Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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JUL1.! 1 - 1
la-Xach. Fine embroidered
Flouncing and Skirlirff
Gorret cover widths,
also insertions' and
galloons all choico,
new desi gns worth
Woman'! $1.00 Quality
Summer and Sateen Corsets
Special ' Clearing Salo
All the 100
Printed Lawns
These are in dark colors
special clearing sale bar
gain will go .Qi, n
All the rieoee
Fancy Trimming Laces
Also galloons and medal
lions that are worth up
to 50c yard clear- A
ing sale price, each. . "I
Main floor.
Oo Wide Kemstltcned
Chiffon Auto Veils
A good variety to choose
from clearing sale
price will OPJo
Vbe only .&v,
.Main Floor.
100 atln Stripe
White Goods
For children's dresses
and aprons clearing
snle price, per r
yard .' w t
One Yard Sowars
Center Pieces-Stand Coyers
Canvas in assorted floral
designs and tinted, actu
ally worth 50c, in , ft0
Art Dept..." ..vL
Main Floor.
Flaxon Lawns
These are 15o quality, ex
tra special clearing salo
Price Monday
will be ......
up to 40c yard, f fl
.. O
Main Floor.
main floor, yd.
In Basement.
KeroarlMd Unen tamped.
Hock Toweling
Extra special for the
clearing sale in our
Art" Needle- Qp
work Dept.." ..
' Main Floor.
Brandeis special, wear
guaranteed, black
dress taffeta, always
sells for $1.00-clear-ing
sale price, CQ
r- vnrA UUJ
1B Mercerised
Black Sateen Kemcaa's
Clearing Sale Special
for Monday, great lot
will go at, C
per yard
Dress Poplins
Jaequard, geometrical
and spot patterns
worth up, to 69c yard,
bargain square, 00
at, yard'.... V..
Main Floor.
390 Quality 84x90 Snob
Bleached Sheets
An extra special for the
clearing sale Monday,
will go at, OCp
54-inch lailor Saitin J
All shrunk and sponged
regular $2 and $2.50
values dress goods
department, jjjj via
per yard . . . .Vlvv
The HTsw 10.1 (Sml JCade)
"Lily- .White" brand,
cut out and embroid
ered arm holes, shoul
der straps to match,
worth up to
75c, at, each
Stone Cutten Decide to Take TSo Part
i ' ' in Striked "
nrlcklarere Will Work and Alao the
Carpelera, I.earlnat Verr Few
1. ' Workmen on Se Job to
! Walk Oat. '
I, . .
..While the Central. Labor Union. In ses
sion Friday nlKht at the Labor temple. wa
voting to declare a atrlke cn the new court
lioufo lob, the Stone nutters' union. Irt aa
lon at Waahinston hall, was voting that
'thero would be no atrlke. John L. Keeney,
of tho Stone Cutters' union, stated Satur
day morning that the union passed a resolu
tion at the Friday night meeting declar
ing the body -would take no part in the
4ron worker' and engineers' strike. (
' The louil Stone Cutters' union Is a branch
of the United Stone .Cutters of America
'and Canada. They do not affiliate with
,"th Contra! Labor Union and do not even
'meet at the Labor Temple. Thus, although
'the' central body may act favoring the
Strikers and recommending a strike on the
part of tbe atone cutters, they have not the
authority to order a. strike.
With 'the stone cutters' decision to stay
en the Job the possibility of 'a strike be
comes . practically nil. Already the tron
. workers and engineers ha e lost the sup
port of the bricklayers and tilers, and
there Is considered to be little probability
that the carpenters will go out. Contractor
;. Hanlshen, who has been awarded the
, plumbing contract. Is preparing to go to
.work with his force of men in the rery near
future, and it lias been stated that the
plumbers also will refuse to take part In
.the dlfflculiiei.
' Contractor Ueorge Caldwell plainly shows
,that he la not satisfied with the report
made to the Board of County Commis
sioners by John Latenser, Jr., who hr
Veetlgat'.'d conditions at the Bedford, Ind ,
'tone quarries. Mr. Latenser reported that
the strike there was settled several months'
ago and there was not, as Mr. Caldwell
claimed, any delay therefrom In shipping
4tuno't Omaha. Mr. Caldwell haa written
(lie board requesting that the members
make a trip to Bedford. ' Investigate for
themselves, and then If things are not as
represented by Mr. Caldwell his firm will
jay all expenses of the trip. It is not
likely that vhe board will accept Mr. Cald
''wall's Invitation, aa they hare expressed
confidence In the Jvdgment of Mr. Iten
er. -
Retaraa froaa Mow York, Where He
Ws to U Basso of
Hie Affairs.
Oerrit Fort, the new passenger trafflo
manager of the Union Pacific, returned to
; Omaha from New Tork Friday and will be
gin with his new duties at enoa. Mr. Fort
baa finished up all hla duties In New Terk
and hereafter will be In his Omaha office.
Persistent Aaeristng la the Road ts Alg
Cholco ot our $1.00
Imported Hosiery
Silk clocked, silk embroid
ered, open work, etc
white, black and all col
ors, clearing sale OQtf
price, pair '. ; uvj
Main Floor
Dainty New Models la Women's
White & Colored Wash Dresses
Splendid new showing of women's and
misses' dainty summer dresses in fig
ured ginghams, lawns, organdies, as
well as lingerie dresses 3 special
groups, at
$3.98, $5.00, $6.98
Smart Linen Coat Suits
Plain tailored suits11 colors jaunty
runabout suits so popular and com
fortableworth up to' $12.50, AA
will go at tftf.UU
$25 Long Silk Coats at $19
Full length, beet quality black taffeta'
silk coats braid trimmed
or plain, at
Full length Pongee Silk Coats, at $10 nd 312.50
Full length Rajah Coats, worth f 15.00, at $7.50
Pretty new Wash Skirts at. . .08- $1.50 nd up to $12.50
Silk Petticoats, In black arid colors worth up to $12.50
at ... ......... $2.08 nd $5.00
Sensible new styles in Wash Dresses $2.08 nd $3.08
Linen Bargains in Our Clearing Sale
Beautiful Irish and German Linen Pattern Table Cloths in 2,
2Vt and 3-yard lengths, value up to $4.00, at, each ...$1.98
Extra fine Satin Table Damask, regular $1.10 value, yd. . . .69t?
Round Thread German Table Linen Napkins, 22x22, $3.60 value,
at, per dozen . . . . t ... .... . '. $2.49
Red Bordered Breakfast and Luncheon Napkins, $1.00 value, at,
per doren 59J
All our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 fine hemstitched and scalloped
towels, at, each ..... 691
Full sized scalloped edge Bed Spreads, $2 value,. at, each..9St
All our fine hand drawn linen Scarfs, Centerpieces and Lunch
Cloth, values up to $3.00, at, each. ......... '. . ........ -98
Many File Late
for State and
County Offices
Large Number Hustle to Get Under
the Wire at the Last
Hoar. . .
The last filing day wok a up a number of
belated candidates and the. county treas
urer did his biggest business In collecting
So gold piece from political aspirants. The
list of Saturday filings was as follows. For
the school board, republicans. Sixth ward,
Hermann .C. Tlmme and Jacob L. Jacobson;
Beventu word, Oeorge .Cott; Eighth ward.
William F. Bourke. No. democrat.
For the United States senate. Gilbert M.
Hltchoock on the people's Independent
ticket, making the third filing for Mr.
Hitchcock, once aa senator on the demo
cratic ticket, once for congress aa a demo
crat and now the the senate aa a populist.
For the state seriate, republicans, Fred
D. Wead, .J. F. Dillon, L. C. Gibson and A.
L. ' Bergqulst. Democrats; Richard F. Hor-
ton C. $. Montgomery and Jerry Howard.
, For the house, republicans, W. B. How
ard, W. B. Christie, Byron ,R. Hastings,
Jphn A., Dempster. W. K.. Homan, Edward
A, . Smith, Andrew Paprockl, J. Walter
Bchopp and Kels J. Anderson. Democrats,
W. 8. Shoemaker, E. M.' Bonce, Alfred E.
Ltndell and P. F Ford. . . , ;
.Fr oovr.ty, commissioner. First dis
trict,. Peter E. Elsasser, democrat; for the
Second district, Owen Eleven and Thomas
Harrington, democrats.
Wllliatu Hatcklsust M Yean Old,
Dies at the Home ot His
William Hutchinson. ; South Fifty
third atreet, for twenty-five years a resi
dent of Omaha, died Friday noon, aged 14
years. He la survived, by his widow and a
daughter, Mrs. C. J. Roberts. The funeral
services will be held Eundsy. afternoon at
0'c,oel, nd made In the Ever
green cemetery
The members of the Clan Gordon will
meet at the corner of Thirty-second and
Center streets and attend the funeral in a
body. The pallbearers will be chosen from
the order. Those who have already beeu
chosen . are William Kennedy and J. C.
Great Westers Will No Laager Use
Brsabol, "Maple Lef" will Bo
.Cora Bolt". Now.
The Great. Western has wone away with
the eld "Msple Ief," which, for many
years has beep the sign of that road, and
hereafter It will be popularly known aa
the "Corn Belt Route." Instead of the
old maple leaf sign, with tbe lines of the
read outlined on It, a. new deelgn of a
belt of golden corn has been substituted
aa th foiders. Among other reasons for
the change is the .act .vuat recent addi
tions to the road have completely changed
the shape of the territory which their lines
eover, so that the maple leaf was no longer
Bpiruprlate and did net show all the Unea.
We never carry over
any summer goods till
the next season. Every
thing must be sold at
once at a. great sacri
fice. Read this wonder
ful array specially pre
pared bargains Monday
mi-Aiimiial . Clearing
Thousands of yards on
bargain square, at per
yard .39c
'Women 's $3.50 and ;
$4 pumps and ox-'
fords desirable
styles, at . .$2.39
Aviator Will Drop Oranges on Signal
v Corps Soldiers.
Hasaaa Bird Will Nat Be Bo Gallant
aa He Was with Missiles at At
lantic City, Where Womea
Watched. .- '
Olenn H. Curtlss' bomb throwing experi
ments, . tried first at Lake Oeorge and then
at Atlantic City, will be . repeated here
during the aviation meet which begins next
Saturday. Curtlss will bombard a squad
of signal corps men ensconced In an ex
cavation. He will, of course, use oranges
and will not be 'so gallant as he was to
ward the men and women on the battle
ship off Atlantic City, when he dropped
his missies a few feet past , the ship in
order not to hit the people.
Instead the hapless soldiery will have
r t
. New Church Building at Pierre
The cornerstone of the nsw Methodist
church at Pierre, 8. p., was laid last Sun
day afternoon with appropriate ceremon
ies. The flergy of the city, and represen
tatives of the various city departments,
and business men took a part In the cere
mony, with short and ' appropriate talks,
the mortar being spread by Governor Ves
sey. In the cornerstone, were deposited a
number of articles, principal among them
being the contents of the box which was
placed in the cornerstone of the old church
ereeted In 15S5. on the same ground which
la to be occupied by the new building. The
new structure will cost approximately f7e,
XV. and will be constructed of pressed
brick with Bedford atone trimmings. The
building besides the rooms for the church
service will contain living rooms for the
pastor, and the baoement is to be fitted
ddJA n I m
All Our 29c and 35c Imported Crepe de
Lisse and Chiffon Voiles at 15c a Yard
Most favored dress fabrics of the season various
stripes, small and medium checks, Roman stripes,
barred patterns, etc. colorings are
superb, a large assortment on
bargain square, main . floor, worth
up to 35o yard, at, per yard ,
Choice of All the Matting
In Our Carpet Dept.
All fresh and new, up-to-date woven de
signs, more than 500 pieces to choose
from, while it lasts, per yard ..........
Two Big Lots of Fine Foulards
.Various combinations of color many handsome
. patterns in. this great clearing sale at astonishing
reductions. v
Thousands of yards, in
regular silk department
at, yard ......... 69c
Ice Cream Bricks Take
" one home in your pocket
t. in the evening,
Pints ........ ,.15
Quarts -25
Sweetland, East Arcade.
oranges actually squash upon them, pro
vided the aviator's aim Is good. The ex
periment will have real military value and
will be reported at length to the Depart
ment of War. . , '
Another novel feature, and one which was
never before attempted, is ; projected -by
Curtlss. He will have a moving picture
machine attached to Jils aeroplane, with
which he will mechanically take views of
the surrounding country during some' of his
flights. This will be used only in case of
a dead calm day, as the added weight could
not be carried with safety with wind blow
ing. ;
Mr. Curtlss has undertaken this at the
solicitation, of several scientists, who de
sire to ascertain the practicability of the
aeroplane ' for such purposes, and also at
the Instance of the 'government, which de
sires to learn if photographs of fortifi
cations of an enemy's camp and territory
and moving bodies of troops can be suc
cessfully taken from an aeroplane In
When you have anything to sell or trade,
advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns
and get quick results. .
up for Young Men's Christian association
rooms, with a gymnasium, and shower and
plunge baths, to be supplied with artesian
water from a well to be sunk on the prem
ise, which will supply the water for the
baths, and gas for the hestlng of the
church. "
This is the third "First Methodist"
church to be constructed In this city. The
first was built in 1881. and was among the
earliest houses of worship to be built In the
new town. It was a small structure in the
downtown section, and gave away two
years later to a more pretentious structure
built on the hill, which was used by that
church up to last spring, when It was sold
and, church service hold In the Grand opera
house up to the rrffnt- The new church,
when finished, will be the finest church In
the city, and among the best In the state.
Close every evening at
5 P. M.
Until September 1,
Excepting Saturdays
at 10 P. M.
King Tailored 7aists
Entire new styles in the cele
brated King waists, plaited and
hand embroidered. Most popular
of all tailored waists, at
$1.98, $2.98 (o $5.98
Exquisite Lingerie Waists
Beautifully lace trimmed and em-
v vw VVli JLAUUVU.
styles high or Dutch neck full length or three
quarter sleeves worth &4 . CA tff AQ (S AQ
up to $5.00, at 9rvyf 10, .ifo
Jap Silk Waists in pretty designs, worth up to $5.00,
will go at ..... .'. .$2.98
Hundreds of pretty designs in waists, at ........ 88c
Big bargain square of waists on main floor at . .49c
&cUI ReaJ
Shampooing, Manicuring, Scalp Treatments, 2d floor.
He and His Followers Are in Full
, Control.
Altbouah Hitchcock Wanted His
Man on the Delegation, tho Con
vention Says' NayFor Cap
ital Removal.
Douglas county democrats met la mass
convention In Parlor B of the Pax ton hotel
this afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Originally the
meeting was to comprise only the members
of the county central committee, but after
consideration, the Dahlman leaders put
their heads together and decided there was
no use making two bites of a cherry. Hence
the committee meeting became a conven
tion, and someone produced a list of dele
gates, which went through without any
change. '
During the last few days It hsd been
understood that Congressman Hitchcock
wanted a county convention called for some
day next week. At first the Dahlman men,
who are In control of the county committee
and the local organlxatlon, seemed agree
able to this proposal, but later reflection
convinced them there might be danger In
such a gathering. Hence the action ot this
afternoon, which makes it certain the
Douglas county delegation will ' be for
Mayor Dahlman and against county local
option, from first to last and let Hitchcock
do the best he can.
County Chairman John E. Reagan pre
sided at tho Paxton meeting.
, Mayor Dahlman headed the convention
with his following In ' full control. Con
gressman Hitchcock was named on the del
egation,' but Harvey Newbraneh was left
out. It wes understood that Hitchcock de
sired that Newbrsnch become a member,
but the Dahlmen men would not consent.
The platform denounces the S o'clock
law; declares for cspltol removal; declares
for the principles , of the party as estab
lished by the founders, and declares against
embarrassing any officer at present hold-
' Ing office as contrary to law.
I The detention Is Instructed under the
unit rule to vote and Work against putting
the county locsl option plank In the state
platform. Mr. Bryan's name was not men
tioned and he was given no out-and-out
Omaha Prisoner
Held for Denver
0. E. Eerg-er Proyes to Be Fupitiye
from Denver Doesn't Know
What Charge Is.
In response to a telegram from the chief
of police at Denver, the local police ar
retted G. B. Merger at the Paxton hotel
Saturday morning. It was not ststed in the
telegram that Berger was wanted for. The
man stated he wsa unable to learn what
the charge was against him.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big
35c Quality
27-ic. White Pique
For coats," suits, etc. in
1 white goods department,
clearing sale price 4 Q
per yard ltl
Hair Goods
Our hair goods are guaranteed to
be pure, clean and sanitary in every
Special No. 1 Extra large size nets
15c value for, Monday only
for 5c
Special No. 2 The Madam Josephine
Boyd Cluster Puffs extra large,
made of fine hair $5 value $1.98
Special No. 3 Transformations $7
all round transformations reduced
to S2.98
Carrie Nation
Again in Town
Hatchet Wielder on Return Trip Stops
at Station and Praises! Lone
some Nonsmokers.
.Carrie Nation wone up the Union station
of Omaha for the second time of late when
she stopped there a few minutes before
taking the Northwestern train to St. Paul
Saturday morning.
Immediately after buying her ticket she
marched out on the platform and lining
up all the men whom she saw smoking or
chewing, she delivered a short lecture on
the evils of such habits. The boy who car
ried her baggage, Gardie Williams, ' was
given a little gold and pearl hatchet with
her name engraved on it when she found
that he did not smoke, drink or chew.
Officer Mansfield and Passenger Direc
tor Ely received a compliment from the
little woman which has set them up ever
since. On her second trip around the sta
tion she found that they were the only
men who were 'not smoking, and she In
formed them and the crowd that they were
the only real gentlemen she had, seen there
(hat morning.
The officer says that no matter what
Carrie does in future years or in foreign
lands, he will always testify to the fact
that she is a fine Judge of human nature
and men.
LauxNot to Be
Officer in Bund
Vice President of Saengerband De
clines Chance for Higher
Place in Society.
Peter Laux of Oiiiaaa, vice president of
the National Saengerbund of she north
west, could have the presidency of the so
ciety the next two years If he desired It,
but Mr. Laux, In spite of the solicitation
of friends, has decuntd to let his name
go before the convention, instead, Theo
dore G. Behrens of Chlcaxo. will probably
b accorded the honor.
President Otto Rohland ot St. Paul and
other grand officers are expected here
Tuesday. The others Include T. G. Kney of
Mudlson, Wis., and George F. Kleck of
Milwaukee. Director Theodore Kelbe also
arrives Tuesday.
Rehearsals of Omaha singers before the
Baengerfest optns are announoed aa fol
lows: Monday evening at S; Tuesday afternoon,
with the orchestra, at S; Wedneeday morn
ing at 10. The children's chorus Is called
together at t Tuesday afternoon.
Twaatr-Elcht Taberralosls Patients
frowst ronnty Hospital Largest
K amber Brer Received.
Twenty-etght tuberculosis patients, the
Isrgest number ever cared for at one time,
are now at the county hospital. Four are
women. Owing to the fact that the hospital
is equipped to care for only about twenty
at one time, the hospital authorities have
difficulty In giving them proper care and
Ctaoloa of Our 91.00
Fancy Hair Bandeaus
Inlaid with whito
stones, clearing salo
price, on main lfia
floor, new store. "v
50c Fosco and Tuscan Silks
roll 97 Xnohaa Wlda.
Pastel, street and even
ing shades, also black
and cream. They will
launder well, OJZn
main floor, yd.
Embroidery Hoops
Spring and padded,
oval or round 15o
quality clear
ing price ....
Main Floor.
Natsral Pongee fic Shantung
Excellent quality and
the biggest bargain of
' fered this season
Tard Wida Dark
Dress Percales
12MjC quality attrac
tive designs clearing
sale in base
ment, yard
AU the 800 Quality
Mesh Bags
These bags have 60-in.
chains special clear
ing sale price in
Jewelry Dept.
Main Floor. .
Shadow stripe mohairs
and . brilliantines a t
half price, per' Oft a
yard Uvi
treatment. The weather is favorable, how
ever, aa open air is the most Important pre
scription. The situation would create a
serious problem If weather conditions were
disagreeable. Only three or four cases out
of the twenty-eight are in the udvanccd
stages of the disease. (
' I
Negro Stabbedl
for His Ideas
Following- Argument in Which Ha
Defended White Race Victim
is Attacked.
i Because he had defended the white race
In an argument over the merits of the
races, Gene xjoyd, a colored hod currier,
was attacked and stabbed from behln1 by
another negro Saturday afternoon. 'lth
blood spurting from wounds on the back,
arm and hand, the Injured man fell lptoi
the hunds of Policeman Rich at Eleventh
and Dodge streets.
; Rich arrested Mil ton Miller, another
negro, whom he saw running from the
scene and whom Loyd said hao aided the
assailant. The latter has not yet been lo
cated. ; t.
, ir
' t '4r
Stung Again
An eastern bonding company
held an unrecorded deed when
Nellie Hennessey purchased a 9
lot in Upton I'laoo, South
Omaha. They want 30 for a i
quit claim deed to reiuoye the
We protect you against title
Better be safe
than sorry
The Kerr Abstract Co
305 So. 17ta St Phone Dout 5487
m It