Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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-( onllmrl.
C'oLi ill A DO I'ROI'ERTT FOR "A'-T11-roiiin
br lrk and stone r"lil"'' Golden,
folo., U miles west of Denver; place has
hmn used for private boarding nouse, l
modern and a money maker; easy l'rim
t.i the right party. Box Golden. Colo.
Lest orchard and alfalfa land In the wesu
Situated In the extreme northeastern pai t ol
California, In tne luinoua bu.pnse valley.
'jnl orchard land will be worih aeveral
times its present value aa soon aa the pi
Ijiisid railroad la built.
Ten lo lorty.-acre tracts. $1W to 12 per
ACflna 3u0-acre farm with good Improve
ments, including a ten-room nouse, P'niy
or fruit, six from town on exce llcnt
load, and a tract that will subdivide Into
small orchard farm.. Price, iw P"r cre-
sw-acre orchaid and alfalfa tract, partly
Improved, at 8 per acre; terms. No belU'
opportunity to buy a choice and Proved
money-making land a thin, tor
information about this Ideal home valley
eddress It'. 1. LtUN, Cedarville, Cal.
Free Booklet
Write to u for this handsome Illus
trated free booklet; cover In 7 colors
and picture fit to frame, that
would aell for Wc In any art store.
Don't fall to send a post card re
questing this booklet, today. IT IS
Ellis Bros. & Jackman
Idaho Fail la in the hart of the
Ureal Snake Klver Valley, the sev
enth licnest district In the world.
FOlt SALE Kansas wheat farm; t.000
acres at Shields, Lane county; l.ow) acres
of growing wheat now on the farm; town
site of l.ulO lots included; price, fcju per
acre. The best bargain in Kansas,
R. K. ttfURUtoN, Olathe, Kan.
(UK BALK Equity In 406-acre stock and
..mi larin In llay county, Missouri, J southeast of iawson, U lanes north
Klciimunu, or will trade for stock, of
man merchandise.- li. W. Cieek, owner,
council drove, Kan.
i acres all In tame grass; good Im
provements; all hog tight fencing; prioe
lor quick sale, 10,DW..' . .
ItiO acres, 1 mile of Olathe, all plow land
and uii lu tame meadow; price tluO er
acre; this is a snap
luO acres near good town; eplena-d Im
provements; nice location; good oichard;
in turns grave; una a beauty; price 8&
per acre.
bO acres all rich black limestone sol), good
Initio. euitnis, near good lown; price lii
per acre. .
Ti acres, 8 mm of Olathe, all In corn;
price lor quick isle, 8S&.
lu acres, all level rich soil; 6 acres orch
ard; on rock roaa, 1 block station on Strang
Llectric line; price I3UU per acre.
bee us for any sixe farms vr ranches;
over m to seleo: frpm.
S;0 Ridge Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
down and 37VS cents a month; In the famous
Osark fruit and dairy country of South
Missouri; no Interest; no taxes; you can
take possession Immepdlately ; this Is good
land In a well settled community, with good
towns and markets for your products, with
churches and- schools established; a fine
place to live; a delightful climate; plenty
ul water and timber and no crop failures;
a paradise fur the man of moderate means;
un unequalled opportunity to get a farm of
your own, in the best state In the union,
where land values are constantly Increas
inm llio price Is so low toniy 110 per aore)
and the terms so easy, It Is beyond the
each of none; don't you want to know
about It? Write us today, enclosing a
il-cent stamp. Omi'k Farms Company, 92o
New York Life Uldg., Kansas City, Mo.
4S1 acres In Cass county. Mo., 40 miles
south of Kansas City; 3-M acres are as
fine corn land as la In the county; the or
chard has 20 acres ali bearing, 140 acres
blucgrasa pasture, some scattering timber
on pasture land, fine water, good 7-room
house, t good barns, etc.; 1 mile from sta
tion. It's a bargain. You can make $&,00i
on this Inside of 0 months. Price, 8Ue per
Harrlsonville. Mo.
FOR SALK DM acres; 70 acres In corn;
one-thl'id erop to buyer; 2)0 acres In tim
ber, and all exo-pt about 25 acres could be
cultivates; plenty . or. sprinKS and we s:
ore old log house; 'of entire farm under
wire fence; account of dt-ath of wife and
old age owner is retiring; no u-ades. O. W
Williams, Sleeper. 4 Laclede County, Mo.
