0 n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 17. 1910. The 13ee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. The Bee has established' its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska. .1 .11 I ' "V at FTQnr a hp i? rfS - , T - REAL ESTATE I AIIM AND HANOI LtKII f OR AAI.B Webraska- "oatlaaea. NEBRASKA. Ilf COUNTY. 1 HOMESTKAD RELINQUISHMENT AMI IMrRIIVF.MKNTH FOR SALE. A full suuxre section, WO acre, new lod house. It30: viable, frame granarv, u .ii ., . .. in i tnila to soluml and church. Good neighbors. iiin... -..,. ,.e .m. Mn.t ha ioi,l quick.- Don't take titnn to writ You would hnvts ti sen it anyway beror you would buy. I buy. The llrc I Just In snapo to rilcht n to. This in a line dairy. and farm unction. No waste land inov stuck and farm section. No waste on It.- Ilnnu to Hilrwell on 13. A M. H. K. nd out to Almerln on mall hack. l win meet you. Price only Jl xi K). W. M. HOVER. ' Almeria. loup Co., Neb. V Fine Farm Cheap 200 metre on paved road. Only four mile from nnmofflc. Two tetr. of im movement. Price 2u0 per or. See W. FAllNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. Doux. 1004; Ind., A-1064.' Tela., CORN AND ALKADFA LAND. $17.00 PER ACRE. S40 iirtrav alx nillaa from North Piatt a city of t.oou population; division point IT. 1m ir'1'or;9 5oodf5hViin iu.i frond, hard soil; only tl" per &ore; one- half cash, balance 6 per cent. Thlt tana is only two mile from the state expert' -,,. :nh mental farm, wnere you can s land will uruduce: i Oaorrs kr.n. tin bulldlnxs, no. drouth, ho crop failure North Platte, even In this off year. Your expenses paid if you buy. Write, wire, 'phone or call. ARTHUR O. yUOSBMAN, ,318 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. t FOR SA LB Improved stock farm, WO U gores; Cijster county : close to ataUon; til ;, uv uwi. box a, utuii', -., TEN THOUSAND acres of corn, winter I i in 'rB wUBter and and small farms In Sherman. Cue Buffalo eountles. Writ. for prices, Campbell, Litchfield, Neb. J. T, FOR bale:. aiv . . h..i -.1.. a lK b. ! . v ai:rei in pirrn iirura.HHi rui uon, ..,(.. ..all ... 1. nii If mni quiok eastern owner wlli take '$13.30 an U1CKS REAL ESTATE CO., OMAHA. LAND FOR 8ALE-7S0 acres Frontier Co. land at t per acre, If taken at once. wan improved, ror information writ i. W. Arnold. Champion, Nb. Mortai Dakota THE BEST TRACT OF FARM LANDS In North Dakota at from U to $30 per acre, And near new town on Mil vaukee extension from MoLaua-hlln to New England. Also lands in Montana and Minnesota, tiold on I easy terms ana just th tning ior in iarmr or nvtor. no trade. Missouri irai- wy Lna -., uwsunson, . aa a x-Txrw vtoottt nirrnri KiMru la! arraa ail ii4 an mn ha tone hav. 300 bu. oats, good house, barn, granary, tnree ertrincfl. eta aeree. sui xenoea. loininai "leased." beat stock ranch In country: orto et.uuu. . -i nis la a tin proposition. a.iso oiner good bargalaa. Sampson Lgnd Co... tin em, m. u. Ore are a. $3. PER ACRE ft nnft" apa in ui..,i..,.'a Krtmnt i-lnvir bait., pric. 3.W per acri blggt bargalu In staU. SCHWAB BROS.. lit Guaranty Bldg.. Mloneapoll. Mina. Texas) 8.000 acres In town nn new railroad. In on of the richest farming counties In Cen tral Texas, for $14 per acre $5,000 cash, $fi,000 In 90 days. $&,00o January 1, WU, easy terms on balanoa of th Duronas Price i will civ release for every sale subdivision from town lot to farm and accept pro rata amount yet due for dure has money; ex . pasts aatlraat a profit ot $76,000 In tan months. K. J. Ellington, Msxlta, lx. i.W acr. tin l.vel bog wallow -plain, f aar-m a TA riaaal f tham thi-lult'iir ittf or. Aniart lllo, Texas, w hir.h Is destined to be the cUy of Ui northwest; soli as rich a could be deulred and water In abundanc. Price, $J6 per acre; will exchanae for good mar- cnanais or business property. jo Mlckl Land Co., Memphis. Texaa TWO tracts of land of 840 acres each, locaud alnut ten miles southwest of Houston in th bast fartulnk community in Harris county; Westheimsr sholl road and railroad station within half in lie; price $6v per aore: auJulnlnc land belna sold at rrom f,i to $100 per acre; com plat description ana map on request, a. u. etwanson at t-o.. Mason Uldg.. Houston. Teg. . . LEES, .TEXAS. New town In Ulstkoocli county, centvr 26,000 acres ilnest farming land, now being colonised. Mo Irrigation. Bst Of - soil. Ideal climate. AlUtude, i.M feet. . Aur water. Aiest class people from old states settling and developing. Ouenlna. ineroantii firm. Townsite and land salt men wuuted. Leo-Norris Co., Lees, Tax. 1 11 " ' "U -' TEXAS Gl'LF COAST They ui coming iu tralnlouds to buy our i and 10-acr farms In the proven orange belt of Texas, also truck farms aud town lots on the coast. Why don't you coma? Write for books to day. Scandinavian Dept., IU8 tiibbs Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. - . Wlcaaisi. FOR fcALB cheap Ul-aor farm, with buildings; $0 aoies cleared; no