rm: oatta1 Sunday bee: july t inia nil i n o OB ee JicOl Mid West aLaa V (tnnitJi FTVE DAYS, COIViIIMIEMCEMG jnUIL.'V S3 Grounds 4S4Si aodl IVflOtflaury Avenue Houps 3 to S IP. IVI THE MOST FAMOUS AVIATORS IN THIS COUNTRY TODAY WILL ASSIST EMM O (CHJ IRH The world's greatest aviator, in making this the greatest aeronautical event in this country since the International Meet at Los Angeles. EUGENE ELY This is positively the only western meet in which MR GLENN IL CURTISS himself will take part. He will use the same aeroplane in which he made hit famous flight from Albany to New York. JC TT A T?Q wboee name is now known all over the L. I'lillVO civilised world, will give daily exhibi tions of his daring glide" in his Curtiss aeroplane. From a height hundreds of feet above the earth, he shuts off his motor and plunges like a bullet to the earth. It is a feat rarely attempted by any aviator. This is one of the few opportunities that have been offered iu this country to view very type of craft that flit's, viz: SPHERICAL BALLOONS, DIRIGIBLE BAL LOONS, and HEAVIER THAN AIR MACHINES. Mr. Horace "Wild, the most daring and famous oper ator of the Dirigible Balloon in the world today, will give daily exhibitions. His balloon is modeled after the fa mous Zeppelin Dirigible. - 1 - 1 .A one of the moat intrepid and venturesome of the American aviators, will also take part in a special machine which is now being constructed in the Curtis factory. It is tha latest production of Curtiss genius. GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT The Signal Corps from Fort Omaha will give daily exhibitions of the uses of the captive and dirigible bat loons in modern warfare. This is one of the few oppor tunities which has been offered to the people of the Mid West to witness a government exhibition of this kind. It will be practically impossible to furnish tickets to the big crowds at the grounds to advantage, and the man agement has therefore placed tickets for eale at the fol" lowing points: Crissey's Pharmacy 24th and Lake Saratoga Drug Company 24th' and Ames Red Cross Pharmacy 17th and Cuming Walnut Hill Pharmacy 40th and Cuming Bemis Park Pharmacy ,33d and Cuming J. H. Schmidt Drug Store 24th and Cuming Barnes Drug Company 40th and Dodge Beaton Drug Company 15th and Farnam J. H. Merchant .16th and Howard Merchants Hotel 1508 Farnam Street J. L. Brandeis 16th and Douglas Street Paxton Hotel 14th and Farnam Home Hotel 16th and Jackson Her Grand 16th and Howard Courtney & Co. . . , 17th and Douglas O D. Kiplinger 13th and Farnam Hayden Bros 16th and Dodge Sherman & McConnell.. 16th and Dodge J. A. Clark Drug Co. . . .Cor. Broadway and Main Sts., Co. Bluffs Moritz Meyer Cigar Store 1314 Farnam Henshaw Hotel 1509 Farnam Murray Hotel 14th and Harney Loyal Hotel 16th and Capitol Avenuo L. C. Gibson 501 N..24th Street, South Omaha Fisher, MoGUl Co 24th and N Sts., South Omaha PRICES FOR THE 1VIEET Adults 50c, Children 25c, Gramd Stand $1.00, Automobiles $1.00 it. SAMSON HOST TO AD MEN Space Selleri from All Over to See Halley'a Comet. LOCAL AD MEN JOIN KNIGHTS Board ml Gurcraon Hare Plumed a , Bur Beaaoa Bad Ask Omaha Mea to Hela Par the Bills. ' Omaha, particularly that part of Omaha made up of Ak-Sar-Ben'e host, at hurt, hu an opportunity to prova Ita contention that It harbors the liveliest bunch of boosters west of the Missouri. What's more, It baa an opportunity to display Ita array of proof before critics who are professional boosters themselves. In other words, the delegates to the Na tional Convention of Ad Clubs will be taken out to the den tomorrow nlrht Kainaon has extended an Invitation to the Omaha Ad club asklnt their co-operation In making; the entertainment of the ad vertisers outdo all previous ceremonies. Raiinson would like to ses every member of the Omaha club a member of Ak-Sar-Bon before Monday night. Although many Ad olub members are al ready enrolled with the knights there are yet a great many who do not wear, the little red. green and yellow button with a star on It. It la very likely that by the time the Ad men from afar begin to gather In Omaha the whole club will go. Into Ak-Far-Ben. Samson's only regret la tlt all the knlghta can't Join tha Ad club. Expenses of the fall festival are expected to be heavier this year than