TITE BEE: OMAHA. "WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. 1910. 1 fit ore 'Cloaca t . M., Uaoept day at lor. m. Until P. 1. n' kVilM L fi 1 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FOR WEDNESDAY iGrand-Oearing-Sale ; Every day we bring forward extraordinary bargains for our big clearing sale. Wednesday's specials are of ; unusual interest. . 500 PIECES OF NEW, FRESH, YARD-WIDE LIGHT AND DARK LAWNS v12ic and 15c quality, clearing (fgr jsale price, in basement ..... price Our Entire Lot of $7.00 Automobile and Traveling Shan l tung Long Coats Trimmed with satin and (Tfl AO ; foulard collar and cuffs, clearing Bale prie, ThfL .1(1 each V i . WOMEN'S $3.50 PERCALE WASH DRESSES With low neck, strap trimmed effect; clearing sale price in department 1,000 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' CORSETS 50c, 75c and $1.00 qualities, -ventilating short and medium '....i... -.it 11.. i4 i . . cornels, Ull uic iuis in wmtu we imve iiut rum- plete sizes; clearing sale price, in basement tOQ 118-Inch fine nainsook and cambric flounclnga, skirtings, corset cov ers, also wide insertions and gal loons, all tholce new i designs, worth up to a WO 4uc.at . 2C-plece Win. Rogers silver chests 6 knlvts, C forks, C teaspoons, 1 0 tablespoons, 1 butter knife, 1 H sugar slull In fancy J I. V. 85 i Plete f New Haven alarm clocks, 4 special clearing sale i price, main' floor. . . . : . 59c BRANDOS cnsssszznexs SX3B3S39B EN N SYLVAN IA lines - THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN RAILROADS deservedly credits the Pennsylvania with stimulating the development of transportation facilities. Attempts to duplicate the physical condi tion of its roadbed, perfection of its safety appliances, the excellence of ' Its equipment and methods of operating trains gives it first place as "The Standard Railroad of America." The Pennsylvania was the first railroad to use stone ballast, steel - rails, block signals, track tanks, etc. The first 'Limited" trains were run over the Pennsylvania. It originated 18-hour trains between Chicago and New York, and 24-hour trains between St. Louis and New York. Years ago the Pennsylvania employed trained and courteous rep resentatives to deliver tickets and baggage checks to residences, hotels and places of business; to accompany departing travelers to trains and meet those arriving. The little things, as well as the big things, which make traveling the pleasure it is today, were introduced by the Pennsylvania,.- The extension of its steel rails Into New York City and the con struction of the greatest railroad station In the world in the very heart : of the Greater City of New York, close to Broadway, will, when steel trains run into that station from Chicago, from St. Louis, and from other cities in the West, in the summer of 1910, be an achievement . which present generations will not see duplicated. "It's just like the Pennsylvania ! " Always Ahead in Everything! "The Standard Railroad of America!" ' A,k .,or.bokl de,r,bln" how the Prnnsylvania Syitera extended it rail to h heart ot New York City and conMrueted the PenurWanla Station, near Broad- Wy. t a cait of OTr On Hundred Million Dollar. Telephone or call at (Agent's Name) ' rn GOING! GOING! GOING! ' But IMot Ail Gone ty Any Means We have had seven of the greatest shoe, selling days ever seen in Omaha. Every pair of SHOES and OXFORDS Hust ani - Will Go Btfere August 1st THE SOONER THE BETTER. la Order to Harry the Selling, We Now Hike ONE PRICE oa All $3.50, $4.00 asd $4.50 WALK-OVERS la Ererj Leather (or Hea Plenty ol Help Plenty o! Sloes ind Every Pair a Money. Saving P.opositioa Xwo Dollars and Seventy-Eight Cents 314 WALK-OVER SHOE STORE, So. 15th St. SSJU Watch Onr Windows for BUT Specials In Clearing Sale Every IN OUR and side button our Negligee