rocks, no stumps, no wast land; bordering on nlc lake, with all kind ot fish fur half mil: a vary nlc summer home as well as a farm; must sell on account of poor health. Price, $t,$u9. Address Herman Kleuim. Mlnong, Wis. 80-ACRE improved farm for $1.8(0. This farm has !c0 aore cleared ire of stumps ard undnr cultivation; land Is level; good clay louin soil, rUy subaull; no stone! ha go Acres of heavy hardwood and birch, no un-icrbrusli in the timber; balance of laud easy to clear. This farm border on iv beotititui lalt with good fishing. It has a fiame home with 1 rooms all com plete icaily to tnuve liito; and a new stable. Wxitf. Farni is located six nillea. from Cumberland and thrse milts from Bar ivnu; In a well svttled ;arinln country; Germans tnd Americans; on main traveled road, near schools, churches and creamery. Thai is limber uuuxll on this farm thai when sold will puy th Interest and taxes fur five years. Terms $AM cash, balance un tinis to suit purchaser. We also own another 80 of unimproved land that joins D.ls (arm In cae you want more land. Send for our special hat of other farm aud limber land we own. also our book on northwestern Wisconsin. We ar located in Uurrun county, 78 mile northeast of St. l'aul. Address Wisconsin Colonisation Co., Cumberland, Wis Listen to what a prominent dealer in Dakota says of Bee wants ads: Tbo ad I ran with you brg-ugbt m 17 applicant and jav uiu giKid ivuti c. A. JOHNSON,". glrfak. I. It. REAL ESTATE l-AftM AD HANOI I.ASO FOIt SALE (Continued.) MIecs HAVE YOU A r'Artk FOU PALE OTt TRAPKf Or' d rou. wnt to buy one 1ke your want known through TUB Dt4 MOINES L'Al'ITAI. th wnt meoium or low, ntlti: I cent wora ior mmou iur Hon 8 eenti . line i cent " . "iitioi. l.on. Iii(ct of any lows dally. iv ui inni. Aiiuress lie lapiiai. i.an . ' amines. inl "Vivhii IN flOOD IMPROVED FARMS II NTH COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA Nd. 1 SoO acre fine. Improved farm, llnrnM countv. North Dakota, fix miles from town, about IS 000 worth uf IliiDrovo tni-nt ftnO icrn In cron and mu!t be sold by August 1. Price $W,on with one-half of (Ton, osah t1,0i and $l,J leceniier . balance 12.000 yearly, ten ear. Tint " a nap for someone. OTTKR TAIL COtNTT. MINNESOTA. No. S 840 acre. Ida acies unrtnr cumva tlon. balance pasture and timber; rood buildings, nine room houee, tone cellar. W two booo weua, (nil Klvn mile from JVrham. Minn., one' half mile to achool And one and one-halt mile to church. A iinap at fSl.Mt per acre. No. 2 2M anrra. four mllea from Perham. Minn.; Rood, black soil, clay aub coll. 6.0 worth of lmnrovemeiitg. 300 acres in crop. balance pasture and Rood timber. Price U per Acre. KIDDER COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA No. 4. 0 arrea, one mile north of Daw- eon, N. D., fine Improvements. 400 acres In cron. black loam soil. . elav aub soil. Must be sold, one-fourth of crop If sold at once. Price ISO per acre. No- - d one-half "thea c--o. N: AN ',!?.m house, larke barn, sheep shed, granary well and w ndm 111. Mo netur farm in cen tral North Dakota. Mortgage gew. istvu tor equity ' T.A MflT K IS fTlTTNTT. MINNKfWTA. NO. 9. 1.6M) gores two milos rrom i.n Moure La Moure coiintv. North DalfiV"-. 1,300 aeres In crop this yearv X,m worth of buildings. Can be. made Into three ele gant farms, file gov per acre. No. T. ISO-acre farm just outside of the nju . llmU. i rAt.,mk,i Wis . tnWII Of n,a i.,k.h!tni n,ni nn the Chicaan. Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad; fin little city with automobile fuctory, canning iao- , nir ,om.rv -1 n Thla la a. fine eraln ana siock iarm, nas ouu n'jw"" wi-n, mi lorohard. running water In pasture, and bout lfO acres In plow land. Good base- .r v... a nin-r woll. fine mem oarn, fooa norso oe.ru aiiu f:iTrnii y , corn crib and other, out buildings. Oood one and one-half story hous. In fair con dition. Price $130 per acre. No. i 164 scree, three mile southeast of Columbus, about ninety aeres plow land, fine thirty acre pasture, balance timber and meadow. The creamery and school house about forty rods from buildings. This farm is well located and worth th price. Price 1110 per aore. v0. t.2i acre located In Dane county. IWlsconnln. about twelve miles from the I ata.t nanltnl and located from three to five miles from four ether good towns, runs nractlcallv In MIwmii them. This Is a solendld farm with one of the finest barn with alio In Dane county. Has two good bona. Itiat fair: no marsh lund. fifteen acres of fine timber - balance can all be cultivated. Certainly a bargain. Price J190 ipr acre w.atn . be riven on nv of these above farms this fall and term to ult - " purchaser, These farm are all a number one, ana will stand th closest Inspection. kl u. munt. Etf Temole Court. Mlnneanoll. Minn. BARMlCaT COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA. No. Ir-M0 acre fla Improved Harm, Barn ' county, Nortn Dakota, six milt (rum town, about $(,uo0 worth ot improve ments. t)W acre in crop ana must be sold by July 1st. Pric $40,vu0 with V on crop, msn ie.vuu ana tvuv imui0r asi, dhisihi .. . . .. I .. .M ... . ','hl. im . ....m U.vm yearly. Un year, in, aome one. No. 8240 aorea, 166 acre under cultiva tion, balance pasture ana timber, good buildings, pine-room house, stone oellafs. large barn, bay fort, two good walls, good soil Flv mils from Perham, Minn., H nule to scnooi anu lit wuea 10 cnurcn. A snap at $17.60 per acre. Minn., good black soil, clay sub soli. $6,uo0 Worth OK HnpruvoiiieiHO. vuv evres in crop, balance paatur a nd good timber. Pric $45.00 per acre. RlUiJMv UVUi-lX. VUlll iAAUIJl. No. 4440 acres, on mil north t Daw son, M- tn improvements, uu acre in crop 'ZT'. "IpT my',yi"l I3?..?' No. $400 acres about 4'i miles N. B. of Dawson. N. D., (-room nous, larg barn, heep sneu. . granary, wen ana winamill. No bet tar furm in central North Dakota. Mortgage $o.600. $,400 for equity. The ar subject to sale and change of price without notice, sanrtu tetters to a. u. Hunt, I' Tempi court. Minneapolis, REAL ESTATE LOANS OARVIN BROS.. 8d floor N. Y. Life. $Wt to $100,000 on Improted property. No deist . WANTED City loans. Peters Trust C WANTED City loan and warranta Farnam Smith i Co., Vm Farnam BU w Good 6 Farm Mortgages always uu hand and for . gale at amounts from $800 to 98.0UO. BENSON & MYEKS, 411 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. LOANS to bom owner and bom build r. with privilege ot making partial pay aata semi-annually, W. H. THOMAS. $08 rtrst Nations ulc Bldg YO lO OVC PRIVATE MONEY-Nj DELAY. OAUV1N BKOS., Third Floor, New York Uf. Phone Douglas 96.. 1 10 t 110 M mad promptly. ft, p. WaaJ wen run-., wo ana rarnam. 1600 to K.IM on homes In Omaha. O'Keet Real Ftte Co.. UP4 N. Y. Life. Douglas er A-iiw. MONEY TO IXIAN-Payn rnwastoiaat C REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED-, Oood rental property. $1,600 to 3 no (or vllo'ce vsrant lot or Iota, one third to eoe-fcalt th value, balance spot cash. Give particulars ul property -off eied Adorers U SwJ. . 61'MMKM Mill to order $17.o0. reduced from tOi. MacCarthy-WllSori. S. ItfUi Hi. REAL ESTATE WANTED t Continued.) WE HAVE BUYERS FOB Is t end T-room house. If prices are rlfM rsn sail your property for yon. NUWA1A LA.NU AND LOT UU.. Suite M N. r. Lit Bids. WHEN answering cvertlemenl found In the Want Ad coluT..is, please mentlou l nr hp. POULTRY Bcreeninc. fl-Zt per W0. Wuntr, 801 N. l VSILKO CHICK FOOD la the beet In the market for yonnf chick' era. Ala a from pur nialn. A. W. WAGNE1I, ni-ll NOU111 SIXTKICNTII tJl'RKET. Phones: DouHlas U4i, lodcpandent A-S4e. PRINTING R1ES-HA1X Ptg. Co., 14) 0. 14th. AS6U. IlMl. LEW W. RABEK, Printer, "J N1S'uc" ON BEE BUU,D1N0 H YsXAHS IN BUSINUW3 IN OMAHA. Will DO ALi. KINDS OF PKiNXINU. 'PHONE IND. A-2KM for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th Capitol Ave. MILDER & Jamleson, 1212 Doug, Uotb phones. WANTEDTO BORROW Private Money Wanted We want $8,000 on a first oiass. brand new brick business blook that rent for $1,810 per annum ana represents $19,000 Invest ment; will pay 6 per sent, I year. Apply F 440, car Bee; WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICE paid for aecend-loaad furniture, carpets, oiotbing and Pbon Douglas KTL Cafes On larg and on medium aia ale, state else and price. M2) Be. BEST price for BROKEN WATCHES, OM Uold. eta. NATUAJ4. IU a l$tk St. BEST prices for td-baAd clothing. D. 8440. WANTED to buy a second-hand butcher shop outfit. Add res George Uaver, Mis souri Valley, Iowa. SUMMER suits to order $17. W, reduoed from pit. MacCarthy-Wllson, u4 S. ltitn SL WANTED TO RENT We Are Getting Numerous Calls For Kouae of All Slae. List With Ua NOWATA LA-NO AND LOT Ca. CM N. Y. Life Bids. Pbon Red Ut ROOM and board wanted. Toung man from east desires room and board with private family. Address Y-157, car Omaha ijee. WANTED to rent 8 or 9-room modern house, centrally located. Address ff. yl. Bee. TO RENT at once, t-room cot t aire or apartment; must D strictly modern and good location; references given, fhone D, 178, Jnd. A-xii on Monday.' WE WANT several house of from $ to 8 rooms ror clients. ENGELBRECHT & RAVER. 1710 Farnam St. Be Bldg-. Phono Douglas. 4379. Omaha, Nb. WANTED SITUATIONS WOMAN want day work. Phon H. 6603. WhifAWAfthinfr Flaat.rlng. Floor ' ' " o waxd and polished. won. aujitea, sua. xiau web. 0U uar. 84U. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the tact mat you saw in aa. lu Th Be. Position wanted by young; lady to aina- or piay in moving; picture snow, singing pr icrrca. Jiaurwi x-it, oar Asee. SUMMER suit to order $17.60. reduced from 2S. MacCartliy-Wllson. 804 8. 