V THE OMAHA SUNDAY HEE: JULY 17, 1910. ( J I I J lUMLION IS BOUND OYER Boy Who Baa Down Elliot Eobinson Kuit Stand Trial. YOUSQ MAK TILLS OWN STOUT RsLatea laeldenta ( the Aerldeat as . He ew Reaavaibrs Tbena Kn4 Hl.. .1 ,.l00 , Jag., Crawford. stating that the state's evidence made a, Itrong presumption that the speed of tha Hamilton car was mora than Miami miles sn hour at the time It ran over and killed i-mot Robinson, and that tha question of peed violation was tha ona which must be decided. Judge Crawford bound Robert Hamilton over to tha district court. setting lila bond at i,W0, after tha preliminary hearing-, which lasted until ( clock Fri day evening. . Thq attorneys for tha defense triad hard to Introduce evidence which would prove that Robert Hamilton was not exceeding fifteen miles an hour, but nothing strong enough to overcome tha stale witneases' testimony and gain acquittal was produced yesterday afternoon. .. Hamilton's Stars-. Hobert Hamilton was the last ta be placed on tbe stand, and accounted for sev eral things which had not been brought out before. He said In answer to ques tions;, "I cams onto Twentieth street from Blnney., At the time I looked at my speed-- meter and saw I waa goln ten milt an hour. After going up the grade there the rate Increased to twelve miles aa hour at . Locust street, and continued at that until the accident I proceeded along tha right aide of the street near the outalda. When I first noticed Elliot Robinson ha was five or six feet to my left and about twenty five feet Ahead of me. At Locust atreet I had opened the cut-out on my muffler, ' which was sufficient to warn anyone of my approach. The next that I saw of Elliot . ha waa within four or five feet of mr ma chine and directly In front, going toward the southwest at an angle. ' Bars , He Wan Dmaed. "I waa dated. If 1 turned to the left I would strike him, and I did not have time to turn either way or stop the machine. I act my brakes as I struck him. I seemed ' paralysed. In turning ibe steering wheel my sleeve must have caught on tha lever which regulatea the oil, for I shot ahead at an Increased rate of speed. It all hap- ' pened so quick that I didn't really know what had happened. My foot must have let tha clutch slip back or something; I don't know how It happened. I felt the wheel paea over the boy, and as I got past I realised - something had occurred, and turned to sea what I had done. I then topped my machine, left the engine run ning and ran back to where tha boy waa. 1 saw that he waa being cared for, so I ran home and told my father what had happened.' , "I would have hit the telegraph pole, a house i or , anything, before . I would - have truck the boy, but I didn't have time, for t waa upon him before I could turn.? When asked why ft was ha had told his father that ha waa going twenty miles an hour, a was brought out In tha testimony ...,.pf Joseph Hell in the morning, Hamilton aid: "When I camt back to where the boy Wat one man aald I waa going sixty" miles an hour, another said forty and forty-five. I could not realise all of It. and my mind waa not settled until tbe neat morning. What I. said then was soon after the aocl- Ceat, aad before L could think. .1 told -my :af. JaUr taw-nest morning, that I had looked N'early -"art -if the- state's witnesses at tempted to estimate tha auto's speed at tha tlma Is ia ovec-Robinson,. hot not', before Those who were on the stand yesterday were: Joseph Hell Sam Relglaman, B. Morgan, Samuel . Robinson. Julia Ranch man, Harry Rachman, Robert Carlson, Charles Morearty, R. P. Hamilton and Rob- . art Hamilton. Samuel Gompers Commends Burkett Hrid of Federation Save Nebraska Senator Has Cone Much for . Came of Labor. fa response to a letter of Inquiry, a r pons from Samuel Gompers of the Fed eration- of Labor waa received by the Cen tral Labor union last night commending Senator Elmer J. Burkett for re-election. Uompers wrote that Senator Burkett bad voted' in tha interests of good - legislation - for worklngroen at every opportunity- and that bis record In the senate, waa without a flaw. . ' Gompers rehearaed tbe various bills re latlng to child labor, safety appliances, anti-trust and Injunction evils that Mr, Burkett had stood tor. Ha concluded by advising the -local union delegates to bend every energy toward helping along tbe .legislation for better conditions. . It was forcefully an endorsement of Senator Bur kett for re-election. Concluding ita general business, tbe Cen tral Labor union discussed plans for- the . Labor day picnic at Cortland Beach next September. It ta expected the, anting will he an unusually fine affair. DIES FROM OLD ACCIDENT fclosm MeKtrwy Saaewaaba , te Fa res la .freaa Belag StraeBL sy raJllagr . atee xera Aajew r John McElroy. a atone mason, tor many years a resident of Omaha, died In Lln 'csui July U. aged-. jaara. Bis death was caused by paresis, which developed from aa Injury be received abobt rive years ago 'when a stuns falling from a third story of aa Omaha building where he was working . struck him on the head. He as survived by bis widow,- who resides In Florence. 1m funeral ceremony -will- be held Saturday afternoon at I o'clock from U.4 Gentleman chapet. Interment will be made In the. Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Sew Oil Barait i. tawtUi The Suoomuv Oil Burner Co. of Omaha haa been very aueoeasful In promoting a sew style oil burner. There have been la the past few years numerous kinds of ed burners for stoves and ranges placed on the market all of which seemed te be open to ' soma criticism. This new burner, however, ' misi to be filling tha bill la every respect. The principle of the burner Is a little dlf- . ferent from anything heretofore seen In that It works entirely on a combustion ' principle, the old dropping on a hot plate forming the basis of combustion. It Is tha drh proposition, the oil dropping from the , end af a pipe rwnnmg down through the top of the store onto a plate aet n tha v grata. The oil" 1a regulated on the same - principle) aa tha now t water Into a hollar .and tha.. supply Is carried in a tank act back of the stove, piped ander the stove . aad up ta the front This class of oil has sweat prove to be aa good a heat produces' aa aay thing In the way of fu ' ea t enavuet and mueh cleaner and wore tl thjui ay vther fuL Whea you hav aytnu.g to sell or tralv. advertise It In The Bee Waal Ad eolumns - - - t wt - -A- ..rt . a . V ) lift v J1MMT MURPHY, WHEN HE KN LISTED AND WON THE NAME OK" "KIS." Not yet In his teens when he went to the front as a drummer boy with Company I, Nineteenth Iowa regiment, and at present not yet SO years of age. J tan B. Murphy, of Leavetworth. Kan., well deserves the title of "child soldier." which has clung to him since the civil war. With a wealth of curly locks and a pic ture face as a child, and with blue eyes and fair rosy cheeks. Murphy was fre quently taken for a girl and was dubbed 81s" the unknowing ones often think lng him the ooloneWs daughter. May were his experience, amusing, serious and pa thetic, (as a soldier boy, and his story, as told here a few days ago. Is of thrilling Interest I was bora la Marlon county, Ind., July 11, I960, and moved to Henry county. Iowa,' In UCL My brother want to the AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Pennant Lodge of A. 0. TJ. W. "Will Get Charter. THULD ONE OF 0XDEB IN CITY baaimka riaa State Athletls Tr- naril Andrew Itert tieta late Trowhle Walla ' runlasr- A new lodge of the Ancient Order et United Workmen waa organised last night at Bhamrock hall, which la to be knows Pennant lodge. The number haa not yat been fixed because the charter has not yet been granted by the grand lodge. This la tha third lodge of this order to be orga nised in South Omaha, and this order at present la one of kg strongest among a nnmfeer of -strong oVgaaiaationa.Vfouth Omaha-sTh. charte7pemaen1.pt ,Uie new lodge Will reaca. aooui tony memoera. Tha ceremonies were conducted by Grand Master Workman Jacob Jaekalek, and the degree) work, waa put on by L'rffon . Pacific lodge No. 17 of Omaha. Muny visitors were present and tha -occasion was one of the most felicitous In the annals of the local societies. - Tha following officers were elected for tha first term: -Master work man. W. P. Corrlgan; -past master work man, Fred Fero; overseer, James Marvel; foreman, J. W. Gulllon; recorder, Frank Marshall; financier, John Kubat; treasurer, M. J. Rowley; inside watch, John Ander sen; outitide watch, William Devereae; phy-tctsmv-XX. Iavta-. and . -Beck; directors, A. McPulrt. Fred Llnd, Louia Kratky. For the present the lodge will meet at Shamrock hall, but may make arrange ments later to meet at the temple. It will probably require a month or more for tha return of the new charter, with the names of the charter members. Athletic Clas Plans Meet. Ths Shamrock Athletic association has planned a stats amateur tournament In ooxlng and wrestling which is to be pulled off In the early autumn, the date not yet oetng fixed definitely. A committee of the club has bee a appointed to make arrange ments and to open correspondence with various cUlea. It la understood that only amateur boxers and wrestlers will be allowed to compete. , Tbe line will be drawn against those who have competed la a regu lar match with a referee where a purse has been wrestled for or divided. Those whe have wrestled In preliminary bouts to 1 events, but never have been prin cipals In any contest of regular character. wul be considered amateurs. Only boxing and wrestling will be the subject of competition, in connection wlth tha attractions of .the tournament there will be a sprinkling of profekaionai bouts by way of exhibition tor the edification 01 tne amateurs. The Trl-Clly Athletic association haa a match between Tommy Bmsnahan of 8outn Omaha and Tommy deary ot Chicago foi the- eomlng. week. This wul be al.btanek a hall. These men have twice met and fougni a draw. Aadrww Hert'e Feelings Hart. Andrew Hert and hta bob John ware mucn hurt. In their feelings Fnday morning w hen they attempted to spread tneir Railing nets in the "Wig Muddy.'' They have a neigh bor named Ueorgiana Strong, and muca bad blood and atrong language haa existed boiweea the families- for 'montha In order to keep' track of the" Ug net they have It attached ta a large buoy, which floats down the river until tne meu are ready (o draw la tha trammel. Mrs. eitrong sat la her boat at tne water's edge until the buoy was well out Ut the stream,- when aha rowed aut and cut the net ads.fi. Mr, Hart' a feel ings got the better el him and he uaed leud language whlca only the big stream af water kept from aettlng the vegetatim en fire. He pulled la the aet and took hia awn boat and rowed after his buoy, which was gsUy bubbing toward the sunny clime et tit. Joseph. Again he tied the buoy to tha et and atartod hi humble vocation, that of suypltn- the Friday trade with burfak) aad ehaanel oat, - Tha few-foot net waa mora tha half paid out when Mra Strang made a second foray and soon tha buoy was hpbblfcg dowa tha Mlaeuun like a painted lady ooiug a tip-Uie dance. 4 big cloud af vapor uuugWd with oiiiiwa a lanoa arose) from tlart a boat, but he cuaad bis buoy is land aad auugbt the mighty arm of ths law ta avenge himself. . Mra btrong waa a shade quicker and while Hert appealed to the police Judge she hied to the silver-whiskered Judge c! awuth Omaha. P. C. Caldwell, a awn of fau-e. Warrants were Issued la each cut The first waa against Mra Strong fur malicious deal ruc tion of prvperty, aad the othr against John Hert. eon of Andrew, fuc the Ua of total Jimmy Murphy the "Child army In the fall of '- I cried to go with him and take my toy drum, bat no, I was c-nly 11 years old. Later my brother-in-law, a soldier, wrote me a form of parents consent with my promlne to eopy It and tell no one. Finding it Impossible to get my father and mother to sign their names) on a blank aheet, above which I would have written the consent, I just simply could not help doing the whole problem my little self. "I wss workeng on a farm three miles from town, cutting corn stalks with a hoe for S7 a month. Early Monday morning. May 1V 16S, when but 11 years and 10 months old. I told my mother If nothing happened I would be home Saturday. Little did that poor woman think It would be ma-ny long and anxious Saturdays and many sleepless nights before her boy would come home again. That Monday morrlng I walked ten miles and knocked at the door of the re cruiting officer and asked If he wanted a drummer boy. I handed him the consent blank I had made out myself and he said. That la ail right, my boy; sign this en listment paper.' I was sent to Davenport, la., and when I had learned to drum was aralgned to Company I, Nineteenth Iowa, with which I made my home until mus tered out August X, IMS. I served two years, four months and sixteen daya. Dur ing all that tlma I was not sick, never failed to eat If I could get food,' or to go on march If I had to Mid hundreds of times I had to wading through swamps and sand, with my feet bleeding, and hun gry, thirsty and tired mother's poor little boy. . "I took tha eye of hundreds that chanced to see me. The boys called me 'Sis' and told other soldiers I was tha colonel's daughter. While In New Orleans I was standing In front of a saloon and tha pro prietor asked me to come In. saying be wanted a pretty, curly headed girl like me. f went after the soldiers with them I was safe, and any of them would fight for, ma. In lt, at Pascagoula, I walked over town and a mother and two daughters eat-on- a porch. They called to me to come In and said, "To a pretty, curly headed girl, you sweet child,' and kissed me. "At the battle of Spanish ForU Ala.. April 7, 1MB, I was shot In the calf of the i left leg, and a scar 14x2H of an Inch Is a witness unto this day. When the ball struck me I was assisting a dying soldier fined tiff- and costs for elaborating on his emphatic vocabulary. Mrs. Strong will ap pear In police court this morning to defend her action sa a neat clipper of fish card. Alleged Failaro ef Rtateaaenta. It Is alleged by tha city treasurer, 3. 3. Glllin, that tha Nebraska and ths Inde pendent Telephone companlea of 8outh Omaha have failed to comply with ths pro visions of the ordinance fixing an occupa tion tax upon tha ' gross receipts of ths company, by neglecting to file with : the city clerk the annual statement of receipts before July 1 of each yehr. Such a report has not been filed, which Is taken aa an Indication that tha company will fight ths operation of ths ordinance in tha courts. The city treasurer has fixed ths amount of ths occupation tax arbitrarily at (2.400 and has notified the companies to thst ef fect. He did this under the provisions of the ordinance. It will bs his duty to fores collection of ths tax by ths regular course In such cases. It will be ths privilege of tge companlea to appeal to ths courts and attack the ordinance or Its provisions In detail. JTbe ordinance was passed last year, under the powers granted la tha stats law cover ing occupation tax levies. , Magic City Gwsaln. Tha condition of W. B. Vaa aant has not materially Improved. , W. H. Cresaey has returned from a flab 'lng trip to Hackberry lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Parker have re turned from their wedding trip. Miss Doris and Margaret Davis are spend ing their vacation at Ashton, la. Phil Kearney post ot the Grand Army of tbe Republic will meet Saturday night. Mrs. Myles E. Welsh and children have gone on a visit of several weeks to Oregon. Dana Morrill has returned from his sum mer vacation trip to the lakes of Min nesota. Tha Council Bluffs golfing teams will be tbe guests of the South Omaha Country club (Sunday. The death of the Infant daughter of Joseph Basar, Thirty-fifth and U streets, occurred last night. Tbe funeral will be held at J p. m., today. Here la a golden opportunity for a flour miller who wants to make a chse and Kt Into a raw country where opportunity mi large and where the rapid settle ment ef the country WILL MAKJE HIS FORTUNE FOR HIM. Buhl. Idaho, is the market point for M.004 acrea Carey Act land; the "richest lsnd that lies out of doers. There is cheap electric power gained from the falls of the Snake river. There are oceans of farm produce of every description. Everything Is favorable. Please WRITE ME AT ONCK. You eaa satisfy yourself about this If you will write te me at enoe. I can send yeu a booklet showing JUST WHAT THIS SECTION HAS TO DE PEND ON; Just WHAT IT -IU 1M FOR IOU. Write for the book. It cost nothing and may mean a fortune to you. Address C, X. SCoQVOWsT, aaesewary BtTaTZ, COK- lsm moral, c&vra, iiu, taauao. He Was a Usn't Dos But he Is all rlnt now for his good master bought him a bottle of Sherman UcConnell'g Masge Cure. It did the work. fcrepalnated Digestive Tablets lea aoe Care Lieukal. BM-Mtaooeua tee quid baampew ap aula tiena. Jbe Liatvaapev t'wwSer -radueee fevev Aee Tcuua Tablets tiive aa a toale after auaae fer dlsteiiiDer u arecanut Worm Tablata, easy glve-.aea Bf. Vitua I'anc Tablaia for flta Me Lasauve Uver TaaJ lly glvea Cough Tableia for Uuaa .. . iee We seU Bpratt's Dears Glevee'a Medicine aak for book. WkA A FLOUR Srtnza & EcCcnns!! Mi Co. Cor. lttk and Dodge, Ontaa. OWL 0HU3 Cflu16tlt:l BaKI Soldier" 1 ' " ' . " V ' ' ' '. " '"'" ' '.. ' ' ! ' V--.-. .. , I .. . ;" - , ' : r . ? i , i. ; J1MMT MT7RPHY. AS HELOOKSTOUAf, A HEARTT VETERAN )F THE WAR. to a cup of water from my canteen and he said to me, "Comrade, will you tell my mother I died bravely for the flag.' "I waa the youngest soldier In our divi sionSecond division, Thirteenth army corps Generals Herron, Granger, A. J. Smith and other commanding. I never f t to ride on a march, but endured the hard shipe of a private's life, except to stand guard. I waa the curly headed drummer boy and weighed 160 pounds and waa five feet, eight -Inches UU. At the age or It years and 1 month I was mustered out at New Orleans, August X5, 1865. I refuned GO In gold for' my curly locks and wore thera hocoa for mother to see. I scon had them cut off and gave them to my girl friends. I have kept up drumming since tha war and still use the identical snare drum that I carried as a 'child toldler.' " Union Pacific Officials Meet With the Men H&rriman - Branch of Employes and IaTestors Association Listens to the Officers. Members of the Union Paelflo branch of ths American Railroad Employes and la ves tore' association to ths number of about eighty met last evening at ths old Pacific Express building and elected Robert Christy as delegate to ths state convention, which meets later In the year. A. X Mohler, vice president and general manager of tha Union Paelflo, addressed ths memttors on ths 11 vs Issues of the day aad urged ths men to get closer together and to take an Interest In ths affairs of ths road, telling them that what waa to ny fiMLiiJ ill A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Baby's coming will bs a tlma of rajoidSeT, aad not of apprehen sion and fear, If Mother's Friend la used by the expectant mother in preparation of the event This ii not a medicine to bs taken Internally, but a liniment to be applied to body, to assist nature tn the necessary physical changes of the system. Mother's Friend Is composed of iiils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain, render the ligaments supple and elastic, aide in the expanding of tha akin and flesh fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tiara as. It lessens the peU and danger at the crisis, and assures future health to tha mother. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book, containing valuable information for expectant mothers. THE DRADFIELO CO., ATLANTA. OA. The Charms 'Tha Beauty Spots ef ths World for Your Summer Vacation' Round-trip tickets (limit 10 days) on sals ponding fares from all other places, via the Canadian Pacific Railway TOKO X TO. and Return. . 29.00 .MONTREAL and Return . . 3S.OO QUEBEC and Return 39.0O Halifax and Retarn $49.00 PORTLAND Me-, Return $42.83 BOSTON end Retarn . . . $40.60 Corresponding fares to hundreds Vnwmr,A Thmiiah tha Thousand Ialands and Kapiaa 01 tne Lawrence at a ellght additional coat. Through tralna leave I'earborn Station. Chicago, via Wabaah-Canadian Pacific at I TO p. m. and 11 p. in. Tlcketa for sale by all agents of sll railways. - Further Information and literature to bs hsd by sddresslng A. C. Bhaw. General Agent. 213 South Ctark 8t- Chicago. WATCH FOR THE GUYS IVITfl THE GREEH TIES THE TIE IS THE ONLY THING GREEN. DRINK Liquid Sunshine THI OCtet YOU U KC HAVE A CASE S CUT HOME wsscnxs DtsnacTEi John Nittler 3221 So. 2kh Street oouo. teaa, rcd saaa I NO. A-tA2S a. n nrff Shirts that told to $1.50 Straw Ml $5.00 Straw Hats All $2.00 and $1.50 Straw Panama Hats, values up to ths Interest of ths railroad was to their In terest. -Charles Wars, general - superintendent, spoke along the same lines, and W. R. CahlU, superintendent of the Nebraska di vision, and A. Blakely also urged co-opera-tlotu. Q. O, Brophy spoke on the subject of government ownership of railroads. Tha meeting wss closed to the press aad reporters were excluded from ths hall. 'This association was organised two years ago and haa for its purpose tha cultivation of a better splint between the members and such concern on tha part of all of them as will help the prosperity of ths Amer ican rallroada, la the state of Nebraska only the Unka Padfle, the Burlington aad the Rock Island lines are In this orgaalsatkm. the whole association consisting of members from forty-three rallroada of tha United State. WOMEN SOCIALISTS FILE Tvto Fesalntne CWndldnteo Seek Plneea eat Bnel Beaxd O thera lln Pile. Ths first women' to file as candidates for tha school board were two sodallata, Mrs. Mary Morrow and Miss Ida Ginsberg. Peter J. K. Boland, Frank J. Rlha, C J. MoArdla, J. H. Grossman and C B. LJvcr, an democrats, have filed for stats repre sentative. C E. Byard of Valley, Neb., re publican, la after ths same ofTlcs, and George Stephens, republican, wants to bs tats senator. Charles R. Deutsmann, so cialist, haa filed for county attorney. oi Canada dally from Omaha, corres BOSTON 32J50 (Limit 0 days, going via Montreal, return steamer through Norfolk.) NEW YORK $57.20 (Limit 10 daya. going via Montreal, return steamer tnrough Norfolk.) of other place In Canada and New Sssssaa"aa?s?jBSanSBSa aBSMsBBWBVissaBSSBBsswMBB - fill AS The Tale of a Shirt More yoara ago than I shall name, 1 sought to win good wife's (ane, 1 knew aot how, bat all the) same I made) m shirt At last 'twas done), a work of art, Ctomplrt. I hoped, la every part, "Com John,' I called with quaking heart, try on your shirt. H)rat Scott," he yelled, and Unguajt, well, H uttfred tilings I'll never tell. I maty forget them when I dwell elsewhere, maybe. MORAL Buy the shirt at BERG'S great sale-all the very ' best grades of shirts made are represented in this big reduction. Wounded feelings and tired pocket books are soothed to perfect contentment and luxurious easo. Every good style, color and pattern is. to be had, as our windows will show, at a splendid saving. now .. . . 85c Shirt that sold to $2.50 now . $1.35 Hats Marked Down $3.50 1 All $3.50 $3 and $2.50 Straw Hats $2.00 Hats. . .$1.00 All $1.25 and $1.00 Straw Hats 75e $.00 $4.50, $3.50 and $2.00 BTianOST M0VU SaMK J55 It j 2j Ths Oae Bast JMmk. Waver bs without a bottle ta your horn. There are 79 drinks In the dollar bottle. Sold also by druggists and grocers In 25c and (Oe bottles. Orange. Lan aad Boot Beec I' la. vers. Just ths thing when friends corns. Teaspoon ful In glass of water makes delicious drink. UO OBOTTB . CO.. rrspe Omaha, area. .JETTED Vhoae) a. sorrzB BlaTSWs, .. CO Omaha 1 anjoo T. BTXB. Ua4 Bonirlaa Street. Fhonaau Douglas Ls-ta, lad. A-1MZ. Fifty Lots in FOR aiVaeiaT.V.'ift'iriBiWi'l MilVfum" Mi 1 I'm!" n 11 I, i1," ' fnmJILLiu 'Wmfas 1 Sea toe PriC8s 5UC A ) $i.qq $4Q to S245 1-7"EEK j 50c A Week i.....iiair-n.T.. ...r. -ry-f-11 ' taa7.it i'.1 i:"Tf"" ,. , ,V,TnT"'Bis rW ''Ha ffCy INTEREST. NO PAYMENTS PERFECT TITLE. In our famous addition of Morningside close to Benson and Dundee. Over 900 lot sold in four daysl Bring your Dollar Down aad select youx Lot. Con tracts Delivered on the Ground. Salesman on the Ground Day and Evening, Saturday and Sunday. How to Roach r7ornings.do Take Benson car. Get off at Orphanage avenue and walk four blocks south to our bl sign. Ton caa't miss It. Our free conveyance meets all cars If you prefer to rid. N, P. DODGE a CO. TeL Douglas 829. 206 Withnell Bldg. Tel. on Ground, Benson 605. Bee Want lids Boost Your Business 0 BREWING T Boath Omaha 3 Ooaaetfl Mwffet mo. antnnwT.il, UU Mala St. Boah Flxmea. SO- JXTTKBL. ssoa h st. rhoas 3S& "2g2jQJHW9awjiawBwa Morningside ONLY NO TAXED WHEN G1CK FREE ABSTRACT S2SEEEOG aad get quick results, ana proiaue language. Joua Uerl was