doctor will not haxard recog
nition on a long trip, and his apprehen
sion at some point in England or within
this city at any moment would not cause
gre kurprlsa, . , ' '
Indian Probe
Will Be Pushed
at Early Date
Chairman Burke of Indian Affairi
. Committee Befuiei to listen to '
... . Oore'i Plea for Delay.
. . iFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 19. (Special Tele
gram,) With a pile of printed matter. In
cluding reports'. ot the senate and house,
letters of department officials made into
publio documents and laws relating to the
five civilised tribes of Indians domiciled In
Oklahoma, Robert Person of South Dakota,
clerk ot the house committee on Indian
affairs, will leave for Muskogee shortly,
where on August 4 the committee appointed
at tle last session of congress will begin
Its Investigations of the sensational charges
of Senator Gore against J. F. MoMurray.
an attorney ot McAiester, Okl.
The committee is composed of Representa
tive Charles H. Burke of South Dakota,
chairman ot the house committee on Indian
affairs; P. P. Campbell of Kansas, C. B.
Miller of Minnesota, John H. Stephens of
Texas and E. W.' Sauners of Virginia.
senator Gore ' will be the first witness
and after his testimony the committee will
decide as to the course It will pursue. It
Is a matter of record that Senator Gore
wanted the Investigation to go over until
the November election, but his Chairman
Burke would not agree to, and In conse
quence hearings on the charges against
McMurray and others will go on. It is
thought tiers that the biggest game of
politics ever "pulled off In Oklahoma will
be uncovered when the Indian affairs com
mittee of tha house gets down to work.
A colored man Is to be appointed to the
colleotorshlp ot the Georgetown custom
house, according to reliable Information to
day, in the person of Whitefield McKinley,
a real estate and loan broker of this city.
McKinley is a South Carolinian by birth,
having been eduaated at Avery Institute
at Charleston, the South Carolina univer
sity and at Grlnnell college, Iowa. Soon
after his graduation from the last Institu
tion he obtained employment as a Pullman
porter, running between New York and
McKinley is well known to many of the
colored people of. Omaha and Lincoln,
where be spoke on a number of occasions.
Fourth Season Proves Great Success
and Cltlsene Form Permanent
Organisation!' "
HURON, S. D., July 19. (Special.) Fif
teen, hundred people heard Colonel G. A.
Gearhart of Buffalo deliver tho closing
number of the Huron Chautauqua Sunday
night It was one of the most forceful and
eloquent lectures ever heard in this city
and was the pleasing climax to the splendid
program enjoyed by thousands of people
during the Chautauqua, whloh has been
lu .cession for ten 'days. The program
throughout waa one of much Interest -an J'
Included some of the best speakers, reader
and- Impersonators In the country. So suc
cessful has the Chautauqua been that ar
rangements have been Inaugurated for a
similar program to be given here next year.
Colonel "W A, .Lynch, Hon. E,, L. Abel
J. W.-' Campbell II. J. MoOai vey, A. B.
Sheldoru Dr B. H. Sprajfue, Hon. George
Wright 'George C. Fullenwelder, It C.
Gibbs and others have formed a tututau-
iua association nnd'hnve fctready rrc-lverl
Applications for several hundred sea-ion
ticktts for the l!lt program.
Lame shoulder Is almost :nvarlsbly caused
by rheumatism of the muscles and yields
quickly to the free application of Chamber
lain's Liniment. This liniment Is not only
prompt and effectual, but tn no way disa
greeable to use. Sold by all dealers.
Alle-nrd drafter tirnnted Appeal.
PHILADELPHIA. July I9.-The superior
court here today allowed a supersedeas In
th ease of Charles Stewart, who Was con
victed In Allegheny In connection with the
Kraft exposure there and admitted him to
10 0ti0 ball pending the determination of nn
The Weather
For Nebraska Cloudy.
For Iowa Fair, warmer.
Temperatuirt at Omaha yestei
duy :
S a. m....
0 a. in....
1 a. m....
S a. m....
9 a. di....
10 a. in ... .
H a. in....
It m
.... b
.... t'o
.... Tl
.... 74
::;:::::: ?A
1 p. m..
2 p. m..
t p. m..
4 p. ni..
6 p. m. .
6 p. in.,
7 p. m..
8 p. m..