16th St. WHEN answerlmr advertlMementa fom .1 In the Want Ad column, pleas mention in e. LEGAL NOTICB. NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS. Mealed bids will be received at th offic of th City Clerk of the City ot Ctete, Saline County. Nebraska, ud to elshi o'clock p. m., Monday, July 26tlx 1910, for the sale of the Sewer Bonds heretofore issued ana registered by the City of Crete. The amount of the bonds Issued la $40,000.00 and they sre of the denomination ot $t09.00 earn, maxing rtgnty ponds in ail. These bonds were Issued a provided bv law, and by the ordinances of th City of Crete, and according to the vol ot th electors at- a special election, for th pur pose of building and constructing mains for a Sewer Bystsm, In and for said City of Crete. These bonds are dated July 1, 1910, and bear Interest at th rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually oil the first day of January and July of ettcn year, principal ana interest payable at the Nebraska Fiscal Agency In the City of New York, Bute of New York, bald bonds are numbered from "1" to "&0i" Inclusive, ana are payauie iwemy year attar data. The first thirty bond boar this ontluu "Redeemable at any Interest payment date after on year from date of Issuance." Th remaining tlfty bonds bear thl option: "Hedeemuble at any time after five years from date." A certified check, or draft, for $200.00 must accompany eacii bid as a guaranty that the bidder will take and pay for th bond awardtnl him. Th right to reject any aim an nun is exprecsiy reserved by me lyiiy vi terete. Done by order of tlm Mayor and Cltr Council of the City of Crete this 5th day of juiy, imu. (SEAL.) ANTON DllEDLA. Mayor. Atleal: . F. A. NOVAK, City Clerk of the City of Crete. JylO-17-Z4 In the District Court of Douglt County teorasKa. I HICK ET 61 NO. 816. Bute of Nebrauku, I'luiutlff. 114,'airiat the American buying Bank, Defendant. Or der for publication of notice of applies lion of receiver for final discharge. On reading and filing the petition of Jo- seuh w. riiumas. receiver, for pusning o hi accounts and dlscharg of himself hi receiver, and also for the discharge of hi sureties on his official bond, and for tne aiaonvrg or sucn bona, and said netl lion seulng forth that all uf th debts and liabilities of said bank have been fully paid and that the cost and expense of said receivership have been fully paid, and that there are no funds remaining In hi hand as such receiver. It is therefore ordered that said petitloo be heard at court room No. 1, In tlie bee building, on the 30th day of July, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. rf said day, and thai no tice be given of said hearing to all parties Inteieetad by publishing th same for three til sucoesMlv days In the iioming edition o Th Omaha ltelly Bee, Omaha, Neb., beginning with Sunday morning, July 17. IKlu. Dated July 18. IHI0. IVI.naril IIl.VIilir A lilv J171A-U Judge. I' f i V ' ' 1 . ... 4 a K St- .V ;'r it if ; it 2102 GRACE STREET This attractive house, on corner lot, face south and east, has 7 large rooms, oak finish in narlor dining room and reception hall; maple floor in kitchen; up-stalrs finished In yellow pine. Both up and downstairs pnpered with a splendid seleotion of th latest design of paper. Colonnade opening between parlor and front hall. Both electric light and gas. with combination fixtures, cement sidewalks and paved street; within easy walking distance; convenient to school and stores. Fin for a horn or an Investment. Price $3,600. ...... 2110 Grace Strvet; room. $$,00. ... . Both houses open today from $ to i p. n., or w will how you thm at any time by appointment. HASTiNJS A H.EYDEX, 1014 Harney Street. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BOND BUYERS. Notice la hereby given that sealed bids will be received at th ornc of Ellery n Hume, villas; clerk. Brown block. Omaha, Nebraska, on or before July , 110 for the purcnaae oi m lonuwins; oonas or the Village of Dundee: Intersection bonds, dated July 1, 1010, five per cent, semi-annually. Nineteen Thousand Flv Hundred ($19,600) Dollar. Street improvement nonua, aaiea juiy I, 1910, per oeot, semi-annually. Nineteen Hundred Flv Thousand ($19,600) Dollars. Bv order of tne uoara oi xrustees ot in Village of Dund. Th Board reserve the right to reject any or all bid. . E. R. HUME, Clerk. 4ioaii REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Real tat transfers for July 16, 1910, furnished by the Midland Guarantee ft Trust company, Bonded Abstracters, 1714 Farnam St., Tel. Doug, im: H. Walkup to Q. Cornell several lot in lsabell addition L. I. Graf to R. B. Owens, lot 10, hlock !1. Cloverdale : 1 l.WU C. L. F. Swanson to A. K. L. Esklld- sen. uart lot 1L block J) . bowe l.... i,;wv Hasting ft Heyden to George Dunn, lot 6, Baker1 100 R. Hunsiker and husband .to H. C. Petersen, lots 10 . aud , U. P10CK 1. . . . . , ArJ nammona rotce w B. E. McCague and wife Ao L C. . v Frltchman. lot 44. Mia uuy. i J. F. McConnll to C. E. Cooper, - uart Iota 21 and 22. nioclc is. Hlnl- oom Place '00 F. E. Gamblw to D. C. Patterson, Iota 49 to 62, Stewart Place, and otbev lots .16,000 Th Long Island Loan and Trust com pany, axecuter, to D. v. atteron, lots 14 and 16, block 3, Central Park, and other property 200 County treasurer to D. C. Patterson, trustee, lot 18. block 4. Fayette rark H. W. Schenck, et al to D. C. Pat terson, lots 14 and 15, block I, cen tral park, and other land 1 O. F. Shepard and wife to H. A. Walter, part lot 3, block u, Kountse Plac 6,000 J. B. Baum and wife to The Bennett company, lot l, block 146, ana otner land, city...; ' 1 T. Crelgh to , part lot 11, block 4. wast na i F. R- Muckeler nd wife to J. Crulso- vicir nirt lot is ana i. diock . Jetur'a 800 RAILWAY TIME CARD I'NION STATION Taavth aa Mat, Cattsua Pacific lava ArHv San Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. 