Ladles' fine ribbed cotton vests, low neck, sleeveless, lace trim med, all sizes, 20c qual 8 c ity; clearing sale price Stamped Pillow Cases Our regu lar 69c pillow cases, stamped on 45-Inch good aualitv tublnz In a large number of designs for Kg one day only art m g department, main tJLin floor; per pair. Ladies' genuine patent leather cowhide belts, black w and red, worth I Sp up to 35c -', STORES $1.69 fail's Special Your Suit order this week will include AN EXTRA PAIR CF TROUSERS for the price of suit alone. Suit and Extra Trousera $25 to $45 TAILOR WILLIAM JKRKKM8' HONS 00-211 Ho. 18th St. JETTER BREWIMG CO., Phone No, 8. 30th and Y Streets : South Omaha. Nebraska ' COK3UMEBS' SXBTBXBUTEBS I Omaha I BVOO T. BIL2, 1334 Dong-las Street. Phones! Donflas lS43.Xnd. A-1543. Smith Omaha I WM. JETTEB, 3302 N St.. Phone 868. Connoll Bluff si DEO. MXOXEDD 1013 Main St. Both Phones, 80 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Low Fare Summer Tours Via WASHINGTON ATLANTIC CITY AND OTHER SEA SHORE RESORTS NEW YORK. BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND POINTS Tickets on Sale Daily Until Oct. 31 at L.ONO RETUKN. LIMIT. . Liberal Stop-Over Privileges. For further particulars address W. A, PKESTOH, B. W. AUSTIX, T. P. A., Chicago O. P. A.. Chicago. m KaattMkfti It's the purest, It's the best. Nothing finer For your guest .THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME Consumers' Distributer John Nittler Wr'M azz 5. Z4tn street Doug. 1889, Red 8932 Ind. . . A-1420 mm m ErVor aiosee at B O'dlook at 10 O'olook DurlseT WELC0HE VISITORS Make Our Store Your Headquarters aAd Resting Place. .We . tender you the freedom of our store and all its accommodations during your visit in Omaha. FOR WEDNESDAY'S SELLING Every Item Mentioned a Strong Drawing Card Sailor Waists $1.25 Two new styles, sailor collar waists go on sale Wednesday, one la made ot lawn with, collar, cuffs and tie, pipped with black and white stripe lawn; the other style is made of white croatf-bar muslin, piped with i blue lawn, they make an ideal hot $1.75 value, at Gingham Dresses Another lot of those Tunic style gingham dresses Just arrived and will go on sale Wednesday. They are made of pretty plaid and check sglngham, low neck and short sleeves, with over drape skirt $6.00 value 5..." ......$125 Silk Ppngees Ycdnesday 28c , Not Many of These Tongces lft They come in natural color, and pretty Delf Blue, Reseda Green, Fink, Lavender, Navy, Black. Be here early Wednesday and buy these heavy Silk Pongees, while they last 28? 6,000 yards of Ginghams, Cbambrays, 36-inch; Percales, Madras, etc. Goods worth up to 25c, Wednesday, at 7H Strong Hot Weather v Specials Swiss Embroidery Waist Fronts, worth 5c e&ch 2o 60c Women's Summer Weight Suits, lace trlm'd, garment, 290 Women's Mercerized Gauze Lisle Hose, fast black, 50c value, 29i 2-cIasp Chamoisette Gloves, 50c grade, St, pair 290 Men's Mercerized Hemstitched, Colored ' Border Handkerchiefs, 10c grade, each 5 Wednesday, Notion. Day Tiny Items Big Bargains Pearl Buttons, all sizes, extra fine; from 3 to 12 buttons oh card, value3 up to 60c, at a card. 100 Colored pari buttons; 1 dozn to a card, 15c values, per dozen 5 Extra heavy lisle garter elastic, all colors, 1-lnch wide, worth 18c, per yard 100 Ladies and Children's pad and pin on supporters, all colors, worth 19c, per pair . 