HOTiinm or ocxa; munim,
. t'ort- Arrived. salted.
OKNOA.... .Oretlo
tHEHnuUKO Atrmrikm
HAMHl'RO rrwm. Lincoln.....
Omaha vs. Sioux City
Vinton Street Park
July 19-20-21.22
Special car leaves 15th and Farnam
at 3:30.
On sale today at Auditorium; prices after
noon and evening:
$2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c
Special Prices Friday:
Matinee $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c
Ana mrras by
jall-SreakeV Weaver;
TWO mmwaviwt srrj
Lyons acorjtir rio-
Mt . 1 Vine . Oh
ganf 'Illustrated
BOns;sj siew nv
'tnrsa -, Tnes.,
Thnra. Mew vends
vllie Sun. and-ffw
Staora. U8
The Entire
Atlantic Coast
is made available for your summer outing by the ' '
tha vary low fares in effect daily to Sept. 30thLf
. New York Central
,Vu. .... Round Trip from
Boston $44.60 New York $41.85
for tickets good returning within thirty days '
Equally favorable fares to all other points in the
wide vacation land of New York, New England
and Canada. Liberal stop-over privileges and
optional rail and water routes are available.
Three of the six through trains of the Michigan
Central pasa Niagara by daylight, (topping five
minute for a view of the great cataract.
Tickets, Sleeping Car accommodations and fall
information furnished on application to your
local agent, or to
J. 8. WILLEBRANDS, Oen'l Agent Pass; Dept.
1324 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. . '
WARREN J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Mgr., Chicago. ,
Have Your Ticket Read Burlington
n n
Pacific Coaat and Return, direct routes
California, special excursion fares, July 25 to 28, Inc.'..,
Coast Tour, including Shasta, 1 16.00 higher,
TELLOWSTONE PARK TOURS of all kinds, via Gardiner or 1 '
Yellowstone, Including diverse routes through scenic .. .'
Colorado and Bait Lake. Also personally conducted.
Eighteen-Day Park Camping Tour from Cody. Fares ou '
request. '"
Denver, Colorado Springs and Taeblo "917(50
Estes Paxk. CoIorado'a finest recreation region, Jus" north of ' ". ',v,
Denver at the foot of Long'a Peak; many hotels, cottages,-:
and lodgea, Including the beautiful Stanley Manor.. . . . .927.10
HsJt Lake, I'UIi ; $30.50 .'
Hot Bprings, 8. D. Attractive Black Hllla resort. . Plunge ' "t
baths, sanitariums and every requisite for recuperation. .$15.75
Cody, Wyo., scenic entrance to Yellowstone Park . . . ...... .$30,7.5'
Thermopolls, Wyo Hot Bprings resort .$31.75' '.
Bend for free deacrlptlve publlcatlone. Write or call, Indicate Jour '
proposed trip and let us help you plan the most comprehensive joyrney (
at the least cost.
! sjmjih Hi nni..)aujiaijsj.-sw,eiumi..-.ljswi
Specs All Prices
Glasses as prcBcrlbt'd by its
are conceded tho foremoat rerfi
edy for the cure of headache,
nervousness, facial neuralgia,,
etc.. due to muscular or nerv
ous Eye strain.
For any Eye tronblo or fi--new
Glaascs consult us. . ..
213 80. lth Strict.
I Coat and Pants J
SH 50,
Reduced From $23 and $UH
f 10.00 Sl'ITS KEDVCKD"'
to ...v.'.$35.O0
$50.00 suits redl'ckji , , .
(to $30.00
Every garment guaranteed per
fect In fit and style. ' '
MacCarthy, Wilson
Tailoring Co
804-3 OO South Sixteenth hi
Near Farnam.
John Says:-
"Xere'e a weleome to
the Associated -Ad'
Clubs ef Amerloa. . J.
am somewhat of an
advertiser myself and
spend a lot of money
Wiling- about my
CIOAR8. -They're
entslde oore
. - and aU. . ..- -..
Central Cigar. Store .
321 So. 16th St.
r . ... ,
Ia' t- Vt
in n
;an Central
. ; :ll!rl'tJlK-
i. : . ....-
Falls Route
' --.';
Trip Fares
9. a. MTsTOtDSJ, Olty Vaseeat-ss Afiti''
isoa Taraasa Street, Osaaha.