8.16 a. m. 11:80 p. m. China and Janajl Fast Mall :io a. m. : p. m. Orcgon-Wash'gton Ex 4:00 p. m. 6:90 p. m. Do Angela Almlta..U:4b p. m. :su p. m. AUanUo Express 6:46 a. m. Denver epeclal u:47 a ni. iz:m a. m. IV.I.irniln Mnecial 11:48 D. m. 7:42 tt. m. Colorado EXnresg 8:60 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Chicago-Portland Sp'1.18:60 p. m. 8:20 p. m, Fast Mall (mall and express only) 9:80 a. m. 6:40 p. ra. North Plait Local.... 8:1a a. m. 4:48 p. m. Grand Island Local. . 6:80 p. pi. 1V:U0 a, m. Llncoln-Hcatrlce local, (b) .11.40 p. in. 1:20 p. m, frii.d liilajid looal via. Valparaiso (b).. 12:41 p. m. l:m p. m (b) Dally aacupt Euuday. Chleaaa, Mllwaakea at St. Paal Overland Limited all:4S pm 7:68 am Omaha-Chlnago Expr.b 7.16 am 9 80 am Oniaha-Bavanab Ex o 7.16 am 9 80 am Colo-Calif. Exp a $.00 pm $.25 pin Colorado Special ....a 7 57 am 11.83 pm Prry-Omaha Local D l.u pm u.w pm Cbloagrto at or th wester a NORTHBOUND. Twin City Expres a 7:60 am alO.M pm Sioux City Local a 8:46 put a $:M pra Minn, ft Dakota Ex a IM pm a 8:16 am Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 7:80 am EASTBOUND. Omaha Express a 7:u0 am a!2:i6 am Chicago Local al2:0a pin a 8:28 pm Colorado-Chicago a t-W V'U a 3:24 pm Chicago Speuiai... a 0i piu a 7:63 am Pacific Coaal-Cuicago...a 8:00 pm a 3:28 pin Los Angeles Limited. ...a 6:u0 pin al8:20 pm Overland Limited.., all;46 pm a 7:46 am Denver special 818:40 am a am l arroil Locul a : pm a 9:60 am Fast Mail a J:a pm WESTBOUND. Llncoln-Chadron ....'....a 7:60 8d all:00 am Nuitolk-lloiieBteel a J:tw am alO:46 pm Long Pine-Uo. flail.... b 9:16 put a 6:l pm lianiluga-duputior n 11" pm it 6:80 pm Deaavoou-ioi oprtnga.a p.u a 6:v pnt Caaper-Lanucr a 2:w pm all W am 1- lemont-Aibion , b 6 v put a 1 66 pm (alcana Great WeaCeru Chicago Limited a 6:48 pin Twin City Limited a t.M pui a 7:W pm Twin City a.xpiass a 8.w piu a 8:80 pm Ciucagu iikpresa a 8:46 pm tblcauB, Hauk lalaaa Paelfl EAST. Rocky Mount n Lta.aU.M a. m. alb:AI p. ni. lows Local Pass. ..a :8u a. lu. a 4:80 p. tu. cnlosgo Day Ux....a 7:42 . ui. a 8. to a. m. Chi. Local Paa....bl0:86 a. w. blo:18 p. in. Des Mulnea Local Paaaugr ,.. 4:o0 p. in. a 12. JO p. m. Chicago Express. ..a 4:40 p. in. a 1:16 p. lu. Chicuao Liuiued....a $ 08 w. in. a 8:ul a. u.. WEST. Th Mountaineer... s! W a. m. a 7:0 a. w. Chlcago-Nebraaka Ltd. tor Lincoln a $:28 a. m. a 1.47 p. m. Colo, ft Cel. Exp.. .a 1 26 p. la. a 4:80 p. in. Oki. ft Tax. Exp. ..a 8 89 p. m. a 1:20 p. m. Rocky Mouut'n Ltd.al0:10 p. m. 12.M p. no. Vabasa Otn.-St. Louis Exp.a 8:80 p. in. a 9:38 a. m. Mall and repress. .a 1:89 a. m. all.16 p. oi. fcmnberry lxu'l (from Council Bluffs) . ..b $ 00 p. m. 810. bi p. m ii if v-y i . RAILWAY TIME CARD""0" aea. Illinois Central Chicago Express.... Chicago Limited.... Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex.. Mmn.-SL Paul Lid. Missouri I'aetfl- K, C. St. L. Ex.. K. C. c St. L. Ex.. ...a 7:00 am a $:4S pm ...a(:uupm a 8:00 am ...b 7.00 am ...a 8:00 pro a 8:00 am ..a 8:40 am a $:S6 am ..gU:18 pm a iM pm BVKLIN43TON STA- lot, auad Umm ParllBCta-av Leave. Arrive. Denver and Calltornla.a 4:10 pm a 8:46 nra Puget Sound Express.. 4:10 pm a 8 10 pm Nebraska points a 8:80 am a 6:10 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a :W pm Northwest Express all:86 pm a T:08 am Nebraaxa peiuia a :w am a :i pm Linooln Mail .. 1:80 pm a)2:U pm Nebraska Exprcai .......a 9:18 am a 8:10 pm Linooln Local b 8:08 am Linooln Local a 7:26 p a 7:60 pm Schuyler-Plattsmeuth...b 8:0 pm bl0:0 am Plattsmouth-lows i. a :1 am a 8:60 am ,al2:80 pm a 8:40 pm ,.all:26 pm a 7.-00 am .a 7:16 pm all .-06 did Bellevue-Plattsmouth Colorado - Limited Chicago Special........ Chicago Express.. .a 4:20 pm a 8:66 pm Chicago Fast Express.. 8:80 pm a 8:u am Iowa Local I.a 8:16 am al0:80 am Crton-lowa Lccal a 1:80 pm alO:8t) am 6t. Louis Express a 4:80 pm aU:46 am K. C. and St. Joseph. ...al0:46 pm a 6:46 am K. C. and St. Joseph. ...a 9:16 am a 8:10 pm K.. c. and St. Joseph.. ..a 4:80 pm ., WEBSTER STATION Flftet , Webster BBaawaaaaaaat M Mlsaa-vrl Paclfl , Leave. Arrive. Auburn Special b 8:60 pm bl2:14 pm Catcasjo, -, axisiaaaaioii gt Oaska Sioux City Ktpresfl b 1H pm bU:48 am Omaha Local , 8:20 pm Sioux City Passenger b 8:20 pm X Win vnr rHvqmfrn.il v:ov liu , Bloux City Local o 8:96 am Emerson Local b 6:66 pm b 9:10 am (a) Dally! (b) Dally except Sunday. MOST TRADE LINES QUIET Buine$ Claimed to Be Up tp Las Year'i Standard. ' easavaaasaBBak C0P SCAEE TALK LESSENED Iaereased Malatare la ortwat Lead to Mara Oatlmlatlo Feel lag la Regaral t Sarlagc Wheat. NJ2W YORK, July 11 BradstreM today says: Wulet still characterises most line of trade and Industry, with operations limited by vacation and summer shut-downs. Th first of the fall buyer arc In th lead Ing markets, but their operations ar con ducted with caution or conservatism pend ing cle-er views of crop outcome. Trade as a whole is claimed to be equal or in excess ot last year at this period, but axoept where hot weather demands or clearance sale have resulted In broken stock, shipments ot goods ar light. Collections ar generally classed as from fair to slow. Increased nu tsiure In th northwest has led to a more optimistic feeling aa to pring wheat which ha tended to dispel tome ot the crop scar talk current ior some week past In tnat section enooureg some tall buying and restrict cancellations, though much damage l con ceded done. In th southwest th better than earlier expected results of the wlntur wheat harvest and satisfactory progress by com hav made for a better feeling a to future iraae, though immediate demand naa not yet picked up materially. Business failures in the Unite-! States fos the week ending July 14 went 202 against id! last week, 30U In the same weelt of 1X l.S In ism: in In 1W7 and 188 In 1U08. Business failures in Canada for th week number twenty-four, which oouipare with ixuen last week and thirty-six In the aume week of llJ8. At tha south the trade la quirt. Trada Waiting in Ismi. At the Urgent eastern markets trad i still largely of a waiting character. Cur lailmenpi still largely in evidence In the lion and steel, colion, woolen, coal, lumber and coke trade. The labor situation 1 rattier more disturbed owing to strike o oiothlng makers and tha threats of strike (or hlgnnr wages on lb Pennsylvania ay leiii' tast anu west. Wheat, Incluuing flour exports from th I nlted State and Canada for th wk tiding July 14 agareKate 1,180,248 bushels agaiiiki l,U3,,;-i lot weex aim i,;g,U8 tins week last year, ror the two weeks end ing Juiy 14 exp.ru were 2,. 64.08 busheis against l.n0.iU in the ham period last aar. Corn expend tin tne wee ai 14.767 bushels against l!w,o72 lafft week aud luO, iu in iM. ror the two woeks eiiaiug Juiy 14 Cum export ar 24,8Ai bushel against li.'.iU last year. LABORER FALLS FROM HEAT Forest Neal la Prostrated Wbll at Wsrk aad TaUea ta at. Js eph'S lloaaltal. ' Forest Neal, a laborer, whil working in a ditch at Twelfth and Farnam streets, yesterday afternoon was overcome by the heat and taken to the St, Joseph's hospital. HI address could not be learned by the police, but Surgeon Btandevan, who at tended blm. ssld bis condition not serious. . RAILROAD MEN HOLD OFF Strike May Ba Called t Aay Time Now. on Peniuy. MAY BE HEW P20P0SITI0K Preeldeat MvCrea Say Demaada ( Ih Men Art lafalr d Ktlae-a am I agcratef 1 plrlt. PHILADELPHIA, July lB.-Nothing de veloped In tho'wage controversy between th oonduotors ar.d trainmen on tli Penn sylvania line et of Pittsburg and the offtoers ot the company today that would Indicate that th breach betweaa th two parties 1 closing, i Th general committee of tli railroad men did not meet th offi cers of the company and nothing has passed between them slue negotiation) ere broken off late yerterday afternoon. Rumor that were in circulation today that a strike would be called some tlm to night were quieted by President Garrettson of the Order of Railway. Conductors, who said a strike would not ba called before clock tomorrow morning. ' Mr. Garrettson would hot say that a trlke would be called tomorrow, content ing himself with th statement that he did not know when a strike order would b In sued. Rumor that a new proposition might be made or that the employes' committee might make some other move gained cir culation, but could not be confirmed. President James McCrea cam out to night In a statement giving th company' id of th controversy, in tt he said the demands of the men were unfair and a Pen alty fur former liberal treatment of It em ployes. . Will taaal Cad f Rale. President Garrettson also guv out a statement tonight In whJcii he said that all tha , mn insisted ' upon was that' th coda of rule tbat obtained on avery other railroad In the country should b applied on th Pennsylvania without a reduction In th present rat of wage. President MoCraa's statement, says: "It should b clearly understood that tt is not. )s hour of labor demanded by the conductors and trainman, but, on th contrary, what they do demand U mora money for every hour they work than I paid by other railroad In hl territory." N . Westers gltaatloa Relieved. PITTSBURG, July 16.