1Q0 Nickle plated safety pins, all sizes, 2 dozen for 5 Dress shields, regular 12V6c value, per pair 5 200 yards Machine thread, all numbers, black and white, 3 spools, 5 Odd lot of hooks and eyes, black and white, regular 10c kind. Special, 2 cards for 5 Shoes Four hundred pairs of Women's White Canvas Oxfords, two and three eyelet ties, in all sizes, value $2.50, on sale Wednesday, We still have left from our Men's Sale : Saturday, about one hun dred pair ot patent colt, tan and gun metal oxfords, in all sizes, at sale price Five hundred pair of Barefoot Sandals, sizes 5V4 to 8, 814 to 11 and Ills to 2s, values $1.00 to $1.25, on sale Wednesday, 69c Picture Frames 25 Per Cent Discount On All Frames Made to Order, over BOO samples. This Includes all sizes and styles of ovals. Wednesday only. Urine; your pictures. Art Department 2d Floor. Bennett's TXA. IaLB. Teas Assorted, 6sc values, per lb., 680 Teas Assorted. bUc values, per lb., 48o corrra sFxcxAi. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. 2 lb. cans, special offer 40o Bennett's Reliable Coffee, usual prl. e 4VC, special offer 84a Pride of Bennett Flour, sack ..tl.&O HO Stamps Peanut Butter, 2 Jars 8O0 10 BUinps ' Galllard Olive Oil. bottle., 84o :0 Stamp Plckltn Spice, per lb 850 :0 Stamps Snider Catsup, pint bottle ..830 10 Stamps B. C. Baking Powder, lb. can..... .840 SO Stamps Fells Naptlis- Soap, cases. .86 Aromur's Verlbest Sliced pried Beef. ,ar 160 J 10 Stamps ru and aUtnrday Klfhti July and Anraat. $1.25 I weather garment, House Dresses Two new styles one-pieco house dresses came in this week, will be on sale Wednesday. They are made of dark and light percales, one style is made with high neck and long sleeves, the other low neck and short sleeves; all sizes 34 to 44, $1.76 value, QQ at 4)st) Clean-up Sale, 60c and 75c Ladies' Neckwear, each .. .250 1 Lot 25c Ladles' Neckwear, 100 18-inch Swiss Corset Cover and Flouncing, 18 to 27-inch wide, values to 75c, per yard. . . .250 Embroidery Silk, regular 6c grade, skein 20. dozen .-200 Venice Bands and Edges, in white and cream, a few black, values up to 39c, per yard 1240 Hardware 35c Steel Ice Tongs 100 $3.00 Lawn Mower $1.98 $6.00 Lawn Mower S3!98 $2.60 Water Cooler $l!98 75c Floor Sweep 250 25c Sleeve Iron 100 85c Sash Cord 590 45c Sash Cord 290 6c Winnegg Whip 20 16c Alum. Collapsible Cup.. 100 16c Needle Point Ice Plck..lVk 36c Ice Shave ' 19j 35c Aluminum Tea Ball....2O0 15c French Paring Knife i... 5 20 Per Cent Discount On All Varnishes. 2V4-lnch Varnish Brush ....5 Sporting Goods. $1.26 Bathing Suit 080 $2.00 Bathing Suit ..... .$1.49 $2.00 Razors 890 Stationery TABLET DAV. 1,000 Tablets, values up to 20c, on sale 7 3 Paokages, A No. 1 Rag. No. 6, 6 or 6V Envelopes 100 Big Grocery Bennett's Capitol Extract, bottle. 16e JO Stamps 20c Can Franco-American Soup. 18o 10-lb. Sack Cornineal, yellow or white, at , . ,18o Monarch Cut Asparagus, can....85o 10 Stamps Foszy Milk, 6 cans 880 Newport Catsup, bottle lOo 10 Stamps Five pounds, 7c Jap Rica' for. . . .854 alliens Mustard, large Jar lBo 10 Stamp Macaroni, Star and Crescent. S pack ages for 86o 20 Stamps SOc Jar Tea. garden preserves. Jar. 8O0 Bird Seed, Golden Harvest. pkg..lOe i Stamps Imperial Grape Juice, quart bot..SOo 10 Stampa Kddy's Hors Radish Mustard. Jar, at loo 6 Stamps All ready Cod, can 0 Welcome A. A. DO YOUR BUYING EARLY, WE CliOftK AT 8 r. M. nj A AVBEK& THE RELIABLE STORE Big Special Hosiery Purchase mm- ' ., ' i '!) .'Ill J4, '-A Big Lace and Embroidery day with the addition of Summer Dresses Less Than mm Splendid . Saving , Wednesday on some choice new lots of Summer Outer Garments; 910.00 Wash Dresf.es $3.75 Linens, Reps, Lawns, Batistes, very newest styles and most wanted colorings, many worth to $10.00, at, each ........... $3.75 175 Dainty Lingerie Dresses In white and colors, beautifully trimmed, made to sell at $12.60, choice, at, each $5.75 Cream Berge Tailor Suits Regular $25.00 quality, in plain or with black stripe, just 100 of them in the lot, at, choice $14.80 WAISTS Jap Silk Waists well worth $4.00, black or white, new styles, at, each-- $1.79 DRESSING SACQUES 50c values, in lawn and percales," all sizes, at KIMONOS Long serpentine crepe kimonos, pret ty patterns, $4.00 values, at 31.95 COATS. Long . linen crash coats, to ues, at $1.95 19c Extra Specials in fho Domestic Room for r Wednesday Mercerized checked fancies, always sells 19c; Wednesday at, a yard 100 Figured pique, 27 ins. wide, always sells 10c; Wednesday at, a yard 640 19c figured organdies, good assortment, at, a yard 13 0 12 Vic organdies, at, a yard,,, . .7 J4 45-inch French lawn, regular 19c quality; Wednesday at, per yard 100 Edgmont Bed Spread, hemmed, regular $1 value; 'Wednesday at, each .. ......650 Princess. Bed Spread, hemmed, regular $1.50 value; Wednes day at, each. . . -080 Buy Your Peaches low for Preserving Just received another carload of Texas Elberta Peaches, which we will place on sale Wednesday. Four-basket crate Elberta . Peaches. . .... ..... 70 Bushel baskets Peaches 18 pounds Granulated Sugar 91.00 5 bars Beat 'Km All or Diamond "C" Soap 250 8 lbs. White or Yellow Meal ISO Hajrden's Vegetable Department Is Omaha's rarorite Market for Jresh Vegetables. Large heads Cauliflower. Bo and TVsO 8 bunches fresh Beets Co 6 bunches fresh Lettuce 6e DON'T TRY MYDEN'S FIRST" FORGET Thursday. '"'-Cl' Home day. , Big bargains in real estate. Some people don't know that a liome can be bought with a small cash payment down rind the bal ance' Tike rent. This, plan affords the map of moderate means an opportunity to own and pay for his own homo with the money usually spent as rent." '; Oi the real estate page of Thursday's Tee will be found a 'great, many choice homes advertised for sale 011 easy tOrms. , : - ' ' Piek'"out the home that looks best- to you and see the party .who advertised fcnjoy the grandeur of snow-capped mountains the restful pleature of fertile valleys the magnificence and beauty of natures grandeni and most ruggod scenery. A trip on the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY offers vacation at small expenne to the most talked of and Interesting cento auots In the world. BAarrr. Ltii z.ovxaa. , rxra, ouorci ' Here you wilt ilnd a perfect revel of en l..y ment no other place can offer such an opportunity to koAaa. hunt, flak, drive, eketok. ollmb, botaulse. Hutela are under direct management of the railway company and give unaqualed service. low SJuBimer Tenrlst fMuis vwn viuii, dune a bo atepteiaker 30. If desired, you may us the Canadian faclfto la one direction and any other railway In the other. JLI ASK n', rturn from Vancouver. WO byCaaadlan Vaolflo Steamer, he JT. yur "' reaervat oos before alerting. Literature free Tickets for ele by agenta of all rallwava A. O. BWW. Oeneral rit. M South rhark Btreee. flvrmnn C. of A., to Omaha R im voi n m Yi(; f:m.v. we cuw; AT 5 P. M off.r. .pt.n.llri ,..x.Hnnlilr. buf.ra here W.Oni'Mrf., : $1.00 SILK HOSE 49c LadirB' blacK Bilk Hose with lihl. garter top and foot, rnasnlfici nt bargains In Wednesday s sal-. H at, per pair lj)v' $1.50 SILK HOSE 69c All Silk Stockings in black or tan. all sizes, 1.60 values, at . 0!O PURE SILK HOSE 98c All newest colorings, values 1o 2.60, at, pair LADIES' FIXE GAUZE IJSI.E and LACK HOSE Regular values to $1.00, all newest colors, on sale, t S50 350 and .l)(. Several Other Rousing Bar gains Wednesday. Clearance Continues "Wednes many new lots for selection. $7.50 val 36-nch Zodiac bleached muslin, regular 10c muslin, at, per yard 60 7 He organdies, at. a yard ... 5 Striped pongee, in all colors, 15c values, at, a yard .... ... .100 Remnants of toweling at Just about J price Checked dimities at, a , yard , . , . 70 5JJX.Ot 3 heads New Cabbage 1 lOo Large Cucumbrrs, eu'h . ', .8c and 7lo 6 bunches Green Onluns.. Bo 1 . a-n -t r- 8 bunches fresn Iladlshcsx Ba 2 bunches I'wwlvy , BeLJ Fresh ripe .i;omtpes, lhf. ...... .TVto Fancy Wax or Uien Uopiis, lb. . ,7Vo 8 bunohes freh Oarrots, ,.60 Try our Blended Tea for1 Ice Tea, per it immediately. rare Daily to all Worth . J"! Half ittfEKCta 8 ; - tt n a. V assa