FOR SALE My Ozark farm, six miles
sou Hi of Matisfteld, 120 acres, so cultivation;
too apple trees In fruit now; also peaches
pears, cherries and plums; lots of berries,
grapes and flowers; 2-room log house and
log stable; fine spring, cold, soft water:
immediate possession; good timber. Come
quick for a bargain. Pricw, 83,000. Wallace
minis, aiansiieiu, aio. '
117.00 PER ACRE.
M0 acres, six miles from North Platte,
a city of 6,000 population; division point U.
P. R. R. : 300 acres Kood farm land suit.
able for alfalfa, corn and wheat; balance
oiling; aim eu-raisua pasture land; all
good, hard soil; only H per acre; one
half cash, balance per cent. This land
is only two miles from the state experi
mental farm, where you can see what such
iauu prutiuce; wi acres Droken; no
buildings, no drouth, no crop failure at
iuii.n i-iaiie, even in mis orr year,
tour excuses paid if you buy.
Write, wire, 'phone or call.
218 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
rj em improved stock farm. 00
acres; Custer county; close to station; 17
vi sum, uu irauo. box A, uconto. Hub,
TEN THOUSAND acres of corn, winter
wheat and alfalfa land for sale in large
and amuil farms In Sherman, Custer and
umittiu wiumiH. writ lor prices. J, T.
aiiiiuvii. Aiu'iuiciu, i eo.
lt acres of level, deep, heavy, rich, black
ami, six miles from Tekamah, Hurt county
Nel., and only forty miles from Omaha'
Price. 0 per acre; 3,000 cash, balance per
cent Interest. NO SAND, CiRAVKL. ROCK
Chamber of Commerce, Omaha, Neb
Telephone Douglas 6107.
Ii'iO acrea with modern Improvements, near
up-to-date town of 1.200 people, ideal lo
t aiiiin. . This is In the heart of the corn
belt, and good investment and fine home
Address 1". O. Box 6o7, Columbus Neb
North Dakota.
In North Dakota at from IIS to HO per acre
And neitr new town on Milwaukee extension
from Mclaughlin to New England. Also
la.'is Montana ana Minnesota Sold on
tasy ierms ana just the thing for the
orinrr ur inventor. 1HO trades, ftllssourl Vttl
ley Land Co., Dickinson, N. D.
INVESTORS Do you want something
Bond? We can aell you any amount or
I!hm1 farming land up to 10.000 acres. In
Ward county. . and aell It cheap. Black
loam and clay subsoil. Lyon Land & lxun
Co.. Bowbells, N. D.
acrea all fenced, 40 aures crop, ISO tons bay.
StO bu. oata, good luiuse. barn, granary,
three spriniia. W0 aor.s. all fonced. lolnlng
"leased " beat stork ranch in country; price This 1 a flue proposition. AM other
good bargains. Sanipoon Laud Co.. Rhame,
- - rsa.
s f::it acrs
IU acres In Mlnnenot s great clover
belt., price, 8J V swr acre; buei bai galo
In, state.
(Ciiwab nuns..
IS Guaranty Bldg.. Miieaol!s, U'.as.
) A . U KAAtll LAM) rOHIAl"
8.000 acres In town on new railroad. In
one of the richest farming counties la cen
tral Texas, fur tU per acre; 8i.w0 cash,
I.OiiO in Uu days. $i,00c January 1, ml. easy
eerma on balance of the purchase price,
will give release for every sale subdivision
from town lot to farm and accept pro rata
amount yet dua for purchase money; ex
Ports estimate a profit of 876.WO In
months, a. j. Ellington, Mexita. Tex.
i.OM )t-acres fine level hoe wallow plains
farm land near the thriving city of Amir
Hlo, Texas, v hl-h Is destined to be the
city of the northwest; soli as rich as could
be desired and water In abundance. Price,
ia per acre; will exchange for good mer
chandise or business property. Joe 1.
Mlckle Land Co., Memphis, 'lexaa.
TWO tracts of land of 140 acres
each, locaud about ten miles southwest of
Houston In the best farming community In
Harris county; Westhelmer shell road and
railroad station within half mile; price 8M
per acre; adjoining lund being sold at from
till to 1U0 per acre; complete description
and map on request. A. C. bwanson Co.,
Mason Ailug., Houston, Tex.
FOR SALE cheap 161-acrs farm, with
buildings; Mi acres cleared; no rocks, no
stumps, no waste land; bordering on nice
lake, with ali kinds of fish for half mile;
a very nice summer home as well aa a
farm; must sell on account of poor health.
Price, tli.&uo. Address Herman Klemm,
Minong, Wis.
S0-ACK.E Improved farm for $1,000. This
farm has 10 acres cleared free of stumps
and under cultivation; land is level; good
clay loam soil, clay subsoil; no stone; has
8V acres of heavy hardwood and birch,
no unuer brush In the Umber; balance of
land easy1 to clear. This farm borders on
a beauiiiul lake with good fishing. It has
a new frame house with 7 rooms all com
plete ready to move Into; and a new stable.
Hixiti. Farm Is located six miles from
Cumberland and three miles from Bar
ronett; In a well settled 1 arming country;
Hermans did Ameilcana; on main traveled
road, near schools, churches an creamery.
'I here is timber enough on this farm that
when sold will pay the Interest and taxes
for five years, 'terms aju cash, balance
on time to suit purchaser. We also own
another 80 of unimproved land that Joins
this farm In case you want more land,
riend for our special list of other farms and
timber land we own, .also our book on
northwestern Wisconsin. We are located
in Barron county. i8 miles northeast of St.
Paul. Address Wisconsin Colonisation Co.,
Cumberland, wis.
TRAPEf Or do you want to buy onet
Make your want known throuah THIS UU4
MOINES CAPITAL, Uie want medium of
lowa. Mates: t cent a word for each Inser
Hon. 6 cents a Una, 70 oenu an Inoh. Cir
culation, 41.UUO, largest of any jowa dally,
Ulve us a trial. Address 'ft Capital, Janit
ijepi.. um aioinea, jowa.
No. 1 bOO acres fine Improved larm.
Burnes county. North Dakota, six mllta
from town, about ts.ouO worth of improve
ments. bOO acres In crop and must be sold
by July 1st. Price Idu.ouO with ft on crop,
cash y,000 and ILooO December 1st, balance
12,000 yearly, ten years. 'Ahls Is a snap
lor some one.
No. 2240 acres, lbfi acres under cultivi
tion, balance pasture and timber, good
buildings, nine-room house, stone cellars.
large burn, hay fort, two good wells, good
soil. Five miles irom femam, Minn.,
mue to scnooi anu lit nines 10 cnurch. A
snap afAMi.tsi per acre.
:v ,i a :hi arrM. inur miles rrnm ,-. K . m
Minn., good black soil, clay sub soil. 86.000
worth of improvements, sou acrea In crop.
balance pasture a nd good timber. Price
1 ii.ou per acre.
No. e 640 acres, one mile north of Daw
son. In. u., una improvements, 400 acres
In crop, black loam eoll, clay sub soil. Must
be sold,. 'A of crop if sold at once. Price
130 per acre.
No. & 400 acres bdoui ivt miles N. E. of
Dawson, jn. v., e-room nouse, large barn,
sheep shed, granary, well and windmill.
No better farm in central North Dakota.
Mortgage 85,600. 86,400 for equity. These
are subject to sale and change of price
witnout notice. Aciuress an letters to B. u.
Hunt. Tempi court, Minneapolis,
Investigate its fertile Irrigated lands.
Others have made fortunes here. So can
you. We sell no lands. Write Us for
facts, state immigration Hoard. Albu
querque, N. M.
GARVIN BROS., id floor N. Y. Life, IHM
to iiw.wM on iraprovea property. i o delsj
WANTED City loans. Patera Trust Co
WANTF.D City loans and warranto,
Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Fsrnam 8L
LOANS to home owners and borne build
era. wltb privilege of making partial pay
ments semi-annually.
103 Flrat National nk Bldg
1100 to 810.000 mad promptly, k. D. Weal
Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam.
WOO n STi.OOO on homes In Omaha. 0'Kf
Real Estate Co.. lOOi N. Y. Ufa. Douglaa
or A-zifcZ.
MONRV TO !N-Pyn tnoMtmnit it
WANTED Ooou rental property, 81,800 t
U,u00. for choice vacant lot or lots, one
third to one-half the value, balance spot
ess n. uive particulars ui property ottered
Address M 2W. Bee,
I, and 7-room houses. If prices are rlgM
we can aeu your property lor you.
8ulte CM N. Y. Life Bldg.
new nouse; near tt. it. town; want clear
umana income. Box Mo, Benson, Neb.