-A crisis which threatened today In wag negotiations be tween th Pennsylvania railroad and It 86,009 conductor and trainman was con siderably relieved tonight After a two hour' conference betwawt railroad of fl cers and . a general committee representing th 10,000 men Involved on ltnes wast ot Pittaburg, it waa announced by th com mittee tonight that negotiation were still on and that th situation was muoh leas trained. This cam after word reached Pittaburg from Philadelphia that th situation In th eaat hinged entirely on developments here and that a Mrlg call might ba Issuad at one if th western officer of th road refused the man's demand. General Man ager O. L. Peck, after today's conference, stated that negotiation war still on with tha men and that further meeting with th commute would be held early next week. Swedish Bishop to Visit Omaha Bishop Yon Soheele, on Tour of Coun try, to Give Address in Thii City. Arriving In Omaha at :4f In th morning, Bishop H. K. G. Von Soheele. on of th most eminent theologians of Sweden, will be a distinguished guest of Omaha next Wednesday. Bishop Von Scheele's visit will be the third h has made on tour through the country. Gathering Information for us in hi work of Instruction a professor at th Upsala university In Sweden, th tho loglan traveled over th length and breadth of th United States In 1898 and 1901, and ha partly accomplished the sum tourVn has don most for Swedan In Introducing modern principle Into th educational, so cial and economic life or his country Bishop Von Scheel always ha been an advocate ot American Idea. H , will be tendered a reoeptiou and lunubson by th Noonday olub at the Rom hotel Wednesday noon, lo tha afternoon h 1 to deliver an address in Swedish at the cornerston laying of th new Lutheran church at Benson.; Twenty automobiles will convey, the party accompanying him to tha scene of the oeremony. The bishop la to deliver an addr4 at th Emmanuel Lutheran churot ' H' tbV, evening. Bishop Von Cchci) V accompanied on hi journey by Tjt- i Vv Abrahamsou, edi tor of the of field Lutheran paper at Rock Island, 111. ,,' The Rev. Ado!pb Hult ot Omaha, will act as personal host to the visitors. They are to depart Wednesday night or Thursday morning. ) 1)1 ft 'M WEEKLY THADK, ItKVIKW Hualaea la All tt Oatcaase Walt aa t'repa. ' NEW YORK, July 18.-R. G. Dun ft Co.' Weekly Review of Trad today says: Business lu all its branches waits on the outcome of the year's crops. In the mean, time th leading industries are uxperiunolng something mora than tn customary mid summer dullness and curtailment of produc tion and prlcu concessions continue. Retail trade, as I polutd out by one of tne largest mercantile nouses in tli United States, is much better than wholesale trade, which hat been largely demoralised by the price situation. This Indicates a fair con sumption ot merchandise, making for iaund conditions at the bottom. With the advent of fall a areat awak.,n. Ing of Interest Is looked for In Iron and steel. Production of pig Iron continues at a good rate, but uncertainty a to prise Is a deterrent Influence and aocumlated stock have a depressing effect. Tho out look a regards th fuol situation has slightly Improved and ther has bean some contracting for th last half at an advance of 10 to 15 cent over quotations for spot coU. Dry goods buyer are aonilng' to the market mor freely and many of them will attend tha teml-annual meeting of th wholi-aslers' association next wk. High oust cotton and low priced good still fore vory material curtailment of production. The key le the aituatloa-tsne Want Ad. Hetty "Green's Son Leaves Texas and Goes on Wall St. Follow the Wi$h of Kit Mother aad Take a Flare Amen; the Ball and Bear. NEW YORK. July l.-(Spclal Telegram.) -Edward II. R. Green. 'eon of 1-Utty Green, ' arrived In New York today from Texas t become a financial power In th east. H Is free to admit that he would rather Ilva back In Texas with an aulomobil and aa airship and an occasional nyer Into politic on the republican aid when excitement I lax. Howvr. Mr. Green did not consult v himself when he rame out of .. southwe. to bo a power In Wall street. He I follow lug tha wish ot hi mother. Mr .Green I at the Waldorf hotel, whera he will reside until he can find a reeldencn that suits hhn. He I In reality a colonel, for h 1 colonel of the Texa National guard. Fur weeks he lias been closing up his business affair In Dallas and I now ,'OAjy to plunge in. "I shall spend mtt of my time hereafur In New York," said Mr. Green. "My .nother expressed the delr that I com to New York ar " engage In business her, i ' , have don go to pleas her," . Mr. Green Is Mr. Hetty Green's only son. He Is a bachelor 40 year o.. and a big. illy, rotund man. Seventeen years ago Mr. Green bought the Texas Midland rallroau for her son aria presented It to him. Th road now extends from Pari to Ennls and does a thriving, business. Mr. Green, according to all r ports, ha cleaned up a big fortune In th Lone Star state. He la very fond of flow er ,and hi conservatory at Dallas Is tha finest In the state. H also has th dis tinction of being tho first resident ot Dallas to Import an automobtl. -. was ambitious to ba th first owner of an aeroplane ther. but he 1 so heavy that th aeroplane agent told him It would be dangerou for him to attempt to make a fltght. For years Mr. Green has spent th month of July with hi mother In thl city. They ar extremely fond of fitch other. ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE NOT . PARTISAN IN ITS POLICIES tateaaaat froaa Board at Trastee la Caaaeetloa with Badaraesaeat at Paalsea. ' In adopting a resolution of confidence In M. S. Pouuvon, etata superintendent of th Anti-Saloon league ot Nebraska, th board ot trustee authorise th publication of the following statement: A decent regard for Dublin ooinlon re- ' Quires that an official statement of th difficulties which have embarrassed th Anti-Saloon league during the last year should be maie at tills time. Tha board ot trusteea now contint of fifty members. chosen from th varioua affiliating churches ana temperance organisations. m ao targe a boay of independent thinkers, It was but natural that diversity of opinion should exist as to methods, but. in be coming members ot that board, all should hav considered themselves bound to con form to the policy ot th Anti-Saloon league, but there wer six who perk-Intently endeavored to force Innovation on that body. Unfortunately, four of that number wera put on the headquarter com mittee before their sentiments and purpose . wer known, and they advocated a policy ' not in harmony with the wish of th boara of trustee, and th mitabllahed) policy ot th National Anti-Saloon league. Th superintendent could not conform to their wlhe and they instituted a policy uf obstruction. i Th situation soon became Intense and deaoonded Into peraonalltiea that resulted , In an effort to depose th superintendent. Ther was a. constant leak of executive . business, finding Its way to a hoatil . , newspaper offic and thence to th publlo . . In distorted form. Mutual distrust resigned mid business In tha headquarter commu te cum to a standstill. People may wonder bow this was possible, when tli dlsaentaer were In the minority, but this la explained by the fact that two out of the flv loyal members ot th .headquarter commit tee were out of the state for several mouths. .Everything possible was don by thl minority to. control the headquarter com mute and to defeat th purposes and th Instructions of th board of trusteea When they found thl could not be done and that. , -Ui day of reckoning was at hand Uiy resigned. . v Th controversy largely Vftf thla: Shalt the county committee ba organised poli tically or In accordance with Anti-Saioon league methods? The Anti-Saloon league . use methods based on seventeen years of experience, often painful and humiliating,-! caused by political entanglements, aa lu -i tha caa of Alabama and Pennsylvania, and tt fights shy of partisan politic and designing politicians. The methods thee gentlemen insisted upon hav been tried and hav failed; why should w try them again? Ther men pretended to direct tlielr f Ira against the superintendent, but In reality''' 0 it wa an attack upon the stat and ua-' tlonal league, whoa principle they- an- '' deavored to overthrow. In thia con troversy our superintendent stood firmly (or tha league, and saved It from disrup tion and ruin. Th email defection la a nothing compared with what it would hav been had he yielded to their demands. Th moment the Anti-Saloon league adopt purely partisan method. It ceases to b th churohas In action against th saloon. " gnd close their door against our appU for their support. FORBID NEWSPAPERS TO TELL OF PRIZE FIGHTS Ilatehlaswa, Haasas, Peaal Mast Gat :'L Uatslue Paper ta Gat .,'.,., News. UUTCHlNeiON, Kan:, July W.-Tb city commission tonight passed an ordinance, effectlv Immediately, prohibiting th show ing of moving picture of prise fights, and also, th printing in newspaper of any pew ot such tight. TOURIST KILLED IN AUSTRIA Asnerleaa Actor Tirons froai Bleyele at IfUh Palat of Maaatala Waa Taktag Vacatloa. VIENNA. July 18. An American actor ' named Plumer waa accidentally killed to day near Scharfllng, Upper Austria. With another American actor, whose nam is given a Victoria, Plumer was spending a vacation at Mondse. Today they decided to nifck an excursion on bicycle to the nearby Acharfberg, which rise 6,140 fet above tha sea. In rounding a curve at a dangerou point In th road Plumer' wheel earn In contact with a aton and th actor waa thrown off and Instantly killed. Inquiry in theatrioal circle in New York failed to establish th Identity of either Plumer or Victoria. When you hav anything to sell or trade, advertise It In Th Be Want Ad clumu and gl quick result. I .... I I