for years past. The great daylight parade. In whloh there will be about 1.000 United States troop, will alone call for an expenditure of (14,000 or $15,000. Other features are to be more elaborate than before and the expense will be accordingly greater. Rome of the Attractlaaa. By the way of emphasising a few of the more Important features which call for money, Samson la sending out "rtateroents of account" to ever 900 Omaha cltlaene, setting forth the following Items: September &-To one visit from Theodore Roosevelt, ex-prealdent, mighty hunter, cltlsen of lenown. October t To one electrical pageant un surpassed In brilliancy and originality. October To one magiUtlcant military parade 6,000 men cavalry, infantry and artillery; sight te quicken patriotism. October l-B To one splendid series of . military maneuvers large bodies of troops in their different formations and . evolu tions. October t-l To one great military en campment; an object lessen In army life and discipline. June-8epteber To one Initiatory feature affording a place of recreation throughout the auimner for Omaha men and a unique entertainment for their visitors, making every one of these an Omaha boostec. September 18 -October I -To one great festival time, drawing vast crowds to eur city, aJvwtUlng Omaha and swelling the saiea of Omaha merchants. lWe-WH T sixteen years of devotion, heart and soul, to Omaha's interests, of planning early mai late fur her advance ment, of earnest, sincere and hearty en deavor for the foot of their home town aud I heir splendid state. Are you ready Pr the debtt Three Dra 1 Creek. KINGSTON. N. T.. July MWUllam Kellso William Cookin and James Gordon, all of jersey City. drowned In E.oput near Haugertlee last night. The men bwn camping with Thomas Hopkins. rerHisteut AeverUsw la lbs K.aa te b,, Beiurua. Amusements Danoinf- and Bathing the Vepolar BU at Kaaawa gayety Offers a "g.nlrm feit" for Current Week's XeaoUaer. Among the features that have grown more popular this season over at Lake Manawa, dancing takea place only sec ond to bathing. Time, was when a class of people who are now regular patrons of the dance at Manawa would hesitate be fore Indulging In thla wholesome amuse ment. The character of the people who dance at Manawa and the prevailing de corum Is such now that It Is a common sight to see members of the exoluaivs clubs, who come In parties, Indulge In dancing. A popular program with many of the beat people this summer has' been a good warming up' on the danoe floor followed by a plunge Into the lake. As an exerciser and lnvtgorator. this is con sidered exceedingly good. As an Incentive for the crack roller skaters to show what they can do, a prise Is going to be hung up to be contested for. ' The first event of this kind will be pulled off Just as soon as entries are secured. Expert skaters who would like to enter are requested to make application at the roller skating rink or the park offices. - d For the first half of this week, starting this afternoon, the Gayety management will offer in conjunction with the regular summer time vaudeville bill a veritable "aqulrm-fest" In tbs form of tha efforts of Billy Weaver, the Jail breaker and handcuff expert to extricate himself from all manner of hackles euch as are used to confine prisoner. Weaver 'invites any officer of tha law to bring his own pet handcuffs and leg Irons or any similar de vice and lock him up. Ha then agrees to free himself merely to show what a slip pery customer he Is. The management of the theater hasn't the confidence in his ability aa a Jail breaker that he has. and so would only consent to hie appearing with the distinct understanding that If he does not free himself at every appearance he la to draw no salary. So It Is purely up to Weaver. A novelty combination ac will be presented by the two Rebhols M:nnt and Frank. They slug and dance, do baton spinning and expert whistling and bird Imitations. Harry Lyons' song for the first half of the week will particularly appeal to spoony folks it'e entitled "When I Fell In Love With You." The movinc picture section of the long- program will, as usual Include ons of the excellent Imp films tliat are Invariably welcomed by a burst of applause when the title Is pro jected on the screen. Many oornedy sub jects