Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Russian Boy to Learn
English in Two Months
Advertising Director Searches for
Them in Omaha.
A4 flab salts Merruaala ! Oaaaae
to Utcanlt la lioaar f tee
Maltere Who Will Ha Hara
Rest Wee.
Curue I Uoihtr, a)vnoe guard ef the
Minnesota advertising convention dtltgates,
arrived In Omaha Paturaay morning eiwl
promptly aat about hunting for two beau
tiful your.g women who ara to preelae at
the ealilblt of Mlnn-sta ail and Mlimeaota
prtxluote at the Hmne during the conven
tion. Although of eritioel and fastidious
iaaia Mr. M usher .juickiy found two girls
of desired pulchritude and these were an
gated. . .
Mr. Mother la lha director of tha puo
lUHy bunau of the Gopher capital.
. Heeldea veriior A. O. Kberbert tha
Mlnneeota delegation will Indude P. M.
Neel, pieident of the Minnesota dera
tion of Commercial Club; H. W. Wheelooa,
who la the governor's private secretary,
aiid Uainuel a. I v arson, the auditor of atata
Omaha will entertain during the several
day of the convention at m nl',n
Tueeday will( be the blggeat day of all.
L4nooln la coining k atrong and St Jo
seph will pull In by another special train
the same day. The euaclal from Chicago,
which will bring a number of easterners
Monday afternoon, will have at least )
('II for lleeeralloas.
Tha Omaha Ad club la aaklng all Omaha
business houses to decorate their atora
Ironta early Monday morning In honor of
the ad inrn. Prueldent Bunderhaid baa
written the following letter:
To tha Monliunt of Omaha: During
next wenk Omaha will aet aa tioat for two
ec.K)liily Important organisation, the
Aaauolated Ad Club of America, Mm
bled national convention, and the ttaenger
fet. Leoorationa will be profuse and
Omaha will preaant to liar vieitor a da
...rfIW aula annoarauce.
lnaammh aa the ad men' convention be
gin Monday morning, thla club makee
ur wt reyueat tha4 all decorations ba
placed aa early aa poaalbla on Monday, ea
W'Mly along the line of nmroti and
tiiiougfiout the retail aection of the city.
Many of the big atorea on whom tha writer
ailed peravnaily have agreed to do thla,
and wa (eel confident that our request Will
meet with hearty compliance.
Child Struck By
Car is Unhurt
Tbree-Tear-Old Tot Standi in Track
' and Hotorman J ami On
Tha year-arid-ev-half-old aon of Mr. and
Mr. Bam George of W South Thirteenth
Street eaeaped death Saturday morning only
by tha quick action of llotorman W. C,
Blake, who waa operating a northbound
Benson oar whan tha youngster toddled
onto the track directly In front of the car
It waa Impossible to bring tha oar to a
top, but It speed waa o quickly "brought
down that a the fender -struck tha child
It waa toed out of tha way of tha wheal
and waa not Injured paat breaking tha akin
11 hi ear. -
' Tha child bad been playing on the walk
In front of tha atora and tha Mother had
momentarily loat eight f him, Hh looked
up J net lit tlma to aee hltn running toward
tha onooinlng pur. S'rantlo with horror h
ran after tha olitld, too lata to aava blin
from danger. The car waa atoppad In on
length after hitting tha child. Wltnaaaee
aald they -could aot aa Jiow tha child
nilaaad being Inatantly killed, sturgeon T. T.
Harris attended tha baby and aald hi In
juria war vary alight
Passes Husband
On Queer Trip
Battening to Omaha to Pwent Hii
Suioide, Mn. Philip DrJ.ooll
Minei Huiband.
Upon arriving ' frantlo with grief and
fright In Omaha Friday night, reporting
to tha polloe that her huaband had written
her letter threatening auiolde, Mr.
Philip Dtiacoll of St. Joseph. Ma.. Warned
her huaband had departed for St. Joseph
to aee her. Tha yoiloe, after making an
Inveatlgatlon, discovered tnat t..e man bad
. left Omaha sritlay bound for at. Joaeph,
Tha couple apparently had paaaed each
other on their way between tha cltle.