434-acke ranch, 30 miles from two
large cities, afford best possible market
railway station on land; properly managed.
pays easily 84.000 per annum net. Price
12,0u0; clear; want Income property In
umana; win put lu some cash or assume.
68 New York Life.
Phone Red lm . .
S40 ACHES extra level land, closa ta rail
road, in Box Bulta county,. Nebraska; wl.l
exchange fur merchandise; price. tJt per
acre; will carry ei.wwk A. iu J DOtODaua
WE can trade anything, amywhere,
D. MCI. i2X Bee.
320 acres North Dakota land, free of In
cumbrance, for giou Omaha property
i iione iiarney x&Ja.
7-room house for automobile. This house
pays ri'tit every month. Your automobile
costs t.W to 840 per month lo own It. Come
In and see us.
tug New York Life Bldg.
Phone Red VJVX
WILL exchange 160 acres of the best corn
land In lowa, to.- good Omaha income prop
erty, or will consider a modern horns as
part payment. Address Welsh & Martin,
410 N. :ith St.. South Omaha, Neb.
Will li ado good section of first-class
farming lund fur a general merchandise
stock. Price, 1,1.60 per acre. Holmes In
vestment Co., Kimball, Neb.
147 ACRES Morrill Co., Neb., clear. You
know land In tills locality Is selling at 878
per acre cash. Will trade for residence In
mw York Life Bldg.
WILL KXCHANOK good farm and tim
ber la uls near Manchester, Tenn. Land all
level, and will soon double In value. Will
trade for city properly, merchandise auto
mobile or live aluik. N. L. May, Jr.. Nash
ville. Trim.
W e Are Getting Numerous Call
For llousrs of AM Klsea List With Ua
OA N. T. Life Bldg. Paooe Red IM
WE WANT several houses of from I to 8
rooms for clients.
1710 Farnam 8t, Bee Bldg .
Phone Douglas 4J7. Omaha, Neb.
i I .
TiiU n:1.s KecnStuffRclatlneTtoaRaU-
"They call tha boarders here 'Jeffs,' be
cause they never come back," said Dottle
'I suppose there are a number of ring
engagements, toor I added.
"Yes, a few solitary cases," she ad
'The colored help must have bet right
imagine they all wear diamond thumb
rings while waiting on table," I suggested.
"Why, I hadn't noticed," she exclaimed.
"What made you say that?"
'Oh, I notice a couple of carrots In the
vegetable soup today," I replied.
"Fan me, please," she requested
I complied very sulkily,
"And to think I came here for a com
plete rest," she mourned.
'Well, there wasn't anything one could
say to that, so I continued that Psychologi
cal silences which Is so auriferous.
'Did you have a pleasant trip up?" she
Inquired at length.
The car windows stuck beautifully and
snough said," I sighed.
'Blonde or brunette?" she asked, sus
'Well, I think she was Just dying to be
a brunette," I cogitated.
'I suppose you forgot to come back to
your own seat after you had opened the
window?" she Intimated.
'Oh, no; mine was on the shady side of
the car and I invited her over there," I
confessed brasenly.
'Then -It didn't do any good opening; the
window at all." she accused.
"Well, It opened the conversation and
let In a lot of cinders," I retorted. " I had
enough trouble getting that window open.
too. Nearly used up a perfectly good fist
pounding the sill."
'Oh, one of those silly ones, eh?" she de
'Like that," I assented. "A woman can
never appreciate how silly a man can feel
when he has butted In to open a window
for a fair traveling companion and finds
the blamed thing was built In solid when
the car was young. When the window
falls one becomes so red In the ears."
"Large space for redness, too," she com
"Very unkind," I reproved, "One thinks
she Is laughing at one, whereas she Is
smiling kindly at the well-meant efforts."
'And then when It finally was opened
you found It unvallable?"
"Well, a baldheaded man In the seat be
hind complained, so we moved and left
him to enjoy the draught alone," 1 ex
plained. 'I suppose you caught a cinder In your
eye," she cogitated.
Cm a Person Bz Possessed "
"There are all kinds of kickers In this
wicked world," said the amatuer philos
opher. -"I knew a fellow once who cherished
so deep a resentment against the clerk of
the weather that he swore at the cold
of winter, cussed the summer heat, and
had ,no use for the spring or autumn. He
didn't like sunshine, rain, or fog. I lost
his friendship by remarking once too often
that It was a fine day. But last week, be
hanged. If I didn't meet the man who took
tha price aa a kicker. He had a grouch
against fate for sending him too much good
"There's a little restaurant on the east side
where I have eaten my lunch for many
years. The man I have in mind dropped
In one day, and after that became a regular
customer. He would always sit at a corner
table and take In everything with an obser
vant eye. I heuid him tell the waitress once
that he worked In some capacity on a news
paper. He d reused -well and frequently
flashed a good-slxed roll, but he seemed to
be discontented.
"Last week I spoke to him for the first
time, and It wasn't long before he was
telling me all about himself.
"He was from Fort Somethlng-or-other,
Texas, a prairie city that points with pride
to Its marvelous growth during the last
ten yean. My acqualntance.Dan we will
call him, was the editor of the leading
afternoon paper. He weilded much Influence
for a young chap, but disliked the restric
tions of journalism. He had his eye on a
political career, dreamed of going to con
gress, and was convinced that If he could
rise to be governor of Texas some day he
would have won by far" the most Important
office In the United States.
"I remarked that tt such were his am
bitions he should have remained at home,
but he shook his head.
" 'No,' he said, solemnly, 'It is my theory
that the politician should have a broad
knowledge of humanity. It Is not enough
that he should be familiar with the life
and needs of his own section. He should
have visited great cities and acquired a
first-hand knowledge of the conditions
under which the poor are forced to exist.
For that reason I came to New York. I
brought very little money wltb me, but'
although I did not put myself out at all
to look for r Job I got one two days after
I arrived. I have had things easy sinoe,
Those Bloomers Again
Into the tailor's presence she came like
a shot from a gun, and looked such dag
gers at him that he felt Inclined to run.
Her black eyes flashed with anger, and
her language was profused, and when she
raised a threatening hand he trembled In
his shoes.
"You ninth part of a man!" she yelled,
"I'll crush you as a fly! This esrthly
planet never held a greater fright than I.
"Oaxe on the bloomers which. I wear.
You made them, air, for me. Don't look
with such a stupid stare, but scan them
"You guaranteed a perfect fit to meas
ure,, which I brought Now, do you think
it strange a bit that I am fighting hot?
"Uuse on them well, you senseless goose!
All i-o d era Caf. X. .-Tioes (Wireless, etc.)
London-Pa ris- Hamburg
g. A. V. JIT M. U BsnOtnetnnatl Aug. a
Ptm. Uacela Ass- lll'tuwlvala ..Ana. II
habkiu Aus. Ill Asa. Vl... SnC I
Urf Wldr Aug. HiBiiMeAsr SvyU 1
Rlts-Carttoa la Carte RsMaaraai.
HlBlMII Streak .
Uamburg-Aiuaricau Lme, 48 Broadway, SC
X, er 1kmU Agent
road Journey Reaortward.
"Marvellous, Holmes! You must have
been through It yourself," I ejaculated.
"And In thanks she took her own little
lacey-hanky to "
"You read me like a book!" I cried. '
"I'm so bored: by reading," she com
plained. "But It's really remarkable how you" -I
sputtered. -
"Oh, I suppose If there had been trains
In the days of Eve," she retorted, wearily.
"No doubt the train lurched dreadfully
during the operation "
"There were several curves," I agreed,
"Eh?" she questioned, sharply.
"Oh, In the road I mean. In the railroad
line" I hastened to reply.
''Enough so one needs a steady "
"One 'steady' is enough," I smiled. "Oh,
well-a-day, she couldn't fl. i the cinder In
my eye."
"Did she find admiration?" she cross
examined. "Well, I'll tell you the candy butcher In
terrupted Just then."
"They always like to show up persona
with stationery money."
"It wasn't that, but he Insisted on hand
ing me most of his stock," I continued.
"Oh, I see. Your hands were full," she
"I was explaining palmistry," I confided.
"I told her that she was a coquette and
that the lines of her hand showed she was
going to make a very beautiful, fascinating:
and clever girl, vur-ry, vur-ry Jealous "
"Not at all!" she Interrupted. "But stop
before you eptjl' It."
I thought so, too.
(Copyright, 1910. by the N. Y. Herald Co.)
Too Much Good Luck?
as I have earned twice as much per week
as I used to makte at home.
" 'You are a fortunate person,' I ob
served. ' ' - -
"'Not at all,'' 'replied Dan. 'Don't you
catch on , to my Idea? I wanted to go
broke. I was quite prepared to sleep ' on
the park benches and to rustle my grub
as best I might. I wouldn't have even
minded taking my place in the bread line.
It would have' been a great eye-opener.'
"'There isn't any reason on earth why
you, shouldn't tag yourself on to the end
of the bread line tonight,' I told him. '1
believe they make you wait several hours
for one loaf of stale bread, which kind
of takes the shine off the idea, to my
mind. But if your taste lies in that dlreo
tlon, go ahead and good luck to you.'
"Dan stroked his chin thoughtfully.
'Well, now,' he said, 'It seems foolish to
do that sort of thing unless one Is forced
to it. Of course, I could chuck my job,
spend all my money, and be on my uppers
In no time. But that would be using artl
flcial means to attain my ends. The atmos
phere would be false. I want to be able
to take the stump in Texas some day and
tell my audience that I, the man asking for
preferment at their hands, have known
what It means to be penniless among the
teeming millions of a great metropolis; that
I have lived aa a brother in . misfortune
among the worthy but downtrodden poor.
I want to be able to tell them how I fought
my way to the top once more, but my ex
perience must have been genuine.'
"What can one say to a fellow who talks
llko that? Dan was Jn deadly earnest, and
I didn't like to laugh at him. So I nodded
sympathetically, and remarked that was
tq.o bad he should hive to return to Texas
disappointed. ,
" 'Don't you worry about that!' he ex
claimed, a am going to try again. In a
few-days' time I am going on to Chicago.
I haven't saved much money, and after
paying for my ticket will only have about
830 on hand. Very likely I will have
rocky time out there, and if I did I won't
regret my experiences here. The contrast
will be instructive.'
'He went, too. I said goodby to him
at the ferry yesterday, a man who was
going to Chicago because he had met with
too much good luck In New York. Did you
ever hear anything to beat that?"
Say, am I not a fright?' Where they are
tight they should be loose; where loose
they should be tight."
She slowly , turned that he might scan
the fitness of the clothes, and as he gased
that tailor man blushed like a red, red
With laugh suppressed, and bows pro
fuse, he said she'd spoken right where
they were tight, they shou'ld be loose;
where loose they should be tight.
"These no doubt are the first," said he
"that madam ever wore. You've made a
slight mistake, I see. They're on wrong
side afore!"
A redder blush, the tailor said, he never,
never saw, and as she In confusion fled, he
laughed, haw-haw! haw-haw! Woman's
Daily Health Hint
In warm weather the Immoderate use of
ice cold drinks of any kind causes a
serious and sometimes a fatal check to
the dlgeitlve processes, and consequently
to the propvr action of the heart, so in
dispensable to preserve the natural circu
lation when a high vapor tenalon of the
atmosphere makes it most oppressive. Still
more destructive of all healthy conditions
at such times Is the overindulgence In al
coholic drinks.
l'ersietent Advertising Is the Road to Big
Should stoke ME
tf9rW&fr? 15!6,
TUESDAY It Is so nice being at Mollle's
and not having to dress up all the time,
the way one has to at a hotel. It Is quite
a sickening sensation to have another
woman appear In a gown she has never
had on before when you are wearing your
last one oftener than you would like to.
I must fix up something new
while I am here or blondy will be
ahead In the matter of dress. I am ter
ribly afraid I shall have to have something
done to my colored gown. I simply couldn't
walk upstairs in irthe other day. It Is
absurd, for them not to have broader lower
Mollle has a dress I am craiy about.
She has practiced for hours, but finds she
cannot walk In it, so she Just uses It to
drive in. I watched her go out to the run
about in It yesterday, and it seemed to
me that she moved quite easily. But she
told me afterward that It, wag rather pain
ful, and that if Sam hadn't been looking on
she would have crawled, or pretended she
had hurt her foot, and got some one to help
her. I believe I could manage that gown
perfectly, and I think I'll offer to trade
her my elephant's breath suit for it. I
Caution Should
Whether or not cold or hot baths are
more cooling In warm weather will prob
ably always be a matter of discussion. The
truth-Is, persons are differently affected
by them. One who Is highly nervous may
be so' stimulated by Immersion In hot
water as to make her extremely warm
afterward. On the other hand, the reaction
from a cold bath may be so great aa to
Induce heat of the body, and so I think
it is matter for each to experiment with
and then act accordingly. v
That a tub before going to bed, when the
weather Is warm, will frequently be so
cooling and soothing as to make the night
a restful one, there Is no doubt, and prob
bly the only danger of this form of cool
ing off Is overindulgence. What may be
suited to one whose heart Is strong and
who is full blooded might be Injurious to
For example, a woman who Is very
strong gets Into a tub of decidedly cold
witter and stays In It for twenty minutes
or half an hour, the body being entirely
submerged. Vrom time to time she adds
more cold water, arguing that the water
becomes less chilled as the heat of her
body la drawn out. This treatment agrees
tine, i-vrv1 fHou DoTou OunFcix ,T0 AtapiTN
( CmMJ pf-S Wacatioat Foe V NSi, yAfVt head off C&lv
t y i . i sr ni i
IV kLW HM EvuJiwrTtuaiuu inew york herklo
efJumm&r Oirk
eomiftHT. ma it the kew york evekiuq mEauM
must say Mollle does know how to dress.
While I am here I shall take long walks
In the woods alone and commune with
nature. I shall fill my pages with de-
scrlptlons of the beautiful scenery. I love
that "commune with nature."
I told Sam I was going to, and he looked
very much impressed. Some day Sam will
discover that I am not the mere flirt he
told me I was one doy. He said he had
been wanting to do the same tnlhg, and
couldn t we do It together? I saw a
woman coming down on the train who
looked to me like a recluse. She had such
a sweet, sad face, though one could tell
that she didn't take care of her skin; but
then I don't suppose they'd think that
was right. I think if one got tired of the
world It would be very restful to become
a recluse. v One could dress so attractively
with long, black, flowing lines. Tom would
make such an adorable recluse. He would
never become one, though, I am sure, so
I should never see hint unless I went to
Be Exercised in Summer) Bathing
perfectly with her, but with a less strong
constitution Illness might result.
The most cleansing and cooling bath In
summer Is one taken partly from a basin
and a shower. In this way air strikes
the skin continuously, while the body Is
wet, and coolness Is created. To take It
most successfully one should stand on a
crash mat before a basin filled with warm
water. Either a bath brush, cpongo or
water cloth Is required, and the body, be
ginning at the face, is thoroughly wushr-d,
making no attempt at rinsing. To finish,
one steps Into a tub and turns on a hund
or heavy shower, as the bath may be
equlpptd. The soapy water is rinsed ott
and perfect cU-anlinesB Is had. If drying
is done by patting with soft towels no
friction Is created, and there will be no
overheating reaction.
A sponging of the body during the night
when the wrather Is too Intensly hot to
sleep will be most refreshing, especially
when there Is a tablespoonful of puro
alcohol to a quart of water. The tem
perature ahould be only tepid, and the
moisture Is to be allowed to dry off. This
will sometimes so relax the nerves as lo
mske sleep possible.
coj. ai mmi imnt
pew tout mdulo co i u
his office with a basket of alms and food
for the poor.
Alms sounds better than money.
Molly's brother is here. He is an In
valid and has a glass eye. Years ago he
broke his legs out west, when he waa
breaking a horse, and he can't walk a
step. He can use his arms perfectly,
though. Invalids and people who are half
witted always seem to like me, so, of
course, he does. He always Insists on
taking me driving. He's really very at
tractive looking In spite of his glass eye,
so it hardly shows at all. I remember flirt
r flirt-y
r flratl
I had
ing desperately with him during our
drive, and on coming home discovered
been sitting on the glass eye side all the
time. Unfortunately I always have to sit
on that side, as It Is his left, and he has
to keep the other eye on the horse. He did
try to turn around once to look at me, and
1 I r ' 1 Is
the horse Just escaped running Into a tree.
It was quite nerve racking. I think while I
am here I shall read aloud to him instead
of driving.
Another refreshing treatment Is a tepid
shower, taking care that the water Is
neither hot nor cold. It acts as a gentle
stimulant, reducing the body's heat.
Dyspeptic Philosophy.
Must of ua can ir uA in ha.,.vi
' " jvv t-7 more
readily than to wealth. We hava mora
Wnmpn Al.A m r a I.,., . v. 1 1 . . .
growth. They soon u tlrrit l th.i. .
..iv,, wjr
and break them.
A little misdirected enthusiasm Is better
than a life membership In the Ancient
Order of the Wet Blanket.
i i ii
Many a man who tries to be a bull teV "
the stock market would meet with Just'aiT
much success In a china shop. i
The fellow who declares that ha win if
never marry may eventually discover thai
he hasn't muoh voice in the matter.