are also listed for display. Th,e per formance will be given continuously from 1 to i and 7 to 11 p. m. daily. The Hillman stock company will b seen at the Airdome In a western farce comedy this week entitled "A Time Limit." The play contain musical numbers and Is Inter spersed with vaudeville between acts and bids fair to be tha most pleasing entertain ment given by this company ao far. A Pleasant Sarprtae follows the firn dose of Pr. Kings New Lite Pills, the painless regulators that strengthen you. Guaranteed, tie. For aaie by Beaton Drug Co. traettoa. Courtland Beach, aside from tbe many usual attractions, haa secured Louis Du bec's Interesting animal ahow for thla week only. There will be performances every aft ernoon and evening. The new roller skating rink affords un usual facilities for tha entertainment of a very large number of people, there being accommodation for auu people st one time. The bach is els attractive and real ising this, the management has recently arcnaaed M utw bathing sulta Army Officers to Compete at Big Horse Show Americans Expect to Compete with Beit Horsemen of European Armies. American cavalry officers, particularly those atattoned at the western army posts are on edge awaiting tbe selection of the teams whloh will participate In the inter national competition at the National Horse show in New Tork next November against the crack rider of Great Britain's hussara and lancers, who have accepted the asso ciation's Invitation to compete. In addition to the British officers. Presi dent Alfred G. VanderbUt Is hopeful of se curing the presence of the French and Bel gian riders, who competed so successfully in the International Horae show at the London Olympla last month. At the national ahow at Madison Square garden last year the American team, which Included Lieutenant Bben Swift. Jr.. Eleventh United States cavalry; Lieutenant John C. Montgomery, Seventh United States oavalry; Lieutenant 3. 8. Martin, Four, teenth United States Cavalry; Lieutenant Gordon Johnston, Third United States cav alry, and Lieutenant George W. Lee. Seventh United States oavalry, made a splendid showing, considering the short time at their disposal for shooting after the War department had sanctioned tbelr participation in the big event In the International Horse show In Lon don, Belgium and France sent their finest riders into the arena with the officers of the Sixteenth lancers In the oompetion for King- Edward VI. cup. and the Britons were overwhelmed by the art and the won derfully schooled animals of the continental officers. Only a single fault separated Bel glum, whloh won from France, the second choice, while the lancers were humiliated by criticism urging a new system of school ing In riding along tha lines of the conti nental armies. The United States army was not represented in the competition, but It haa been reported to the officials of the national show that there la good reason to believe that the men In blue who will appear In the ring at Madleon Square gar den will represent the flower ot tbe picked riders of the army. Not a little of tha success attending the Jumping and riding exhibitions of the Brit ish army horsemen In the national and In ternational horse shows held in New Tork and Chicago respectively, last winter was due to the direction of celonel, the Hon. J. G. Beresford, D. S. O., Seventh hussara, Aidershot, who again will have complete charge of the England team which will Include Lieutenant Geoffrey Brooke, of the Blxteeuth lancers, who led the British rid ers and Jumpers in the International show at the Olympla In June. Added Interest haa been given to the promise of a team of English officers by the report from Lieu tenant Wlnfteld B. 61 ft on of Toronto, Can., that the dominion government will formally conclude arrangementa soon, whereby a team of ten Canadian officers will attend the national ahow. These riders are quite likely to be provided with the best schooled mounts to be found In Canada, so eager are the officers of tbe War department to show the superiority ot the Canadian soldiers over the team from the mother countery as well aa the teams of the continent : Mk JIM HALL GETS TWO YEARS Ktsre Cm vie ted ef lUrlsg Hie Wife la leattaeed hy Jadsje Eetelle e Pealteatlary. James Hall, a negro