Mr. PiiauoU explained aha had received
latter from her huaband " which ha
asaiarea ne waa una ui nie ana wouia
b ded by the time the letter r-ached her.
She quickly took a ' train to - coma her
and prevent the act of eelt-deatruotlon,
- jrtaoail wa machinist at tha Union Pa.
oirtQ shops. 1 -
. J a dare Katelle Aaajuaaets Ha Will
Try tw e Via; Meetlaa; far
1'b.ta Clir.
Judge Eetelle of the dlstriot court wh
ytU attend tha Klghth International Prl
aou Cuiigreaa to ba held at Washington,
p. C, In Cicluber aaya there la an excellent
gpportuntty for Omaha, to secure It for
neat year. The Judge says ha lntenda t
do all In hi power to awing tha ml meet
ing and urge that Omaha aund a dcleg
' lion to pull for the city,
"Tha meeting ta certain to coma to tha
' middle wast in mi," aaya the Judge, "and
there ta no reason why it should not com
to Omaha; wa need It and the city will
greatly benefit by having tt hara. Tha
body of mea who luak up the oongreaa
;iiMiit mora brelixa. heart and aoul than
any organisation wa have seen la Omha
for a long time"
Llteratura dealing with tha work to ba
Ukau up el tha coming luaellug kt now ba
bul distributed. A broad field la to ba
gone over and axperta on criminology from
all tha great uatlona of tha world will
take part lu tha dUcuaeiuua and In tha so
lutlou of problema now confronting those
who have to deal with criminal.
H4 Overseer Avery Malta Oat On
aer ta Pxesertr Owatara lt
Wtt4i Heads.
Henry Avery, tha new read avereeer for
pougtaa county, haa declared war ea
)), tVouglaa county laud owners muat
remove weeds on their road or pay for
their removal. Mr. Avery la aendlug out
ooplea of tha following notification:
YoU are hereby aotirled that unleas you
mow or otherwua destroy all weed
the middle of tte pubho road running along
your land, aa or befura tha lata day of
August. WiO, I will aa overseer of road,
cause aakl weeds to e mowed or destroyed,
and rauae the expense theraot to be aa
eaaed against your land and collected a
other taxes, aa prvvtd4 by law."
With only enough knowledge of tha Eng
lish language to count up to fifty, a 19-year-old
iluesian boy arrived In Omaha
last week and applied for edmlaalon ta tha
high a-hool. His name, when ha learn to
peak wll enough to have an Amerlran
name, will be Isaac Hllverinan. He ba
no parent In thla country, and found his
way unaided to the home of an uncle,
who la a peddler.
Anywhere In Europe tha boy could make
travel easily, for he la a master of Krenth
and Ueiinan, beeldee hla native Russian.
These other language ha read easily and
peak accurately, which (how hi natural
aptitude for language study, and Indicates
that ha will not have such a hard tlma a
might b Imagined In hi lf-et task of
learning English In two months', fly going
to (h ll ll iast Iq Kngllsh conducted
by MIhs Til ton at Comenlu school, and by
talking English to everybody a soon as he
get a start, he expeota to learn enough to
make himself understood. In clasaea, and he
axperta to enter the high ax.-bool aa a
Junior. , ,
, In consulting with tha superintendent of
Instruction through an Interpreter, tha boy
wa told that he could tali work In Oer
rmui, lAtln,. mathematics and Kngllah. Tha
Qnrman and Latin and mathematics were
aira4y familiar atudiea to him In big work
In the Kuacian ."gymnaalutn," And tha Eng
lish waa to b hla principal task. Four
stuille .were. not enough, he thought, but
waa foroed to content hlmaelf With them
until he can prove hla capacity for more.
- Tha boy wa born at Odessa, January 14,
mi, of Jewieh parent. HI brilliancy In
study wa demonstrated when hla parenta
gava him a chance to take a four-year
ooursa in a private gymnasium, or secon
dary ''hool. n two year'. time ha had fin
ished thla work and received a diploma
Which would have entitled him to enter the
fifth year of . tha government six-year
sc hools. '
. Jill .methodical cutrefulneaa Jn atudy waa
demonstrated In Superintendent Davidson'
offloa when ha waa being tested In alge
bra. . fa figuring out a group of problems,
ba moved awlftly and with assurance until
l.basT HtrlagT of Mistakes ta to Blame
for tiea Haaeat LyMChlagr 1st
Ohio Tosva.
NEWARK, O, July le.MSpeolal Cor-
raapondeot to ait. Joseph Naw-Pr.)
Tha Newark lynching waa a tragedy of
' Thl seems to b tb conaensua of un
biased opinion.
Vlrst, It seems, the people of Ohio arrad
lit making- a county option law that took
home rule away from certain oltlei, among
them Newark. Thla waa the fundamental
error. - It'a an error that might b made
In any atata; It raises tha question of
whether town option la not better than
oounty option.
Tfce Chala of Brvors.
Than there were number of Incidental
errors, peovla hara Identified with neither
faction involved In tha wat and dry feud,
and Who can weigh tha facta soberly, agree;
That tha wet have erred In flagrant
violation of tha law.
That tha drya bava arrad In blundering
and untaotful afforta to enforce tha law.
Tnat ma aepoaea mayor or iNewarg naa
arrad In falling strictly to enforce tha law,
That tha polloe erred In falling ta make
any deterrp lted effort to protect tha threat
ened man.
That tha resigned sheriff arred In mis
judging tha temper ef tha mob and In
failing to call for troop or to make a
real defense of tha Jail whan the attack
cam a.
That tha Antl-SalooA league erred In
hiring maroanarlea of a low type to do Ita
That the dry deteotlvea arrad In display
ing silly bravado In making their raid.
All thass InoldenUl blunder, however,
hark back to and bava their basis on the
big blunder that deprived Newark of borne
rule, that made tha town subject to a ao
oallad "local" option law through tha vote
of people who do not live In Newark,
t'aanty Optloa Law Blamed,
Tha oeunty option law deprives tha wet
element of real local option on tha liquor
question. When oounty goes dry, i that
aettlea tha matter till another election can
ba held. Tha wet element haa no re
course. But If a county goea wet, the drya
can etui Invoke tha old local option laws
and vote tha county dry by piecemeal,
township by township and district by dis
trict in cities.
Thu tha cltle that are wet In popular
sentiment are deprived of home rule In
tha dry counties, while the drya in tha wat
counties are given an advantage not given
to tha wets in dry counties.
Tha ftntl-sallon people argue that tha
liquor traffic la wrong, and that tha and
Justifies tho mnvn they use In fighting It.
Tha weta, feeling that Injustice la worked
thein by tha faot that tha drya oaa drive
tba local, option lawt$ tandem while thay
themselves cannot, a-i'e. naturally Indignant.
Tha injustice seems ti. them to afford good
ground for flagrant violation of the law,
Thua they lose audi reapeut aa they may
have fvr the laws of tha atata.
Brevrlaa; ( Two, Years.
Tba trouble In Newark haa been brewing
for nearly two year. Tha county option
law haa engendered a bitter feud between
Licking oounty and lu county aeat.
The city voted wet by a majority of
The dry vote ot tha county, outside tha
corporation of Newark, waa strong enough
to wlp out Newark' wet majority and
carry tha county by a majority of 745.
Thua tha city of Newark went dry, nom
inally, a year ago last January.
Home rule had bean taken away; tha
olty waa mud eubject to a law that a
majority of lla cltlaeiui didn't endorse.
IteaUlt; Anarchy. Newark waa "wetter"
than ever before.
Tha wet dement, urging that It la rankly
unjust In th nature of thing, for one
community ta Impose Its will upon another
la a matter of personal liberty, refused
to obey tha mandate of tha rural diatriut.
Tha city administration, being frankly wet.
In sympathy, made only perfunctory efforts
tu anforoa tha law.
Opca Tew a far Year aaa Half.
So for a year and a half Newark baa
been an open town, twenty-four hour In
tba day, aeven day In tha week.
Tb dry element, arguing that tha peo
ple of a oouuty have an equal right with
tha people of tha county seat In determtn
tug how their oouuty seat shall ba run.
have mad varloue efforts to euforoe the
law over the head ef former Mayor Ath-
Theae efforta aava been Inef feotuaU They
bava served only to engender greater blt-
teruee between the tw factious.
The last of these efforts, to date, re
sulted la tha shooilug of William Howard.
"near-beer" saloonkeeper and former cap
tain of Newark police, and tha hanghug of
ki slayer oa the public square within a
tone's throw of th Licking county court
bo visa
So luuuh for county local option that Isn't
local option.
If Newark baJ borne rule there would
have been no lyuchlug
For tbea there wouhi have bean
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near1 tha end as they began to get mora
difficult. At one problem In factoring ha
stopped altogether and without making any
effort to work It out remorkud to his uncle
that hla training had not Included that sort
of problem, and he probably could not do it
very well. He knew a soon a ha aaw It
that it waa mora advanced work than ha
waa prepared for,' although It waa only a
little different from the other.
The boy ha a gracefully serious appear
anoe, (e polite and easy In hla bearing and
I evidently poeaassed of both the brains
and the confidence necessary ' to" carry
through his plun of stepping Immediately
Into his place In American schools.
plaualble excuse for tha breaking of "little"
law, no circumstances tending to breed
contempt of law, and finally anarch and
mob murder.
Prisoner Proves
Check Swindler
Man Eeld Here Wanted for Getting
. Seven . Thousand Dollan . on .
Bogmi Check.
Information was reoulved at polio heud
quartor Saturday afternoon that a pris
oner held there for beating hotel billa, la
wanted In Pontlao, Mich., on a charge of
pasaing a ohecg for 17,900. Tao man, who
has aeveral allaae. Including A. C, Brown
ing, Tom Klrker and Byron Dun lap, will
ba held for a warrant from i'ontlac upon
the termination of his present sentence.
Constable t. II. Winchester sent the tele
gram, telling of Browning's gravest crime,
explaining the man had drawn tha bogus
oheck on a Larned,- Kan., bank and passed
It on the bank at Pontlao.
He waa arrested In Omaha last week on
complaint of the Merchants hotel 'for a
Judgment of (HI, and Is Under a filrjLher
complaint by the ManHhaw hotel. '
Holdup Escapes
from State Pen
Spenoer Williami, Convicted of High
way Bobbery, ii At Large
Dragnet Thrown Out.
Spencer Williams, a convict who
sent up for three year from Omaha
April 11, haa escaped from tha Linooln
penitentiary, according to word from tha
tat warden Saturday morning. William
wa convicted ot highway robbery com
mitted In Omaha. It la not known how he
affected hla escape. The local police ex
pect he may attempt to return to this city,
Passaasjer aad Trafflo Managers
WaWeter anal Kastts Leave for
Weatera Tear.
I W. Wakeley, general passenger agent;
P, a Must is, passenger traffic manager,
and D. Clem Poaver of the land seeker
Information bureau of the Burlington left
Saturday for an extended trip over the
Burlington line in the west. The trip I an
annual one,
"The purpose of our trip," aald Mr. Wake
ley, "la to Inspect tha progreaa and condi
tion ot the colonisation projecta adjacent
to tha Burlington and to look over es
pecially tha poaalbiliUea of irrigation
aohemea In thla dry country." .
"Tha Burlington railroad haa bean the
moan ot plaolng a large number ot settlers
on the lands In thla country and Is very
mioh Interested in the progress and the
future posblblllttea of our great western
ttraalagr Complete far- the Seeaaa
Track, Which Wilt Ba Lata oa
oaa aa Feasible.
One track la now built from 'the end of
the West Leavenworth car llu to Kim-
wood park and the grading I completed
for th other. The aecond track will be
luatalled at onoe. Special work baa beau
ordered for the Missouri Pacific croaalng
and will be ahlpped from Vlttsburg July ta
Assistant Ooneial Manager Leussler say
that tt will take but a day to Install thla
when it arrives, aa th tndloatlona are that
It will be but a short tlma until the new
track I completed. When It la don a
public picnic will be held at tb park in
oiueDraiion oi me eveni.
r. D. Waaa aad Dyraa Q. Haatlaaa la
Use fa aeaato aa Maasa
Two new leglalaUva aspirants Jumped Into
the game Saturday. F. IX. Wead and Byron
O. Hastings filed for th senate and house
respectively. Both men are well known In
th real eatate and business world, being
president and vice-president of th Omaha
Real Eatate exchange.
IVlltleally. neither la a known quantity,
but each man haa a large number ot per
sonal rrieiuia. Mr, Wead ha been an active
upper Missouri river Improver and served
a terna as presideut of th Navigation con
grass for Nebraska.
alldtaa- reraalta.
W. E. Lane, M North Thirty-fifth, frame
dwelling. aio; Mrs, U II. Ni-Kay. l
North Twenty-third, frame dwelling. 12 Sou
Frank IUr. am? Nebraska, frame dw4-1111-.
ftuO, lVtron . Kienberth, fc' 17
Case, brick dwelling, WOO; A. W Ulllvr.
tl Larlmore, frame dwelling, tS.fM; Moaa
av4wwlliIWBj ;jVa
Last Call On Oriental Rugs
We're Closing Out the Balance
of Our Last Importation, and
You're Welcome to a Third Off
Monday and Tuesday, July 18 and J 9
Every province of the Rug making Orient well represented in our stock and every size
you possibly could . wish. Come here ; Monday andTuesday with only two-thirds the
'money you expected to spend. For instance : .
$24 00
Some Sensational Furniture Bargains
Take a walk down town and see them in our north Show Window.
On sale Monday morning at 8 as long as they last and that won't
be Ipnge
$32.30 Early English Buffet, $20.00
26.00 Early English Dining
Tabic. ., $10.00
45.00 Engliah Oak China
Cabinet $15.00
; Store Closes 5 P. M. Except Saturdays 9:30 P. M.
Miller, Stewart and Beaton Company
Associated Advertising Clubs of -Ajmcrica Welcome
stave Beot, run n.
fake row arlaUar ta Ike TUeea,
XUeetrie Taaa arras a-Qraaaea Oa.
Vbaauta W. Slaakbajra (or contraas.
aat Dry Olaaataat of gar meats. TwLa
City Ova Works, 47 South Fifteenth,
To Ware Saraers the monthly repay.
ment plana of .home loana ia surest
oheapaat, qulokeat Mabraalta Bavlnga and
Loan association, 101 Board ot Trade
lUoaio at Kanawa Mr. Henry Hlller
gava an outing at Lake Manawa to all hla
employee" TrMa afternoon and evening,
Where they -enjoyed his hoapltallty In a big
supper, bathing and, ljpatng..,.v .
raw Twin Olrla Arrtre Twin glrla ar
rived at the home of Ur. and Mrs. U. T.
Crosaman, DOW " Foppleton avanua, Friday
evening. Mr. Crosaman la raligloua director
at tha Omaha Young Men'a Christian asso
ciation, ' i
Wew Aato Oempaay - Articlea of Incor
poration aer filed by the Omaha Motor
Car company with tha following named
directors: U. K. Downs. W. S. Stryker, H.
M. Hlgby, W, a. Wallaoe and u. M.
Homan. Tha company la capitalised at
Seat InteBee Intense heat, ranging
from M to 105 degreea In tha shade ta re
ported in western Nebraska and In Wyom
ing Friday, followed by light and scattering
showers In the evening. Holds of grain are
being harvested and thrashed along tha
Northwestern Una in aptte of tha heat.
ay Soaroe aa oartag Hay daalara of
Otnaba aay that tha reason tha piiua of tha
article haa gone up ao ta that praotlcally
none of thla year's crop haa coma In aa yet
and tha last season's crop Is diminishing;
rapidly. Oraln ta not much higher than tha
average price at this time of year, but hay
and atraw of all kinda haa gone up ao high
that unleaa a horaa can learn to aat sawdust
It Is cheaper to support an automobile.
Transforming Besotted Drunkards Into
A Remarkable Treatment Taken Internally That Effects a
Perfect Cure of the Pernicious
ANY TREATMENT tbat caa take a
besotted drunkard, a worthleaa bum,
and, make a good cltitaa out of bleu.
Btaka Mm a good huaband, maka hira
a lood father, derra tha unquali
fied aad unreserved support of all pay
alclana, all clergymen, all lawyers, all
bualnesa men, all bankara. and all good
peopa who art Intareatd la good gov
ernment. ANY TREATMKNT tbat tan take
tba semblance ot a man. with, all man
hood gone, all seltrespect gone, all
shame gone, all decency gone, and be
lower thaa a brute, and restore bis
manhood, reatore bl selfrespect. send
the tingle of sheute to Als checks as
be thinks ot other days, restore bt
decency, and make a man of him once
again, such a treatment ta a greater
boon to humanity than a panacea that
lengthens out or even, aavea life.
AMY TKKATMKNT that can take
shattered nervous system and rebuild
It. take a human brain that U tot
tering on the verge of Insanity and re
store tt to Us normal condltlou, that
Rugs for,... $50.00
Rugs for ... . $30.00
Rugs for.... $18.00
25.00 Early English China
Cabinet...... 12.50
$30.00 Fumed Oak Dining
Table , $10.00
$1 10.00 English
Meets Long Lost
Brother in Jail
Elijah Utterbaok, Prisoner, ii Greeted
by Brother After Thirty Yeari
of Abienoe.
Blljuh Vtterback, (8 years of age, while
awaiting trial in tha city jail of Omaha,
found his brother whom be had not aeen
for thirty years.. Utterback left home when
S3 years old, leaving a small brother, John,
only I yeara of age. Whan arrested he
aaked that hla brother, Alfred. 'Who runa
tha Blue Front stables in Omaha might
coma td sea him. ., t
After talking with Alfred ha asked him
tt ba ever heard from tlio little brother
howadaya and nearly fell over when In
formed that tha man atandlhg in ' back of
Alfred waa hla long loat brother ba left
when a boy.
Alaa Boyle, tea af Karl ot Ulaaarow,
lajarea by Fall of His
BOURNEMOUTH, Kngland. July H.
Alan Boyle, aon of tha earl ot Olaagow, waa
aerloualy Injured today whan tha monoplane
In which ha waa making a flight at tha
aviation meat felt to tha ground. Boyle
was ploked up unoonacloua and was found
to ba suffering from concussion of tha
brain. This waa the fourth acoldent that
has marred tha present meet.
For some tlma this afternoon, much an
xiety waa felt for Robert Loralne, tha
aotor, who started rn a round trip flight
In a biplane to tha Needlaa. For aeveral
hours nothing waa heard from him, but
later reports of his safety were received.
Husbands and Fathers
will quench the everlasting tire In the
stomach that ls burning to a. white
heat, that will cleanse and purify the
humorous blood ot the entire system,
that will cloar up the skin and restore
the complexion, that will rekindle the
light of Intelligence In the eye, that
will take away all Inclination to drink,
all desire, craving ana appetite for
drink, and make the drunkard a per
manently sober man, is certainly a
transforming treatment such as the
world never knew- before.
ANY TREATMENT that caa replace
the brutal Instincts with human Intel
ligence, that can change the fiend In
carnate (made so by the poison ot
alcohol) Into a human being with the
highest attributes of human feeling
charity, sympathy and lovela a re
generating treatment that will receive
the plaudits ot th whole world.
ANY TREATMENT taken Internally,
tbat does this In the short space ot
only three days Is certainly the crown
ing wonder ot this age. And still the
greater wondr. where It ls known,
that It dove It in each and every case,
no matter bow long the drinker has
$60 00 Rugs for.... $40.00
$30.00 Rugs for.... $20. 00
$18.00 Rugs for.... $ 1 2.00
Oak Buffet. $35.00
Man Overcome by
Heat in Trench
Telephone Workman it Found Unoon
icioui Underground and
Taken to Hospital.
While working In a trench at Twenty-
third and Douglas atreet, E. Ratt, an em
ploye of tha Omaha Telephone company,
waa overooma by gaa or heat or both,
shortly before -noon Saturday. W. L. Kgee.
who happened to be passing, discovered the
man lying unconscious In. tha trench, and
oalled a polloeman.
Ratt waa taken la the Wise Memorial
hoapltal and waa attended by Dr. McClan
aghan. Ha wa reported in a not serious
condition. Ha Uvea in Council Bluffs.
Ordere Ilecelved to Oct Raady to Co
to Maneaver Case a Baelc
' by Rail. '
' Headquarters, band, machine gun platoon,
first and second battallona of tha Fourth
Infantry, less Company H, have been
ordered to prepare for tha march to the
maneuver camp at Fort Riley. Kan. - Tha
command Is to report at camp not later
than August 18. It will return to Fort
Crook by rail, at tha conclusion of tha en
campment. Tba order also Includes First Lieutenant
Clemens W. McMIUen. medical reserve
corps, two sergeants, eight prlvatea of tha
first class, or private hospital corps, one
ambulance, one wagor, five mounts and
ona regimental infirmary.
From ' Fort Leavenworth will gx bat
talion headquartera and Coirpanya K and
Ls Third battalion engineers, and from
Fort Riley tha Seventh cavalry, laaa troope
C and D.
- a ' ' a si mm v B
Sober Men, Making
Drink Habit.
drank or to what excess or bow
far he may be lost to drink a perfect
cure is effected In every case.
CTRKJ). Eadorecd by each am) every
publlo official and prominent business
or professional man In this state who
has Investigated, by over 600 cured
patients In Iowa and Nebraska alone
and by the most prominent and leading
business and profeaslonal men from
nearly every large city In the country
wbo have visited. Investigated and
shown their satisfaction and approval
of the work done at the Des Moines
Neal Institute by establishing and
opening the KOUTY-ONE NEAL IN
STITCTEJJ throughout the country In
recent months. Is the treatment that
perfectly cores all cases ot the drink
habit la three days' time.
Call apoa. write or phone N'KAL
INSTITUTE nearest to you at either
E. BJU'CK, Prvaldeat, care ot any In
stitute or at his home address, At
laatle, Iowa,
$48.30 Fumed Oak China
Cabinet $15.00
$4.30 Early English Dining'
Chaira....... $3.25
$25.00 Early English Cel
lar ett $10.00
ta the Bhopplg
11th and
ateoee, ea
Hotel Kuppor
llta and KoOee
Kansas City. Mo.
In tha IhopyiBg District.
Wear aU the Theaters, 1 "
00 Beaatlfnl Booma.
100 Mvata Batha. ( '
Vat aad sola water in all rooaos.
apaolono JCobby, Varlora, i
Telephone In every room. ' '
Beaatlfal Oafs, larteot Oulslae.
$1.00 to $2.50 Per Day
. Buroyeaa laa
Kupper-Benson Hotel Co.
r. a. Bsnsos, Kim.
Rural Res! Ilome
Pleasant, well ventilated rooms. - Ex
cellent table; fresh fruits and vegetables,
poultry, eggs, cream and butter, all pro
cured xroru. our own farm.
Large grove, plenty of ahade, and plenty
of oatdoor axerclae and amnsementa.
Rural route. Auto meets train. .. .
References required.
For Women and Children Only
Rates $1.00 Per Day,
Including Board.
Unique sea food Culslna, '
FORTH. UONROU, Largest Mili
tary r-oat oa the Allan uo Coast.
iUUKTUN BOAUd, tt.e UenUeavoua
ot tha Natiun'e WarabiVa
gpaalal Weekly Bates Au ta Oetobaa
Baeklete at Oblcara, Boek Sataaa- ft
yaatfta, aa Wabaah Batlreada.
Oa aaareaa tt lO. W. A Da at a, MurB-
roAXBxaa mobbob. ta.
Tonka bay Hotel ;
Nw Miaoeapolie aad St. Paul " " .
I Open June 15th te September 1st
AN IDEAL PLACE to apand ,
your vacation. Firat-cUas
room and table aerrice. ,
Special Weekly R,u,
rite. fpT deaisiptivsi postal '
folder to P. J. Mabtdorf. Mgr. 1
Tonka Bay Hotel
1- ZZZ3
If yoo suffer, tall or write me at ene
norTh.0b;..hi?-yoyu7irf!i1 rai-
J. O. McBRIDE, Stella, Neb.
Are You Going to Buy Land
N. farmer aaal4 think ml kalns a some kafor
i from A
a im '4
.e-e J
ewra. ,a
varr mam In u anion. e tat to oa fl4 )T
Sna 10 fur I waa lha- Ulal aubacriDtl.. I,
atMa at tba sd mi 1 mint aatM