found guilty In dis trict court on a charge of manslaughter, was sentenced to two years In the peniten tiary by Judge Estelle. Hall was charged with having caused tbs death ef bis wife by atrUUnc her wtah hie flat. TWIN JSLEPHANT& 33 INCHES .TALL' STRANGE AND WONDERFUL SUPERS, SPECTACULAR, CSSSIXAL cutcus, esapeopls, 450 Animals, $25,033 Armcur PrizaSlx-Ksrsa Teara Gorgeous Street Parade AT 1 0 O'CLOCK EACH MOBNINQ Bring an tbe falkg ant gee for yourself Kfty-Ceat Cir cus for 28 cents. Don't forget it's, a cm el drctaa war relentlessly waged by a cir cus trust, to SeHi-Floto de clare! barrsin 4ay. Thut the peopl benefit while the 2 COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY, m CR SHINE, AT 2 AND 8 P.M. Soon Opea One Ilour Earlier, ay am Admitting of Vilt to the Big j J General Admission TLii Day and Data i not the circua circua war lasta. OHDAY, JULY 25 Sett Sale it Beaton Drug Co. on Show Diy Oerae lath aad Bonglaa Streets. Tbe Hillman Stock Co. Fresenta a western farce comedy entitled "A TIMS LIMIT." Pbone Douglas 0ft. BAENGERFEST TICKETS On sale today at Auditorium; prices after noon and evening; $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c Special Prtcea Friday: Matinee $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c JUDGE CUTS DOWN VERDICT Hedlek Telle I'rbea His Ye, diet la Tat frees Thirty. rive Haadred . te Three Haadred Mlty, Ralph O. Urban, who waa awarded $.Rno damagwa against the C. T. Adama company Is booked for a disappointment. On a motion for a new trial by the defendants Judge Rodlck decided that he would over rule the motion on condition that the plaintiff remit down to 1X0. If the plaintiff will not accept JbO in place of U.VW there will be a new trial. . .-BEAUTIFUL LAKE i mmi Omaha's Beautiful Summer Resort A Cool Place With Fun or Comfort. Every Day, Afternoon and Evening THE r.lAUAUA COHCERT DAIID ATHINQ Boating Pishing DANCING Roller Coaster, Mlnature Railroad, Roller Skating, Merry-Go-Ronnd, Penny Arcade, Bowling, Japanese Ball Game and Scores of Other Features. CAFK SERVICE. Free- Admission-Freo I rr- ooon 1 i -f OF THE IICIJTHWEST t V & gt 8000 MAjg V0ICC3 . okxt a wixii Moai or SUMMERTIME VAUD'VILLE forking ahow Starting" Today Includes Jail-Breaker Weaver p "' Briar year ewa hand-cuffs Lrw and lag Irons. It he east escape, be draws ne salary. Jtethlna sentimental about as. TWO RCUHOLO Jgw infers, Baaeers. Imitators, Ste. L0, LYONS ifcx? AX. WATS A TWO-aTOVB IXOW. Dally 1 te 6 T to 11 T. M. Pictures Mings Tuts., Thurs. L Sua. few TaaderUle Thursday. Ooaae Any Time Stay atlds As I.sng- As Tea lake. So. The Oayetys res-ular seeeoa epese San.. Aag. BS. with ''THB B14VTY rsutT." Beat sale epeaa Mea Aag. Bl . MWaoiwkmil B SBBbeBTSSM . When you hat .ny tiling to sell ur ;rade, advertise It In The Bee West Ad cvluruae and get outtk results. BASE BALL 0MAUA vs. LINCOLN Vinton 3trt Park Sunday. July 17 Two Games First Called at 2 P. M. HISS JEAN WALLACE Teacher of Piano. S reals oa i i Barker Bleok SOLOISTS Or INTERNATIONAL RENOWN MISS MARY MUNCHHOFF .....!.. .Onwha-Berllii MADAME HESSU-SPROTTU St. Paul MISS MVRTLE MOSES Omaha-New York CHRISTIAN HANSEN Leading Tenor Boston Optra Co. MARCUS KELLERMAN .- Famous IUss-Baritone Royal Opera nouse. Berlin, and Metropolitan Opera Co., New York AIR. TIIEOD. KELBE MILWAUKEE, U1S Conductor Mass Male Chorus. " FESTIVAL OROIIESTRA OP SIXTY ARTISTS ANTON STECUELE, Violin. Virtuoso. x HERMAN BELLHTEDT, Cornet-Sololst. LOCAL SOLOISTS MRS. JANSEN-WYLIK, Soprano. MRS. WAGNER-THOMAS, Soprano. MRS. A. I. ROOT, Contralto. F. Q. ELLIS, Baritone. GEORGE JOHNSON, Tenor. Prices for Afternoon and Evenings Reserved Seats, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. Special Prioes for Friday Matinee, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Sale ot seats commences Friday morning, Jul IS, at Auditorium box office. Reduced Rates u Railroads No matter where the price of rubber goes, Sterling Tires are always the tame. We build only loo per day each one is hand made and five time inspected in process. With Sterling Blue Tubes inside they give longer and better service than any others. Dealers every here. Booklet on request. SUrlmt Rubber Works, RtUherfori, N, , For Sale by Paxtoa A Gallagher Co., Tenth Street Viaduct, Omaha. 5 t X 4 t i i ! A: